> The Silent Shadow > by Onyxfire408 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Story and Plot by : ME :D * quick note, if you find any errors, obviously it's my fault, I ain't got any editors or pre-readers.* Night Shade a blackish blue coated and black maned unicorn stallion arrived in Ponyville ready for a new chapter in his life. He heard of a new cottage near a forest, he need a place to stay, within a small town and a relaxing scenery. He exited his train and walked around with only a a small suitcase levitating above him. He trotted around Ponyville trying to find the town hall to buy this new cottage he had heard of. He noticed that a pink puffy maned pony bouncing around town, he decided to ask her for directions. Night Shade walked up to the pink pony. "Excuse me." The pink pony stopped and turned her head, strangely enough she twisted her head 180 degrees. She led out s loud gasp, jumped and floated in midair for about 5 seconds, after that she zoomed off leaving only a pink dust cloud with her body shape. Night Shade was confused as ever, he looked around and found a tall building with several stories, his mind was plagued with thoughts if it might be town hall. He shrugged ignoring his thoughts and just trotted towards the building. He entered inside and found a mare doing some paperwork, he trotted over with a few questions. "Scuse me miss." The marred turned her head. "Oh yes may I help you?" "Yes is this Town hall?" "Why yes it is, are you here about the new cottage we built?" the desk mare questioned "Yep, how many bits will it cost?" "Hmm, could you hold on for a second, I need to get the papers." "Sure, take your times, I got all day." Night Shade happily said. The desk mare opened her file cabinet and fooled around trying to find the correct file. After an hour or two, she had finally found the file for the cottage and place it on her desk, she looked around and found Night Shade falling asleep on a nearby chair. The desk mare rang her desk bell waking up Night Shade who shot up and walked towards the desk mare. "So how much was the cottage?" "Well according to these files, it's about 2500 bits." Night Shade's eyes widened, he reached into his suitcase and pulled out a large sum of bits and put it on the mare's desk. The mare accepted the bits, counted them and handed Night Shade the deed to his new home. Night Shade signed with a happy thought and it took the deed, the address, and the keys to his new home. He trotted through the streets of Ponyville, he stopped by a nearby apple stand to grab an apple for a quick snack. He walked over to the orange mare with a brown stetson. "Hello miss, could i buy one apple please." "Wah sure. That'll be two bits." Night shade hands over two bits from his case and received an apple in exchange. "Wah I've nevah seen you in these parts, you new to town." "Yea, just moved in into that new cottage they built. Name's Night Shade, you?" "Name's Applejack, where you from stranger?" "Neighsia" Night Shade responds "Well that's maghty far, what made you move here?" asked Applejack "Meh, change of scenery, didn't want to work on a rice field all of life, buck that I say. Well I'm gonna head to my new home now, nice meeting you Applejack." He said as he walked away eating his apple, Applejack waved back and continued with her work. Night Shade continued to trot to his new home, he then walked along the dirt road, to the outskirts of Ponyville. As he walked along the path his train of thought was under control at the scenery of nature around him. He took in a deep breath and breathed out heavily. But his train of thought returned to him as he accidently bumped into a yellow pegasus mare with a pink mane. Night Shade panicked. "GAH!!! Gomenasai miss, let me help you." Night Shade wrapped her hooves around the pegasus and lifted her up, though he could have sworn he heard a small "eep" from her. Night Shade bowed his head down in apology to the yellow pegasus. "Gomenasai, I'm sorry miss, I lost my train of thought and didn't see where I was going." "Oh...uh...It...okay..." "Well I must be off, I just bought that new cottage." As soon as he started to gallop he stopped and asked "Eh, scuse me miss, sorry to trouble you, but do you know where the Cottage is?" asked Night Shade "Oh...um...it's...that way" she said as she pointed her hoof in a direction. "Just um... past the first cottage." "Okay arigato, by the way what's your name?" "Fluttershy." "Scuse me? I didn't quite catch that." "Fluttershy..." "Flutterguy?" "Fluttershy!" she blurted out as her face turns crimson and she covered her face with her hooves. Night Shade couldn't just stand there staring at the pony, he felt bad that she was embarrassed. He lifted her her chin with his hooves making her feel better. "Hey, look at me, it's alright to be scared, you are who you are and nothing can stop you." he said as he galloped off to his new home. "OH YEA." he yelled from a distance "NICE NAME BY THE WAY!!!" he said as he galloped off. Night Shade couldn't help but think to himself. Well shes kinda cute... AHHGG SHUT THE BUCK UP!!! Well she is kinda cute.... ARRGGHH I NEED SOME SLEEP PRONTO. Night Shade arrived at the first cottage Fluttershy spoke of, he examined the mailbox to see who his neighbor was, and if it wasn't ironic enough, it was Fluttershy. But Night Shade could sense danger, he could here something whistling in the air he turned and immediately ducked, he got back up to see a plate stuck in a tree and a rabbit with daggers in his eyes. He looked like he was gonna throw another, Night Shade readied his right hoof with a fancy vambrace on it. The bunny threw the plate towards Night Shade. Night Shade immediately acted and a blade popped out of his brace and he sliced the plate in half leaving only two half plates and a shocked bunny. Night Shade retracted his blade and kept walking past the cottage giving the bunny a death look on his eyes. Not far from Fluttershy's house Night Shade found the cottage, his cottage. He found the for sale sign, he walked over to it, picked it up and throw it away. The cottage was wonderful, there was a small pond nearby and a few trees surrounding it, it was perfect for his...training. He needed to test the trees to see if it was strong enough to climb. He brought out his vambrace but instead of a blade popping out, a hook appeared before his hoof, he jumped onto the tree and stuck his hook into the tree, he hanged there for a good minute, the tree was perfect. He walked inside his new home, it was as empty as a hungry pony, the only kind of furniture there was, was a small stool sitting in the corner of the living room. He luckily brought a sleeping bag with him in his suitcase and slept the night off, honestly he didn't care, he was ready for his new chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the next four weeks Night Shade been living in Ponyville with complete happiness. Fluttershy became good friends with Night Shade, she even introduced her best friends, Applejack, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. He had found a job working at the Tea House with his boss Tea n' Tea, a what he called "super chilled boss." He had also bought some furniture to make his home, well......homeier. He was happy, at least he wasn't alone, thanks to the pink mare he saw, also known as Pinkie Pie, she had thrown him a welcome to Ponyville party. All was good, really good, but maybe a little too good. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 Night Shade woke up one day, had breakfast and just lived in Ponyville. He has lived there for the past four weeks, getting along with his neighbor Fluttershy and her friends. He was at his back yard cutting off small branches from trees to make poles sticking out of a tree for his training. While working on his obstacle course Fluttershy along with Twilight Sparkle came to him with news. Night Shade immediately noticed them and jumped off a tree branch, he landed while rolling on the ground to soften his fall and appearing right in front of the 2 ponies. "Hello girls, whats up?" "Hello Night Shade, we were wondering if you want to hang out today." said Twilight "Yes we want you to come....um...if you want....to" Followed Fluttershy GOD shes so cute when shes shy! "Uh...sure. why not? Lemme get my hat and we'll be off." Night Shade got in his house and approached his chest, he took out a black hoodie and a coned shaped straw hat. He walked out wearing both. Twilight and Fluttershy both gave him a confused looked at his hat. Twilight was the first to ask as they walked along the path. "Uh...Night Shade, whats that on your head?" "oh this?" he pointed at his hat " it's my hat." "It's uh...very unusual for a hat." said Fluttershy "Oh well that explains it, I'm not from Equestria. I'm from Neighsia." Twilight gasped in excitement. "Neighsia!? I heard that place is amazing, pink flowered trees and fierce warriors." "Well your right about the pink flower trees, but that's only in Neighon, where I'm from." "Well that's interesting, why did you move to Ponyville?" asked Twilight "Change of scenery." Night Shade said with a flat tone. "That's it?" Twilight asked "Well my mother and father thought I should move out, since I couldn't go into a college or university, I wanted to live on my own, with my decision my parent's reaction was very surprising. They said I was growing up to be a great stallion and let me move to Equestria." "Well isn't that a surprise. And what about that hat, what's it made of?" "Well this hat is made from straw and woven into this shape of a cone to-" Night Shade looked at them, they were confused. "Eh... it's kinda like an umbrella hat but less colors and more shade." "Ohhhhhhhhh" Twilight said in relief Night shade noticed Fluttershy looking away from Night Shade and had a red blush on he face. He noticed right away and sprung into action."So, Fluttershy whats on your mind?" "Oh...um...it's just...." "Oh wow Night Shade, whats that on your right hoof?" Twilight interrupted "Oh this" he brought up his hoof. "This..." he heavily sighed "This is a special tool I use." "What kind of tool? "Uh..." Night Shade hesitated. "A tool I use for climbing." Night shade stalled hiding away the blade part. "Oh that's amazing." Fluttershy walked over to Twilight and whispered. "Thank you Twilight, I just can't find myself to say it." Twilight nodded in response"No problem Fluttershy." Twilight whispered back ----------------------- Later that day at Ponyville, Night Shade had gathered with Fluttershy and all of her friends at Sugar Cube Corner. They had lunch but Night Shade didn't eat much, too much sugar would be bad for him. They sat, chat and had a blast. Rainbow Dash leaned over to Night Shade with a mischievous look on her face. "Hey Night Shade did you know one of us has a crush on you, by the way it's not me it's...." Twilight and Applejack both heard Rainbow about to blurt out and ruin their plan. Applejack wrapped a rope around Rainbow and Twilight chained her up with her magic and pulled her away. Night Shade looked around with confusion. "Sooooooooo Rainbow just told me one of you mares like me, is that correct?" Everypony just sat there silent, knowing not what to do. Night Shade sighed stood up and trotting away to leave but said before he left. "Hey it's okay, what happens, happens. Go ahead and confess, whatever the reason, I can understand. And I won't break your heart, I'll accept it to whoever here has the crush. See ya." he gave them all a wink and he left leaving everypony speechless Fluttershy most of all. All of her friends squeed and smiled at Fluttershy who just buried her face with her hooves, with a crimson color on her face. "Fluttershy darling you have a chance. He will accept you, can't you tell him on your own." said Rarity "I...well... I don't know how... can you girls help me...please?" "Sure Fluttershy, I'll see if T and I can help arrange a date for you two at The Tea House." said Twilight "Yea, you're dates gonna be radical, we'll make it the best date ever." said Rainbow As Night Shade walked out he noticed that Celestia's sun was setting and Luna's moon was rising. "Guess it's that time of day ah? Guess I can still use what I learned back at Neighon" Night Shade ran directly towards a building, not stopping and climbed up using his hookblade and hoof to climb up the building till he reached the top. He ran around Ponyville traveling by rooftop with his hood up and a small mask covering his lower face to hide his identity. Nopony saw him, or even notice him, not even the pegasi of Ponyville could see Night Shade, he was a master of stealth and camouflage. It was night he watched Sugar Cube Corner as he saw his friends leave, he eyed on Fluttershy the most, something didn't feel right, Fluttershy was trotting quite fast. Night Shade could see a black pony following her, Fluttershy ran towards an alleyway, then boom dead end, she was trapped. Go figure huh? "NO PLEASE STAY AWAY!!!" Begged Fluttershy "Gimme all your bits and I'll leave you unharmed" the pony said as he approached her. He pulled out a knife and grabbed her hoof. "NO PLEASE" Fluttershy begged. She escaped the mugger's grasped and bucked him HARD in the face sending him flying against a couple of trash cans. Suddenly 2 more ponies appeared with the mugger, they both had knifes in the hooves. They both approached Fluttershy. She hid her face behind her hooves, Night Shade couldn't stand for this. Night Shade jumped off the roof popping out his blade from his vambrace landing on top of one of the ponies stabbing them in the neck. The other pony approached Night Shade swinging his knife at him, Night shade blocked it with his left hoof and stabbed his face through his skull with his blade pushing his head against the ground with his hoof. The pony that Fluttershy bucked stood in shock at what just happened. He tried to flew but Night Shade pointed out his hoof and fire blew out of his vambrace making a 'BANG' sound from his hooves. The Pony laid there on the ground, bleeding and suffering from the pain he went through. Night Shade approached the suffering mugger. "So killing his your answer for money huh? What you've done was wrong but nopony deserves to have what you did to poor Fluttershy. Tell me why did you do this, are you a pup or just a poor Rokudenashi trying to control life and greed." "Buck You" the mugger said "May your foul roads lead you to not to suffer, but to find your own world and peace within." Night Shade said as he stabbed his neck and closed his eyes saying "Yasuraka ni nemuru." in his language. Night Shade turned around to leave but found that Fluttershy was staring at him in shock. Fluttershy just stared, she didn't know who this mysterious hero or murderer was but he looked familiar. Night Shade quickly galloped towards a building, climbed off and ran away. Fluttershy flew up and yelled out "WAIT WHO ARE YOU?"Night Shade turned around and screamed. "I"M THE SILENT SHADOW"" Fluttershy heard from a distance, then poof he was gone. Other ponies ran outside responding to the bang and found Fluttershy with the three dead bodies. Night Shade had arrived to his house, he walked inside and took off his hood mask. He popped out his blade and cleaned it with a cloth to prevent it from rusting. Night Shade heavily sighed "Just like old times." he said and he went to bed. ---------------------- The next morning arrived. A knock was made on Night Shade's door, he opened it to see that there was a gray mare with a blond mane holding a box in front of him, it was Ditzy Doo. "Ahh ohaiyou gozaimasu Ditzy. What brings you here." "Special delivery." she handed him the box "Please sign here." she said as she held out a clipboard, Night Shade happily signed it. He also saw another pony fly by throwing a newspaper, Night Shade caught it with his mouth and waved goodbye to the newspaper colt. Inside he put the box and newspaper on his table, the box was small and taped, he cut it open only to find a note and a small pink leaved tree. Night Shade retrieved the note, it said To my Shō otōto this is your aniki Raiuchi. I am wondering how you are in Equestria. Mother and Father are missing you very much and proud of you that you moved to live your life. We thought you might have gotten homesick. So if you are, we have you a small Sakura tree. Your Aniki - Raiuchi. PS- If you need help, I have a dragon friend and a changeling in the Badlands who is like Us. His name is Scales, and he has a nick name like us, the dragon is referred to as the The Night Stalker, and the changeling is referred to as Camouflage. I told them about you and they remember who you are, if you ever need his help blow this whistle and they'll come right away. Night Shade felt a small tear come from his eye he took the sakura tree and newspaper out to his front yard. He dug a small hole and planted his Sakura tree. Night Shade was relaxed and sat down on a bench in his front yard reading the newspaper. His eyes widened as he saw the front article, The Silent Shadow. -------------------- Last night, 3 ponies were found dead in an alleyway. They were known as a notorious gang called The Pack. 2 were stabbed while one had an unusual wound on his chest which is still to be yet confirmed. The murderer was claimed to be a hero by the wittiness who was being attacked by The Pack. he said his same was "The Silent Shadow" according to our wittiness. The hero was claimed to have a weapon that pops out of one's hooves. The hero was also described to have a black hoodie and face mask to cover his identity. Unlike Mare Do Well, this hero is would also be considered a villain. Ponies think him as a bad guy do to killing The Pack, with no reasoning skills or anything. Our wittiness has also said that he killed them without hesitation, and can also travel by the rooftops of Ponyville. Stay tune for more upcoming events. Night Shade gave a small grin and said "Just like old times" he repeated as he crumbled up the news paper and trotted to Ponyville. "Hopefully it doesn't happen again but, just in case, I'll keep wearing it." he said as he trotted off back to Ponyville. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Night Shade was trotting towards to Fluttershy's house, to check up on her after what happened last night. As he trotted he came upon Fluttershy's house, though the strangest part was, all of the windows were boarded as well as her front door. Night Shade was concerned for Fluttershy, he needed to act quick and fast before she would do something drastic. He walked up to the front to and knocked. *knock knock knock* "GO AWAY! I DON'T WANT TO FACE ANYMORE DANGER LIKE THOSE PREVIOUS PONIES!" screamed Fluttershy. "Fluttershy why are you in there? Come on out." "NO NOPONY CAN DIE ANYMORE. NOW THAT I'M SECURE I WON"T CAUSE THAT SILENT SHADOW PONY TO COME AND KILL ANYMORE." Night Shade needed to help her, he popped out his hook and ripped off the boards barricading her front door. He then popped out his blade and picked Fluttershy's lock. *Click* The door pops open but stops, Night Shade looked down to find the same white rabbit who threw the plate at Night Shade. The rabbit looked at Night Shade sweating bullets, he nodded to Night Shade who nodded back and let him in. As he walked in he could feel that most of the floor was wet and flooded with tears of his friend. He found Fluttershy sobbing to herself in a corner, Night Shade walked up to her and picked up her head and faced it towards his. Her eyes were drooped, red, and still had some tears in them, but her eyes weren't the only thing that was red, her cheeks turned red as well. "Fluttershy look at me. You couldn't have cause any of this. Anypony could have been their target, it could have been Twilight, Rainbow, even Rarity, you were just some normal regular target for them. It's not your fault, you can't blame yourself for everything that happens. Now repeat after me, It's not my fault. "*Sniff* I-I-Its n-not my fault" Fluttershy softly said as she repeated what Night Shade wanted her to repeat. "Louder" "It's not my fault" She repeated "Again, and say it like you mean it!" Fluttershy led out a enormous gasp and yelled at the top of her lungs. "IT"S NOT MY FAULT!!!" Fluttershy softly said doing the opposite that Night Shade wanted her to do. *Meanwhile in Night Shade's head" OK. That is probably the cutest thing I have ever heard, but still. Aaaaaaand back to reality! Night Shade dropped his head down in disappointment and heavily sighed. "To loud?" Fluttershy asked Night Shade chuckled, not that he was disappointed but it's that it doesn't matter, at least she stood up and rose from her tears. "Well no, it's alright at least your getting better. Also I've noticed you being really red lately." Night Shade smirked as Fluttershy turned as red as a phoenix. "See what I mean.....wait.....Fluttershy do you have a crush on me?" Fluttershy was frozen, like literally frozen with fear, she was breathing heavily, in panic she was sweating like bullets, Inside her mind plagued too many bad ideas. Ohh what should I do? Should I tell him? NO! He'll reject me. Should I reject him? NO! He is the nicest stallion I've met. ohh what should I- Fluttershy was interrupted, Night Shade had collided his lips with hers. Fluttershy couldn't believe it, she was kissing the stallion she liked NO wait....loved with her lips. Fluttershy accepted his kiss and wrapped her hooves around his neck pulling him in into a more passionate kiss. It lasted for a few seconds, maybe a whole minute? Neither of them didn't care, they just went ahead and went with it. They finally broke their kiss, they looked at each others eyes, sparkling like Luna's stars. "I'm glad you chose me." Night Shade confessed. "And to be honest, when I saw you, I felt like I wanted to live with you." "And I'm glad that you found me" Fluttershy said They both sat down on Fluttershy's couch. "So... when should we tell the others?" "I um...think that we could tell them tomorrow? Um...if you want...to?" "I think that's a great idea." exclaimed Night Shade. "Well for the mean time why don't we get to know each other?" "Well what about you? I know that you're from Neighsia and very athletic because I saw you climbing and jump from tree to tree yesterday, but that's all I know about you." "Well, I am part of a...certain...group that helps ponies." "Stop ponies, that's incredible of you, your parents must be proud of you." "Heh" Night Shade chuckled "They sure are, especially my father." "Where do you work Night Shade?" "I work at The Tea House with your friend Twilight's boyfriend Tea n' Tea." "So what about you Fluttershy?" asked Night Shade "Well I am a animal care taker, I take care of my animals and I babysit other ponies' pets, which is also my job. I also have my own pet named Angle bunny, he's a bunny, have you two met?" "Eh...yea...he threw a plate at me." "Whaaaaat!?" Fluttershy turned her head towards Angle who was tiptoeing away but was stopped by Fluttershy. Her eyes widened as she starred at Angel who was frozen like an ice sculptor. "Angle Bunny, you threw a plate at him? You better apologize to him right now." Angel gulped, hopped towards and bowed his head in apology. "Uh...Ī nda yo, It's okay Angel, just think before you act next time. I know you are willing to become Fluttershy's guardian angel but if you protect her for too long, you might loose her forever. Think about it." Angel gave a long hard thought, he hopped towards Night Shade's front hoof and hugged it, giving him his trust. For the rest of the day the two hung out and chatted. When night struck, Night Shade had to leave to begin his... business. We walked out and waved his goodbyes to Fluttershy. He quickly put on his hood and mask and galloped off to Ponyville, except what he didn't see is that Fluttershy noticed him putting on his hood. Wait...that hood... is he the Silent Shadow? No he can't be that hero from last night. can he? It was night and The Silent Shadow was galloping upon the rooftops of Ponyville. During this night he has stopped about 3 thiefs and has only killed one mugger. It was slow under Luna's light, until he saw Twilight Sparkle running away from what looked liked to be 2 muggers, a pegasus and an earth pony both in black clothing, hiding their faces. Twilight Sparkle was cornered by the two black ponies ambushing Twilight. Night Shade jumped in front of the 2 mugger ponies popping out his hidden blade. "NOW!" screamed Twilight "Huh?" Night Shade was confused but didn't have enough time to react. A rope was camouflaged to match the color of the ground was snared wrapping around all of his hooves separately. Then a small metal cuff was attached to Night Shade's horn, his magic was useless now. The two black ponies revealed themselves and turns out it was Applejack and Rainbow Dash. "Alright girls let's unmask him." said Twilight NO!!! Night Shade thought, he can't have his friends in Ponyville unmask him, Twilight's hoof was a few inches away from Night Shade's hood. He was close to his doom. Suddenly in a flash a green light flashed upon Rainbow Dash, revealing a black and green hooded pony with bug like wings. Night Shade looked closely and realized he had a hidden blade on his front hoof. It was Camouflage, his changeling friend. Camouflage pointed his vambrace out and shot a dart at Applejack's neck which made her fall to the ground, he also shot one towards Twilight but she caught it with her magic. Camouflage then cut the rope off of Night Shade releasing him from his prison. The two hooded ponies both gave a nod and a smirk to each other. "Oh no you Don't!!!" Exclaimed Twilight Camouflage then threw down a small sphere object, with a fuse. *tick* *tick* *tick* *PHOOOFFFFF* Suddenly black smoke covered the entire area leaving Twilight temporarily blind. After a few seconds of wondering around the black smoke cleared up and the 2 hooded ponies were gone. "Dang it" said Twilight Night Shade and Camouflage both arrived at Night Shade's house, panting from escaping his friends. "So...you're Camouflage is that right?" "Yea. nice to see you Yami." "Quiet you know I hate that language name of yours." he chuckled removing his hood. He was a changeling, but a changeling who defies Chysalis' rule in any way. He was a special changeling, he could not only feed of love, but in other emotions, like fun, fear, and laughter, though was shunned by his hive for being different. "And you can call me Camo if you wan't." "Aight Camo, so how did you find me?" "I followed you." Camo answered flatly "Wait, those darts were they poi-" "Tranquilizers." Camo interrupted "Aaaaand what did you do with the real Rainbow Dash?" "Tranquilized her in her cloud home, made her feel like she was sleeping to forget the plan." "Figures we never target civilians......... hey, can you do something for me?" "Sure what is it?" Camo raised an eyebrow "Send word to my brother, if he can, can you tell him that I could use hawkeye vision lens, and an Amareican hidden hookblade. I know it's a lot to ask, but it could come in handy." "You do know that an amareican hidden blade is hard to use, it's the only hidden blade for unicorns specifically. But I can try, remember no promises. Anything else?" "A tomohawk, again from Amareica" "Ok, how will you pay me, my brother is blade?" "Well Ponyville is rich in....your source of food." Night Shade persuaded "Deal. It'll take about a week or 2." "Take your time." "Remember to think before you act Silent Shadow, you nearly faced the public. I can see why you would need hawkeye lens. But still 'Think before you act.'" And with that Camo left and headed for the nearest airship. Night Shade went off to bed, his mind was plaguing with worries. He was so close to loosing his friends in Ponyville, he had to tell them eventually, but when he asked himself. "Next time. I gotta be more careful" he said as he drifted off to sleep. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 *quick note: hey guys author here, I got a question for ya'll. What would you do or sacrifice to keep a speical someone or pony you love? Think about that." The next morning came and Night Shade was too groggy after last night's capture. He didn't want to feel like getting up, so we fell back asleep on his bed. It felt like hours, days, maybe years, but he eventually woke up to that same day. He looked upon his clock and found out that it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Dayumm. His stomach gave a great big growl, seeing as he hasn't eaten in hours, he decided to just have some bread and butter. Though to him it was recommended by Fluttershy, he has never tried it at Neighsia. He toasted his bread and spread his butter on his toast. *munch*...............*chew*................*chew*.................*HURRRGGGPP* Night Shade's mouth was distasteful, he levitated his blade of bread and butter, walked out his door and threw the plate to who knows where. "AND STAY OUT!!!" he exclaimed. Though without being careful he could see that Twilight Sparkle was outside on his was nearly got hit by his plate."GAAHH......... eh Sorry Twilight." Twilight glared at him making him more nervous. He looked to his left and saw Ponyville's latest news talking about Him, it was the perfect distraction. "Sooooooo, Twilight how 'bout that Silent Shadow stallion last night huh?" he stalled "Well last night Applejack, Rainbow, and I tried to capture him and unmask him last night." "And how did that turn out?" Twilight's ears drooped down in utter failure. "We lost him." she said in gloom "How'd he get away?" "Well we had a rope trap set up so that we could capture him and unmask him. But things went haywire when it turns the Rainbow Dash with us, was a changeling and he set The Silent Shadow free. He had some darts that made AJ faint, At first I thought it was poison but it turns out, they were tranquilizers." she explained the whole situation "What about the real Rainbow Dash." "We found her sleeping in her home, at first AJ and I were furious but we found the same tranquilizer in her neck, so my guess is that, his changeling friend stalked us and heard about our plan. He used Rainbow Dash's nap time as an opportunity and tranquilized her in her sleep just to extend her nap time." Twilight rubbed her head all confused. "Arrrgghh, why does this guy kill?" "Well from the papers and his victims, he only killed muggers. So maybe he's trying to rid Ponyville's crime. Back in Neighhon, my empire would not reason with the enemy, they thought of it useless, seeings as they would never give it or up, if we let them go or if they serve their charges. So they would execute them causing less crime and innocent deaths in my country." he explained "Well I"... before Twilight could counter his explanation he had a point. "But what if an innocent pony is blamed?" "Then we the victim will be put in court. Investigators would find proof and evidence to see of the victim is innocent or guilty. If they're innocent they live, if guilty-" Night Shade made a line on his neck. Twilight Sparkle gulped in fear. "That place must have been scary, did you loose anypony there?" "I lost my Chīsana kyōdai, my small brother." "Oh I'm so sorry." "No don't he disrespected our family, he stole, beaten, and even killed ponies, he was a high amounted criminal, he deserved it, he didn't care for nopony." "How do you know he didn't care for nopony?" "He's killed foals, colts, mares, fillies, griffons, you name it, his worst kill was a newborn foal." Night Shade said deeply "Well was he ever innocent?" Twilight suggested "No, like I explained before, my country had all of the evidence, to this day we still don't know why he killed so many, but I'd rather not find out." Twilight was now fearing Night Shade, she never thought his country would be merciless. They arrived at Fluttershy's house, Fluttershy was tending to her animals, Twilight sparkled called her out and she flew over joining Night Shade and Twilight. "So, Twilight, why is it that you wanted to come visit me?" Night Shade asked "Eh...well Night Shade, we were wondering if you wanted to come with us to dinner at Sugar Cube Corner." "Whats the occasion?" "Well T and I are going on a date, and our reservation was four ponies but our two other guests were busy, we were wondering if you and Fluttershy could go with us." Night Shade and Fluttershy both looked at each other, they nodded and turned to Twilight. "Sure" they both answered simultaneously. Twilight's eyes widened, especially at Fluttershy's answer, she didn't hesitate or nothing. "Eh!?!?.....Fluttershy...are you okay?" Asked Twilight "Twilight, Fluttershy confessed her feelings to me yesterday and before you ask, yes we kissed. Tt was kind of obvious to me that Fluttershy had a crush on me, no offense Fluttershy." he apologized "None taken." "But I overheard your plans on a date, plus I noticed how red Fluttershy's cheeks always turned scarlet when she sees me. Though I have one question about our double date." "What is it?" Twilight raised an eyebrow "What about Pinkie. If she finds out, she'll throw a huge party and I don't think I would like some huge party on mine and Fluttershy's date." "I agree" agreed Fluttershy "I'll talk to Pinkie about it. Hopefully for the love of Celestia she'll understand." "I already do." Suddenly Pinkie Pie popped out of Celestia doesn't know where and jumped into action. Everypony jumped as she heard their double date plan. "Don't worry Fluttershy, I'll be as normal as possible, I'll make it as fancy as possible, I'll make it as amazing as possible, I'll make it as MRRRHHHBB!?!?!?" Pinkie was interrupted as Twilight stuck her hoof in her mouth to shut the buck up. "Pinkie we get it." Twilight said as she let go of her mouth. "Okie Dokie Lokie." and with that she zoomed off. -------------------- At that night Night Shade was getting ready for his double date night. He put on a fancy red tie and white collar, he then reached out for his hidden blade but was hit by a flying knife. He looked at his window noticing Camo was there holding a black box. Night Shade shook his head with a grin. "Dammit Camo" he heavily sighed in relief, least it wasn't an assassin. Night Shade eyeballed on the box Camo was holding, curios on what was inside. "Hey Camo, whats in the box?" "Your new blade. By the way, you won't need your old blade anymore, soooo I'll just..." Camo took Night Shade's previous hidden blade and placed it in his saddlebag. "What?" Night Shade reacted looking at him with confusion. "I thought it would take you a few weeks." "Well here's the story. I was traveling through the Badlands until I found you know who." "Night Stalker." Night Shade figured "Yep, apparently he had a Amareican hidden hook blade. He didn't need it since he ain't got magic, so he gave it to me, and then I give it to you, Simple as that." Camo handed Night Shade his newly made hidden blade. "Now remember, this blade was specifically made for unicorns, you gotta concentrate your magic on the blade making it turn vertical, you'll be able to kill your targets by stabbing them, though when the blade is in that position you'll be unable to cast any spells until you release the blade's position. The reason is because you need to continuously use magic on it, this blade's turning ability is like a spring. Got it?" Night Shade nodded in understandment, he pulled out his blade and concentrated his magic on the blade making an small click noise and the blade turned down like a wheel and held in place. He waved his hoof around in a jabbing motion and retracted his blade. He also popped out his hook blade, no changes only that the hook was made with ebony metal making a much stronger and tighter grip. "Thanks Camo.........wait.... what about my hawkeye lens?" "Well I'm still looking for those, but at least you have this right?" "Yea, again thanks for the new blade." "Anything for a fellow friend in darkness. Ciao" And with that the changeling vanished in the like dust. Night Shade looked closely at his beautiful new blade, shiny like Luna's moon. *GONG* *GONG* *GONG* EH!Night Shade quickly looked at his grandfather clock, the time was 9 o'clock. He only had half an hour left o get ready. He quickly adjusted his tie and put on his straw hat and ran outside towards Fluttershy's house. With time to spare he arrived at Fluttershy's house and knocked on her door. "Coming, just wait a little bit." said Fluttershy Fluttershy opened the door and Night Shade was blind by how beautiful she looked. "Eh....eh...." Night Shade was speechless, she was more beautiful as Celestia's sun and Luna's moon combined. Fluttershy turned bright red and hit behind her hoof, embarrassed as Night Shade continued to look at her. "Um...if you don't like it... I'll change into something else." "NO! I mean...no I'm sorry. It's just that your...wow...just wow... there are no words to describe how beautiful you are." Fluttershy turned scarlet, she hid her face behind her hooves even more embarrassed. She giggled and put her hooves away from her face. Night Shade offered his hoof and they both walked towards Sugar Cube Corner. On their way Night Shade noticed about 10 maybe 20 ponies dressing in black suits in a nearby alleyway, he ignored it and continued walking towards Sugar Cube Corner. As they arrived they find Pinkie Pie who was dressed as a waiter and had a fake mustache on, led the couple to a table with T and Twilight. "Hey you two." Night Shade said "Heeeeey" they both said simultaneously They sat chat and ate their dinner, for the rest of the night they just well chatted and- "Wow Mr. Author you gotta be better then that!!!" Eh... Moving on. As they chatted Night Shade couldn't help but feel something wrong. He looked around the room and found multiple shaded ponies around the windows, as if they were trying to break in. Robbers Night Shade thought, he got up to talk to Pinkie. "Pinkie." "Hm? Oh yes Night Shade." "I need you to-" "WAIT!" Interrupted Pinkie. She gave a small burb and widened her eyes in fear. "Oh no." "Pinkie what's wrong." Night Shade was confused for Pinkie being random. "I gave a small burb that means something bad is going to happen." And right on que, the same ponies in black broke through the windows, ceilings, and front door all with swords. Everypony gave a scream and tried to runaway but was stopped by the black dressed ponies. A customer mare tried to run through the robbers but was cut by a one of the ponies leaving her in pain. "All Right everypony, give us all of your money and we'll leave you unharmed." A black pony with a red crown tattoo on his neck. Everypony became silent "No? Okay boys, take hostages." he commanded. Night Shade feared for the worst, he saw 2 ponies come after him. He punched one in the face leaving him out cold and jumped bucking the other one in the face midair and landed on his back sending the other flying out the window. He needed to think fast but he couldn't use his blade, not now, not with his friends. "NO STAY AWAY!!! HELP!!!" Night Shade turned his head to see that the thugs were approaching Fluttershy, she slapped a hoof away from a thug , the thug became enraged and slapped her back. This twisted Night Shade's mind, he galloped towards the pony the slapped her, popped out his blade and stabbed him through the neck in front of everypony. Everypony looked at him with shock seeing at what he had just done. "Pinkie take everypony to a safe room and lock the door until you hear silence." Pinkie gave a nod and took everypony upstairs. "Who the hay are you?" asked the red tattooed pony. "I'm The Silent Shadow." Everypony became Silent. The truth had been revealed. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 The hostages were safe and Night Shade was left alone with about 18 more pony thugs left to kill. One thug came at him directly but Night Shade slid both of his hind legs at his target making him fall on his back making Night Shade pop his hidden blade into vertical position and slammed his blade into the thugs throat. 2 more thugs came at him from different directions with daggers around their hoofs. The thug on his right was about to stab Night Shade's head, but he ducked making the thug stab his buddy in the neck killing him, Night Shade quickly got up re-positioned his blade and stabbed the thug through the skull. Night Shade turned around and quickly found a barrel full of Applejack's cider, he ran disconnected it from the wall and threw it towards a group of 10 thugs, Night shade quickly readied his hoof and fired at the barrel causing a mass explosion of flames burning 11 thugs to death. With 5 remaining left They all charged towards Night Shade, Night Shade had to react quickly, he looked around and grabbed an entire table and bucked it making it sliding towards the thugs making them all trip, one of them had a knife which flew off his hoof, when he landed he opened his eyes and only saw white, his knife fell straight in his face. 4 remained, 3 of them charged towards Night Shade. Night Shade popped out his hook blade and pulled a dead pony using it as a shield, it blocked off all of the stabs and Night Shade shrouded the dead body with magic and flung it towards the 3 thugs causing them to fall stuck on the ground. Night Shade reacted quickly and stabbed all 3 of the thugs, dead. The last thug pony was presumed the leader, indicating the red crown tattoo on his neck. The leader was sick inside his gut, all of his thugs were dead, easily killed, and the worst part, The Silent Shadow had no scratches on him. He ran outside but as soon as he did, Camo approached from the rooftop and stabbed the leader in the chest leaving him partially alive. Night Shade walked outside towards the injured leader. He looked at him, giving him a nod. The leader understood, and he took out a dagger and stabbed himself in the neck. Night Shade again nodded to him and released these words from his mouth. "Yasuraka ni nemuru." And with that he closed his eyes, giving him peace. Camo nodded towards Night Shade and left without saying a word. Night Shade walked back inside Sugar Cube Corner, he looked at all of the dead ponies because of his actions. He grabbed his straw hat and shouted "Everypony It's safe, you can come out now." he announced. Upstairs everypony heard Night Shade's announcement and walked down the stairs. The horrors were unimaginable to everypony, Mr. Cake even threw up at the dead corpses that lay before him. Fluttershy approached forward seeing Night Shade covered in blood and with a hidden blade out of his hoof. Night Shade saw Fluttershy, she was in tears, he slowly shook his head and slipped out a small tear. "I'm sorry" he said and he galloped away, towards his house. Twilight saw the hidden blade as soon as he left. "So he was him this whole time. Night Shade is The Silent Shadow. I can't believe it, he killed all of those ponies without hesitation." Twilight took Fluttershy home to help her in her pain, everypony else went home in safety. Mr. and Mrs. Cake called the police telling them the whole situation. Fluttershy was heart broken, her love was a murderer, he lied to her, and he had been the perfect stallion for her, but now it's all gone. Night Shade arrived at his house, and inside was waiting a medium sized dragon with dark blue scales and red eyes. "So Night Stalker, it's really you, after years and years... it's good to see ya." "So I heard about the massacre at Sugar Cube Corner, nice job." "Don't torture me Night Stalker. I just.......I just betrayed my friends. I need some time alone, I need to disappear, care to help?" Night Stalker nodded in agreement "What's the plan?" "Get some cider, we need to get rid of any evidence, let me pack up a few things, you got a place in the Badlands?" "Yea... I got some space." In a matter of hours Night Shade had packed a wagon with most of his items, Night Stalker drenched the whole house in cider, dawn was rising and Night Shade needed to make one final move. "Night Stalker, can I use your sword?" "Of course, it's your funeral." Night Stalker handed him his sword, Night Shade took the sword in his mouth and stuck in in the ground blade first. He then took his straw hat and placed it on the handle of the sword. Night Shade took a moment of silence remembering his friends and actions, he faced towards Night Stalker. "Do it." Night Stalker nodded and with one breath, the entire house was engulfed in flames leaving no trace of Night Shade. "lets go" he said as they left for the Badlands. -------------------- Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy were all traveling towards Night Shade's house. "I can't believe he was the Silent Shadow this whole time." said Twilight "When I find him, I'll make him wish he wasn't the Silent Shadow." Rainbow angrily announced "You and me both Rainbow" Followed Applejack "Fluttershy darling, are you okay? You don't have to come if you don't want to." Fluttershy was silent, her eyes were red, she hadn't had any sleep at all, she had been crying all night. The ponies arrived at Night Shade's house. Which was but a pile of ash, debris, and ruin. Everypony was shocked to find this, the beams were broken, burn, while the trees around his house were destroyed. Fluttershy found a sword stuck in the ground, she slowly walked towards the sword and found Night Shade's straw hat. She looked at the end of the blade and found a note stuck to it. Twilight separated the note from the sword. My Friends, If you are reading this then I am dead, I couldn't face myself with you girls. I know I shouldn't have lied to all of you, especially you Fluttershy. If you are still wondering, yes I am the Silent Shadow, I didn't do it on purpose but I felt like Ponyville needed justice. Though I can't hold power in hooves that don't know power. I did this not only to protect Ponyville but to protect my friends. I burned anything that i may own, please leave that sword as it's final resting place for me, as for my hat, somepony needs to care for a lost soul. Your friend Night Shade and Sayōnara. Fluttershy couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe he was dead. Her friends walked her home, she cried and cried, she was now alone and lost her special somepony. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 It has been 2 months since Night Shade's departure, Fluttershy was still in grief due to his suicide. She hadn't seen any other stallion, she stayed true to her hero, she stilled believed that he was still alive, like a widow except she cried almost every single day, literally. Her friends were always there for her, she was grateful to at least have them, her best friends. Fluttershy was outside doing her daily routine, feeding her animals and taking care of them. She had decided to visit Twilight and her friends to check up on their pets, but first she needed to pay her respects. She walked into the opposite direction of Ponyville towards a ruined remains of what used to be a house. There lied a lone sword with a cone straw hat, Fluttershy walked towards the sword, she whispered a few words paying her respects and let out a few tears. She wiped them off with her hoof and started walked towards Ponyville. Fluttershy had arrived in Ponyville, she was with all of her friends that were there to make her feel any better. They went to Sugar Cube Corner to have lunch. "So Fluttershy how are you?" Asked her dearest friend Rainbow Dash "I'm...I'm okay Rainbow, I recently paid my respects." "Now why would you do that, after he lied to us!?" shouted Rainbow "Rainbow calm down, at least respect the dead he's still a pony." said Twilight "Ah you sure ya alrigh sugar cube?" asked Applejack "Yes...but, I still don't believe he's dead, my heart doesn't believe that." "Now Fluttershy darling, you need to move on." comforted Rarity "She's right y'know? I mean I had things way worse that I had to move on. Like when gummy lost his teeth, or when I failed my first cupcake batch or when-" Pinkie was interrupted by ponies screaming and running amok around Ponyville. "DRAGON!" "RUN!" "IT"S ON A RAMPAGE!!!" Fluttershy and her friends quickly ran outside to find a giant dragon breathing fire all over Ponyville causing chaos. Challenged Rainbow Dash swooped in and kick the dragon directly on his eye, causing him the be blinded on one eye. The dragon screamed in pain and swatted Rainbow causing her to clash down onto Sugar Cube Corner. All of her friends came by her side, she was unconscious from slamming into Sugar Cube Corner. The dragon was enraged from Rainbow's action, he faced towards Rainbow and her friends and fired a massive fireball towards them. Everypony jumped out of the way causing them to split apart, Twilight took Rainbow away from the fireball. "TWILIGHT!!!" Yelled a familiar pony. Twilight's ears perked up, she had recognized that voice, she turned to her right and found her coltfriend Tea 'n Tea at his house. "TWILIGHT GET YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS OVER HERE! WE CAN USE MY BASEMENT AS A BUNKER, ABOUT HALF OF PONYVILLE IS IN HERE!!!" shouted T Everypony quickly ran towards The Tea House and everypony ran inside T's basement. Everypony except Fluttershy. She was outside buried in her hooves in tears, he friends had abandoned her, she was alone again. The dragon aimed towards Fluttershy and fired another massive Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked at the fireball as it was hurdled towards her, she closed her eyes and was prepared to find him. The Fire hit, it was over. Or was it? Fluttershy opened her eyes, she had found small burn marks around her body, but in front of her she found a stallion burnt to the crisp. He had a black hood and a vambrace around his hoof, his clothes weren't burnt off, but marked with char and fire. "Fluttershy" he spoke "I am back, my note was a lie like me, but this time, it's time to make amends. CAMOUFLAGE, NIGHT STALKER LETS MOVE!." "Right!" Fluttershy found two more shadowed figures, one galloping towards the dragon and one flying towards the dragon. Fluttershy had a good sight and found that a hooded changeling and a hooded dragon were fighting the bigger dragon, the changeling used it's blade and stuck it in the dragon's bad eye, permanently blinding it. The hooded dragon blew a small fireball the size of nut at the massive dragon and inside the dragon's mouth causing him to choke and burn his throat. Fluttershy also took a good look at the stallion standing in front of her, she looked at his coat and found a familiar blackish blue coat, and a familiar vambrace around the stallions right hoof. "Night Shade?" But no, everypony thought he was dead. "Yes. It's me. Now let's get you to safety." Night Shade picked Fluttershy up, she winced in pain as Night Shade noticed a small burn on her hind leg. He carried her on his back towards The Tea House, as he reached the Tea House, he approached the basement door and pounded on the door. Twilight Sparkle slowly opened the door. "Twilight Sparkle, I believed she belongs with you." Twilight gasped in relief as she found her dear friend Fluttershy a little burnt and injured on her hind leg. Twilight and her friends cried out as they found her friend alive from the horrible monster outside. "Fluttershy we thought you were dead." said Rarity "And I thought he was dead." said Fluttershy as she slowly pointed her hoof towards Night Shade. Twilight took a close look but was almost certain it was Night Shade. "Who...who are yo-" Twilight was interrupted as Night Shade slammed the door in front of Twilight's face and placed a broken stool leg between the handles preventing it from opening. "Hey let us out." screamed Rainbow Dash. Applejack bit her tail and pulled her back and shouted back at Rainbow. "Rainbow, there's nothing we can do but wait, now come on, let's huddle around and think of a plan." Outside Night Shade and his partners were giving it their all on the dragon. Night Stalker flew towards the dragon's other eye sword in hand, Night Stalker charged but was swatted by the dragon's tail and crashed right into a nearby house, the ponies inside saw the dragon and were scared. Night Stalker gave them their only chance of survival. "Quick get into The Tea House basement, it's being used as a bunker." The ponies nodded and galloped as fast as they could towards The Tea House. Night Stalker winced in pain and saw white, he was unconscious due to how hard he was hit. Camouflage flapped his bug like wings towards the dragon, he hovered a about 10 feet away from the dragons face and pointed his hoof at his eye. *BANG* Camouflage shot both of the dragon's eyes making him permanently blind, the dragon screamed in pain and breathed fire everywhere. Night Shade ducked for cover avoiding the flames, as for Camo his wings were hit causing him to hit the ground and caused him to pass out. Night Shade had no way to attack the dragon anymore, his scales acted as armor, his fire became a defense mechanism. His only choice was to attack......from the inside out. Night Shade galloped towards Town Hall and climbed up till he reached the top. He needed a way to grab the dragon's attention. "HEY TROLL BAIT!!!" The dragon didn't like Night Shade's insults, he walked towards Night Shade following his voice. "HEY PIECE OF MANURE OVER HERE YA GIANT LIZARD!!!" Night Shade kept insulting him until he got close enough, Night Shade jumped off of Town Hall and landed on the dragon's nose. The dragon shook his head trying to shake him off, but Night Shade gave it his all and climbed inside the dragons mouth. EW. Ugh DISGUSTING!!! Where the only things in Night Shade's mind as he traveled through his mouth and into his throat. He found a hole near the dragon's uvula and climbed up it using his his hook blade which was stabbing the dragon from the inside. Night Shade continued to travel through the hole and found his way into a big empty room. He looked up and found something pink, he had found the dragon's weak source, the brain. He climbed the brain also damaging it with his hook blade until he reached the top, he reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a small ball with a string. "Thanks god for neighsian black powder." he said to himself. He placed the ball on top of the dragon's brain and lit it up with his born, he quickly jumped off his brain and ducked for cover. Outside or in this case inside of T's basement everypony could hear the dragon screaming and tolerating in pain, as the dragon gave his last shout, a massive thud landed on the ground, there was a long period of silence. Twilight used her magic and teleported outside of the basement and let everypony out. Twilight and her friends all found the dragon laying on the ground covered in burns and cuts, the worst part was his red bloody eyes. Rainbow Dash flew around and found an unconscious changeling on the floor and burnt. She flew back to her friends and told them about the changeling and they followed Rainbow and she flew towards the changeling. The ponies found the injured changeling unconscious, Twilight walked up to the changeling as she squinted her eyes to get a close look. The changeling look vaguely familiar, she then found the same brace from the event with Night Shade's capture 2 months ago, she knew who this changeling was. Twilight held the changeling with magic and shook him awake. Camo woke up to finding 6 ponies caring for him, 3 were familiar, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow. "What are you doing in Ponyville?" asked Twilight "Helping somepony." "I know who you are." "And I know you Twilight Sparkle. I also know Applejack and Rainbow Dash. By the way sorry for tranquilizing you 2 months ago, on the bright side i didn't use poison." He chuckled which didn't last long when Rainbow and AJ started to beat him to a pulp. Fluttershy was thinking, does this changeling know Night Shade? She needed to know where he is. "Um excuse me... do you know where Night Shade is?" asked Fluttershy, AJ and Rainbow stopped as Fluttershy spoke with the changeling. Camo took a long good look at Fluttershy. "Ahhh now you I know. Your Fluttershy Night Shade's ex. Well if your looking for him he's inside the dragon." "WHAT!?!?" Everypony excluding Camo shouted as they heard the news. Fluttershy started the burst into tears and faced away from Camo, Rainbow wrapped her wings around her to ease her pain. "Why?" asked Rarity "Well here's the funny thing. He got eaten on purpose. Y'see we spotted the dragon wreaking havoc upon Ponyville." "We?" "Me, Night Shade, and Night Stalker over there" he said as he pointed towards the unconscious dragon. "Our plan was to blind the dragon so that Night Shade can go inside and blow up his brain, literally. By the looks of it he did it, you can tell by the blood spewing out of the dragon's ears, eyes, and nose, heh..... a beautiful sight if i do say so myself." Everypony started to hurl as they heard the changeling's foul words. "Though I don't think he's dead, he's probably trying to break out of the eye socket by now, go ahead try to break open the eye, he's probably still alive." Camo said Everypony including Camo walked towards the dead dragon, Applejack was the first to approach the dragon, she was disgusted at the gore she looked at. She walked close to the dragon's eye and bucked it breaking the lens. As soon as they broke, more liquids came spewing out causing everypony except Camo to hurl in disgust. Camo walked up to AJ putting his hoof on her shoulder and proceeded through the guts of a destroyed brain. "Silent Shadow!?" Camo called out, no response. He called out again and searched around for the unicorn. He walked around the guts for what seemed like days until he found the hoof sticking out a pile of brain guts. Camo walked towards the hoof and wrapped his hoof around it bringing it up, upon the hoof was a Night Shade completely covered in blood and brain guts. Night Shade was not responding, he need's air. Camo carried him on his back outside through the eye and out into the fresh air. He brought Night Shade out and put him on the ground. Fluttershy and the others came to find Night Shade covered in blood. Fluttershy quickly galloped towards Night Shade, she knelt down and looked at his dead face. She hugged his dead body and let out tears, all over Ponyville heard of the hero's death, local peagsi came and placed some storm clouds around Night Shade, making it appropriate. Night Shade woke to being hit in the head repeatedly, he found himself levitating without magic, he found himself in a white room with one pony with a light grey coat with a black mane. "Hello Otōto, I came to tell you your fate." "Chīsana kyōdai, small brother, it's really you, Swift Wing." "Otōto you know why I murdered too many? Well I was like you, fell in love with a mare, and she became my marefriend." "What happened next." questioned Night Shade "Well like you we were attacked, thugs assaulted her and I didn't hesitate, I killed the thugs with my hidden blade, she hated me for becoming a murderer. So I thought I would impress were with death, but it filled me with inner rage and a hunger for blood lust. I still regret those days." "So what is my fate?" asked Night Shade "I'll give you life, I don't wan't my favorite brother to die with a mare that still loves him." With the step of his hooves Night Shade disintegrated. He slowly opened his eyes and found himself awake with water all over his chest. He moved his eyes down to find a pink mane and yellow coat, it was Fluttershy. She let out a broken damn onto Night Shade's chest. Fluttershy kept sobbing onto Night Shade's chest until she paused and whispered to his ear. "I love you Night Shade." Night Shade slowly lifted his hoof with as much strength as he had and brought it to Fluttershy's cheek. Fluttershy opened her eyes to find Night Shade alive, injured but alive. Night Shade then wrapped both of his hooves around Fluttershy and brought her in for a kiss, Fluttershy gave became more assertive and made it a more passionate kiss. Everypony watched as they "Awwwww"ed and "Daawwwwww"ed as they saw the broken heart, reattached. Night Shade was the first to break the kiss. "I love you too Fluttershy, and I'm sorry." "I forgive you." "What you say, lets start again?" Fluttershy giggled. "Yes I would love that." Fin > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue 4 months had passed, Night Shade was with Fluttershy after so long. They have finally regained their love for each other. Night Stalker, and Camouflage decided to live in Ponyville, in secret from the princess. They both became the secret police in Ponyville using reasonable force, they only killed if they have to choice. Night Shade joins them when he has time, and or if he is asked for help. Spike had become affiliated with Night Stalker and had been training and learning what it takes to get dragon wings. Camouflage was hard to find, his persona spells became difficult to find, except for Night Shade. Night Shade was greeted personally by the princess and was awarded with a medal of honor, but he rejected the medal asking to be infamous. He wouldn't want anything else. "Night Shade can we talk?" asked Fluttershy with a worried look on her face. "Yes Fluttershy?" "I...um...brought a visitor, he's going to stay with us for a while, you'll probably not going to like him but please give him a chance." Night Shade nodded agreeing to Fluttershy's plea. "Ok you can come in now." shouted Fluttershy There was a sudden bright light in the middle of Fluttershy's living room. A tall mutated like figure stood tall in front of Fluttershy. "Ah why thank you Fluttershy I-" The tall figure was cut off when he looked at Night Shade with a death like glare staring at him. "Hold on who are you?" he said pointing his finger at him? "Night Shade. I know you, but to make sure i'm not dreaming, identify yourself." "Well here's one hint." he said as he snapped his fingers causing fireworks to burst out of nowhere. "Chaos!"