A New Stallion

by Buckler

First published

A stallion wakes in the middle of the Everfree Forest and has no idea who is or where he is.

A stallion without a cutie mark and no name treks through the Everfree Forest before coming across some companions. No cover art for now. If I get some in the future then I'll use it. New here and thought of this a while back so please do enjoy :D The gore and tragedy come a little later so for those of you who are sitting there saying "Where da face is my blood?!?!" patience, it'll be here soon and in large quantities

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The beating of my wings and the wind zipping past my ears are all I can hear. I've got to get away! I've got to warn everypony, before it's too late!

I hear something whistle as it narrowly misses my ear. Sweet Celestia! They're shooting arrows at me! I barrel-roll left to avoid the flaming projectile. Holy pony feathers! It's on fire? They don't want me to escape, not after what I heard. What I saw.

I can't go any faster and my wings are aching. "Got to land... I can run the rest of the way for sure." I look down and my hopes are dashed. It's the canopy to the Everfree Forest! I don't want to land there after my experience with the Timber Wolves.

I keep changing direction to avoid the numerous projectiles. These ones aren't on fire, heck they aren't even arrows, they're rocks!

"Why are they...". Something crashes into the back of my head. My vision blurs, and I start to sway, losing altitude. The canopy is coming up fast, and I can’t get my wings to respond. I'm exhausted beyond belief and they're so close to me now, I can hear they're chants even louder now, the beating of their drums.

I struggle in vain to try to pull up and take another rock to the back of the head with a sickening crack. I feel myself go limp and drop to the ground. I crash through the canopy and hit the ground with a loud thud. Torches glow in the distance and come closer as the rest of the world fades to black.


All I can feel is a throbbing feeling in my head, a thousand drums playing in my head, my muscles screamed at me as I move my hooves and try to extend my wings. I'm in bad shape and I know it, so how come I don't know my name? I open my eyes and try to make out my surroundings. I blink and slowly the bushes and trees that surround me come into focus. Where the hell is this place? And why am I covered in dirt, leaves and branches? Looking up I get the answer to my question, there's a small clearing in the canopy that definitely wasn't natural. Must've fallen out of the sky doing Luna knows what... .Another attempt to stand and I hear a loud cracking sound and a sharp jolt of pain goes up my hind leg, making me collapse. Damn I'm in bad shape, and in the middle of nowhere for that matter. Taking a closer look at the bushes and trees around me shows how dark and creepy this place actually is. The trees are bent at odd angles, the branches matching with their own twisted patterns. The leaves on the bushes and trees are dark violet and browns and every now and then some drift down to the ground. I must've fallen recently if the leaves are still falling from the break in the canopy. I force myself to stand despite the complaints from my hind leg. I'm able to walk but with a slight limp so I begin my slow trek into the forest. The limp is bearable, probably just a sprain if anything at all. This place is really creepy, all the trees and their weird shapes, plus the ambient sounds, make it even creepier. I swear some of these sounds are even whispering to me, or is that just my throbbing headache? The longer I stay in this forest the closer I drive myself to insanity. These voices are getting louder the further I get into the forest, they sound like they're yelling at each other. Arguing? No no just plain yelling, aggghhh this headache is driving me insane! I'm exhausted and everything aches, I can't fly out of here because I can't use my wings. Am I going in circles? I'm pretty sure I've passed this tree before... wait is that light? Yes! It is! Oh thank Celestia! I found my way out of this Hell! Ignoring the cries from my muscles I run, run towards this light and crash right through a door into a room with four ponies and- *CRASH*

"Whoa! What in sam hill was that?"

"Is he dead?"

"Stand back girls, he might be dangerous!"

"Do not fret my little foals, to harm you was not his goal."

The throbbing in my head had gone down a little, just a single bass drum keeping the beat now. My muscles still screaming at me for even thinking of running, let alone crashing into a hut. Once again I open my eyes to the blobs huddled around me, except this time they move and are full of color, not dark and scary with odd shapes. Save for one of them, the tallest of them has these strange... strange ornaments hanging off of it. Blinking a few times reveals three foals and a zebra, the zebra wearing several bits of jewelry which explains the odd shapes of her blob earlier.

"Wh-where am I?" I manage to get out. My throat is a desert and because of this my voice comes out raspy and croaky, making the fillies hide behind the zebra. I cough and look up at the zebra, examining her, she looks very wise and very content, despite me barging into her house and making a mess of the place. Although I can't really tell if I did make a mess seeing as she has all these tribal memorabilia all over the place. Hell if I had broken in through her ceiling you still wouldn't have noticed, this place is a pigsty. Potions and masks littered the place from head floor to roof. The only evidence that I came in here is the trail of dirt, leaves and sticks that lead right to me and a knocked over cauldron. Must've been what I ran into, but how come my head felt better if I just added to the damage it's already sustained?

"A potion for your pain and your health you'll regain." Says the zebra matter-of-factly. Geez can she read my mind? She walks over and tilted the cauldron, which was thankfully empty, and tilts it back up into place.

"Sorry about the mess..." I manage again, this time less raspy. The orange filly is just staring at me. Her eyes are slightly squinted while she looks at me, she tilts her head closer to me and then gasps. Is she just now realizing I'm a pony like her and not a swamp monster?

"Blank-flank!" she shouts pointing a hoof at me. "He doesn't have a cutie mark! How can someone be a stallion and not have one?" She asks while getting even closer to me with a questioning look on her face. Blank flank? Cutie mark? What is she going on about? Whatever it is she's got the attention of the other two foals and the zebra, all of which were now staring at my... what are they staring at my ass for?

"Well that's weird" states the white foal with an ice-cream mane. "I didn't know you could go that long without getting your cutie mark. What if that happens to us Scootaloo!?" she said, staring at the orange filly, and was starting to panic now. This kind of makes me want to panic because clearly whatever it is that I don't have is pretty damn important. I slowly rise and extended my wings to their full length, the stretch hurts but will help me in the long run. I look down at the three fillies, who are now engaged in very animated conversation, and observe the third who hasn't said a thing until recently. White with a combo mane, it's one half light purple and the other half light pink. Really interesting to look at actually. She's a unicorn, hmm wonder if her magic can help me. The zebra is tossing random um... things into her cauldron which is now full of what I hope is muddy water and glowing a slight green.

"Don't worry girls! We've been hard at work on our cutie marks! Just because some other pony didn't spend time getting his cutie mark doesn't mean we won't get ours!" Scootaloo is taking charge and raising the morale of her two friends. Is she the leader or just the motivational speaker?

"Come here new pony and do not fret, we will solve all your problems yet." The zebra said, ushering me over to her cauldron. I do as she asks and walk with my limp over to it, curious as to what she has in store for me. Looking down at the now brownish vortex-like liquid inside the water I'm beginning to wonder if she wants to help me or kill me.

"Go on now and take a drink, clear your head and simply think." Oh no, she wants me to drink this? I don't think I can do it...but the look she's giving me is one of help and worry, not of hostility, and the cryptic speaking of hers leads me to believe she wants to help. So without any further thought, I dip my muzzle into the warm, soup-like concoction and take a nice big gulp. Immediately my head is clear, the pain in my hind leg has subsided and....and I still have no idea who I am but can remember the events that took place not ten minutes ago. This is an improvement from before where I was having a hard time to even walk. Now, I can think clearly, do an arithmetic in my head and even tell that this zebra is something of an enchantress, but not in the evil sense.

"Th-thank you. I don't know how I can repay such kindness from a complete stranger." My voice is back and better than ever, carrying itself farther than just my nose. The three fillies regain interest in me again and come over to us.

"What'dya give him Zecora?" inquires sherbert-mane. She cocks her head to one side at me and then at Zecora.

"Oh nothing Sweetie Belle, just a soup to make all well." she glances at me and smiles. She can tell it works just by looking at how dumbfounded I am by it. Going from groggy mess to completely fine and then some, is a bit of a feat for just some soup.

"I still have no idea who I am though. Let alone how I ended up in this forest." I say, feeling a little disappointed that the soup didn't do that much for me. I was expecting a huge revelation, upon thinking about my identity, of who I am, where I came from, and why I don't have this glorious cutie-mark that the fillies keep yapping about.

"That isn't something for a soup of mine, you'll have to find out in good time." she said, and even though the news wasn't good news, she still had that smile as if it was. I guess it could be worse though. Her spell could've back-fired entirely and I probably would've stopped breathing or something. At least I can be great full for all the help she's already given me.

"Well we're gonna go now Zecora, you're welcome to come along um... twig leaves, we could probably get my sister Rarity to help you!" the foal Sweetie Belle said. I smiled at her nick-name she gave me. Rather funny actually, good thing my sense of humor wasn't harmed in the two crashes I've sustained. I nodded and without another word, apart from the fillies getting into another animated conversation about cutie marks, we set out of Zecoras' hut and back into the forest, heading out of it I guess. Good, cause I've had just about enough of these creepy ass trees, and those weird blue flowers that are everywhere. I don't know what they are but something in the back of my head is saying 'Don't touch the flower'. The foals haven't stopped talking since we left. They continue to rant about cutie marks and how they're going to get them.

"So girls, where we headed?" I ask just to get them to talk about something other than a cutie mark for more than five minutes. They turn to me then look band and forth at one another as if silently deciding where they're gonna bury my corpse.

"We're heading to my sister Raritys' house to get you cleaned up!" Sweetie Belle exclaims to me. I must be a total mess because they try to avoid looking at me. I really wish I could see what I look like but it'll have to wait till we get to Raritys' I guess. This trek is actually a little longer than I was thinking but it must be worth it, to finally be out of this bleak, dreary place and into another world, full of colors. I see the light now, and even an opening as we continue trotting at an easy pace. I trot slightly faster and pass the little foals only by a little and enter the sunlight, meeting it's warmth and letting it's rays shine down upon me. Ahhh what a great feeling. Sunlight and warmth as I blink to let my eyes adjust to this new light. I hear the fillies trot up behind me, I guess curious as to what gave me this new boost in energy.

"Well someponys sure got some place to go. What'd you speed pass us for?" Scootaloo began questioning me but I ignore her. I'm taking in all the bright vivid colors, all the houses and the sign not ten feet from me. 'Welcome to Ponyville!' it says, and welcome I do feel. Out of the darkness and into this new world that for some reason feels... familiar to me. The name nags at the back of my mind Ponyville. Ponyville. Why does that sound so familiar? And come all these houses look familiar too? Buck! Why can't I remember anything!?. I look down at the fillies and they're all giving me a questioning look, still waiting for my response I imagine.

"Oh... um.. " I'm speechless, unsure of how to even answer the question. I honestly don't know why I did pick up my speed. Well that's a lie actually, I know why.

"I wanted to be sure there was something more than that dark creepy forest, that's all." I say smiling down at them. They return the smile and continue down the path we were following and we trot our away through town. I get glances from every pony we pass and it's always different. Some will look and question my appearance while others look at me, look away, and then do a double take to make sure they were actually seeing this filthy thing walk through town with a smile on it's face. Yes I'm smiling. I'm happy that things are actually looking up for me, even if I can't remember a single thing of before waking up, things actually seem pretty positive. I can walk, my wings feel pretty damn good and I have three, four if I count Zecora, friends, or what I hope are friends. I consider them as such seeing as they took me in almost immediately even if it was under a strange coincidence that neither of us have a cutie mark. From what I can gather that's pretty important, at least to them, and it's probably the little... what to call them... paintings? That are on the flanks of every pony we ever pass. I hear the girls buzz about their plans to achieve their cutie marks as we walk through town and pass various buildings, shops and the like. A lot of these buildings do bring back very fuzzy and vague memories, many of which make little to no sense. I shake my head and toss a few twigs and leaves over the fillies to try and take my mind off my past. I look down and am met with very angry and grumpy fillies.

"What in tarnation did ya do that for!?" the yellow filly, who's name I've yet to learn, yells at me, getting very close to my face. I rear and fall on my back and the girls take no time in surrounding me. Each of them staring daggers at me from three different angles.

"Whoa hey I didn't do it on purpose. I was just trying to clear my head you know? Get rid of what little thoughts of my past I have... " As I say the words my face falls into a deep frown. My headache is back and the drum-solo it played was relentless. I put a hoof to my head to soothe the pain. Why didn't Zecoras potion last longer?

"Hey are you alright? You don't looks so good. We didn't mean to hurt you honest!" I open an eye and look up to Sweetie Belle, she looked really sad, as if she actually thought they had done this. No... no she did think they did this. I struggle to feet, the pounding in my head not ceasing a single bit.

"Yeah I'm fine, headaches back that's all. I'll be fine let's just... head to Raritys'." Even though I say it with a half attempted smile I can tell they don't believe a word of it, but without another objection we continue our small trek. I can tell, now, which house is Raritys, mainly because it's the only house in the direction we're walking. It has it's own small clearing with a few trees near by but no houses touch it whatsoever. I can't really tell if it's a house or an amusement park ride. It's covered in gems, which are put into a pattern I can barely keep track of. I must have a confused look on my face because the girls looked back at me and burst out laughing.

"This is my sisters house! It's a boutique!" I keep my confused expression on my face but nod as if I understand though I'm not sure I do. None of the other houses look like as much like a hallowed out fair ride as this one. As we approach the house I wonder what Rarity will do to me. Sure Sweetie Belle says she's just going to 'fix me up' but that could mean anything, couldn't it? What do I do if she walks in and pulls out a pair of sheers and strapped me to a table and relieved me of the truly 'stallion' part of me. I shudder at the thought and walk up to the door, then look back to the fillies with an awkward smile.

"Oh come on go in! She's not gonna bite, she'll take one look at you and know exactly what to do. Just make sure you mention me and you won't have to pay a single bit!" Sweetie Belle and her two friends smile at me as I look back to the door and push it open with a foreleg. I slowly walk into the merry-go-round house and as the door shuts I sit, upright, and look around.

"Oh just one minute! I'll be right with you as soon as I'm done stitching this dress up!" I hear a mare call from somewhere in the house. I look back at me and notice the bell above the door which must've rung when I entered. That explains how she knows somepony even entered the... was this a store or a house? There was a counter with a register on it but the entire place was littered with cloth, clothing and gems. There were actually a lot of gems, more than I could count, scattered everywhere, glued to this and that. It was a very loud gasp and very quick paced trotting that brought me back to where I was. I looked down from the part of the ceiling I had taken interest into and looked at what I presumed to be Rarity. She was running around and grabbing these random items which made no sense to me and at the same time talking... to me I think?

"This is just dreadful, DREADFUL! A full grown stallion in such tatters! Do not fret I shall fix this dilemma immediately and I'll have you looking better than ever I can assure you!" She's trotting back and forth still grabbing, what I believe to be bottles of shampoo now, and tossing them into a tub that materialized from out of thin air.

"Um is all this really necessary? I mean you really could just gi-" I'm cut short by her pulling on my mane with her teeth, it kind of hurts, and with strength that comes from I don't know where, she throws me into tub with a loud splash. I surface the water and breath for a bit while she scrubs me down, putting various shampoos in my mane and on my coat, and the water turns a light brownish color.

"I'll leave you to clean the... rest of yourself." She says blushing and turning away. Wait what does she me- oh I get it now. I take the brush she used to scrub the half of my body above the water, everything below the water level is my job. I can understand that, I smile and laugh at her as she goes through various sets of clothing, all fitted for a stallion.

"Hey, you don't have to dress me too. I'm fine just as I am." I say in hopes of trying to get keep her from giving more than she already has.

"Oh heavens no I must! A pony can not walk in here and get a deluxe wash from and not walk out of here looking absolutely fabulous! Just a little parting gift for choosing me to come to to fix your problem." I observe Rarity as she talks to me. She looks an awful lot like her sister though why I was expecting her to look that much different I am unsure. The only real difference between them is Raritys' mane is one color.

"Well no pony ever wears clothes around here anyway so is it really that important for you to give me clothes?" I ask the question and know the answer before she even says it.

"For your formal wear darling, only the best of the best ponies wear clothing that I design. We must have you looking your best for when such an event occurs." She tosses a suit aside along with several ties, each varying in color and design. I lift my fore legs out of the water and trot over to what I hope are towels. I rub the soft cloth over my coat and dry myself then walk over to Rarity who is still tossing articles of clothing about in a frantic manner. While she's busy I spot a nice red bow-tie. It's formal and simple, something I enjoy. I pick it up and hold it out to her.

"How about this?" I ask raising an eyebrow. She stops throwing clothes and a pair of boxers float just behind her head as she looks at the bow-tie.

"Why that's perfect. Simple yet it brings out the real stallion in you. I'll just you a box to put that in alright?" She smiles at me and the boxers fall to the ground but she doesn't seem to notice. She turns on a back leg and goes over to her counter behind the register and pulls out what looks to me like a very decorative shoe box. Using her horn and her magic she lifts the bow-tie away from and gently lays it into the box then, without skipping a beat, ties the box to my back.

"There you are! Perfect. Now don't you worry your little mane about paying me, a pony in need will always be treated on the house at Raritys!" She beams at me, clearly happy with her work. I watch as she slowly frowns at me.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" I'm scared now. I must've forgotten something. Oh buck I didn't mention her sister!

"Wrong? How about a travesty! Look at your mane and your tail! They're a complete mess! No care put into them one way or another just dried and left to *gasp* fall into place. This simply won't do!" A hair brush pops out from behind the counter and begins to tug at my mane. Wow she really cares about looks... she cares more about how I look than I do. Does everypony have to deal with this? I guess they probably do seeing how she takes extra care of mane and tail, brushing them this way and that. Mumbling to herself all the way about 'what works' and 'what looks awful'.

"Ohhh my it's perfect, perfect! You look absolutely splendid darling! If I do say so myself. Have a look." I look back at the pony in the mirror which is now floating in front of me. It's not the same one that was covered in dirt, leaves and twigs in the forest, but a new stallion altogether. I was clean, my light brown coat not showing a single spec of dirt or leaves. All the twigs pulled out by Rarity as well. My mane smoothed down and back, along with my tail. The way I looked now matched my attitude and I was loving it. The smile on my face shows that I'm happy with what she's done and she's positively radiant about it. Whoa, I've been spending too much time with her.

"Oh you look fabulous darling! Now go on, show yourself around town and if anyone asks where you got your make-over-"

"I'll tell them that Rarity, Sweetie Belles older sister, is the one who did the fabulous job for me." A nod of the head and smile is all it took to charm her. She really has done such good job her own work catches her eye.

"Well, I had no idea I was in the presence of a gentlecolt. You know my sister?" She's flattered and and confused. I have that effect on mares when I'm not covered in dirt? I'll need this for future reference.

"Yes. She, Scootaloo and um... " Oh shoot I have no idea who the yellow filly is. It never occurred to me that her name had never been mentioned until now. Perfect timing me, way to know who saved your life.

"Apple Bloom? Oh those three are just dears. Well do tell them hello for me won't you?" Rarity flutters her eyes at me. It's cute, I can see why colts around here would fall head over hooves for her but it just wasn't for me. I wasn't here to get a mate, I was here to get my memory.

"Yes ma'am." I bow head to her and can hear her giggle with delight. I smile at her once more and turn on my back legs and pushed my way out the door. I hear gasps from all sides of me, the girls saw me before I saw them and it was pretty obvious.

"I take it this is an improvement?" I ask holding up a fore leg to shield my eyes from the sun. I guess sleeping in the forest has damaged my eyes a bit. Being inside for a little while has already made them super sensitive to the sun.

"Thas a bit of n understatement there dirt boy." The girls giggle at Apple Blooms little joke which is a bit ironic seeing as I just had a bath. Wait... gosh I'm slow. That was the point.

"Now we can head over to our clubhouse and start our meeting!" Scootaloo practically scares me out of my hooves. How'd she even get behind me? I'll have to study up on their ninja pony skills later. For now, I'll join the Crusaders on their meeting. Come to think of it I don't even know what the Cutie Mark Crusaders are.

"Hey so what are the Cutie Mark Crusaders anyway?" I ask as we now begin a slow trot away from Raritys' and from what I can tell away from town. I feel my heart pound even faster until I notice we turned away from the forest and onto a dirt path.

"We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders! We try everyday to get our cutie marks! Iss not as easuh as some ponies make it look but we never give up!" Apple Bloom says in an ecstatic tone. Well now that I know that I should probably ask what a cutie mark even is.

"What's a cutie mark?" I bump into all three of them but they hardly seem to notice. Their mouths are practically hitting the dirt path we're on. Was it something I said?

"You don't know what a cutie mark is!?!" All three of them shout at me in astonishment. I watch as they exchange glances with each other, making sure they each heard the same thing.

"Wow, you really did hit your head if you don't what a cutie mark is... " Sweetie Belle said, holding a fore leg to her head as if this news was going to cause her to pass out.

"Well I guess that's a bit extreme. I know what they are, I've seen plenty after walking around town. I just... don't know what they do exactly." I dig my hoof in the dirt, slightly embarrassed that these three fillies knew more about this then I did. I'm supposed to be their elder aren't I?

"I guess thas understandable. Ya see, a cutie mark is somethin' ya get fo' findin' out what you're good at. It shows every pony what your special talent is." Apple Bloom said, taking a seat under the shade of a tree. Me, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked up at the sun and all three of us realized how hot it actually was. I nod at the girls and let them sit before me. Just because it's hot doesn't mean I can't stop being a gentlemen. I take a single step towards the tree and feel something wrap around my fore leg. I look down and expect a snake coiling around my leg but it's a rope. Wait a rope? What in th- *Thwump*

"Ya stay away from them little ponies you fiendish colt!" A mare from the distance calls. I don't even know where I am right now seeing as I'm on my back with my fore and back legs tied to each other. I can feel this rope tightening, causing small burns to appear on my legs. This day was going good until now. Starting to regret leaving the forest.

"Y'all right Apple Bloom? Sweetie Belle? Scootaloo?" The mare was standing next to me now but the sunlight was turning her into a silhouette so I couldn't see her. Is-is that a cowboy hat?

"Applejack what're you doing? That's our friend!"

"Yeah Applejack, we found him in the Everfree Forest!"

"Why'd ya haff ta go and lasso him up like that

"This stallion here is your friend?" The mare sounds confused and disappointed. Did she want to tie me up and beat me to a pulp? Not a very nice welcoming pony...

"Yes. He's our friend. Now will you please untie him and let him up? You just crushed the box he got from Rarity!" Sweetie Belle said coming out from under the shade of the tree. It just occurred to me that I was laying on the box that contained my bow-tie. Oh please don't be ruined, I really don't know how expensive it is and I don't have a single cent.

"Oh pony feathers. Sorry bout that pardner, hold on!" The ropes tighten and then suddenly loosen and I start spinning in circles. Whoa this is making me dizzy. I tuck my legs and wings in and hope this'll be over soon.

I stop spinning and wobbly get up right, my head swimming. Jeez she probably destroyed not only the box but the bow-tie that was in it. I really hope Rarity can fix it if it is ripped. As the world stops spinning I can make out the mare you tied me up and she was indeed wearing a cowboy hat. Her coat was a lighter orange than Scootaloos, her mane yellow. Applejack I think Apple Bloom said, must be sisters. Jeez what is her problem? Attacking ponies on a whim.

"I'm real sorreh 'bout all that. No hard feelins'?" I looked down at her outstretched fore leg. Well at least she's apologizing about the whole ordeal, I can give her that. I hold my foreleg out to meet hers.

"You girls run along to ya club house, he'll be right along with ya." Applejack says smiling sweetly to the girls, our hooves haven't even touched yet...

"Ok Applejack! See there dirt mane!" The girls trot off and I feel myself get pulled closer to Applejack. When I turn to look at her she's staring daggers at me.

"Now ya best watch yerself around them fillies ya hear me? I dun like that some stallion from Discord knows where trotting behind my sister and her friends one bit. If I so much as hear her say somethin' bad aboutch'ya, I'm gonna make you wish ya never set a hoof on this farm." Oh sweet Celestia what did I do to deserve this kind of hatred? I cringe as she bucks the tree behind her making every apple fall down and leave a very nice imprint of her hooves into the bark. Wow, really not feeling good about coming here. She disappears into the barn and I follow the path to the club house, which was easy to spot once I got close enough, my legs shaking the entire way. That Applejack sure can scare a pony, best not mention that little incident to her sister. I climb up the ramps to it and see the girls, circled around a table, clearly having a meeting. When they see me they stop talking and all smile at me.

"So how'd it go with Applejack, you guys make up?" Scootaloo asks with a sly grin on her face. Why are they all smiling like that? Did they plan for that to happen?

"Yeah yeah... you could say that... ." I glance out towards the barn to make sure she isn't anywhere nearby to hear this.

"So what're you all smiling about?" I ask, trotting into the club house and taking a seat next to the filly sized table. They exchange glances at one another.

"Well, seeing as you don't have a cutie mark, you fit all the requirements needed to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders!!!" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle joined Scootaloo in shouting the last part. I laughed and smiled at them, they were serious. They really wanted me inside this little club of theirs. I can put that Applejack business behind me for now.

"So what do we do?" I know the answer already, I just like how enthusiastic they are about talking about getting their cutie marks.

"We try getting our cutie marks of course! Every day we set out a plan of how we're gonna try getting our cutie marks. We haven't gotten them yet but we also haven't gone through the list of things to do! We're sure to get them now that we have a full grown pony as a member." Sweetie Belle pulls a very very long scroll as she talks. This actually seems like fun. I glance around the club house and notice all the lists of things they've failed doing and pictures of them before they fail at getting them. Wow, they really have done pretty much everything to try and get their cutie marks. What else is ther-

"Girls! Girls! Are you in your clubhouse?" The sound of a mare calling out to us makes my ear twitch. It's not the same one as before but still it catches me off guard. The girls walk over to the window and poke their heads out and wave their hooves at who's ever outside.

"Hiya Twilight, ya need sumthin?" I trot over to the girls as Apple Bloom calls out to what I can now see is a purple coated mare with a purple mane that has a bright pink stripe down the middle. Another unicorn... this place has a lot of those.

"Applejack told me you guys have a new friend with no cutie mark, is that true?" Now what could she possibly want with me?

"Yes it is. He's a new member in the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" As Sweetie Belle says this I step out onto the over-hang of the clubhouse and look down at Twilight. Curious as to what she could want.

"You're needed in Canterlot immediately." She says in a very rushed but professional matter. Is that a dragon on her back?

"May I ask why I am needed?" I ask, slowly descending the ramps of the club house. The girls were now peeking over the guard rail to the over-hang.

"Princess Celestia has summoned you." I may have lost my memory but that was a name I knew all too well, she was the princess of Equestria. The way this mare was talking told me that Celestia was not happy and was not going to take 'no' for an answer.