The Guardians

by FireShadowFox

First published

can the only hope rest in nine as the eight are scattered but not destroyed problems for thoese who have forgotten will they be able to stop them or fail and die?

a warrior with a heart of gold and an unknown power, a calm and strong willpower, and the smart fast genious. three friends who had bonds forged in fire and wrapped in steel are teleported to equestria oblivious to play in the universes' survival and legend of prophecy. When eight wage war the nine will have to uncover the truth behind the mysterious race that once held the universe in its finger tips defending it... and nearly was anihilated.

even though this is my first fan fic be as blunt as possible with mistakes thank you.
tags will be added as i go.

Chapter 1 "I guess the begining starts here."

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The Guardians
Chapter 1 I guess the Beginning starts here
Alex’s log 6/15/2013

Entry 246

The graduation ceremony lasted about two hours; it was fun especially the party after it when I dunked Mr. Trenton with a banana. He even bet me twenty dollars if I could do it in one try guess whose twenty bucks richer, this guy. Anyways Aaron, Cal, and I are camping for the week, yup the whole week. We’re about two bluffs away from La Crescent, and we packed enough stuff to last the month (especially Root Beer the life-giver of the drinks I think we packed three coolers of the stuff) Got to go, the guys want to hike so I’ll end the log here.
Alex Out

“Come on Alex hurry up.” snorted an annoyed Aaron, Aaron had black hair, stood at about five foot ten and wore a t-shirt with blue stripes.

“Gimmie a minute Aaron got to pack up.” Said Alex who had Dark hair, blue eyes, and wore an azure colored hoodie.

“It is not going to kill you to speed it up for a change.” Aaron muttered as he swung his backpack up on his back.

“Haste makes waste Aaron you remember when you forgot the money for the tickets to the rock concert about a month ago?” said Cal a man with dark hair whom was staring at Aaron with his blue eye while his green one was looking over the campsite. He had on a thick hunting jacket even though it was the beginning of summer.

“That was one time besides we got our tickets.”

“How about today when you almost forgot our fishing poles?” Alex shot back.

“Hey, we got them anyways so it’s all water under the bridge besides this is a hike it ain’t like we need a lot of stuff.” As he shrugged his backpack into a different position, and started to head up the path to the bluff top.

“I guess the beginning starts here.” Cal said as he trudged up the pathway.

After a few minutes of hiking they stopped at a small plateau on the side and enjoyed a great view of the valleys below, and the blue of the mighty Mississippi River in the background.

“Ha I can see my house from here if that bluff over there wasn’t in the way.” Alex announced taking out a large knife to sharpen.

"Yup ours too” Cal said taking a bite of some trail mix. “Looks peaceful from up here you know.” He said gazing into the lush green valley, and at the blue hued river.

“Hah, yeah but you head down there and it’s quite a bit less than that” Aaron replied standing on the edge of the bluff looking into the horizon. “Hey guys what do you think will happen to us later you know will we just drift apart like so many before us.”

Alex looked up from sharpening his knife “You’re not one to be pessimistic like this man, besides we’re the tightest group of friends that I have seen it’ll take a lot to pull us apart.” He looked down and went back to sharpening the knife to a fine point.

“We’ve been through so much Aaron I trust you guys like brothers, heck you pretty much are.” Said Cal
Alex put his Knife back into its sheath and the backpack while he stood up, and walked over to the edge next to Cal and Aaron.

“It looks great from up here.” Said Alex


“Sure does Alex”

Aaron went closer to the edge and peered off looking at the huge drop. “Hey guys watch this.” He said as he started to jump up and down at the edge.

“Aaron you’re going to kill yourself if you keep that up.” Said Cal

“Quit being an idiot.” Chided Alex

“Come on guys, its sturdy enough see-” Aaron shrieked as the ground under him gave way. He reached around for something to; he managed to grab hold of Cal’s leg. But Cal just fell to the ground and was being pulled off by the sudden action Alex grabbed on to Cal’s arm, and tried to plant his feet on something solid, but kept sliding closer to the edge. His feet slid off and reached out with his free hand to grab the cliff-edge.

“Well ain’t this a cliff-hanger Alex?!” Aaron shouted up.

“Oh be quiet!” Alex and Cal yelled in unison.

A compass fell out of Cal’s backpack, and Cal looked down at the drop, the compass shattering on impact, and froze in fear at the daunting height. Aaron taped Cal on the leg trying to get his attention “Don’t look down Cal!” Alex tried to pull himself up the ledge of what remained. Alex’s hands turning white from the combined mass of the three pulling him down, and pull of gravity taking its toll. “G-g-guys?” Alex asked voice shaking, sweat forming on his brow.

“Yeah what is it.” Aaron asked

“I’m sorry I can’t hang on be prepared to fall.”

“No don’t let go please don’t Alex no matter what you do.” Aaron pleaded with his friend.

“I don’t have a choice my knuckles are basically on fire!”

“That’s ok bro I’m not blaming you let go if you have to.” Cal replied

The valley was filled with screams as the trio plummeted to the earth below. The wind rushed past them as they lost the battle for consciousness.

“Do we… it now sir?”

“… yes we will have to.”

“B-b-but it could and probably will restart all progress in operation yddrasyil sir.”

“I know but there is no other option, we have to else our mission is a failure anyway.”

“We worked so hard for what!? To just start over so close had it pinned down to three possible targets, yet this happens”

“You know… this will require tons of power even ancient archaic rituals from the restricted archives.”

“And you now this could awaken Falzar, do you think he can take it?”

“He has dealt with him before, albeit indirectly.”

“I know but it’s so close he knows it and he may try to break free.”

“It’s nothing to worry about besides if he does… …easier target to manipulate. Which we do not want it’s hard
enough with this set-back but finding the new host will take lots more time, time we don’t have so it’s our only course of action.”

“Are you certain this is the best course of action?”

“…Yes I believe so it may even buy us more time. That is if we are lucky. Are they done setting up the circle?”

“The circle is set the magus is ready for the technique required.”

“One last question sir.”


“How did we get into the restricted archives?”

“...This is a top level priority we have the green light if we need to and I say we do.”

“Sir we are ready to go on your orders.”

“Do we have enough energy?”

“Yes sir we do.”



“Hold on tight everyone!”

“One… turn the key.”

Celestia flew over a green field watching many of her subjects enjoy their day. Smiling she flew lower to the ground greeting them and wishing them a good day. When she returned to a high cruising altitude she felt like someone was fallowing her. She looked back to see a large dark storm cloud moving swiftly to Celestia’s position. She pumped her wings and sped ahead. Wind whipped past the princess, checking behind the cloud was catching up; Celestia dodged mountains and hills at sharp angles within split seconds trying to shake this mysterious pursuer. Something about the sky changed for just a split second distracting her, and Celestia’s wing hit a tree.

White hot searing, pain jolted through her body but only increased her speed turning her to a white blur to all on lookers. Checking her six shown that the cloud was looming ever closer, Matching her turns with precision. Celestia tried using a teleportation spell to escape… but all it managed to do was make the alicorn light headed. And feel damp on one of her wings. Looking over there was a rapidly growing crimson spot where the tree hit. The cloud caught up wrapping its wispy surface around her hind legs. The sky was changing from blue to static-y every few seconds and muddled voices all that she heard was. “Fall… will… as all…” The menacing puff ball was now up to the back of Celestia’s wings. As a final desperation move pumping the wings as fast as she could she then entered a downward nose dive… but to no avail the cloud swallowed her whole.

With a loud shriek Celestia sat up quickly sweat sticking to her coat. “
Are you okay in there princess?!” came Mace one of her nightly door guards.”

“Yes just a bad dream Sargent carry on.” The solar goddess said Celestia got up and walked over to the balcony. Looking over the moonlit kingdom seeing the town of where her faithful student Twilight, and the Everfree forest of where Luna was saved from Nightmare Moon just a few weeks ago. ‘What if I could have stopped it sooner, What if the Nightmare Moon incident could have been completely averted?’ Celestia sighed “nothing I can do now.’

The first thing that came back was sight, and it burned like a raging inferno. The sun shining its brilliant rays straight into Alex’s eyes as they opened then closed tightly as soon as they opened. The next thing that came was feeling and his body ached and stung all over, but the pain was not unbearable. He then noticed he was on a bed. Then was hearing there was a loud ringing sound, but Alex could hear the birds outside bellowing their madrigal of songs just outside the window.

Alex lifted his head to look around the room; it appeared to be a bedroom. The walls were wooden as was most the furniture. Alex looked down to see instead of his hoodie he saw large strips of gauze wrapped around his torso, and in some spots were red presumably from blood.

Alex looked to find Cal and Aaron and saw they were laid on blankets on either side of the bed with similar treatment. Cal had some wrapped around his head and leg. Aaron however had the worst of it by the looks of it he could pass for a mummy.

Alex had only one question, who brought him here? Then he heard the sound of a door opening and closing, he didn’t have to wait long.


“Yes brother Gregar, what do you need?”

“I’ve heard about your latest mission it was inconceivable that you managed it with so little difficulty. Lest the mission report was incorrect about their force’s strength and numbers with this victory our goal is within our grasps.”

“Thank you brother but the mission wasn’t that hard but….”

“What’s wrong? You seem… distraught about something is it your injury?”

“No it is not my wing, but it’s about the killing I don’t know if I can do it anymore the fact of stealing their lives is just… disturbing. Can’t we achieve success with democracy?”

“Falzar our ancestors tried this many times before you know that each time either ending in mass murders of innocence or robbery. That option is off the table.”

“Falzar as one of the eight I would expect better of your behavior and not say such heretic things!” Said a high pitched voice coming from a nearby balcony.

“Queen Carmela I am most sorry I should not say such things, I forgotten my place.” Falzar said kneeling to his Queen.

“Be sure you don’t any way go off to your room I need to speak to Gregar in the throne room alone.”

“Yes ma’am. See you later brother.” Falzar said walking to his room.

“Yeah bye.”