> Lost and Found > by Silver Spirit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I just wanna belong > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “WHAT!? What do you mean that it’s gonna cost Two-hundred bits?” “That’s what it costs my purple-maned friend,” Stated the colt at the Ponyville train station, “I’m sorry, but I can’t help you otherwise. That’s as low as I can go for one pony such as yourself.” The purple-maned, lavender and cobalt blue coated pony bowed his head in admit of defeat. Thinking that the evening prior to that day he wouldn’t need to set his alarm. Yet he was proven wrong yet again which showed in the fact that not only did he miss his train, but he missed it by two hours. He slowly and depressingly walked back into town head hung low with the knowledge that he’d be letting his fans down. Missing shows that were coming up all in effort to make money, however the soul-wrenching thought of ending his career as not only a DJ, but as a producer as well. This colt could not handle such a thought. As it kept reoccurring and fading back into the depths of his mind like the blank abyss it was becoming, he heard a call from somepony. It didn’t quite fully hit him at first till he was getting prodded by the hoof of a rather odd looking unicorn. He was wearing some armor and he had a deep purple coat, and under his helmet what could be seen was some forest green hair, and bright yellow eyes. He didn’t really look like the brave type because he was quivering as he was poking the purple-maned earth pony. Also he was surprisingly small for a unicorn. After giving him a look down of what this pony looked like and focusing on him rather blankly he almost wanted to laugh, but it was almost like he couldn’t. The yellow-eyed pony poked him one last time. “Um… Ex- excuse me?” his accent was a strangely offsetting British cause of how frightened he seemed. Once again the thoughts kept being raised and dissipated which made him unable to laugh. The purple-maned pony finally made eye contact with the yellow-eyed one, but it was a very dry almost “I don’t give a crap” look. Yet he listened anyways. “I-i-is there something I can h-help you with?” he still seems unsure of himself. How did he even become a guard? Ignoring him, the purple-maned colt kept walking unaware that the yellow-eyed unicorn kept a close follow. Lost in thought he kept walking feeling as though he let down the DJ that he was a big fan of. Who he still was surprised that she was a big fan of his work as a producer. The new thought began running through his mind. “Why does she like my work?” lost in that thought he bumped into a pony that looked at him kind of quizzically, but instantly recognized him, however she looked at him as though he were some alien species visiting from another planet with a face that was contorted in confusion, the electrically blue-maned, whitish colored pony with bizarre looking shades, look at the him almost surprised with how grief-stricken he looked. After a little bit of looking at the purple-maned, blue-eyed pony, she smirked slightly and said, “By Celestia you look like you face planted into one of Pinkie’s pies.” She laughed at the thought of that. She had also caught the attention of the blue-eyed pony. She continues as his surprised yet relived face was focused on her. “Come on Silver! What happened to the excited fun loving pony I remember from last night?” that seemed to cheer him up a little bit, but he still seemed a little smug. He at least responded to her. “Well. As you probably could tell I shouldn’t be here and on my way back home.” He sighed at his pause. “However, I-“ “-Missed the train because you didn’t set your alarm?” she finished the sentence before he could and it sent a chill through his spine. “Silver Spirit I have never heard such a thing come from your mouth. Come on your more organized than Celestia. What’s the real reason?” he had to think of something quick and witty. It wasn’t coming, until he thought about that last sentence she had heckled him with. “Excuse me Vinyl, but when and how on Equestria did you figure out that my schedule is so perfect in one night?” she reeled herself trying to think of a response, but the longer she thought the more she began blushing. Silver smiled at this point, and he thought he should deliver a finishing blow so to speak thinking he was so clever. “I mean I know you’re a fan and all but… that’s a little personal.” “N-n-no it’s not!” she stuttered trying as though to deny what she knows. “The fans at your show say you always show up to help set up.” “Kind of true.” He said with a big smirk on his face. “However it’s not completely correct. I help unpack usually, and let the unicorns setup, but last night they needed my help with set up just cause we didn’t have enough unicorns.” Vinyl flinched again. Neither of them knew where to go from that point on as far as that conversation, but there was one thing that bugged Silver. “Now that I think about it, didn’t you miss the train as well?” Now it was her turn for a smirk. “No silly, I live here.” She pointed at Silver as she continued, “any one of my fans could tell you that.” The unicorn that was following Silver finally piped up again. “Actually I didn’t know that.” He said matter-of-factly without stutter which caught not only Silver’s attention, but Vinyl’s as well. Boy did it ever catch Vinyl’s as she shot daggers which could only be felt and not seen at the little unicorn. Before she could reply Silver cut in. “Do you know where I’m from?” Silver asked. Vinyl was still giving him a massive death glare. It didn’t catch his attention or scare him because he knew what the correct answer was. “No. In fact who are you?” he asked. This seemed to calm Vinyl down, so she poked Silver in the rib area which made him squeal like a little filly. “This is Silver Spirit.” Vinyl stated. “Equestrian wide know producer,” “I wouldn’t go that far.” Silver sheepishly said. Vinyl glared at him. “A darn good DJ.” She continued. “Not as good as you.” She jabbed him again which made him groan. “And he knows how to party.” She looked back at him again to make sure he didn’t counter-act himself again. He looked back and said nothing until she looked away. “She gives me too much credit.” Silver said. He looked at her but she made no argument. “What’s your name anyways?” Silver asked the unicorn. He seemed rather surprized at being asked. It definitely showed to. “M-mm-mm-my name is S-steel Th-thunder.” Silver at the point thought, man this colt could really make my vocal chopping much easier. He sighed at his thought and moved closer to Steel, and held his hoof out to the unicorn’s chest. “You know, if you wanna be a good guard you’ve gotta be confident in yourself.” Silver paused as the unicorn let it sink in. “Otherwise people won’t ask you for help.” The unicorn looked over at Vinyl and she nodded her head in agreement with Silver. He then nodded at Silver who smiled at the unicorns understanding. “Good!” he began. “Would you like to try again then?” The unicorn looked at him perplexed. Silver face hoofed, “Try introducing yourself again.” He said as though trying not to sound aggravated. “Oh, right.” The unicorn looked toward the ground as though he’d somehow find his answer there. Silver lifted his chin. “Remember. Confident.” Silver reassured him. The unicorn looked at Silver with his bright yellow eyes and resounding stated, “My name is Steel Thunder!” He said it as though he screamed into the sun. Everypony around him was staring at him as though he had lost his marbles. He sunk down and sat down as though to hide himself in his own world. Silver then place a hoof on his left shoulder. “Well.” Silver was surprised but stirred by this unicorn. “It was better than the first try but you still got work ahead of you. Right, Steel?” Silver was smiling as though he had just done a great deed which he held out his hoof to the unicorn plopped on his plot. The unicorn look at Silver’s hoof then at the colts face. His facial expression didn’t change, but he accepted the help up. “So what can I do for you Steel, other than the obvious?” “I think I should be asking you that.” Steel replied back. “Well ya see… it’s kind of a big favour.” Silver said as he poked the ends of his hooves together. “Oh come on Mr. Confidence; let’s see what kind you have.” Silver sighed as he realized that he had been caught in his own loophole. “Okay. I need a place to stay and I would feel uncomfortable asking Vinyl.” He awkwardly grinned. Steel just stared at him almost as if he was unamused, but that’s not what bothered it was the daggers he could feel in the back of his head. “Oh, really?” Vinyl sneered. ”And what’s wrong with you staying at my house?” “Well there’s two reasons actually.” “Oh, yeah. What might they be?” “Well one, I’ve never slept in a house with a mare alone, and two you’re probably quite busy.” “Well…” Vinyl blushed as she realised the flaw. “I see your point, but what makes you think that Steel isn’t nearly as busy?” as they both look at the unicorn he sat and looked back and forth between the bickering “couple” as Silver began snickering. “He has been sitting here this whole time listening to us so I think his schedule is pretty clean.” Silver looked at the time on his watch and realized that he and Vinyl had to have been arguing for at least 45 minutes. “I couldn’t have been more right.” He muttered to himself. Before Vinyl could respond to it he went straight to the point. “So are you okay with it Steel?” Before Steel could answer however he was poked in the side by another white unicorn, with a stylish, purple mane, and a white coat. “Good afternoon, gentle colts.” She said rather eloquently. She also gave Vinyl an obligatory greeting but Silver didn’t notice, however neither did Steel. After the mare was a good distance away Silver turned back to hear Steel’s answer, however the helpless colt was mesmerised by the beauty of said mare. Silver looked back at the mare who was quite away away. Silver could see that this pony was interested in that mare. That’s when a thought appeared in Silver’s head. He wrapped his hoof around the small unicorn and proceeded with his plan. “So Steel, remember how I was talking earlier about confidence?” he replied with a nod. His eyes were still fixated on the mare. “You like her don’t you?” Steel immediately snapped out of his daze completely flustered. “I-I-I don’t kn-know w-what you’re talking ab-bout.” His voice was really high-pitched at this point. Silver shrugged, “Oh, I think you do know.” “P-prove it.” “First off you’re blushing like Vinyl after I mentioned that she thought of the idea that I should go to her house;” Steel put his hooves to his face at that moment. “Secondly, your stuttering like apples falling out of a tree; and finally your eyes were locked onto her like Vinyl’s glasses to her face.” She looked over at that moment perplexed. “What?” was all that came out. “Nothing.” Was all he could think of to reply with. “Anyway I can see that you like her and you’re interested. I can help you, but only if you give me a place to stay.” Steel looked concerned when he looked at Silver. “Are you saying that you want power?” Steel asked. Silver shook his head. “I Just want a place to belong.” > Long Shift > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Weaver! Wake up you lazy plot.” The familiar voice called to the slumbering pegisi. He saw no reason as to listen to the mare as he thought he would bother her. He rolled over snuggling into his pillow more. “Weaver come on don’t you want to pass your test? You know to become a vanguard?” She called to him again expecting an answer, but wasn’t receiving one. She finally decided there was only one way to get him up, violently. She jumped and crash landed onto his bed, wrapped a hoof around his neck, picked him up, and placed her other hoof on the back of his head. He started making choking noises, and his eyes shot open. ‘Okay, probably not the best idea.’ He thought to himself. “You know it’s probably in your best interest not to make me angry.” “I’ll take that into account sir.” He got out in a rather raspy, air deprived tone. She dropped him and let him have time to regain some air. “Get ready Weaver. You’ve got twenty minutes.” She said stalely as she left the room. The now fully awoken Pegasus got up and walked over to a mirror to see if she had done anything to make him look worse than he probably already did. He looked at himself in the mirror to see that his teal colored mane hadn’t been messed up too bad. It was okay because he wore a snazzy black fedora. His deep blue eyes looked back at him in the mirror. His royal blue and cream colored coat shone in whatever morning daylight was outside glistening in his window. “Well guess I better get ready.” He muttered to himself. He quickly ran over to where his cape and hat sat on the edge of the bed post. As he was putting them on he looked at his bed. It was all messy after she had woken you up on it. It was comfy but it just didn’t feel like his old bed back in the last two years of training he had taken. However that is all behind him now as he faces his first real mission. He didn’t fully catch what it was about, but he knew it was some sort of a legend about ponies that would disappear if they ever found and were able to get pictures of something ancient and cursed. It wasn’t quite coming to him. Celestia knows he’d probably hear it again. He put the last piece of his equipment on just in time too. “Dreamweaver!” the mare called to him. He made his way over to the door. “If you don’t make your way over here now I’ll-“ he opened the door just at the right time so he wouldn’t know what horrors awaited if he didn’t. “Oh! Good you are ready.” The mare said. She still didn’t look very impressed with him. “Yeah. I’m ready.” Was all he could come up with. He wasn’t much on his social skills. The only pony he could comfortably talk with wasn’t there, and he didn’t make the team of seven because of reasons that he didn’t want to accept, Wild and crazy reasons. “Oh come on, you need to be more energetic than that.” Crystal said as they made their way to meet up with her squad. Yeah she is the leader and he’s staying at her house. It’s only temporary though. Even though he’s going to be part of the squad the test means he doesn’t get an official place to sleep yet. ‘Awkward yet worth it.’ Weaver thought to himself. His dream was going to come true. All they would have to do is disprove the rumor and he’d be one of them. So for the time being he thought he’d humor her. He smiled confidently. “Yeah, your right. Today is going to be a great day.” She looked back at him rather surprised. She began to laugh. “Wow, you actually took what I said seriously.” It was the first time Weaver can say that she actually smiled since they were put in the same squad. “Well yeah. I mean it seems pretty straight forward.” He paused a second to fully point out everything. “I mean obviously the whole idea of ponies disappearing. It seems pretty obvious what happened.” “Huh? What are you babbling about?” “Well, where were these ponies last seen again?” “They were last seen entering the forest.” “Exactly. They probably heard about the legend, and wanted to debunk this story. So when they went in to look for it they got lost cause they were too focused on what they were doing. So once we find them-“ “There have been reports of those ponies ghosts actively seen around the town. So that ruins your theory.” She looked at him as though she were going to give him a hoof to the face. “I’ll tell you what though. I like your optimism, but maybe you should pay more attention to the reports and less time thinking that this is gonna be a walk in the park.” This sent chills running through Weaver’s spine. He never though one pony let alone a mare could scare him so much. ‘Wait did she compliment me and not hurt me?’ He was stunned. He stared curiously at the mare perplexed and frightened. “We’re here.” She stated and the descended to meet with the rest of the squad so they could begin their flight to Staliongrad. The squad consisted of five members other than Crystal and Weaver. The members consisted of a colt with a red wine colored body, violet colored eyes, and an amber and jet black colored mane; the next pony in line was a mare who has a snow white coat, sap green eyes, and jet black and banana colored mane; the one after her was a colt who has an amber coat, cobalt blue eyes, and light gray and forest green mane; the next was a mare, with which Weaver was familiar with, who has a russet red coat, icy blue eyes, and electric blue and ruby mane; and lastly in the line, a colt with a slate gray coat, amber colored eyes, and mint green and forest green mane; and of course the “fearless leader” as Weaver sarcastically put, Crystal Wing. Her coat seemed like silver that shimmered blue, her eyes were a bright crimson that seemed to glow, and her mane was a mix of an ice blue and the silvery color her coat was. Weaver took his place between his mare friend and the green haired colt. The mare shot him a quick grin as to make sure Crystal wouldn’t see and he did the same back. Crystal didn’t like to see relationships other than friendship form in a squad. However, Weaver likes to break her rules every once in a while, but only as long as they wouldn’t cause him pain in the end. As they stood at attention they were waiting for mission details from Crystal like they normally would. After about five minutes of her walking back and forth, Weaver guessed it was to prepare a speech of some sort, she asked, “Are we all prepared?” “Yes Sir!” they all said in unison. “Good, now, once we get there, since we don’t fully understand the nature of their legend, they will be waiting for us. They are going to make sure that we are welcomed there. Make sure you all remember your manners there, Weaver.” She shot daggers through him with her eyes. On the outside he made sure he wasn’t letting up anything. On the inside he was freaking out. She continued, “Anyway we are going to a foreign land with a foreign language and accents. So try to keep professional. Do you understand?” “Yes sir!” “Fall in formation everypony! It’s time.” They began the long flight there. Weaver wasn’t a fan of long travel let alone long flight travel. His marefriend pulled up and gave him another smile. “I can see your already bored.” She said rather energetically. “Mist, if traveling wasn’t such a pain in the plot I’d share your enthusiasm.” Weaver said back to her. “Well, that’s cold.” She made a sad face that Weaver couldn’t resist. He sighed, ‘I guess I gotta say something dorky, don’t I?’ he thought to himself. She waited for him to say something that was going to bring her spirits up a bit. He thought quickly because he was good at being dorky. “Well, you know, I haven’t traveled with other ponies let alone friends, and you’re a good friend.” He felt so ridiculous saying it, but he got a giggle and a smile out of it as she did a loop. Crystal noticed but ignored it probably because she didn’t want any of them passing out. Weaver didn’t know how long they were flying for, but he was beginning to tire. Celestia’s sun was reaching its highest point which suggested that it was most likely around twelve o’clock. Weaver looked over at Crystal and could instantly tell the effects of the long flight were taking its toll. Beside that however Weaver saw a red object just past where he was looking at Crystal. Weaver looked more carefully and saw that it was a Pegasus in a red uniform. He looked at the other side and there was another that was just like the other. Weaver looked back at Crystal to see if this was the welcoming comity. He saw something rather odd about her demeanour. She looked like she was kind of wobbly, but it wasn’t that which bothered him it was the fact she looked as though she were mumbling to herself. It was too far for him to hear and he wasn’t good at lip reading, but what he thought he caught was her saying was ‘I’m pathetic.’ and ‘he’ll never notice me this way.’ Weaver began getting concerned at what he thought she was saying. Before he could consider what he thought he was saying, knowing he was probably wrong anyways, he watched as a wobbly Crystal start to descend. However it was faster than the rest of the squad was going, and rather more so straight down. Weaver was first to act on noticing Crystal falling from the sky. The rest of the squad was either trying their best not to pass out, or saw and wasn’t sure what to do or they banked on Weaver being faster than they were. Whatever it was Weaver was too focused on what he was doing to save his squad leader, who was now passed out. He got closer… and closer till he was arm’s length away from being able to catch her. ‘Damn it!’ he thought to himself, ‘Only one option and I don’t like it.’ He realized his wings were creating drag which made him in able to go any faster than he was going. He tucked in his wings and stream lined his body. That seemed to do the trick. Not known to him however was how close to the ground he was, but he caught up and was able to catch her. At the point he caught her was also the point he realized how close to the ground they were. Without thinking he instantly flattened his body, spread his wings and flapped as hard as he could narrowly missing the tree line by a foot or two. He took a big sigh of relief. ‘That could have been ugly.’ He thought to himself. He scanned the sky to see if he could find the squad again. He finally caught them at the point where they were about to land. He flew toward the direction that they were headed. At this point he wasn’t worried about passing out, but he kept having something cross his mind, ‘What was she saying to herself?’ Before it crossed his mind again, and he arrived, he felt a sharp pain shoot through his back where his wings were. ‘Damn I should have known that would hurt at some point.’ He finally found where he was supposed to be, and landed in front of the rest of his squad mates as well as the welcoming comity. He tucked in his wings which sent another sharp pain throughout his back. He did his best not to show that anything was bothering him. He was greeted by Staliongrad’s commander. “Welcome brother.” He said as he saluted to Weaver. Crystal was right however his accent was thick and had a heavy rasp to it. Weaver bowed because it was all he could do. “I would salute back, but as you can see our sergeant decided to get herself into trouble.” “Dah!” he lowered his hoof. “I am only going to be guessing, but did you not all have food before you flew here?” Weaver decided to lay Crystal down so he could have at least a semi-normal conversation with the commander. “No sir. None of us did as a matter of fact.” He stated, one thing crossed his mind though. ‘Wait, why am I doing all the talking isn’t that Mist’s job?’ “I see well that can easily be fixed.” He said as he motioned to some ponies that were standing behind them, they open the gates, but nobody moved yet till the thick accented unicorn said so. “So before I can let you in I need to know your names so we don’t have to call each other by colors, yeah?” Each of the unicorns took their place in a formation which went from lowest to highest rank starting with Weaver going to Mist. Each then began naming themselves and their rank. They were saluting as they started. What surprised Weaver though was that Mist started. “My name is Mist Fire. I am a guardspony sir and right hoof to Crystal.” Next was the mare with the sap green eyes. “My name is Cloud Twirl.” She stated. “I am just a recruit at this point sir.” Next was the colt with the violet colored eyes. “My name is Thunder Flicker.” He said, “I am also a recruit sir.” “My name is Thunder Fire,” Said the colt with cobalt blue eyes, “I am another recruit as well sir.” “My name is Cloud Runner.” The colt with the amber colored eyes said, “I am a recruit sir.” “My name is Dreamweaver sir.” He said. “I am also a recruit, however I get the feeling you want to know our sergeant as well.” “Dah. That would be nice.” The commander said as he looked at the downed pegasi. Weaver looked around to see if anyone was willing to volunteer. He looked back at the commander to see he was look directly at him. Weaver sighed, and the commander laughed. “I get the feeling you are not much to public speaking. Am I right comrade?” He couldn’t have hit the nail harder on the head. Weaver kept composed though and decided he thought he’d introduce her. “This is Crystal Wing, and she is our sergeant.” How he wished he could have said worse about her, but he couldn’t muster it after her little incident that he witness. He was more concerned about her well-being at this point. “Very well.” The commander said as he motioned toward the ponies behind him again. “We’ll make sure she’s taken care of.” The foreign ponies picked her up and carried her into a building. “For now though you are all probably hungry, Dah?” Weaver looked over at the rest of the squad and they all nodded their heads. “Well… as long as it isn’t too much trouble sure we would gladly like something to eat sir.” “Very good!” he motioned at the squad to follow him. “Come with me then. You can tell me what happened along the way then Dreamweaver.” Weaver had never heard his name with such an accent it bothered him a little. He trotted up beside the commander so he could converse with him about what had happened to Crystal. “Sir, can I request that you call me Weaver?” The commander looked at him and laughed. “I guess that’s what they call you for short, don’t they?” “No it’s not that I’m just more comfortable with it sir.” Weaver was looking around at the town getting a feel for what it was like there as he was talking to the commander. From the ponies that he did see outside they weren’t happy, and they seemed to be shooting dirty looks toward the groups’ general direction. Weaver was explaining, but he couldn’t hear himself. He was too focused on the town ponies. Weaver didn’t quite understand what was going on but before he knew it he was already finished telling what had happened. He looked back at the commander and hoped he didn’t say anything stupid. The commander didn’t say anything back almost as if he were expecting more. “That’s it sir.” Weaver said. The commander looked at him. “I see… did you take any injuries from this maneuver?” Weaver had completely forgotten he had strained something in his back. The pain instantly shot threw him again at the remembrance of it. He kept walking though so the commander wouldn’t notice. However he noticed. “I can see that it is still affecting you.” He said this made Weaver flinch. “Do you need to have it looked at?” Weaver shrugged it off. “Trust me commander I’ve been through worse pain.” He was lying, but only because he didn’t want to be deemed unfit to complete the mission. Therefore he wouldn’t become a guard, if he was found out. The commander looked at him as though he knew it weren’t true, but he surprised Weaver and said, “If you are so sure comrade, then I trust you.” Weaver was finally able to relax at those words, yet he still felt uneasy. Before he knew it he heard a bell and looked up to see the commander opening the door to a small looking café for them. Weaver was surprised. “Th-thank you sir.” Weaver said as he entered. He went to go take his hat off, but realized he lost it saving Crystal. They each sat in a chair at a round table. Weaver stayed focused on what he wanted for food until he ordered. Once he did order he sat there in his chair and began thinking. Trying to ease his mind of what had occurred. He thought about everything that happened trying to think of a possible explanation as to why she would have passed out so suddenly. He was so lost he didn’t even notice his food arrive. He never even looked at it, touch it or bite it. ‘Something’s not right and it’s not what’s just on her mind.’ He thought to himself, ‘That and the people here seemed to not enjoy the company of their guards around town. Something’s up and we need to find out before they decide they want to do something that we probably aren’t going to like.’ “So commander.” Weaver finally spoke, but he still didn’t touch his food. The large pony glanced over acknowledging he heard. “I know that I’m probably gonna be a little out of line for asking this, but I need to know.” ‘Man Crystal is gonna rip my head off later.’ “You summoned us here in order to help with a problem that involves a certain legend, but why?” everypony at the table looked strangely at him. “Don’t worry it seems like a good question.” He said. “I don’t think you understood the question sir. I’m asking why you need help when you’ve got your own guards and equipment. Everypony looked at him stunned. “Weaver!” Mist shouted at him trying to keep him in line, but the commander motioned to her to calm herself. He sighed as well, but instantly regained his composure. “Would you like to enlighten us as to why we need you?” Weaver had to think about that. He took some time looking through there motions, and demeanor. He thought about it carefully remember there formations and how they walked in. There was no form what so ever. There could only be two options as to why there was no form. So he did what he normally did, took a stab at it. “Well this is only just a guess, but I’m going to say that you have formal training.” Nobody responded to the blatant accusation. “If that’s not it then judging by the people around town you are just a bunch of normal everyday ponies that do this just for fun.” Mist instantly shot to her hooves, and was about to object yet again, but just like last time she was stopped by the thick accented pony. She sat down looking at him and he sighed. He wasn’t angry more than he was relieved, and almost happy. “Impressive, young pony.” The rest of the squad was shocked to hear those words come out of his mouth. “What gave us away?” “There was no format to how you do things and you don’t take anything seriously.” He smiled and shrugged. “That’s why we called you over.” Weaver thought, ‘thank Celestia I got that out of the way. I never would have gotten that out of the way with Crystal around.’ He then heard a couple of hoof steps from behind him. The part that scared him, he didn’t hear the door open. He turned in time to see Crystal face about a foot away from his, but she wasn’t angry. “I see.” She said. “Anyway we would like to hear this legend. As long as my recruit didn’t offend you.” She gave Weaver a look, but still wasn’t mad at him. She almost looked apologetic. ‘Does she know I saved her?’ he thought to himself. “Gladly.” He said. “I owe you that much.” He took a long moment to finish off his drink. Then he began by asking a question. “Have you heard of cursed ponies?” They all nodded their heads except for Weaver he stayed dead silent. There was something about the name the pony just gave. It irked him. “Unhappiness isn't something unheard of in Equestria,” he continued as though Weaver didn’t understand. “it takes a different form after the unhappiness is forgot...” He paused for a moment to take another drink. “A form forbidden from Celestia's Sun and follow the Black Sun to became real unhappiness of ponies that have been forgotten. They believe they are the real version of that pony and seek to permanent replace them, generally by death. They aren't just formed of little tid-bits of things,” he started to motion with his hooves as he spoke, ”they be formed from something that they focus on for years and use that to drive them forward, but they tend to act only using the negative emotions.” He paused again to take another drink. “That’s what they drive off of, and that’s the other reason why we need your help.” The squad looked around at each other. Silenced the only response came from Crystal. “So were dealing with those ‘things’?” she said almost over exaggerating the word. Weaver noticed that she started scheming. “Alright thank you commander you are excused.” He nodded and trotted away so the seven pegasi could strategize. Several ideas were bounced off of how they should maintain watch. Weaver took no part in this cause he wasn’t much for strategy. Weaver just kept to himself. ‘What is it about the cursed that is rubbing me the wrong way?’ he thought to himself. Before he could finish that thought he was getting poked by Mist. He looked towards her direction, but wasn’t very focused. She whispered to him, “They asked you for an opinion.” This woke him from his daze. When he looked around he saw the rest of the squad was staring at him. He thought quickly, but he thought it was stupid and filliish. “Why don’t we take shifts throughout the night? You know, like, how fillies do it.” However rather than laughing at it they took it to heart. What frightened him more was it was the most popular idea. Not even five minutes after he suggested it they were already deciding who was going to take what shift. Weaver thought it was just a night thing but apparently he was wrong. At this point it was starting to become a big waste of time for him. Mist began poking him again, but out of sight of Crystal so he thought listening was a good idea. She made sure to whisper and at that point Weaver knew what it was for. “Hey after this mission, you know, when you get guard status, you wanna celebrate that?” Weaver nodded which caught Crystal’s attention. ‘Oh crap’ he thought to himself this could be. ‘Keep calm. Whatever you do keep calm.’ He was telling himself. “Weaver,” Crystal looked at him, “would you like to enlighten us as to what you two are conversing about over there?” “Nothing worth bringing up over this session.” Weaver replied to Crystal. “Interesting.” She said and then she looked over at Mist. “And what about you Mist?” Weaver looked at her as though he was trying to psychically communicate with her, ‘Don’t say anything stupid.’ “I was wondering if Weaver and I could volunteer for first shift?” All Weaver could do was facehoof. Crystal however didn’t look angry at all as much as she was surprised. “All right, but only on one occasion,” Crystal took a second to consider the thought. “only if I can accompany the two of you, okay?” She seemed rather flustered about asking that. Weaver and Mist looked at each other. Weaver thought he had dodged a run-away train, but before he could celebrate though Mist surprised him yet again. “Sure Crystal, I don’t mind.” Weaver froze with fear. ‘Crap it’s gonna be a long shift.’ > Overdose Of Ecstasy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A loud gasp broke the silence of the midday air. Follow by a certain pink colored earth pony flew running for the hills. Silver looked at Vinyl in confusion. “Apparently I am that scary.” Silver said. He noticed Vinyl’s face which kind of looked like a sarcastic I’m sorry face. It was only confirmed when she spoke. “Oh yeah, sorry Silver, I accidently got you invited to a party you’re gonna have to be forced to attend.” Silver looked back rather unimpressed and still confused. “Wha-“ Vinyl sighed. “Her name is Pinkie Pie. She specializes in parties, and throwing them and all that.” She rolled her hoof around and continued, “She really likes throwing parties for those who have just arrived to stay in town. By far she has got to be the most energetic pony I’ve seen. You’re a pretty damn close second though.” Silver didn’t know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult. He knew though and that was good enough for him. Vinyl just hoof bumped his shoulder. “Come on it won’t be so bad. Besides I want to see the Silver that was there last night.” “What you mean goin all out to the music, while buzzed, and you climbing on me.” Vinyl blushed. “You know what I mean.” Silver couldn’t lie though he rather enjoyed himself. Something about the company of his favourite DJ made him feel more comfortable behind the mixer that night. ‘Maybe it is a good thing I missed my train.’ He thought to himself. ‘I can start a new life here with some of the friends I might make at this party in a rather safe town. Only one problem, I’m gonna need a job.’ He didn’t know what he could do other than DJ and produce. That was what he was thinking of building his name on, but now that he can’t travel he will need an alternative measure. The only problem was he didn’t know what. Before he could start deciding Vinyl began poking Silver. “I’m gonna head home and get ready. I need to find some good records to spin for tonight.” “Wait…” Silver said trying to stop her she turned and looked at him. He was nervous to ask and he didn’t know why. He just found himself staring dumbfounded at her. After a couple of awkward seconds he finally built up the courage to ask. “You don’t mind if I try and help you do you?” She looked back kind of surprized. “I have nothing better to do so I might as well help you out.” He was quite bashful at this point. He asked a DJ that he was a big fan of and knows nothing about her personally if he could go to her house. Still surprised by his sudden question she found herself staring back awkwardly. Weaver started making circles in the ground with the edge of his hoof. “You know if it’s okay with you.” he said innocently. She Silver could see her cheeks slowing turning red. ‘What is she devising in that mind of her’s?’ he thought. She turned around, but turned her head back to make eye contact with him. She began walking and Silver got rather depressed. Then he heard her voice. “Well are you coming or what?” she called over to him. A smile grew across his face, and he caught up with her so they were side by side. They walked for a little bit with no conversation. Silver couldn’t think of what to say and it seemed as though Vinyl couldn’t either. It was a really awkward walk to Vinyl’s. ‘Damn it! Say something.’ Weaver thought to himself. ‘I need to say something to lighten the mood cause I can’t stand it anymore.’ “So what are you planning on playing tonight?” ‘Better to start somewhere than nowhere.’ He thought to himself. She looked in his direction, but Weaver made sure that she wouldn’t make eye contact. “Well considering how much you like that deeper music probably some drum and bass, maybe some moombahcore.” “Really? Expanding your genre list?” “Well I might as well learn how while I have the chance. Kinda why I’m glad now that I brought you.” Weaver looked over kind of surprised. ‘Vinyl wants me to teach her how to mix darker music!’ the fanboy inside of him screamed. His eyes shimmered with happiness. “I’m rather surprised that you’d ask me.” He said calmly hoping she wouldn’t notice him freaking out. “Well you’re the best one I’ve met to date. So it’s probably better that I learned from the best.” ‘Are you kidding me?’ He thought to himself. “I’m not the best.” “You’re the best in my opinion.” She turned her face away as she said that. Weaver looked in her direction shocked at what he had just heard come out of the best DJ in Equestria, in his opinions, mouth. She walked up to the door of her house and opened it. Her house was surprisingly ordinary on the outside. It was only when he walked in did he believe that it was her house. There was stuff everywhere. “Sorry about the mess I wasn’t expecting company.” “It’s alright, but I can see why you wanted help.” “Yeah it’s a pain, but I call it home.” She rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof. “Well we might as well start looking.” By the time they found almost everything that she was looking for it was time to eat. Vinyl went to have a shower so Silver began sorting her records in alphabetical order. While he was doing that though he found the rest of what they were looking for. He looked at the records after he finished sorting them, and then the ones that Vinyl wanted. ‘By Celestia those last few were like finding a needle in a haystack.’ Then it hit him. ‘Wait a second. If I’m that good at finding stuff I know what I can become. I can be… come on say it.’ “Silver?” he woke from his daze and turned around. It was Vinyl, but he was surprized to see her without her shades, and as well her mane was still wet. Her eyes were kind of a deep purple from what Silver saw and they seemed to shimmer when he looked at them. He found himself with his mouth agape at what he saw. She began to blush a little. “Umm… is there something wrong?” This snapped Silver out of that daze. The only problem was he was at a loss for words, and was trying not to blurt out how pretty she looked. She waved a hoof in front of his face. She finally realized that he was looking directly into her eyes. “Oh yeah that’s right,” she pointed a hoof to her eyes. “you haven’t seen my eye color before have you?” Weaver shook his head. “I can put my shades back on if it bothers you that much.” He shook his head even faster, still unable to verbally communicate. She finally looked around the room and saw how clean it was. She saw the shelf and looked at him rather surprised. Then she saw the extra records they couldn’t find with the two of them searching. “By Celestia Silver how did you find these?” She looked toward him with kind of a shocked face. He blushed and rubbed the back of his head. “By cleaning.” he didn’t mean it sarcastically, but she didn’t give him a dirty look at all. She looked at them holding them in her magic. “I’ve been looking for these for two years.” Silver gave her kind of a funny look. “How long have you had them for?” “Two years.” She said rather sheepishly. “That is why I like using digital copies.” She shrugged. “I prefer the sound better, but still I’m just glad you found them.” “I’m glad you got me to find them for you cause it gave me an idea.” She tilted her head to the side trying to figure out what he was talking about. “Well I’m stuck here looking for work right?” “Right, so?” “I need some way to make money so I can get back. I figured why not be the lost and found pony.” Vinyl stared at him dumb struck. She then proceeded to start laughing at him. It took her a couple of seconds to regain a somewhat serious conversation. “What’s so funny?” he asked. “You realize if you do, do that,” she paused, “once you start helping people and making more friends. You won’t wanna leave. I can guarantee that.” “Why do you say that?” “Because, it has happened to every single pony who has wanted to do that job.” Silver rolled his eyes. “How many ponies?” he asked expecting a small number. “Ten on record, but the one who is there now is rather old and his eyesight is going on him.” She stated without skipping a beat. “You could probably ask him tomorrow.” “Where would I find him?” Vinyl was surprized at his forwardness about the subject. “City Hall.” She said. Silver looked at his watch hoping that it was still open. Seven-thirty. “Oh crap!” Vinyl jumped slightly at Silver’s random spout. “What?” “We’re gonna be late for the party if we don’t hurry.” Vinyl looked at the wall and saw the time on her clock. She looked back rather shocked. “Crap, your right.” They started grabbing everything they needed and in the mad scramble they tripped over one another and before he knew what was happening he found himself on top of Vinyl. They began to blush furiously. Vinyl averted her gaze from Silver’s face. ‘Stop it Silver! What are you doing?’ he was telling himself. He began to lose focus. ‘She looks adorable. What am I saying I don’t even know her that well.’ Finally he was able to push himself away. “Sorry about that.” He lent her a hoof and she looked at him and took the help up. He began to walk out the door. “Wait!” he heard Vinyl call to him. He stopped, “Let me come with you since were going to the same place.” ‘Was she not just part of what just happened?’ Silver thought to himself. They left her house and began walking to their destination. As they were walking no conversation came out. They were silent the whole way there. When they finally arrived, Vinyl poked Silver. “Do me a favour.” “Hmm?” Silver looked towards her. “Don’t mention what happened.” She held her hoof out to him. “Deal.” He hoof bumped her responding quickly. They walked in met by Pinkie standing in front of them as the door opened. “Well what took you so long sillies?” She said jumping up and down. “It’s not a party without the person it’s for.” Silver didn’t take long to think of a reply for the pink pony. “Your right, but it also isn’t a party without good music.” She let out another one of those gasps. “Your right!” she started looking around panicked, but super energetically. “We need our musician. Where is she… where is she!” Silver looked to his right to see Vinyl just about as perplexed as he is. She walked into the room towards the stage and put her shades on as she climbed the stairs. Silver kept close and went onto stage with her. She gave him a rather sly grin. “Hey this party is for you don’t you think I should be the one playing for you?” she said to him. He shrugged. “And give you all the fun? Not in your life.” He smiled back and continued. “Besides I can kill two birds with one stone.” She gave him a strange look. “I can teach you drum and bass, and Moomba mixing, and you get to see what you wanted to see.” She looked rather surprised, but she smiled back and hoof bumped him as they went on stage. Silver checked the set-up to see how good the unicorns did it as he normally did. He never knows which way they put the tables until he’s mixing sometimes. So either the controls would be backwards or they’d be normal after he played a show with them backwards. Lucky for him it was the same as last night. He looked to Vinyl and gave her the nod that they were ready to go. She picked up a microphone in her magic, tested it, and then said, “Who’s ready to party?!” the crowd roared with excitement. Vinyl then started the show. Vinyl finished her set the way she started, hard hitting. Silver was blown away by how well she did with a genre which she wasn’t familiar with. He was already tired from all the dancing he did along with her set. Vinyl looked at Silver. “Well how did I do?” Silver raised his hoof and she gave it a bump, and he pulled her closer so she could hear him. “You’re a natural, Vinyl.” He said a little lost for breath. She laughed. “You sure you wanna play your set.” “You know I do.” Silver walked up to the tables. He got them set up with the songs that he was going to play checked the audio to make sure that they were playing correctly, and beat matched everything. He was ready. He started the first song and he lifted his hoof in the air. The build-up started. Building… building… building. His hoof flailing wildly trying to keep up, and then the bass line dropped in and he started dancing along wildly to the beats and the bass. He was so into it he was using every ounce of energy trying to give the crowd a good show. He began setting up the next song, head bopping to the one that was currently playing. He turned on the volume for the second mixer. He started switching, waiting for the right time. He was waiting to switch out of the first song to keep the flow going. He did so as flawlessly as he could and then the next song kicked in. He began to dance wildly again. This time however something happened. His vision started to blur. His vision was becoming tunnel. He loaded up the next track and slowly, but surely the world around him began fading. His legs began to fail. Wobbling back and forth he finally succumbs to his overdose of ecstasy and passed out.