> Missing the Cutie Mark > by BrightSanctuary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Missing the Cutie Mark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Missing the Cutie Mark I was a pony from Manehattan, and that morning I woke up to the rays of the morning sun thought I just could not enjoy them much. Getting ready for work had become such a routine in my life that these days I have felt quite disoriented, for my destination would not be work. I had an accident at work and now my doctor had told me to stay in bed. This has driven me all but mad. My mind can’t leave off of what the doctor had told me next. He said that I would not be able to go back to work again, and for this it seems that a cloud has hovered over my head since. With a depression that has followed me every morning thus far since the incident, I began my morning. First I left and went down to eat some breakfast, but I could not decide what to eat. Nothing in the kitchen called to me. So I just settled of a simple bowl of oats. After breakfast, I went to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Beginning to feel the pain in my hind leg, I stopped and shrugged it off before continuing. Well, I thought to myself, I may as well learn to live with it. It’s not going away anytime soon. I continued to the bathroom, where I proceeded to fill a tub with hot water. After cleaning myself up, I walked over to the mirror, and began to comb my short rust and scarlet color hair. My hair had always been an inspiration to me in the morning, How the rust and scarlet colors would blend together to make a well-made mane. This was one of the many beauties of the world, but not today. I was too far depressed to notice my hair that much. My brown coat was only a dark shadow on an even darker backdrop, my mind. Then that was when I had noticed it. I could not believe it. I closed my eyes, and opened them again. But I still saw it, or rather didn’t. My cutie mark was gone. My precious, my life, my one true being, had vanished into thin air. I didn’t think that was possible. My world at that moment stopped spinning and my head began to. I felt faint at first, then an overwhelming feeling to just cry and cry, and that is what I did. Finally after about an hour in the bathroom, I was able to drag myself to bed. There I had just stayed for the rest of the day. I could not even imagine the rest of the world at that time. The world could have been under attack by Discord himself and I would have never noticed. Each second of the day had passed into the next. Time seemed to stand still, and yet move at a rapid pace. Nothing seemed to make sense in those moments of time, nor did I care if they did. I only cared that I had become a useless stallion, and all that mattered was that my life as I know it had come to an end. “Curse the sun and moon, by Celestia and Luna!” I had shouted. “The stars may fall from the sky and by Twilight’s mane may they be swept into the oblivion.” It was noon by this time, so nopony probably heard me holler, though I wish they had. Then I just drifted off to sleep. That evening I had heard a knock at the door. I didn’t want anypony to see me in this state, so I just ignored it. After about ten minutes of knocking I know they were not going away anytime soon. I dragged myself out of bed, and slumped my way to the door. I could feel every bit of pain in my body, but it could not compare to the pain that consumed my heart. When I had made it to the door, I opened it to reveal a familiar sight. It was my friends, Nails and Bright. I truly appreciated them coming, but I didn’t know if I wanted them there or not. I only decided to let them in because I just wanted some company to sulk with. “Hi, Rusty” Bright, a white pegasus with a long jet black mane, had said. I cherished every word she said, for she rarely spoke unless she needed to. “Hello” Nails said, an earth pony with a green coat, and a red and orange mane, “We had thought that you may want some company looking that you will be stuck at home for the next few days.” I didn’t respond. I just turned around, but then I wish I hadn’t. “What happened,” Nails shouted, “Yo-Yo-Your cutie mark is gone.” Again I could not hold it and I began to cry. I fell to the ground, and there I was met with a long mane and covered with the wing of a Pegasus. I know that must have been Bright Shadow, so I just pushed my body against hers and began to cry even harder. I was glad and grateful, for I know it took everything within her to do this for me, for she did not like her space invaded much. Finally, after about fifteen minutes, I had stopped crying and was ready to talk. I bowed my head and began, “I had woke up this morning, and after my bath I had noticed my cutie mark was gone.” Nails said, “It will be fine. We are your friends, and we will get through this together.” I know that she meant well, but I could not see how this would turn out well. No longer was I who I was meant to be. The next couple month went by no better than that day. I never left my house, too ashamed to let the world see my missing cutie mark. I could not allow the world to know the pain that filled me, and of most all I could not let the world see that I was now an outcast. This was the worst thing ever to happen to a pony. Whenever I needed something one of my friends would get it for me. Though, most of the time, I was just too depressed to eat or do anything. Else I was just in a perpetual downfall. It was then that I had received a letter, addressed for a pony named Twilight. It read: Dear Rusty Bucket, We, the residents of Ponyville, wish to extend you an invitation to spend a day with us. We hope that you will come and meat us and enjoy your time here. Hope to be your new friend, Twilight Sparkle PS: This was a request from Princes Celestia, so please do come. After everything that has come to pass. Rusty thought that nothing worse could come of it, and soon he was off to packing his bags. When he got to the train he was surprised to see Bright Shadow and Nails there too. “What are you doing here,” I asked both of them, “Did you get letters from Twilight as well.” “We were the ones who arranged the whole thing,” Nails said. From the look on her face, I would guess that she was hoping that I was not mad, but the luck of Twilight was on her side, for I was just too depressed to be mad. “We’re just here to wish you your way off.” The train ride went by quicker than I thought. I just stared out the window most of the time thinking of why Celestia and her student would even care about a fully grown stallion like me with a blank flank. But soon enough they were there. As Rusty left the train she was greeted by a small green and purple baby dragon, “Sorry Twilight couldn’t be here,” he said, “She has been quite busy in the library tiding up the place.” “That is fine.” I said, “I guess I am just honored to be here.” With a few words spike began to lead them into Ponyville. As Spike led, I took in all the sights of this small town. It was so beautiful. I could not help that my spirits be lifted just a bit. It did not take long for things to start happening though. On the way to the library a very energetic pony came up to us. This pony was pink from head to hoof, with three balloons on the flack. “Hi,” she said with more enthusiasm than I had ever thought possible, “I’m Pinkie Pie. You must be Rusty Bucket. I heard so much about you. Can I give you my welcome song?” With all that energy it seemed it would break her heart if I said no, so I just said sure, and I was kind of glad I did, for I saw the funniest sight ever. She began to sing her welcome song for me, as she jumped up and down. If it was anypony else I would have thought it ridiculous, but it just seemed so like her somehow, and that got my mind off my problems even if it was only for a second, and I began to giggle. With that I thought that maybe this trip won’t be so bad after all. When we finally made it to the tree that sat in the middle of town Spike said that we had reached our destination. I could not see how a tree in the middle of a town could be a library, but the rest of the town didn’t make sense, and in that it all somehow all made sense. “Spike, is that you!” we heard come from inside, “Please bring our guest in.” “Right this way,” stepping aside, stretching his hand out before himself toward the door and he took a slight bow. I walked inside, and Spike trotted in after me and shut the door. I looked around and found a purple unicorn, with a purple and pink mane, and a star for a cutie mark, on a ladder putting up the last two books. “I am so glad you came,” Twilight said as she climbed down the ladder and walked over to us, “Celestia wrote me and told me that there was a pony that lost his cutie mark in Manehattan. I told her that we would be glad to have you over here. She seemed convinced that you would be able to find what you are looking for here. “Well I thank you for you kindness,” I said, “but I don’t see how I could possibly find my mark back here, that’s all I really wanted.” “Well for starters I want you to meet all of my friends. I am sure you have already met Pinkie Pie so I guess the next ones you should meet are the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Maybe you can get something from them.” She then handed me a map of Ponyville showed me where I could find their club house. I was led past a gate, and into small forest where there sat a small tree house. Inside were three little fillies. Each had one thing in common. Not a pony had their cutie mark yet. At this point I started to think that this was a cruel joke, and I was starting to get upset. Then the three fillies came up to me and one of the presented the rest, “Hi, I’m Sweetie Bell, this is Apple Bloom, and she is Scootaloo,” pointing to each one in turn. Then Apple Bloom said, “Hay look, he doesn’t have his cutie mark.” Then looking back at me, “Do you want to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders… please?” I could not help myself they were just too cute, so I agreed. Then all three of them started to push me into the club house where they began a long speech that Scootaloo had still apparently not revised yet. Skipping past most of the speech they just tossed me a cloak that was obviously too small, so I just gave it back and decided that we could go without the cloak. “So we heard that you once worked in construction,” Apple Bloom said, “So how about I take you to my big sister. She knows lots about construction.” So I found myself roped off to the barn all the way across the farm. When we got there Apple Bloom then left. I saw a pony with an orange coat and yellow mane tied up in a ponytail, with a cowboy hat, and three apples for her mark. “Howdy,” she said, “You must be the one Twilight sent for. I am Applejack, or AJ for short. And this here is my farm. Make yourself at home. Sorry I seem a bit busy, but this old barn keeps getting knocked down and I got to keep repairing it.” “Well maybe I could look at it.” I said, “I am a contractor.” “A what?” Applejack replied. “A contractor,” I repeated, “You know somepony how builds homes.” “Oh no, you don’t,” Apple Jack said with all sincerity, “This here is my barn, and you should be resting.” I said, “Are you sure? I may be able to help you make the barn stand better.” “Well that would be quite generous of you, but should you be doing that?” “My doctor only said that I could not work anymore. He did not say that I could not help.” “Well if you insist,” Applejack finally caved, “It’s not like I could stop you.” So we went inside and began to look around. Immediately I saw where the problem was I pointed to a precise spot and said, “You know if you put a support beam right there this barn would not be as easy to knock down.” She walked over there and took a long look then looked back and said, “You are so right. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. I thank you, and now I have to get back to work.” “I suggest you go meet Rarity next,” Applejack said, “She always likes company.” So then I was off on my way again, going back into town. When I made it to Rarity’s place I knocked on the door to hear a quick response, “Come in dear.” On the inside there was a pony with a clean white coat and purple mane. On her flank sat three nicely cut gems as her cutie mark. “Well, I see you have made it here just fine,” She said, “I hope the train ride was not too bad. Thought I must say your mane looks like it went through a blender. I must help you with that” “No. I’m f—…” I was cut off and dragged over to chair where she began to work on my mane. Over in the corner I saw a dress she had apparently been working on when I came in. “So you make dresses,” I said. “Oh yes. And that one particular is a dress that I am making for a very special case,” she replied, “It is almost done but something is missing and I just can’t figure it out.” “Well it seems in order to me,” I thought allowed, “maybe a light blue lase around the neck?” “That’s it. I can’t believe I couldn’t see it.” She said with glee, “Are you sure you aren’t a fashionista. Oh what am I saying you are a stallion, you could be a fashioner.” “No but thanks. I guess I need to be on my way though. Thanks for the chat.” “No problem. Come back any time. Oh and while you have time you should go see Fluttershy at the edge of the Everfree Forest. Rainbow Dash should be there to. They are trying to fix some birds’ nests.” With that I left and headed off to meet the last two of Twilight’s friends. There was a small cottage. Outside there where two pegasie working on a tree. One had a yellow coat with pink hair, and the other had a blue coat with a rainbow colored mane. Obviously the one with the rainbow mane was rainbow Dash and the other must be Fluttershy. “You must be Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy,” I said as I walked up to them. At the same time two things happened. Fluttershy ducked behind a tree, and Rainbow Dash said, “You better believe it.” “You must be here for some awesome flying lessons from the best flyer in Equestria,” Rainbow Dash started, “Oh no wings. That must mean you are Rusty Bucket. Well I wish I could talk right now, but I have to finish with these nests. The other animals keep getting to the eggs but if we move them any higher there is not enough limbs to support them.” I stopped and took a look and right then it dawned on me, “Could you lift me up? I think I may be able to help.” Rainbow Dash thought for a second and scooped down and picked me up. I was a little bigger than her, but she was able to manage. I took a bird’s nest and lifted it to one of the higher branches and then took two twigs to support it. When Rainbow Dash put me down, she was relieved. With nothing more than a thanks she took off fixing all the birds’ nests just as I had done the first. When she was done, the two of them walked me back to Twilight’s house. All the rest of the gang was there, and Twilight greeted me at the front door. “So how did you like Ponyville?” She said, “I heard you had helped out all my friends. I sorry that none of them were able to help you.” With a glee in my own eyes I had realized something, “But they did help me. They taught me that I can still do what I love even If I have to find a new way to do it.” Right then Fluttershy tapped me on the shoulder, and said in her timid voice “Um, excuse me sir, but you might want to look at this.” Then she handed me a mirror. I looked into the mirror and there where my old cutie mark once was there was a new one. It was a blue scroll.” I jumped with joy and excitement, and I then heard Pinky Pie say, “This calls for a Party!” Twilight then looked at me and said, “Would you like to send a letter to the princes of what you have learned? It’s kind of a tradition around here.” I said sure, and Twilight said, “Spike, take a note.” Spike then took out a quill and parchment and said, “Happily!” I then said: Dear Celestia, Today I learned that when things change sometimes you have to change with it. Giving up is never the answer nor is sulking in your own sorrow. I also learned that you should go to your friends when things get bad and they will help you get through it together. Your Faithful Subject, Rusty Bucket