Mothers at Heart.

by MLPfield 3

First published

What happens when tragedy strikes and your left alone with two foals. Pinkie has to learn what to do and with a little help from somepony she would have never expected.

A night on the town for the Cakes ends with despair. They leave Pumpkin and Pound Cake with Pinkie afterwords. Pinkie has to change for the foals she calls her own and with help from someone she thought hated her she might become the perfect mother.

The Anniversary- Day

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Mr.Cake smiled, he never felt excited as he prepared for his anniversary with his wife. He made reservations for the both of them, wanting to surprise her for later tonight. Mr. Carrot Cake just had to work through the day. Mrs. Cake got up rubbing her half closed eyes, and she saw what was on her bed. A bouquet of red roses and a card laid at her lap, surprised she opened the card and it said, Happy Anniversary honey. I love you. From your loving husband, Carrot Cake. Slowly Mrs. Cake moved to get out of bed, struggling to get to the floor as quiet as possible. What could he be planning?

Mrs. Cake snuck over to the door still trying to keep as quiet as possible. She put her hooves on the doorknob and slowly turned. Just as the door opened to the smallest crack the smell of fresh pancakes and coffee flowed into the room like a summer breeze. He isn’t. Mrs. Cake had a wide grin on her face as she opened the door. She hurried down the stairs as fast as she could, as soon as Mrs.Cake got to the bottom of the stairs when a quick flash of light shone in the corner of her eye. A small, white plate sat on the table along with a fork, knife, and glass of orange juice to the sides. The flash of light was caused by a vase sitting in the middle of the table with a single red rose, just like the ones from the bouquet, inside of it. He did. An even larger grin appeared on her face going from one side to the other.

“Carrot... Where are you?” Mrs. Cake looked around the area trying to find her husband.

“BOO!” Mr. Cake jumped from behind the corner surprising Mrs. Cake and enticing a squeal from his wife. Mr. Cake began to laugh, as she gave him a glare.

“Are you trying to give me a heart attack Carrot?” Mrs. Cake asked whispering, fearing the twins would wake up if she shouted.

“Of course not Cupcake, I was just having fun.” Mr. Cake said, still laughing.

“Well don’t do that again.”Her head turned back to the neatly laid out table

“I won’t, happy anniversary dear.” Mr. Cake put out a hoof to show his wife to the table.

“Happy anniversary and I love you honey.” She started walking toward the table, stopping for a second to give Mr. Cake a peck on the cheek.

“I love you too dear.” He replied returning the peck.

Mr. Cake and Mrs. Cake just stood there looking at each other. For a few minutes the world seem to freeze around them as they both began to moving closer to each other. Once they were close they leaned into one another, and their lips made contact.

Just then a pink pony hopped in the room with both of the Cakes. The Cakes didn’t notice the pink pony until she spoke, “Good morning Mr. Cake and Mrs. Cake. Happy Anniversary.”

Both of the Cakes jumped a little and began to blush. They both looked at the pink pony and asked in unison, “Pinkie Pie. How did you know we were celebrating our Anniversary?”

“Simple sillies. I wrote down every single important event on every day, on every month, of every year.” Pinkie replied, happily, smiling at the adult couple. Both the Cakes smiled back at the young pink party pony, and looked at the clock behind her.

“Oh shoot, we have to work for today.” Mr. Cake said, while heading into the kitchen to grab an apron.

“Don’t worry Mr. Cake I can handle Sugarcube corner by myself. You two can have the day to yourselves.” Pinkie gave the widest smile she could to reassure the Cakes she could do it.

Mr. Cake looked at his wife with his head tilted and an odd smile, “Should we dear?” Mr. Cake was awaiting his wife’s answer with lots of anticipation.

“I guess we could let her do this by herself. It wouldn’t be the first time we could trust her with a task this big.” Mr. Cake let out a sigh and looked at Pinkie, who had a large smile across her face, and waved a hoof to her signaling she could go.

“You won’t regret this Mr. and Mrs. Cake!” Pinkie ran up and shook both of their hooves and left with a figure of herself in the air.

Mr. Cake looked at Mrs. Cake with a questionable face, “You think she can honestly do this by herself? I mean she did need a bit of help from Twilight last time we let her watch the foals.”

“I know, but isn’t it time we let her be her own pony. We aren’t her parents, but we treat her like she’s our child and a foal. All we do is rent out a room to her and employ her, so we need to just let her do what she wants.”

“We should just let her do what she wants for the day because it is our anniversary and we should take the day off.” Mr. Cake shrugged his shoulders as he started to walk toward the table.

Mr. Cake looked at his wife and a smile formed on his face. Letting his eyes trace over his wife’s figure. Slowly he looked over each and every detail of her body from the style of her mane to the firm look of her flank. Mrs. Cake noticed her husbands eyes moving slowly over her figure and started to turn back to the room.

“If you like the product you see then follow me Carrot and you can handle the merchandise.” Mrs. Cake begun walking toward their room as she spoke.

Mr. Cake turned beet red after he noticed he’d been caught, then rushed to catch up with his wife, “Wait up dear, you know you can’t do too much without me.”

“I could,” Mrs. Cake brushed her tail against Mr. Cakes face as he walked by, “But it’s more fun with you.”

Mr. Cake found himself blushing once more. After a few seconds of calming himself down Mr. Cake realised he was standing in the threshold of his bedroom door. Mrs. Cake turned around and was quickly pulled off her forelegs as Mr. Cake forced his lips onto hers. He leaned back so Mrs. Cake could close the door without breaking the kiss. After he heard the door close his tongue shot into his wife’s mouth feeling around into every part of her mouth.

Mrs. Cake broke the kiss and whispered in her husband’s ear, “I’m taking control this time.”

“All right dear.” Mr. Cake flipped off the light and went to the bed with Mrs. Cake.


Three hours later

“How... was...that?” Mrs. Cake asked, in between breaths, sweat coming down her forehead.

“It... was... amazing dear.” Mr. Cake replied, in between breaths, sweat coming down his forehead as well.

Both the Cakes looked at one another before Mr. Cake crawled on top of his wife. He looked at the beauty below him then slowly began to kiss her. Mr. Cake broke the kiss after just a few seconds and looked at the clock on the wall. His eyes quickly focused on the two little hands standing still at the XII and V numerals. He perked up realising they had been in their room all day and haven’t tended to the foals.

“Oh buck! Honey we need to go check on the foals!” Mr. Cake jumped up and started to put on his bowtie and hat.

“You go Carrot. I can’t go out there looking like this.” Mrs. Cake’s mane and tail was mess that made her look like Pinkie had a restless night.

“I’ll meet you in the kitchen. Love you honey.” Mr. Cake went over to his wife and gave her a quick peck on the lips before turning around to go to the foals room.

Mr. Cake walked down the hallway when he got to the foal’s room. He put his ear up to the door to see if the foals had waken up. The room was dead silent slowly he reached for the doorknob and begun to twist while pushing inward on the door itself. He poked his head in to see both cribs were empty. Pinkie must’ve woken them up... But it’s about nap time they should be here. Mr. Cake turned around to head into the kitchen when he felt something creep up behind him.

“What the...!” He quickly shot around to see a grinning Cup Cake about ready to laugh.

“You almost gave me a heart attack.”

“That was payback for earlier.” Mrs. Cake went forward to open the door and opened it. Inside the light coming in from the window lit the whole room up. She looked to the cribs and saw they were empty. She quickly shot around to her husband with a concerned face.

“Where are the foals?!” She gave a half frantic, half quizzical look.

“I don’t know honey. I think Pinkie got them up.” Mrs. Cake’s eyes shot wide open after he spoke.

“Pinkie!” Mrs. Cake shot toward the kitchen as fast as she could.

“Yes Mrs. Cake?” Pinkie popped around the corner seemingly from nowhere. Mrs. Cake came to a screeching halt one she saw the pink mare.

“Where are the foals?”

“Fluttershy came by and since I was watching the store and you two were trying to have more foals, I asked if she would take them for the afternoon.”

“Oh... How’s business been today?” Slowly Mrs. Cake regained posture and her let her heart calm down. Just then she realised what Pinkie had said, “You heard us...?” She lowered her head and backed away trying to hide the crimson red appearing on her face.

“It’s been really slow for some reason... Not even Derpy’s come in for her muffin today now that I think of it.” Pinkie put a hoof under her chin as she spoke trying to remember all the customers they’ve had today, “We haven’t had a single customer all day... And yea even Fluttershy heard you two. You even woke the foals up.”

“I...I...” Mrs. Cake got down on her hind legs in a begging position, “Please don’t tell anyone Pinkie.” Her face was the same color as Applejack’s barn.

Mrs. Cake looked up to see Pinkie making a pushing motion on the floor followed by making a house outline in the air, “Ok Pinkie I understand you won’t tell anypony. Wait I just realised, where is Carrot?”

“I saw him go out the back door while we were talking.” Pinkie replied while turning to take a fresh batch of cupcakes out.

“Pinkie keep watching the store. I’m gonna go find Carrot.” Mrs. Cake shot into a full sprint at the door only to come to a screeching halt at it, “Pinkie you forgot to switch the closed sign to open.” Mrs. Cake switched the sign and shot out of Sugarcube Corner.

“Oopsy.” Pinkie knew she left the sign to closed so no customers would hear the noise of Mr. and Mrs. Cake.


Mr. Cake slipped out the backdoor while Mrs. Cake and Pinkie were talking. Quickly he shot to the main street of Ponyville trying to remember which way he needed to go. She said meet her at Fluttershy’s cottage.... Now which way is that? Twilight would know. Mr. Cake shot toward the large tree just a few blocks down. He was at a full gallop trying to put as much distance as he could between him and Sugarcube corner. Almost there. The sun was heating the ground making it difficult to keep his hooves on the cobblestone for more than a second. Finally the large door of the town library came into full view.

KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK, “Twilight open up! Quickly!”

The purple mare shot to the door when she heard the panicked voice on the other side of the door, “Mr. Cake, what’s wrong?! Are the foals alright?! Did something happen to Mrs. Cake?!”

“No they’re all fine, but I need you to do me a favor.”

“Oh... that’s good to hear. But what kind of favor do you need? A reserved book on parenting?”

“I am a perfectly fine parent, Twilight. But no I need you to teleport me to Fluttershy’s cottage.”

“Sorry... and why do you need to get to Fluttershy’s cottage? She’s gone for the week.”

“I need to meet Rarity there. Today’s my anniversary with Mrs. Cake and I need Rarity to get me some seats at that new restaurant. She owes me after that incident on the train.”

“Ok, I could do that no problem, but you will feel a bit of nausea once you get there,” Twilight crouched down a bit as if she were in a sprinting position, “Ready?”

“I’m ready.” In a flash of purple light Mr. Cake had disappeared from in front of the door. Twilight looked at the table next to the door.

“Hmmmm, what’s this?” Twilight gripped the piece of paper in a purple aura.

Dear Twilight, Mr. Cake is supposed to be meeting me at Fluttershy’s cottage today while I take care of her animals. He probably won’t remember the way so I know he’ll come here. If he does please tell him that Fluttershy returned early and that I will meet him at the spa.


Rarity xoxo

“Oops...” Twilight closed the door behind her and returned to her studies.