> Spike the Noble Dragon (Massager), or, Applejack asks Spike to massage her > by Mightyfinemorning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was obvious. She couldn't go to sleep. Applejack wondered why, tossing and turning in her bed. Tomorrow she had to buck apples like any other days. She was supposed to be asleep by now, but for some reason, she couldn't. Her body refused to sleep. Yet she was feeling more tired than usual, mainly because of a peculiar incident that had happened today. She didn't know a timberwolf could be that huge; she also didn’t know Spike would actually end up saving her life. In the end, all was well. She no longer needed to worry about the potential disaster the little dragon could cause whenever he was around trying to ‘help’ her daily works. She continued to roll around her bed, but the usual signs from her body that she accepted as a reminder to go to sleep were not there. In fact, she felt really excited. She was quite short of breath, and every part of her body tickled like somepony was rubbing bird feathers all over her. Her heart was beating furiously and she could hear the the rhythmical sound without checking her pulse. Everything was fine. So why was she feeling excited, unable to get the rest she really needed? The issue between her and Spike had been completely settled. Though she had to hear Twilight’s lengthy lecture later in the day about how timberwolves were supposed to be animated by dark spirits that filled the Everfree Forest (of which she had heard countless times from Granny Smith), she find it reassuring to find the remaining timbers so degraded that it was highly unlikely that the damned beasts would come back and threaten her and her friends. Her friends too, really didn’t have any issues that Applejack could think of. Rainbow Dash looked a little bit off right after she had to prove her element, but it wasn’t rare for the tomboy pegasus to recover from the most grievous wounds, and soon after she was as ready as she could ever be. Rarity was a little distraught after she found out what had really happened in her house which, as Applejack had witnessed, involved Spike, but after he had promised her to accompany along her next jewel-searching mission, she hugged (or rather chocked, in Applejack’s view) him and returned to her usual mood in no time. Twilight and Spike were probably getting along very well by now, as the dragon did not appear in Sweet Apple Acres after the incident. And Fluttershy… if she had any worries, she made it sure that even the Element of Honesty could not find it. Actually, her usually timid friend actually seemed to enjoy the whole incident. Really, Applejack could not pick one issue that had been left unresolved. “Ah, consarn it. Just go to sleep, will ya?” Applejack whispered to herself, mainly to relive her roused body. She closed her eyes and breathed manually a few times, imagining she was in a wide, verdant meadow. Yes, there she was, lying in the soft grassland, gentle breezes touching her fur. There was a tree standing above her, offering a cool shade. The warm rays of the Sun lightly touched her so that she needed not to be bothered by the brightness… It was working. She felt her mind drifting away to that pleasant land! Applejack sighed happily, satisfied with her method which worked every time. She stretched her hooves, letting her tired body claim its sweet reward… And then there was Spike… Applejack smiled, and he nodded his head, stretching out his claws towards her… Wait. Wait. Spike? Spike?! Applejack opened her eyes. She touched her neck with her hoof. Her heart was beating as wildly as it could. Why him? She stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out why. Scootalo had told her how Princess Luna came to her in a dream and helped her. Did the little dragon have the same power? But even if he did, it was not a nightmare she was having. She was about to fall asleep in a very pleasant state, but it all changed when he appeared. “Ugh, Spike. What are you doing in my dream? Ah’m trying to get mah sleep here. Gosh, what has gotten into me?” Applejack muttered, knowing it was her who thought of him in the first place and made him appear in her dream. Sure, he had saved her. But that didn’t explain much. As much as she was thankful for his noble act, it was just ridiculous to dream about him right now. “Why now?” She said, not feeling sleepy anymore. “Hmph, Spike’s a good fellah…could this be?” Nah. Applejack shook her head. That was just probably the most absurd idea she could ever come up with. Lately everypony (and by this she meant EVERYPONY) had gradually begun to realize whom Spike dedicated his heart to: the Ponyville Fashionista, representing the Element of Generosity; or to be put simply, Rarity. The little dragon’s behavior changed noticeably when around her. The white-furred mare too had been acting extra-generous towards him, and Applejack wished the best for the two. She knew some ponies were expressing their concern over the love between them, saying how could a love bloom between a pony and a dragon, but if the pair loved each other in all honesty, she saw no reason why not to bless their union and hope they would realize each other’s truthful love. So, to be put simply, she did not love Spike, nor did he love her. They were just good friends, after all. “Then why?” She was not expecting to get an answer, but asking herself sure did help to organize her own mind. “It doesn't make sense. Nope. Ah mean, he was bein' mighty sweet of him, but honestly most of the things he did ended up quite bad. Oh. Ah did like his scratch… Umm, picking up just the right spots…” Wait. Wait. Wait! And then the sudden realization hit her like a cart full of apples. In her dream he was stretching his hands towards her— Yep. She knew it. She felt it. She had definitely FELT the sweet soothing sensation of the little dragon’s claws gently scratching her flank, especially taking extra care on where her cutie-mark was, making sure to caress any cramped muscle from her labor… Applejack had always thought that dragon claws were supposed to be very sharp and thus capable of tearing and slicing anything it came into contact. Spike was a little dragon, but to her, that didn't mean his small talons were any less dangerous. She was tremendously mistaken. His small (or ‘ petite’, as Rarity would've called it) hands certainly knew how to scratch. It felt good. It felt so good! His hands had stayed on her body no longer than a few seconds, but during that moment they moved so delicately, like a pianist’s hooves on her instrument, playing a fine tune. They left not a single cut but only euphoric memories Applejack wanted to cherish for a very long time. Not even the spa ponies were this good. Oh, such heavenly touches he had… “Wait, no, this is not supposed to be happen! Ugh, why ahm I drooling? And why it is, whoo-ey, so darn difficult to breathe?” This was troubling. She was getting aroused just by thinking Spike scratching her body! Not just any parts of her body, but around her hips! A mare’s special place! He touched her! And worst of all, she liked it! She wanted him to do it again! There couldn't be any other explanation. She wanted to be touched and scratched by Spike. Even if he didn't notice himself, the little dragon possessed an exceptional skill in massaging, and it felt MIGHTILY good when he had displayed his art upon her. Just remembering that moment automatically made her blush. The more she tried to pass it off, the more her head urged all of her five senses, especially the touch, to recreate the scene they had found so ecstatic, making sure to etch the very sensations in her head. How wonderful it would be, to let Spike’s hands once again freely roam around her body, them touching and squeezing the right places, to grasp firmly onto her poor muscles always subject to great toils, to rub around her cutie-mark, applying extra pressure and almost making her moan, starting from her waist, and then finishing off her hips… He would whisper, ‘Feeling good?’ in her ear, and she would nod, too dazed to say anything, her eyes rolling, tongue dangling… No. Giddy up, AJ. What was up with the sudden influx of such questionable thoughts into her mind? What she needed some sleep to get rid of all these nonsense. There was no time to waste. She had to go to sleep so that she could wake up early and start doing her daily chores. Well, but how could she? The images she summoned clung to her like metals to a magnet, reinforcing her excited sense, flaming her spark of imagination. They constantly distracted her to think nothing else but Spike's claws and their potent effects. His claws were unlike anything she had ever experienced. Pony hooves, nah. With their round surface, hooves were, in all honesty, blunt tools when it came to scratching. There were times when her faithful limbs could not do its job, especially if she felt itchy on her back side. Then she had to rub her body against the tree barks, which was a bit rough and could get little splinters inside her fur if she wasn't careful. They were all nothing compared to the little dragon’s simply divine claws. By Celestia, that was how good she felt being touched by them! They worked like a fine machine with a set of arms doing amazing maneuvers, pinpointing the exact place she felt itchy, and proceeding with the scratching process. And this peculiar machine was also MIGHTILY fine with the massage. How wonderfully Spike’s claws gripped her skin, pinching and loosening it so lightly… By now her heart felt like it was going to burst. Her body too, was affected by her prolonged agitated state, slightly trembling. Sweats began to seep from her back, and she felt really hot. Applejack knew she was hopelessly wide awake now. She got up from her bed and walked to the window. Maybe some cold air could help her settle down her temper. Outside the moon was high up in the sky, telling her it was almost midnight and she really needed to get some sleep. “Well, if ah could, ah wouldn't be here in the first place!” She felt like shouting, but managed to keep her voice reasonably low. She didn't want to wake up her family members, as well as their questions, which were bound to make things very awkward. It was ironic how she really needed Spike’s help now. She wanted it. She wanted to Spike to do her like he did today. She really had to ask Spike to massage her, or else she would continue to suffer from her present condition every night. Her mind and body in accord remembered his touch, which in turn became a desperate plea to her reason to taste that delicious sensation again, affecting her mood very seriously. There was simply no other choice. She was going to ask Spike to massage her. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The question was, of course, how she could ask Spike without appearing overly suspicious. What she was about to do was to ask a male dragon to touch her hip, and the implications were rather hard to miss. But was there any reason for her to be embarrassed by it? She once went to the Spa and had been massaged by a stallion, but she didn't mind at all! Except that stallion didn't possess such glorious sharp talons; Yessiree, that was the problem. Spike’s massage was dangerously delicious and deliciously dangerous, making her desperately long for it. Her poor body was already abused by it, refusing to accept sleep. It was all Spike’s fault, really, for letting her suffer unnecessarily. He probably hadn't realized it yet (and Applejack too, till now), but he was probably the only one with hands in Ponyville. There was no way she could have anticipated his handiwork beforehand. His service wasn't like a drug. It WAS a drug. She needed it, or else she wasn't sure if she could control herself. It was like tasting the famous Apple Cider her farm produced every once in a while for the first time, only infinite times better, its effect a whole lot stronger, lasting for a much longer period. Now that she knew how sweet the little dragon’s touches were, there was no way going back. She needed more. He had to massage her for a very long time. Only then could she be satisfied. “Uggh, Ahm just gonna ask Spike to massage me. Sheesh, what could go wrong? It’s not like ahm asking him on a date. A simple massage. Completely innocent. Eeyup… Ah think.” Applejack sat down in her bed, trying to think the best way to ask Spike. Honesty was good, but sometimes it made things a little bit inconvenient. She could easily imagine what face Twilight Sparkle would make if she asked her friend to let Spike have a day off to massage her. She would ask questions—lots of questions, which could lead to situations which Applejack dearly wished to avoid. Ah know this is embarrassing. Ah mean, who would ask her friend to massage her? Nope. Not embarrassing at all. Come on, it’s just a massage. Maybe Rarity would make fun of me. So what? Well, sugarcube, ah honestly don’t think ah could stand it. Ah would moan as soon as his claws squeeze my flesh. And that’s why Ah mustn't let others know. Some things are better left unknown…like mah brother and his doll. Applejack sighed. Her conversation with her inner self went just as she expected. The real issue was not the possible implications that could be made from the scene. The fact stood firm that she and Spike were just good friends. There could be absolutely no way that the massage could develop into something inappropriate. According to some books Twilight had (Applejack wondered why they were in her library in the first place, but guessed it was best not to ask) Applejack was wrong, but the world of fictions was hardly applicable to real life. Still, while his touches would not magically make her want to have sex with him, it could still make her feel really weird. Just thinking about Spike massaging her made her drool and left a sizable damp mark on her pillow. If he really touched her, she would moan, drool, and cry out his name in a rapturous bliss. His electrifying touch would transform into music to her ear, the divine chorus singing angelic melodies… Applejack slapped her cheek lightly. Oh no. She gulped. It was happening again. The tantalizing world of imagination took her in an instant. She could not win against such powerful force. But she wanted her fantasy to come to real life, didn't she? The dragon’s touch was definitely worth it risking her dignity. What if the dragon’s touch would make her look silly? If she could somehow convince Spike to come to the Sweet Apple Acres, there was no need to worry about potential Peeping Toms. Her apple farm covered wide land, and she knew some places that were free from watchful eyes of Ponyville residents who were bound to spread both truths and rumors like wildfire. Eeyup. Applejack smiled rather deviously. Her plan could work. The idea was beginning to form in her head. She could ask Spike to come to the farm and help her. Twilight wouldn't suspect much. Then she and Spike would get to work… And she would allow him to continue his service… Applejack could finally get some sleep, dreaming of Spike massaging her in various parts, and using his exotic techniques for a very long time. Applejack leaned against the fence, whistling in the tune of the labor song Granny Smith taught her when she was young. She had a good feeling that everything would work out to her favor. She still felt sleepy, suppressing a yawn or two, but the plan she made in the expense of her sleep was perfect. The part of the farm where she was was seldom visited by others, including her family members. There was no need for her to worry about unwanted intruders. “Hey Applejack! Sorry I’m late.” Speaking of the devil, Spike was running towards her from a distance, waving his hands. Those hands. Ah like it. Applejack grinned under the shade of her hat. How had she waited for this moment! She took a deep breath just to make sure her panting wasn’t noticeable. Just seeing the little dragon had triggered her memory, affecting her body in process. “No problem, Spike!” Applejack yelled, waving her hoof in return. “Hope Twilight isn’t too angry about asking you to come here!” “Nah, she doesn’t mind at all.” Spike chuckled. “Heh, she’s still reading her books! Anyway, what’s up?” “You know, Spike,” Applejack said in what she thought to be most natural tone, walking slowly towards Spike. “Uhm, Ah know this would sound strange…” “Yes, Applejack?” Spike tilted his head. “Is something wrong?” Applejack felt her confidence fading away. Sweats trickled down from her forehead, and she was sure it wasn’t the temperature that made her perspire. “Listen, Spike. Ah know you don’t have to help me any more… um, but ya know, hmm…” “You want me to help you?” “Well, Ah suppose that’s what I wanna say. But, uh…” “Don’t you worry, AJ! Of course I’m happy to help you anytime. Friends help each other, as you always say.” Applejack knew she had to cast the dice. “AlrightSpikethenIwantyoutomassageme!” “Uhh…what?” Spike was looking at her with a confused look. “You wanted me to make you something?” Oh darn it. Applejack wanted to cover her face with shame. How did she mess this badly? All the sentences she had practiced in her bed were now nowhere to be found. “Applejack?” “Alright, Spike. Ah want… want ya to…” Applejack gulped. She had to say it before she was too overwhelmed by her wild imagination. “Spike, Ah want you to…” The images of the last night’s dream rapidly filled her mind. She found it hard to think. His hands… so… good… “Want me to do what?” Applejack tried to catch her breath. Why was it so difficult to breath? All she had to do was just say it. “Applejack? Are you okay?” “-ssage me.” Applejack stood upright, trying to get a hold of her falling body. With the strength and willpower that were to be only found on an earth pony, Applejack commanded her legs to do their work. “Sage you? What does that mean?” Alright, AJ. Time to make things happen. No more nonsense. “Massage, Spike.” Applejack thought she could finally breathe normally now. The worst part was now over. “…Massage?” Spike was looking even more confused now. “Sure, why not. But why me? I think you could go to the spa.” “Nope.” Applejack shook her head, enjoying how the little dragon was scratching his head with his talon. If he scratches me with those…gosh. “Ah just want you.” “Um…okay?” “Glad ya could understand. Now why don’t we begin…right now!” Applejack said, almost shouting, making the most innocent smile as she could. She lied on the grass, looking at Spike. “Don’t ya worry, Spike. Do you remember how you scratched by back part yesterday? Just start from there.” “Alright….” Spike said in an uncertain tone, reaching out his talons to her hips. “Hmm…right. I think I should start here.” And then the moment she had been waiting finally happened. First she felt nothing; but that was only the calm before the storm. Applejack was about to urge Spike to increase his pace, but her complaints were immediately drowned by the intense pleasure bombarding her like Twilight’s magic spells. It felt good. It felt SO good! Spike’s services were excellent. His talons first started from her upper back, and then gradually slid down to where her cutie-mark was. His touches were gentle, softly treading upon her skin. His sharp talons bit into her fur, but the light pain only served to intensify her pleasure. She found herself silently begging Spike to dig his hands deeper into her body, not caring about potential cuts and bruises. Applejack closed her eyes. Surrendering her vision was the only way she could bear the intense sensations that were nearly wrecking her body. Her memory had warned her of this, but back then Spike wasn't putting all his effort to his hands, and it had ended too soon. Not this time. Just as she thought when it was over too soon, Spike began again. His talons applied extra pressure to her hips, and it made her gasp. They slid smoothly back to where he first started. And then he repeated the steps. His hands were making the fur in her skin ebb and flow, creating a rhythmical pattern. “Am I doing okay, Applejack?” “Don’t stop, please.” Her eyes still closed, it was the only words she could say at the moment, her mind already half-blank which she thought would be just warm-up. “Please…” Spike’s talons stopped, but he resumed his motions. “You know, Applejack, I once read a book about massaging when I decided to read the books in library because I felt really bored. I’m glad I can finally help someone with what I’ve learned!” How nice of ya, Spike. She didn’t bother to ask why anypony (or anyone in this case) would be interested in such a thing, but she supposed that didn't matter. Her mouth watered just at the thought of the little dragon utilizing his skills which she was yet to experience. Indeed, knowledge was power, in this case power to make her prisoner to Spike’s service. It sounded awkward, but that was the truth. She had to admit her mistake. His massage was not like a drug. It wasn't a drug either. It was something else, more powerful than anything she could ever think of. “Uh-huh…” Applejack merely nodded, his touches keep interfering with her reasoning. Each time his hands swept her body, they traveled in slightly different paths, making sure she wouldn't find the touches dull. “I should try something different now. I think the book said to start from here…” Spike stopped moving his hands, but before Applejack could protest his talons had moved to her front right leg. “This should be good. The book said it would be really effective for earth ponies who worked all day. Want me to tr—” “Yes. Ah’d love to, Spike.” Without a second thought Applejack answered. If he knew some skills she was yet unaware of, then she had to let him do whatever he wanted. “Really appreciate, ah, your massage, oooh… oh!” Her eyes shot open. She could feel the extra pressure on her leg. Spike was holding it quite tight, like squeezing out of a lemon to make lemonade. But strangely she didn't feel much pain. Instead, there was a wave of relief as the dragon’s talon caressed her muscles. “Feeling good? Apparently this is good for cramped muscles. I’ll do all fours, if that’s okay with you.” Spike said proudly, continuing his moves. “Yes…” Spike’s grips started from her hoof, gradually going up. Every firm squeeze was accompanied with her light, quiet panting of relief. When his hands reached the top of her leg, the process was repeated, this time starting at the top and gracefully going down. Again the incredible feelings forced Applejack to give up her vision. When he was finished with her right front leg, he moved to the next one. Bucky McGillycuddy and Kicks McGee weren’t missed, as he carefully tended them as well. “And now I shall do your hooves. It might tickle a bit…” “Woah!” She wasn’t Rainbow Dash, but the moment Spike’s talons touched her hooves she nearly jumped (had she had wings, she thought she could actually fly). The simulations she had received so far was nothing compared to what she just experienced now. If the former was a shock, the latter was an electrocution. It was a pleasure mixed with adequate amount of pain, the two contrasting elements beautifully harmonized. It was a sweet pain, a deadly ecstasy, and fatal pleasure all combined. “Oops, I’m sorry! Are you okay? Should I stop?” Spike spoke in a flustered tone. “Nope.” It was all Applejack could say while her body was wrecked with his extraordinary skills. Tears welled up in her closed eyes. Her brain probably couldn't understand what was going on her body. After he tended all of her hooves, he returned to her legs. The initial shock swept her again, destroying her reasoning. Her head was spinning. It wasn't right to say her body was trembling upon his touch. It was convulsing, moving on its own, no longer controlled by the brain. Applejack was sure she couldn't feel her hooves, but her immobile state felt extremely satisfying. It was true happiness, like eating a hearty dinner after a hard day’s work. It was a reward to her toils she had to face every day. And Spike was her savior, doing miraculous deeds. So…relaxing… Spike was right. Amidst her almost crazed state she could feel her fatigue going away. She felt her body was in its most comfortable position she could ever imagine. She felt really a strong urge to take a nap. And she really did, her consciousness getting replaced with her deep sub-consciousness, tortured with extreme bliss. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Um, Applejack? Hello? Are you there?” “Uh…who’s there?” Applejack could barely reply. The voice sounded familiar, but in her current state she couldn't discern anything else. She felt a heavy stone weighing down her eyes as well as a great urge to shut down her cognitive process. “It’s me, Spike. Did you fall asleep?” “Ugh…” She found it hard to think. She didn't feel dizzy. Nor did her head ache. It felt as if her brain was completely drowned from honeyed nectar, inducing a sugary coma. “Maybe it was my massage. The book said something about it relaxing muscles.” “Oh yes…” Gathering all of her remaining strength, Applejack opened her eyes. The sight of the farm and the natural scenery greeted her, but her attention was immediately shifted to the little dragon responsible for her temporary slumber. “Sorry Spike. Ah must have dozed off… Heh, your massage is darn good...” Her senses were slowly recovering, but the process was countered as she remembered how wonderfully his hands skittered around her body, the two processes engaging in a tug-of–war to take control of her body. “Shouldn’t you get some slee—“ “Oh, no, nope. Ah feel fine! Yep. Ahm okay, sugarcube.” Thankfully her mind knew what she wanted, and it was quick to react. Applejack forced her body to stand up, showing how she was true to her words, at least on the surface. “Are you sure?” “Definitely. In fact, ah know there’s much more important thing to do!” “And that would be?” “You continuing your massage, Spike,” Applejack said sheepishly, hoping her voice didn't sound too strange. “Your massage gave me such a fine nap, and ah would like more.” “Well, why not? I was just surprised that you were suddenly asleep. I can try other things if you like.” “Oh, do whatever you think is necessary.” Spike shrugged, fidgeting with his hands. “If that’s your call.” “Yep…” Applejack’s eyes were closed already, her body knowing how best to intensify the sensations of Spike’s hands. The drowsy atmosphere returned to fill her mind once more. Her body was shaking. Actually, it was more like shivering, like when one time when she had caught a really bad cold. But she wasn't feeling cold at all this time. The raging fire of desire inside her could only be tamed by the little dragon’s claws. “First I should finish with your hooves.” For the next few minutes Applejack was practically out of her mind, unable to recall correctly what had exactly happened. Spike’s talons touched, scratched, caressed, rubbed, and clawed her hooves. His assaults came swiftly as a hawk, but upon arriving on the target his method quickly changed, being slow and steady as a turtle, making sure she could appreciate both his speed and technique. He also paid equal attention to quantity. He surely wasn't a scrooge when it came to showing of his skills. He was the embodiment of a pony tale she once read, The Giving Tree, blessing her with his abundant gifts, making her cup runneth over. Every time his hands touched the especially sensitive parts of her hooves, she flinched, twisting her body and flailing her legs wildly. The stimulation never grew dull, her head unable to register the ever-changing movement of Spike’s claws. His ten little fingers freely roamed her limbs in a way that pony hooves couldn't, surpassing her expectations on all occasion. Within the small bottom-most space of her hooves they rapidly surged upwards, twirling, spinning, and zigzagging until it landed gracefully on her flesh once again, making her body release great heat of excitement, destroying her remaining sense of doubt and anxiety, and replacing them with joy and ever greater lust for his hands. Good times were bound to come to an end, but when Spike’s claws were finished with their dances, Applejack was busy savoring the blissful moment she could never forget. “Done! Sorry if it tickled that much.” Applejack smiled most heartily, signaling her approval. “Continue…please…” The dragon wasted no time following her request, which was beginning to sound a lot like begging. Applejack welcomed his claws returning to pat her buttocks, her initial embarrassment having gone long extinct. Her body instantly reacted to the physical touch, the flames of passion burning ever so bright. His hands gripped each side of her hips simultaneously around her cutie-marks. Once he had established a firm grip on both sides, his palms circled around the area, first slowly, increasing the pace. The lack of sharp talons scratching her skins almost disappointed Applejack for a second, but she was grossly mistaken. Scales. Ah forgot that. Oh…. Before she could finish her thoughts, they were quickly replaced with new pleasures she wasn't aware of. Her memory never told her anything about what would happen if Spike’s rough scales made contact with her soft skin. And she was paying the price. His palm scales were cold, reliving her body heat she was emanating excessively. But the touch of each tiny scale carving small patterns reignited the flame, creating a perfect balance between the heat and the cold, abusing her already much worn-out and battered perception. Such sensations freely flowed inside her head, paralyzing her brain. When the circles reached her leg, Spike’s hands traced back the paths they etched in her skin. From her mouth a strange mixture of moan, groan and muffled sound came out, but she couldn't care less. His touches soothed her, but at the same time roused her to a degree she thought almost imaginable. She was drinking salty water to quench her thirst, but did it matter if the process was immensely euphoric? She needed more, and because she needed more, she had to have more. The vicious cycle was on, continuing the oxymoronic assault, twisting her mind and making her forget anything else but his hands as a result. Spike made sure her indulgence lasted long. His hands took ample time in her skin, first starting out softly, teasing her skin. When she couldn't bear the pressure anymore, his method became rougher, his claws becoming a deadly predator and her skins helpless pray. Not that she minded that. Applejack was beginning to realize the joy of being bound by the little dragon’s touch, helplessly moaning under the sheer amount of pleasure. For this moment she was not the master of herself, her whole senses doing their bidding as Spike commanded them to be. The only liberty allowed to her was to observe and feel the process of how the dragon’s touch was debilitating her. And yet, she felt strange how her pleasure wasn't a sexual one. Applejack knew well how her basic instincts could take her over in certain cases, but she never thought of a mere physical touch (which clearly wasn't erotic at all) would drive her fatally close to her edge. She didn't have any time to ponder over the issue any further, for Spike’s hands were concluding their performance, the motions eventually stopping to a halt. “Ah…” She let out a contended sigh, letting Spike know that she was greatly appreciating his service. “Feeling better?” “Spike, ah…oh… couldn't feel any better. Ah feel like…flyin’…” Applejack could hardly finish, her mind clinging desperately to the fading imprints the little dragon’s claws had left. The feeling of drinking too much hard cider crept into her mind, blurring her vision and affecting her head. “Ah just hope… this is not the end… nghhh…” Apparently he had more arsenals in his store. “Actually, it isn't.” Applejack had to make sure she wasn't dreaming. If all of this was a dream, that would've been terrible, but either her dream was blessed by Princess Luna and was meant to last long, or this was the incredible reality she was in right now. “Hold it, Spike. Are ya sure? Ahm not dreaming, huh?” “Uh, no. I’m sure you are very well wide awake." There was more. “Anyhow, I would like to ask your opinion first because I’m not so sure if you’ll like it or not." “Of course ahm gonna like it!” “Well, the thing is, this massage requires me to use my foot.” “Your foot?” “Yep. Basically the idea is for me to go on top of you and massage your back with my foot. If I apply adequate pressure it should be okay…or so it says in the book.” Normally she would've laughed it off, probably saying “Heh, Twilight sure do have some funny books. Just where does she get such stuffs?” Though having been blessed by the little dragon’s heavenly craft, there was no way she could not take the idea seriously. Spike was light enough for ponies to carry around, so why not? Applejack forced her dazed body to think the matter over, but she couldn't find any way this could ever go wrong. She was probably more eager to try it out anyway. “Alrighty then. Ah think this could work. Just try to be careful, sugarcube.” “Okay. But you have to lie down.” “Like this?” She lowered her belly down to the soft earth, her legs spread out like a spiders’. Her breathing became erratic, anticipating Spike to do his wonders again. “That would be good. Now I’ll have to be on your top. Don’t shake!" “Ah’ll try.” Spike climbed her body, his cold feet standing at her back. Applejack eased her breath and stood still, waiting for the magic to start. And she wasn't disappointed. Applejack learned something new today: dragon’s talons could be as sharp as a griffon’s claws. The pointed instruments dug deep into Applejack’s fur, making her nearly yell. But her head was ignoring the painful sensations entirely, instead choosing to focus on the violent euphoria the dragon was causing. Even if she could still speak, she wouldn't have asked Spike to stop. On the contrary, she would've encouraged him to stomp and scratch her back harder. It wasn't just a pinch, but she preferred it that way. Now little dragon claws weren't enough for her. She needed something sharper, inflicting her pain and letting her appreciate the very same pain. Spike was placing his steps, mindful of his position. His somewhat sloppy footwork was easing Applejack greatly, and as he was getting used to being atop at a pony’s body the pleasure she felt only increased. Her brain couldn't take all these waves of pleasures sweeping its nerve systems without affecting her senses. As his foots stomped her back as he moved down to her hips again, her eyelids automatically slid down, her senses concentrating solely on her massager's exotic techniques. Her flesh burned like when she was cut by those lousy Everfree forest vines and got stung by their tiny thorns, but this time the affliction had come with a cure, her pain immediately replaced by a great sense of relief, damning her further to be enslaved by her senses betraying her to the dragon’s foot massage. Spike walked back and forth while on top of her, covering her whole lower body, not missing a single spot. All the while he never fell, his talons hooked to her skin’s surface like a bat on the top of the cave, continuing his marvelous art, teaching Applejack the literal meaning of ‘pleasurable pain.’ “After this I should probably use my hands again. It gets a little repetitive, but that’s what I've learned so far.” “Yes…” It really was a ‘dream come true.’ There she was, lying on a grassy field, Spike massaging her. There was no alarm clock blaring loudly and breaking her fantasy. Nope. This was reality, the little dragon faithfully rubbing her hindquarters and she dearly enjoying it. “Gee, are you getting sleepy again?” “Don’t mind if ah do…your massage…too good…and don’t EVER stop!” “Um, I don’t think there’s any point of me continuing the massage if you fall asleep…” “Just ten more minutes, Spike. Please. Ah need this…” “Okay…” Applejack felt her hips getting squeezed again. She sighed happily, and fell asleep, the novel sensations affecting her sleep and turning her dream into ecstatic fantasy. “Oh…” Applejack woke up, finally free from her captivating dream of which Spike was massaging her for hours and hours. “Woke up?” The voice snickered. “Rainbow Dash?” Applejack’s fur stood to an end, the sudden realization hitting her quite hard. “What are you doing here?” “Spike came to me saying how you didn’t wake up after he was finished your massage. Oh, this is just too rich!” “Hold it, Rainbow.”Horseapples. Applejack swallowed. “Ah knew ah should been more discreet. “You bet, AJ! You were moaning so sexily when I first found you! ‘Oh, Spike, do it harder…’ You seem to have had a really good time with Spike!” “Ah did not have sex with Spike, Rainbow Dash.” “You sure did sound like one. Heck, I swear you WERE having an orgasm in your sleep.” Applejack groaned, covering her face with her hooves. “That’s because…his massage felt mightily good.” “Oh, really?” “Yes. Now stop looking at me with that weird look. Ah have done nothing wrong, Missy.” “Oh, I suppose I should believe what the Element of Honesty says…ohhoho!” “Hmph. You wouldn't have last a second if he had massaged you.” “Is that a challenge?” Applejack grinned, loving the fact how Dash’s voice tone was higher than usual. “Ahm just saying you wouldn't dare to try. And ah almost forgot! A pony with sensitive hooves is forbidden to be massaged by Spike. That’s the rule, ahm afraid.” Rainbow Dash snorted. “Challenge accepted.” “Meaning you’ll ask Spike to massage you?” “Oh I will! I’ll show how Rainbow “Danger” Dash handles situations. Unlike you, I won’t get turned on by just getting massaged!” “Ah’ll wait for the result.” Applejack deviously smiled under her hat. Well, no. Actually, I should see her face for myself. Yep. This will gonna be sooooo good. “Deal! Get ready to be busted, AJ! I’ll prove some dragon massage won’t stop me!” Rainbow Dash flew up, disappearing in an instant. After Applejack knew it for sure she was gone and, she laughed, wondering what faces Dash would make while hopelessly ravaged by Spike’s godlike massaging skills. “Well, maybe I should check Spike so I can know when this would be happening…” “So Dash actually fainted when you massaged her hooves?” Twilight Sparkle looked at Spike with an appalled face. “Wow, I’ve heard her hooves were really prone to tickles, but…” “Well, uh, I didn’t know…I’m really sorry.” “Don’t worry, Spike. It’s not your fault. Someponies are especially sensitive to physical touches. Didn’t know Dash was one of them.” She giggled. “Okay…” “And speaking of which, I think I should ask you to massage me as well.” “Okay…I mean, what?” “As Applejack has said before, you’re the only one in Ponyville to have hands. I too admit your massage will be very exceptional one of a kind. Let’s think it as…an experiment.” “Uh, I’m not so sure. Rainbow Dash looked really funny and has been practically begging me to massage her again. I’m actually a little bit scared. One time she came through the bathroom window while I was taking a shower! Promise me you won't do such a stuff.” Spike sighed. Starting from Applejack and now Twilight too? Maybe his dragon code thing has gone too far. “Of course. On top of that, I’ll let you have a whole bowl of ice cream.” “Deal!” Oh well, he thought. Guess this isn't so bad at all. A whole bowl of ice cream could make him do the impossible. Besides, he could practice his skills before he would service the mare of his heart, Rarity. Yes, there had been some boredom involved, as he told Applejack. But then inside his head a voice had whispered. why don’t you read this so you can do this to her? Rarity would be so pleased. So far Applejack and Rainbow Dash had been all pleased (too pleased, in his opinion). Now he was actually beginning to feel confident. One day, he would ask Rarity if she wanted a massage. Or perhaps Twilight and others could tell her how wonderful his massage was. Then he would treat her in a way he treated others: massaging her body thoroughly, not missing a single spot, rubbing every often unreached corners, stroking her fur, tending her hooves, and finally reliving her muscles subject to manual labor…and he would tell her how he was in love with her, elegantly quoting some love poems he was memorizing daily. Her starry eyes would say yes and she would actually say yes… “Spike, are you daydreaming about your ice cream?” “Huh? Oh, Yes! Ice creams! I’d love to eat. Just you wait, Twilight. As a noble dragon, I shall massage you!” And soon, Rarity as well, Spike said to himself.