> Shadow Silence > by Xeritas > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Regicide - First Attempt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponies are not the only sentient creatures in their homeland of Equestria. Down under the earth, in the subterranean levels...we exist. A far different type of species from any that exist on the surface, some of us actually think the 'surface dwellers' to be naught but mere beasts. Not all of us think this way, though...mostly the elite follow this ideal. We, the Seyra, are by and large a society based on warriors. Every child goes through combat training starting at thirteen and ending at nineteen. Once through training, you have the options of joining one of two groups. The Defense Corps, the first branch, is the group that defends our land of Seraphiel. The second branch, known only as the Shadows, are our spies, recon specialists, interrogators, and assassins. The only way you will know anything other than the name is to be one of them. Certain groups within the Shadows take their apprentices halfway through training, and if they come for you at sixteen, they only come once. Never miss your chance, because you won't get it back. I was one of three to take the option. My name is Azrael, and I am one with the Shadows. I am an assassin. I am the one they chose to go above-ground. My target: Princess Luna, Regent of the Night and Darkness, Lady of the Stars, Shadow Royalty, etc. Why they chose her as a target, you might ask? It's simple, honestly...even someone like the illiterate and uneducated Diamond Dogs can understand. She's too close to discovering us. When she does, she would alert her sister, who then might either attempt to negotiate or kill us all. The last time we were in contact with the Solar Princess, our forces were annihilated. As such, we will destroy any threat to us and our own, including those who would discover either our land, location, or people. We are only an average size population, we cannot afford to be decimated once more! Luna stretched her wings idly as she rested on the throne. Night Court was rather boring, one had to admit. Oh so few ponies ever entered the castle to talk or complain about their problems, and the guards refused to speak...yes, definitely rather boring. Even through her boredom, the Nocturnal Princess refused to settle. Something was off about tonight, like something big was about to happen...something that could change everything. It may be nothing, it could be anything and everything...who would know until it happened? Maybe it had something to do with the new land and people she'd discovered? A loud sound of a door opening caught her attention, turquoise eyes snapping forward to the Great Doors. The gilded entryway opened slowly, admitting a figure that surprised her, and not in a good way. He stood at an angle, the light behind him casting a dark silhouette in the space before him. Luna quickly scanned him with her eyes and magic, mood darkening with every note. Her magic sent an image of death and destruction, of silence and shadows. This man was one who had killed, and would or will do it again. A floor-length sleeveless black coat adorned him, the lean muscle of his torso clearly shown. From the waist down, he was garbed in loose black pants that stopped midway over knee-high black boots. Markings swirled up his arms, the jagged designs seeming to simply shift into the next. As if sensing her stare, the man raised his eyes to meet hers. Long raven-black hair cascaded around his shoulders and face as he watched her, golden irises that seemed to almost glow looking intently back into her own. A silver-edged katana was held loosely in his left hand, a single drop of blood falling from the tip to the tiled entrance floor, crimson staining the edge of his sword. The sound of the drip was loud in her ears, the rustling of cloth and metal as he shifted his position resounding in the chamber. Moonlight surrounded the two, streaming in from the stained glass windows. Luna's eyes widened as his form blurred, the black-clad figure appearing not a foot from her, swinging his blade. Hurriedly she teleported, reappearing in the back of the room. Silver steel bit deeply into the side of the throne, golden eyes locking on to turquoise as he gazed about impassively before raising his arm. Fire warped around his bare hand as the flames grew, the unknown man throwing them in her direction. Luna skidded out of the way as fireballs bombarded her position, the large pony looking for an escape. Finally, she found a moment to think. Sending a hoof through one of the windows, she leapt through the opening and flew to the roof, trying to catch her breath. Nary a minute passed before she felt more than heard a whisper in the wind at her back, a slight line appearing on her side as she moved, the paper-thin cut dripping blood. Shadows surrounded her attacker as she concentrated, holding him in place. Magical energy sparked around her horn as he broke from the tangible darkness, striding toward the lunar regent. Luna grinned as she released the spell, a loud roar of thunder sounding as lightning struck the would-be killer. Millions of volts coursed through his body as the electricity passed, the man silently crying out in pain as he slipped into unconsciousness. Breathing heavily, Luna set the levitated body of her attacker into a dungeon cell, deep underneath Canterlot Castle. It was sad they still had these, she lamented, but unfortunately they were useful, especially in situations like these. Not that these occurrences happened often, but when they did...it was nice to have a place to put the assaulter. Granted, it was slightly sad that things like this happened at all...that someone would want to kill their leaders... As she teleported back to the throne room, a thought passed through her mind, causing a laugh to echo throughout the empty chamber. It seemed that tonight, Night Court wasn't so boring after all. Silently, with her thoughts still in mind, Luna resumed her position upon the throne, awaiting the daybreak.