Take to the Skies

by DamnToasty

First published

A U.S. fighter pilot on a routine recon mission is sucked into the world of Equestria. Although he may not know it, he was brought here for a purpose. The very fate of this world may rest in his hands.

Lieutenant Rodger T. Laurence, a pilot in the United States Navy, had just taken off from the USS Wasp on a routine recon mission. Mid-flight, Rodger experienced an event that he could never have imagined. Miraculously, the stunned pilot finds himself in foreign skies with no way of contacting home, and is greeted by an unexpected inhabitant of this strange new land.

Chapter 1: Foreign Skies

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Take to the Skies

Chapter 1: Foreign Skies

Written and Edited by Robertbel98

I sat restrained in my place as the Plexiglas canopy slowly lowered into its locking position. I looked around the cockpit, seeing multitudes of controls and vibrant glass panels. As I raised my head to the side of the canopy, I was greeted by a man standing on a yellow stepladder next to me.

I analyzed his uniform, seeing the name Lennox. Our eyes met as he gave me thumbs up to confirm my preparation for takeoff, and I repeated the gesture in acknowledgement.

The man slowly recedes down the ladder as he began to dismount. The man reached for a small radio strapped to his chest. He then proceeded to speak into the mic, contacting the Primary Flight Control. After several moments Lennox looked up from the radio. He raised his arm giving a thumbs up before running off the launch area.

I look forward seeing the clear skies in front of me. I took a deep breath and grasped the throttle on my left side. I exhaled right before slowly pulling the throttle forward. A loud hum from the engine was my response as I continued to pull forward. The aircraft gently inched forward, the engine creating a flurry of dust on the deck below. Using the stick on the right console I positioned the jet as it continued to accelerate. Taking one last breath I grabbed the throttle and lunged it down sending the plane flying off the side of the ship, completing the short takeoff. As I continued the craft proceeded to gain altitude.

“Tower one, eagle six is in the air for routine recon of designated AO, over,” I voiced into the com peeking from the left side of my helmet.

“Roger that, eagle six you are cleared to proceed, over.”

“Roger that, tower one, out.” The transmission ended with a slight static as I moved the com away from my face.

I glanced down to check my altitude. The dial read nine-thousand feet. Noticing this I reached over grabbing the grey rubber oxygen mask. I slowly pulled it over the bottom half of my face securing it in the two Velcro straps on the side of the helmet. I once again redirected my sight in front of me looking out the window. As far as I could see was an endless aura of blue. Beneath me the soft cloud cover blinding me from the world below. In the distance I could even discern the rim of the Earth as it emitted a slight atmospheric glow. The sight never got old.

The dial now read ten-thousand my desired altitude. I eased my back a bit just staring out at the world in front of me. I once again took a deep breath admiring the endless sea of skylight. My peace was interrupted by a strong gust of turbulence. I sat up grasping the controls and looked out the canopy then down at my radar, I was shocked at what I saw. A massive green blur encompassed the circumference of the digital screen. I looked back out of my canopy only seeing blue skies. I was hit by another sudden gust of turbulence. Something was not right.

On instinct I reached for my com moving it right next to my respirator as I began to speak.

“Tower one this eagle six. I was looking down at my radar and it’s picking up a massive storm front, but I don’t see anything out my window. Could this be possible instrumentation or are you guys picking up the same thing, over.”

No response.

“Tower one?” I was greeted by the same utter silence.

This just didn't make any sense. I was only five miles off from the carrier. The on board coms have a range far exceeding that! Once again a burst of air shook the plane this time without end. I gripped the control stick as tight as I could, as I tried to keep the jet steady. The turbulence was relentless. I watched as my aircraft shook and shuddered around me. To my utter shock surges of electricity began to run through the controls of the plane emitting a clear violet light. I felt as the surge of energy reached my hands. The burning glow seared through my gloves lightly scorching the skin. I lunged back emitting a loud yell. I clenched my teeth trying to compensate for the pain.

As I started to regain control of my body I looked down, continuing to see purple glow coat the interior of the cockpit. I redirected my sight to the joystick. The light engulfed the controls. To my surprise the stick was being held steady. The turbulence began to settle as the plane came to a complete halt, levitating ten-thousand feet in the air.

I remained shocked breathing heavily in my place, looking frantically around the cockpit trying to find some way to end this. Suddenly a blinding whit luminescence formed outside the glass panel, covering my entire vehicle including myself in a bright white aura. A soft hum sounded, and then I noticed the plane beginning to dissolve around me. I watched in horror as the same began to happen to my body. I did the only thing I could, just sat there and watched. I shut my eyes tight as the light consumed me. A loud sound almost resembling that of camera flash was the last thing I heard.


I reopened my eyes, taking a deep breath as I did. The plane was holding steady at ten-thousand feet continuing forward at its normal pace. Spastically I began feeling around my capsule checking to see if the haunting white light had stayed. I discovered that the cockpit was in an average state. No anomalies remained. I glanced down at my radar at the center of the control panel. The large green storm front that had once covered my screen now seemed to have disappeared. I sigh.

“What the hell was that?” I say to myself in an exhausted voice.

I look to my side finding the com still dangling from my helmet. I slowly pull the microphone over to my side moving it closer to my face. I take a few more breaths before speaking into it.

“Tower one, this is eagle 6, do you copy?” I was met with nothing but static on the other end.

“Son of a bitch!” I yell in frustration.

I had no idea what was going on. It was like I was isolated form the rest of the world. Out of nowhere a red flashing light followed by an evident beeping started to ring through the aircraft. Looking down at my radar the once calm screen had come to life showing a small mass advancing toward my plane, and fast. I held the throttle tight in my grip and pushed it slightly forward, sending me into a quick burst of speed. I was frantically turning in all directions trying to shake it. No matter what action I took the mysterious object kept on my tail, gaining speed as I did.

On reflex I reached for the chaff pulling the lever. A bright flurry of sparks emitted behind me remaining lit as they began to descend to the earth below. My eyes bulged as I noticed the object still continuing to gain on me.

Out of desperation I pushed the throttle even further followed by another sudden burst in speed.

“Maybe I can’t outmaneuver it, but I can definitely outrun it.”

I looked down at the airspeed indicator; the jet was right on the cusp of breaking Mach one. Still, the small object persisted.
“Dammit, this isn't getting me anywhere!"

The projectile was almost right on top of me. As it approached I realized my fate. Closing my eyes I began to pray. I remained like this for several moments, and then moments became minutes. My curiosity began to peak. I slowly opened my eyes. The aircraft was completely intact.

“This doesn't make any god damn sense it was right on top of-” I am silenced as I look outside my canopy window.

I could not believe what I was seeing. Outside my cockpit flew a cyan pegasus. I knew what to call it from my teachings of mythology while I was still in school. It was beautiful, covered in a light blue coat of fur, a rainbow mane protruding from its head and running elegantly down its back blowing in the wind. My eyes then focused on its face. Those big eyes just staring right at me, I did the same. We couldn't take our eyes off each other both washed away in a sea of confusion and astonishment.

I slowly begin to turn to face the elegant creature. Not noticing that the sleeve of my flight suit had snagged onto the throttle. I turn to it quickly, and then I was met with a massive jolt as a loud boom echoed from my jet. I zoomed away into the horizon.

Chapter 2: Clipped Wings

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Take to the Skies

Chapter 2: Clipped Wings

Written and Edited by RobertBel98

Surprised by the sudden force I was jolted back, my body pressing against the rear of the seat. I turned forward only seeing the slight vapor trails momentarily teeming off the edges of the jet’s body. I looked down at the speedometer in front of me, the dial read Mach 1.82 about three fourths past the speed of sound. I grasped the controls in an attempt to steady the hurtling jet. I gripped the joy stick tighter, feeling the massive resistance of the air building around the craft. With all my strength I pulled at the controls leading it back to its primary location. The plane now centered continued to cut through the sky, gliding through the heavens smoothly.

Suddenly, something off in the distance caught my eye. Almost as if a bolt of lightning had shot by my port side an immense flash of multi-colored light reflected off the windshield followed by a booming wave of vibration that shook the surrounding area, and almost as if to voice its confirmation of my suspicion I heard a familiar pattern of pings emitting from the jet’s air radar. I looked down at the screen once again seeing the same mysterious mass from prior to the jump. Only this time it was coming at me a lot faster. ‘This thing is just not letting up!’ I thought to myself. The air radar continued to sound as the light reflecting from the Plexiglas intensified.

My reflexes kicked in as I reached for the throttle pushing it forward. The F-35 gradually increased in speed followed by another flurry of vapor emitting from the rear of the craft. I looked back down at the air radar, and to my surprise the distance between me and the creature seemed to be increasing. With each passing scan the small mass moved further and further away from my position until it was no longer in range.

A feeling of accomplishment surged through me. This was swiftly cut short as I began to think. ‘What the hell just happened?’
“I…was literally just chased down by a mythological flying horse that could break the sound barrier.” I laughed a bit at the sound of hearing it out loud, but my comical attitude quickly dissipated.

I took a deep breath closing my eyes as I did, I rubbed one side of my temples with a free hand in an attempt to relieve some of the lingering stress. I reopened my eyelids to be reintroduced to the same unfamiliar space that surrounded me. ‘I need to forget what just happened for now and get a hold of myself, think…logically.’ I took another deep breath realizing the near impossibility of my incentive. Like it or not I had just been dealt a shit hand and it is my responsibility to work my way through it.

I lowered my head accidentally getting a look at the fuel levels. They were dropping at an alarming rate. It completely escaped my mind the speed at which I was traveling. Quickly I yanked the throttle south hoping to alleviate the dropping measurements. As the jet slowed I looked back down. The small dial had returned to a normal pace, but was still dangerously close to bottom of the circumference. I came to a realization. I could not keep this up, as much as I would like to stay in the air and remain hidden to the strange world below I need to land this craft. It was either land on foreign soil voluntarily, or crash into it forcefully. The ultimatum made my choice easier as I reached for the control stick.

“Well, here we go!” I whispered to myself as I elegantly pulled the lever up sending the aircraft into a gentle dive.

I continued to press down as the plane proceeded its decent to the alien world. A slight puff of condensation covered the windshield as I passed through the cloud layer. The wall of condensation receded as I made my way through allowing me to finally catch a glimpse of the surface of the planet. As far as the eye could see were endless plains of jungle plant life, trees jutting out along surface accompanied by an occasional rock formation sticking out among the rest. Off in the distance an immense mountain towered over the land. It seemed to form a near perfect cone ending in a fine point at the peak. It was like something out of a fairytale, but that paled in comparison to what I saw next.

As I continued my descent my view of the large mountain range expanded giving way to a gilded city hanging off the edge of the slope. It could not be seen under my respirator but my mouth went agape at the astonishing sight. I shook my head regaining focus at the task at hand.

“Alright, I need to land somewhere where there is low population. I must remain hidden as long as possible before I can properly assess the populous.” My eyes revolved in all directions scrutinizing the land for an open space to rest my craft.
Then something caught my attention. Just west of the gargantuan city beheld what seemed to be a small town. Even further I saw what looked like some type of farmland. It might not be the best cover but there is no way I can land in the forest and I don’t want to risk setting this down near any heavily populated area, it was my best option.

I pushed the controls down as the surface neared bringing the jet to a horizontal angle. I pressed forward slightly turning to face the open fields in the distance. I reexamined the plain looking for a clear area away from any crops. Where there are crops there will be workers and I don’t want to draw any unwanted attention.

Just north a patch of barren farm land made its way into my line of sight. I gestured the joystick towards the patch of land and advanced. When I was right at the cusp of the temporary landing zone I reached to my left side grabbing the thruster directional controls. I motioned the stick down. The jet began to slow to a halt, panels all around the plane opened giving way to several fans as the rotors started to spin forming an upward thrust that balanced the craft.

I redirected my sight to the luminescent screen below me showing a camera view of the land beneath. A few quick adjustments had me centered above the LZ. Looking to my right I reached for a metallic grey panel littered with several switches and dials. With the simple motion of my index finger I heard three small canopy doors open below me, the landing gear folding out into their proper position. I raised my arm and once again grasped the throttle gently pushing it further down the guided rail. The jet in turn began its vertical descent to the surface below. As the craft touched down I was greeted by an expected shaking motion. The hydraulics kicked in bringing the plane to a soft landing.

I closed the remaining gap between the throttle and the base of the lever deactivating the engine. The rotating sound of the exhaust ports began to slow as the entire vehicle finally came to a calm silence. Soon after I reached over to the side of my helmet gently removing the several Velcro straps from their current position as the gray rubber mask fell to the right. I took a deep breath closing my eyes finally free of the pressure. As I reopened my eyes I stared out in front of me continuing to breathe slowly. I remained in my seat finally having my chance to rest.

Chapter 3: First Contact

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Take to the Skies

Chapter 3: First Contact

Written and Edited by RobertBel98

I elegantly raised both arms to the sides of my helmet. My fingers pressed down firmly gripping the fiberglass shell. Slowly, I removed the weighted helmet from my skull emitting a sigh of relief as the head gear relinquished its grasp of me.

I rotated my neck in a circular motion emitting a series of popping sounds from my tense vertebrae. Taking a deep breath I directed my sight to the bottom right corner of the cockpit. There sat a small holster strapped to the wall of the canopy. In the holster rested my M9 Beretta pistol.

I grabbed the holster stripping it from the several Velcro restraints, and relocated the object over to my lap. Unbuckling the small weapon I motioned my thumb over to the clip release button pressing down as the 15 round mag fell from the pistol. Swiftly, I re-positioned my hand under the falling magazine catching it. After seeing for myself that the clip was filled to capacity, I pushed the magazine back up into the M9. Once the mag was locked in the weapon I placed my hand over the slide gripping it then pulling it back, cocking the hammer as a result.

Satisfied with the load out I strapped the M9 back into the holster. ‘You can’t be too careful.’ I thought to myself as I wrapped the gun around my left thigh.

I grabbed both sides of the canopy to provide some support as I lifted myself out of the seat. I found my balance as I stood erect in the open capsule. I then hopped out of the jet momentarily forgetting the height at witch I was elevated.
I slid down the side of the aircraft’s main body before impacting the barren farmland with a slight tumbling motion. After regaining my composure I stood back up finally catching a proper view of the world around me. Covering the entire immediate land mass I could see row after row of apple trees all dressed with seemingly symmetrical bright red apples. Even further down the hillside I could see an elegant barn house covered with intricate wood banisters and painted almost an identical color to the fruits which hung from the trees. I was even able to detect a small glimpse of the town I flew over earlier.

“God, I probably got some attention from that little display.” I mumbled to myself.

“I need to move, secure a perimeter. The last thing I want is for some alien or whatever messing with my equipment, and more importantly me.”

After saying this I placed my hand over the holster on my thigh. Opening the holster, I grasped and brought the weapon up from the waist band. I advanced heading for the tree line entering the dense forest of apple trees. Surrounding me were hundreds of the red vibrant fruits. Seeing them caused me to realize how long it had been since my last meal. The thought was instantly followed by a light grumbling from my stomach. ‘Doubt it will do much harm if I just ‘borrow’ a few’ I grinned moving for the nearest plant.

Looking up I was once again greeted by a small bushel of apples. My arm reached up grasping the lowest one. With a quick and decisive motion I twisted and plucked the fruit from the tree. My mouth opened as I brought the long awaited sustenance to my face. With a swift chomping motion I bit into the apple emitting an audible crunch. My consumption was quickly interrupted.


A loud sound echoed through the fields. I turn my head trying to locate the source.


The sound was closer this time. “What the hell is that?”


“Whatever it is it is getting way too close for comfort. I better find some form of vantage point; see what I’m dealing with.” I proceeded to retreat into the forest searching for some form of cover. A large rock jutting out of the surface catches my eye.
I advance to it moving around to the backside hiding myself away.

THUMP! It sounded almost as if it was right on top of me. Against my better judgment, curiosity overwhelms me as I slightly peek out from the rock. Seeing nothing I continue to move out of cover until…

THUMP! The nearby sound causes me to dash back behind cover. A mix of nervous breaths and skipping heartbeats flows over me. I finally regain the courage to try to look once again. Once more my head slowly bobs out from the rock only this time I did not stop myself.

My head is almost completely out of cover; my eyes turn in all directions still trying to find the source of the mysterious sound. I take one last look and finally I see it. A small creature was roaming through the forest in front of me. It was dressed with an orange coat and a tied back blonde mane. On its back were several baskets, all filled to the rim with apples. I remain in my position analyzing it. It was almost reminiscent of a small horse or pony, but different. It was shaped oddly and seemed less like an ‘animal’. The way it moved gave of some sense of intelligence. I couldn't quite understand it.

Suddenly I hear a large amount of commotion coming from the north. I felt it get closer and closer. It seemed to also grab the attention of the orange pony. Then a gust of wind pushed me back with great force. I felt like a jet engine had just been blown right in my face. I struggle to sit back up still dazed by the sudden impact. Refocusing my sight on the orange pony I see it suffered a similar reaction, and then I look up. I freeze. For what was hovering just above was the cyan Pegasus I had seen only mere minutes prior.

“Applejack I need to talk to you now!”

‘Did it just speak?!’

I stare in bewilderment as the flying Pegasus continues to converse in the all too familiar dialect.

“Oh Rainbow, yah made me drop all my apples. Yah know how much buckin it took to gather all those.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but I really need to talk to you!”

“Well alright Rainbow what’s got yah so riled up?” The blue Pegasus takes a deep breath before responding.

“I was practicing some stunts to use during my freestyle period next season at the Wonder Bolt academy when something surprised me. There was a huge flash in the sky then I felt something just zoom past me. It caught me off guard so at the time I didn't see it so I went after it!”

“Well what was it?”

“I don’t know, I was able to catch up with it and I had never seen anything like it before. It was like a flying metal bird with fire coming out of it.”

“Are yah sure you didn’t just hit your head or somethin.” The orange pony snickered.

“Applejack I’m being serious!”

“Alright sugar cube. Just doesn’t really sound all that likely.”

“I know but am sure of what I saw and get this there’s more!” The orange pony leans in as the blue Pegasus repeats the action lowering her voice to a whisper.

“When I was flying after it I managed to get alongside it and I… saw something.”

“Well what did you see?”

“When I passed by the front of it there was some kind of window. Well I could kind of see through it and there was something inside. Something that was moving.”

“Well what was it.”

“That’s the thing I still don’t know what it was. I was only able to get a brief glimpse of it before it…”

“It did what.”

“Well, it might have kind of sort of got away.” The orange pony went into a slight chuckle.

“Hey what’s so funny?!” The blue Pegasus says forming a serious expression as the other pony continues to laugh.

“Oh nothin, just seems like you finally found somepony that can give you a run for your bits.”

“Hey look here I was just distracted!”

“Whatever yah say Rainbow Dash.” The Pegasus begins to calm down.

“Alright and… Applejack. I don’t think it was a some ‘pony’ inside that thing.”

Chapter 4: Protocol

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Take to the Skies

Chapter 4: Protocol

Written and Edited by RobertBel98

“Well if it wasn't a pony then what was it?”

“I honestly have no idea. The only thing I was able to make out was a head, but even that looked weird. It was like it was wearing some kind of helmet or something. ” The Pegasus mare shrugged.

“Well that is mighty strange. Oh and Rainbow not to sound rude because I do appreciate you telling me all this, but why didn't yah go over ta Ponyville and tell Twilight. This seems like a problem more suited for a pony of her likes.”

“Yea I was getting to that, the reason I came here is because after it ‘got away’ from me I was still able to follow the sound.”

“The sound?”

“Yea it made this really weird noise like a loud hum, but that’s beside the point. The point is I was able to follow it here then it just, stopped.”

“Wait hold on a second. You’re tellin’ me that there is some kind of flyin’ metal bird here in sweet apple acres”

“Yea from what I can gather I think it must have landed in one of your fields, and that’s why the sound stopped.”

“Well I think we should go lookin’ for it. I’ll go get Big Mac and Applebloom and start searchin’ the apple fields. You go and tell Twilight what happened and come back. Then you can go an search the dry fields to the north.”

“Gotcha, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“See ya Rainbow.” The orange farm pony than dropped what she was doing and ran for the farm off in the distance. The cyan Pegasus took off in a flash heading for the town.

‘This isn’t good. I need to get back to the jet and stop them before anything happens.’ I thought to myself as I turned and started to sprint.

I ran as fast as I could for the jet, zooming past dozens of apple trees. Then all the luscious green converted to a dull yellow
when I got to the barren fields. To the north I could see my aircraft glistening in the sunlight. I continued to run for the shining beacon. When I got to the aircraft I stopped to analyze the situation.

“Alright as crazy as all this is I still need to follow protocol. Okay, I have landed in a foreign and possibly hostile environment in an intact however incapacitated vehicle. Priority is that I disable the vehicle to prevent enemy obtainment. Well it isn’t like I got ten pounds of C4 on me so that leaves one option. Rip out the control panel, it might not be destroyed but at least they can't turn it on.” I then proceeded to advance for the aircraft.

I jumped up getting a hold of the left wing. With all my strength I pulled myself onto the top portion of the vehicle crawling for the still open capsule.

Falling in, I re composed myself straightening my back so I could properly rest in the seat. I reached my arms back swiping my hands across the space behind me before I felt something block my path.

“Gotcha you little bugger!” I proceeded to grasp and pull the object from its location hearing the tearing sound of several Velcro straps before it came loose. I rested the black case on my lap unbuckling the several cords holding is shut. Once all the cords had been separated the box swung open revealing an assortment of first aid materials and basic mechanical tools. Noticing the hex wrench I grabbed it in my hand then redirecting my sight to the control panel in front of me.

After placing the case back I leaned in to locate the several bolts holding the equipment in place. I located the bolts inserting and turning the wrench releasing the screws. Satisfied I grabbed the now separate control panel and swiftly yanked it from the aircraft. I felt slight resistance when the wired recoiled but they all quickly submitted to the force disconnecting at the joining areas.

“Well, now that that that’s done I had better get the fuck out of sight before…” As if to confirm my fears a faint voice was heard in the distance.

“Twilight come on can you move any slower. We gotta catch this thing before it gets away.”

“Sorry Rainbow Dash but if you have not noticed I CAN’T FLY!” Another slightly angered voice retorted.

Recovering from my momentary still state I leaped from the cockpit. I proceeded to slide down the wing of the vessel before falling to the ground, hard!

“Arrgh, god dammit!” I grunted to myself.

Stumbling to get up I looked around for any piece of cover. The only non-open space left was the tree line, but that meant I would be running directly into my enemy. A rather large tree stump right outside the forest caught my eye. ‘Maybe if I can get to it before they make it to the tree line I can stay hidden, and I can still get the drop on them if it comes to it. Well here goes nothing.’

I sprinted for the tree line as fast as I could. Once I got to the stump I basically dived headfirst into the ground before slamming my side into the large dead plant. ‘Well that was stupid.’ I think to myself as I slowly hide behind the stump. After settling I calmed my breath listening for any of the voices I heard prior, and sure enough…

“Alright Twi were almost there. The dry fields are pretty much just open space so if this is where it’s hiding it shouldn’t be too hard to find.” I recognized the voice it was of the blue Pegasus from earlier. ‘Apparently she is named Rainbow Dash’. I thought remembering the dialogue from the previous encounter.

“Rainbow Dash, are you sure about this. I mean flying metal bird. There is nothing in Equestria that even remotely resembles that.” The second voice from earlier said.

“If you’re so against the idea then why did you come?” Rainbow Dash asked rather infuriated.

“One you’re my friend, two on the off chance that you are right I think we should be properly document it and not just go blindly wandering into the situation with the intention of starting a fight.”

“Who said I was gonna start a fight!”

“Just basing it on past experiences Rainbow, just if what you say is true and we do manage to find whatever it is you saw please let me do the talking.”

“Whatever.” The voices sounded really close now. I leaned my head around the stump still hidden from sight. Suddenly some rustling in the trees caught my attention. I redirected my sight over to the origin. Two figures emerged from the dense brush. Rainbow Dash hovering in the air and facing backwards, and a purple… UNICORN!? ‘Okay first talking ponies, a Pegasus, and now a freaking unicorn. It’s like I have been thrown into some kind of mythos fantasy land.’ My thought was cut short as the unicorn began to speak.

“Well should we start looking or wha…?” The purple unicorn froze in place pupils forming pinpricks.

“Uh, Twilight, Rainbow waved her hoof in front of her face, you alright.”

“Rainbow, look behind you.” I now know what surprised her, she had laid eyes on my craft standing no more than ten meters from their position.

“What is it Twi… DEAR SWEET CELESTIA!” The Pegasus froze in shock as she fell to the ground with a thud before getting herself back up.

“Is that it?” The dumbstruck unicorn asked.

“Yea, maybe we should get closer.”

“Alright but slowly we don’t want to provoke it if it’s dangerous.”

‘Wait provoke it, loading… done, HOLY SHIT they think the plane is alive!’ I try hard to stile the oncoming onslaught of laughter as I grabbed my side pulling myself deep into cover.

I look at the mares as they cautiously advance towards the jet.

“What the hay is that thing!”

“Rainbow quiet down!”

“What it wasn't an insult and besides it looks like it is turned off anyway.”

“Wait a second… turned off. So it isn't an animal.”

“Twilight I never said it was an animal lust that it looked like a metal bird. I think it might be some kind of flying machine. I saw something inside it when I was alongside it and it was moving, defiantly alive. Although it’s gone now look, the mare gestures to the open canopy of the cockpit, it must have landed it and then split.”

“So wait. You’re telling me there is some sort of alien running wild in sweet apple acres!”
“For all we know it could be watching us right now, oooohhh.” Rainbow Dash attempts an impression of ghost irritating the purple unicorn.

‘Oh talk about dramatic irony.’

“Rainbow this is no time for fun and games we need to be serious!”

“Fine miss buzz kill.”

“Ugh, alright let’s go investigate. Can you get me on top of it so I can have a better look at the inside?”

“Sure thing.” The Pegasus proceeds to lift the purple mare by her fore legs onto the top half of the F-35. She cautiously walks over to the cockpit trying her best to keep her balance on the un-even surface.

“Whoa, Rainbow Look at this.”

“What is all that and why is it lighting up like that. Does it run on magic?” Wait magic. Well I guess since in a world filled with talking horses and unicorns that was bound to be a contributing factor at one point.

“No I can’t sense any type of magical field in the craft, and oh what’s this?”

“What is it Twilight.”

“It looks like something was yanked out of it right there. See how there’s that big hole with all the wires sticking out of it?”

“Yea, but why would he beak his own ship.”

“Probably didn't want anypony meddling with it. So he took the one key component that it needs to run.”

‘Oh clever girl’ I thought to myself.

I suddenly felt a slight warm sensation on my left side. Then I heard something, it sounded like breathing. Wait, oh-no.”
“This is a great hiding place.” The mysterious figure whispered into my ear.

I freeze, a cold sweat building on my forehead. I slowly turn to see a fluffy pink mare with a cotton candy mane and a cartoon smile spreading ear to ear staring directly at me.

“JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!” I whip out my pistol aiming it directly at the pink mare.

I here audible gasps coming from my right. I once again turn my head now seeing the Pegasus and unicorn staring at me. Eyes wide open and mouths agape.

“Oh shit.”

Chapter 5: Prisoner of War

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Take to the Skies

Chapter 5: Prisoner of War

Written and Edited by RobertBel98

‘Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit!’ Was the only thought going through my mind as I traversed through the massive span of apple trees.

Having been discovered by the natural inhabitants to avoid possible capture I had fled from the scene. Although not too far behind me I heard the definite sound of stomping hooves, no doubt belonging to the ‘ponies’ I had made my previous encounter with.

Continuing to feud I proceeded barreling past the extensive fauna when I heard the conversation between the ponies behind me.


The group of startled mares sped through the orchard in pursuit of the elusive alien from prior. The group had been headed by Rainbow Dash, her wings giving a massive boost in speed and agility.

The rainbow maned Pegasus was suddenly interrupted by a familiar pink mare appearing out of nowhere from behind a random rock cover.


“AH, Pinkie Pie what the hay you almost crashed right into me.”

“Oh sorry I just thought you would like some help getting the big bad monster!”

“NO, I don’t need any help!”

“Are you sure Dashie I even brought my Party Cannon!” The mare proceeded to pull the trademark weapon out of thin air getting the pilot’s attention.


‘Wait! Party Cannon OH WHAT THE F-’ The pilot’s thought was interrupted by a large ball of streamers and other assorted party items impacting in the man’s shoulder blade sending him tumbling to the ground.

Writhing In agony the pilot reluctantly gets up. ‘ARGH, the fuck is with the cannon WHERE DID THAT EVEN COME FROM!’ He inwardly yells in his anger while off in the distance he hears the ponies continuing to converse.

“Nice shot Pinkie Pie, now come on let’s capture it before it gets up!” Rainbow Dash yells as she continues her pursuit.

‘Crap, NEED. TO. GET. UP!’ Rodger clumsily gets to his feet before continuing his sprint through the forest. ‘God dammit that thing is closing the gap, there is no way I can outrun them now.’ Rodger thought as he passed through the clearing. Rodger was still for a moment in the open field before turning his attention to the barn up ahead. He noticed that the gates were open. ‘Alright I can’t outrun them, but maybe I can hold my own.’ Rodger thought as he looked down to his pistol. ‘This will be my Alamo if it need be.’ The pilot broke out into a full on charge for the barn house. He was nearly halfway there when a glint caught his eye. He looked back only to be greeted by a burst of energy whizzing past his skull only missing by mere centimeters.

Still looking back he was met by a most unsettling sight. All the ponies had emerged from the forest now. Rainbow continued to fly after the human closely followed by Pinkie, when he turned the face Twilight he saw that her horn was glowing an identical luminescence to the bolt that nearly hit him.

‘Oh shit that unicorn is lethal!’ Rodger continued to ascend to the barn. He dove passed the gates once he reached the entrance before frantically composing himself. Rushing to the doors Rodger swiftly closed them. Just before he fully sealed the barn the pilot caught a glimpse of a very determined Pegasus speeding towards him. Before she was able to catch up Rodger grasped the wooden bar of to the left and yanked it down, locking the gate. Almost an instant later an audible thump echoed through the barn. Dust fell from the ceiling as the doors shook from the impact.
‘Ohhh that’s gotta hurt.’


“Dashie are you okay!” Pinkie asks with concern as she and Twilight both catch up with the bullheaded mare.

“Yea Rainbow that looks like hurt a lot.”

“I’m fine!” The mare responds angrily.

“Alright Rainbow, but I am going to check on you later. I really don’t want you hiding an injury from us.”

“I said I’m fine Twilight!” They both were taken back from her outburst before another pony joined the group quickly flanked by a second. The pony was none other than Applejack and her brother Big Mac, both wearing a look of concern on their face.

“Is everypony OK, ah was over in the western fields with Big Mac when ah heard a whole bunch of commotion comin’ from where y’all were headed.”


“Applejack you won’t believe this.” Twilight responded. “Rainbow was right; we found this enormous machine outside the orchard. It was unlike anything I had ever seen.”

“Yer kiddn’, well ah’ll be. You think those Flim Flam brothers are up ta no good again.”

“Applejack I don’t think so, because that’s not all we found.” Before she continued Pinkie bounced up from behind them and began to speak.

“Yea we found this huge really tall monster thing and we all chased through the orchard and then I shot it with my party cannon but it got back up and ran in the barn and locked the doors then Dashie crashed into the wall and then you got here.” The pink mare blurted out in one barely comprehensible sentence.

“Uh, so wait. Yer tellin’ me there in some kind a monster dat locked itself up in this here barn, and that dang contraption Rainbow was ramblin’ on about belongs ta it.”

“It would appear so. I tried to hit it with a stun spell, however I missed and it fled into the barn.”

“Well monster or not its tesspassin’ an I won’t have it messin’ with mah orchard let alone my friends. Big Mac let’s get that varmint out here so we can set things straight.”

“Eeyup.” The red stallion began to head the gate prepping for a charge.

“Yea Big Mac, show that alien whose boss!” Rainbow declared.

“Rainbow! Now everypony we don’t want to start a fight. It has done nothing to hurt anypony. Let’s just talk to it before we just go barging down doors.” Big Mac nodded as he retreated from the door.

“Well alright sugarcube, but if there’s any funny business I’m gonna buck that thing into next week.” Twilight responded to Applejack with a solemn nod before continuing to the door.


‘God how was I so stupid. Now I’m fucking trapped as a rat. The only ways out of this barn are the door which right now is my only defense against the pony squad, and the window in the rafters. However the drop from the window would surly cause at least superficial injury, and I wouldn’t get far, GOD DAMMIT!’

“Uh… hello. Mister…I would like to talk with you. We’re sorry about earlier we just didn’t know if you were trying to hurt our friend. Can you please come out so we can talk?” Rodger was taken by surprise by the sudden recognition.

‘This had to be a trap, trying to lure me out so they can sock me. No… no maybe I’m just being paranoid. Although there is still that chance, but I mean what are my options stay here and wait for them to get pissed enough to barge through the doors.’ Rodger looked down to his gun.‘I could always go out guns a blazing. No that’s fucking retarded. No you’re retarded. Fuck you brain shut up. Alright I can’t believe I’m doing this but… you know what fuck it lets got play diplomat with a bunch of fucking Technicolor ponies.’ Rodger slowly made his way to the gate grasping the block of wood in way of the door. He took a deep breath before raising the lock out of place.‘Here we go.’ He thought as he pushed open the barn doors exiting out to see the crowd before him. Rodger had gained mixed expressions. Rainbow wore one of distrust while Twilight seemed pleased. Pinkie… well was being Pinkie and Applejack and Big Mac wore expressions of shock and surprise.

“Wow, yer mighty tall.” Applejack said as if in some form of trance.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac responded with his eyes relatively wide, while he otherwise kept a calm presence.

“Well… just don’t try any funny business cause I got my eye on you.” Rainbow said while performing a gesture with her hoof where she pointed to her face and then to me.

“Ooh now that we know you’re friendly we can throw you a welcome party and invite everypony and there’ll be cake and OH I need to go start baking and send the invites so see yah.” The pink mare began to dash away only to be held back by a magical violet aura.

“Pinkie we can’t tell anypony about it yet, we know nothing about this creature and we haven’t even informed the princess!”

‘Whoa princess, so that means that there is some form of monarch government in place. I pray to god that there friendly otherwise I’m boned.’

“Oh alright party pooper, but I will throw a welcome party right.” Pinkie said while pouting before instantly reverting back to her cheery demeanor.

“Yes Pinkie if it wants to, I suppose.”

“Yay, oh you’re going to have so much fun everypony loved my parties and-” The pink mare had jumped up to my eye level blurting out an incomprehensible sentence before having a hoof shoved in her mouth to cease the bombardment. I tried to maintain my best poker face, but god that thing is funny as hell!

“Sorry, Pinkie can be well… overwhelming at times.” I gave a stiff nod in response.

“So uh Twilight, might I ask what we’re gonna do ‘bout this here problem?” Twilight furrowed her brow in thought before turning to face me.

“Well, it’s not like we can keep him here. He needs a place to stay until we can figure out how to get him back to wherever he came from. I guess we need to somehow get him to the library. I know we can handle the situation better there.” Twilight declared.

“Twilight that’s crazy, if anypony saw that thing it would definitely cause a panic.”

“Well, I guess we’ll need to sneak him in somehow.”

“How’d you suppose we do that, I mean look at ‘im he’s ‘bout as big as the princess.” Applejack retorted.

“I guess you’re right. I could try an invisibility spell on him.” Twilight offered.

“And risk it getting away, not happening.” I really was not liking be talked about like an animal.

“Well, it is almost night out, I guess we could wait until everypony is asleep and then sneak around the outskirts of the town until we reach the library.”

“Ah think dat might work.”

“Yea, but what if he tries something. Can we really trust this thing.” Rainbow says while pointing a hoof toward me.

"I'm sure we can trust it. I mean, it really hasn't done any real harm. It even came out of its own free will. I am sure it will cooperate. Right?" I eagerly nod not wanting the ponies thinking of any other unique ways to restrain me. Twilight puts on a smile while Rainbow pouts. That is until the orange mare speaks up.

"Rainbow, if it'll help any, I know an honest face when I see one. I don't think this here fella is lying." Rainbow continues to pout before sighing and replying to Applejack.

"Fine, I guess you guys are right."


Night came fairly quickly. Led by Applejack I was dragged into the town in the dead of night. The architecture of the small residential village seemed reminiscent of an old time Victorian town. However the color scheme looked like something out of a children’s cartoon. Even at night it almost hurt to look at. Once we reached the library after our stealthy escapade I couldn’t believe my eyes. The ‘library’ was literally a fucking tree. No not a tree house, I mean a building carved into a living tree! Yea, fuck you laws of science you’re not welcome here! The purple unicorn gestured for us to be quiet as we entered the dark lobby. All around me were hollowed out shelves filled to the rim with books. When everyone was inside Twilight began to speak.

“Alright everypony, just be quiet Spike is probably sleeping upstairs and I don’t want to wake him.” They all gave a short nod of approval.

‘Spike huh, sounds like some sort of pet name. Maybe a dog or something, I guess I’ll find out.’

“Alright, now. ” Twilight pointed towards me gaining my attention. “Follow me, I’ll show where you’ll be staying for the time being.” Twilight proceeded to guide me to a door embedded in what looked like an inner trunk of the tree. She opened it revealing a dark room. After flipping on a light the space came in full view. Scattered all around the place were tons of rudimentary lab equipment that looked like something out of a 30’s horror film. She motioned me downstairs as I descended into the basement. When I got to floor level she began to ascend back up the stairs before speaking. “Okay, now I will bring you some blankets and a pillow in a moment however they might be a bit small for somepony of your size. Although for now I’m sorry but I’ll need to lock you in here for the time being. This is still a public library, and I don't want anypony wandering down here and finding you.” She said with a worried expression probably expecting me to retaliate, however I only gave a solemn nod and sat down in the corner. Wearing a sheepish smile Twilight exited the room and closed the door, an audible click was heard a moment later.

‘So here I am living in the basement of a library that is property of a talking...purple...unicorn. God it makes me want to burst out laughing just thinking about it. However if this is really happening, I can only hope it will be over soon.’ This was my last thought before drifting off into a heavy dreamless sleep.

Chapter 6: Extra-Terrestrial

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Take to the Skies

Chapter 6: Extra-Terrestrial

Written and Edited by RobertBel98

I groan to myself after being awoken from my slumber. The sound of an *eep* emanating from my left causes me to open my heavy eyes. I quickly wish I hadn’t. My retinas were instantly bombarded by the oncoming torrent of sunlight coming from the singular window in the top right corner of the cellar. Slowly re-opening my eyelids I give myself a moment to adjust to the change in scenery. Finally settled I look over to find the source of the unnerving noise. To my left sitting on her haunches was a very nervous Twilight. On the floor in front of her was a strewn about notepad, a quill resting upon it. Looking back to her I gave a curious look waiting for her to explain her presence. After a few more moments the mare finally speaks up.

“*ahem* Well… I am sorry I did not mean to wake you. It is just I was a bit excited. I mean nopony has ever come into contact with one of your kind before. Think of all the new things we could learn from each other. I just had to get started as soon as possible! Oh and… Twilight continues to ramble on almost at the same speed as Pinkie. I rub my temples wearing a strained expression. Upon noticing this Twilight immediately silences herself reverting back to her sheepish look. “Oh um… sorry, I guess got a bit carried away there.” Ya THINK! “So ah…yea, well since we’re both awake maybe we can start answering some questions?” I nod. “Great! So uh…where to begin? Well, I guess we should start with the obvious. What exactly… are you?” I sit up stretching a bit as I do. A few loud pops sound from my spine causing Twilight to lightly recoil. After being satisfied with my little stretch I look back to Twilight.

“Well, my species are called humans, or homo sapiens is the scientific term I believe.” Twilight was slightly surprised at the sound of my voice but quickly recovered. As I finished speaking a light magenta glow formed around her horn. The same glow also formed on the strewn about supplies on the floor. To my amazement the quill and notepad promptly levitated off the ground in front of Twilight. The unicorn then proceeded to hastily write with the floating utensil. I stared at her mouth agape. After finishing taking down whatever notes she had Twilight turned towards me. Curious at my expression she spoke.

“What is it?” I pointed to the notepad.

“How the hell are you doing that?” Twilight follows my finger before coming to the realization.

“Oh, you mean my magic?”

“Whoa, did you just say magic?” I give her a look that said ‘do I look stupid’.

“Yea, what, do you not have magic where you come from?” Twilight says with a smirk. I give her a deadpan stare.

“No, no I can honestly say there is no ‘magic’ where I come from.” Twilight’s eyes go wide as saucers.

“You’re not kidding, are you?” I shake my head. “B-but, that’s impossible. Magic lives in every creature in Equestria, even animals and plant life has some connection.” I stop her there.

“Twilight, the reason I have never seen magic before is because *sigh* I am not from Equestria.” Twilight continues to stare wide eyed.


“I am not from Equestria; I am not even from this world. I am from a planet called Earth in a country known as the United States.”

“Y-you mean, you’re an alien?”

“…Yes.” You could hear a pin drop at that point. I was about to continue before Twilight explodes.

“Oh my Celestia, a real life alien is in my house! Oh, think of all the new knowledge we could share. We could-”


“-And whole new cultures to study-”


“-Inter-planetary relations-”

“Oh for the love of…Twilight listen!” The mare ceases her parade of suggestions and looks at me hesitantly. “Twilight I know you have a lot of questions, but for now let’s just answer a few okay.” Twilight nods and begins to speak before I interrupt her. “Also, don’t ask about how I got here because I am not exactly sure of that myself.” Twilight sports a disappointed face before speaking once more.

“Well, you said that there is no magic on your world. Then how is it you live. Don’t you need to control the weather, and who raises the sun and moon? I mean I couldn’t imagine life without magic.” I quirk my eyebrow at the mention of raising the sun, but regain my composure as I prepare to answer the question.

“Well um, weather and um the sun and moon… they kind of just do their own thing. Weather is not controlled however we can pretty accurately predict it, and some advancements in technology have given us the ability to plant clouds and even sometimes make it rain. The sun and moon are not ‘raised’ they just give of the illusion that they are moving across the sky due to the planet spinning on its axis. You see, the sun remains in a fixed point in the center of the solar system while all the other planets orbit around it. You are familiar with the term gravity, correct?” She nods. “Good, now the reason the planets orbit around the sun is due to the sun giving off a massive gravitational pull. Now the larger the object the more the pull, and the sun is well… massive, so the smaller planets orbit around it. The same process occurs with our moon as it orbits around our planet. No one moves them. Nature takes care of it for us. Although from the look on your face I can presume it runs differently around here.” Twilight looks like she was about to have a mental collapse. She was planted on her haunches staring blankly at me. The notepad and quill hung motionless in front of her. After a moment she shakes her head getting out of her stupor, and looks at me with a calmer expression ready to speak.

“Y-yes, it… it does. I can’t believe this. I have just been told that there is another world out there, which goes against everything we have learned, everything we know. Like I said, I can’t imagine life without magic. How is it your species even survived?” I look at her with the same stoic expression and further explain.

“Well, I guess it goes like this. Humans, us, we are probably the most adaptable species in the known universe. Humans are able to adjust to any situation, be it harsh environment, or hell a new disease. Man always comes out of it, and you know what, we’re better for it. All the hardships we have faced over the years have only helped us excel as a species. Each day man develops dozens of new things to make life easier. Ranging from the automatic dishwasher, to a commercial airliner that is able to make round trips around the planet in just mere hours… I guess what I am trying to say is that we were dealt a rough hand, or um hoof, and we made the best it. Although, in the end, it is what made us who we are today.” I conclude my prideful speech as I look back to Twilight. She has continued to scribble down on her notepad.

“Humans sound amazing! Oh, you must tell me more about your technology. What is an airliner and it can really make round trips around the world in just hours! That sounds amazing; it must be going at immense speeds to be able to do that! Oh also…” And back to the rambling. I thought she was going to go on forever until a young sounding voice called out from upstairs.

“Twilight, get up here breakfast is ready!” Oh my savior I thank thee!

“Okay Spike, in a minute!” Twilight yelled back. “Well looks like we’re going to have to cut this session short. I still have many questions but *Twilight’s stomach grumbles* I think getting something to eat sounds like a good idea.” I can’t help but crack a smile at the adorable unicorn. Twilight begins to ascend the stairs before turning back to me. I had already gone back to lying down on my makeshift cot. “You know, Twilight says getting my attention, from what I’ve seen I don’t think there is any reason to keep you down here. You’re free to join me for breakfast if you wish.” Twilight says with a smile. Once again that warm feeling of happiness finds me. I look at her smiling once again.

“Thank you, Twilight. That is very kind of you. I would be delighted to join.” Twilight nods and gestures me to follow. I slowly get up to a standing position and hastily make my way to the stairs, letting my stomach guide my movements.

“Oh, and I forgot to mention. My assistant Spike can be a bit, skittish. Just don’t be alarmed if he is a tad wary at first.”

“Okay, I guess-” Before I could continue a loud yell interrupted my sentence.

“Ahhh, Monster!”

“Oh brother…” Twilight says in exasperation. I could tell this was going to be a… interesting morning.

Chapter 7: Sworn Protector

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Take to the Skies

Chapter 7: Sworn Protector

Written and Edited by RobertBel98

I turn my head to the source of the cry and I am slightly taken back by what I see. In front of me in a cowering position was some form of lizard. It was coated in green and purple scales with two silted eyes staring right at me. Also, wait… why is it wearing an apron? Never mind. Regaining my composure I slowly walk up to the creature only causing it to huddle further back. Seeing my error I stop in my tracks and kneel down to the floor so that we are at eye level. In a gentle tone, as not to startle him, I begin to speak.

“Hello, my name is Rodger nice to meet you.” I say offering my hand. He seems hesitant but nonetheless accepts my gesture. After the soft exchange I continue. “So, you must be Spike. Twilight has been telling me about you.”

“O-oh she has?”

“You bet Spike, you’re her assistant correct.” Spike has seemed to calm down by now and adorns a smile. He stands proudly and raises his head.

“Number one assistant to be precise, oh and it’s nice to meet you too.” Twilight only shakes her head with an amused smile at Spike’s antics. Standing back up from my lowered position I regain my full height. Spike slightly gawks as I tower over him. “W-wow you sure are a tall… whatever you are.” I was about 6’ 1” so I guess I was a decent height for my age.

“Yea I guess I am, and it’s human by the way. For that matter, what exactly are you?”

“Oh, I’m a dragon.” My eyes widen as he finishes. Did he say dragon?

“S-so you’re a dragon, a real live dragon. That breathes fire and flies and stuff.”

“Yup, although I won’t sprout my wings until I reach my teen years and my fire isn’t that strong yet.” Spike looks slightly downtrodden but is surprised by my reaction.

“That is so cool! I always thought dragons were amazing creatures back on earth. Even if they were only myths, but being able to see one in the flesh is just awesome!” I yell beaming a smile. Spike slightly blushes in embarrassment.

“*ahem* Well Rodger I am very glad to see you have gotten along with Spike, but *grumble* can we perhaps get that breakfast.” Twilight says the latter with a sheepish smile.

“Oh! I am so sorry for keeping you. I guess I just got lost in the excitement.” Twilight waves a hoof shrugging it off.

“It’s just fine, let’s all sit down and enjoy.” Twilight walks beside me over to the kitchen. Spike had already taken his seat at the far end of the booth behind the table. As I am walking, I notice Twilight’s eyes slight wandering over to me. She isn’t looking me in the face, curious I follow her gaze before I come to the unsettling conclusion. She was staring at my gun.

“U-um Twilight… may I ask what is distracting you.” Twilight pries her eyes from the weapon and looks up to me.

“I am curious about that thing you have wrapped around your waist. You haven’t taken it off since you got here, and I saw you pointing it at Pinkie when we found you.” I was at a loss at what to tell her. I mean I can’t just come out and say it is a weapon. I guess I can try to be vague and hope she lets it go. We both sit down at the table and begin to eat. All I grab is a roll from the center and a slab of butter. I was pretty hungry but the rest of the food either contained hay or some other inedible grain or flower, makes since due to them being ponies. After taking a bite I prepare my response.

“To answer your question, I guess it is a type of tool.”

“A tool… so you use that to do some kind of job?” The studious unicorn adds.

“Yes, I use it in my profession.”

“And what exactly is your profession?” Oh here’s the golden question, dammit Murphy’s Law! Maybe I should be honest, but still hold off a bit of course.

“I-I protect people.”

“So you’re some kind of guard.”

“S-sort of…” Twilight was taking on a more interrogative face as she looked at me.

“Rodger, what is the purpose of that device?” Oh sweet Jesus help me. Just then answering my prayers, a familiar cyan Pegasus bursts through the doors. She is breathing heavily and has a very worried expression. Looking around frantically she eventually locks eyes with Twilight. Rainbow then rushes over tackling Twilight to the ground standing over her.

“Twilight I need your help now!” Rainbow yells. She looks on the verge of tears.

“What is it Rainbow! What’s got you so upset?” Twilight asks with worry. Rainbow lifts off Twilight and into the air hovering.

“There’s no time to explain. We need to get to the Everfree Forrest now!”

“Rainbow, please calm down and tell me what’s wrong!” RD takes a few deep breathes before responding.

“Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Bell were getting picked on at school. Some stupid filly dared them to go into the Everfree forest saying they were a bunch of losers or something, and they all went in. That was almost a half hour ago, nopony has seen them since!” Twilight’s eyes go wide as well as mine. Children were in danger, I needed to help. I began to run to the door before getting knocked back by a multi-color blur.

“Whoa, where do you think you’re going bub!?”

“Children are in danger, just because I’m in a different world doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop doing my job. Now get outa my way we’re wasting time!” Rainbow tries to counter again but is stopped by Twilight.

“Stop Rainbow, Rodger is right we’re wasting time. We need to go find those fillies right now! If he wants to help we shouldn’t push him away!”

“But if anypony sees him it will start a panic, especially if he just goes running through the center of town! We already have one crisis on our hooves!” Twilight’s determination wavers for a moment before coming back around.

“Wait, it may be possible for me to perform a long range teleportation spell from here. I’m pretty sure we could reach the school in time!”

“Twilight you’ve never even tried teleporting that long a distance, what if something happens to you!?”

“Rainbow I’ll be fine just go I’ll meet you there!” Rainbow shows one more look of uncertainty before giving a defeated sigh and nodding slowly. The Pegasus proceeds to bolt back out the entrance of the library to the schoolyard.

“Okay first things first, Spike!” We hear a hurried set of footsteps from the kitchen as the assistant enters the room.

“Yea Twilight, what do you need?”

“Spike, I need you to gather the rest of girls and prepare a proper search party. Tell them to meet us at the entrance of the schoolyard.”

“Got it, Twilight I’ll meet you there!” Spike then ran out the open door to gather his fellow friends.

“Alright, now Rodger since this is probably your first time teleporting you may feel a bit queasy.” I nod understandingly. “Good, now I need you to place your hand on my back so the spell can complete the circuit.” I do so. “Now you might want to close your eyes for the next part.” I nod confusedly and close my eyelids, but even in the darkness created by the flesh shielding my pupils, a distinct lavender luminescence begins to build in front of me. The glow continues to grow and expand causing me to clasp my eyelids even tighter together. After a few agonizing moments a loud *POP* resonates in my ears. The light starts to die down allowing me to relax my wound up face. Re-opening my eyes I am shocked to find myself in a completely different location. Instead of the library I am now standing in the middle of some field. After another moment to take in the surroundings I look down. Below me was an immobile Twilight collapsed on the ground. Only shallow breaths to indicate her being alive. I quickly go to my knees grabbing Twilight in my arms.

“That teleport must have taken a lot out of her.” It was then I heard the breaking in the wind coming from the west. I look over to see Rainbow Dash heading straight for us. Just before impact Rainbow spreads her wings creating a drag to slow her down, and managing to blow me two feet backwards.

“Oh no Twilight, is she okay what happened!?” RD asks me worriedly.

“As far as I can tell she’s fine. Just major exhaustion from whatever that was. Give her some rest and she’ll be okay.” Rainbow Dash calms down at the information that her friend is okay.

“Thanks for checking on her.”

“It was no proble-” My sentence was cut short as a high pitched scream erupted from the forest.

“Oh no, that sounds like Sweetie Bell! We need to go, we need to-”

“No, stay here with Twilight. You need to wait for the others. I’ll go get the girls.” I say with determination.

“Are you crazy!? You can’t go in there alone!” I look at her before glancing down to my pistol grasping it in its holster.

“I’ll be fine, trust me.” Before I could get a response I was already charging in the direction of the forest. Once I had reached the outskirts I noticed a small group of fillies and colts all gathered. Running up to them I yell.

“Which direction did they go!?” I scream at them not wanting to waste any more time. They all turn in my direction then look up. A look of absolute terror now plastered on their young faces. “I said, which way!?” All of them still staring at me raise their hooves simultaneously in a northern direction. Not even saying a word I sprint into the dense brush. I continued to run towards the sound I had heard. Trees and vegetation whizzed past me as I barreled through the land at amazing speed.
“Oh man which direction?”

“Scootaloo what are you doing get away from that thing!” A squeaky voice yells. That was close. With my newfound sense of navigation I pick up the pace. When I finally approach the source I am met with a sight that shocks me. In front of me were two young fillies, one with a white coat and a bubble gum mane, the other with a yellow coat and a red mane with a disheveled bow tie. In front of the group was what I could only identify… as a manticore. Shit. Before I could jump into the fray I notice a third filly standing in-between the beast and her friends, an orange one with a raggedy purple mane.

“Hey you big jerk, stay away from my friends!” Scootaloo yells at the beast. The manticore gives an un-amused expression. The next moment, time slowed. The monster raised his tail, brining it around. With a sickening crunch the Pegasus was swatted into a nearby tree. She lay motionless at the base of the trunk.

“Scootaloo no, no get up!” A sobbing voice cries. That’s when I snapped. Quick as lightning I grab the M9 from the holster bringing the sights eye level. Giving out a war cry I jump into the scene. The manticore turned to face the new entity but was too late. Three loud *BANG*’s sounded from the L shaped device, each slug landing a hit in the beast’s body. The manticore stumbles before falling onto its back unmoving. Not missing a beat I rush over to Scootaloo. I kneel down to pick her up before being yelled at by a certain young earth pony.

“Hey! Leave our friend alone!” Applebloom yells. Looking to her I plead.

“I am here to help, I was sent by Twilight and Rainbow Dash.”

“T-twilight sent you?” I nod my head.

“Yes we’re all out here looking for you guys. I guess I made it just in time-”

“Mister, look out!” Both of them yell. I only turn halfway before I am sent flying over to the left. Slamming into the ground with a forceful impact the air is expelled from my lungs resulting in a panicked gasp. Before I could counter a searing pain shot through my entire right side. Looking down I do not like what I see. A large amount of blood had gathered on my uniform, small streams of the crimson liquid still flowing from the entry wound. Thrusting my hand down I attempt to stop the bleeding, grasping the mangled flesh in my palm. A roar sounds from a short distance away. The manticore was back up and it was pissed. Three small bullet wounds still leaked from its shoulder. As it approached I look for my gun. In the fall it was torn from my grasp. Looking around with my limited range of movement I finally locate my salvation. It was lying on the ground… several feet away… right in front of Sweetie Bell.

“S-sweetie B-bell…” I point to the gun. “G-give m-me my gun…” Sweetie looks to where I had indicated. Her eyes widen as she looks repeatedly between me and my gun. Looking back to the manticore, oh it was just taking its sweet time, it continued to arrogantly approach me, fully aware of its now assured victory and… easy meal. Blood continued to pool around me. Closing my eyes I await the inevitable. Then… a soft aura casting its glow caused me to open my eyes. Floating above me encased in a pink light was my M9. Promptly grabbing it with my free hand I shakily cock the hammer. Swiftly, I bring the muzzle back up. Seeing the sight before him the manticore let out a bellowing roar as it began to pounce. I point the business end of the weapon towards the head of the creature. “C-chew on this you ugly mother fucker!” Another series of explosions emanate from the firearm as I unload the remainder of the clip into the enemy’s skull. Brain matter and bone spew out from the back of the Manticore’s head as the lead tears through him like a hot knife on butter. When the last *BANG* sounds from the M9 I let the weapon fall limply to my side, my body growing ever so weaker. The Manticore’s mangled form sways before toppling down with a resounding *thud*. Relieved with the death of the monster I let my head fall back to a resting position. Blackness starts to fill my vision.

“Mister… mister, are you gonna be okay?” All I do is smile as I sink into the world of unconsciousness.

Chapter 8: Visions

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Take to the Skies

Chapter 8: Visions

Written and Edited by RobertBel98

What is this place? I was just in the forest, speaking to Applebloom, now… I’m here. I was standing in an abandoned city street. The asphalt littered with broken glass and ash. The tall buildings around me were torn apart, bricks loose, massive craters in the walls. It was like a photo of WWII era England. The air was so thick, filled with dust and the burning remnants of sulfur.

What happened here, where is everybody. I continued to slowly drift down the street of the empty city. Looking all around I saw the same scene of destruction. One thing that surprised me though... was the silence.

How ironic, a place of such carnage, and yet so peaceful. The peace did not last however. A loud sound from the north tore me from my thoughts. Everything around me began to shake and vibrate. Small pieces of the buildings tore from their sides falling to the ground below. I barely managed to dodge a large brick to my left.

The sound… it was like a note from a violin. Smooth, although with a bit of rigidness. The beautiful note suddenly changed to an ear piercing roar. I grasped the sides of my head to drown out the noise. The structures shook even more violently. Larger chunks fell from the sky, exploding on the ground with a flurry of clay and rock. The pain from my head brought me to my knees. My mind was blanching, only managing out a single though from the onslaught. The pain… oh god the pain, please, God, make it stop. Then… there was peace. I almost couldn’t believe it.

Had my prayers been answered? No… something isn't right. I lifted myself up and slowly opened my eyes to see what had transpired… I wish I hadn’t.

It was like… everything was frozen in time. Bricks, wood, papers, everything was just frozen. I seemed to be the only thing even moving. Items floated in mid-air, as if all had simply chosen to stop. I could only stare in awe at the sight before me. Turning my head something caught my eye, a small light in the distance, slowly growing. The sound returned. This time a shockwave came with it. All the remaining windows shattered and glass fell, some managing to cut at me eliciting a small grunt of pain.

The small light was now a massive orb hovering down range above the city. The orb stopped growing and silence once again ensued. The orb just hung there. I had to admit, if anything, it was intimidating. Then, in the blink of an eye, the anomaly imploded with a loud *snap*. That was the last sight I saw before my vision was filled with a blinding light. I pulled my eyelids shut. A loud ringing reverberated in my eardrums. They felt as if they would tear from the brute force. I just wanted this horrible vision to end, to go anywhere but here. I…just…wanted…it…to…stop! That’s when I woke up.


I awoke with a sharp gasp. My torso reflexively flinging into an upright position, but it does not last. A welling pain builds throughout my entire side, causing me to wince as I swiftly lowered myself. Laying back down, still damp with a cold sweat, I start to calm my senses. The pain slowly recedes and my breathing becomes less labored. “Where… where am I?” The place before me was neither the forest nor the devastated city. It looked like… a hospital room. I was currently located on a small white mattress with a paper thin green cover. I noticed my uniform had been stripped, but my under-garments and t-shirt remained. “At least they let me keep my dignity,” I say with no amusement. The room was lit by the sun shining in from the window to my left. As I look over I see a sight that makes my heart melt. There, curled up in a cushioned chair, was the sleeping form of Rainbow Dash. When she isn’t blowing up in your face she’s actually pretty adorable, I thought with a smile. Looking back to myself I become curious of my injuries. Slowly, I lift my t-shit upwards, twinging a bit in pain from unsettling the wound. Under the fabric my sight is met with multiple layers of gauze. Tape outlined the blood stained bandaging holding it in place. “Damn, they patched me up pretty good. I thought I would be in worse shape than this after going one on one with a fucking manticore,” I say with a grin.

A light groan emanates from the corner of the room. Already knowing of the source I look up to the now awake Rainbow Dash. The pegasus reaches up with her fore-hooves, stretching. A small smile graced the tired mare’s lips. Moving back to a sitting position Rainbow lets her eyelids flutter open, revealing her two magenta irises. She blinks a few times, still recovering from the exhausted stupor. Although when she laid her eyes on my conscious form, staring back at her, a bolt of energy seems to shoot through Rainbow Dash as the mare extends her wings and gives them a single flap, sending the pegasus straight at me. Raising my arms in a defensive position I awaited the impact, but it did not come. What did come was a bone- crushing bear hug from Rainbow.

“Thank you thank you thank you thank you…” The onslaught of grateful remarks continued to pour out of Rainbow’s lips. Her ‘attack’ was cut short however by my gasping voice.

“Rainbow…can’t…breath!” Silencing herself, Rainbow Dash removes my limp form as it is plopped back down onto the bed. Looking at the mare she smiles sheepishly while rubbing the back of her neck with one of her legs. How is that even possible? Wait, that is not important right now!

“S-sorry that was pretty uncool,” Rainbow says nervously.

“It’s fine, really. Although I must ask what brought on that kind of reaction,” I ask with a curious look.

“Well It’s just that *sigh* Scoots... she means a lot to me. She is like a sister, and when I heard she was in danger I just… lost it. I thought I lost her, but you… saved her. You risked your life to save those fillies, ponies you didn’t even know. That’s really cool in my book.” I give a warm smile at that, and pull her back into the embrace. She seems surprised at first but eventually gives in.

“It’s okay Rainbow. I can understand your concern for her. Actually, now that I think about it, where is the little squirt?” Pulling away from the hug she begins to answer.

“She’s actually in the room next to yours. The others are probably still over the- OH, I need to go tell the others you’re awake. Wait one sec alright?” The mare has already jumped off the bed and flown out the door by the time she had finished. I could only laugh a bit at her antics.

“*sigh* is that girl is always in that big a hurry? Huh, kind of reminds me of me back in my academy days.” I chuckle a bit more before Rainbow slowly trots back into the room with excited eyes. Hmm, wonder what’s going on?

“Hey Rodger… you got a special visitor.” Giving her a confused expression I shifted a bit in my bed.

“Special visitor, who do you mean?”

“You’ll see…”

“Okaaay... I guess?” Alright, now I’m curious.

“Good, now let me just-” Rainbow couldn’t finish her sentence as a rapid pink blur came speeding in from the doorway…heading straight for me. Oh shit.

“Oh my Celestia, I’m so happy you’re okay now I can throw you a ‘We’re happy you’re okay party AND Welcome to Ponyville party.’ Isn’t that super-duper fantastic! Oh, and sorry for shooting you with my party cannon I thought you were some kind of meanie monster and what was that shiny thing in your hand it looked super-duper cool and you can run really fast!” Pinkie Pie blurted out in her normal rate.

I swear… is this pony on crack or something? Pinkie Pie sat atop my mattress wearing a physically impossible smile. She looked like she was about to continue before being scolded by a very flustered Twilight.

“Pinkie, get off of Rodger he’s very injured!” Pinkie’s smile never wavers as she removes herself from the mattress. “Sorry about that, Rodger. Pinkie can be a bit… ecstatic at times.”

“Oh really, I haven’t noticed,” I say with a bit of a grin.

“Hehe, yea well she really lives up to her element.”

“What do you mean element?”

“Oh, I’ll explain that later. For now I think there is somepony who wants to meet you.” I am guessing she is referring to the ‘special visitor’ Rainbow Dash briefly mentioned.

“Yea, Rainbow said there was some special visitor. Is she a friend of yours or something?”

“I guess you could say that, she’s my mentor. I do actually have some other friends I want you to meet, but I think they’re still tending to the fillies in the other room.”

“Oh okay, well she’s your teacher huh. Well, whoever she is she sure did a hell of a job.” Twilight blushes a bit before an elegant voice enters the room.

“Why thank you, but I must say Twilight is, as you put it, ‘one hell of a student.’ Am I correct?” I turn my head to the door to find the source of the beautiful tone. I am slightly taken back by what I see. There, at the door, was a white… pegacorn or unisus…thing, I don’t know. A regal crown and neckwear lay upon her body, two large wings at her sides. Atop her head was a long sharp horn. The mare stared at me with the same look of confusion mixed with surprise that I was sporting. Only one thought was going through my mind.

“Whoa, you’re big.”

Chapter 9: First Impressions

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Take to the Skies

Chapter 9: First Impressions

Written and Edited by RobertBel98

You know that feeling you get when you just made yourself look like a complete and utter idiot. Yea, I have already had that. I actually discovered there are three phases to moments like these. Allow me to elaborate. The first phase includes a stupid comment or action that sets the process in motion. The second phase often contains an awkward silence or negative response of some kind, ranging from angered facial expressions to physical retaliation. The third phase or ‘climax’ usually includes the next words spoken by either the sending or receiving parties that decide the overall outcome of the event. Currently, I would say we are somewhere in-between phases one and two. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to deal with seven temporarily stunned mares who are all probably angered with me in some way. Oh joy…

All faces in the room looked at me with expressions ranging from shock to absolute horror. Twilight was wearing this look of pure disbelief, while RD’s was just saying ‘are you bucking serious.’ Pinkie Pie seemed to be holding in a fit of laughter at the blatant remark. Last but not least was Princess Celestia. This one… actually made me pretty sad. She seemed really upset about the comment. Oh god… the adorableness… brain… help me.

Dude, you’re on your own buddy.

Fucking traitor, oh no… must… make…happy! With that I went into full apologetic mode.

“Oh man, I’m sorry. I was just a little surprised. You’re… a bit different from the other ponies. I guess I was just caught off guard. In my opinion you’re actually quite…beautiful… yea. Y-your coat is really… clean, and your mane, the way it… flows, and the colors are really nice, I guess.” Twilight’s look remained the same while RD had joined Pinkie in holding in her obvious amusement. “I’m just going to shut up now.” I slowly looked up to Celestia to see her reaction when… Wait, is she blushing! Oh my god, I got the pony princess to blush. Wow, that is not something you hear everyday.

“Well, I was about to say that I was not that offended by the comment. Although I must thank you for your kind words, it has been quite a while since somepony has had the courage to speak to me in such a way.”

“Y-you’re welcome! Wow, well this has been in interesting introduction and all, but how about we start over. Hello, my name is Rodger Laurence. May I have the pleasure of knowing yours?” The princess puts on a warm smile and responds.

“Hello Mr. Laurence, my name is Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria. It is a pleasure to meet you.” Celestia reaches out a hoof to my bedside. From my extensive knowledge of how to greet royalty from the several cheesy renaissance movies I have watched, I promptly took her hoof in my hand, and brought it to my mouth, then proceeding to plant a light kiss on the tip. After releasing the appendage I nod upward to see Celestia blushing once more. Damn, this girl is easily flustered. I almost feel bad for her. Being royalty must mean most guys probably never have the guts to show any form of affection.

“W-well, my you are quite the charmer.” Everyone in the room seems to have calmed down by now, although Twilight is still a bit frustrated for some reason.

Maybe it’s that fact you’re basically hitting on her teacher and ruler?

Hey, I am not hitting on her. I just felt bad for insulting her, so I tried to make her feel better.

Whatever you say…

Shut up sub-conscious.

“Well, Rodger. I do believe we have some things to discuss. Would everypony please leave us for a few minutes? I think this is a discussion best had in private,” Celestia asks.

“Of course, princess, come on everypony.” All the other mares began filing out of the room save for a certain Pinkie Pie who was being dragged out by Rainbow Dash.

“Aw, but I have questions too, like if he likes cupcakes, parties, donuts, cupcakes oh I said that already *giggles*.”

“I’m sure you can wait a couple of minutes Pinkie, and then he will answer all of your questions.”

“Yay-*SLAM*” Pinkie’s cheers were cut off by the hospital room’s door slamming shut.

“How is that pony even possible?”

“Trust me, even I have questioned the actions that mare has done, and I have been alive for thousands of years. Although that one, just stumps me,” Celestia says with an amused sigh.

Huh, I guess- wait… did she say thousands!? Once again damn! Just how old is this pony, she doesn't look a day over thirty.

"Uh, did you just say thousands?" Celestia maintains that warm smile and nods her head.

"Yes, for over two thousand years I have had the responsibility of both raising and setting the sun, and watching over the nation of Equestria along with all my little ponies," The mare states with a bit of pride in her voice.

"Wow, Twilight mentioned that someone had to raise the sun here, so that's you?"

"Yes, it is, and Twilight already gave me a brief overview of the little 'interrogation'. To be honest I am very surprised by some of the things she told me. A world completely devoid of magic is still a bit of a hard concept to fully grasp. I mean, how did your species survive?" Putting on my own grin and pointing to my head I respond.

"We may not have magic, but we have brains. Humans are probably to most innovative species you'll ever find. Every day it seems we're inventing new things to make life easier. That, and we're pretty damn stubborn." I give a light chuckle at the last sentence and Celestia joins in.

"Yes well, I think I can see now. Since your race did not have magic you turned to technology and innovation to make up for it. I guess that would explain the supposed flying metal bird Rainbow Dash told me you arrived here in. Once you are able I would much appreciate you giving me a little tour of this vehicle of yours."

"It would be my pleasure." The princess nods.

"Wonderful. Now, from what I have seen from you so far, I can tell you are a very nice erm... man, and that you would never try to hurt anypony without good reason. However, as a ruler of this nation I am obliged to have these questions answered.”

“Okay, I suppose.” Celestia has now taken on a stern look as she continues.

“My first question is, how were you able to take down a fully grown manticore by yourself, and what is the purpose of the L shaped device we found in your hand during your recovery? We have already deduced it is most likely some kind of weapon, I just want to know what it does.”

*sigh* I knew I was going to have to answer this sooner or later. I just narrowly escaped the topic with Twilight, no escaping it now.

“Well, you are correct in the assumption that it's a weapon. The name of the device is the M9 Berretta pistol, or more generally… a gun. The function of this device is that it shoots large pieces of metal several times the speed of sound out of the gun's the barrel. How this works is that a small round called a ‘bullet’ is ‘chambered’ in the barrel of the gun. When the trigger is pulled the hammer flings down setting off the blasting cap while igniting the flammable contents inside the bullet. This creates a miniature explosion, propelling the piece of metal off the round, and towards the target.” The princess looked revolted, understandable coming from a ruler of a supposed utopic country.

“Oh dear, t-that’s terrible, why would such a horrible thing exist!?”

“I’m not gonna sugar coat it, Princess, this thing is built to kill, but it is also meant to protect. In my world, I am a soldier. My job is to guard those I hold dear, and secure the safety of my nation. Sometimes, that means needing to take the life of another.” Celestia was about to retort before being stopped by me. “My world is not like yours, Celestia. There are evil men on my planet who do terrible things with the solitary goal of murdering innocent lives. I am not saying that it is pretty, but those men are better off gone from the world, gone, so they can no longer harm the innocent. That manticore, in the forest, he was going to kill those fillies, and he almost succeeded. If I hadn’t intervened…I don’t want to know what would have happened. What I am saying is that taking a life is never a good thing, but sometimes it’s the only choice you got, and you better be ready to take it.” Celestia looked dumbfounded. She wanted to disagree, to tell him he was wrong, but deep down however hard it was, she knew he was right. Killing was not unheard of in pony kind. There are some reports of royal guards having to use lethal force in some of the more serious situations. Although they were still very rare, and those poor stallions never walked out the same, but he was still correct. Sometimes the only way to preserve peace and harmony is to do the unthinkable.

“I-I understand. Even though it is difficult to accept this, I know you are right. Although be forewarned, if I hear any word of harm coming to my little ponies because of-” I stopped her there.

“Celestia, you have my word. My job is to protect the innocent. I’m not about to leave that behind.” A small smile makes its way onto the mare’s lips, soon after I share the expression of happiness and understanding.

“I know Rodger, I know. Well, I believe it is time I made my leave. I wish I could stay longer but nightfall is approaching soon and I must return to Canterlot. It has been a pleasure, Mr. Laurence.” Celestia reaches out her hoof once more. Repeating the earlier action I still detect a slight red hue appear on the princess’s cheeks.

“The pleasure was all mine, Celestia. I guess I will see you another time then?” Celestia stands fully erect before speaking.

“Yes, I will see when I find some time free in my schedule. I will advise Twilight when to notify you. Oh, speaking of her, I am going to ask her to let you continue your stay in her Library, with some more… comfortable living conditions.”

“I thank you for the offer, princess, but I think that Is Twilight’s decision. I really don’t want to be any burden. I can just camp out at the jet.” After seeing Celestia’s look of confusion I elaborate. “The flying metal bird…”

“Oh, so that’s what it’s called, interesting… Also, it wasn’t my idea to begin with. Twilight has already offered her home to be your temporary residence until more formal arrangements can be made.”

“Well, I will be sure to thank her when she comes back in.” Celestia smiles once more before turning and heading for the door. Right as she reaches the end of the room she stops herself ans turns her head towards me.

“One last thing, be expecting a visit from my sister Luna one of these nights. She has been very curious of you as well.” Giving her a nod Celestia exits the room, closing the door behind her.

“*sigh* Sister huh, well since Celestia raises the sun I’m guessing Luna is in charge of the night or something? Interesting…” I lay back in my bed giving another contempt sigh. My relaxed state however is interrupted by an odd sensation that I start to feel in my head. Brain… do you feel that?

Yeah, something is definitely not right.

Any suggestions, this is starting to really freak me out.

Wait a minute, let me talk to gut instinct… gut instinct are you ther-


Gut instincts… gut instinct! This is not good, gut instinct is not responding. Wait, what is that, oh…my…god.

Man, what the fuck is going on. The door at the other end of the room has begun to ominously open.

I am picking up huge readings of hyper-active energy. It’s off the charts!

What does this mean what is it! Before my sub-conscious could respond the door swung open revealing the source of the anomaly.


Chapter 10: Painful Memories

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Take to the Skies

Chapter 10: Painful Memories

Written and Edited by RobertBel98

Alright, let me sum up my current situation. I am pinned to the bed by a large pink mass that had previously been standing in the doorway exactly one second ago. How she managed to transport herself that distance in the allotted time, I am still unsure. I have also noticed that the mouth of the creature is forming movements which I believe to be reminiscent of words, although they are moving at too fast a rate for me to comprehend. She is also bouncing sporadically on my diaphragm causing extreme pain to the abdominal region, while also making it difficult to breathe, only allowing me to make short breaths in the gaps. This lack of vital oxygen makes it impossible to voice my concern for self-safety to the pink creature.

Suddenly, a magenta aura wraps around the being to its evident surprise. It slowly lifts off the mattress allowing me to take a much needed intake of air. The creature floats over to the doorway, still spewing out numerous incomprehensible sentences in my general direction. A moment later a new being enters the room. It was my savior from the pink demon, and she came in the form of a purple unicorn.


Still writhing in pain from Pinkie’s surprise attack, I was barely paying attention to the discussion occurring on the opposite side of the room. Pinkie’s mouth had been sealed shut by the force of Twilight’s magic, although a few faint mumbles could still be heard. Twilight had a serious look on her face as she scolded Pinkie.

“Pinkie, you promised you would not jump on Rodger again! You could have really hurt him!” The mumbling stopped as a somber expression makes its way onto Pinkie’s face. “Now, I am going to release you now. Please go and apologize to Rodger.” She nods, the magic energy dissipating from her body gently placing her back on the ground. Pinkie turns and slowly makes her way to the bedside. Her head is lowered and mane has somehow lost its fluffy and happy demeanor, now replaced by a straight and depressed style. When reaching the bedside, Pinkie looks up to me with sad eyes.

“I’m sorry for *sniff* hurting you, Rodger. I just wanted to know what things you would *sniff* like at your welcome party. I’m sorry.” Pinkie looks back down to the floor. The sudden display causes me to ignore all the pain still residing in my body. Looking to Pinkie who is still giving the occasional sniffle I do the only thing that comes to mind… grab her and pull her into the biggest hug I can muster. Pinkie looks surprised at first and speaks. “W-what, but I hurt you, aren’t you mad at me?”

“Pinkie, first, you are way too adorable to stay mad at. Second, I was never angry in the first place, just a little… surprised. Now, are you going to be okay?” I ask giving a warm expression. Pinkie stalls for a second before her mane explodes back into its familiar fluffy self. Beaming a smile Pinkie returns the hug… a little too tight. Here comes the pain again.

“Pinkie…can’t… breathe!” Pinkie loosens her grip with a sheepish smile on her face.

“Sorry… guess I was just happy because you were happy because I love it when my friends are happy and mhfmhmhfmhf…” I had grabbed Pinkie muzzle shut. Looking at her I begin to speak.

“Pinkie, are you going to let me speak?” Pinkie nods. “Good. Now, concerning my ‘Welcome Party’ I only have two things to say. One, nothing with peanuts in it, I’m deathly allergic. Second, do not invite too many people, I am not one for crowds and would like to take some time getting to know the town. Got that?” Pinkie nods excitingly as I release her muzzle. “Great, now I believe you have a party to plan.” Pinkie once again explodes a second time with a full blast of confetti raining down on the room, not even going to try to explain it. Freezing in mid-air she turns a makes a b-line for the door, exiting the room followed by a burst of air with enough force to blow Twilight’s mane sideways.

“*chuckle* Nice hair doo, Twilight, it really *chuckle* suits you.” Rainbow says with a smirk. Twilight at first gives Rainbow a glare, but eventually joins in the laughing.

“Yes well, Pinkie will be Pinkie,” Twilight says while straightening out her mane

“Amen to that,” I reply still giving a light chuckle. “Alright, now I don’t mean to put a dampener on the mood, but I do have some questions about what happened after I went out.” That statement shakes both the mares out of their happy expressions as one of nervousness and uncertainty creeps onto their faces. They both exchange looks before turning back to me. Twilight is the first to speak.

“Alright, although I think it would be better if Rainbow explained this. She was able to wake me up after the magical exhaustion although it still had some lingering effects. I am still not sure what caused that. I was more than certain I would be able to perform the spell, but that is something to look into another time, so…Rainbow?” Rainbow nods hovering closer to my bedside.

“Okay, so this is what happened…”


Rainbow was flying to the edge of the forest with Twilight in tow, still dazed from the not so subtle awakening. As she approached, a group of distraught colts and fillies huddled at the forest line caught her attention. Getting closer now, small fragments of conversations could be heard.

“Did you see that thing, it was huge!” One filly yells.

“Why do think it ran into the forest like that? It looked really angry.”

“I thought it was going to eat me!”

“Well, I hope it comes across those no good blank flanks. I mean, how stupid can you get just charging into the most dangerous part of Equestria, like, come on!” A certain arrogant pony says in an audacious tone.

“Hey weren’t you the ones who dared then to go in there?”

“Shut up, loser, so what if I did, they didn’t have to listen to me you know!” Having heard enough Rainbow flies up to the group quickly.

“Hey, this tall creature, which direction did it head?!” The fillies and colts all look up to the worried pegasus.

“It went the same direction as those three fillies, right over there.” The colt points north.

“Thank you! Now, you should all head home, we’ll take care of this.” Rainbow turns back as the fillies and colts begin to file out of the scene. “Hey Twilight, they said that they all went this way!” Twilight heads over to Rainbow in as fast a pace as she can muster.

“Really, come on we need to follow them,” Twilight says still stumbling.

“Twilight, I know you want to help, but look at yourself you can barely stand! Besides…look, here comes Spike!” Rainbow points to the top of the hill behind them where a clearly distressed dragon was running down. Beside him were two other ponies, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

“Spike, there you are *yawn* where have you been? Where are the others?” Twilight asks.

“I have been running all over town looking for everypony, these two are the only ones I could find in time! Also Twilight, are you okay, you don’t look so good,” Spike says with concern.

“I’m fine *yawn* just a little magic exhaustion. That spell took a lot more out of me than I thought it would.” Twilight had begun nodding off while Rainbow began to speak to Spike.

“Spike, I need you to stay here and look after, Twilight. I will take the others into the forest.”

“Are you sure I can’t come, I think I could really-”

“No, Spike. Twilight is too tired to go into the forest, and you need to look after her while we go search for Scootaloo and the others.” Spike at first has a look of uncertainty on his face, but it is quickly replaced by one of determination.

“You can count on me!” Spike says with a salute. Rainbow Dash nods as she and the others head into the forest.


“Well, what happened next, and who is this Fluttershy? I don’t recall meeting her.” I ask.

“I’m getting to that, and Fluttershy is one of our friends. She is a pegasus like me. I am sure you two will meet…eventually.” I take on a bemused expression.

“Why the hesitation, is there some reason she wouldn’t want to meet me?” I ask.

“Let me just finish the story first, you will understand more at the end.”

“Okay, I guess.”

“Good, so Pinkie, Fluttershy, and I had been walking through the forest for about a minute when we heard something loud.”



Three loud explosions sounded from further into the forest. The ears of all present mares perked up at the sudden noise. Looking to each other Fluttershy is the first to speak up.

“W-what was that?” The timid pegasus asks.

“It sounded like a party cannon! Yay, maybe somepony is throwing a party out here! Hey, I wonder why I wasn’t invited-”

“Pinkie, I don’t think that was a party cannon, come on let’s find out where that came from.” Rainbow and Pinkie zealously advance while Fluttershy continues to take slow hesitant steps. As the group moves on more and more muffled sounds and broken sentences can be heard. Until one line is heeded clear as day.

“Mister, look out!” Pinkie and Rainbow both recognize the voices in unison.

“That sounded like Sweetie Bell!” Pinkie exclaims.

“I heard Applebloom too! Come on, they sound close.” All of them go into a full gallop towards the sound. Roars and the tearing of bark and earth can now be heard. Still on a full on sprint the mares continue to be guided by the audible trail until…silence. That stops them in their tracks as they stand idly in front of the entrance to the clearing.

“G-girls, why did the noise stop like that? What do we do?” Fluttershy asks in a whisper.

“I don’t know, but I don’t think it is a good sign. let’s go see what’s going on.” Rainbow suggests. Both nod walking up to Rainbow’s still hovering form. Approaching the edge all of them bob their heads above the lip and peer into the clearing. They were not prepared for what was about to happen.

“C-chew on this you ugly mother fucker!” A series of loud *BANG*’s followed. All they could do was watch in horror as the hot metal tore through the head of the hopeless manticore. Pinkie’s eyes began to water as her mane fell flat. Rainbow was on the verge of vomiting, and Fluttershy just stared blankly as the limp body of the deceased beast fell to the ground.

Moments later Rainbow promptly released the contents of her stomach while Pinkie had begun to sob. Fluttershy maintained a stoic expression. All stood still as the events unfolded, that is until the stunned pegasus began to walk into the clearing, and towards the manticore. Still walking to the manticore the fillies take notice of the newcomer.

“F-Fluttershy, is that you. Come over here quick, Rodger needs help ah think he’s hurt!” Applebloom yells, but it falls upon deaf ears. Rainbow, finally recovered, flies over the younglings with a still saddened Pinkie following behind.

“Rainbow Dash, we need your help! Scootaloo is really hurt and so is Rodger. We need to get them to a hospital!” Sweetie Bell shouts. Hearing Scootaloo’s name Rainbow shakes from her stupor and begins scrutinizing the land around her to find her kin. Seeing Scootaloo hunched up against the tree Dash takes immediate action, flying over to her and grabbing the filly. While Rainbow is placing Scootaloo on her back she speaks to Pinkie.

“Pinkie, I need to get Scoots to the hospital, you snap Fluttershy out of it and get her to help you with, Rodger. Girls, follow me we need to get out of here!” The remaining fillies fall in line behind Rainbow Dash all trotting out of the forest.


“Once we reached Ponyville we went to the hospital where they took care of Scootaloo. After fifteen minutes of waiting I started getting worried until Pinkie got here dragging you in through the front door. The hospital staff after getting over the initial shock took you into another room. When I asked Pinkie about Fluttershy…she said Fluttershy was still pretty shaken up after… that. I am not sure whether or not she has left her cottage since then.” That’s when it hit me. Someone who had never witnessed the horrors of war or killing, an innocent soul, had just seen me shoot down a living creature first-hand. I never really understood the gravity of that until now. I mean, they trained me to be able to drop bombs on civilian areas, to kill hundreds with no remorse. I can’t imagine how she feels.

“I-I am so sorry. She must still be in shock. When I get out of here I need to pay her a visit, make sure she is okay.”

“I can see you’re concerned and I really appreciate that you are worried for my friend, but I think we should wait a while, get the town more comfortable with you. Besides, considering what, she…we just saw, we should give her a little time to recover on her own.” Sighing in defeat I lean back in my bead.

“*sigh* Fine, I understand.” Both Twilight and Rainbow continue to wear somber expressions before Twilight changes the subject.

“W-well look at the time, It is nearly nightfall. I really need to get back to the library to check on Spike.” Twilight remembered, with the hastily darkening sky outside to support her claim.

“Yea, and I am gonna head over to Scoot’s room and sleep in there for the night, you know, be able to check up on her and stuff.” An awkward silence ensues. Several moments later I get their attention with a light cough.

“Ah-hem, yes well, I think it would be good for me to get some sleep as well, hectic day and all.” They both nod exiting the room.

“Goodnight, Rodger. I will be sure to visit tomorrow!” Twilight yells from the hall.

“Thank you, Twilight. See you then!” I reply. Rainbow began to exit the room before stopping at the door frame and turning towards me.

“If you need anything, I am going to be in the next room. Just give me a call.” That brings a smile to my face along with Rainbow Dash.

“Thank you, Rainbow. See you tomorrow.”

“Yea, see ya.” Rainbow exits the room turning off the lights and closing the door as she does. Now left alone in the darkness I become lost in my own thoughts, slowly dipping into unconsciousness. Eventually sleep overwhelms me.


“W-what the hell.” Opening my eyes I am met with an unfamiliar sight. All around me are dirty white tiles. Their original pearl white color muddied by a cover of moss and fungus. Dim and blinking lights hang by nearly severed wiring above me. That’s when I realize I am lying in some kind of hallway. Attempting to get up my venture is halted as I feel a sharp pain in my back. Trying to move again I am met with the sound of crunching glass, most likely from the many shattered bulbs hanging above. Simply compromising with the movement of my head I nod upward to try and gain sight of my location. Up and down the hall I see nothing but black around me save for the remaining lights. Not conceiving any other option I do the first thing that comes to mind.

“Help, is anyone there! Help, please I can’t get up!” Silence is my only response. I am left staring blankly at the ceiling of the hall. Seeing nothing else I can do I try again hoping for an acknowledgement.

“Help, please! Please, is anyone there-” I had attempted to move my back to a higher elevation while speaking when something sends a chill down my spine. In the darkness I saw something. Like a moving shadow, an entity in the sea of black. I continue to lay there frozen in my place before mustering up all my courage to speak once more.

“I know you are there! I can see you moving!” This time I neither see nor hear anything. “Hey, don’t fuck with me ass hole I- ARGH!” An extreme amount of pain flows throughout my spine. The jolt causes me to crush my back against the floor eliciting more pain from the glass cutting into my flesh. Systematic searing pains pass through my brain stem. This causing me to flail spastically on the ground, eyes rolling into the back of my head. The sharp pain in my back now becomes a burning sensation that engulfs my entire form. A single flash of light passes through my retinas before a sense of falling envelops me.


“*OOMF* Ugh, what the hell was that, where the hell am I now!” I fume not expecting an answer, but surprisingly a voice emanates from behind me.

“O-oh dear, are you alright! That spell is supposed to be harmless. I don’t know why it caused you so much pain. Here let me help you!” The voice, one again surprisingly, was very soft and gently, almost trusting. I feel a pressure start to build on my back as the pain begins to lift from my body. Once my thoughts are cleared I slowly sit up from my prone position, and speak.

“W-who are you?” I ask.

“My name is, Luna.”

Chapter 11: Transparent Dreams

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Take to the Skies

Written and Edited By: RobertBel98

Chapter 11: Transparent Dreams

My vision now fully restored, I looked up to the source of the voice that addressed me only moments before. In the empty void stood a form that towered over me while I was in my prone position. Her blue coat was softly illuminated in the astral light that surrounded us. Her mane shone and glimmered with the beauty of the night, as it slowly billowed in a seemingly artificial gale. It was almost as if it were a window into the vast expanse of space. A long horn protruded from her head, while two wings also wrapped around her slender form, both matching the shade of her coat. I looked at her eyes, which were still showing a hint of worry, but that’s not all I picked up. Her face, her body, it all looked so young, but her eyes just gave off that sophisticated energy that she had seen much more than her appearance let on. I was able to pick this up because I had seen it many times before, during my tour.

So, this is Luna. The sister Celestia mentioned. Wow, she could almost pass for Celestia’s twin. They’re almost identical besides the color of their coats. Huh, I guess I was right in my assumption that she was ruler of the night, considering her mane resembles the night sky. After my brief examination of the Princess, the oddity of my situation caused questions to flood my mind.

“W-where…are we?” I asked while rotating my head around, gazing upon my empty surroundings.

Luna began to glance around as well, before she gave her reply. “There is no particular name for it, but I have come to call it, the Void.” This statement only stirred my mind further. Luna must have sensed my confusion, as she gave further explanation. “The Void is where all consciences in this domain travel when in need of rest.”

“So, this is where ponies’ minds go when they sleep?” I state, beginning to gain a better understanding.

“Well, not just ponies. All creatures of the world can appear here, even animals, and now, apparently humans as well.” The last statement was said with a smile. Hesitantly, I returned the expression as I continued to scrutinize the area.

“Wait, if this is where everyone’s mind goes to rest, then where are they?” As I completed my sentence a soft red glint in the corner of my vision caught my eye. Turning to face it, I was met with what seemed to be a hovering red orb. My eyes widened a bit at the appearance of this aberration. But what happened next truly left me in awe. All around me, hundreds upon thousands of orbs manifested within the Void, each of them gleaming with a unique hue. “W-what…” I was left stuttering due to my amazement with the spectacle unfolding before me. The once dark empty space was now bursting with color from the floating spheres.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” I only nodded my head. “Each and every one of these orbs represents a being’s subconscious mind, or more simply put their dreams.” This only increased my wonderment. That is, until I came to a revelation.

“Wait, so how am I here. Shouldn’t I be like…well, that?” I gesture to the orbs. Luna only smiled at my query.

“Just as I can enter the dreams of anypony, I can also pull their conscious into the Void. It is not an act I perform often, but it can prove useful, at times.” It seemed that every statement only heightened my fascination to a new peak. She can actually enter someone’s dreams? Oh man, all of this is just…beyond me. Along with most other things I’ve encountered while here. This world truly is…unique. “Well, I thank you for answering my questions, Luna. But I am also sure you have some of your own, no?” Luna shook her head, leaving me perturbed to the response.

“No, I actually don’t have any questions, well, for now at least.” I kept my befuddled look before I spoke once more.

“Wait, so what was all this about?”

“I simply wanted to meet you for myself. Be able to speak to you face to face, so to speak.”

She did all this, just so she could meet me? Was this like…a test or something? No, that makes no sense, what would she even be testing, my reaction to a bunch of floating colorful balls, not likely. Maybe I should just be happy that I don’t have to answer a ton of stupid questions over again. I’m trying to be helpful, but it does get annoying. I had been so used to going through a Q/A session whenever in this situation that this caught me by surprise. But thankfully, it was a pleasant one.

“Alright, I guess I can understand that, just caught me of guard, that’s all.” Luna nodded in understanding.

After a momentary silence, I finally noticed that I had been seated on the ground for the duration of the conversation. Huh, I guess that slipped my mind. I started to raise myself off from the translucent floor. The sound of bones popping back into their needed positions filled my ears, much to my satisfaction. Eventually, I managed to get myself into a standing position.

I looked down to Luna, only to see her slightly startled at my superior height. I found the look to be rather comical, seeing as it was similar to the expression that had been glued to my face almost the entire time during her lecture. I would have let loose a chuckle, if it weren’t for the unforeseen disturbance.

Out of nowhere, a pounding headache pulsed throughout my skull. It felt as if someone took a hammer to both my temples. I would have keeled over from the staggering amount of pain, if it weren’t for Luna being there to support me. I was left there, leaning on the Alicorn as burning agony continuously pummeled my cranium with a vengeance.

After several moments I started to feel the pain less…and less. Until it was eventually withered down to nothing more than light aches. I lifted myself off the Princess, who looked almost disturbed by the prior episode. I grasped my forehead, still feeling the aftershock of whatever just occurred.

“Ugh…thanks,” I thanked Luna for her assistance. “Jesus, what was that?” I asked out of reflex.

“I…don’t know. Oh dear, I have never seen a being react so violently to the Void before! Are you alright?!” Still grasping my forehead, I waved her off with my free hand.

“Yea, I…I think so. God, that just up and came out of nowhere!” I released my skull, but continued to try and steady my breathing. Luna still looked extremely bothered from the ordeal, but eventually she calmed as well.

“Well, I’m glad that you’re alright now. But whatever just happened could be a serious issue!” I understood her logic, but was still too disoriented to have any desire to pursue it.

“I understand, but, for now, how about we just agree to keep our visits in person, rather than pulling me into the mystical void of pain.” I say the last bit with a strained laugh. Luna’s worried emotions linger for a bit, before they promptly melted away from the humor, as she eventually joined in.

After the laughter died down, we were left much happier than before. “I guess that is all we can really do for now, but I will be reporting these disturbances to my sister, she may be able to help. And, I would be more than happy to pay a visit one night, when you are well.”

“Sounds like a deal to me.” We both shared the thoughtful moment, when suddenly, Luna’s eyes widened. This caused me to have some concern. “Luna, are you alright, is something wrong?”

“Yes, I’m fine. It’s just that it appears you will be waking up momentarily.” This surprised me.

“Wait, how do you know-” I cut myself off as I glanced down. There didn’t seem to be anything wrong other than the fact that my LEGS WERE MISSING! “What the hell!” The entire lower sector of my body had vanished into thin air, leaving me nothing more than a floating specter. Not only that, but it seemed to be spreading. The empty expanse was now eating away at my abdomen. My paranoia caused me to flail my remaining limbs in distress.

“Please, calm down! I promise you this is normal!” Luna tried to reason.

“Normal, since when is this normal!” It had already spread to my lower arms and chest.

“Your unconscious form is simply being transported back into the conscious world! There is nothing to be afraid off!” I had ceased my ramblings but continued to move about frantically, well, as much as I could. The emptiness had consumed both my arms. The only part of me remaining was my head, which was staring directly at the confident face of Luna. I realized the inevitable, as I clamped my eyes shut, and took one…last…breath. And then, I waited…and waited. When I finally realized that nothing was going to happen, I decided to investigate.

Hesitantly, I opened both my eyelids. When I cast my view around my new surroundings, I discovered that I was in fact back in my hospital bed. I looked to my left to see large amounts of light from the sun pouring in from the open windows, giving the room a warm and welcome feeling. I could faintly hear the sounds of birds chirping in the distance, truly signifying the world’s transition into day. I laid back and took several deep breaths, still slightly dazed from that…interesting development.

Once the adrenaline decided to take a break, I was finally calm enough to process my thoughts more clearly. That was one hell of a night.