Asinine Indifference

by CerebralInterface

First published

A blue stallion is found bleeding by the forest in the outskirts of Ponyville with no memory. Read about the life he lives while trying to discover who he was and tries to form a life in this small town.

This story is currently undergoing a rewrite.

A blue stallion, later dubbed Graymane by an affectionate nurse, is found by Lyra Heartstrings near the woods. He has no memory of who he was or even what things are after waking up in a Ponyville hospital. This is the story of Graymane as he tries to form a life around a tattered journal that he was found with. A slice of life story made to enjoy during quiet afternoons.

There are going to be many more important characters in the story, so I'll add tags as they appear. But for certain, expect Vinyl Scratch, Soarin', and Spitfire.

OLD: Amnesia, what's that?

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Chapter 1- Amnesia, what’s that?


I think that's what that feeling is called. I can't see, could I see? Wait, sound. That is definitely called sound. I think. The expressionless pony thinks as he lies in a grassy field, unaware of his surroundings for the most part. His cerulean coat mellowly stood out from the knoll, drawing the attention of a passerby.

An aquamarine unicorn, walking to her home by the Everfree Forest, notices an earth pony in the field, accompanied by a battered book. She walks to him, intrigued as to why somepony would take a nap in a field, so close to the Everfree Forest. As she approaches, the wary unicorn notices something red streaming from his head.

“Oh Celestia, I think that's blood! Is he dead? Agh, what do I do?” The panicked unicorn looked around and saw no pony else. “Do I leave him here? If he's dead, I can't be held responsible for murder, what would that do to my reputation?”

Before her worried monologue could continue, the blue stallion coughed trying to stand, only for his hooves to collapse under their own weight. “Oh, he's still alive. That's good.” The relieved unicorn beamed, only to realize he still had blood flowing from his head. “Oh right, fuck, ok. I can do this. I just have to call somepony at the hospital to come and get him.” She concludes, and rushes off to the Ponyville hospital to report the problem, leaving the bleeding stallion in a haze.

Was I hearing somepony? The blue stallion, slowly regaining some semblance of muscle control, forced one of his eyes open. For a moment he saw nothing but the blue sky, white clouds giving it the look of tattered cloth. The stallion grew more tired as his blood flowed into his eyes, burning, but hardly noticed as a moving white and green blob caught his attention. As it approached, the blob became more defined; splitting into two forms, the stallion growing sleepier by the moment. The hazed stallion slipped into sleep, noticing a cute white mare before his eyes met darkness.

White, very bright white. I don't hurt anymore, either, so that's an improvement. My thoughts are a little clearer. Lazily, he opens his eyes to the sterile room of a hospital. Beeps from the equipment saturate the room with sound; the soft, natural sound of hooves shuffling contrasting the mechanical beeps.

“So you're finally awake, Mr.Graymane? You were out for almost five hours, it's eight o-clock now.” A soft, caring voice called from the doorway. The snow white nurse-mare trotted towards the unknowing pony, setting a leather-bound book on the bedside. “I know you might be a little disoriented, you took quite the injury to your head. The gray matter of your brain sustained blunt trauma, so you might have trouble remembering some things more than others.” The mare continued on, unaware that her patient was not even paying attention.

“Who am I? I know you called me Mr.Graymane, but I don't know who that is.” The injured stallion said with a melancholic look.

“Oh, I'm sorry. You were found with this journal, it didn't have your name on it, and a lot of the writing is obscured by your ah, blood.” She replied sheepishly, nudging the tattered book towards him. “I would suggest you read this, it might answer some questions you have. I'll be outside the door if you need me.” Getting up to leave, Graymane wondered about the name she gave him, and spoke almost reflexively.

“Wait, uh, nurse?” He called out realizing he did not even know his caretaker's name.

“Redheart, please, call me Redheart.” She said, turning around with a tender smile on her face.

“Uh, Redheart, you said you couldn't find my name; so why did you call me Graymane?”

“I think this mirror might help.” Reaching for the reflective glass on the bedside table. Holding it up for the stallion to see, he noticed his hair immediately; A light orange with gray streaks of stress coming from the roots, contrasting his cerulean coat greatly. Staring for a moment he realized something else; he was handsome. Granted all he had to base this on was himself, but that didn't stop him from thinking so.

“It might come as a shock, but you’re not that old. Judging by how well your body is toned, I would guess you're only in your mid twenties.” She said while looking away from the bed, a blush spreading on her face.

Looking down to see what she was turning away from, he saw that he was erect and exposed, crowning at the same length as his forehoof. “It's okay, the blood pressure medication has been known to , ah, promote performance in males.” She said, trying in vain to keep from blushing harder. “I'll let you get some sleep and comeback later in the morning.” Turning around to leave, unknowingly giving her patient a quick glance at her taut buttocks and shapely dock as her tail swayed to the side.

With the click of the bolt, Graymane was left alone with his “youth” still standing strong. Reaching a hoof down, the stallion prodded the head in wonder, earning a small jolt of surprising pleasure. “Ah! What was that? It felt amazing.” Talking to no one in particular, the curious stallion continued his adventure in biology. Moving his right hoof lower down, he pressed it against the base of his shaft and moved up, earning more pleasure and eliciting a moan. Moving his hoof back down the throbbing shaft, an idea came to mind. If one hoof feels that good, then I bet two feel even better. The aroused stallion thought in a fever of newly discovered pleasure. Moving his left hoof down to the opposite side of his right, he began to stroke his pulsing shaft with gaining speed.

“Neighahah! Ouch!” Graymane cried in pain, his hooves had slipped and pinched his pulsing member, startling the enthralled pony from his enjoyment and causing him to knock the bed into the adjourning table. A sound caught Graymane's attention, turning his head to see what it was, he saw a glass jar filled with translucent blue jelly labeled “Magic Encephalogram Gelatin.” Reaching over, he opened the jar, noticing the paste was incredibly viscous and wet looking. “I don't know what the label means, but it looks slick-y so it's worth a try.”

Resolving to not care, the horny stallion scooped a plentiful glob of goo from the jar and slathered the gel along his length, the cold sending an odd feeling up his spine. Rubbing the colloid around, he soon felt pleasure again and began to pick up his pace. Clopping his hooves together, the enthusiastic pony rubbed them together to spread the lubricant, spurring a new idea in his head. Joining his hooves on either side of his shaft, Graymane began to stroke up and down, pumping his hips into his own hooves, increased pleasure consuming his thoughts. Looking down at his work, Graymane was met with the sight of a black marbled, blue cock, gleaming with translucent slick; sliding between his own two hooves and pulsing at each thrust.

Keeping his pace, Graymane soon began to feel a new kind of pleasure than before, something quickly approaching from his loins. “AaaAaH!” Mouth jutting open, the blue pony cried in passion, cumming hard from his working hooves. Pumping his hooves with each jet of cum, Graymane coated his chest with warm seed, hitting his quivering chin and swallowing throat. Attempting to prolong the feeling of release, he stretched his head forward in ecstasy, pumped his hooves up hard, trying to draw more pleasure, and shot another spurt towards his face. “Gaack. Ack.” Graymane coughed, his spurted spunk covering his tongue and swallowing throat, surprising the stallion and causing him to choke from the sudden intrusion. Still involuntarily firing, his member shot again, splattering against his forehead.

Sitting up to avoid a second mouthful of warm spunk, the endorphin inebriated pony gave a final cough and opened his eyes. His member calming down from events, it flopped to the side, slowly oozing his remaining cum from the head. Looking around for something to clean himself up with, Graymane caught a look of his face in the hand mirror. Slowly slipping down his blue face was his own warm, testosterone rich seed. The white contrasted his coat, and piqued a small interest in the viscous liquid. It was a bit unexpected, but whatever this stuff is didn't taste all that bad. Not good, but just...New. The stallion gave into his inner sense of temptation and opened his mouth for the mirror, revealing the white remnants of his spunk still resting on his tongue and causing him to blush a little. I can still kinda taste it, but more would be better.
Returning to his search, he found a box of tissues to wipe the M.E.G gel from his heaving body. Cleaning off his right hoof, Graymane conceived a seemingly innocent idea and scooped the remaining spunk from his forehead, turning back to the mirror to get a better view of what he was doing. Watching himself the whole while, the intrigued stallion began to lick the salty substance from his hoof with a quiet groan, noticing his member twitch and his blush intensifying. Moving his hoof from his face, he opened his mouth wider and saw the seed simply resting on his tongue, still feeling the heat off the new fluid and tasting the salty, bitter taste.

Closing his mouth, he rubbed the substance against the roof of his palate, and opened his mouth again. Strings of white ran between his twitching tongue and his bone-y hard palate. Blushing near completely red, Graymane closed his maw again and began to swish his own seed between his teeth. As he continued his experiment, blood began to rush back into his member, miniscule surges of pleasure coming from his tongue and twitching cock. Confirming his opinion of the taste for the moment, Graymane leaned his head back and felt it slide down his throat, sending shivers down his spine for reasons not yet known. Finally drinking the warm, slimy seed down his throat, the stallion looked down and saw his member once again hard and flared. “Well, okay. I guess I'm going to be at this for awhile.” Turning his neck to the side, he saw the jar was still half full. “At least I have more of the stuff. Lubricant I think it's called.” With a decisive few words and a small smile, Graymane scooped another glob of gel from the jar and began his stroking again, ensuring to aim for his mouth and face during the finale'.

*** *** ***

“Sign your name on the line and initial in the boxes and you're all set.” A pink nurse said in confirmation, guiding the turquoise mare through custody forms.

“Now, Lyra, are you sure you want to take care of this colt. I mean, he could be dangerous or weird.” A cream colored mare tried to talk her friend out of making a possibly horrible decision. “What if he's a rapist, or a murderer. What if he's a murder-rapist?” She asked in an attempt to discourage her friend.

“You're just making a fuss over nothing Bon Bon. I know what I'm doing. Besides, he was cute looking and didn't seem dangerous.” Lyra said with a grin, disregarding her friends concern with a joke. As she said this, Nurse Redheart trotted towards her to discuss Graymane's treatment.

“Miss Heartstrings? Hello, I'm Nurse Redheart. I will be overseeing the care of this gray maned fellow.” She said with authority, having just come from Graymane's room and was trying to forget what she saw.

“Yes, it's nice to meet you. Have you found out what his name is or who he is?” The mare replied with newfound interest. “Wait, what treatment? I was told he would be fine.” Alarm and concern becoming more present in her voice.

“I'm sorry, no I-er, we have not discovered his name yet. The treatment is just a formality. We merely would like to observe him for a few days to see if he has any intracranial bleeding that we didn't detect.” The medical mare said in a comforting tone.

“That's good. Is he awake? Can I see him?” Lyra, the musical mare, questioned in newfound ease, eager to see her future tenant and responsibility.

“I'm sorry, the patient was only awake for a short time before, ah... Fainting. Due to blood loss.” The nurse quickly excused, trying to give the mystery stallion some privacy to relieve his engorgement. “He should be awake the day after tomorrow, tuesday, and be ready to be discharged. Until then, he-the patient will be on stiff-strict! Strict bed rest.” The stuttering nurse-mare said, trying to avoid certain words that would make her recall her prior few minutes.

“...Riii-ight. Okay Bon Bon, that gives us time to prepare a room for him to stay in.” She replied questionably, and proceeded to plan her next day of shopping and house cleaning, turning to leave the hospital with her dear friend.

“Us? Why would I help you make this mistake?” The cream colored mare recoiled in shock and disapproval.

“Simple, if I don't have help, then I'll be too busy to play at your store tomorrow, and you know I can claim vacation time after all the times you convinced me to help you clean up the place after closing.” With a defeated sigh, Bon Bon followed her friend and employee out of the hospital and to the paint store, dreading her upcoming days.

*** *** ***

11:30 at night. It was quiet in the hospital, the staff was performing clean up before the night guards arrived to patrol. Nurse Redheart was taking inventory of the supplies used she had used that day. “Hmm, a jar of M.E.G gel is missing. I bet I left it in Graymane's room. He's definitely asleep by now. Besides I still need to check his blood pressure.” Trotting back to her patients room, she knocked on the door to make sure he was asleep.

No answer, he's either asleep or really into himself. She thought while opening the wooden door. Looking to her patient, she saw him laying face down on the bed, snoring softly, sheets pulled over him.

Damn it! Um, right, good I mean, he's asleep. It's bad policy to sexualize patients. Even cute ones. He's not that cute even. Her thoughts in conflict, Redheart looked around the room and found the jar she was looking for. Great, there it is. I'll just grab it and leave without even making a sound. Picking up the jar, the nurse-mare found it completely empty. Looking over to the pony, she saw his left hoof covered in the gel.

Damn. I knew he was going to need something for lube, but that was a new jar this morning. Thinking as she looked over, she noticed his face was covered in mostly dry cum. Creating an all too kinky image in her head, the blushing white mare looked back at the door and saw it was closed. Turning back to the sleeping patient, she leaned over his face and licked some of the still wet seed from his face, almost running away before she reached his face. Near-jumping back from the snoozing Graymane, Nurse Redheart rushed out of the room with a face almost completely red and an empty M.E.G gel jar in hoof, thinking about the amount of gal and stupidity it took to do what she just did, forgetting to check his blood pressure in her hurry.

OLD: Sanitation Shower

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Chapter 2- Sanitation Shower

Two in the afternoon, Monday morning, A white nurse mare stands by the front desk of the Ponyville hospital, talking to a staff worker behind the desk. “Hi Sunshine, I'd like to schedule a sanitization shower for the patient in room twenty-three B. Two thirty, please and thank you.” After signing the authorization forms, the white medical pony trotted down the hallway towards her patients room. Knocking on the door, she waited, not wanting to interrupt her patient during anything private.

“Hm, ah please come in.” The cerulean stallion, aptly dubbed Graymane, looked up from the tattered journal in his hooves and greeted his visitor with a smile. “Good afternoon Ms. Redheart.”

“The same to you Mr.Graymane. I see you’re reading your journal, did you find anything out about who you are?” Redheart asked as she shut the door behind her with a “click”.

“Not much, I think I was some kind of builder or scientist. A lot of the drawings in here look like machines and hexagons. Here, can you tell me what this means?” He said, showing a penciled drawing of a hexagon with alpha-numeric notes coming from it.

“That’s a resonance diagram. It’s sometimes used to represent chemicals. From the look of it, it’s fairly complex.” Taking the moment to look over the blue pony’s face, she noticed that it was clear from any dried semen or other residue.

He must have washed his face this morning when he saw the mess. Good, one less question from the shower crew. Focusing on her patients eyes again, she remembered the main reason she was there. “I scheduled a sanitation shower for you, I want to make sure your stitches don’t get infected.” Leaning over, Redheart examined the bandages to make sure they were still relatively secure over Graymane’s wound.

“Right, thank you. I still don’t remember much, but this book is helping. The readable bits at least. Is it me, or was my writing messy?” Holding still for his guardian, Graymane continued his reading.

“Move closer please, so I can get a better look.” The nurse-mare said, turning his head to face her chest. Leaning his head forward he found his face mere centimeters away from Redheart’s coat, her gentle fragrance softly wafting into his mind like a stream of peace.

She smells nice, like the flowers they put on the bedside table. Breathing in lightly, he took in her scent. Flowers, like the flowers in the field those Timberwolves caught me in.

*** *** ***

“Shit! *huff* Alright, come on, think! *huff huff* Timberwolves; bad breath, sharp teeth, and more fragile than a minotaur in an antique store. *huff-ff* That tree branch should work exquisitely.” Running through a dark forest in fear, Graymane shouted aloud as he struggled to remain calm and in control of the menacing situation. Looking behind him, he saw two Timberwolves chasing after him, sap-like drool flying from their moss covered fangs.

Turning back to his escape, Graymane jumped through the air, his front hooves crashing into a long and slender branch. Yielding to his force, the branch swung back as he turned on point. “Bad move, mulch brains.” Smiling victoriously, Graymane lifted his front hooves; the branch whipping forward with an audible swipe.

With a loud crack, the Timberwolves fell to the ground in pieces. “Don’t feel bad, I was out of your league when I was a foal.” He taunted, slapping a hoof to his cutie mark; the greek letter mu, symbolizing the muon particle and his talent. Dancing around the broken pieces of wood, Graymane ran a hoof through his mane to slick the loose hairs back, the dull gray contrasting the vibrant orange that composed his mane.

As the arrogant pony began to trot away, the fragments of wood began to shake and glow, swirling together in a gust of chilling wind. Turning around again, Graymane watched as the not so defeated enemies reformed, three Timberwolves taking the place of two.

“Well shit, colt.”

*** *** ***

“Okay, I’m all done. Graymane? Are you ok?” Stepping back from her patient, she became worried at his lack of response.

Snapping back to reality, Graymane looked to nurse Redheart and smiled back. “Yes, I just remembered something. Nothing important, just a morning breakfast.” Lying to avoid her worry over the flashback, he continued his attempts to remember, getting nothing else but fog and misery hidden behind his smile. “You said two thirty, right?” He said, trying to avoid the subject of his past.

“Yes, fifteen minutes from now. Lets get you ready.” Opening the drawer in the bedside table, nurse Redheart pulled a disposable muzzle with a watertight cap attached to it from the storage. “Put this on, it will keep water from getting into your cut.” She said, setting the head wear on the bed. “After that, I’ll escort you to the showers.”

*** *** ***

Two in the afternoon, an aquamarine mare trots down the street of the Ponyville marketplace. “Next on the list; bed sheets.” She said, looking up from a slip of paper and walking towards a stand listing bedsheets for nine bits.

Lyra Heartstring continued her shopping, preparing for her imminent roommate. Already carrying with her a small lamp, a bundle of pencils tied together, and now a set of bedsheets the same color as her future bunkmates coat, she began trotting towards the day spa, her mind wandering to the moment she saw the comatose colt. He had a book with him, it was soaked in blood and probably ruined.

Thinking about the book more, she figured it was more of a journal or a notebook than a story book, because she knew the style. She had seen that same style of book every time she was in the shopping district, whenever she passed the shop “Quills and Sofas”. Having started branching out their stock, the journal was on display to attract more customers.

Resolving to pass by the shop and purchase another book for her hospitalized homemate, Lyra began to think about what she was doing. She was planning her day around someone she had never even had a conversation with.

Am I making a mistake here? Maybe Bon Bon is right, maybe I shouldn’t take him in... No! No no no no, I can’t think like that. I found him out there, all alone and in danger, so close to my house. If I didn’t take him in, then no one would have. Worrying all the while, she noticed she had arrived at the day spa; the last location on her list. Entering the botanical bathing boutique, Lyra began her collection of shampoo, soap, and other toiletries her roommate would require.

*** *** ***

Two thirty in the evening, Ponyville hospital, second floor. Sitting on a plastic bench, Graymane waited for the shower staff to call him into the room and clean him. He had been told what the word sanitation meant on the way there, but he was still rather fuzzy on the concept of germs and microorganisms, the idea being understood, but not quite “clicking” inside his head.

“Patient six fifty seven? Come this way please.” A burly yellow earth stallion called from the doorway, dressed in a clear plastic poncho. Following the stocky pony through the door, he scanned his flank for a cutie mark; a toned red asterisk that blends nicely with his brown mane and tail.

Entering the room, Graymane saw the dwelling was tiled in a neutral blue, assumedly for easy cleaning, and was lit by one massive, round light mounted to the ceiling. The room was centered around what looked similar to a chair, if a chair was meant to recline for the user to lie across. The smell of clean dominates the air, more so than the rest of the hospital.

“Please lie down on the chair and we will begin.” A white unicorn stallion with pale blue mane, dressed in the same attire as his xanthous compatriot, said from next to the chair. Trotting to the seat, Graymane saw three spray nozzles connected to hoses fed through a metal tray. Lying down on the chair he noticed the tray held sponges, illegibly labeled soap, and a red spray can labeled as anesthetic spray.

“What’s that can for? I wasn’t told that I would have to be sedated.” Asking in caution as he laid on the chair, Graymane was worried for reasons he could not quite think of.

“It’s for later when we clean your teeth.” The lemon colored pony said as he walked around to Graymane’s head, reaching over to one of the knobs and turning the water on, spraying onto the floor from the closest nozzle. Picking the faucet up, the yellow scrub pony bathed Graymane in warm water while the white coated assistant lathered soap on to his hooves.

“How’s the water temperature?” The white stallion asked as he moved his soaped hooves to the blue back of his patient. Working them into Graymanes back, he began to move to his hooves up and down, suds beginning to build on the azure coat.

“Great, it feels amazing.” Sighing in contentment, Graymane relaxed into the plastic covered chair, the rings on his muzzle clinking against each other as he let his legs and hooves drift down off the sides.

Seeing the positive reaction he was getting, the white soap unicorn continued to move his working hooves lower, slowly beginning to knead Graymanes dock and outer flanks. Producing a small nicker, Graymane opened his mouth to moan, his tongue lolling out as his eyes closed.

“Hey Turpentine, hold this.” The stout yellow stallion said, hooving the water nozzle to his for-named associate, Turpentine grasping it between his teeth. Reaching to the bottom of his poncho, the xanthous pony raised the plastic to reveal his flaccid member, marbled yellow like his coat and brown like his mane. “Ya gotta do some prep work for your teeth cleaning. We can’t do all the work ya know.” he said in a brusque voice, moving his slack cock towards Graymane’s face and lolling tongue.

Not knowing what his defiling deviant wanted, Graymane just stared forward and took in the scents as they began assailing his mind, the smell of lathered soap and stallion pheromones causing sparks of pleasure in his nose and blood to flow to his loins.

“Start licking, or things are gonna get rough.” With the threat, the yellow stallion pushed his soft member into Graymane’s tongue, the flavour flowing over his taste buds. The palate of sweat and cum pervaded the submitting pony’s mind as he ran his drooling tongue along the top of the hardening cock in front of him.

Hooving back the spraying hose, Turpentine turned his molestation to the subservient stallions staunch stones. Lathering Graymanes succulent black sack, the white unicorn moved the spraying nozzle over the blue stallions taint as he moved his hooves forward and found the base of Graymanes cock, throbbing underneath him. Spreading the detergent soap along the base of the black and blue marbled member, Turpentine moved his right hoof to his docile toy’s tractable rear hole, rubbing the suds around to loosen and lubricate his fuck toy.

Surges of pleasure coming from his tongue and loins left Graymane in a haze of enjoyment, licking down his molester’s twitching member; the salty taste a decadent flavor for the inebriated stallion. The yellow domineer lifted his thick cock from Graymanes tongue, revealing the underside of his member and his pair of hoof filling bollocks, glistening with sweat and smelling of testosterone. Stepping forward, the stocky stallion rested his gonads on the subservient slut’s lapping tongue, running his hoof along his saliva coated member.

Licking at the salty taste in ecstasy, Graymane looked up at his despot with focused eyes, seeing the stallion he was servicing groaning with pleasure as his left hoof moved up and down the top of his flaring, marbled member; telling Graymane exactly why he was thinking clearer.

Turpentine had stopped stroking him, or even touching him altogether. Feeling the beading water cross along his back, Graymane felt his soaked cheeks spread for an oddly elongated pole. Unable to turn his head back, he could only feel abrupt pressure on his lubricated passage, causing him rear back against his molesters. Pulling away from the white unicorn, Graymane felt two hooves press down against his flanks and pinning him to the chair.

“Easy there, just cleaning you out thoroughly.” The white unicorn said as he pushed down on Graymanes haunches, pressing further against his toy’s tight passage.

“If you’re goin’ for that now, then I guess I should get to the main course, too.” The yellow stallion said, pulling back from his oral treatment to reach for something on the metal tray. The same can from earlier, standing out with its red label and unique name. “Open up and swallow.” The xanthous earth pony moved the can to Graymane’s open maw and sprayed profuse amount of it around every corner of his open muzzle, ensuring his mouth was sufficiently numbed.

Choking at the flavor of what can only be described as the taste of pure disgusting, Graymane followed what he was told and swallowed as the spray met his throat. “That stuff tated nathty.” He said, trying to look down at his own mouth in shock at the words that left it.

“Don’t try to talk, you’ll bite your tongue off.” The yellow stallion said in advisement as he replaced the can back on the tray. The lemon colored pony positioned the flared end of his girth at Graymanes numb, drooling mouth and eased against his lips.

“Take a deep breath and relax, this is all part of the procedure.” Turpentine said as he eased his pulsing shaft through Graymanes slick entrance. “Sorry if this is a little uncomfortable at first, it should start to feel better soon.”

“Turp, quit talking to the guy and just fuck ‘im.” Saying as he moved his shaft further into the blue stallions face, the xanthous domineer took the spray nozzle in his mouth; pointing it down on Graymanes numbed skull, and grasped both sides of the plastic muzzle. The feeling of wet flesh enveloped the uncommonly thick cock, spreading Graymanes blue cheeks as the flared head passed by his unfeeling tongue.

The taste of sweat, pre-cum, and wet skin flowed over Graymanes taste buds; hooves pulling his head forward as water ran down his head. Feeling the heat radiate off his molesters loins, all he could hear was rushing water and cock sliding passed his tonsils.

His oral intruder began its descent down his maw, stopping his breathing and stretching his larynx with its flared head. Stopping abruptly, Graymane found his nose pressed into the warm, fuzzy abdomen of the yellow stallion enjoying his maw, the feeling of blood rushing to his head amplifying the jolts of pleasure surging from the taste on his tongue.

Turpentine slowly urged between Graymanes twitching haunches, tight walls enveloping his shaft in heat. Stopping half way, he steadily pulled back, the sensation of burning sending visible shivers down Graymanes spine as his hole tried to adjust for his intruder.

Getting an idea, Turpentine moved his hooves away from the quivering posterior, and to the blue back he was currently fucking, leaning forward and pressing down again. Pinning down the blue stallion stud, he resumed his fucking of the virgin hole, rubbing against Graymanes slick walls as he moaned into the ponderously prolific penis piston-ing along his cerulean palate.

*** *** ***

Fifty minutes past two, an aquamarine mare trotted to the blue door she had become accustomed to seeing each day. As Lyra Hearstrings opened the wooden door to her cabin, she was met with the symphony of groaning ponies and squeaking of furniture.

“Bon Bon? Are you here? Hello?” The off green mare wondered closer to the source of the sounds, the final floorboard of the stairs letting out the softest of squeaks as she stepped on it.

“Push it harder Mac. Harder than that, really ram it forward.” Bon Bon the cream colored confectionist called as she commanded the carmine colt.

“Bon Bon, are you really doing that in the guest room?!” Lyra shouted as she pushed open the dark blue door to her soon to be roommates bedroom. Expecting to see her best friend moaning in pleasure, she was met with surprise as she saw her plush cream flanks instead, sweat covered and straining to move forward.

“Lyra? What, yeah of course we're doing it here, there's no way this bed would fit through the door. Take a few Mac, we'll try again with Lyra here.” Bon Bon said as she sat on the bed they were having so much trouble moving. “Why'd you bust in here, you knew we were gonna be moving stuff in here”

“I uh, just thought you two were... hurting yourselves.” Lyra tip toed around the subject as the red stallion left the room. Hearing the squeak of the stairs, she continued her words. “I thought you finally told him and were ruttin' on the bed. Maybe the desk if he's into that kinda thing.”

“Shh, shh shh shh, Lyra quiet he might hear you.” Bon Bon blushed as she put a hoof to her friends mint mouth. “Now be quiet and help us move this thing...Besides, if I did we'd be in your bed.” The cream mare teased as she pulled her hoof away.

“What? Not cool Bon Bon, I'm here risking my innocence over a stallion I've never met. What if he sneaks into my room in the middle of the night and ruts me until I'm his slave. He'd collar me and make me walk around with stuff inside of me. His juices leaking out of me while I just lay in bed crying and moaning.” The aquamarine mare began fantasizing, her heat season having just passed the prior month, she was still on the edge of arousal.

“No, bad Lyra, you will not fantasize until I'm gone. Also, you're hardly innocent, that thought track kinda proving it. Actually after that thought, I think it's that stallion that should watch out for you.” Bon Bon joked as she got off the bed.

“Are you girls ready? I'm sorry but I have to get back to the farm soon.” The red pony said as he entered the room again, sweat still dripping from his face and neck.

“Sure thing Big Mac, let's get this bed moved and over with.” Lyra said with a chuckle, knowing her fantasies always creeped out her friend.

“One, two, three push.”

*** *** ***

Three thirty in the afternoon, Ponyville hospital. Redheart sat in a hallway, waiting for her favorite patient to leave his shower.

He should have been out twenty minutes ago. I don't like that shower crew, they always take too long and come up with some bullshit excuse to make up for it.

As she sat and thought, the door to the room opened with a creek as Graymane walked out, accompanied by the yellow stallion. Redheart hopped off the plastic bench and rushed to her patient. “Gray are you okay?”

“He's fine. We took a bit longer 'cause he had something stuck in 'is coat.” The stalky stallion said as he walked away.

“Gray, they didn't hurt you or anything did they?” Redheart asked, inspecting his blue neck.

“No, it felt great, I wouldn't mind doing it agai-ow!” Graymane said, shooting his hooves to his mouth and wincing in pain. “I bit my thongue.”

“Well, I'm glad you're fine. I never liked those shower workers. Here, let's get that muzzle off of you.” Nurse Redheart said as she led her blue patient back to his room, walking just a few inches closer than a nurse should.

OLD: Home is in Your Chest...

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Chapter 3- Home is in Your Chest, You Know, With Your Heart.

Tuesday morning, seventeen past nine, Ponyville hospital.

“You’re going home today Mister Graymane, let’s get you packed up.” Nurse Redheart sat a saddle bag down on the floor of room twenty three B, her patient's eyes lighting up when she entered the room. “You leave at one, so we only have a few hours to get ready.”

“Well, there isn’t really much to pack up.” Looking away from his messages of the past, Graymane smiled as his favorite, and only pony in the world met his gaze. “What do you mean by “home”?”

“The mare who found you was nice enough to put you up in her house.” Unzipping the satchel, Redheart pulled a small circular object and put it on the table. “Now, we need to go over your medication doses and details.”

“I thought my leaving meant I was better. Why am I being discharged if I’m still taking medicine?” Setting his blood stained journal to the side, he turned his attention to the medicinal wheel, his pastel colored mane falling forward into his face.

“Being discharged doesn’t exactly mean that you’re better, it means that you’re healthy enough not to need constant care and supervision from the hospital. Don’t be worried, I’ll check on you every week.” Opening the seven plastic flaps, she looked back into the saddle bag, pulling an orange bottle from the satchel, the contents clattering inside. “This is called Tadalafil, it’s a blood pressure medication. You need to take one pill every night before bed, for at least the next month.”

“Okay, whatever you say. But I still have some questions about the pony who found me.” Watching his nurse as she dropped small blue pills in the tiny cavities, the cerulean stallion slicked his mane back out of his face.

“I don’t know much about her personally, but she passed all the guardian criteria when she first offered to care for you. If you are worried, I’m sure we could find someone else in a week or two.” Off handedly suggesting he stay at the hospital, with her, longer.

“I’m not worried, I’m just...” Not knowing how to continue his sentence, Graymane turned to look at the bed sheets covering him.

“Graymane, look, it’s okay to be nervous. I’ll come by and check on you tomorrow, okay?” Trying to cheer her depressed friend from his slump. “Give it a chance, please? For me?”

Looking up to his white warden, Graymane smiled slightly and pulled the polyester sheet from his body “...Okay, for you I’ll try it.”

“Great, let’s go over your medication a second time and then we’ll get you fitted for a more lasting bridle-cap you can wear when you bathe.”

*** *** ***

Walking down the trail, Redheart stayed close to Graymane's side, to ensure she would catch him if he fell. Breathing in the cool air, the blue stallion ogled his surroundings as he passed them, taking in the area with glittering eyes.

“We’re almost there. I saw your room when she first volunteered, I think you’re going to like it.” Moving closer to him, Redheart felt the warmth radiating from his deep blue coat. As she leaned into him, Graymane noticed the sudden contact and turned to question his white guardian. “Just making sure you don’t fall. Wouldn’t want to have to take you back now that we’re so close.” Answering the unspoken question with a smile, Redheart leaned closer, enjoying the contact she had and the heat from his body.
Looking up at Graymane's blue eyes, Nurse Redheart began to think about what he had written in the blood stained journal. He's in-shape, his journal showed how smart he is, and I've never seen a stallion so gentle. He's almost like a colt, discovering the world for the first time. She thought as they walked together, a small breeze blowing against her face as she fantasized about the dream colt she had read so much about.
As they continued to trot, a cottage became more visible in the distance. A hay made roof and white wash walls assembled the two floored home, set near the edge of town and adorned with a peaceful grassland at the side. Windows sat in each wall, providing plenty of sunlight for a magnificent morning.

“That’s a beautiful field, it looks familiar, almost like someplace I should know.” Saying as they walked, Graymane turned away from the white mare accompanying him, and began trotting through the field. “It smells so nice, and it’s so close to her house, and it’s... Red. Why is this grass red?” He said, turning to face the guilty looking nurse.

“Ah, well you see, when she found you she said she was on her way home. Apparently she was closer than I thought and uh... She lives next to the field you were found in I guess.” Redheart said calmly, hoping he would take this information well.

“I nearly died here! No. No! I'm not going to live where I almost bled to death. I'm going back to the hospital.” Graymane huffed, stomping back toward the way he came.

“Wait! Wait, you can go back to the hospital, but we have to tell Miss Heartstrings first.” Redheart said as she chased after her infuriated patient. Running past, she stopped in front of him. “Just say thanks and we can go. She went through a lot of work for this, and the least you could do is tell her thank you.”

After a pause, Graymane replied. “Fine, I'll say thank you, then I'm never coming back.” The blue stallion turned and trotted towards the house again, Redheart following behind. “I'm not going in, I'm just saying thank you and leaving.” The white coat nurse-mare ran up besides him as they approached the house.

“No, I'm not going to let you be so rude to such a nice mare. We'll go in, sit down, and go from there.” She said as they reached the tall house. “You'll do this, and you will be polite.” Redheart told him as she knocked on the blue door.

“Yeah whatever, I still don't like this.” The cerulean stallion said as he turned to his caretaker. “I don't now why I thought this was a good idea.” Inside the house, hoof-steps echoed off the wooden floor. With a rattle and creak, the front door opened to reveal a pony.

“Hi, am I interrupting something?”

Turning to the body in a less than happy manner, the miffed mustang froze, his heartbeat skipping as the passage of time seemingly ceased with the sight of her. In the doorway stood the aquamarine mare, smiling softly as she greeted her new roommate.

“Hey there, my name’s Heartstrings, Lyra Heartstrings. I’m sorry if this whole thing is a bit confusing, but I hope I can make you comfortable until you get back on your hooves.” With a voice as melodic as her name, Lyra Heartstrings the musical mare, welcomed the speechless stallion into her life.

Looking into her eyes, Graymane saw a shimmer; her eye color unlike anything he had ever seen, thoughts unnoticed as they rushed through his mind in a torrent.

Golden eyes, deeper than the night sky and brighter than the sun. As fierce as lightning, and softer than cloud. Her mane is brilliant, and her coat is as gentle as a daylily. This mare is absolutely magnificent. A smiled pervades Graymane's demeanor as he calms, forgetting about the bloodied field and his own thoughts.

“H-Hello Miss Heartstrings, it is an absolute pleasure to meet you. My sincerest apologies for my earlier shouting, and my thanks for your hospitality. I look forward to my stay, that is, if you will excuse my ill tempered outburst.” Acting on instinct, not even knowing he knew some of the spoken words, the cerulean pony felt a twinge of cold pain in his chest. A twinge addicting enough to make you jump off mountains and brave the hottest pits of tartarus, just for a single moment more of that pain.

“Of course, everypony gets annoyed now and again. Now, what say we go look at your room.” Turning and walking further into the cottage, the mint mare allowed the two in. “Your room is just up the stairs, the first door on the left. I hope you like it.” Walking with just the slightest sway in her flank as she ascended the stairs, Graymane followed her without a second thought, Nurse Redheart behind him with glee.

As they trotted up the stairs, the white mare admired the cream colored walls, the final step creaking beneath each of the ponies. They walked down the hall, approaching a dark blue door with a window on the wall opposing. Redheart looked from the sunlight covered door to Graymane, to see his reaction in the hopes it would be positive.

The sunshine gleamed though the window onto him, shining across his hair like strands of silver. She continued to stair, admiring him as each step caused his eyes to gleam a different way. Hearing a creak, Nurse Redheart turned her attention back to the door, seeing it open into an off white room.

Opening the wooden door with a squeak, Lyra rushed into the room, ready for the unveiling of her hard work. Following the ecstatic pony, the two guests entered with ready minds.

Two hours painting, another two shopping. Three moving furniture and one more putting everything away, just for this moment. To see the look on his face. She thought as her guests entered the room she was so proud of. The aquamarine mare watched her roommates eyes as he saw what she had assembled for him.

Graymane looked on with delight as he entered, his smile lighting up brighter than the sky. The bed sheets matched the color of his coat, and looked softer than sunlight on a snowy winters day. The stallion looked at the desk across the room with joy, a few books, battered yet bearable, adorned the beaten wood surface. The nightstand resting beside the small, comfortable looking bed showed the age behind its life, scrapes running down the sides and a small blanket thrown over the top. A large skylight shone the clear sky into the room, making it seem as though the ceiling was non existant.

“I'll get you two something to drink while you get acquainted with the room.” Lyra said as she walked out of the room, a smile adorning her face at Graymane's reaction. As she left, Nurse Redheart turned to her patient to ensure he was still okay with leaving.

“She seems nice, do you really want to leave without giving it a shot?”

“I want to stay. This room is amazing and I like her, Heartstrings.” Graymane said as he read through the book titles on the desk. Facing Redheart with a toothy grin, he continued. “I want to try this. Something about her is just so... enthralling.”

“Ooh, enthralling? Graymane, are you getting more of your memory back?” Redheart asked with some hope, surprised at the suddenly advance word.

“Not really, I read it in my book, so I wanted to try to use it. Did I say it wrong?” He said, a slight look of worry pervading his cheerful demeanor.

“Not at all, you said it and used it perfectly. Alright, let's go talk to Miss Heartstrings and finalize some paperwork.” Redheart led the stallion back down the stairs, removing a thick stack of papers from her saddle bag as she went.

*** *** ***

Eight past eight, the quiet outskirts of Ponyville.

“I'll be coming back tomorrow morning to check and make sure he's alright, until then, have a nice night Mister Graymane.” Redheart said as she trotted toward the door. “If either of you need anything, I'm at the hospital, and only a few minutes away.”

“Thank you Nurse Redheart, I'll try my best make sure he's comfortable. Have a nice night.” Lyra said as she closed the blue door, eager to get to know her new roommate. Turning to face him, she smiled brightly and returned to her seat on the couch. “So, are you hungry? I can make something to eat, if you want.”

“Thank you Miss Heartstrings, I'm not hungry right now.” Graymane said, shying away from her and staring at the dark wood floor.

“Okay, how 'bout you tell me a little about yourself?” She said, hoping to draw him out from his shyness, even just a little. “Here, come sit on the couch with me, I know that chair isn't comfortable, I got it for that reason.”

“Thank you Miss Heartstrings.” He said, getting up from the wooden chair, and sitting on the left side of the couch, as far away from the aquamarine mare as possible.

“Please, call me Lyra, Miss Heartstrings is for ponies I don't like.” She said, scooting closer to him, trying her best to get him to open up. Her left hind leg brushed against his right, Graymane flinching in response as he continued to stare at the floor.

“What if I tell you about me first?” Nodding his head, Lyra continued. “Well, you already know my name. I play the lyre, if you couldn't already tell from my cutie mark.”

“Actually I haven't looked.” Graymane interrupted, still staring at the dark floor, nervously fidgeting his hooves together.

“Well, that's no good, I've been staring at yours all day.” She said with a smile, which quickly turned into look of realization. “Ah-no, not like that, I didn't mean it like that. I would never stare at your flank... I didn't mean it like that either, not that you aren't attractive, I just-uh... want to see my cutie mark?” The panicking mint mare said, lying across the soft sofa and displaying her taught body.

She stretched away from Graymane, her lengthy left leg crossed over her right while her twin tinted tail curled between them. She pressed herself up with her front hooves, arching her spine as she looked back toward her stallion companion. Graymane looked over, his eyes drawn down her curved back to the mark in question.

A beautiful golden lyre adorned her unfalteringly firm flank, the color contrasting radiantly against her aquamarine coat. Running his eyes lower, they were drawn from her tail to her legs, endlessly running them up and down, admiring every curve and contour of her long legs to her shapely hooves.

“My cutie mark's up here stallion.” Lyra purred, giggling as she returned to her original pose, sitting comfortably next to her guest. “These are for ponies I really like.” She said, stretching her hind legs in front of herself.

“Ah right, sorry, I didn't mean to stare. Your cutie mark looks very nice.” Graymane blushed, looking to her face to avoid doing something he shouldn't. She stared back, the smallest strand of white mane falling across her face and over her golden eyes. Like a peasant amongst a melodic goddess, her giggle rang through his ears like a harp string plucked by angels. Her smile held only the slightest hint of deceit, and shone with a greater glow of affection.

“I'm sure it does. Feel free to stare from now on, you're a young stallion and I take it as a compliment anyways.” Lyra said smiling as she rose from the couch. “You sure you don't want something to eat? I'm hungry, so I'm gonna cook something, come join me in the kitchen if you want some.”

“...Thank you Mis-ah, Lyra.”

*** *** ***

“So I busted in, expecting to find the two of them going at it, when they were really just moving your bed.” Lyra said, laughing as she levitated her glass plate up from the table and walked over to Graymane. “Here, I'll take your dish.”

“Oh, uh thank you. The hay was good.” He said, getting up from the table. “But, I uh, have a question.”

“Hmm, sure, ask away. I'm here to help.” She said, taking the clear dishes to her metal sink basin, glowing white as she floated them with her magic.

“Wh-What does “going at it” mean?” He asked, looking to the floor with a blush, embarrassed like a colt who just saw his crush in the changing room.

“Oh... Well, you know, it means sex. I think you should ask Nurse Redheart about it tomorrow. I'm not exactly prepared for the talk, hell, I didn't even have it myself.” Lyra said as she turned back, pushing the chairs back under the stone top table. “Any other questions? Something I can get you?”

“No, I'll just ask Nurse Redheart tomorrow. I'm actually kinda tired, so I'd like to go to bed please.” Graymane said, walking back to the stairs by the front door.

“Sure, of course, the bathroom's the next door down from your room. Goodnight, I guess.” Lyra said, watching him trot up the stair case, the final stair creaking beneath him. “Oh, there's some coconut moisturizer on the counter, if you want to use it!” She shouted, wondering why a stallion would ever use moisturizer, immediately knowing the answer.

I wonder how hung he is... Poor guy doesn't remember anything really, I wonder if he will. I guess it wouldn't be too bad if he didn't, I could have my own personal colt-toy, after some hot lovin' he'd make one sexy piece of eye candy to flaunt. Some sex ed from Nurse Redheart should probably come first though... Ha, come first. I wonder if she teaches by talking or by show... I wonder if I could be the example... Dammit. Lyra huffed, her tail moving between her legs to hide anything embarrassing.

She trotted up the squeaking stairs, passing Graymane inside the bathroom as he brushed his teeth, and walked to her room at the end of the hallway. She rushed through the entry way, the door shutting loudly behind her. Her off-white magic glowing under the green door, the “stairs” in her room squeaking loudly.

“Lyra, are you okay?” Graymane asked, the white toothbrush still hanging from his mouth. “Guess she was really tired. Have a goodnight Lyra!” He called, spitting back into the sink and eyeing the diminutive blue pill resting on the stone sink-top. Licking the pill from the counter, he gulped it and began thinking about his day passed.

She's nice. Kinda weird, but she's been nice. I really liked looking at her legs, they were so long and...What was the word...Enthralling, her legs were so enthralling. Like two beautiful green... Things, that I could lick all day. Up and down, sucking on her hooves. A tingling of pleasure between his legs awoke him from his fantasies. Looking down he saw his own flaccid member, gently pulsing as it grew.

Looking back down the hall, Lyra's door still closed and glowing. I should probably ask her about this. I don't want to wake her, and what if it's something really stupid and she laughs at it... Or asks me show her that thing I did with it. The thought of rubbing himself sending sparks down his spine, his length twitching with pleasure at the idea of doing it in front of another pony. I need something slippery, it felt so good last time. She said something about moisturizer, that sounds wet.

Spotting the coconut labelled tube on the counter beside him, he grasped it between his teeth and turned to leave. His marbled length swung between his hind legs as he moved, pulsing for attention the more he thought about it. Graymane stopped in front of the blue door, his black cutie mark shining in the moonlight. Turning to look out the window, he smiled as he saw the moon, looking more beautiful than the sun. Sure looks magnificent. I remember reading a lot about a beautiful princess that lived on it. I guess I liked the moon before.

Facing back to the door, he opened it quietly, not wanting to wake his caretaker. Slowly shutting the door behind him, his flared member bobbed against his thighs while he walked. Turning away from the door, he sat against it and took the plastic tube between his hooves.

Biting open the pop-top bottle, he turned it upside down and squeezed it between his hooves, squirting the white lotion over his black and blue length, the smell of coconut filling the room. With a squelch and gasp, the cool goo slowly flowed over his marbled member, sending chills down Graymane's cock and up his back.

He dropped the bottle to his side and moved his hooves to the base of his trembling shaft. Moving them up, Graymane spread the cool coconut cream around his chromatic cock, waves of pleasure working their way through his body. Pumping his hooves back down and up, Graymane slowly slid down against the door, aiming his flared head more at his face.

I wonder how close I can get my mouth. Maybe I can suck that stuff up as it comes out. Graymane slid his body further down, lying on his back and leaning his head away from the wooden door. Seemingly folding himself in half, the head of his slick shaft pointed forward, mere inches away from his face.

Opening his mouth, he felt greater surges of pleasure as his own warm breath fell against his slippery cerulean flare. He began to think about the last time he enjoyed himself like this, only a few nights ago, the memory about his face covered in whatever the white stuff is, the thought of the taste bringing a burning blush to his face. Watching his hooves slick up and down his shaft, he began to buck forward against his own hooves, waves of pleasure clouding his mind in ecstasy. Graymane push his hooves harder together, pleasure and pain mixing into a cocktail of coconut scented dreams.

Seeing his own shaft push forward, closer and closer to his own face as it began to twitch, Graymane felt the familiar wash of pleasure flow through his furred flanks. Opening his mouth wider, he saw as his flared shaft launched the familiar salty seed over his body, landing on the bridge of his blue nose. Closing his eyes in pleasure, he shot another blast into his mouth, the hot, salty taste sending surges of pleasure through his tongue.

Sliding his hooves down again, his marbled member fired another load, splattering against his forehead and dribbling down. Feeling the warm seed cover his face sent more tingles of passion through his palette as the scent of salty semen and coconut filled his head.

Remembering the taste he craved so, he leaned his head further forward and stuck out his tongue, nearly touching the firing flare of his own shaft. Another shot launched, hitting the back of his throat, followed by another coating the roof of his mouth. Graymane closed his lips to swallow the decadent treat, one last shot dribbling out from his throbbing shaft and pooling along the edge of his flare.

Opening his eyes again, he looked down and saw more of his delicious... Milk. Redheart told me milk comes from cows this way when she gave me some. So I guess ponies make milk too.Feeling the slimy salt slide down his salivating throat, Graymane continued trying pump more from his shaft. I kinda envy those cows that get milked like this everyday. I wonder if I can lick the last of it up.

Opening his cum dripping maw, he extended his tongue again, stretching his neck as far as he could. His neck feeling like it was ripping, the tip of his tongue finally connected with the syrupy seed settled on his sensitive cerulean shaft. He couldn't taste anything, but he felt another surge of pleasure as he tickled the tip of his tongue around the flared head of his member. His neck finally giving out, his head fell back, softly knocking into the door behind it.

“Ow, ow, ow, ah, aaahaha, that hurt. I don't think I'm gonna try that again.” Graymane said quickly leaning forward again, his still erect shaft slapping against his stomach, splattering the warm remaining cum across the front of his blue body. “It felt good, but I couldn't taste anything. I should try again in the bathroom, then I can see what I'm doing.” He said to himself, slowly getting up while his member swung between his flanks. That went away last time I milked it. I guess I should ask Nurse Redheart about it tomorrow. Let's get some sleep. Trotting to his bed, he pulled the covers down with his mouth, the fresh seed strewn across his face soaking into the cerulean sheets.

Climbing onto the soft mattress, he licked his lips and tasted more of his own flavor, small sparks of pleasure running through his mouth as the cum slowly dribbled down his face. Time for bed. Time for some nice, sweet, sleep.

*** *** ***

“Clean them, lick my hooves clean like a gelding.” Lyra commanded as she sat above him on the the soft sofa, her hind hooves pressed into Graymane's face. “Suck on my hooves Graymane, suck them clean like a naughty little colt.” Forcing her left hoof between his lips, she sat her right hoof against his face. “You're going to be my hoof cleaner from now on.”

*** *** ***

Redheart sat in front of Graymane, her hoof rubbing against his marbled member as it pressed against his body. “It's time to milk you today Graymane. You've been such a bad colt, drinking all your milk, so I'll need to milk you until you cover me all over with it.” She said, aiming his flare at her face. Opening her mouth, she pinned his marbled shaft between her front hooves as she began rubbing faster. “All over me Graymane, shoot your milk all over my body.”

*** *** ***

Waking with a gasp, Graymane sat up from his bed and looked around the room. It was dark, the only light coming from the skylight above. The wall-lacking window covered most of the ceiling, making it seem as though the night sky had painted itself above just for the sleeping stallion. “Cool, that looks so cool.” Graymane admired to himself as he watched the stars twinkle around the full moon.

Turning to his side, he ignored the erect member between his legs, drifting back to sleep as he thought about the stars above.

*** *** ***

“Working, stop for a moment and enjoy yourself.” A yellow mare sat next to him, nuzzling her face into his blue furred neck while he swirled test tubes of reflective water. “Relax for a second and I'll give you a treat.”

“I have to get this research done for the princess, she specifically asked me to examine the water from the mirror ponds.” The cerulean stallion said as he turned away from his work. ”What kind of treat exactly?”

“You know what kind of treat, Working. Oral, spit service, suck-off, or your favorite.” Leaning into his ear, her warm breath cascaded against him as the yellow mare whispered “Blow job.” A simple phrase that had always aroused the blue pony in the past. The cerulean stallion sighed heavily while the yellow mare began to nip down his firm neck, tensing as each bite came lower and lower down his body.

*** *** ***

“Graymane, it's almost nine o'clock. Nurse Redheart will be here soon and breakfast is almost done!” Lyra yelled from the kitchen below, waking the sleeping cerulean stallion from his fetishized fantasies of fervor.

“Oh, ow ow ow. I thought sleep was supposed to make you feel better.” Graymane said, rolling onto his back. Rubbing his neck, he felt the soft, blue sheets fall to his side. Looking down, he was met with the sight of a black and blue marbled, flared and pulsing shaft pointing up at his face. I think that should have gone away last night... I wonder what a “Blow Job” is, I guess I used to like getting them. Oh well, where'd that coconut stuff go, I want some more of my milk.

Turning to the wooden doorway, he saw the pink plastic tube in front of it. With a click and a creak, the blue door opened and pushed the tube aside. “Graymane, come on, you gotta get up. Nurse Redheart will be here soon and you need to be awake so she can examine y-” Entering the room, she stared at her roommate, her golden eyes full of shock as he stared back. “I see you're up and about. I'll let you get back to yourself.” Lyra quickly turned away to leave.

“Wait, Miss Heart- uh Lyra, hang on.” Graymane called, unaware of the blush speedily spreading across her face. “What's a blow job?”

“Graymane, I'm really sorry, but I'm really not comfortable with this. B-breakfast is ready, co-come down when you're done.” Shutting the door, the mint mares hoof steps echoed down the hall as she hurried away, squeaking while she descended the stairs.

“Okay. I guess I can ask Nurse Redheart when she gets here.” He said to no one, staring back down at his hard shaft, a drop of pre-cum forming on its tip as it pointed back.

*** *** ***

Okay, so I just barged in on my roommate while he masturbated. That's fine, it was bound to happen sooner or later... Kinda wish it was later. Did I see cum all over his face? Okay, that's kinda hot. Lyra rushed back to the kitchen, hoping to forget what just happened between herself and her roommate.

Just get some coffee ready and we can forget the whole thing happened... The mint mare thought as she filled her sugar pot for her imminent guest. Levitating a glass creamer from the cabinet behind her, she opened her off-white refrigerator to fill it with cream. Fuck... Out of creamer, gonna have to get some from the marketplace later... Or I could borrow some from Graymane. I'm sure it would taste even better in my coffee. I wonder how it tastes straight from the source... I guess milk in the coffee is fine.

OLD: Of Awkward Proses and Prolific Palabras

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Chapter 4- Of Awkward Proses and Prolific Palabras

Eight thirty, Wednesday morning, the sun shone brightly against Ponyville Hospital's walls.

“Redheart, the patient in room twenty three B needs her medication.” The blue desk mare called, studying the schedules for the day.

“Hmm? Oh, yeah, sure thing sunshine.” The Redheart, the white coated nurse-mare called, lost in thought as she wandered the peaceful halls of her hospital.

I miss Graymane already. At least he gave good conversation when I visited him. This mare just sits there calling me a lesbian. “Hey Sunshine, is it wrong to hope my patient has Syphilis?” Redheart asked, pondering the implications of her intentions.

“Yeah, just a bit. Why?” Sunshine Smiles wondered, unsure if she heard right.

“No reason. Twenty three B, right?” Nurse Redheart said, smiling as she walked toward the hellish patients room, eager to finish her work and visit her friend.

*** *** ***

“If you want a taste that bad, I'll let you have lick if you beg!” The unruly patient called to Nurse Redheart as she left the room, shutting the door behind her to muffle any other comments the injured pony might have about her sexuality.

Finally, another minute in there and I would've smothered that bitch with a pillow. Redheart brooded, walking in a rush to reach her locker and get away from her patient. Down the stairs, up the hall, fifth locker on the right. Down the stairs, up the hall, fifth locker on the right. Nurse Redheart pondered as she hurried closer to the staff locker room, eager to leave the sterilized structure.

“Redheart, how're you doing? Or should I call you Nurse Fine Flank?” Doctor Turn Heart called from the room, blatantly looking toward her dock in the hopes of seeing under her tail. Noticing this, Redheart pressed her tail against her hidden sex, not wanting to give him anything.

“Oh, fuck off Turn Heart! I will report you if you make one more comment about my-” She began.

“Flank?” The dull-green coated stallion interrupted with a grin, enjoying her anger at him.

“Last. Warning. Turn Heart.” Nurse Redheart threatened through clenched teeth. Walking past the maddening matte-colored mustang, she picked her saddle bag up in her mouth and stomped away, tucking her red tail firmly between her legs as she walked.

*** *** ***

Hmm, half expected the house to be on fire, or maybe covered in guards for a murder investigation. Approaching the white-wash house, Redheart began to worry what trouble might be waiting inside. I don't know anything about this mare, and Graymane's in such delicate situation. I should have kept him at the hospital when he asked. Wearing a worried look as she approached, she gently knocked on the wooden door.

“Coming!” Was heard being shouted as hoof steps hastily sounded through the house. With a click and a creak, the cobalt cottage door opened. “Hi Nurse Redheart, please come in. I'm cooking some breakfast and brewing coffee if you're hungry.” Lyra, mint colored mare said, welcoming the white medical pony through the door way.

“Thank you Miss Heartstrings, but I'm really here to see Mister Graymane.” Redheart said as she trotted into the quiet house, welcomed by the of hay frying.

“He's upstairs in his room at the moment, he should be done and down here at any time.” Lyra replied, levitating the tray of drink-ware and food onto the small wooden coffee table, positioned in front of the comfortable couch. “He asked for some privacy, said he was remembering something I think.” She lied, in hopes of deterring any awkward conversations.

“Really? That's fantastic. In that case, I would love some coffee while I wait, thank you.” Nurse Redheart said with a smile, happy that her friend was becoming the stallion she knew him as. Levitating the coffee pot with her gold hued magic, Lyra began filling the three cups on the tray. “No sugar please.”

“Of course, I'm afraid I only have milk right now. I hope that's alright.” Lyra said, mixing spoonfuls of sugar into her own cup.

“I prefer it, thank you.” Redheart said as she took the glowing cup and saucer in her hooves. Sitting back onto the couch behind her, the nurse-mare inhaled the earthy, awakening aroma drifting from the caffeinated concoction. “Mmm, it smells wonderful. So what did you two talk about last night?” She inquired, sipping from her distilled drink.

Tapping the spoon against the fragile cup, Lyra levitated the set towards her side as she eased into the uncomfortable wooden chair across from the nurse-mare. “Mmm, we talked about stories mostly, some other subject here and there.” She said, moving the cup to her lips and taking a deglutition.

“Like what, if I may ask?” Redheart asked, relishing the warm flavor as it spread through her chest.

“Well... I'm not completely sure how to say this, but Graymane isn't really... Sexually conscious.” Lyra said, hoping her guest wouldn't assume the worst of her situation.

A pregnant pause pervaded the ponies petty prattle, previously projected pronouncements processing past the practitioner's preliminary pondering. “I'm afraid I have to leave soon, I will be taking Mister Graymane with me.” Redheart said coldly, setting her coffee cup against the table as she quickly stood up from the couch.

“Wait, I didn't do anything! He asked me what sex was after he was staring at my legs!” Lyra pleaded in a panic, pulling herself away from the uncomfortable chair. “I was telling him a story that happened earlier, and he asked me what “doing it” or something meant when I said it. He told me he didn't know what sex was alright? I would never do anything to a defenseless pony, you have to believe me.”

“So if I go up there right now and ask him if anything happened, anything at all, he'll say no?” Redheart snapped, angry that anypony would consider trying to hurt her Graymane. “I'm going up there now.” Not waiting for the suspected pony's answer, Nurse Redheart plodded up the squeaky staircase and down the hallway. Knocking on the dark blue door, she called out to her friend. “Graymane? Graymane honey I need to ask you some questions, is it okay if I come in?”

“O-okay, I need ask you stuff too.”

“Alright, I'm coming in okay.” Slowly opening the door, Redheart didn't know what to expect. Entering the sky-lit room, she saw her friend lying upon his identically colored crib, calmly covering his chromatic crotch. “Graymane, are you okay?”

“Hmm? Yeah, why?” Moving his hooves away, they revealed his cerulean sternum stained with a sticky slime, snowy strings stretching strangely between his fur and front legs, breaking and bending as he revealed his body. Place cock.

“Oh honey, did she do this?” Redheart asked worriedly, walking to the side of his bed.

“Lyra? No, she walked in earlier, but I guess she was in a hurry or something, cause she left really fast. I wish you told me ponies made milk though, cause I like how mine tastes a lot more than the stuff the hospital had.” Graymane said, turning onto his side to face the medical mare, his marbled mustang mast wobbling between his legs.

“Milk? Is that what you think...” Redheart began to giggle, reveling in the absurdity of the moment. “Gray, Graymane, I think we need to have a talk. First, though can you help me find something long and round shaped, like a tube?”

“There's a bottle of cream stuff over by the door, will that work?” The cerulean stallion directed, wondering why she was laughing and wanting to help.


*** *** ***

“So that stuff you've been drinking isn't really milk, it's called sperm, or some ponies call it cum when they're talking about sex.” Nurse Redheart said as she touched a hoof to his blue furred front, her face blushed light pink for the past half hour. Pulling her hoof away from his chest, strings of white that matched her fur stretching between.

Leaning her face closer to his, she looked past the mane hanging over his face into the blue eyes beyond. I know you're in there, you just need somepony to help you back. Closing her eyes, Redheart leaned further and kissed Graymane's forehead, the smell of flowers filling his mind.
She smells nice again, like flowers and water. Like peace and relaxation. Closing his eyes, Graymane inhaled again as she pulled away, her fragrance filling his mind and emptying it at the same time. Like a breeze of serenity, she's as graceful as a rose petal, dancing across the surface of a river like it was a ballroom.

Opening their eyes, the pair stared into each others, blue eyes swimming together and crashing inside their minds. A blush broke out across Graymane's cheeks as he realized she kissed him, the feeling of serenity replaced with a feeling of unease and excitement as he gazed into her snow blue eyes. Redheart stared back, lost in his deep pools of cobalt emotion, hoping for any sign that Graymane was as infatuated with her with the same ferocity and passion that she kindled for him.

Realizing what she had done, Redheart began to panic. A nurse shouldn't be kissing a patient, even on the forehead. I would lose my credibility over this. Over some stallion, just because he looks good... Has deep eyes... I need to leave. Turning away from him, Redheart's tail brushed against his marbled shaft, the feeling snapping Graymane back to reality.

“I think we're done here, I've written down a change of medicine on the bottle, you'll be taking only half as much to try and prevent your, ah, “problem” from becoming dangerous.” Redheart said as she turned away from him, hoping for him to stop her from leaving. To throw her to the bed and ravish her until the sun set and rose again.

“What? Yeah, okay, what? Uh, bye, yeah.” Graymane said, his face still burning a blush while he sat confused and embarrassed. The white-wash pony turned and left the room, shutting the door and leaving him alone, his marvelous member measuring marginally more as it moved minutely in response.

*** *** ***

Standing in front of the blue wooden door, Nurse Redheart leaned against it, inhaling deeply to calm herself and think through her next move. I'll just tell Miss Heartstrings to teach him about dating some how. Then, when he get's the idea, I'll just ask him out like a regular pony. No more silly pecks on the cheek, just full on making out in the stair well and sex on the desk and... Just breath and get rid of the blush. Exhaling loudly, she continued down the stairs and met a worried mint mare pacing at the base of the stairs.

“Well, do you see? I would never hurt anypony.” The mint mare said, hoping dearly that her newly acquired room mate was staying.

“He told me what happened, and I guess he can stay for now. But for the future, if has a question like that, get him a book or teach him yourself until I stop by to check on him. He should at least be taught about basics of dating and the such, but I'll leave the how up to you.” Redheart said as she continued to the door.

“Oh yes, thank you, thank you so much. I promise I'll go out and get him a book this afternoon.” Lyra cheered, happy that her house would still have another pony in it.

“No, stay here today. It's five PM, if his erection doesn't go away in a few hours, take him to the hospital and tell them he is my patient. Let him come down and eat, and try your best to not embarrass him. He doesn't know that this is normally embarrassing, and at this stage he can't handle something like that, so just act like nothing is wrong.” Redheart finished, opening the door and giving the mare one last cold look. “I don't want to hear anything about you trying to help him get rid of it, okay?”

Taken aback with surprise, Lyra was again worried that she still might lose her room mate. “I would never, okay? I'll get him some breakfast and then read with him, is that alright?” Ignoring the mare, Redheart trotted down the road back toward Ponyville, unhappy about leaving her Graymane with a mare so obviously dangerous.

Shutting the blue door, Lyra sighed in relief. Her roommate was still with her, and she just needs to eat a normal breakfast with handsome stallion while he sits three feet away from her with a massive erection in plain view between his legs. This is a simple goal to accomplish for anypony just coming out of heat without anything but her hooves. Facing back to her living room, she levitated the fragile cups of coffee back onto the dish laden tray.

Turning to her squeaky staircase, the mint matted mare marched up then, her glowing tray following her gyrating flank as it scaled the stairs. Knocking on the blue birch door, Lyra called to her confused house mate to rouse his attention. “Graymane, you okay in there? Breakfast is ready when you come out.”

“I'll be out soon, thanks Lyra!” Graymane yelled back, his stomach growling as he did so.

The tray tailing her, the mint mare trotted back to her quiet kitchen, the sound of an opening door echoing soon after. Lyra began to slide caramelized hay onto a duo of plates, levitating them to the table with her golden magic. “You said you liked the I made last night, so I fried some for breakfast.” Hearing hoofsteps behind her, she turned to see her friend appearing less than publicly presentable.

Standing in the kitchen entryway, Graymane smiled back at her. His duo-chromatic mane hung over his face, dried cum splattered around his mouth. As he walked into the room, his black and blue marbled shaft swung between his hind legs, twitching in turn with his heartbeat. Pulling the wooden dining chair out with his mouth, Graymane leaned back to reveal globs and streaks of white staining his smooth blue chest.

As he sat down his flare-headed shaft thumped against the underside of the table, Graymane's face wincing in response. Sitting back into the chair, the cerulean pony rested his front hooves against the cool stone of the table top. “Thanks, it smells wonderful.” He said with a smile.

Setting the glowing plate in front of him, Lyra sat down on the opposing side, a light blush spreading across her aquamarine cheeks. Focusing on her food, her horn lit up as a bottle of honey did, the golden glow surrounding the golden goo and carrying it over her plate.

“Would you like to try some honey on your hay?” Lyra asked, still staring at her plate as lines of sugary syrup drizzled over the caramelized crop of grass.

“I don't know, what does it taste like?” Graymane asked, unsure of his guardians suggestion.

“It tastes sweet, and kinda savory at the same time. Here, try a bite of mine and tell me what you think.” She said, her glowing fork spearing a clump of the gooey, golden confection and flying to her friend. “Say ah.”

Cautiously opening his mouth, Graymane bit the hay off the end and licked the honey from his lips. The flavor hit like a landslide as the salty sugary taste of hay danced with the deep, sweet flavor of the honey inside of his maw.

“This taste amazing! I would love some honey on my hay.” The stallion said as he grasped the bottle from the table, excitedly squeezing the newly revealed condiment over his food till the bottle gasped for air.

“Easy there stallion, it's not going anywhere.” Lyra said with a smile, happy at her friends newest discovery. Watching him eat, she mindlessly licked her fork clean from the taste of his mouth and speared another cluster of straws, chuckling as her friend scooped the dripping substance into his mouth.

“You remind me a lot of a stallion I met once, had the same coat as you, and a bright white mane. Mmm I loved that mane, wavy in all the right places.” She reminisced as she ate, staring off into space on her cerulean friend. “He looked amazing, and acted like he new everything. Too bad he was really a massive dick, er, jerk.” The mint colored pony scoffed, taking another bite.

“What's a jerk?” Graymane asked, only vaguely paying attention to what she was saying.

“A jerk is a pony who isn't very nice, and says and does mean things to other ponies.” Lyra explained, chewing the bite in her mouth.

Looking back to her friend as he carried another bite to his mouth, a small blob of honey dripped off it, falling onto a white splotch covering his front. Following it as it fell, Graymane scooped a hoof across his chest, collecting the golden ambrosia surrounded by a pool of wispy white cum. The mare watched in awe as he licked the unusual concoction off his blue hoof, savoring the flavor before he swallowed. Gross, but kinda hot. I wonder just where he would lick cum from... Blinking her mind back to reality, Lyra realized she should stop him from trying something similar in the future.

“Graymane, stop. Proper, polite ponies don't lick their hooves. When a pony makes a mess, you use a napkin to wipe it up.” She scolded, levitating a white napkin to his mouth, rubbing the cloth across and wiping the honey from it. “There, see? Now, finish eating and so I can clean up.” Lyra said, setting the napkin in front of him on the table.

*** *** ***

“Thank you for the meal.” Graymane said, getting up from the finished wooden chair, his black and blue marbled member swung below him as he pushed the chair back underneath the table top.

“No problem. Hey Graymane, I'm gonna head out for a little bit to help Bon Bon at her shop. I'll be back in a few hours.” Lyra said, levitating the glass dishes into the metal sink basin.

“Alright, I'll be upstairs reading some more of my journal.” The cerulean stallion said, walking back to the stairs by the front door. Sparking her memory, Lyra recalled that she never got a replacement for his book, the tattered journal the only link he had to his own past. I'll get one when I'm out, after Bon Bon closes shop. I'll stop by, buy the book, and get a dating book for him while I'm at it. She pondered, watching her blue buttocked bunk mate ascend the squeaky staircase.

Lifting her tail away from her taught flanks, a line of slick ran from her tail to between her legs, sitting mere inches away from a hard stallion that just swallowed his own cum taking its toll on her loins. I need to get out now, pretty sure he can smell how hot I am. Lyra pushed her tail down again, hiding her winking folds from eye sight. Her horn lit a golden blaze again, her instrument of namesake floating into her cloth saddle bag as she walked through the sparsely decorated living room.

Walking to and out the front door, Lyra levitated her lyre containing saddle bag onto her back, her tuning key falling unnoticed as it hit the wooden floor with a clink. Turning back to the blue door, the mare fastened the lock, wary of anything that might happen to her friend while she clears her head of perverted thoughts.

Hearing the sound of the door shut, Graymane relaxed into his soft sheeted bed, the sun beating down on him from the skylight above. The sky looks beautiful, those little clouds remind me of the stars at last night. Last night was beautiful, the moon looked so nice I wanted to rest my head on it. I wonder if the mare from the moon looks just as... Enthralling. Remembering the reason he returned to his room, Graymane snatched the blood stained journal from the bedside table next to him and opened it to the last page he remembered.

Returning to the subject of creatures of magic, he found only a small section, written about a strange species called “Cheshire Cats”. The passage was scribbled cleaner than the others, a picture of evil looking eyes and a toothy smile drawn crudely next to it. What a weird... The book calls it an animal. They make foals by using ponies instead of sex, weird. Graymane lied on his back, the sun beaming down on his body.

I wonder what sex feels like. It sounded like what those ponies did with me in the shower, and that felt weird. I liked when that white one put his... Cum I think it was, in me. It felt warm inside me. Thinking of his previous sexual encounter, he felt his still hard shaft twitch in response. I kinda liked the taste of my cum with, ah... Honey. I wonder if I could lick it off my... Penis. My cum tasted great last night, I could put some on my penis and lick it off with my cum after I orgasm. His standing stallion staff throbbing again, Graymane closed his book and left the sunlit room, destined for the kitchen.

Leaning against the blue door, the manic mint mare thought for moment, planning ways to stay away from her sexually available bunk mate. Finally, any longer and I don't know what I'll do. Gotta get to Bon Bon, she'll know what to do. Turning away from the cottage she called home, Lyra dashed away, her hooves pattering in the distance. Dammit, another week or two and it'll all be over. No more heat, and I can finally stop stuttering like a school filly. Rushing down the street, the mint mare neared the town.

Bathed in sunlight and over looked by Canterlot, Ponyville stood before her as she stood before it. Galloping through the roads, she cut through the market place and into the more mainstream stores. Her favorite cafe, run by Horte Cuisine, was placed neatly between the book store and “Quill and Sofa”. I wonder if that was intentional, a nice book and some tea.

“Hello Miss Heartstrings! I have that book on hold like you asked!” A slick-maned, tan coated stallion called from his tactlessly named store.

“Hmm? Oh yeah, thanks Davenport! I'll be back to pick it up later!” She said galloping passed him, snapped from her depth of thought as she continued on her journey. Bon Bon was soon to receive an ear full from her friend, the cream mare hopefully excited about knowing Graymane's physical assets, so to speak.

*** *** ***

Laying on the blue sheets, Graymane pumped into Redheart, her back hooves flexing as she moaned. “Graymane, keep going. Mmm it feels great.” Nurse Readheart said, a blush across her face as she wrapped her front hooves around him, pulling him closer. Graymane pushed harder, pleasure running through him as he continued to push into her.

Leaning his face closer to her's, their lips collided. Tastes clashing as their tongue explored each others, they pulled away. A line a saliva drew across their mouths, panting echoing from Redheart's white lips. “Graymane, keep going, you're the best.”

Leaning back down, Graymane instead aimed for her neck, nipping his way lower. Moans sounded from Redheart, joining the pattering of sex already in the air. “I want you to fill me. Cum inside me Graymane.” Redheart plead, staring into nothingness as she lied on the bed in ecstasy.

“Almost there.” Graymane said, his hooves pinned on either side of his marbled shaft as they pumped up and down, honey splattered his hooves and member. Leaning against the kitchen door way, Graymane continued his fantasy of Redheart, imagining what it would be like to cum inside her, to hear her soft voice moan his name. To hear her call his name, like a call to pleasure, he would answer with delight.

*** *** ***

“So you see why I had to get out of there. I'm already on thin ice with Nurse Redheart, if he caught me ogling his cock he probably would have left.” Lyra said, moving a stool into place at the end of Bon Bon's glass counter.

“Maybe he's gay. He didn't do anything, so obviously he doesn't like mares.” Bon Bon, the off white pony said, organizing candies and confections underneath the display case. “You should kick him out then.”

“He isn't gay. Why would you say that, he hasn't even done anything... What's wrong with being gay?” Lyra asked, sitting down on the wooden seat.

“I don't get why you want him to stay so much. He's a stranger and he obviously has no shame.” Bon Bon said, pulling her friends golden lyre from her bag and passing it to the aquamarine coated pony. “Being gay is nasty, it's completely unnatural.”

“Whatever, it's not that simple. I want another pony in the house. Ever since Braeburn stopped crashing there, it's been lonely.” Lyra explained, running her magic along the melodic strings of her instrument, a clutter of off key twangs cutting the air. “Out of tune. Bon, could you hand me my tuning key?”

Searching through the bag, the cream colored mare looked back with a blank expression. “It's not in here Lyra.” She said, handing the green satchel to her friend.

“It has to be in there. I put it in this morning.” Rifling through her leather bag, Lyra began tossing papers to and fro, the manic musician making a mess of the milky mares confectionary market. “No no no. It must have fallen out. Bon, you have to get it for me, any longer in the house and I'm liable to jump him.” Lyra pleaded, her cream colored friend simply staring at her with a condescending face.

“...Fine. But if he's there I'm giving him a piece of my mind.” Bon Bon said, walking out from the candy store.

“Thanks Bon, you're a life saver.” The mint maned mare said. I hope she doesn't kill him... I hope she doesn't see him.

Leaving her shop, Bon Bon trotted through the town, a brown colored stallion walking to her side. “Sister Bon Bon, have you found any heretics lately? After you cracked down on that deviant Braeburn, I think the gays have been more careful.” He said, walking along with her.

“Maybe, Caboose. I have my eyes on a stallion that might be one of them. He's staying with Lyra, so I can keep watching him.” The cream mare said, trotting down the road as a fork neared.

“She sounds like a gay supporter. Why are you friends with her?” Caboose the train pony asked, looking behind them to check for ponies. “After we got raided by the royal guard, the five of us need all the help we can get.”

“Get this straight Caboose, Lyra Heartstrings is my closest friend. If you or any other member think about touching her, I will castrate you like a heretic.” She said as they split away at the fork, avoiding suspicion from other ponies. Bastard. One of these days I'm gonna frame him as one of them.

Continuing down her path, Bon Bon began to wonder why they continued their actions. I know gays need to be eliminated, after Discord killed almost all of them, stallions need to be straight. But why can't we just quit, and let the princesses see that we're right. Approaching her friends white cottage, Bon Bon simply acknowledged it was there, still lost in thought. I just hope Lyra is right about this stallion. After Braeburn, I would hate to hurt her again. Peering in through the front window, Bon Bon's mind screeched to a halt, speechless as she watched the scene before her.

In the kitchen entry, across from the door, Graymane was lying on his back. His back against the wall, he stretched his head closer toward the flared head of his cock, drops of pre and and honey smeared around his marbled member. Sticking his tongue forward, the tip just barely licking the perverted mixture into his mouth. Running his hooves up and down his shaft, Graymane opened his mouth wider, not noticing the click of the front door lock.

He's a filthy gay! I knew it. I'll get the key and then report him to the creed. Bon Bon ranted as she slowly opened the blue door and looking in. Seeing her friends tuning key feet away from the door, she reached her off-white hoof forward and stretched toward the key. Come on, just a little further. Scooting herself forward, she opened the door more and looked up as Graymane muttered something.

“Hah, Redheart.” He moaned out, his flared head twitching as it shot a strand of cum into his mouth. Looking back to the key, Bon Bon grasped it and pulled back, shutting the door with a click. Hearing the noise, Graymane looked around, snapped from his fetishized fervor of Nurse Redheart. “Lyra? Is that you?” He questioned, another spurt shooting onto the floor beside him.

Rushing away from the cottage, Bon Bon looked around for any of her fellow creed members. I though the moto was “eyes in all places”, why is it nopony is ever near by when I need them to be. She continued, rushing passed the sun set covered town, the clock tower already striking seven thirty. Nearing her candy store, she slowed to a hurry, to avoid suspicion.

Opening the shop door in a rush, Bon Bon hurried in to tell her friend what she saw. Inside the shop she saw Timeturner, a peculiar stallion, talking to her friend behind the counter.

“I just absolutely love a stallion with a sweet tooth. I have these candy panties that I've been absolutely thrilled to try out.” Lyra said as she licked up a candy stick, sucking the end deep into her mouth. “I wonder, how much of a sweet tooth do you have?” She questioned, batting her eyes at the smiling sienna stallion as he picked out more candy from the counter, his tab skyrocketing with every word spoken to him.

“Lyra.” The cream pony said sternly, the brown coated stallion frowning at the sudden intrusion.

“I'll see you later Timeturner.” The mint mare flirted as he left the store, Bon Bon almost slamming the door behind him. Turning back to her friend, Bon Bon stared back to her friend in question.

“Are you really so hard up you would fuck a guy for candy?” She questioned, having mixed feelings about the idea.

”No way, just some harmless flirting to sell some merch. Probably wasn't even that well hung anyways.” Lyra joked, trotting out from behind the counter. “You find my key?”

“Yeah about that... I think Graymane's gay.” Bon Bon said, passing tuning the key to her friend.

“Again with this, Bon, he isn't gay.” The mint mare said, levitating her lyre and tightening the strings. “I wont believe he's gay until there's some proof, until then, I'll just keep ogling him.”

“I'm serious Lyra, I saw him jacking off in your kitchen!” The cream coated mare snapped, angry that her friend wouldn't trust her on such a serious subject.

“Really? Damn. I guess I can still use him as eye candy.” Lyra joked as she tightened another string. “That's why you think he's gay? We all masturbate Bon, I've even caught you.”

“I thought we agreed to never talk about that ever again. Anyways, just play your silly music and I'll get out the stuff for the night show, it's almost eight.” Bon Bon gave up, flabbergasted at her friends disbelief. Reaching for the sign that said “Adult candy night.”, Bon Bon hung it up in the window, Lyra starting to play her golden instrument in the background.

*** *** ***

Ponyville Hospital, Seven Forty PM.

Nurse Redheart sat at a round table in the cafeteria, using her fork to push around a piece of apple. What the hell was I doing? He's a patient, and I'm supposed to be helping him get his memory back, not making out with him. She panicked, her face showing no signs of it.

“Fine flank, how's it going? If it's going half as nice as your ass, you must be doing perfect.” Doctor Turn Heart called, Redheart's ears twitching as he sat down at the table, across from her.

“Look Turn Heart, I'm not in the mood, so can we skip this tonight.” The white mare sighed, spearing the apple piece on her fork.

“...Okay, Redheart. Are you seeing anypony? I mean it, if you're dating another pony, I'll leave you alone.” He said, a small smile smirking across his green coated face. “Are you seeing anypony?”

A curios question to Nurse Redheart, did she want to commit to something so frowned upon in her community. Is the possibility of being shunned worth a handsome, intelligent stallion? What if he rejected her, or turned out to be married? That could never happen, perfect stallions are never taken.

“...I think I am, yeah. Thanks Turn Heart.” Redheart smiled back, happy at her resolve.

*** *** ***

Nine O'Clock at night.

Opening the blue door, Lyra Heartstrings trotted through the door, tired eyed and weighed down by her bag. “Graymane, you awake?” She called, looking around the dimly lit room. “Gra-aymane, you still here?”

Walking into the kitchen, a chill shot up her spine as she stepped in something cold, wet, and slimy. “Ew, what did you do in here?” She questioned to no pony at all. Turning around, she was greeted by her blue furred friend, startling her. “Gah, Fuck Graymane! Don't sneak up on ponies like that.”

“Oh, I'm sorry, you called for me.” He said, shrinking back from her, fearing he did something wrong. Realizing who she was yelling at, Lyra stopped herself from continuing.

“It's alright, just don't sneak up on ponies. It scares them, okay?” She said, feeling guilty for yelling at him. “I brought you something. Here, take a look.” Lyra said as she dug through her bag, pulling a stack of books from it. “I got you a book about dating, and a new journal, like your old one, since I think it's kinda ruined at this point.”

Handing them to her friend, she watched as his face lit up, ecstatic at the gifts. “Really? Cool. I'm gonna go read now.” Graymane said, pulling the mint mare in for a hug. Feeling his warmth, she noticed that was all she felt.

“Graymane, you aren't hard anymore, are you?” Lyra asked, looking down towards her room mates blue furred groin. Not seeing his erect cock, she smiled, glad everything worked out.

“Lyra, can I go to bed now? I don't know how long hugs are supposed to last.” He said, still clung to her aquamarine body.

*** *** ***

“Are you positive Working Gear hasn't returned yet? He doesn't really stand out, and the princess will be really unhappy if he isn't back already.” A female night guard asked her fellow stallion, a worried look on her face.

“If he was back yet, I woulda told her already. I don't wanna wind up like I did last time. My balls still haven't recovered.” He said, his back legs unusually close together. Surprising his mare friend, he let out a scream of pain, his swollen sack enveloped in a purple-blue glow. “No, no please, wait! Wait wait wa-aaaah!” He screamed, the magical glow squeezing his precious sack tighter, the stallion falling to the stone floor.

“Thou stallions have failed me for the last time. Thine shall be gelded, and treated as I was.”

OLD: Bring Your Hopes To Shore

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Chapter 5- Bring Your Hopes to Shore

Thursday, nine in the morning, the sun shines over the outskirts of Ponyville, not a cloud in the sky. The birds tweeting merrily as they danced through the cool air, and the morning shift had just begun. Lyra Heartstrings, the mint maned musical mare was in the kitchen, humming merrily as her magic managed the cooking confection. Dousing the fire inside the furnace, she began plating the morning meal for her roommate.

Graymane rested on top his bed sheets, the morning sun beating down onto his blue body. He read through his recently acquired book, “The Thrills of Dating”, it's white paper cover standing out from his cerulean hooves. Before inviting your special mare on a date, you should have at least two ideas of where to take her, incase she doesn't like the first choice or the location is closed on the specific date. Pick locations that are close together, so the travel from one location to the next isn't taxing on time or energy. Aside from location, you must also think about the activities that she likes, and choose the two closest and most enjoyed locals.

“Graymane, breakfast is ready!” Lyra called from the bottom of the squeaky staircase as she ascended it. Shutting his book, the blue coated stallion looked up with the slightest of smiles, staring at the orange hued clouds painting the sky. Letting out a contented sigh, he set the romance manual to the side and looked over to the door.

“I'll be right down Lyra, I'm just reading.” Graymane yelled back, rolling over to the side of his bed, enthusiasm beyond his tired thoughts. Falling out with a thud, he stood up from the floor and looked around at the empty walls. They nearly glowed, their white paint reflecting the sunlight that shone upon them. It tells me all about dating, what to do, where to go, but it doesn't say how to ask a mare out. He looked away from the walls and to the door, lightly trotting towards it in a thought-filled haze.

Opening the door with a creak, he was greeted with the sight of his smiling room mate. Her golden eyes sparkled as the window shone light onto her lithe green body. Her duo-chromatic mane wisped around her face, surrounding her shiny textured horn, adjacent aquamarine ears twitching at every sound that touched them. “You doing okay? I heard a thud.” She asked, examining him with a concerned expression.

Looking back at her, his mind stopped for a moment. Not a thought nor a ponder crossed, leaving him staring at her as they stood there. “Yeah. Yeah, I'm good.” He said, smiling back as he gazed into her shimmering aureate eyes. Lyra turned away, trotting back towards the staircase.

“You comin' stallion?” She said, looking back at him, smiling softly as she walked away. Seeing her happy visage, Graymane couldn't help but wonder, why did his chest hurt? Just a twinge, barely noticeable, but painful nonetheless. Sniffing the air, her could smell the beauty of cooked apples as it wafted through the cottage.

Trotting down the staircase, he looked into the front room, the furniture sitting still and lifeless as the golden morning light lay across it. The uncomfortable wooden chair sitting across from the couch, the seat a dark stained color. The couch spread wide, big enough for two ponies, and colored purple upholstery adorning the padded bench. A coffee table, small and rectangular, sat between the seating, its glass top gleaming any light that touches it's surface.

Trotting through the room, Graymane's eyes wandered away from its stationary contents, focusing on his guardian instead. Her dual colored tail swayed gently as Lyra walked, the golden lyre bedecking her aquamarine thighs. Looking lower, her legs ran long, firm and curved, extending with each step and meeting the floor with a soft bump. A creak came from the wooden floorboards, snapping Graymane from his admiration as they entered the kitchen.

“Breakfast smells good, what is it?” He asked, pulling a chair out from under the table with his mouth, the screech of wood against wood painfully echoing inside his ears.

“Apples and daffodils. You liked honey so much, I decided to cook them in it.” Lyra said, dishing the food onto white colored plates with her magic. Pulling a chair out with her mouth, the mint colored pony levitated the dishes onto the stone table top in front of the two. “I hope you like it.”

“It smells good at least, and the honey makes it better.” Graymane said with a smile, sitting in the chair and inhaling the mouth watering aroma. Thinking of her business for the day, Lyra sat and grasped a metal fork in her hoof, spearing a bite and eating it without a moments hesitation.

“So anyways, Bon Bon and another friend are coming over later. We have some work to do, and you need a haircut, so I'm sending you out to get one while they're here.” Lyra said, chewing on a piece of apple.

“Really? I want to see Bon Bon, she sounds like a great pony.” Graymane complained, stabbing another piece of flower with his fork.

“Quit whining, you're going and that's final. Now finish eating and hop in the shower, they'll be here soon and I don't want your stallion smell all over the place.” She commanded, swallowing another bite of food.

*** *** ***

“Here are the directions and some money. Just ask for your mane to be cut regular, then come straight back here when you're done.” The musical pony said with a smile, handing him the crumpled roll of paper. “Don't talk to any strangers, do what the barber says, and if any pony asks if you want a cig, just say you don't smoke.” Leading her blue furred friend out the like colored door, Lyra gave one last worried look to him.

“I'll be fine Lyra, I'll follow the directions and be back soon.” Graymane said, trotting away and not looking back. “Just enjoy your time with your friends. The three of you should drink your coffee, and then you can me that good news you were so excited about.”

Closing the door behind him, Lyra sighed in relief and turned back to her friends. “Thanks for coming Big Mac. I couldn't think of anywhere else Graymane could work at.” Walking back to the coffee table, the mint mare looked down to the news papers beneath the steaming mugs.

“Lyra, why am I here? I'm not letting him work my store, and I can't do anything to help him.” Bon Bon questioned, sitting on the couch, rather close to her carmine colored stallion friend.

“You're here to help celebrate when Graymane gets his first job. We're gonna introduce him to alcohol and show him what it feels like to be hit on by a drunken mare.” Lyra said flatly, not taking no for an answer. “You're going to be the mare that makes sure he doesn't go home with anypony and wake up without kidneys, or inside the royal garden after banging a night guard.”

“So you want me to be his wing pony? How about no, fuck no, and you do it?” Bon Bon snarked, the idea of helping this pony beyond her comprehension. Seeing this as the opportune moment to sway her opinion and help a friend, the red coated stallion spoke up.

“I think it'd be nice for another pony to do that for somepony they've never met.” Big Macintosh the apple stallion spoke up, followed by a long drink of his coffee. “I'd be happy to let Graymane work on the farm. Applejack will talk to him and see if he's cut out for the job.”

“That's so nice Macintosh. I'll be happy to help Graymane with his flirting, since he's your friend, Lyra.” The cream colored mare jumped at the opportunity, eager to impress her carmine coated crush. “I'll tend the bar and keep an eye on him.”

“Great, all that's left is to figure out what kind of work he's cut out for, so he can get a job without our help in the future.” Lyra said, looking over her wanted ads to find some kind of field that he could possibly be savvy in. “...I don't know what Graymane's talent is... Shit.”

*** *** ***

“Down this street, and look for the building with a big pair of scissors on it. Ask for a regular service and give them the twenty four bits wrapped in this paper.” Reading his instruction aloud, Graymane trotted down a bright, sunlit street. The cottage like buildings were joined at each side, plastered exteriors and tinted windows blending them to similarity. “A sign of a circle with squares sticking out, a tree that's on fire... I don't even know what that is. Some kind of mask I think.” Rolling the paper up again, he grasped it in his mouth and started walking again.

Continuing down his path, the raggedy blue stallion soon came upon another section of buildings. Built similar to those before them, their windows were completely black, and had the words “no foals” written on them. Looking around at their signs, he finally found a building with a pair of scissors cutting a chain. This must be the place. I wonder why the windows say no foals allowed. I hope they have another barber for themselves. Shallowly pondering this curious detail, Graymane entered the shop, the door chiming a bell as it opened.

“Greetings handsome, how may I help you today?” A pink pegasus mare called from behind the main desk. The room was sparse in décor, a black couch and a potted plant shoved against the tan painted walls. The front desk was made of cheap looking wood, a pile of pamphlets positioned upon the edge. Behind the desk was a dark hallway, a number of doors lining each side.

“Hello, I'm here for a regular service.” The cerulean pony said, walking up to the wooden counter centering the room, taking a closer look at this mare before him. She looked young, her neon green mane brushed over her like colored eyes, hanging over the left side of her face. Chewing on gum, she used her wings to pencil something onto a clipboard before her.

“Would you like your barber to be a mare or a stallion? We offer services for all gender preferences.” She said, setting a sign on the desk that read “Please wait for next staff member.”

“Uh, a mare please. I didn't know there were that many stallions in Ponyville, you hardly see them.” Graymane said, a ponderous look on his face as he looked around the room he stood in.

“Great choice, I'll be servicing you today then. My name is Bubblegum Pop.” The pink pony said, leading her blue stallion customer down the hallway. “Would you like to enjoy our oral special? For only five bits, I'll give you a rim job and let you watch me swallow your entire load.”

“No... Thank you?” He said, not sure what she just said, but knew he couldn't spend anymore bits. I need to ask Lyra what a rim job is, and what does she mean by swallow my load? Load of what? And why do I want to watch her swallow it? Lyra said a polite pony swallows with their mouth closed. Watching his leader, his eyes drifted to examine her cutie mark, a detail that he had come to suspect was important.

Staring at her rotating rear, he saw the image of a yellow ribbon surrounded by sparkles adorning it. Watching her firm thighs as they moved, Graymane looked up and down, her legs running somewhat thicker than Lyra's, and her hooves dusted in glitter.

“Enjoying the view I'm sure, well, sorry but I can't give that kind of service yet, I'm still a trainee.” Bubblegum Pop said, not even looking back as she led the cerulean coated pony further down the hall to an open door. “Please take a seat in the chair and we can begin.”

Entering the room, Graymane was immediately bombarded with the scent of spices, the smell akin to that of burning wood and cinnamon. The room was dimly lit by a number of candles, the walls painted a deep red and draped with shining sheets of silver. In the center of the gray tile floor stood a charcoal black barbers chair, a number of bottles and tools resting inside the back-mounted rack. Beyond the chair, he could see a bed, truly a cot in it's simplicity, the black, back end placed against a silver sink basin.

“What scent of shampoo would you like? We have floral, earthy, musks, and a new synthetic scent called “Seduction” that has been very popular with the younger stallions.” She said, following her customer into the room and shutting the door behind her. Watching him take a seat in the chair, Bubblegum Pop opened her pink wings and flapped hard, the rush of wind dimming the room, putting out a number of the burning candles and mixing the exotic air around her.

“Are haircuts always like this? Because this is all new to me.” Graymane asked, shifting comfortably in the chair as he rested his head back into the support.

“First time? Well, I'll make this extra special for you then.” Grasping a wooden brush in her feathered wings, she reclined the chair back and looked over her client. “I love your coloring, who did it?” She said, her breath smelling watermelon like the gum she was chewing.

“Coloring? I don't know what yo-” He stopped, Bubblegum Pop leaned down, meeting him in a kiss, surprise and confusion racing through Graymane's mind. Running her pink wing along the stallions stress-grayed hair, the brush straightening and catching the knots and the curls, she pulled back from him, her soft lips separating from his. Staring back with a confounded look, Graymane was left with a sense of emptiness, wanting to feel the same indescribable sensation that left his lips not a moment ago.

“I'm going to start cutting now, okay?” She said, her neon green eyes looking back into his, glowing with the smolder of the candles. A snip followed by a stroke of the brush, grayed hair falling to the ground.

“What was that about?” The stunned stallion asked, licking the flavor of lime from his lips. Another snip followed by more hair as she looked down at him still.

“That's what you ordered. It's company policy, incase the brush snags any knots. Not everypony is turned on by hair pulling sadly.” She said, snipping another length of gray hair and running her brush through. “So handsome, what brings you to my service today?” More hair falling to the ground as she moved to left his side and turned his head away.

“I needed a haircut. Not sure why, but I didn't really argue.” Graymane said, looking back at the pony currently perusing his stress-dyed hair.

“Any excuse for a treat huh? I know what you mean, I can hardly wait until I get to give full service. Getting paid to fuck handsome stallions all day is amazing.” Leaning closer Bubblegum Pop kissed his blue colored cheek, running nips down his jaw and neck, the smell of citrus mixing with the scents already in the air as Graymane inhaled, her kisses sending jolts of excitement through his body.

With a final snip, Bubblegum Pop stopped her nipping and moved around Graymane's head to his other side, turning his head off to the left. Restarting her nipping once more, she made another snip, her lips kissing along his cheek and hanging over Graymane's mouth, teasing and taunting like a pair of devious doves dancing before him.

“Time for the real fun.” She said, her lips brushing against his as she spoke. Lifting his head forward, Graymane expected to be met with the feeling of Bubblegum Pop's lips, instead, he felt nothing. She stepped lower, kissing his neck and pecking down his cerulean chest.

She pulled back, her pink hoof slipping up onto Graymane's stomach as she started her kissing again back at his neck. Persisting her pecking down his body, she circled her hoof above his loins, moving to his flagging member before circling back to his stomach and returning to kiss the side of his neck.

Bubblegum Pop pressed her pink pecking lips to is neck again, this time puckering and biting down on his neck, spiking the pleasure and excitement in Graymane's seduced system. Pulling away, she left the lightest of bite marks, bereft of blood and buried in blue fur. Bubblegum Pop slid her hoof lower along Graymane's body, finally meeting his mostly masted marble member, the deep blue contrasting greatly with her brilliantly colored coat. Moving further below him, Bubblegum Pop sat her chest on the chair between his spread legs, Graymane's solid shaft sitting between her eyes.

“Excited are we? Great, I love the taste of horny stallion in the morning.” She said lowering her head to his coconut cologned colt-makers, giving the blue bollocks a long lick from bottom to shaft. Bubblegum again moved her head down, inhaling deeply as she followed the length of his twitching member, running the tip of her pink tongue along the black mottled shaft before her, her feathered wings drifting to his black base.

Graymane further into his chair, the pink pony's penile pampering polluting his petty pondering with pulses of pleasure. Leaning his head back against the chair, he felt her tongue making another line along his pulsating prick. Beginning to close his eyes as her tongue left a trail of pleasure, they shot open when a snip sounded from his shaft.

“Don't worry handsome, just trimming your precious parts. Sides, I would never ruin such a tasty cock on such a sexy stallion.” Bubblegum Pop said, punctuating her sentences with a kiss on his hardened horse head. Leaving her tongue on his slowly widening head, she slid it down again, another snip around his shaft falling denounced by waves of waves of pleasure. Tongue meeting base, she stuck more of her pink pleasure painter and ran it up the underside of his shaft, the taste of clean cock like candy to her tastes, pre beginning to bead around his tip. Noticing the tasteful slick sticking around his tip, Bubblegum Pop stopped and licked, her practiced pleasuring passing over the pearl of pre-orgasm spooge.

Pressing her tongue against the flaring head before her, it flattened as she pressed further, the salty stick shocking her savoring while her saliva slid down her slithering tongue. Forcing her head farther forward, her pink tongue slid down the underside of his black and blue marbled shaft as it disappeared into her moaning maw, a shiver and shutter of delight running down Graymane's spine as he lay in pleasured pampering, the snipping of scissors slowly sliding into the background. Finding the back of her mouth, Bubblegum Pop looked back up at him with her shimmering green eyes and pressed further, slipping more of his twitching member into her moaning mouth and making her throat bulge with his flared head.

Stopping her descent, she took a deep breath through her nose while she ran her tongue along the underside of his pulsing shaft, tear drops collecting in her eyes. Filling her lungs with precious air, Bubblegum Pop began to press farther down Graymane's black and blue shaft again, the bulge in her pink throat moving down as his flared stallion-hood slipped deeper into ecstatically tight warmth. Finally reaching halfway as tears streamed down her face, Bubblegum Pop took another pause to savor the taste and feeling of having a mustang's meat managed down her maw.

His marbled member tasted like the last stallions, an ambrosia of testosterone and salty semen, colliding together and dancing on her taste buds in an electric tango of flavor. She felt light headed, the plentiful shaft filling her throat stopping any air, the stallion before her using her maw as a makeshift mare hole to dump his warm, salty seed into. Her own arousal was burning between her pink loins, wet and begging to be spread after a day of servicing ponies like a mouth for hire. In proverbial bliss, Bubblegum Pop began again her descent down his marbled member, tongue tasting the tantalizing treat as it swept back and forth across the blue underside.

A new feeling flowing over him, Graymane bucked toward her tightly spread lips, forcing another number of inches into her maw as the bulge in her throat receded into her pink chest. Responding with a grunt, Bubblegum Pop pressed her hooves down on either side of his blue hips, pinning them to the chair as she stopped her descent. Making another snip with her chromatic wings, Bubblegum Pop began to pull off the pulsating prick, the bottom of her throat deforming again.

Streams of saliva flowed down the solid shaft before her as she slowly slipped more of his flared member out of her mouth, Graymane laying in ecstasy and panting in perverse pleasure at her talented tongue's taunting. Tear drops dripping off her pink chin, Bubblegum Pop forced her brilliant green eyes shut and pushed her well stretched lips down his blue shaft again, waves of pleasure bombarding Graymane's clouded mind as her warm throat massaged and manipulated his twitching stallion-hood. Her trimmings finished, Bubblegum Pop started losing her thoughts, lack of air and assault of arousal filling her mind with demented desires as she continued to service the moaning stallion before her. Flare disappearing into her chest again, Bubblegum Pop had a devious idea, against the rules yet all too tempting to resist as she began to pull away again.

Her well stretched maw left his shaft with a resounding pop, tears matted her cheeks as saliva and pre-cum surrounded her loose lips. Bubblegum Pop looked up at him, his marbled member wobbling between her bright green eyes. “Want something really special? I'm not supposed to do this, but I'll let you fuck me if you want. But you have to return the favor here.” Sticking her tongue out again, she ran it along the underside of his shaft for emphases.

Sighing in pleasure, Graymane wanted more, at any cost. “I've never done this, but alright.” He said, his pink prostitute pony pulling him from the padded chair and taking his place upon it, her rear-legs hanging off the edge of the seat.

“I've always wanted to try a virgin, so dig in.” Flattering her wings out, Bubblegum Pop pressed her face to the padded back rest, spreading her rear-legs apart. “Don't leave me waiting, stallion.” Nearly jumping to her loins, Graymane had no idea what he was doing, but still sat between her legs and nudged the bright green tail to the side, revealing her winking pink whorse hole.

Unsure of where to go and what to do, Graymane reached a hoof toward her fluttering folds, running it along her peaking pleasure petals, pulling his hoof away as a trail of glimmering goo joined it to her pink pussy. Breaking the slippery string, Graymane brought his hoof to his tongue, tasting the tantalizing texture tethered to her tempting, tender taint. Moving both his front hooves to her pink pleasure petals, Graymane meet either side of the winking whorse lips and spread them apart, the pink caverns wet with liquid lust.

"Quit teasing me and take a lick." Bubblegum Pop whined, looking back from her padded perch. Following suite, Graymane leaned forward to the supple center before him, his tongue touching to her pleasure pearl and flattening soft. Closing his eyes, he drug his wide tongue up her pink fluttering folds, fantastic flavor filling his aroused head.

Her heat danced onto his blue furred face as he savored the stimulating sensual bombardment. The smell of sweat and arousal mixing with the spiced air, citrus scents lost from purview. Waves of static-like excitement flowed over his taste buds, sweet slick, akin to the flavor of hay, sliding onto his tongue as he licked along her succulent, slippery center. What was it that Nurse Redheart said about this? Insert your tongue, I think.

Dragging his tongue down, Graymane found the pulsating pucker he was looking for, pressing his tongue passed her warm entrance, forward into her sweet, sensual canal. Feeling her decadent walls tighten around his tasting tongue, Graymane pulled back, tongue slipping from her inner pleasure to lick along her spread lips. Her juice collecting on his lips, Graymane plunged his tongue back into her supple love canal, hearing Bubblegum Pop whimper and moan above him. Pushing his tongue deeper this time, more sweet nectar flowed into his mouth as his tongue swirled inside of her.

Pulling away for breath, strings of sweet slick strung from her pink pleasure portal to Graymane's panting lips. Leaning back to her decadent folds, he lapped his tongue along her spread lips, her sweet, hay like flavor sending static-like pleasure through his mouth. From one side to the other and back, Bubblegum Pop squeaking every time his flat tongue licked over her quivering canal, dipping into her in slightest, taunting of ways. Crossing over again, he sunk his tongue inside and drew back, lapping at her insides, and drug it down her dripping snatch. Licking lower, he pressed his lips to her peaking pleasure pearl, softly running his tongue over love button as he sucked on it, Bubblegum Pop moaning into the padded chair she was resting upon.

Stopping his sucking, Graymane moved his tongue back up to her trembling canal, diving his tongue back inside. Licking further, Graymane felt her tail land on the top of his head, twitching at every motion his tongue took. Pulling away again, he felt her pink legs close around his head, pulling his face back to her dripping lips and squeezing his hooves from between her legs. Inhaling deeply, the smell of her arousal filled his mind, diving his wide tongue back into her and grasping her hind-hooves with his front.

Her sweet, almost sugary flavor enveloped his mind as he pulled her pink hooves to either side of his marbled member, still slick from Bubblegum Pop's servicing. Pressing his face further, her bright pink petals rubbed against his cheeks as he licked deeper, the nectar flowing into his mouth not enough. Trying to lick further with every pump, Graymane pressed her hooves tighter together, pleasure his only feeling as he humped her hind-hooves. Plunging his face as far as he could, her sweet slick covered his blue face as he swirled his tongue, Bubblegum Pop biting onto the black barbers chair while she squealed. Bubblegum Pop wrapped her neon green tail around his blue neck, lifting her firm flanks off the chair and grinding her leaking love-canal against her lover face.

You're doing good, or rather I am doing well. I guess it's to be expected. Like another pony that none other could hear, thoughts echoed through Graymane's mind as he pumped between her pinned pink hooves. Tell you what, open your mouth and suck while you're doing that, the slut will love it. As though it was his own, Graymane took the idea to plan, opening his blue furred mouth and sucking on her sensitive canal, swirling his tongue further into her quivering sex as she moaned in response.

Mashing his face into her dripping lips, her sweet, slippery nectar began running down his chin, droplets of pleasure dripping onto the chair below. Pushing back against him, Bubblegum Pop let go of the black fabric between her teeth, leaning her head back and moaning aloud as she ground her sex against Graymane's dripping maw. Nearly pushing him back, Graymane lapped his tongue along her sweetly flavored walls, her pink lips pressed around either side of his mouth. With a sudden movement, her pink hooves disappeared from his marbled member, moving up to his chest and pushing his nectar dripping face away from her fluttering pleasure petals.

"I want you. Now, right now, fuck me." She demanded, the taste of her sweet juices still remnant on his lips as he cleaned her lust from them. Leaning away from the chair, Bubblegum Pop turned in the reclined chair, laying on her back. Letting her legs fall to either side, her pink feathered wings slipped beneath them, tactile-y talented tips touching her tender tulip, presenting her dripping pussy petals to him. "Fuck me, make me scream your name." Bubblegum Pop plead, her feathered fingers feeling her winking mare hole, succulent nectar running down her firm flank and wing tips onto the black padded chair below.

Nearly jumping to her call, Graymane mounts the padded prostitute perch, his front hooves pinning above her brightly coated shoulders. Leaning down to the panting pony, his lips met hers in a passion of pleasure, the taste of lime mixing with her taste akin to hay as their tongues tangled and tussled around each other. Like lightning, excitement and joy jolted through their clasped lips, not another feeling in the world beside the heat they felt for each other. Breaking away in a moan, her own sweet taste left upon her lips, Bubblegum Pop leaned her blushing face forward and bit down on the stallions cerulean neck, pleasure and pain dancing through Graymane's body as he pushed forward. Penetrating her winking snatch, his black flare spreading her quivering walls as he filled a mare for the first time.

Relishing the fantastic feeling as he pulled away from her, Graymane's mind asked him a solitary question. “Do you always have sex with your customers?” Graymane asked, slamming forward into her clenching canal, his cerulean colt makers smacking the chair below with a “paff”.

“Not yet, I'm not suh-supposed to do this ki-hind of service yet.” Bubblegum moaned, pushing back against him and gritting her teeth. “Ah, yes, right there. Ha-harder! Fuck me harder stallion!”

Reaching her chromatic hooves forward, Bubblegum Pop wrapped them around his neck, pulling him into another kiss, her grasp tightening around him as Graymane slammed into her again. Biting his bottom lip, she sucked the breath from his mouth, the air leaving his lungs as Graymane passionately pumped into her leaking love pot. Graymane, awash with pleasure and memories, mimicked the motions that brought him so much pleasure in the past, across her teeth, running his tongue along hers, twirling them together and sucking as he pulled away for breath.

Another “paff” echoed as he collided with her, his familiar passion like a fire burning inside his mind, Graymane began to feel the age-old sensation, a building of pleasure inside his loins followed by a tightening of his hips as he met her pink lips for another kiss. A neat trick would help here, but why waste it on a prostitute.

Pushing her body down against the chair below, Graymane slammed against her again, his flare stretching her to her limit with every motion. Pulling away with a gasp, a string of saliva stretched between their lips while he spoke. “'Bout to cum.” He panted, sliding out, Graymane closed his light blue eyes as he leaned away from her and pushed her down, slamming back into her hard enough to send pain pulsating through his pounding pelvis.

“Pull out, I want you to cum on my wings.” She said, wrapping her pink pinion around her body to catch the soon coming substance. Stepping back, Graymane slipped out with a pop and grasped her rear legs, pinning his black and blue shaft between her hind-hooves. Pressed between her pink pads, Graymane pumped forward again, his marbled member glimmering with pre and mare juice.

Filled with fantastic feelings of fetishes and feet related fascination, Graymane firmly fucked her glitter-dusted hooves, their owner peeking on in pleasure and interest. Relishing the return of the carnal crescendo, Graymane started spurting splotches of semisolid spunk, splattering against Bubblegum Pop's pink plumage and lithe legs. Another pump, another pulse, and salty seed seeped down her chromatic hooves as Graymane's conclusion came to a consuming close. Relaxing, he sat back onto the gray tile floor with a slap, his spent shaft lazily laying against his leg. Bubblegum Pop spread her cum covered wings apart, looking down at the stallion sitting before her.

“A hoof slut? My, you're a kinky stallion.” Bubblegum Pop said, moving her hooves back up to her cerulean stallions sweating face, he looked back at the pink pony pads covered in salty cum and slippery juices. “Would you be a good hoof slut and clean them for me? I couldn't possibly walk around like this.” More of a demand than a question, Graymane opened his panting maw wider, Bubblegum Pop forcing her cum covered hooves to his lips.

What a pathetic pony I've become. It wasn't two weeks ago only one mare could ask me that. He contemplated, running his tongue along her sex soaked cleat, the flavor reigniting his recently wearied wang, peaks of pleasure pouring past his taste buds. Moving a fore-hoof between her sex soaked thighs, Bubblegum Pop worked it against her winking whorse hole, watching Graymane sucking his own seed from her shuddering soles. Diving deeper, she spread her drooling mare-mound open, presenting her succulent sex to him, Graymane kissing his way closer, running nips and pecks from her hooves along her long legs, meeting Bubblegum Pop's working hoof at her throbbing pink petals.

"Still hungry are we? Good, I'm still hanging." She said, moving the hoof behind his blue head, pressing his lapping tongue into her lavish love button. Sucking at the pink pony pearl being forced against his face, Graymane felt her hoof run through his freshly cut hair. Moans echoing above his head, he felt her legs wrap around his head, grinding her dripping mare-mound against him. "Keep licking, hoof-slut, make me sing" She called out, tightening her hold on his motioning mouth.

Moving her spooge covered wings to her moaning mouth, Bubblegum Pop began preening them for pleasure, licking the salty slime off her quivering quills, nibbling at the sensitive pink plumage that lined the lithe limbs. Apparently all pegasi like wing play, not just the kinky ones, interesting. The smell of mare and taste of sex sticking in his mind, Graymane dove his deeper into her, drinking at the juices as they flowed down his swirling tongue. Licking the luscious love seed from her trembling feathers, Bubblegum Pop ground his head harder against herself, balancing between bliss and torture.

Lapping his licking tongue lower, Graymane lolled against her tinging taint, a puddle of sweet sex juices pooling on the black barbers chair. Pleasure presenting perfectly across her pink petals and below, Bubblegum Pop slid her thoroughly thrilling thighs forward, riding his matted down face. Loving the lavish lust leaking from her lady longitude, Graymane lapped longingly, his tongue slipping over, inside and out of her mare-mound, tasting the hay-like liquid as it lingered on his face. Moaning out, Bubblegum Pop bit down on the wings in her mouth, frizzing out as she let muffled moans sound through them.

"YesYes, Fuckyes, keeplickingthere. OhFuckyeah." She said behind ruffled feathers, blood forming around her lips as she bit down harder on her own wing, pain heightening pleasure. Tightening around Graymane's head until it hurt, a final splash of sweet flavor flowed down his blue face, Bubblegum Pop relaxing back into the chair supporting her, her pink legs loosening around her stallion toys neck as he sucked the succulent slick from her slippery center. Panting in paradise, Bubblegum Pop looked down at her stallion stud as he leaned away, looking back up at her as he cleaned the sweet syrup from his lips. Graymane's blue front was matted down by his juices and her own, drips and strains still sliding down his neck, his freshly cut hair mussed in all directions. Observing her work, Bubblegum Pop burned with a blush as she let the ruffled wing from between her teeth.

"Let's get cleaned up, if my boss see's me like this, I don't know what'll happen." She said, the sink in the room never more useful.

*** *** ***

Running a comb through his orange mane, Bubblegum Pop looked at her work with pride, his wet hair slicked back and cleanly cut. Despite their previous passion, Graymane smelled of petrichor, the coat brushes soaked in scented solutions. Leaning down to his face, she gave one final peck to his blue cheek before replacing the scented tools in the back-mounted resting rack.

“Okay, we're done.” She said, helping the stallion from the black padded chair, his coat still holding the slightest sparkle of glitter, despite thorough brushing. Leading Graymane to the loosely locked door, she extended a wing to open it for him. “Stop by next time you need a haircut, or something more.” She said, leading him through the carmine colored door, opening the room to another world, in the shape of a tan painted hallway. Leaning against him, she whispered into his ear. “Handsome, my training's done in a month. Come see me then and I'll give you a treat worth the wait.” Before Graymane could turn and respond, she scooted him out the doorway, shutting the door behind him.

Standing out front of the red, scented room, Graymane looked around at his strange surroundings. His mind still in a fog of passion and pleasure, thoughts not his own running his actions, it found the shine of the sun, the light a beacon to the world apart from passion and pleasure. Following down the hallway towards the light, he passed the desk and noticed a stack of papers next to a clock, showing two hours later than when he arrived. Looking over to them, he saw the words “Our Succulent Menu” scrolled across the front. Graymane picked one up in his mouth and continued out the black papered door .

Outside, he opened the pamphlet on the ground and grazed over the listings of the ponies. “Well well, what have we here? A veritable buffet of pleasures and the ponies that give them.” He pondered, the working barbers being listed with adjacent flavor text.

Bubblegum Pop: Our newest member, young and limber, she'll drive anypony to lick her pop to the center. Rather crude description, however apt it may be. Given the nature, I don't think Miss Lyra should be aware of what happened these past hours. Perhaps a pony passed by and gave me this colorful new pamphlet for a restaurant. Closing the pamphlet and picking it up in his mouth again, Graymane continued his journey home, trotting along in the murk of another ponies thoughts.

*** *** ***

“Where is he? Graymane should have been back an hour ago, at longest. Big Mac, can you go search for him with me? He could have been pony napped, or murdered, or worse.” Lyra said, pacing back and forth in front of her couch, Big Macintosh watching her calmly.

The secluded house was silent, Bon Bon having left some time before to prepare for the following day's festivities. The glass top table was still laden with papers, stained with red ink and coffee rings. The aquamarine mare had been waiting in her chair for half an hour now, sitting still until her panic bubbled to the surface.

“I don't think we should worry yet, he probably just got lost trying to read your directions.” He said, leaning further back into the sofa, the furniture piece by far his favorite seat in Lyra's house. “I'm positive he'll be back any minute now.”

“Do you really think so? What if I got him stuck in the mare-fia pony trafficking. He could be on his way to the frozen north right now to be sold into prostitution.” The situation made worse, Lyra began to worry more. I don't want to be alone again.

The cottage fell silent as the doorknob clicked, the dark blue door opening as the like colored stallion walked into the room. Turning to look at the pony, Lyra was bordering on tears, ecstatic that her friend was alright. Happy that she wouldn't be alone in a big, quiet house again.

“Graymane! Where were you? You should have been back an hour ago! I was worried sick.” Lyra shouted, her melodic voice turned menacing and her golden eyes filled with flames of anger. Stomping towards him, Graymane regretted entering the cottage as all four and a half days of his life flashed before him. The memorial respite fell short of saving him, four days lasting less than a second in his mind. “I told you to walk there and come straight back.”

Sitting up from the couch, Big Macintosh picked the platter up from the table carried it to the kitchen, leaving the two ponies to fight. Concerned for his life, Graymane remembered his original alibi. “I did, there was a line at the barbers, then a really nice mare gave me a bookmark for a new restaurant.” Sliding the pamphlet on the floor forward, Lyra read the colorfully shaded paper title.

“Our...Succulent menu. Oh.” Staring blankly at the paper, she processed the situation before her. “S-sorry. I just- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled like that.” Sitting back, Lyra's golden eyes began to show an emotion unlike before; sadness. “...At least you're okay...” Lyra said sniffling, pouting her lips as she turned away from him. “I was just really worried about you...”

Reaching a hoof out to her, Graymane felt bad over making her feel scared. “Lyra, I'm sorry. I wont do it again okay? Lyra?” Worried he had hurt her feelings, Graymane attempted to pull her closer.

Turning back with a shallow smile, tears still evident around her eyes, Lyra hugged the blue stallion in response. Burying her face in his neck, took a deep breath and pulled him closer. Feeling the aquamarine mare wrapped around him, a twinge of pain reverberated through his chest as began to hug her back. Wiping her tears on his chest, Lyra loosened her hug and looked up at the stallion before her, still pressed against him.

“The barber put some weird stuff on me to make me smell different, she said that mare's like it.” Graymane said, still taken aback from her hug.

“Y-yeah, I noticed. It's nice, you smell nice.” Her cheeks blushing slightly at what she said. Looking back down at her, their muzzles only a few inches away from each other, the heat from their bodies mixing together as Graymane pressed closer to her.

“Lyra, your dishes are in the sink... Am I interrupting?” Big Macintosh said flatly, observing the situation before him. Graymane was standing by the door, his dear friend Lyra sitting on the floor in front of him. Her hooves wrapped around his neck, Lyra looking as though she was about to jump the blue stallion and ride him for all he was worth.

“No, I was just... making sure the barber chose a nice cologne for Graymane.” Standing up, she took a step back from him. “Now that you're back, I wanna see how good of a job they did on your mane.” Lyra traced her eyes over his entirety, taking in her roommate en masse for the first time since his arrival in her life.

Standing a few inches taller than her, Graymane looked back at her. His duo colored mane had been trimmed down neatly, the only prevalent gray along the sides of his newly cut coiffure. Sparkling slightly, his now orange dominant mane stood up and waved back, looking like a luscious field of grass during autumn. Framing his blue face, the slightest hint of gray sideburns stood out, ready to grow into amazing accents of orange as time passed.

“You look good. They did a really nice job.” Lyra said, taken in by his new appearance, making it appear as though Graymane was on the cusp of youth and wisdom, a perfect attraction to any pony with a father complex.

“Thank you for the coffee Lyra, I'll be back tomorrow with an tie for Graymane.” Walking past the two, Big Macintosh opened the door and turned back to the couple. “I'll come by an hour before the interview. Plenty of time to tie his tie and walk there.” He said before closing the wooden door.

A pregnant pause pierced the ponies precarious passion, the pair pondering on their preceding predicament. “Lyra, why is he bringing me a tie? Also, what's a tie?” Her need to come clean apparent, Lyra lead the questioning colt to the couch, sitting beside him to ease his expected surprise.

“Graymane, tomorrow Big Mac is gonna take you for a job interview. He's giving you a tie so you look more presentable.” She said, taking a deep breath to prepare for the incoming emotions. “We think it's time that you started trying to reconnect with the world, before you lose touch with it altogether.” Lyra waited, her friend still sitting next to her on the purple couch.

“Okay, that's great. The book you got me said a stallion should pay for his mare on a date, so I guess I need a job.” Graymane said, looking back with a smile. “I really liked getting a haircut, I can't wait until the next time.”

“Oh... Alright then. I guess that's it.” Lyra said, dumfounded at Graymane's reaction. “Uh, how 'bout lunch then?”

April 25, Thursday.

I went to a barber today. She was pink and had sex with me. She was only going to give me a blow job, but said I could have sex with her if I licked her cunt, she called it her cunt. It tasted weird, but good, and made my penis really hard. She called it a cock. I found a list of the different services they give, and I don't know what this thing called anal is, but it looks expensive. I can't wait until my next haircut, Bubblegum said that she would give me a treat, so I'm gonna ask for that.

I don't really remember what happened afterwards, but I have this paper from the store that I said was a bookmark. I don't know why I lied to Lyra, but it feels like I shouldn't tell her about it. I'm going to use it to bookmark the next page in my old journal.

Lyra said I'm going out for something called an interview tomorrow. I'm going to get a job, so I can take Nurse Redheart on a date. My dating book says that a nice stallion should pay for the date, so I need this job. I hope it goes well, Lyra says job interviews are supposed to be really hard.

OLD: A Penny Saved, A Pony Earned

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Chapter 6- A Penny Saved, A Pony Earned

“Graymane, are you done yet?! Big Mac is gonna be here soon, and I don't want you to keep him waiting!” Lyra Heartstrings, a mare unlike most others, her marvelous melodies dancing inside a pony's ears as she shouted up to her roommate, her duo-chromatic mane intentionally tousled around her soft, aquamarine face.

“Yeah, I'm coming down!” Graymane called from the upstairs bathroom, the past hour having been spent preening his appearance the way Lyra had told him, finally finished to a point he found favorable. Trotting down the hallway, a steady step leading his stride, Graymane descended the squeaky staircase. “How do I look?”

His orange mane, accented by silver sideburns, sat back slick against his head, just the slightest of bang spit curled over his cerulean forehead. Lyra gazed back at him, running her eyes up and down his firm chest and solid jawline. Sapphire sight orbs shimmered in the sunlight, he smiled back at her, face still sparkling with hints of glitter. He smelled of coconut and looked like a stallion with no worries, ready to tell a mare where to mount and a colt when to jump, regardless of who they were.

“You're great, very clean cut.” Smiling back at him, inspecting the rest of his body. “You smell a bit too much like coconut, but I'm not complaining.” A knock sounded from the blue door, interrupting her ogling for more important matters as Lyra's golden magic opened the wooden entry. Stepping in, gray tie in-mouth, Big Macintosh simply looked on at the two ponies, not surprised by the scene in front of him.

Dropping the fabric onto the glass coffee table, he continued with the reason he was there. “Anytime Graymane's ready. I'll show him how to tie it on the walk there.” Big Macintosh said, patiently waiting for the one of them to kiss the other goodbye.

“He's ready now. Graymane, go with Big Mac and do what he tells you, and do what I told you during the interview.” Lyra said, shooing the two stallions out of the comfortable cottage, black tie being magically forced out with them, shutting the door behind the duo.

*** *** ***

Quietly continuing down the dirt trail, both stallions held their tongue, questions sitting upon their lips without being spoken. The paff of dirt sounding with every step they took, The blue pony not wanting to break the silence, rather, preferring to stew in the uncomfortable moment. Graymane looked around at the surroundings, avoiding eye contact with his red escort, intimidated by his greater size and obvious relationship with Lyra. Breaking the unease with a clearing of his throat, Big Macintosh spoke his mind.

“How'd you get here? Lyra said you had a book, but nothing to carry it in.” He asked, a straight forward question that struck a tac in Graymane's mind. Taken aback by his inquiry, the blue stallion knew what he was getting at, pausing before he came clean with the recently hidden secret.

“I had a bag with me. I was running from...something, and it got caught on a tree.” Graymane said, the pair continuing their trek to the farm. “It had a lot of stuff about who I was, so I would like it back.” Big Macintosh continued walking silently, pondering the story with a stern expression. “Can I ask you a question now?” He asked, looking at the red stallion for the first time.

“Sure.” Big Macintosh said, expecting a question about Lyra or working on the orchard.

“How do you ask a mare out?” His mind ground to a halt at Graymane's question, Big Macintosh unsure of how to answer him. Never having to be the one to ask a pony out, the carmine stallion could only think of the occasion a stallion asked him on a date. With a sigh, he remembered the moment one of his closest friends became even closer.

“Has Lyra ever mentioned Braeburn? He was a good friend to the three of us.” Big Macintosh said, the farm only barely in sight. “He was my cousin, and we were as close as possible. One night, he asked me on a date.” The final sentence feeling like a twisting knife. “He waited until I was gonna leave Lyra's, then asked me when we were alone.” The details of the orchard slowly defining in view. “I was a tad tipsy at that point, so I said yes.”

“What does tipsy mean?” Graymane asked, the term completely new to him, it's consequences equally strange.

“It's when a pony drinks a bit too much cider, and then makes bad choices.” Big Macintosh explained, the two ponies starting up the road towards the Apple family farm. Looking forward, Graymane could see the silhouettes of colorfully coated ponies trotting in and out of the large barn far ahead. “It's something you shouldn't do, because it can hurt other ponies feelings.” The carmine stallion continued. “Now, I'm gonna show you how to tie a tie. It's a bit harder for earth ponies.” He said, stopping before his blue follower and grasping the black strip around his neck.

“Take the wide end and wrap it around the other two times.” Big Macintosh tutored, tie-ing the simple knot into the black choker. “Then pull it up through the back and down the front, like this.” He said, tenderly tightening the tie taught, allowing space to breathe. “Now keep going into the barn. My sister will interview you inside. I've got more work to do, so I'll meet you when you're done.”

Leaving his wise red companion behind, Graymane continued his journey into the big barn f wonders, the structure within spitting range as he passed the farms front fence. Looking around at his surroundings, he saw an orange mare working under an empty apple tree, bent over a wooden bucket as she sorted through them. Her legs were adorned with leather leggings, a strap clipped to the top leading from one leg to the other. The support straps around her hind legs connected to a pair of like colored panties, the underwear barely more than a strip of fabric led between her legs. Leather thigh highs and a thong, kinky. Best deal I ever made.

“Keep moving stallion. Bad enough you got Granny Smith to buy this new farm gear, ah'm not letting you stare.” The orange pony said, only glancing back for a second before turning back to her work in disgust. Not sure why she snapped at him, Graymane continued his way into the barn, one of the doors open and waiting for him.

The inside of the barn was dimly lit, sunlight beaming through the windows illuminating the golden bales of hay. At the far end of the interior sat three ponies, huddled behind a crudely constructed desk, nails still sticking from the slanted surface. Trotting warily towards them, the white coated foal's horn lit a bright blue sparkle while the orange filly buzzed around Graymane, inspecting him with her dim purple eyes. The yellow coated filly sat back behind the desk, watching him closely as the white coated foal magically checked boxes on a clipboard.

Stopping before the crude craft, Graymane looked back at the orange filly flying around his body, the little pony unable to ascend above his chest. Quickly, the three foals huddled together behind their wooden table, whispering to each other and peeking over one another before swiftly returning to their sitting order behind the un-sanded surface.

“You fail.” The yellow one said, The blue stallion having not even said a word. A pause filled the air as Graymane stood in shock, the interview tougher than he could have ever expected.

“Why?” He asked, dumbfounded at his sudden failure, after all the work he put into this.

“Because you're too much of a pretty colt. As Cutie Mark Crusader interviewers, we think you should try getting a job in the Mare-fia pony trafficking.” The yellow one continued, bow in her hair moving as all three of them nodded their heads. “Maybe Twilight's place, she said she needed somepony to help Spike organize the books in the library.” The blue coated stallion paused, Lyra mentioning the Mare-fia yesterday, but in a less enthusiastic attitude.

“Where's Twilight's library then? I can't tell Lyra I failed, and I need a job to ask Nurse Redheart out.” Graymane asked, his loyalty to Lyra driving him to get a job at any cost.

“That's easy! Just leave the farm and walk straight through Ponyville. It's the big tree.” The orange filly spoke up, wings fluttering to punctuate every sentence.

“You'll have to run though, Twilight said it's a really cool job, so it might be gone already.” The white said, rolling her eyes as she spoke sarcastically. Hearing this and taking it for serious, Graymane turned on spot and sprinted out of the barn. Out the door, he looked around for the exit towards the road, the same orange mare from sleeping against the gate post he aimed for.

Running towards the wide gate, he looked over to her as he passed. The citrus colored pony slept with her hat resting over her face, shifting slightly as she snored. Rear legs apart, her front legs were folded behind her head, supporting it against the hard fence post. Still wearing the leather socks on her hind legs, her thong had slipped to the side, spreading her orange folds for any pony passing by.

Stumbling slightly as he stared, Graymane tore his eyes away from the sleeping pony and continued his sprint, forgetting about Big Macintosh in his panic to leave the farm. Hoof beats thundering as he charged down the dirt road, Graymane left the farm's turn off and came to the main path, following the three filly's instructions and running straight through the alleyways between buildings. Entering the shopping district, the ponies were all still setting up, carts of fruits and other commodities beings pushed around as they made deliveries. Graymane panicked slightly as a wagon full of cabbage wheeled in front of him.

Reacting quickly, the blue stallion ducked low, sliding under the carts bottom as dirt was thrown into the air. Rising to continue his sprint, he could hear a mare shouting at him, the sound of her anger being drowned out by his pounding heartbeat echoing in his head. Graymane rushed past the vendors, the end of the district in front of him, two buildings joined by a wooden fence, the alley filled with boxes and garbage cans. Not slowing down as he weaved between the trafficker ponies peddling their precious paraphernalia, Graymane ducked below the handles of a fruit cart before jumping onto a beaten box, running across the row of garbage receptacles before leaping off the metal can, wooden boards catching his back hooves as he flew over the wall.

Landing into a roll, Graymane looked up to see the large tree, windows carved into it while a sign hung from the door. Ignoring the pain from his legs, he stood up and continued his journey, walking slowly to the door and taking the “help wanted” that was hanging off the knob into his panting mouth, opening the door at the same time.

“Hello, welcome to Golden Oak Library.” A purple dragon said from the book covered room.

“Hello, is the job still available?” Graymane said, dropping the sign onto the floor before the violet reptile, once clean coat now dusty, black tie mussed in different directions, and his orange hair no longer slicked back.

“Uhhh, yeah?” The young dragon questioned, unsure about the pony panting before him.

“Can I have it please? I just ran here from Sweet Apple Acres, and I can't tell Lyra I didn't get two jobs today.” Graymane pleaded, lungs still burning from the rush. “I need this, I promise I'll do my best.”

Still on the fence about the pony, the little purple lizard really only needed to know one thing about him. “Can you start working Wednesday?”

“Yes. Yes, I can start working any day you need!” Graymane began to cheer, nearly hugging the little dragon before him, pain in his rear hooves preventing this.

“My name's Spike, you'll be working with me to clean up after Twilight Sparkle, who isn't here until Tuesday morning.” Spike the dragon said as he began leading the blue stallion through the library tree, telling him what his responsibilities would be.

*** *** ***

Wandering through Ponyville, Graymane was grinning ear to ear, his first ever job, and he was starting next week. As soon as Spike was finished explaining what he was going to be doing, Graymane left the library to tell Lyra about it, nearly two hours ago. Walking down the wide, circular road for the second time now, Graymane passed a tall building, the sign reading it as the Carousel Boutique. Deciding to ask for directions, he entered the clothing creators business in hopes of meeting an understanding pony.

Opening the door, a bell chimed as all he saw was a lifeless, cloud colored room; fashion magazines adorning the small table between the ornate chairs against the wall. Shuffling came from the next room, two ponies coming to greet him. A white mare, purple hair carefully curled around her thin face, walked with her younger accomplice, the same white filly from the farm.

Seeing who the guest was, the foal immediately turned and walked the other direction, not wanting to invoke the wrath of her previous words, his shabby appearance and dirtied exterior most likely bringing turmoil and anger, despite his shining smile. Ready to introduce himself and ask for much needed directions, Graymane was cut off before he could start by a sound comparable to that of a slain minotaur, the white mare before him gasping in horror at his appearance.

“Why would you let such a wonderful accessory fall to pieces like that? And your hair, such a messy styling, let Rarity take care of you darling.” Rarity, the white fashion pony said as she pushed the confused stallion into the next room, blue magic illuminating all sorts of machines and tools, combs and brushes flying to her side as she sat him in a chair.

“So, what brings you to my boutique? Besides your disaster, I mean.” The mare asked as she ran a brush through his once gel-ed hair, pushing it over his blue eyes.

“Uh, I need directions to Sweet Apple Acres, if that isn't too much trouble.” Graymane said, unable to see as Rarity ran another brush through his mane.

“Of course darling, but you simply have to let me fit my new line to you. There are so few stallions in Ponyville, it's so hard to get one to work with you.” She said as she watched swatches of fabric floating around the two as Rarity styled his mane back with a comb, Graymane finally able to see the mare that so eagerly snatched him up.

Opening his mouth to question the eccentric mare, Graymane was interrupted when she turned, her perfume scented tail lightly bashing against his face as she ran tie after tie through a sewing machine, plush pale plot wiggling slightly as she hummed in contentment with her work.

“Come here darling.” Rarity said, her magical glow surrounding his black tie as it pulled him to her, choking the blue stallion slightly as his hooves dragged across the marble floor. The white fashion mare turned to face him, her nose pressed to his as she removed his old necktie, a pair of new bow ties replacing it around his neck. “You look simply dashing in that color.” She said, her lips less than an inch away from his, tea scented breath tickling Graymane's senses before she turned back to her machine, blue magic taking the puce tie from his neck, leaving the silver bow tie in it's place.

“Hmm, I like the color, but bow ties are going out this season.” Rarity said, pulling a straight tie of the same silver silk and wrapping it around Graymane's neck, replacing it's bow tie sister. “Much better.” She said, straightening the direction that it sat. Pulling it tight, Rarity took a step back to admire her work, the cerulean stallion still startled at her stunning display of skill. “Excellent! I have so many more ties for you to try, you simply must stay.” His only other choice to run out and hope to find another pony that knew the directions he needed, Graymane stayed put in her grasps, inclined to stay with the attractive pony that was flirting with him.

*** *** ***

“That was the last one Mister Graymane, and I must say, you look absolutely fabulous in that color, spider-silk gives it the perfect shine.” Rarity said, mannequins strangled in her newest creations. Graymane stood in front of a body mirror, admiring his preening and eager to finally return home.

“Thank you for the complement, but I have to go soon.” He said, hesitant to leave the temple of titivation he had spent the last hour in, loving the feeling of being surrounded by new clothes and complements. “If you could please direct me to Sweet Apple Acres, I would be grateful.”

“Oh, yes, of course darling. Just follow the road outside my boutique and you'll be there in no time. Feel free to come back at anytime, I always have more ideas that I want to try.” Rarity said, escorting him to the glass doors that begin her haute couture shop, magically opening them for the cerulean stallion and leading him out.

“Oh, I almost forgot your tie.” Graymane said, trying to loosen the knot around his throat.

“Keep it, please. I couldn't separate such a perfect match. Besides, I'm afraid I lost your previous neck tie.” Rarity said, smiling innocently at her mess that was once a sewing room.

“Thank you, I can't wait to tell Lyra about today.” He said, walking away from the polished exterior of the Carousel Boutique. Following the road straight out from the building like she had said, Graymane looked around at the quiet cottages around him, ponies smiling happily and going about their day as the afternoon sun beamed down on them. Papers blowing by, he looked down at them and caught one under his hoof. Tonight only, Vinyl Scratch in concert at Sugarcube Corner. Be there or don't be griffin. Weird, gonna have to ask Lyra about that.

Continuing his trot through the town, he passed a group of tables, ponies either eating or talking with each other. Looking at the groups, a few mare's stared back for a moment before turning back to their friends and giggling, Graymane unaware of the meaning of it, but appreciating the attention all the while as he walked. Leaving the structured groups of houses, they started to become fewer and far between, eventually leaving any sight of them far behind. Graymane looked forward, searching out for any sign of his location. The fruit farm finally in sight, Graymane curved down the familiar turn and began his trot back home, the orange mare no longer asleep against the fence post.

The dirt trodden trail turning softer, the road less travelled than the rest, he reached the grass covered field once again. Looking over it again, Graymane stuttered and stopped his trot. Despite my death, it really is a nice field. Maybe I could take Nurse Redheart on a picnic here. Dwelling on the thought, Graymane continued his walk again, Lyra's house, with it's big blue door and white walls, was within sight. At the door, Graymane was about to knock and enter, a monstrous noise interrupting him and startling the birds from the roof.

“You let your little sister interview him? Why?!” Lyra shouted at the top of her lungs, windows shaking as she shrieked like a banshee. The acrimonious aquamarine mare had been yelling for minutes now, her red coated friend having told her about Graymane's disappearance. “You're going to go out there and find him. Then, you'll tell him he has the job!” The sound of a turning doorknob interrupted her shout-fest, the cerulean stallion stepping through the once friendly doorway and greeting Lyra with a wide smile.

“Lyra, I have a surprise.” Graymane started, shutting the door behind him. “I got a job at the library, I'm starting Wednesday.” The room fell silent as the two ponies processed his presentation, the circumstance leaving Lyra with an emotionless expression.

“That's great! Come on, I have a surprise for you in the kitchen.” Lyra said, rushing into the back room, her horn alit with golden glow. Taking the opportunity to escape more wrath, Big Macintosh passed Graymane and walked out the door. “I think you're gonna love this, I spent all morning preparing it for you.”

*** *** ***

“So then she gave me the tie. I think it was because she lost my other one, but she liked this one a whole lot better.” Graymane said, the aforementioned tie currently being worn by Lyra, loosely hanging around her aquamarine neck and laying down her body. The musical mare was resting on the couch away from him, resting her hind hooves on his lap.

“Well, if she asked you to come back, you should go. Her fashion is popular among the rich crowd, and it seems to fit you well.” Lyra said, admiring the fabric she had teasingly taken from him, toying with the end with her front hooves. “This reminds me of my last roommate. He was one of Big Mac's cousin's, he used to live upstairs.” She said, rubbing her rear hooves up Graymane's chest. “Right before he moved out, we went to see Miss Rarity and check out what she was making. Brae walked out of there with a new vest. She made it just for him.”

“Where'd he move to? Big Macintosh told me about Braeburn earlier today, but he didn't say anything about that.” Graymane questioned, trying to ignore the tingling from the hoof rubbing against his body.

“He moved out to Appleloosa for whatever reason. It's a new settlement, so they wanted ponies that could work the fields and get stuff running.” Lyra sighed, still playing with the tie, tightening it around her neck and loosening it.

“What's it like? I've never been anywhere... I don't think I have.” He said, the name sounding like a paradise, opposite from actuality.

“I've been a few times, it's a really nice place to visit. It really clears a pony's head.” Lyra said, happily remembering her vacations spent in the western settling as she magically tossed the tie onto the coffee table. “You should go there if you ever get the chance.” Getting off the purple upholstered sofa, she trotted towards the stairs. “I'm gonna show you something, but you have to keep it a secret.” She said, her horn alit with golden magic as the inside of the squeaky stair shone alike, a click echoing through the quiet cottage.

Opening the hidden compartment with a creak, Lyra's golden magic levitated a black ring from the concealed case. “I got this during my last visit. It's made from fake leather, because you can only get real leather when you order it custom.” Walking back to Graymane, she turned around and sat on the floor before him.

Settling in front of him, she dropped the collar into his lap with a metallic clink. “Go ahead, put it on me.” Lyra said, closing her eyes and levitating her mane off the back of her neck.

Picking up the odd object, Graymane wrapped the band around her neck, fumbling to push the end through the simple buckle. Finally forcing the fabricated fibers through the finely finished ferric fastener, Graymane firmly fitted the frankly furnished fetish flange finitely round her neck.

“Not too tight, I'm not into being choked.” Lyra said with a small smile, relaxing into the stallions fumbling forelegs. “Mmm, am I the first mare you've collared, or do you make a habit out of this?” She joked, the black belt clasping around her neck.

“What? What's collaring mean?” Graymane asked, her joke beyond his understanding.

“Right, sorry. I was making a joke.” She said, opening her eyes again and leaning her head back into his lap. She stared up at him, looking past his blue pooled eyes into her imagination. I can get used to this, a cute stallion to live with and call my friend, maybe rut if he's ever ready.

“Lyra, I don't get it.” Graymane said, staring back innocently at the aquamarine mare laying dreamily in his lap. Looking down at her, he watched her brilliant gold eyes relax against his, a lock of white hair hanging over them.

“It's called a fetish. I don't think your book talks about it, but it's something that a pony likes with sex. Some ponies like to be chokes, others like to be pee'd on, and a few like to wear collars. I like to wear collars, and to tell ponies what to do in bed.” Lyra explained, still staring back up. Closing her golden eyes and letting out a soft yawn, Lyra started to get up, leaving the comfort of a lap pillow. “Bed time Graymane... Gray.” She said, standing and turning to him, pausing for a moment before leaning her face close to his.

Not sure what she was planning, Graymane sat still as she quickly pecked her lips against his cheek. Surprised at the kiss, he watched her as Lyra walked up the stares, the collar still around her neck. “Good night Gray.”

April 27, Saturday.

Lyra talked to me about something called a fetish. She said it was something that made a pony want to have sex, or made them feel good during sex. I think I have a fetish for her hooves, they make me feel good when I look at them, and I like thinking about licking them. I wonder if they make me feel good while I'm having sex, I want to find out. I think I'll ask Nurse Redheart about fetishes the next time she visits.

I asked her about her fetish, she looked embarrassed, but she told me she liked wearing her collar, and telling a pony what to do when she is having sex with them. She said it was called BGSM or something like that. She has a leather collar, with a big metal rectangle in the back. She asked me to put it on her, I liked what she looked like with a collar on. She said she got it the last time she went to a place called Appleloosa, where one of her friends lives. If I go there, I want to get her one that she can wear all the time.

Thinking about Nurse Redheart's hooves makes me feel good like Lyra's, I'm going to ask Lyra what it means when she gets back from Bon Bon's candy store. Lyra likes to spend a lot of time there, she says it's her job.

April 28, Sunday.

Today was boring. Lyra and I didn't really do anything, she just invited Bon Bon over to watch me. She said she had to get another string for her lyre. She wasn't wearing her collar yesterday, I think she took it off after I went to bed. I think she looked happy when I put it on her.

Bon Bon asked me a lot of questions when she was here. She asked me what I thought about Lyra, if I thought she looked good. She asked me what I thought looked the best on her. After that she asked me if I thought Nurse Redheart looked good, I told her I did. Then, she asked me if I liked the way she looked. She said she had a date later today and wanted to make sure she looked sexy. I didn't know what sexy meant, so she told me it's something that a pony likes to look at, something that a pony finds sexually attractive on another pony.

I asked her if she thought I was sexy, then she stopped talking for a long time. The two of just sat there forever, not saying anything. It was really weird.

April 29, Monday.

Lyra told me how to act at a job. She says we are going to do this for a few days, until I start. I'm going to tell Nurse Redheart about my job the next time she visits. She told me that I don't talk about sex with my boss, and don't question what they tell me to do. Being a boss sounds a lot like a fetish. She says that I can't be late any day, and that I have to get up at seven in the morning. That's a whole hour earlier than I already get up.

We're going to be doing this tomorrow too, it's so boring. I learned the word boring a few days ago, it was in my old journal. I've learned a lot from my old journal, like words and animals and stuff. I'm reading about this thing called a Cheshire Cat. It's really old and mean, and eats other ponies unhappiness. I don't want to ever go near one of those things, ever. They scare me a whole lot.

OLD: A Plot is Ahoof

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Chapter 7- A Plot is Ahoof

Early morning, the sun beamed down on the buildings of Ponyville. The market place had began to bustle, and the birds had already returned to their nests with food. On the outskirts of Ponyville, in a calm grassy field, stood a single cottage. Past the big blue door, inside the white walls, a pair had gathered in the upstairs bedroom, illuminated by skylight. A certain medical mare was checking up on her favorite patient, a forgetful blue stallion that she had been fantasizing about when she was alone.

“Follow the light please.” Nurse Redheart said, moving it from side to side in front of her patients eyes. “Good. Have you had any trouble reading or seeing?” She asked.

“My eyes start to hurt after I read, but I see fine normally.” Graymane said, blinking out the splotches from his vision. “Is that bad?”

“Not necessarily. I'll come back with a couple pairs of reading glasses on Friday, and we'll see if that makes it better.” The white nurse mare said, picking a pencil up in her mouth and scratching notes onto his chart. “So, Graymane, has anything happened since my last visit?” She asked.

“Oh yeah, tons. I got a job at the library yesterday.” Graymane said, getting up from his blue sheeted bed. “I'm starting tomorrow.” He said, grinning at the medical pony, happy about his own news. A pause met his grin as Nurse Redheart thought about the changed situation, changing her fantasized plans for the future.

I should be happy about this, I'm the one that told her to get Graymane a job... I've heard Twilight Sparkle is smart, like him, and has the princess's ear. I don't want him leaving me for that bookworm bitch and her power. Restoring her facade, Nurse Redheart smiled back, trying to figure out how she was going keep him within her hooves. “Great. I'll tell you what, I'll talk to my boss, and take you with me to work on Sunday. Do you want to see what it's like at my job?” Unaware of Nurse Redheart's intentions, Graymane saw it as a moment to ask his crush on a date.

“Sure! That sounds fun.” Graymane said as his stomach growling, angered by it's lack of food. “Can we get breakfast now? Lyra said she made some for you too.”

“Yeah, let's go. I'm kinda getting hungry too.” Nurse Redheart said, setting her patient chart back into the saddle bag resting on her flanks. Following Graymane out the bedroom's door and down the hallway, the white coated medical mare tailed him down the creaky stairs, unaware of the kinky secret beneath her hooves. Quickly moving through the sparsely decorated front room, towards the delicious aromas wafting through the cottage, the duo entered the kitchen to be greeted by Lyra Heartstrings, magically scraping fried daffodils onto the already set plates.

“Everything good? You were pretty quiet up there.” Lyra asked, setting the hot pan in her metal sink. Taking a seat, Lyra watched Nurse Redheart pull a chair next to Graymane's, pulling both out for the duo.

“He's perfect. Not a thing wrong with him.” The white coated medical mare replied, words holding innuendo as she took her seat next to Graymane. Settling in the formal wood chair, Nurse Redheart continued to ponder ways to secure her position in his life, and keep Twilight Sparkle as far away as possible. The only option she could concoct was to make herself more important, anyway she could.

Quietly stabbing the fried flowers with a finely fashioned fork, Nurse Redheart stuck her hind leg out to touch Graymane's, innocent to him, but an attempt at physical contact for her. Slowly rubbing her hind leg against his, the trio continued there meal in silence, small talk and meal chat filling the air as they finished breakfast.

*** *** ***

“We'll see you next week, I'm gonna go get Gray ready for his job.” Lyra said, shutting her big blue door behind Nurse Redheart. “Gray, lets talk about what you do when you get randy on the job.” Lyra called back to the kitchen, a long talk in store for her roommate and soon to be tenant.

April 30, Tuesday

I told Nurse Redheart about my job, she looked excited I think. I'm really excited because she said she would take me to work on Sunday. I'm gonna try to ask her out when we're alone.

Lyra gave me a really weird talk today. She said that if I get aroused, she called it randy and horny, to excuse myself until it goes away. I don't know what she meant, I'm just organizing books, so what could the problem be? I only get aroused when I think about sex, and hooves, and that time I got a haircut from Bubblegum Pop. I guess I don't remember that too much though, it's all just a blur now.

*** *** ***

“Just like that love, keep going, he deserves it.” A deep blue mare cooed into Graymane's ear, sitting behind him as he roughly pumped into a male night guard. “This traitor was about to tell my sister what we were up to. You're doing him a favor.” Slowing his penetration, Graymane looked back at his provoker questionably. “This way he can go back to his wife and kids, he has a second chance. If you weren't so kind, I would have had to poured silver down his treasonous throat.” Taking her words as truth, Graymane bent over the bound guards beaten body, renewing his speed.

Leaning his head down, Graymane bit the guards ear, nibbling on it as though he were a consenting party. Blue marbled balls beating against his captive's, Graymane continued pounding into his previously untouched hole, the soldier below him weeping into the stone floor. Pulling back from the purple ear, Graymane moved further down to his neck, biting hard and earning a cry of pain from his victim.

“Good boy, be rough with him and you can have me next.” The manipulating mare said, running a rose thorn clad hoof up his back, the scratching sending sparks of pleasure through Graymane as he slammed harder into the night guard's rear.

“Should I finish inside him my queen?” Graymane asked, holding himself back as the emasculated stallion below him hoped for an end.

“No. No, I think you've earned the right to plant your seed inside your queen of the night.” The weaver of dreams said, laying back behind the cerulean stallion, spreading her hind legs as she did. “You've shown how loyal you are to me, now allow me to reward that loyalty.” She said, Graymane removing his pulsating prick from the guards loose entrance. Turning to face his love, Graymane looked over her presenting form.

Hooves in shoes made from braided roses, the front of them adorned with a single, wilted deep red flower. Around her neck laid a chain of the same rose stem, red petals wilted to the shape of a crescent moon, her brand and logo. Graymane stood over her splayed form, his queen and lover there to reward him for his work. Leaning down to give his passion constitution, the princess's wings wrapping around the two as she met his lips with her own, dark blue feathers caressing his form.

Sitting up panting, Graymane looked around at his surroundings. The same white room, lit by the morning sun beaming down through the glass ceiling. Looking down, he saw the same blue sheets he fell asleep underneath, tented by his morning arousal. Not a single pony in sight, just silence to greet his mourning rouse.

“Graymane! Get up, you need to get ready for work, you only have two hours!” Lyra yelled from the staircase, catching the attention of the cerulean stallion. Looking back down to his problem, Graymane remembered what he was taught the previous day. “Get in the shower Gray, breakfast is on the table already!” Lyra called again, the aquamarine mare marching up the squeaky stairs to stir her friend.

“I'm awake, I'll be right out!” Graymane called back, throwing the sheets from him as he landed on the wood floor, black and blue marbled member wobbling below his stomach. Needing a room with a lock, Graymane pressed his ear to the door and waited until he heard the staircase squeak again, opening it and rushing down to the bathroom, stallion-hood bouncing against him with every step. Hearing the sound of her roommate moving, Lyra shrugged it off as a mighty need to pee, resuming the end of her breakfast while packing a lunch for Graymane with her levitation.

Getting up from the table, she left her plate there and set the brown paper bag of food next to it, leaving the dining kitchen to check on her friend. Trotting up the wooden stairs, Lyra saw the bathroom door closed, but no water running. Walking to the door, she pressed her ear against it to check for the sounds of life. Hearing only minor sounds, Lyra lowered her head to the ground and looked underneath the gateway, worried about Graymane.

Worried for nothing, Lyra saw him sitting one the floor, back to the counter as he faced the door. Presenting everything to the door, Graymane ran his hooves up his erect shaft, sighing as a wave of pleasure followed his touch. Pressing his hooves tighter together, Graymane began pumping them along his marbled member, enjoying the pleasure as he picked up speed. Unaware of his audience, Graymane closed his eyes and leaned his head back, gritting his teeth as he tried to go faster. Watching in awe, Lyra's tail swished behind her, the mare enwrapped in the show her roommate was giving. Always one to enjoy an erotic show, Lyra started to rub her hind legs together, sparks of stimulation following. She watched with voyeuristic fascination as Graymane's marbled marble sack tightened, jiggling with his rapid touch.

As fast as he could manage, Graymane pumped his front hooves along his shaft, humping into his own hooves as he neared his prize. Lyra's horn lit it's golden glow, magic surrounding her roommate's black and blue stallion sack, unnoticed by it's occupied owner, as she illuminated her mare lips. Vibrating the foal makers, Lyra bit her lip in concentration, teasing herself as she helped her roommate. Succumbing to pleasure, Graymane leaned his head forward, reaching the release he so craved.

Pumping his hooves along his twitching shaft, flared head shooting string after string of thick cum into the air. Covering his blue furred chest, Graymane slowed to a stop as he basked in pleasure. Lyra's magic left his foal makers, a blush spreading across her cheeks at the show she just watched. Watching his blue shaft soften, Graymane let his hooves fall to the side as his flaccid flared member drooled it's last bit of cum onto itself, sliding down it's blue and black mottled skin to the like colored orbs below it.

“G-Gray, you should st-start showering now!” Lyra called, quickly careening away from the door and stumbling down the hallway towards her room, more than aroused by what she just watched and participated in. Slamming the door to her bedroom, Lyra looked at the large, orb shaped topper on her bedpost with lust, the finish rubbed down from years of abuse. Horn lighting ablaze, she levitated a drawer out from her dresser, the box filled with an assortment of false phalluses and fun toys.

An hour later, Graymane emerged from the bathroom in a cloud of steam. Hair slicked back, locks curling slightly over his forehead, Graymane walked down the hallway to Lyra's door. Knocking on the door, he heard springs creaking, panting, and echoing moans. “Lyra? I'm done in the shower. You said breakfast was on the table, right?”

“Wh-what? Oh, yeah! Yeah, breakfast is on the table and your lunch is in the bag!” Lyra called back, her voice a slightly higher, labored pitch. “You can go without me! I'm feeling a bit sick, so I'm staying in bed today!” She shouted back, the sound of creaking bed springs resuming. Graymane could swear he heard Lyra mutter something about loving her bed, but shook it off as hearing things.

Doing as told, Graymane walked back down the hall, the creaking stairs greeting him with their standard noises of age. The front room felt almost peaceful as Graymane looked around, not a single iota of movement besides him, and not a noise but the sound of his hoofsteps. It felt nice, like he could think clearly, without fault. Entering the kitchen, he saw a brown paper bag labeled “lunch” on the table, next to a plate of boiled apples chunks.

Inhaling the aroma, Graymane stood at the table and ate fork after fork of the delicious dish, eating the food as fast as he could. Chewing the last bite, he stacked his plate onto Lyra's, putting them in the sink for her. Looking at the time, Graymane saw he needed to be at work in forty minutes. Nearly choking as he swallowed the food in his mouth, he snatched the paper bag off the table as he ran past, dashing out the door and slamming it behind him, unnoticed to Lyra as she remained in the throws of passion.

*** *** ***

“So after you put all the books here, write them on the stock list. If it's on there, just mark up how many. Check that twice.” Spike the baby dragon explained, teaching Graymane the ins and outs of working at the library with Twilight Sparkle. “After that, put the books in their proper genre, which are alphabetized, in alphabetic order. While you're doing this, check each section and make sure they are organized properly. Do this at least twice a day, or Twilight will have a melt down.” He said, walking the cerulean stallion through the giant tree library. “Any questions?”

“Where is Twilight Sparkle exactly? You said she runs the library but she isn't here?” Graymane asked, recalling that she should have returned by now according to his boss.

“Well, Twilight was coming back from Canterlot when she sent me a letter. Princess Luna asked her a favor. She'll be back on Monday she said.” Spike said, walking back to the lobby table, adorned with the wooden knight piece. “Something about helping Luna find a friend.” Spike said with a yawn, laying his head down on the table.

Looking at his boss with concern, Graymane circled around the dragon. “You okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, try your hoof at those jobs while I take a break. Remember, repeat what you do.” Spike said, still face deep on a table top.

“Right, yeah...” Graymane carried off, staring at the piles of books taller than he was, fearing the mighty literature beast. Pen in mouth and list in hoof, Graymane took to the creature, title after title falling from it's top as he built an army of smaller stacks. Looking upon his army with pride, the enemy had been defeated after what felt like days.

“Wow, it only took you three hours to sort through that stack.” Spike commented, reviewing Graymane's work. “Now double check the list, and put them on the shelf.”

Watching the purple dragon walk up the stairs to the living area, Graymane considered sicking his army upon him, the booklings a mighty force not to be trifled with. I think I'm fired if I raise an army to attack my boss... I'll have to ask Lyra. Turning to his force, Graymane struck them down, once more building a mighty army of book creatures as he compared the titles to the stock list, having missed a few in his previous attempt to brighten a dull job.

Looking down at his coworker, Spike struck up small talk to pass the time, and to stop the construction of a book dragon. “Were you a writer before this? You're a tad eccentric, but your getting the job done quickly.”

Stopping the his building of the dragons head, Graymane looked up at the real dragon. “This is my first job actually. What's eccentric mean?” He asked, going back to the list in his hoof and marking off the final few book.

“It means different, in a small way. That's not really bad, you could call Twilight Sparkle eccentric and she's one of the nicest ponies in Ponyville.” Saying that, Spike thought of all the times Twilight Sparkle's eccentricities caused a ruckus. “Well, most of the time she is.”

“Alright, now I put them in the shelves.” Graymane said, dismembering the fierce literature beast before him. “Where does the book “Facts About Mythical Creatures” go?”

*** *** ***

“Thank you Twilight Sparkle. He is a dear friend to me.” Princess Luna said, guiding her sister's pupil through the stone hallway. Taking her into a room, the pair was greeted with walls lined by books, the only furniture a few wooden stools, drips of white candle wax running down their form as silver candelabras burned on them. “You have my full support, anything you need for this spell you will have.”

Looking in awe at the dimly lit room, Twilight Sparkle looked back to the towering princess. “Luna, what is this place?” She asked, amazed at the seven massive walls of books.

With a gentle smile, Princess Luna looked down to her purple coated friend. “This is our personal study. We have every book you need to find this stallion for us.” Horn illuminating, Luna pulled a book from the opposite end of the room, blue sparkles sweeping dust from the cover. “We would like you to have this. A gift for what you have done for us.”

Giving the book to Twilight Sparkle, her violet eyes lit with surprise at the tome in question. “Hierophant of Equestrian Arcana? Princess, I can't possibly accept such an old book.” The book in question a study guide of magic theory, written by Starswirl the Bearded for royalty to learn by.

“Please, we are asking too much from you to not repay your kindness.” Princess Luna said, slipping the book into Twilight Sparkle's saddle bag. “Follow, we have prepared thee a room.” She commanded, walking out of the room and further down the stone hallway. Turning on hoof and rushing back, Twilight looked up and down the hallway as not a pony was in sight.

“Hello? Princess?” Twilight Sparkle called, turning to look back in the study, her gaze meeting the yellow cat-like eyes of a female night guard. “Gaah!” Jumping back in surprise, Twilight Sparkle tripped over the stone set floor below her, falling back onto her plump purple behind.

“Allow me to escort you to your room.” The night guard said, offering her hoof to help the unicorn from the floor. Taking the hoof, Twilight Sparkle was pulled up with ease, retaking her footing as the mare of the night picked up her bag and started walking down the hallway. Not loosing this pony like the last, Twilight Sparkle rushed to make up the distance between them. Following close behind, Twilight Sparkle watched the guard mare's unchanging expression, slightly unsettled at her stoic look as they walked past identical doors.

Looking back without a changing emotion, the royal guard spoke with alarming happiness, contrasting her somber expression. “My name's Midnight Sorrow. If you need anything I'll be there for you.” Turning to the left, the mare opened a dark wood door, guiding her follower into it. “Please, I hope you enjoy your stay.”

Walking into the room, Twilight Sparkle looked around in excitement at the abode she was given. A wall lined with wooden bookcases greeted her first sight, filled with tomes of magic and exotic zebra scrolls. Stepping further into the room, Twilight Sparkle looked down at the differing feeling, the floor lined with a deep blue carpet as opposed to the hard stone. Gazing around the magnificent room Twilight Sparkle saw a simple, pink sheeted bed pushed into the corner behind the door, a well lit desk against the opposing wall. Looking up, Twilight Sparkle saw a fiery twilight sky, the vaulted ceiling giving the painting a depth unlike any canvas could.

“Princess Luna specially requested this room be made up for you, the ceiling a Marechaelponio original commissioned months ago.” Midnight Sorrow explained, Setting Twilight Sparkle's saddle bag down on the pink bed. Watching the purple unicorn run her gaze up and down the aisles of knowledge, Midnight Sorrow cleared her throat to catch her attention. “If you have any need for me, you simply have to call.” She said, leaving the room and shutting the dark door behind her.

Letting out a soft sigh of relief, Midnight Sorrow proceeded back down the hallway, hearing bustling as she got closer to the Princess's private study. Seeing the crowd of day and night guards, solely female, all gathered in the large room chatting with each other, she let out a sigh. Mixing in with the crowd, the ponies fell silent as Princess Luna walked out of the shadow filled corner, wisps of night following her hoof steps as she approached.

“My loyal subjects, we have summoned thee here for one reason. Our lover, Working Gear, will soon return. We have doubt's though, as to his state of mind.” Luna said, shedding a false tear for affect. “Before he left, Working Gear gave me a request. That should he ever return less than himself, that we mother his child like planned.” Concerns and questions began to mutter through the crowd, Luna expecting the denial days before this moment. “I ask thee, when Working Gear returns, if he be less than he was, to bear his love and bring us his seed at any cost.”

Chatter of approval sounded through the crowd as Princess Luna dismissed them, Midnight Sorrow remaining behind as she usually did. Approaching the blue princess as the crowd dwindled to just a few, she spoke up her concern. “Princess, why do you want his child exactly? At request, you could have any other pony in Equestria, so why him?”

Smiling back, Princess Luna waited for the rest of the guards to leave the room, shutting the heavy doors behind them with her blue magic. “Midnight Sorrow, you have been our closest follower since our return, you know as well as any pony why we chose him.” She said, levitating a book from the top of one of the towering bookcases, the leather bound tome embossed with a simple silver moon. “Shortly before his execution, a zebra alchemist made this. It grants one's progeny the talent of the parent that mixes seed with it.”

“Why was he executed then? That's amazing.” Midnight Sorrow asked, watching her leader pull a bottle filled with green slime.

“He was a danger. We would rather one chance to succeed than our sister have as many chances as needed to copy us.” Princess Luna explained, not a hint of regret in her voice. “Working Gear has a unique talent, the gift of cognizance. If he were raised with royal ties, we have no doubt he would rule Equestria rather than our sister.”

“So that's what you want? You want a kid with his talent?” Midnight Sorrow questioned, expecting something more grandiose from her princess.

“Yes, a son to be precise. Working Gear's son and the gift of my lineage and pedagogue will make the perfect general to rule beside me.” She said, returning the bottle to it's hiding book.

“What about my part? You've executed every other pony that knew you wanted his kid before now, so why not me?” Midnight Sorrow asked, expecting her death order any day now.

“You are our most loyal subject, and our most trusted, youngest female guard. We cannot attend to his needs while away, and a concubine will never be gifted the chance to touch him. We want you to teach him of carnal affections while we cannot.” The princess explained, floating the treasure back to it's position on top of the bookshelf. Turning back to the shadowed corner she entered from, Luna began to slip back into nothingness as wisps of shade licked along her form. “Inform Sunshine Mist of our progress.”

May 1, Wednesday

I just had my first day at work! It was kinda boring, but I made a book army before putting them on the shelves. Spike, my boss, is a dragon. He's so cool, he taught me how to organize books and how showed me how he sends his letters. I can't wait for work tomorrow.

Lyra got sick today though, so she was asleep when I came back. She was sleeping in my bed for some reason, but I let her sleep there and slept on the couch instead. I didn't mean too, I just sat down and fell asleep. I didn't even remember dinner. I'm writing this a day late I guess.

May 2, Thursday

Lyra was feeling better today, and she was really sorry about making me sleep on the couch. I'm kind of happy about it though, she made me breakfast and woke me up by kissing me on the cheek. She said she felt a lot better today, and said she was going to wash my bed sheets while I'm at work today. I don't know why, but she said they really needed it and she didn't want me catching what she had.

I just got back from work and it was fun. Spike said he could try to fix my journal when Twilight Sparkle gets back. That's good, because I ran out of stuff to read in it. He got a letter from her today that said hello to me and asked us to clean the floors in the library and make room in the reference section for a new book. Spike let me do that while he got more parchment and ink. He said Twilight would need it if she was coming back with a new book.

Bon Bon was here when I got back. They were talking about something called heat, and Lyra kept cheering that it was over. I guess that was what made her sick. The two of them made dinner tonight, it was good. A big pan of roses and potatoes. I can see why Bon Bon runs a sweet shop, she's a good cook.

May 3, Friday

I hurt my neck trying to lick myself this morning. I looked it up in a book at the library and it said to relax and not repeat what caused the injury for at least two weeks. Nurse Redheart showed up today with some reading glasses. She gave me a few pairs to try out today and tell which ones worked the best on Tuesday. Lyra had to work today, so she left before me.

Work was really weird today, we had a lot of mares in today. A few of them rented some books, but they all kept talking to me. They kept saying I looked really professional with my reading glasses on. A few even asked to try them on. Spike told them I would be there all next week, and they left eventually, but he kept laughing after I asked him why they were so interested in me.

Lyra said she was going to take me out tomorrow, with Big Macintosh and Bon Bon to bon Bon's store. She said it was called “Adult Candy Night” and she was going to show me drinking. Big Macintosh said ponies make bad decisions when they drink too much cider, but I'm going to trust Lyra, she seems like she can't make bad decisions. We had a quiet night tonight. She even asked me to put her collar on her before dinner. She looks really nice with her collar on, I wish she would wear it all the time.