> Dear Diary > by BananaFudgeSundae > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sweetie Belle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary Today i pulled a really funny prank on my sister Rarity, i replaced her shampoo bottle with pink hair dye and her throat spray with helium. This may seem like a mean thing to do, but she deserves it after what she did to me yesterday. So it was cold and i could not find my hat i normally wear on cold days, so she made me wear this old pink one with fuzzy bunny ears on it. It was sooooo embarrassing, everyone including my so called two best friends were laughing at me. Anyway i got up a bit earlier then usual to make the switches, then went downstairs to have breakfast. At around half past seven i hear her scream and she ran downstairs to confront me. "Sweetie Belle, what have you done?" she asked me in a really high pitch tone. It reminded me of those talking chipmunks from one of my favorite cartoon shows, and i fell of my chair laughing. Her fur and mane was now pink as well, so much so that one might mistake her as a relative of that party crazy friend of hers. She spent the good part of the next hour and a half trying to wash off the dye and drink water to cure her voice, all the while swearing in that high pitched sound that made me laugh even more. Eventually she gave up and went to see if her nerdy friend Twilight could help, but she gave me a dirty look and swore she would get back at me before she left. That would have left me worried, but the way it sounded when she said it was more comedic then scary. By the time i got back from school she was back to normal and no longer mad it seems, she even got me a new green hat to make up for yesterday. The hat seems a bit itchy but i think that may just be me getting used to it, i'm sure it will be gone by tomorrow. Anyway i better go finish my homework for school, math is soooooo boring. But first i need a shower because for some reason my head is still itching from that hat, i hope it's not lice. > Rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary So this morning my annoying little sister had the most atrocious idea to pull a prank on me, apparently she was still mad that I dared force her to wear a hat in the cold so she would not get sick. Ok maybe the hat looked somewhat ridicules with those bunny ears on, but she looked so precious in it and it was the only hat left her size. Anyway this morning I woke up and went about my usual morning routine, apply makeup, washing my mane, etc. After showering I went to brush my mane only to find it and the rest of my body had turned pink, not only that but somepony (I think you already know who) had emptied my throat spray bottle and replaced it with helium. I was devastated, it was THE WORST POSSIBLE THING!!!! I ran downstairs to confront the little devil, and she was laughing about it was I demanded an explanation. My voice was all messed up and I looked absolutely ridiculous. I mean pink looks well on some ponies like my dear friend Pinkie, but on a mare of my stature and disposition it looks absolutely awful. I tried everything to get it off including re-washing my mane, and drinking water to cure my throat. But whatever my little sister did it did not seem to want to go away. Finally I decided to try my friend Twilight to see if she had any magical solutions to my problems. Luckily she was able to whip up a potion with the help of her adorable dragon assistant (he is sooo cute when he crushes on me, too bad he just is not my type), and my color and voice was brought back to its normal lovely self. Of course the process took hours, and it was already early in the afternoon by the time all was said and done. I admit I felt kind of guilty having made her wear a hat that ridiculous, having to go out in public looking as I just was must have felt about the same. So I made her a new green hat just like her old one she always adored. However one does not simply let a prank like the one she pulled go un-revenged, so I also bought some itching powder and covered her hat with it. A bit un-ladylike perhaps, but as they all say, desperate times call for desperate measures. Anyway I must go now, I think I just heard Sweetie Belle come home and I can’t wait to see her face after she puts on the hat. > Princess Luna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary Tonight was Nightmare Night, and as I promised to Tia I went to look over the festivities in Ponyville. It was nice leaving the castle and Canterlot for once, but it did not go over as well as I had hoped. From the beginning everypony in attendance was frightened of me. When I showed up I offered my hoof to the ponies around as is the traditional greeting to kiss a princesses hoof upon arrival, but that all backed away from me in fear. It was… dreadful to say in the least. Twilight Sparkle, my sisters pride protegee student managed to help me win over the town’s ponies hearts eventually. It was no easy walk in the park though as they say, there was so much to learn. First she had her friend Fluttershy help me with my voice (apparently the Royal Canterlot Voice is no longer used, something of which I shall be confronting my sister about when I get back for telling me to use it). Then after that failed we figured out that the ponies for whatever odd reason like being scared, and I was able to get acceptance by being the very thing I feared would scare them away from me. After that I stayed there for a while enjoying the festivities and what not, I also helped Twilight write a letter to my sister, of which her cute little dragon assistant can apparently send to my sister with fire breath. That’s and interesting little tid-bit I shall have to keep in mind for future use. Hold on I think I just heard Tia go to bed. *** Well I just got back from Tia’s room; she was fast asleep which was perfect for my little prank. I painted a clown face on her while she slept, and added a sealing charm to it as well. I’ll be sure to take it off her though, after I feel she has been humiliated enough like I was. Anyway I've got things to attend to before lowering the moon, and seeing my sister’s reaction when she sees her face in the mirror. Hopefully she won’t be too mad at me for it, then again she deserves it.