More Bonking Ponies

by silvergunner

First published

Pinkie Pie plays the worst game ever until Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash show her games that can be even more fun.

My attempt to make the most offensive Pony story ever. Cupcakes, Trainspotting, Lesbian Strapon action, and Pinkie Pie playing the worst game ever made (FATAL). Co-starring Twilight Sparkle as the girl with the toys, and Rainbow Dash as Pinkie's intended target. F/F/F Strapon and Toys.

Second story in a series of five.

Chapter 1

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“You’ll be baked into cupcakes; that’s what i’m planning on” the pink pony sang softly as she raised the knife and hacked away viciously. “I want you inside of me; oh i’ll be sad when you’re gone” she continued as she threw the stained knife aside. “No-pony will know you’re gone” she sang as she pushed the scarlet, soaked remains of what she had chopped into the bowl next to her and mixed them into the dough that she had pre-mixed. “Oh soon we shall be as one” she finished as she spooned the dough into a cupcake tray. She walked over to the oven and giggled. Soon enough her special “cupcakes” would be ready for everyone to savour their unique taste.

She kept the secret ingredients to herself – dried strawberry skins and chocolate chips. The former did look a bit like rotten flesh, but the latter made them look better. She just hoped no-one would think it was rotten pony flesh, and write an article about it...

From behind her another pony looked on in wonder. “Is this the only reason you invited me round, Pinkie?” she asked her. “Just to bake cupcakes?”

Pinkie smiled and turned round towards her friend. “No, Dashie” she said sweetly. “I have even more fun for us planned” she added, with an air of mystery.

‘Dashie’ looked a bit confused and fluttered her wings a little. “What exactly did you have planned?” she asked her friend. “Baking is okay, but i’d prefer something with a bit more thrill to it if i’m honest”

“Come through” Pinkie smiled, pointing at the door to her bedroom before she trotted in. Rainbow Dash shrugged and walked in behind her. Inside her crowded room, Pinkie pulled a cupcake off the dresser. “Eat this please” she smiled at her friend.

Rainbow Dash glanced at the cupcake suspiciously. “This isn’t filled with powdered sleeping pills so I take a nap?” she asked her.

Pinkie Pie smiled. “Of course not!” she said and nodded at the cupcake. Rainbow Dash approached it, and checking it for suspicious ingredients, used her right hoof to scoop it into her mouth. As she munched, Pinkie Pie’s smiled grew wider. The additives would hopefully make her friend more...

“What the hell was THAT???” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, spitting out the remains of the cupcake. “Pinkie, that cupcake was absolutely VILE” she said, grimacing at the taste in her mouth.

“You... didn’t like my cupcake?” Pinkie replied, grimacing. Her plan had failed.

“If you really wanted to test cupcakes on me, you could have just said Pinkie” Rainbow Dash replied. She looked at her friend’s distraught face and felt a little guilty. “I... best go...” she murmured, and made her way as far away from Pinkie Pie’s house as she could.

Pinkie Pie stared at the door as it banged shut and kept staring. Tears welled into her eyes. Why wouldn’t anyone go along with her new ideas for games? Surely they would have enjoyed what she felt when Twilight Sparkle taught her the literal ins and outs of sex. At least if they didn’t have real sex with her, they could pretend to by playing her favourite table game. It had gotten to the point where she was so desperate to do either, she had tried drugging her cupcakes with aphrodisiacs. However Rainbow Dash had just proved that they didn’t work at all.

She sighed, and made her way through her house and towards the basement door. Walking into the basement, she pulled a light switch. Dim lighting appeared over a large table with several oversized pony dolls placed around it. Each of them looked just like her friends who never played games with her. To Pinkie, these crude masquerades were her only real friends. They listened to her, and played her favourite game with her - a role playing game where they simulated sex using numbers and rules. She loved it, but almost no-one else did.

At the end of the table she sat down and looked at the sheets of paper in front of her. On a large game board pieces belonging to her and her friends were placed. Flicking through a large nine-hundred page book in front of her, she cleared her throat.

“Dashie, roll initiative” she called to her. The plushie that looked like Rainbow Dash neither spoke nor moved, so Pinkie grabbed the dice and rolled for her. She did this all the time, gaming with her imaginary friends. “You go first against the target” she announced out loud, and flipped the pages to the next stage of the battle sequence they were playing out.

Far away from Pinkie Pie’s house, Rainbow Dash was explaining what had happened to her friend Twilight Sparkle. Twilight sipped at her tea while she heard the sordid details of Pinkie’s failed drugging attempt and disturbing fascination for cupcakes. Twilight figured that if Pinkie had her way, she would start a Cupcake-spotting club. With other similar ponies wandering around unwashed and photographing random cakes and noting the details down in their notebooks. At least it would be a better hobby than her attempt at date rape (without the dating) just now.

“So it looks like we have a sex-obsessed pony on our hands” Rainbow Dash sighed. “Who will probably cause nothing but problems for all of us unless she is taken care of.”

Twilight put her tea down. “Maybe we should give her what she wants and it will get her off our backs” she suggested. “As well as get her off literally” she added.

Her friend gasped. “You’re saying we give into her and play sexual games with her?” she questioned.

“Not her games. Our games” Twilight replied. “Otherwise it may end up like last time we were all there together and she tried to make us play that Atrocity of a Game she had in her basement. You know, the one where she rolled dice to have sex with other characters”

“Please don’t remind me” Rainbow Dash replied, shuddering. “I can’t possibly stand any more of that game, with her masturbating over statistics about vaginal depth and the like. Wouldn’t it be more fun just to skip the statistics and just fuck in reality?”

“Then lets get prepared” Twilight replied. She nodded at a box in the corner and walked over towards it. Flipping it open revealed multiple different silicone devices the size and shape of male pony appendages, alongside multiple bottles of lube. Most notable were some of the big artificial cocks, which were double sided and attached to harnesses. Twilight smiled at Rainbow Dash, and she smiled back.

They grabbed the double sided dildos with the harnesses, and a bottle of lube each. Twilight took out a third set and gave it to Rainbow Dash. “Meet me at Pinkie’s house in fifteen minutes” she said. “Its time to have some fun with Pinkie”

Back at Pinkie Pie’s house, the game was in full swing. In the game, Pinkie and friends had reached the town of Ponyshore and began their quest to save a pony prince kidnapped by an evil witch. Only they had taken the side quest of gaining experience by having sex with each other in-game. However, Pinkie liked to take these scenes out of the game and into real life. Which is why she tried her best to keep narrating the game while she shoved a spare soft drink bottle in and out of her vagina. Jerking off during role playing was something she liked to do, and one of the many reasons no other ponies wanted to play with her. Alongside the fact that the game she was playing had awful rules, of course.

She paused for a moment and looked at the dolls around her. “If only any of you were real... I hate been alone” she murmured to herself sadly. Throwing the bottle covered in her fluids to one side, she got up and left the room. She was too depressed right now to play the “best game ever made” any more.

Moving back into her living room, she gasped with surprise. Rainbow Dash had returned, and had brought Twilight Sparkle with her. Both of her friends stood facing her and smiling.

“Dashie!” Pinkie exclaimed. “I’m so glad you came back...” she said as she rushed over towards her friend. “And its great to see you too Twilight!” she added to her other friend next to her. “How about we do something fun now?” she asked them both.

“So long it doesn’t involve Cupcakes” Rainbow Dash replied. Pinkie’s face sank. “...but Twilight and me have a much better idea” she added.

Pinkie smiled. “What are we going to do then?” she asked.

“We’re going to play ‘Ride the Pony’” Twilight responded, a wicked grin spreading across her face. Pinkie’s eyes wandered and she saw the huge silicone rods below her two friends’ groins. She was about to say something, but before she could both her friends had grabbed her with their front hooves.

Pinkie smiled. “Oh, you mean THAT game” she said as she was laid on her back by the two ponies. She spread her legs revealing her vulva, still wet from the stimulation earlier. “Why don’t we get started then?” she asked the two while giggling.

After pouring lube over their artificial cocks, Twilight made the first move. She moved over so she was hovering over Pinkie Pie. Moving into position, the tip of her strap-on dildo rubbed against her friend’s entrance. With a thrust of her hips, the tip plunged into Pinkie Pie. As they both gasped, Pinkie nodded for her friend to continue. Twilight began to push in and out of her friend, the dildo pushing deep into her friend’s womanhood as well as rubbing inside her own vagina, occassionally contacting with her clitoris for a surge of pleasure. Pinkie was moaning as the shaft slid in and out of her, stretching her insides and contacting her clitoris on every plunge in.

While the two of them were having sex together, Rainbow Dash had moved around to the rear of them both. Pushing Pinkie up, she slid herself underneath Pinkie facing towards her. Without warning, she thrusted her hips and the head of her cock slid into Pinkie’s behind. Pinkie yelled in shock, as she had never had her ass penetrated before. The pain slowly turned to pleasure as she moaned even louder as the cock pushed in and out of her bum in tandem with the one pushing into her pussy.

Soon, both of Pinkie’s friends felt they were nearing their limit. Nodding at each other, they suddenly shoved their hips forward so they grinded against Pinkie’s hip. As Pinkie was stretched like never before, it broke her limit and she erupted into an epic orgasm. She shuddered as waves of pleasure filled her, and her juices poured out of her pussy from around Twilight’s artificial shaft. The climax of their friend was the sensation needed to bring Twilight and Rainbow Dash to orgasm as well. They were overcome by the pleasure filling their bodies and souls.

Midway through the afterglow, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle gained the energy to pull their artificial cocks out of their friend Pinkie. Her distorted stomach returned to normal after they had been removed from her. “That was pretty damn great” Rainbow Dash commented. “Much more fun than cupcakes”

“Seconded” Twilight Sparkle added. “Plus, better than that atrocity of a game”

“Agreed. Nothing can be as much fun as making love with your best friends” Pinkie smiled, as she got on the couch. Her friends joined her, and they hugged.

- The End -