Consuming Hatred

by BrightSanctuary

First published

Twilight finds herself in a predicament. Everypony in Ponyville has turned agenst everyone else. What could have caused it and can she find a way to stop it.

After a series of dark dreams over a period of a week and little sleep, Twilight steps out of her library to find that Ponyville has changed. Everypony is in a foul mood and Twilight can’t figure out why. Does this have anything to do with those dreams of hers, and where did those dark eyes come from. She just can’t seem to get them out of her mind.

The Dreams

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Twilight awoke with a start. She was not sure where she was at first, but soon her eyes began to adjust to the dark. She found herself sitting in her room at top of the library. She thought, for a second, about her fleeting nightmare, but then it was gone. All she could remember was those dark eyes.

Whose eyes were they? She thought to herself as she lay there still shaking, Why did they feel so familiar? Could they belong to anypony I know?

Finally she picked herself up from her bed, and headed downstairs. Her nerves were beginning to calm down, but she needed answers, and she was not going to rest until she got them. She first went over to the books and started looking through everything she had on mythical and magical creatures. When she could not find anything else she started thinking about all the ponies she ever met over the last three years.

It was when she got to King Sombra that she realized where she had seen in those eyes. It was hate, the kind of hate that could not be let go. The kind that destroyed the pony it inhabited. She knew that they were not his red eyes, for the eyes she saw were purple.

With that she had seen that the sun had come up. Leaving the book where they lay she got up and started on her day. She got ready and woke Spike who, when he saw all the books, said, “Where you up all night again Twilight? This is the third night in a row. What are you so worked up about?”

“Nothing,” Twilight responded, “I just couldn’t sleep so I thought I would do some light reading.”

“OK, Twilight,” spike said not truly believing her, “But I don’t want you freaking out on me again. I don’t want to have to get Celestia again.”

“Trust me spike,” Twilight said not sure if she could trust herself, “I have everything under control.”

“That’s what you always say,” Spike mumbled under his breath.

A week later Twilight still had gotten little sleep. And the only thing she can ever remember about her dream is those dark, purple, eyes. Her dreams have been getting worse and now she even wakes up with a cold sweet.

She had decided that the best choice for her was to get out and get some air. Here friends had not been in to see her sense her dreams started. Now she just needs to find her friends. They would comfort her.

She had left her library and was headed though town to Sugarcube Corner. She knew that Pinkie would always know a way to cheer up anypony. That is just what she did. As Twilight came close to the bakery she noticed a couple of familiar ponies sitting outside. It was Lyra and Bon-Bon. They had seemed to be having a nice conversation. But when Twilight walked up she begun to hear what they were saying.

“You did it again.” Bon-Bon had said furiously, “I thought I told you that you can’t perform those kinds of spells. They are forbidden.”

Twilight not wanting to get in on this augment, and thought that would probably be the best idea, simply ignored them and continued on inside, but as she went to go inside she heard Bon-Bon hit the wall beside her.

“I will do as I please, and nothing you will say will change that.” Lyra yelled so loud Twilight was su0re that all of Ponyville could hear. Luckily nobody was around to make a scene over it.

Twilight entered the shop only to find nopony working the counter. In fact, the counter and shop were bare. It was as if the shop had not opened that day. Pinkie walked out with her hair hanging in a droop like it does when she gets really depressed. Twilight had seen her like this once. And it was serious.

“What wrong, Pinkie?” Twilight asked with genuine concern.

“Are you going to make an order or what?” Pinkie said with a sharp bite in her voice.

Twilight took an involuntary step back, “I just came to talk.”

“Why would you talk now?” Pinky snapped, “You hadn’t come and said hi for a week now. Is this how our friendship is, that you only come around when you feel like it?”

“Sorry, I…” Twilight was cut off.

“Sorry, SORRY.” Pinkie began, “Is that all you have to say for yourself. Sorry. I think you should just leave.”

Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but decided against it. She did not know what had gotten into pinky, but know that she was not ready to deal with this. She lowered her head, turned around and left.

Outside she walked for a little then sat down on a nearby park bench. I don’t understand. What has gotten into everypony today? There seemed to be more aggression in the air than ever. If she didn’t know any better she would have sworn that this was Discord’s doing, but Discord always announced himself. To him it was only a game. Even after Fluttershy had reformed him he still kept some of his chaotic ways. He was still Discord, both good and bad, and that would never change. He would not do this unless it was fun to him, and as to what Twilight and the others have noticed, He did not want to lose the friends he had finally made. So that ruled Discord out.

Thinking as she might she could not think of anything that could cause Pinkie to act like she did. She thought of all the rest of her friends, and who could she talk to now? Applejack seemed to always be hard at work, though she had never denied seeing friends. Rainbow dash was probably sleeping somewhere, and would not be easy to find unless you had wings. Rarity was always considerate and usually knows how to handle situations like this. There that’s where she would go next. She would go to see Rarity at Carousel Boutique.

A Crises in Ponyville

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Twilight picked herself off the bench, and began to walk toward the Carousel Boutique. As she walked she looked around to see that Ponyville was all but abandoned. What few ponies that did walk the streets looked like this was the worst day of their life. Twilight heard a few screams, but with everything that was going on she could not think of what to do. She could only think of her friends and hoped that all was not lost with them.

Twilight walked up to the door of the Carousel Boutique, and knocked. At first she did not hear anything so she knocked again. She sat there, not hearing anything for a minute, and decided, with everything that had been happening so far, maybe she should go inside and make sure that Rarity was fine.

Twilight walked into the main room of the Carousel Boutique, to see that everything was scattered on the ground. Um she must be working on a new dress, Twilight thought. Then from the back room she heard Sweetie Bell yell, “I hate you, leave me alone, I don’t want to see you anymore.”

Twilight ran into the back room to see Rarity rear up to slam Sweetie Bell into the wall. Twilight ran faster than she thought she ever could. On her last step she turned her back side to Rarity and sent one straight to her chest. It was a good thing too; Rarity could have hurt Sweetie Bell badly with that hit, as small as she was.

Rarity flew across the room, to slammed agents the other wall. “What was that for?” Rarity shouted.

“You were about to seriously hurt your sister,” Twilight shot back.

“No I wasn’t,” Rarity said disgustedly, “I would never; she was only going to get what she deserved.”

Rarity then rushed Sweetie Bell, who was now cowering in a corner. Twilight seeing this rushed to Sweetie Bells side and blocked her form Rarity.

“I refuse to allow you to do this,” Twilight said, “This is not you.”
“Then I guess you will have to take her punishment for her.”
Just as Rarity began to lift her hind legs to strike Twilight, Twilight was ready. She shot on beam from her horn into Rarity’s underside, flinging her across the room. Twilight took the moment, while Rarity was stunned, to pin her to the ground. Twilight focused her power into her horn and released a sleep spell that would leave Rarity is a sleep state for a few hours.
Twilight turned around just in time to see Sweetie Bell bolt out the door. She started to go after her, but decided that it would probably be best to let her go. She just wished she could figure out what was going on.
Then it was those eyes. She still could not place them. Could they be doing all this? Its hate was so strong that Twilight could only feel it radiating, but she did not let it get to her. She pushed the eyes from her mind and continued to take care of the rest of her agenda.

Twilight then grabbed Rarity and dragged her over to her bed. As she did she noticed that Rarity was bleeding a bit, but not seriously enough to cause for alarm. Twilight put Rarity on her bed in the most comfortable position she could and lifted her head up just so slightly with a few pillows to reduce the chances of a concussion.

Now what was she going to do? Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and what seemed like the rest of Ponyville, had gone nuts. She could not think of what was going on, but she knew it was not natural, and that it could be related to her dreams somehow she just could not put a hoof on it. The only thing she could think of at this point was to go and see Fluttershy. At least if anypony would have gotten out of this unaffected, it would be her. She was the kindest, and most understanding pony Twilight knew, and that meant a lot.

Twilight finally left Rarity and started heading out of Ponyville toward the Everfree forest. There she would hope to find Fluttershy how might be able to tell her something about what was going on. But that was obviously not the case.

As Twilight walked toward the cottage that was Fluttershy’s home, she noticed the disarray of things. The animals looked like they have not been fed for days, and some of the plants were dying form lack of watering. As she walked up to Fluttershy’s door, she noticed it was barred. All she could hear was crying from inside. Twilight decided that it would be best to skip the pleasantries and she used her magic to move everything out of the way of the door and walked inside.

Fluttershy was curled up in the middle of the floor, slightly beaten with small paw prints all over her body from a small rodent, and no Angel Bunny to be found anywhere. Fluttershy did not hear or even seem to notice Twilight enter for she just kept her head tucked under her arms as she cried.

“Oh I’m so useless,” Twilight heard through the crying, “I can’t do anything right. Everyone would probably be better without me.”

“That is not true,” Twilight said, “We all love you. And even the animals need you.”

“What would you know,” Fluttershy snapped, “At least you have Celestia. All I have are my animal friends and even they don’t want me anymore.”

“But the animals need you,” Twilight pleaded, “The animals haven’t been fed for days, and the plants have even begun to die. Without you they may all pass away.”

“Oh Twilight,” Fluttershy cried even harder, “I can’t. Angel Bunny told me how all the animals feel. That they would have be better off if I had never came along. All I wanted to do was make them happy, but I have failed. I have no special purpose anymore. I will just stay here for the rest of my life.”

No matter what she did Twilight could not hold back the tear that was coming. She ran out the door and into the Everfree forest where no one would see her cry.

This was terrible. Pinkie hated her, Rarity almost killed her sister, and Fluttershy’s hatred for herself has grown stronger than her compassion for others. Twilight found a tree and sat down. Fluttershy being her last hope, she didn’t know what to do. If Fluttershy had been consumed by this hatred, for there was no other way to describe it.
Then it came back to her; those cold purple eyes. They seemed to not only hunt her dreams anymore but now she could see them as vivid as if they were standing right next to her through the shadows of the forest.
It was the howls of the Timberwolves that had snapped her to. Luckily she had not gone far into the forest so she just got up and left. The only place left now to go to was Sweet Apple Acres. And that is where she started off to. She could only hope that Applejack who was far outside of town had not been effected by whatever it was that was causing all this chaos.


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Twilight only having two friends left to consult with, so she had decided to head off to Sweet Apple Acres. She could not shake the despair that was creeping up on her. With most of her friends out of the picture and little hope in the rest she could only imagine what would happen next.

Then there were those eyes. The eyes became more vivid with every passing moment. The hate that they radiated began to tickle at Twilight’s heart. But that was it; she would not allow those eyes to consume her either. She pushed the feeling out of her mind, though with a bit of needed force.

She had come to Sweet Apple Acres only to find a vaguely familiar site. Applejack sitting in a ditch, and rainbow dash charging for the barn. Twilight had learned her lesson form last time about jumping to conclusions.

Twilight trotted over to Applejack and sat down next to her. “Is Rainbow helping you with the barn again?”

“I would say she was,” Applejack shot, “Though this time I didn’t ask her to.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight said, hoping that there was a good explanation for all this.

“Just that,” Applejack said with a bit of sharp sarcasm, “I heard a crash outside of the house and when I came out to check, there Rainbow dash was tearing down my barn”

At that moment they both looked up to see Rainbow dash crash into the barn leaving not one splinter standing. Then Rainbow trotted over to where we had ducked from the flying derby.

“There that took care of that problem.” Rainbow Dash said with a grin.

“Feel better.” Applejack snapped, “Now what the hay did you do that for?”

“I just felt like tarring something down, and your barn was perfect,” Rainbow dash said with a smirked, “Though I don’t feel any better. Maybe I’ll go after your house next.”

Twilight could not believe what she was hearing, “Wait, this isn’t you. Don’t you see what is happening? Something is taking over Ponyville, and turning everyone against each other.”

“Twilight, stay out of this.” Applejack insisted.

“Ya,” Rainbow Dash agreed, “This isn’t your problem”

“But it’s everyponies’ problem; can’t you see?” Twilight yelled.

“All I see is you butting in where you don’t belong, again,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Back to this,” Applejack snapped pointing at her barn, which was now nothing more than a pile of splinters.

“Good point,” Rainbow dash said, “I should get to tearing down your house too.”

“Not happening,” Applejack grabbed Rainbow Dash’s tail and slammed her on the ground. There they just brawled until they had become tuckered out, and yet still kept going as if driven by a rage implanted from an external source.

Twilight could not take it anymore. She closed her eyes, and focused her magic like she had never focused before. She cast the memory spell on them trying to remind them of the friendship they were forgetting. As each scene flipped through each of their eyes each one began to slow down, but only for a second. Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack shook off the memory spell and went back to fighting.

Twilight screamed at the top of her lungs, “Stop!” but they did not listen. She could only slump where she sat not knowing what to do next.
Then from nowhere she heard a dark unrecognizable voice, “You seem to only see what you want to. Your friends hate you, they hate themselves, and most of all they hate everything. You have nothing left. All your friends are gone, and there is nothing you can do to get them back.”

Then Twilight saw them again. Those eyes were as dark and evil as ever. She still could not place them but at this point she did not care. All her hopes where lost. Her library could not tell her anything, and all her friends have been consumed by hatred of one kind or another. The only one left to talk to was Celestia herself.

So Twilight headed back to the library to compose a letter to her mentor. But when she got there she was in for a surprise though by this time she should have been expecting it. Spike was no longer the baby dragon. He had begun to grow again. Twilight know instantly what was happening. Spike had been infected to. How could she not expect it? She focused her power into her horn and let out another sleep spell. She could not let spike get out of control. This was not something Ponyville could handle at this time.

Well the only other option was to go to Canterlot in person. She then picked up Spike and took him to his bed, and gathered her stuff for a day’s journey and headed outside. As she stepped outside she looked up toward Canterlot to find something she was not expecting. The shields had been raised without any kind of notice from Celestia. This began to worry her.

She walked over to the train station. The more she thought about the problems around her the more depressed she got, and the eyes kept coming back no matter how hard she tried to push them away. The eyes only got stronger as she lost more and more of her hope.

She reached the train station with plenty on time for the next train. Glad to be over punctual she went over to the ticket line, only to find that it was closed. There was a sign on the counter that said, “Sorry of the inconvenience, but all trains leading to Cantorlot has been canceled until further notice.”

This was very disappointing to Twilight. She sat for a second and thought about what she had to do next. She could not let this stop her from seeing the princess. All of Equestria counted on her getting to the princess, but with all the Elements of Harmony out of the picture, she only had one choice. She was going to have to walk to Canterlot on her own four hooves.
She picked herself up, pointed toward Canterlot and started walking. She followed the Trains rout for the most part, only deviating from it when she had to. This would take her about a day to accomplish on hoof, but she had to do it. She would stop only for a few breaks to rest her hooves, for she had never had to take a walk like that before. In the end she would make it.

As she closed in on the front gates of Canterlot, she saw the expected sight of two guards on the gate. It was what happed next that she didn’t expect.

Twilight approached the guards and greeted then, “Hello I am Twilight Sparkle and it is urgent. I need to see the princess.”

“Sorry, but we are on strict orders by the princess not to let anyone in or out of the city.”

“But you know how I am,” Twilight pleaded, “I’m her student, and the sister to Shining Armor, Captain of the royal guard.”

“Yes we know,” said the guard, “But we are on strict orders not to let anypony in or out, and that includes those who are close to the princess, that was our orders, and we are sticking to them whether you like it or not.”

Twilight would not hear this though, and with a flash of her horn she tried to teleport through the barrier. She quickly regretted it though, for just as she appeared on the other side of the barrier, she was shot like a sling shot back out. She flew a few feet and landed on her back.

“Look,” one of the guards said with a stern look, “If you do that again we will have to arrest you and then you won’t ever get to see the princess, You just going to have to waited until all this dies down.”

Twilight spirit sank six feet under. All hope had finally become lost to her. She had nothing else she could do. She got up and ran as far away as she could; only collapsing when she was about a mile away from the city.

Then a voice, just as the one before, called to her, “See, you have no one. Even Celestia has abandoned you. Now what will you do but give up? You friends are gone; your life has no meaning anymore. Look and see what has befallen your precious Equestria.”

Twilight looked, and above the city of Canterlot were dark swirling clouds, and in those clouds were the ancient spirits Twilight recognized as the Windigos, and she then know that without her friends she could never fix this problem.

She ran the rest of the way home forgetting of such things a fatigue, until she was safely in her library where she collapsed on the floor and left herself to her own pity and cried until she could no longer shed another tear, and then cried some more.

A Visit from a Doctor

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The Doctor stepped from the TARDIS, to find himself in a familiar sight, Ponyville. The first thing he noticed when he stepped outside was that the temperature had dropped quite a bit from the time he had just left. He had grown to like this new world though his help is rarely needed it seems. But in this world there was so much left to learn, every time he found himself on a new exciting adventure. Before he got started on this adventure though, he better go see his assistant Derpy.

He began to walk toward Ponyville. As he continued he started taking in surroundings. The sky was filled with black clouds thinker then he had ever seen in this world before, and the wind seemed to have a dark howl to it. The closer he got to Ponyville, the colder it seemed to get until he started having trouble with footing. The ground around Ponyville seemed to have been crusted in a layer of ice.

His walk did not take too long before he found himself in the center of Ponyville headed straight for Derpy’s house. As he walked through town he seemed to notice a tension in the air that was not related to the cold brisk air.

He approached Derpy’s house with a new air. Walking up to the door he lifted his hoof to knock when he heard a crash from inside. “Oh, I hope she had not hurt herself again,” he said mostly to himself. He knocked on the door only to be answered with silence.

After a minute of silence he then called out, “Hay, Derpy, are you alright in there.”

“Go away,” He heard Derpy call from the inside, “I don’t want to see anyone today or ever.”

This was not like Derpy to refuse a gust. Not even in her worse of states, but the Doctor was not going to let this go. He took out his sonic screwdriver and began to pick at the lock only to realize there was a lock there. “That is odd”, he thought he never remembered seeing a lock on a door in Ponyville before. He began to wonder why there would be one now

He continued to pick the look. When the door was open he went in with no regard to courtesy anymore. He was going to find out what had happened to his assistant, for this was not like her.

He stepped inside to find Derpy laying on the ground, a little battered but no worse for the wear. The true disaster was her house. Her house looked like a tornado had gone through it. The Doctor would not think much of it, if it was not for the way Derpy was acting.

The Doctor walked over to Derpy and looked down at her. Immediately he got a response. “I said go away. I don’t want to see anypony and especially not you,” Derpy said with cold voice full of disdain.

This was not Derpy. With the Doctor’s fears confirmed, he pulled Derpy’s eyes up to his own, only to be greeted by a cold dark stair. Only for a split second, for just as the Doctor saw a tear, Derpy yanked his head away. The Doctor realizing that he was fighting a losing battle left to go and see what else he could possibly do, and maybe what has happened to his caring assistant.

As he stepped outside he had an epiphany. There was only one pony that could possibly know what was going on, Twilight Sparkle, the smartened pony he knew, and that means a lot.

Twilight had finally lost it. After being rejected the ability to enter Canterlot she had nowhere else to turn. Here friends where a mess. She could not reach the princess, and even if she could she was sure she would not even get a response. Plus the voice of those eyes continued to tear at her psyche.

Spike lay in the other room still asleep form the sleep spell Twilight had to cast on him. She lay on the library floor with all the books scattered about. She had checked every book case for an answer. Not even her memory spells had worked to return anyone back to normal.

Then she heard a knock on the door, “What do you want?” She yelled form where she lay.

“I must speak with you,” Time Turner said as he opened the door and walked in, “I need your help”

“You and Everypony else,” Twilight retorted, “All of Ponyville is in chaos, and I don’t know what it could be. It is almost as if Discord had returned to his old self. But I haven’t heard from him either.”

“Well I see what you mean,” The Doctor said, “Derpy has completely demolished his house.”

“Isn’t that normal for her though,” Twilight said curiously.
“Yes but this time I think she did it on purpose. And she had refused to answer anything I say to her except to tell me to go away”
“Your right,” Twilight said, “That is not like her, but that is just one more to tack on to the rest of the town. I know magic has to be involved, but I can’t tell what. There is nothing in all of the books that could explain what has happened, and I have been forbidden to enter Canterlot. My brother’s shield is up too so I can’t jest simply teleport in.”
“Isn’t there any other way to get in?” Time Turner asked, “One that the shield does not block?”
“I don’t know,” Twilight thought for a second, “There are secret passages that lead to the old abandoned mines under Canterlot, but I am not sure if the shield would block those, or where the entrance from this side would be.”

“Well,” The Doctor said, “In that case, I figure that is what you should do next. Have you tried the caves that the train tracks run through? I would think that if there is an entrance, that is where it would be.”

“That is a great idea,” Twilight said with delight finally returning to her face, “How could I have not thought of that before. I just need to get a few things together, and by the way, would you mind accompanying me? I may need some more help.”

“I would be glad to,” The Doctor said, like he would have it any other way.

Through the Mines

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Twilight and The Doctor left Ponyville and headed toward Canterlot. The Air was constantly getting colder, and this slowed them down quite a bit. Even with Twilight’s warmest saddle she was still a bit cold. They traveled close together trying to use each other to stay warm. It took most of the day to reach the caves under Canterlot. Going inside, Twilight reached into herself and focused a light spell into her horn, illuminating the area around them.

The Doctor took out a rod of some kind, and seemed to turn it on, and held it in his mouth as he walked.

“What is that?” Twilight asked.

“Oh,” Time Turner said passively, “It’s just my sonic-screwdriver. I will use it to scan the walls to see if I can find a way into the mines from her.”

“A what,” Twilight said, “I have never heard of anything like that.”

“I kind of can’t explain it right now,” The Doctor said, avoiding the question.

“Well fine maybe later,” Twilight said, though this was not going to be the end of it, “At least tell me how we can find this entrance.”

“Just watch,” and with that The Doctor started walking as he scanned the wall.

They walked on mostly in silence, with the Doctor talking to himself most of the time. Twilight didn’t mind though she had her own problems to think about. She had to decide what she was going to tell the princess and what they might be able to do about this problem without the elements. She didn’t want to think of what might happen if she could not return Ponyville back to normal, but she could not help it, and the more she thought about it the more her anxiety began to slip in again.

They continued on for about an hour when the doctor suddenly stopped, “There should be an old entrance right here.” He inspected the wall for a bit then, “This entrance was covered up when the train was built.”

“Move,” Twilight said, “I got this.” Twilight lowered her head as she focused as much of her power as she could into her horn, releasing it in one blast. This was not an easy task for her since this was a relatively new spell, and it left her a bit exhausted.

The Doctor inspected the wall, “That was a good hit. It may have not knocked the wall down it weakened the structure. Now we might be able to kick it down if we work together, but first you need to rest.”

Twilight rested for a few good minutes before she decided to get up, “Ok,” she said, “I think I am ready to do this.”

Twilight backed up on the wall with Time Turner next to her, “On the count of three, One… two… three…” Twilight and The Doctor reared up at the same time and bucked the wall as hard as they could. Twilight was not prepared though. As she felt the wall cave in a little she lost her footing and landed on her face.

“Are you alright?” the Doctor asked out of formality.

“Yes, I just didn’t expect that.”

Twilight got herself up right, and together they did it a few more times. Finally they were able to knock the wall down.

As they stepped inside, they began to look at their surroundings. The walls were of rough cut stone. The gems that were once imbedded into the walls were long time mined out, leaving behind small crevices. The caves were obviously very old from the stalactites and stalagmites forming solid pillars. The one thing that was different form the last time Twilight was in her was that everything was covered in ice. It seemed that the winter that was covering Canterlot was compressed into these caves. The clouds that were the hallmark of the windigos’ blow covered the ceiling and seeped down creating a light cover of fog throughout the caverns.

Twilight began to have second thoughts, but this was the only way. She could not allow herself to back out now. The fate of Equestria depended on her again, but as always before she would not let it down.

Slowly they stepped through the caves. Each step was taken carefully. The Doctor led the way with his device. The walls frozen in ice did not change the view of the caves that much since the walls were normally covered in clear gems anyways, but Twilight had only been down her once before and then she had been hurrying through trying to escape. This time she took her time picking up any small detail that she could find. She would have to report this to the princess, for if she could find a way through it would only be time before someone else did too.

It would not take as long as expected to navigate the caves. The mines were one big twisting labyrinth, but twilight could teleport when necessary and the Doctor’s device would help to point them in the right direction.

Over time they could hear the howls of the windigo in the clouds, but to what Twilight understood was that so long as they did not fall to the hate that was filling all Equestria, the windigos could not affect them, or so she hoped.

There, she could see it. She now remembered where she was. They had reached the end and the exit should be close. But as she got closer to it the cold fog began to grow thicker and the howls of the windigos sharper. As she stepped toward the exit four windigos stepped form the clouds before them.

“Now what,” Twilight said, “I have never had to fight a windigo before.”

“Well,” The Doctor said, “What are these windigos?”

“They’re spirits that feed off of hate,” Twilight answered quickly, “They create winter storms, and the more hate they have to feed off of the stronger the storm they create, and they go wherever there is hate to feed off of.”

“Ah, so that is why this harsh winter has come.” The Doctor said, “I just assumed that maybe the pegasi where just in a foul mood too. Though it does make sense that they would have to suffer the cold weather too.”

The windigos began to close in on the two of them. There flanks were tight so Twilight would not be able to find a way through. Each second gave the windgos time to advance. The Doctor stood there mumbling to himself a few calculations from his device.

“Ok,” he said, “I can tell that they are actually a part of the storm they create and that if we were to try and run through them we would probably be frozen solid. As for the rest of this data I can’t quite make out what it means. I have never come across anything like this before.”

Then Twilight looked up just in time to see two icicles shoot past her, just barely missing. Now she knew she was in trouble. She stepped to the side and as another flurry of them came right at her.

The Doctor knew there was only one way to get past them, “Twilight, I am going to run straight for them and distract them. They won’t expect it. Then you have to run past them and make it out of here. That is our only choice.”

“No I can’t let you do that,” Twilight pleaded, “Please don’t make me do it.”

“I’m sorry Twilight, but it is the only way, just don’t let my sacrifice go to waste,” and with that he charged forward, not giving Twilight the time for a rebuttal.

Twilight was stunned for a second but recovered for she knew that he was right. Though she could not stand the thought, she also would not let him sacrifice himself in vain. She launched herself around the windigos while they were distracted by Time Turner, and leaped through the exit that leads into the castle of Canterlot.

All she could do was to keep on running until she made it to the main hall, where the throne was. She would not stop for anything and she would not let anything stand in her way. Only once she was through those doors would she ever allow herself the rest.

Fallen Love

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Twilight stepped through the door to the main hall. In her the tension was so thick Pinkie could have probably cut it. At the end of the hall was the princess’s throne, but on that throne was not Celestia, nor Luna; instead sat another familiar face, Cadence.

Twilight stepped forward, “Am I glad to see you. Where is Celestia?”

Cadence looked straight into Twilight’s eyes, “She is not her right now, nor will she ever return.”

At that point everything came crashing down on Twilight. As she looked into Cadence’s eyes she knew what had happened. The eyes that had been following her had been had belonged to the one before her.

“Why, Cadence?” Twilight began to cry, “I thought you were love. What has come over you?”

“This is the way things were meant to be, Twilight,” Cadence said, “This world is falling, just as all the great worlds before it. Hate, malice are becoming the key stones. No you are too late this time. There is no one her how can save you now. Celestia has been banished, and you friends have fallen to their fate. Now you will be next. All you can do now is to kill me, if you can.”

Twilight flared her horn ready to strike, “You can’t be Cadence. She would never have fallen this far.”

“On the contrary,” Cadence said, “But that is unimportant. You are getting in my way, and that I can’t have. Sorry but I wish it could be any other way.”
Cadences horn began to glow the light blue of her magic but then began to turn red in rage. Slowly Twilight was consumed by an overpowering hatred that sucked out every bit of love she felt for her friends, her family, and even her mentor. As she felt this hate build inside of her all hope seemed to leave her. Deep down inside she knew it was all true, Cadence had fallen, Celestia was gone, and her world would no longer be the same again.

“Celestia,” Twilight yelled, “Why have you left me?”

“That’s right Twi.” Cadence said, with a dark laugh, “Build up that hate. It will consume you too.”

Twilight began to cry as she remembered all the time she had known her friends, the trials they faced together, and the moments they shared. Then it came to her, her memories of the fights, and how they all came out of it together. She remembered how they were there for her in her hardest time and how they never gave up on her, and believed in her in every way. Now was her time to do the same for them. This was the true magic of friendship was about; the strength and hope it gave you when you needed it most.

Twilight stood, her heart now beating with strength and new life. There was a new kind of love she felt inside of her, not just a love for her friends, and family, but a love of all things livings, a love that stretched to the ends of Equestria, an love she felt for the one how stood before her, even if she had become evil beyond all doubt, the love she could not explain but yet was there.

Twilight stood to her feet fighting back the full force of Cadence’s power, “No, you are wrong. I do still have friends. No matter if they are fallen, or if they hate me I still care for them the same, and that is all that counts, just as I still care for you.”

“Ha, I am too strong,” Cadence said, not caring a thing for what Twilight said, “If I must I will force you to see it my way.”

“Do as you must,” Twilight said weakly, “but I won’t fight you.”

“Ha that will make it easy for me,” and with that Cadence charged forward with her horn glowing in power. Twilight only stood there and took the hit, which sent her flying into a nearby pillar, but before she hit the ground Cadence was there on top of her and slammed her into the concrete below.

Twilight cringed, fighting to stand.

“Why don’t you fight? I will kill you if you don’t.” Cadence lifted her front hooves, and looked deep into Twilight’s eyes to see the horror as she gave the killing blow, but fear was not what she found, she found, a stern tear that showed her compassion, and her sadness at losing Cadence.

Cadence fell back, her eyes turned red, and she began to sake her head back and forth slowly, “No,” She yelled, “This can’t be. How can you not hate me? I have given you every reason. I have destroyed your friends, and taken away everything you hold dear. What more do I have to do to convince you to hate me.”

“Nothing you can do can make me hate you Cadence,” Twilight said, “You were my friend before I even know I needed friends. You had brought love everywhere you gone. This I could never hate. I can disagree with what you are doing, but this is not you. The Cadence I know was the real Cadence. I don’t know what happened to you, but I know that I care about you still the same.

With that a shriek of howling wind began to swirl around them. The clouds of Windigos filled the room, and a dark shadow fell upon the room. Cadence fell to the floor with a whimper.”

“You think you can still win,” said a deep voice that seemed to be coming from the shadow that now rested in the center of the room, taking the shape of a large stallion about the size of Celestia “I am still too strong. You may have won Cadence from me but you can’t possible stop me now. Even her love could not stop me, and nor can your precious elements.” With that it gave a deep laugh that shook the whole room and retreated back to the sky.

Now Twilight had to figure out what to do next. The enemy, who she still did not know, was still there, but at least she had Cadence back. Maybe they could figure it out together.

Researching Shadows

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Twilight watched as the last of the vapors escaped through the ceiling. Cadence still was out cold and Twilight was not sure what to do next, so she went over to Cadence and tapped her just slight enough to see if she would respond. This action got Twilight nothing.

Twilight began to shed a tear. She didn’t know how to feel at this point. She had gotten back her big sister, or that’s how she thought of Cadence, but she was out cold, and Equestria has fallen. Was there any hope. Then from inside of her she felt something pulling on her heart. She didn’t know what she was doing, but it felt right. She lowered her horn to touch Cadence’s and began to focus her power into her horn. Cadence began to glow, and slowly rise above the floor. Twilight didn’t know what was happening, but she remembered the time she watched Cadence and Shining Armor do the same. She could even feel the power flowing out of her into Cadence.

After a brief minute they settled back down on the ground, and Cadence slowly began to open her eyes. Without warning Cadence reached up and grabbed Twilight and pulled her close. “Sorry,” was all Cadence could say as the tears began to flow freely from her eyes. Twilight just stood there hugging her back.

When Cadence could finally speak again, she let go and took a step back, “I don’t know what had come over me. On the way here from the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor and I had a fight. He did not seem to be himself, but I could not figure out why. After we got here, the fights continued, until I began to resent him for it. I didn’t know why but, everything I did led from one thing to another, and I had him locked in a dungeon. Of course when Celestia found out she wasn’t happy with me. She tried to talk to me, but by this time the voices had started and nothing she could say could bring me out of my fury. All I did was get even madder. One day I just walk in her room while she was sleeping a banished her; how I did it I don’t know. Then Luna came in to stop me, and I banished her too.

“By this time I had become so corrupt, I began attacking everything. The hate had grabbed me so strong that it even began to reflect in my power. Soon anyone who came near me just suddenly started fighting, but by this point I did not care. I actually kind of liked it. I had been like this for a week now, and then you came. Thank you Twilight.”

Cadence then grabbed Twilight and hugged her again.

“Wait,” Twilight said, “You said something about voices. I had heard them as well. I think I know what happened, but I still don’t know what to do. Something tied to the Windigos had taken hold of you. I don’t know what it was or how to defeat it. But I need your help. If we are going to defeat this enemy I need to do some research first. Can you get Shining Armor, and then meet me in the library.”

“Yes,” Cadence said, but that was not all, “And Twilight, I just wanted you to know, I trust you. If anyone can do this it is you.”

“Thanks Cadence,” Twilight blushed, “Now go get my brother. If we are going to do this I am going to need everyone’s help.”

Cadence left toward the dungeons, and Twilight toward the library. It didn’t take Twilight long to get to the library, but it took her a good thirty minutes to find what she was looking for. She finally found a book on Windogos and other related spirits. That book did not have much in it though. It had the legends of the Windigos in it and a few stray facts that there was nothing to back it up with. The book did have something else. It said that there was a being that nobody knows much about that controlled the Windingos. It was only known as the Lord of the Windigo. This spirit was older than any other legend found in any text, and that its power rivaled Discord himself. Nobody knows how to defeat it, and if anyone ever did that knowledge had become lost. The only thing left Twilight could think of was to gather all those she could, and figure something out together.

After about another twenty minutes Cadence and Shining Armor entered the library. Shining Armor seemed a little worn but was fine elsewise.

“So what are we going to do, Twily,” Shining said to his little sister, though not out lack of respect or reverence, but simply sibling love.

“I couldn’t find much, except that we are facing an enemy older and possibly even more powerful then Discord. His power seems to be the spread of hatred, so that the Windigos may feed. The only think I can think of is that we need to gather what we have. Cadence and Shining Armor, you need to return to the Crystal Empire and I need to go and see if I can gather the Elements of Harmony. Only with all of these do I think we even have chance.”

“Twilight,” Shining Armor said, “I understand that the princess has trusted you to everything, but can you handle taking care of your friends. To what I understand I will be harder than last time to win them back. They may not be able to break the spell that is on them, especially if it is the same thing that overtook me and Cadence.”

“You’re right Brother,” Twilight sighed, “But I don’t have much of a choice. We need all the elements, and the Crystal Heart if this is going to work.”

“Very well Twilight,” Shining Armor said, “Just be careful. I could not stand to lose you to this evil tyrant.”

Cadence and Shining Armor gave Twilight a quick smile before heading out the door. This was going to be the hardest task that Twilight ever had to face with her friends.

Twilight turned and took one last look back, and sent a prayer to Celestia, “I hope you are all right. Please help me; I need you guidance more than ever.” Then Twilight followed the other two out the door.

The Fainting Spell

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Twilight left the library. Each step was with dread. She had no idea what she would expect to happen next. She knew that she needed to go through the mines to check on Time Turner. She only hoped that he was able to escape. The dark paths leading back into the mines were not all that welcoming, but she had to do it.

She stepped into the caves, and then let her eyes adjust. The caves weren’t as frozen as before. The floors and ceilings were covered in slush, and the ice was still melting. At least this showed some kind of hope.

She continued on through the caves until she got to the area where she had last left Time Turner. When she got there, there was nothing left. She looked around for a minute, but then decided that he must have got away somehow. She could only hope he was alright.

Twilight continued out the caves until she got outside. This, on the other hand, showed no hope. The skies were as black as night. She could not tell the difference form day and night, but for now all she cared about was getting her friends back.

Twilight took her first step away from the cave, when she heard the piercing howl of the Windigos. Twilight took off at full speed. She didn’t know why. Was it because she was startled or because she was afraid for her friends, though probably both?

As she ran she could only hear the howl of the Windigos piercing the sky like a needle. It was when she began to slow down, about an hour later, and look behind her that she saw them. The Windgos had been chasing her. She kicked up her speed again and even faster than the first, but it seemed that she could not outrun them.

Slowly the clouds seemed to be sinking from the sky around her. With a closer look though she noticed that each cloud was another Windigo coming down to try and cut her off. Putting even more into her speed she was beginning to feel the pain. Her legs began to hurt, as she dodged around the Windigo and just kept running.

After only about another hour of running, her whole body was screaming at her to stop, but she could not. If she stopped the Windigos would get her and that would be the end. As much as she wanted to run though, her body could not run forever. Finally she stumbled across her own feet, and fell to the ground.

She closed her eyes for a second to get her bring, but when she opened them she was surrounded. The clouds around her were so thick she could not she her own hoof in front of her face. What she could see was the silhouette of about a dozen Windigos amidst the freezing fog.

Twilight froze, partly out of fear and partly out of the cold. She looked at them each one howled a piercing sound that shout have made her deaf, but seemed to be more in her head rather than in her ear.

She closed her eyes finally accepting her fate, “Fine take me, but Cadence proved that you can cloud our minds, and you can make us think we hate each other but you can’t take away the love from our hearts, and even if I am gone my friends will sooner or later remember that, just as I had to remember that they were mine.”

The Windigos let out a shrill shriek that made Twilights ears ring. They took a step… and then another… and then another. With each step Twilight could feel the air around her heat up. When they had stepped back enough, she found a hole and ran for it. Her first couple of steps were a stumble, then she was able to pick herself up.

She only ran for a bit until she realized the Windigos weren’t following her anymore, than she slowed to a trot. It was ok, for Ponyville was not very far. She made it to Ponyville without any more trouble to slow her down.

She walked into the town to a now much familiar site. The whole city was covered in snow, and a most the ponies were fighting in the streets. Some were hidden in corners, Berry Punch was passed out in an alleyway drunk, probably consumed by cider poisoning, and Rainbow Dash smashing what buildings had not already been knocked down.

Twilight made it to her library without much of a problem. She had been attacked by a couple different ponies, but was able to doge them. It was when she got to her library that she faced her biggest problem. Spike was awake again, and he had completely torn down the library with himself being there in its place.

Twilight closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. Channeling her magic into her horn she released a sleep spell. Spike stammered a bit then fell over. Twilight then went into the library, or at least what was left of it. She looked around at the mess. All the books were scattered everywhere, and some of them had even been either eaten of burnt.

She shifted through her books for a spell she might be able to use to slow down the whole city. She found a mass sleep spell, but realized that would take more energy then she had left.
Right then Twilight heard a bang agents what was left of her book shelf, as it came crashing down. Twilight looked up to find Pinky standing where the book shelf was, with a look that could kill the fully grown spike that lay behind Twilight.

Twilight could only guess, but she was sure that Pinky was not there to check out a book. Pinky then jumped from where she stood to two feet in front of Twilight. Her hair draped low, and she looked as though nothing could stop her at whatever she may have planned. Pinky reared up and slammed into Twilights chest and knocked her back agents the sleeping Spike. At least Spike was there to ease her fall.

Before Twilight could think what to do next, Pinky charged Twilight pinning her agents Spike so that Twilight could not move. Twilight looked deep into Pinky’s eyes, but what she saw was not the Pinky she knows. She saw a hate that consumed her, and took over her every being, driving her beyond her own physical limits.
Twilight got an idea, but first she had to take care of Pinky. Just as Pinky reared up to strike Twilight, she shot a beam right into Pinky’s chest. Twilight then closed her eyes and released another sleep spell on Pinky, and Pinky slept right where she crashed to the ground.

Twilight looked out and around Ponyville, to see all the chaos that had come to consume everypony in her town. Twilight closed her eyes and focused on her next spell, this was the first time she had to create her own spell by altering another. Twilight would alter the sleep spell and create a spell that would make everypony burn through whatever second wind they may have.

Twilight then with all her concentration released the spell. Instantly Twilight felt really dizzy. Once she was able to get over that she then looked out to see how well her spell worked. At first the spell seemed to work, and everypony began to slow down, but then they were knocked back into high speed.

Twilight thought for a second and decided that another shot at that spell was her only hope. She closed her eyes and focused as hard as she could, knowing just as well that this spell may take out everything she had left, and then released. Twilight stumbled for a second, completely taken by dizziness. She was able to hold herself to take a look outside long enough to see that her spell was working and everypony was starting to drop to the ground one-by-one. Then she collapsed.

The Crystal Princess

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Just as Cadence and Shining Armor had hoped, the Crystal Empire had not been fazed by the Windigo. They had walked all the way from Canterlot, to finally arrive home, each holding their magic in turn to keep the Windigo at bay. It took about a day and a half, but they made it, and grateful too.

The city, unaware as it seemed of what was going on outside, was preparing for the Games. They had just been approved and they had to make sure their city was at it peak when the games started.

Cadence on the other hand had no idea how she was not missed, but Shining Armor had an idea. That idea did not have to go for long before they found out the truth.

Cadence’s adviser had come up to them, “What are you doing out here princess? You should be in bed, resting. It is not good to be wondering out here in your condition.”

“What is going on?” Cadence asked.

“Well,” replied the blue mane crystal pony, “If you come with me I will explain everything.”

She led the two through the city, “When you did not return from your visit from Canterlot a week ago, everypony was starting to worry. If it got out that you may be in trouble the city may have fallen again. To keep the peace as long as possible we had to convince everypony that you were sick, and bed ridden for a while.”

“Well, whatever keeps the ponies fine.” Cadence said doubtfully, not wanting to tell her what had really happened, “I guess that would work, but that is not the problem. I must see the Crystal Heart.”

“Why? What is wrong?” the other pony said.

“I can’t say right now.” Cadence said, not sure what she should share, “There is something terrible happening in Ponyville and the Crystal Heart may have the answer.”

“Well I guess that I could leave you to your devices. Just remember you are supposed to be in bed.”

“Very well,” Cadence said with a smile, “I hope not to be too long. Try not to let too many people by the Crystal Heart.”

“Ok, I will see you shortly.”

As her adviser left Cadence looked to Shining Armor, “Go with her, and make sure that everything is still fine here. I don’t know what will happen when I try to remove the Crystal Heart.”

“Yes, dear,” Shining Armor replied.
Shining Armor left in the direction of the adviser, and Cadence continued on to the Crystal Heart. As she walked she began to notice that others where giving her curious looks. She mostly ignored them, but hoped that they did not think her bad for being out of bed, “against doctor’s orders.”

Cadence found the Heart right in the place where she had thought it would be. She looked around to make sure that nopony was looking her way. She then bowed her head and shot a small bit of her magic into the heart. At first it spiked a bit but then simmered down, with little trace.

She looked around again to make sure that nopony noticed, then without another thought she grabbed it. Suddenly she felt a shiver go down her body.

Suddenly she found she was no longer in front of the Crystal Heart. She was before the throne and onto of it sat a pony that looked much like her.

Shining Armor left Cadence and began to walk around the empire. He wanted to make planned to make sure that none of the ponies here have begun to be effected by the Windigo outside. He knew, by virtue of the Crystal Heart, that they would have not been affected as long as they stayed inside the shield, but he worried about the ones that may have left and come back.

But after a little bit he was content to see that all things were well. He decides to head over to where the heart was to check on Cadence, but when he got there, he did not like what he saw. Cadence was passed out on the ground. Shining Armor panicked, and grabbed the first pony he met and told her to get the doctor.

Cadence looked up to find a pony much like herself, but with a great age difference, and a shining coat, similar to that of the rest of the crystal ponies, sitting on the throne.

“Welcome my daughter.” The princess on the throne had said, “I see that my grandson must have been taken from his throne. That is good to hear. Now the ponies of the Crystal Empire can rest.”

Cadence could only stand in silence, for she could think of nothing intelligible to say.

“Well my daughter, what have brought you her?” The Princes asked.

“Well…” Cadence paused for a second more, “You are correct Sombra no longer sits on the throne if that is what you meant, and yes I have taken his place, by orders of Princess Celestia, who is my aunt, and ruler of all Equestria. I have come because all of Equestria has fallen to an ancient enemy. The Windigo have returned, but there is one with them that our history does not mention. He seems to be the one creating hate that the rest feed off of.”

“Oh I am afraid that I do know such a foe.” The Princess said with a frown, “I was afraid that he would return, and that is why I left a peace of myself in the Heart when I made it. This will require an explanation. Do you remember the story of the Windigo and how Equestria was founded?”

“Yes” Cadence nodded.

“Good. That will make this easier. What few even of my time remember is that there was more to the story then is told. Amidst the Windigo is a lord with the power to spread hate throughout the world. He was very manipulative and had a magic that was much opposite to my own. During the rampage of the three races there was not much he needed to do. His race just happily feed off of the races, leaving all of the land barren. It was not till the races made it to Equestria that they began to give the Windigo trouble. The Lord was not happy with this. For many generations he could not break through the new found friendships that had been formed among the races.

“It was when I was on the throne her in the Crystal Empire. That he had finally found a foot hold. My daughter had died giving birth to my grandson, and her husband was very displeased by this. With each passing year pain swelled in his heart, and he taught this pain to his son, who was later to become my heir. After a while I had taken the son under my teachings. I had to re teach him everything from what his father had thought him and it was not easy. His name was Crydence, and he was to become a light born from a dark place.

“His father on the other had was to far gone, and that is where the Lord had found his foot stool. My Son-in-law had become so consumed by the evil in his heart that he started to spread it everywhere he went. He was tearing down the empire one person at a time.

“Then I got an Idea. I created a festival that would raise the spirits of those who had forgotten the happiness, because of my son-in-law’s rage, but his hate was too great. The Windigo Lord had come in and crashed the festival. A winter consumed my lad in one night, and everyone was left to their own tables.

“I had decided I had enough. I took a peace of stone from the heart of the city and carved a heart from it, and put every bit of my magic into it. With what energy I had left I placed the new Crystal heart in the center of the city below the castle, and called to all my subjects. I cried in pain with them and laughed with their wonder. I reminded them of the peace that we had shared for the friendships we had were eternal, and they gave to me the most powerful wonder ever. They gave me their hearts. This power was just what the Crystal Heart needed. The Heart exploded with color, and the windigo lord was chased out.

“I did not have the power then to truly defeat him. Then I did not know of Celestia and her Sister. It was only five generations later when Sombra was on the throne that Celestia came to my kingdom, but by then I had already passed and my memories sealed within this stone. I have witnessed the world around me from this stone and learned and grew for this very day. Now you must take this stone to your friends, and together with the power of friendship and love will the Windigo ever be defeated.”

“But, what will happen to the Crystal Empire if I move the stone?” Cadence said, “Won’t the Crystal Empire fall to the Windigo?”

“Yes that I am afraid is true,” The alicorn said, “But this must be done if you want to save the rest of Equestria. Now go.”
With that Cadence found herself lying next to the Crystal Heart. Shining Armor was hovering over her, and the doctor as well as all the Empire hovering over her. Shining Armor said something that was inaudible, and the doctor said much the same. It was only after she had finally cleared her head that she could hear what the doctor was saying.

“Now I told each of you to stay in bed now recovery is going to take that much longer.” With a huff the doctor walked away.

Two ponies came with stretchers, and carried Cadence to her bed.

Later that night Cadence and Shining Armor were talking…

“…we need to retrieve the Crystal Heart and take it to Twilight.” Cadence insisted.

“So you were in the heart of the Crystal the whole time.”

“Yes.” Cadence said irritated that she had to say this for the third time, “And all I know is that without the Elements of Harmony and the Crystal Heart we can’t beat the Windigo.”

“Fine, but if you remove the heart the city will become consumed with the rest of Equestria.”

“That is a risk we will have to take. We must trust Twilight.”

“Your right,” Shining Armor hated to admit, “If Celestia will trust her then we must too.”

It was night so getting the Crystal heart and leaving the city without being caught was not a problem. It was the trek home that they worried about.

Reforging Love

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The chilled wind blew through Cadence’s hair, as she walked through Ponyville. She was horror struck by the damage left in the wake. Each pony lay on the ground passed out from exhaustion. It seemed that everypony had been like this for a few days. Even the dust had finally settled. The storm clouds above where not so violent. This was probably due to the lack of hatred to feed off of.

Cadence walked around the city for a bit, looking for what she could find. Nothing was left in the city. All the buildings were destroyed, and even the farm had nothing left to harvest. But then within the brisk wind she thought she heard a small male voice call to her, “Cadence!”

She stopped to look around, “Who’s there?” She said feeling kind of silly because she know nopony was out there.

It was to her surprise when from the same distant voice as last time a response came, “Over here…”

Then for no reason she began to feel a slight tug in the direct of the stone gardens in her distant view. With a little hesitation her curiosity finally took over and she began to follow the sensation. As she walked into the garden all she saw were the fallen statues. There seemed to not be a statue left standing, but then she took a double take. Standing in the middle of the garden was one statue. It was a creature of mixed nature.

At that there was a sudden blinding light that filled Cadences eyes. She tried to close them, but to no avail. Instead she screamed, on the inside, as her eyes became blinded, only then to realize that she felt no pain. After a minute she reopened her eyes to see Discord standing before her. Instantly she was consumed by three main emotions; surprise, curiosity, and disgust.

“Discord!” she said in an accusing tone.

“Oh Cadence,” Discord announced, “I seem to get that a lot lately.” Discord turned around and continued, “Well it seems that things have not gone well.”

Cadence ignoring what he said, and responded, “Where did you come from? Weren’t you with Celestia last.”

“Ya… Well, that did not work out since Celestia disappeared and all.” Discord said without a bit of accusation, “So I disappeared too. Besides the chaos has been a bit of fun, though not quite to my tastes.”

Cadence could not help but think that Discord know more than he was leading on, “So I know you could never truly change. You will always be Discord.”

“Well yes,” Discord said with sarcasm, “I am Discord, but that does not necessarily make me bad. I never really hate anypony after all. All I really wanted was to have some fun. Just nopony really liked my kind of fun, but no, in that I have changed. I shall not ‘torture,’ if that is what you want to call it, anymore. In fact I have grown quite found of ponies. Like Pinkie Pie can have fun without hearting anyponies feelings. I can appreciate that.”

Cadence still did not quite believe him, “Then why don’t you do something? It should be in your power to take out the windigo, right.”

“No I am afraid not. As much as I would love to, but I can’t make the ponies love each other. Only you have that unique gift, but there is something I can do for you. I will wake everypony up, but then you have to handle it from there. I can’t help you after that.” With that Discord disappeared before Cadence could come up with any response.
Cadence began to walk around. At first she did not notice anything different, but the then ponies around her began to stir, one-by-one.

Cadence decided that the best thing to do was this point was to find Twilight. Twilight was the one that freed her form her own curse maybe she could help with this dilemma. So there she was off to the library, or at least what was probably left of it.

The streets where full of ponies trying to recover form there dazed state. Discord had awoken them as he promised, but he was sure to leave them somewhat exposed and dazed. Cadence figured, to her relief, that Discord did that on purpose so that everypony didn’t get the idea to start their fights where they left off.

The library was, as expected, fallen to rubble, but when Cadence got a closer look she saw the problem, and was it a big problem. Spike seemed to have grown to adult size and had fallen asleep right on top of the building. Twilight lay not too far from him. She seemed to be the last to stir, but finally she did and Cadence was relieved and happy.

“Cadence” Twilight mumbled, “Is that you?”

“Yes Twi. Just rest, for a second. We have lots of work to be done.” Cadence responded in a gentle voice.

Twilight laid there for a second until she was sure she could stand. She stood slowly only to grow dizzy as she stood. She almost fell, but Cadence caught her before she did, “Take it easy. I still need you.”

“So how long had I been out?” Twilight asked.

“I don’t know,” Cadence looked a Twilight with sorrowful eyes, “By the looks of things, you had been out for at least a couple days.”

“A couple days!” Twilight said with a bit of hysteria, “What happened, have the Windigos been taken care of… of course not… has anypony been killed… has the Crystal empire been taken yet.”

“Wait, Twilight,” Cadence said with a light chuckle, “Nothing worse had happened since we left Canterlot, but if we are going to deal with these things I need you to calm down.” Then Cadence raised her hoof to her chest as she breathed in and pulled away as she breathed out. Twilight followed suit.

“Ok so what do we do next?” Twilight said, “Did you bring the Crystal heart?”

“Yes,” Cadence said, “And to my surprise I met someone very interesting.”

“Wait,” Twilight said, “I need to check on something.”

Twilight went outside and looked around, not that there was an outside anymore. Everypony was walking slowly with their head tucked low. Each seemed to be heading back to their home. Twilight was relieved for now.

Twilight walked back over to Cadence and sat down, “Ok, so you were saying.” With that Cadence told her everything that happened in the Crystal Empire, and what happened with Discord.

Twilight sat completely stunned. It took her a second to take it all in. It all was just too much.
Then Twilight finally snapped herself from her stupor, “So now we need the Elements of Harmony. How are we supposed to do that?”

“I don’t know, I was hoping you could help me with that part.” Cadence said with less confidence then she had earlier, “Well there was one thing. When I asked Discord about why he could not fix it, he told me that only I can make one pony love another.”

At that Twilight got a bright idea, “I know, come with me. We are going to Fluttershy’s cottage.”

On the way there Twilight explained her plan to Cadence, “Because it was your magic that made this all happen, It has to be your magic that fixes it. First we will find Angel bunny, and bring him back to Fluttershy. When they are together you will have to cast your spell to make them love each other again.”

“That sounds like it might work.” Cadence said, “But how are we going to find Angel bunny, and force him back to Fluttershy.”

“Leave that to me.” Twilight assured with a slight smirk.

When They made it to Fluttershy’s cottage, Twilight released a tracking spell and began to walk. Cadence was not sure what to think of this, but she trusted Twilight and just followed along.

Twilight’s spell seemed to lead them into the Everfree forest. Though it was very dark, nothing extraordinary seemed to have changed. The Everfree forest was still that, ever free. They were there for a while before they finally came across Angel Bunny sleeping under a bush. This was going to be easier then Twilight thought. With her magic Twilight gently lifted Angel Bunny and began caring him back to Fluttershy’s cottage.

At the cottage Twilight busted her way through the door with the help of Cadence, and set Angel Bunny next to Fluttershy, “Now when I wake them, they will probably began fighting again. Just cast the spell as quick as you can.”
Twilight then shook them both awake, and then jumped back. Sure enough they looked at each other and Angel Bunny was about to rear up and hit Fluttershy right in the nose, but just then Cadence got off her spell.

The two stood there for a second dazed, then without hesitation grabbed each other in a full hug. Twilight’s idea worked. Now they just need to get the rest of them together.

“Now we need to get the rest of them all in one place.” Twilight said, “I will get Rarity and Sweetie Bell. Cadence I need you to get Rainbow Dash, and Applejack, and Fluttershy get Pinkie Pie. Then we will meet back at the library,” and with that, they each left their separate ways in search for their charges.

Two hours later Twilight came to the center of town dragging Rarity, and Sweetie Bell. They were both under the sleep spell. Cadence brought Rainbow Dash and Applejack. They did not look so well but they were mostly awake. Fluttershy on the other hand was no were to be found.

“I hope Fluttershy is fine.” Twilight said.

“She is probably fine,” Cadence responded, but not too sure herself, “She is probably just having a little trouble with Pinkie. You know how Pinkie is.”

“Ya…,” Twilight said worried, “That’s what I am worried about.”
Twilight did not have to worry for long though. Just as she said that, her fears were confirmed, and Pinky tackled Twilight into a summersault roll.

Twilight did not have much time to think. She tried to shoot a couple of stunning blasts at Pinkie, but they all missed. Cadence on the other hand had a full opening. Focusing her magic through her horn, she released the spell that she had done a thousand times.

Just as Pinkie was about to pound down on Twilight’s head she snapped to, and fell on Twilight in an all encumbering hug, “Oh I’m sorry Twilight,” Pinky began to ramble, “I didn’t know what I was doing, well I did, I just couldn’t stop myself, I didn’t want to do it I was compelled, I couldn’t stop…. …. ….”

After a few minutes of rambling Twilight finally cut her off with a hug of her own, “I forgive you. I know that it wasn’t you, and I am glad to have you back, but now we have to fix the others.”

Shortly after Fluttershy came flying in. When she saw that everything was okay she landed right in the middle of them and sheepishly bowed her head, “I’m sorry Twilight. I couldn’t stop her. I have failed you.”

“You did fine Fluttershy.” Twilight said starting to get annoyed at everypony feeling they have to apologize, “Can we just get to the rest.”

With that Twilight looked at the rest who were still lying on the ground, “Okay since Rainbow Dash, and Applejack are still awake let’s deal with them first, before they catch their breath and are ready to beat each other up again.

Cadence focused her spell on them, while Twilight and Pinky Pie made them look each other in the eyes. It was not too hard since they were still exhausted from all the fighting. After the spell was complete they both shot up and hugged each other. The hug only lasted for a second before they broke apart, coughed and then apologized.

Now it was time for the last two. Twilight awoke Rarity, and Rainbow Dash awoke Sweetie Bell. Each one stood and turned away from each other. Twilight knew it was not going to be easy to make them look at each other, but Pinkie had an idea, “Hay Rarity isn’t that your best dress that Sweetie Bell is wearing.”

Rarity shot a very pissed look at Sweetie Bell, and was about to charge her. Sweetie Bell on the other hand was horrorstruck as she looked at Rarity. That was all the time Cadence needed to cast her spell. Rarity and Sweetie Bell blinked. They looked back at each other than Sweetie Bell walked over to Rarity and rubbed the side of her head on her sister’s leg.

Twilight smiled glad to have everypony back to their normal selves. This was sort lived though. The clouds around them began to stir and the storm grew dark. Twilight ran inside and grabbed the Elements of Harmony she kept the case that had been knocked down. She tossed each their element, and cadence pulled out the Crystal Heart.
Before them appeared a black silhouette of a pony, and surely that is what it was. The creature before them seemed to suck all the light for the air around it.

“Do you really think you can stop me?” a voice echoed from the void.

Cadence stepped forward, “No. I’m not too sure what I could do, but I am sure that I care for these people, and all they have given. Twilight had taught me that as long as I love the people I care for then you have no power over us.”
With that Cadence raised the Crystal Heart and channeled her love through it, and each of the elements did the same. The elements lit up, and a beam of light of the corresponding colors shot from each of the elements into the Crystal Heart. The Crystal Heart then erupted in all different colors, shimmering similar to a quartz reflecting light, creating a dome that shot out all over Equestria.

The shadow that stood before them lit up like the sun and dissipated into the void, and the storm was dispersed from all of Equestria.

Each pony settled back to a normal state still filled with the bliss that came from the love they felt channeled from their friends through the elements.

Shortly after there was a flash of two lights, and before them sat both princesses. Celestia looked at each of the ponies that stood before her, and Luna looked around at the damage that stood in the wake of Ponyville
“Well I see that you have all done it again,” Celestia said with a slight smile on her face “and Twilight it seems to me that you have learned the most valuable lesson of all, care to explain?”

Twilight looked up at Celestia with adoration in her eyes, “Yes Celestia, I had learned that you should never give up on you friends, and love them unconditionally, for even if you feel abandoned by them, they may feel the same and need you to still be there for them.”

“You have truly learned the most valuable lesson this day,” Celestia said with pride in her heart, “And now you know what it means to be a true friend. You are ready Twilight for the last stage of you lessons. I will be seeing you soon.
“Now as for the rest of you, I am very proud of all of you. You have all came through in the darkest times of your friendships, especially you Cadence, and for that you have all come out better.”

With that Pinkie Pie yelled, “This deserves a party!” and with that a party like Ponyville had never seen followed.