> The Un-Picked Apple > by xXC1NGLXx > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Summer Fun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a sunny summer’s day in Ponyville, the birds were singing, the sun was shining, the apples in the orchard let off the brightest shade of red you had ever seen. One pony named ‘Applejack’ was enjoying her morning stroll through the glorious apple orchard, when suddenly there was a blast of colour and a magnificent rainbow appeared in the sky. Applejack was filled with joy when she seen it. “Show off,” she smiled, and suddenly a cyan blue Pegasus landed next to her. “I wouldn’t call it showing off so much,” the Pegasus replied. Applejack rolled her eyes and started walking down the path. “I gotta train hard. You never know the Wonderbolts might accept me into their team If I stick to my early routine,” said the Pegasus hovering above Applejack. “Well then Rainbow, I suppose while you’re here you can help me buck these apple trees then,” replied Applejack with a smirk on her face. “Well........ I guess I could use the excersie,” thought Rainbow Dash with her hoof on her head. “Then let’s buck to it,” chuckled Applejack. Meanwhile on the other side of Ponyville, Fluttershy, a lighly yellow coated Pegasus was having a nice cup of tea with her friend Rarity, a white coated Unicorn. “Why this tea is magnificent Fluttershy,” complimented Rarity taking long sips of her cup of tea. “Well thank you, Angel insisted I should of tried it,” replied Fluttershy smiling at Angel, her pet rabbit which seemed pleased with his choice. “HI FLUTTERSHY,” yelled a pink coated pony. “Pinkie Pie, could you please lower your voice?” asked a purple coated unicorn. “But I can’t Twilight, I’m just so excited, are you excited, I’m really really excited, I’m so excited I could..,” replied Pinkie Pie as she was cut off my Fluttershy. “Hi there Pinkie, Twilight, would you like a cup of tea?” asked Fluttershy looking over her fence. “Well that would be smashing,” replied Twilight as she walked up the path. “Smashing? Why would you wanna smash something,” asked Pinkie with a confused face. “HUH!” sighed Twilight. Meanwhile, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were bucking the trees and the apples fell like rain. Applejack was doing a brilliant job and was pleased with herself, however Rainbow Dash was not. "Huh, these stupid tree's won't let me buck them," moaned Rainbow Dash swinging her back hoofs at the trees. "Rainbow, you have to be on the ground if you wanna get a clear shot," replied Applejack sighing at Rainbow Dash. "Oh," blushed Rainbow Dash hoping no pony saw her. Suddenly Applebloom (Applejack's little sister) came running down the path. "Sis sis, you gotta come see the photo album Granny Smith just found," yelled Applebloom "Well hold your horses Applebloom, I'm just coming. You'll be ok here won't you Rainbow?" said Applejack giving a funny look at Rainbow Dash "I'll be fine, just gotta get used to stayin on the ground," replied Rainbow Dash bucking her hind legs at a tree. --------------- "Wow Granny, all these pictures go back decade's ago," said Applejack in amazment. Suddenly a picture caught Applejack's. It was a filly Pegasus, but since the photo was in black and white she could see what colour the pony was. "Heh Granny, who's that," questioned Applejack pointing at the picture. Granny Smith started getting worried and replied with a simple, "Ok that's enough lookin at these pictures." Applejack wasn't satisfied. Who was that filly in the photo, the pony must be apart of the Apple Family if the pony was in the album. Suddenly Rainbow Dash wobbled through into the room. She looked very dizzy. "Uh, App-lejack, army of ap-p-les," said Rainbow as she collapsed on the floor, her eyes spinning round and round. Applejack felt sorry for her, but was still curious about the photo. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It was Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity. "Well howdy yawl," said Applejack as she opened the door. "RAINBOW DASH IS...... DEAD!" yelled Pinkie and she suddenly fainted. "Huh," sighed Twilight. "Sorry Applejack, she's been like this all day," said Twilight. Applejack was still thinking about that picture that she didn't even hear Twilight speak to her. "Uh, Applejack are you feeling ok?" asked Twilight with a suspicous look on her face. "Uh, what? Uh, Yes, I'm just fine Twilight," replied Applejack. "I'm just abit suspicious that's all." "But, why?" questioned Twilight, "It's summer you should be out having fun." "I'm just concerned, because I seen a picture of a little filly in a photo album Granny found. I asked her who it was but she didn't want to tell me," replied Applejack. "Hmmm, sounds abit spooky to me," said Fluttershy, "Anyway, we came her asking you if you wanted to go swimming down at the lake?" "Why that sounds marvelous, it shoud help me get a few things off my mind," replied Applejack now seeming more relaxed. "Uh," mumbled Rainbow Dash still lying on the floor. "AHHHHHH, SHE LIVES!!!!!" yelled Pinkie on her knees with her hoofs in the air. --------------- Down at the lake all the ponies were having fun, even a half conscious Pegasus. They were diving off a cliff into the lake, even Fluttershy got the courage to jump off the cliff. "Weeeeee," yelled Fluttershy silently, and she splashed into the pool with a quiet little splish. Angel and Pinkie held up a sign with a 10 and a 9 on it. It was now Applejack's turn, so far no one had beaten Rainbow Dash's super awesome mega triple flip. Everypony was certain she would beat her. Suddenly a lightning storm whipped up. Everypony was very confused. "Rainbow, I thought you said it was supposed to be sunny with a cool breeze today," yelled Twilight hoping she heard her over the sound of the wind and thunder. "I don't know why the weather's like this, Derpy probably messed up again, and even if she did, there wouldn't be enough to make a storm like this," replied Rainbow yelling over the rustling of the trees. Applejack started backing away from the edge of the cliff, when suddenly there was a crash of lightning which broke the side of the cliff she was standing on. "APPLEJACK," everypony yelled as she came crashing down from the hill. Suddenly there was another crash of lightning and a shaded figure swooped in and caught her and took her back onto the top of the cliff. Just after that the storm stopped, and everypony was left stunned. "What just happened?" question Rarity. Everypony seemed cluless. "Who was that who saved her?" questioned Pinkie. "I don't know, but who ever it was, there a pretty sweet flyer," said Rainbow Dash. Who was the mysterious pony? Is Applejack alright? What will the outcome of this event be? > The Long-Lost Apple > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack had fainted. It was about 3 minutes untill she came back to her senses. Everything was blurry, and she couldn't figure out where she was. She could hear running water, which meant she was still at the lake. She could see a blurred figure. It was orange with light blonde hair just like her. She could see stretched out wings, which meant this pony was a Pegasus. Her vision eventually came back, and she could see the figure clearly. It was a stallion with the same colours as her from top to bottom. "Hey Applejack, Applejack are you alright?" asked the stallion seeming conscerned. His cutie mark shone bright in Applejack's face. It was an apple just like hers, but with a lightning bolt through it. "Huh," mumbled Applejack, her vision went blurry again and she started feeling nauseous. She blacked out, and the last thing she heard was the sound of her friends calling her name. ---------- Applejack was still in total darkness, but that didn't mean she couldn't hear anything. "Docotor, will she be all right," said a little filly which Applejack presumed to be Applebloom. "Yes little one, she will," replied a stallion who was propably the doctor. "She just has a few minor head injuries, but she will be fine." "I can't bare to see my little one like this," cried Granny Smith. Applejack felt sorrow deep down inside of her, and she tried her very best to open her eyes and get her vision straight. "She's waking up, Granny Applejack's waking up," yelled Applebloom with excitment. Applejack could see her little sister hopping up and down, but her vision was still blurry. She could see Applebloom, Granny Smith, Big Mackintosh and that blurred figure that saved her back at the falls. The figure turned away and started walking out the room. "Aren't you gonna stay and say 'hi' to your little sister?" asked Granny Smith. Now Applejack didn't know what to think, was all this just a dream. She never had a brother older than her other than Big Mackintosh. "I would, but..... but I can't after what just happened, she may start thinking this is all a dream and may go insane," replied the stallion, and he flew out of the hospital. Suddenly Applejack's vision came back, and she was releaved. She could see all her family members around her, well at least all of her family members according to Granny Smith. "Sis, you're alright," screeched Applebloom hopping around. Applejack was delighted to see her little sis happy, but one thing she had to get out of her mind. "Granny, who was that stallion that was just in?" questioned Applejack. Granny Smith gave out a sigh. "It looks like my secret is no more," sighed Granny Smith, Applejack gave Granny Smith a sadly confused face, which Granny could not bare. "Ok then, Applejack" said Granny Smith, "That stallion was your big brother! His name is 'Applethunder'. He was born 1 year before Big Mackintosh here. He was one of the most delightful Pegasi you'd ever seen. He was very mischevious, but he kept a smile on our faces." Applejack was happy that she was finally getting some answers. "It wasn't untill one Family Reunion when all of our happiness was taken away. Every pony was having fun and enjoying them selves, Applethunder was getting up to mischief with the apple fritters as usual. Unfortuantely for us, the Pegaus had msitakenly set the date for a huge storm a week after the reunion, but sadly it was on the day we had the reunion. Applerose and I were doing some quilting when we were attacked by a massive down pour of rain, and before we even knew what was happening a tornado whipped up. Every pony was taking shelter in the barn when I realised Applethunder was missing. I quickly galloped outside, and all I say was a little filly holding onto a bench for it's life. I ran over to him as fast as I could but as soon as I got there the tornado picked up the bench and it was taken away, along with your brother. And that was the last time we ever saw him." Granny Smith had started crying along with Applebloom, even Big Mackintosh gave off a little sob. Applejack found it really hard to not give a little tear. Suddenly the doctor came into the room and told Applejack she was able to go home, but she wasn't loud to apple buck for at least 1 month. She was upset about that, but what she really was upset about was that she had had another big brother all this time and never knew about it. All she wanted to do was get out of bed, and find Applethunder. The Apple's stood outside and Applejack told then she would be home some, that she had something to do. She wondered around Ponyville for a while in search of Applethunder, but he was no where to be found. "Huh, Applethunder where could you be?" questioned Applejack. She started thinking and realised that he could be any where. He could of flown away somewhere or went to Cloudsdale, and getting to Cloudsdale wouldn't be easy. She went and sat down on a bench and rubbed her head which was throbbing from all that thinking and walking around. Suddenly something caught the corner of her eye. She turned and what she seen she was realeved to see. It was Applethunder just slowly hovering over Ponyville. "Hey Applethunder, I want to talk to you," yelled Applejack. Applethunder caught a glimpse of her and bolted away. She'd never seen a pony other that Rainbow Dash fly that fast before. She started running but she knew she could catch him. So she gave aloud whistle and Rainbow Dash came to her aid. "Sup AJ, that's one swolen head of yours," said Rainbow Dash hovering over her. "No time for chat now RD, I need you to catch that stallion for me," replied Applejack. "What you mean that guy from the falls?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Yes!" replied Applejack, and suddenly Applethunder zoomed off. "Oh, the chase is ON!!!" yelled Rainbow Dash and within a flash she flew off after him.