> The Bad Dreams > by JamesIsABrony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Madness Within > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first (attempt at a) fanfiction, so please judge lightly. Chapter 1: The Madness Within. It was just another average, ordinary day in Equestria. the sun was shining, the sky was clear, and all the small ponies of Ponyville were in school. Some might think that everything was in order, but it wasn't, for Twilightsparkle, Rarity, Pinkey Pie, and Fluttershy had been having horrible dreams about things that were so terrifying that it eventually drove them insane. Every night, these four poor ponies would attempt to sleep, knowing what they would see in the dream realm. "Hey Pinkie Pie." Twilightsparkle had said, trying to sound as if she had gotten more than two and a half hours of sleep the night prior. "Hey Twilight." Pinkie said back, almost as if having Twilight around scared the living happiness out of her. "Twilight. can I talk to you, Please?" "Ok Pinkey. what about?" Twilight had said. "well" Pinkey said hesitantly. "I've been ha-" she was interrupted by rarity, who had yawned almost directly in her ear. It startled her a little bit, but she was able to hold in the scream of pure terror. "I don't think I will be able to get any work done with all the sleep I have missed throughout all these nights. I must look absolutely horrible. i mean, all that beauty sleep, GONE. " Twilight interrupted her rant. " Well girls, i would love to stay and chat, but I have to go and ...uuummmm...... find a book of ancient spells." Pinkey then made up a story. " Yeah. I have to go and.. make.. A CAKE!" The two ponies then scampered away, leaving Rarity alone. just like in the beginning of her dream. ' yes." she said very lightly to herself, almost on the verge of tears, " I suppose I should go and work on some dresses." The reason she had gone to see her friends is to comfort her, to make her forget about the dreams she had been having for the past few nights. The dreams were eating away at her very being. She was being driven closer and closer to madness. She then ran home and locked herself in the carousel boutique. She was sad, alone, and scared of what haunted her in her dreams. she could remember it all so vividly. Her bones cracking, her eyes making a waterfall, her legs feeling as if they were on fire. " Get out of my head. Get Out! GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!!" She kept chanting to herself. She then picked up a chair and threw it at a mannequin, which was wearing Rarities newest design she liked to call "The Golden Flower". The chair hit the mannequin right in the head. It then toppled over and hit the ground. Rarity then immediately fell on the ground and started weeping. You might be wondering where Fluttershy is in all of this mess. She had locked herself in her house, and been sobbing in a corner to the left of the dining room. Her shy personality and fragile emotions had been tormented and abused by the images that had filled her head. The torture. The madness. The brutality. She couldn't take it. She had tried many things to try to get the horrible thoughts out of her head. She had visited some of the animals, bu whenever she did, they would scamper away, because she would start crying out of no where. She had even tried calling Rainbowdash and Applejack while they were on vacation in Canterlot, but whenever she did, she only got the voice mail in response. . She had no one left to turn to. She had no food left in her house, and she thought of just staying inside of her house until she eventually died of starvation or dehydration. She had contemplated suicide, but knew that she wouldn't have the guts to go through with it. All she knew was that whatever happens, she would never forget the dreams. > The Beginning of The End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .Chapter 2: The Beginning of The End There is one more pony who was having a harder time than anypony else dealing with theese dreams. That pony, was Pinkie Pie. All of theese dreams had reminded her of her childhood at the rock farm. Everything was sad, gloomy, and more than anything, violent. Pinkie had forgotten many of the events that occurred during her childhood, but the dreams had brought them back. She had remembered the time her mother had gotten angry at her for spilling the water that she had gotten from the river and beat her mercilessly for days. She had both physical scars, and mental scars. During the many beatings she was given, her mother would shout horrible things to her,like "IF YOU WEREN'T BORN, MAYBE WE WOULDN'T LIVE IN SUCH A BAD PLACE!" and other things of that nature. The memories haunted her while she was awake, and the Nightmares haunted her while she was asleep. She was in an inescapable box of madness that had all been brought back by the dreams, which kept getting increasingly horrible every time she went to sleep, which wasn't that often. She would spend her days trying to cheer herself up by baking herself cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and other treats, but it never worked. She would spend her nights by herself, in her bed, sobbing quietly to herself, wishing that she could just gather forget everything. Wishing that she could just restart her life. Wishing she could...END....her life. She had tried many times, each time failing miserably. After each failed attempt, she would crack a sarcastic joke to herself. She had tried to cut her wrists enough to die of blood loss, but the blade was never sharp enough to break the skin. "I see *Sniff* your point." she would jokingly say to herself. She had had enough. She was going to try one last time. She had tied a rope to a rafter, and had made the end of it have a hole just big enough for a mare's head to fit through. She was on top of the stool, and was ready to do it when she realized something. She had realized that she had forgotten to write a Goodbye Letter. She then got down from the stool, and started looking for a pen and a piece of paper.The tears blinding her only made it harder. Twilight was also having a hard time dealing with the dreams, herself. She had such a hard time, that she had sent Spike to go to her parents house for a few days. Twilight had been thinking for hours and hours, trying to figure out why she was having these nightmares. As she thought, she was crying her little, purple eyes out. After thinking for a few hours, she came up with an idea. "Even after the dreams had stopped, what was going to erase the memories from my mind"? Certainly not a mind eraser spell. Those were highly dangerous and illegal in Equestria. Twilight looked down at her hooves, contemplating her feelings, as tears made an audible plop as they hit the floor. 'The dreams... they won't stop. I can't do anything about the dreams. WHY DO THEY HAUNT ME?! NOTHING WILL TAKE THEM AWAY!!' Suddenly, she felt the familiar cogs in her brain start to move. 'Unless...' Her head snapped up at the thought, providing the first feeling of relief and happiness in months, albeit a small feeling of it.. She sniffed as her mouth formed a small, genuine smile, the kind that was rare these days. She almost giddily walked up the stairs, yet slowly, still unsure about the whole thing. Still sobbing, she reached her small bed. She hastily moved the bed to the side, revealing a small wooden box with a simple locking mechanism. Twilight whispered the combination under her quickened breath, reciting it like she had before. With a click, the box popped open, showing a large knife, one that some may even call a machete, with a gilded handle and studded blade. The blade looked like a sickle or scythe, curved like one and as sharp as one, maybe even sharper. It had grooves along the outward side, designed for cutting bone, like a hacksaw. She sat there for a moment. 'Am I really going to do this?' Her face turned into a look of pure yet grim determination. 'Yes.' Twilight lifted the knife into the air as she walked towards the top of the stairs. She looked down at the bottom. 'What will my friends say?' A small voice in her head replied to her. 'If they knew then they would understand. What will my parents say? They would too. What about Celestia? She can find another student, like she has before. What about all the fillies and colts, watching a hero's casket drop into a hole in the ground? I can almost hear their questions, pestering their grieved parents. Where's she going, mommy? What about that?' She found no answer, but her mind was made up anyway. She focused her magic on the blade, putting it up against her violet throat. She felt the metal's cool touch. 'Goodbye everypony. I...I...love you.' The blade sliced her throat open and she lost her balance, falling down the stairs breaking more bones with every cruel landing, spreading blood throughout the staircase. With that, Twilight was no more. (I wiuld just like everypony to know that a nice reader named MisterFluttershy was kind enough to write most of the Twilight part for me. I didn't even know that people were so nice that they would write a very, very nice, well written copy of my story, that sounds SO great! Thank you, MisterFluttershy!)