> A Night of Passion in Las Pegasus > by Yukito > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Night of Passion in Las Pegasus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance trotted nervously down the corridor of the luxurious Las Pegasus seven-star hotel, her mind at odds with itself as she walked past each and every door in her path. ‘I should turn back. This isn’t right. I love Shiny, more than anything. He’s my husband, for pony’s sake! We made vows right there in front of aunt Celestia!’ ‘But, I can’t just turn back now, after coming this far. I should at least see her and tell her that nothing’s going to happen between us.’ ‘Just like the last three times I was going to tell her that, and we ended up bucking the whole night away anyway! It’s impossible to resist her! I really should just run away…’ ‘No! I’m going to be strong! Tonight, I’m going to end things between us!’ Reaching the room number shown on the key, room 27F, Cadance knocked on the door and waited for a response. “Come in,” was all that she heard from inside, and, swallowing the lump in her throat, Cadance used the key to unlock the door, and made her way inside. It was dark inside, and Cadance couldn’t even see what was in front of her. Feeling around for the light switch, Cadance began to feel uneasy as the familiar scent of her perfume entered her nose. That same intoxicating scent that Cadance craved every time the two of them met up in secret like this… Cadance shook her head to clear her mind, and finally found the light switch. Flicking the lights on, she found the object of her adoration standing in front of her, a seductive grin on her face and her eyelids half-lowered as she advanced towards the Crystal Princess. “You took your time getting here,” Chrysalis said as backed Cadance against the door, moving her muzzle in to nibble Cadance’s ear. “C-Chryssy, I’m here to-” Cadance gasped as she felt the changeling Queen’s foreleg running along her side, and stroking her flank in slow, steady circles. “T-This has to stop,” she said, trying to push the Queen away. “Why? You want to move onto the main course already?” “Not like that! Shiny is my husband, and I-” Another gasp as Cadance felt the changeling’s teeth biting down harder on her ear, and her hind legs began to shake. She felt her nether region growing hotter as Chrysalis’ foreleg made its way further down the Princess’ slender body, and her wing suddenly shot out in response to the stimulation. “I would prefer if you didn’t mention his name while we make love.” “C-Chryssy, I’m serious,” Cadance said in-between pants. Chrysalis pulled her face back, and gazed deeply in Cadance’s eyes. Cadance knew she had to be strong. She had to end things now, before they went too far… again. “I… I want to end things between us.” Chrysalis moved her head closer to Cadance’s, and the Princess made no attempt to turn her head away. “I love my husband, so…” Cadance’s voice trailed off as she found herself moving her own head forward. “So I… I…” The two lovers’ lips met, and Cadance’s eyes fluttered shut as felt the Queen’s tongue slip into her mouth, meeting her own wrapping itself around as she tasted the younger Princess. Cadance got to work on moving her own tongue around Chrysalis’, and inadvertently wrapping her forelegs around her lover’s neck, bringing her in closer as the two made out. While Chrysalis continued to explore Cadance’s mouth with her tongue, she worked her forelegs around the backs of the Princess’ flank, rubbing them softly at first, and then moving her hooves closer and closer to the centre. When Cadance finally parted for some air, she let out small gasps and moans as Chrysalis ran her hooves over Cadance’s sex. “You were saying?” Chrysalis asked in a teasing tone, bringing back one hoof and holding it in front of Cadance. It was covered in the Princess’ juices, and the strong scent of it made its way to Cadance’s nose. “You wanted this to stop?” Cadance whimpered as Chrysalis began pulling her other hoof back, and bit her lower lip as she felt her lower body aching, begging for more. “No,” Cadance said, staring into Chrysalis’ eyes pleadingly. “Please… don’t stop…” Chrysalis licked her lips, and moved to the side, motioning for Cadance to walk further into the hotel room. Cadance obeyed, and walked in to find a large four-poster bed waiting for her inside. “Why don’t you lie down?” Chrysalis suggested, walking up behind Cadance and grasping her flanks tightly, eliciting a yelp from the Princess. “Get comfortable, my Princess. I’ll give you what you want.” Cadance nodded slowly, and moved over to the bed. She lay herself down on her back, and looked over at Chrysalis, who was watching her from the foot of the bed, seemingly waiting for something from Cadance. “Well?” the Queen asked. “Are you going to make way for me?” Cadance gulped, and slowly began to spread her hind legs, revealing herself to the changeling Queen. Doing so caused her face to turn red, and she had to cover her face from embarrassment. But at the same time, it gave her a sense of joy. A sense of happiness, that the object of her love could see her special place like this, and was loving the sight of it. And indeed she was; Chrysalis’ mouth was practically water as she crawled onto the bed, inching her way closer to Cadance’s dripping mound. Chrysalis extended a forehoof forward, and pressed it against the Princess’ entrance, rubbing it gently to earn some soft moans from the Princess. “C-Chryssy, don’t t-tease me…” “Then, what would you like me to do?” Chrysalis asked, looking up and grinning wickedly at Cadance. “… Y-Your tongue…” Cadance whispered. “I’m sorry, dear. I didn’t quite hear that.” “Your tongue,” Cadance repeated, a little louder. “My tongue? What about it?” Cadance scrunched her face up, and uncovered it as she yelled: “S-Stick your tongue inside me!” Immediately afterwards, her face was crimson, but she didn’t hide it again. She instead looked down at the Queen with a demanding look on her face. “H-Hurry!” Chrysalis chuckled, and moved her face closer the Princess’ waiting pussy. “As your wish, my Princess,” she said, opening her mouth and extending her tongue out to meet with the entrance of Cadance’s vagina. Cadance gasped, and felt her sex twitching with every stroke that Chrysalis’ tongue made against it. She moaned, and wrapped her hind legs around the changeling’s head, to make sure she wouldn’t pull away. Chrysalis had no intention of depriving her lover of her release, though, and stopped her teasing to move on to the main thing. She extended her tongue out completely, and it penetrated the Princess, causing her to bite down on her lower lip so that she wouldn’t scream from the pleasure. As Chrysalis darted her tongue in-and-out of the Princess’ soaking pussy, she took in the taste of the juices that were leaking out of her, loving every second of it. Occasionally, she would pull her tongue out completely to tease Cadance’s clit a bit, to spice things up between them, before going back to fucking the young Princess with her tongue once more. From Cadance’s moans, Chrysalis could tell that she was getting close. She pulled her tongue out, took a moment to lap up some of the Princess’ juices, and then rose her head. Cadance was confused, and shot a begging look towards Chrysalis. “W-Why? I was almost there. Please, don’t stop now!” “Relax, my love,” Chrysalis said, leaning her face in to lock lips with the Princess. She pulled her face back, and adjusted her lower body so that her dripping sex met with Cadance’s, and began grinding. Her efforts were rewarded with intense pleasure running through her body, made even stronger by the moans escaping from the Princess’ lips. “C-Chryssy! I’m… almost…” “Me too, Cady,” Chrysalis said, leaning down to wrap her forelegs around Cadance, who returned the embrace as her love continue to buck her hard, her own hips moving along with Chrysalis’ to maximise the pleasure for both of them. “Cady, I love you! Cum with me, Cady!” “Chryssy, CHRYSSYYYYYY!” Cadance’s hips stopped bucking, and the two of them let out loud screams as they came together, their pussies spraying hot streams of liquid onto the bed sheet. For several minutes, the two of them lay on the bed together side-by-side, both panting together and basking in the warm afterglow as Chrysalis reached over and embraced her love. Cadance curled up in Chrysalis’ embrace, smiling as she looked up into the Queen’s loving gaze. “That was… amazing,” Cadance said. “That was… That was…” “That was love,” Chrysalis offered, nuzzling Cadance’s cheek. “That’ll work,” Cadance said, reaching up and pulling her lover down for a gentle kiss on the lips. After taking a few minutes to rest in each other’s forelegs, Chrysalis began stroking Cadance’s mane lovingly. “Now, you were saying?” Chrysalis asked. “Before we began making out?” “… It’s nothing,” Cadance said, resting her head against Chrysalis’ chest. “Pay it no mind.” Chrysalis nodded and, with a warm smile, leaned down to whisper into Cadance’s ear: “Love you, Cady.” “Love you too, Chryssy,” Cadance said, before drifting off to sleep in her lover’s embrace. ‘Sorry, Shiny.’