> Untold History > by Neon Slate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Trying to hide > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up with a splitting headache in a forest that was unlike anything I’ve ever seen. All I can remember from last night is going to a friend’s “End of the World” party and then passing out from being too drunk. I’m jostled away from my memories as a pained scream echoes through the woods. I quickly get to my feet but soon fall back to the ground as the headache only worsens. When I finally manage to hold the pain back long enough for me to get to my feet once more, I walk in the direction of the scream. It takes me about ten minutes before I see a clearing of sorts. I decide to start jogging to make up for lost time. When I exit the tree line, I look around. To my left, I see a field that goes on for miles until there is a mountain off in the distance. To my right, I can see a small village about three miles away. I decide to start going towards the village hoping to find someone who can point me in the direction of home. After I walk for about a mile near the trees, I hear the yell again. I bolt in the direction of the noise -which is thankfully in the direction of the village- only to see that it came from a tall tree. I look up to see a small horse dangling from its hind leg on a V from the tree. I wonder how it got up there, I thought. I look around to decide how to get to the height that the horse is at until I see a couple low hanging branches. “Thank god I love to climb trees” I say with a chuckle. I grab on to the lowest branch that I can reach and begin pulling myself up. Thank god for those classes in parkour. I’m nearly at the horse before I see it start to slip and it screams out once more. Since when do horses yell? I wonder. I shrug it off and continue shimmying across the tree branch that the horse is on. I’m halfway there when it starts to slip again. Picking up my pace I reach across while hanging from one arm, only to catch it by the leg right when it slips off the branch. I lower myself back to the ground and put the horse down. For what seemed like five minutes, we just stared at each other until the young horse broke the silence. “AHHHHHHHH MONSTER!” yells the horse as it limps away as fast as its little legs can carry it. I nearly jump out of my skin when it talks. “Horses can’t talk, that’s crazy” I say to no one in particular. I’m starting to get a little freaked out when I realize that I may not be anywhere near home. I continue to walk in the direction of the village before a thought hits me stopping me dead in my tracks. If that horse thinks I’m a monster, and it started running to the village, then it’s probably going to call whatever authorities are in the village. As soon as I finish my thought, I started to panic. Where am I going to hide? Oh crap, what happens if they catch me? Then another thought strikes me. I’m near a freaking forest. Duh. I run as fast as I can into the forest and find a tree that looks sturdy enough to hold me and big enough to conceal me from the ground. I climb to the top as fast as I can and wait until I can hear voices off in the distance. “Has anypony seen anything yet?” Anypony? Yeah, I’m definitely nowhere near home anymore. “Ah heard a sound coming from this way.” Shouts another voice. As I sat there in the tree, I saw five more of those horses walking below me. The leader was a unicorn. Holy shit, a mother fucking unicorn! Anyway, it had a purple coat with a purple mane and tail and a lighter purple and pink streak going through them both. Behind it was a yellow Pegasus. OHMIGAWDTHEYHAVEPEGUSITOO!? She had a long pink mane and tail. To the left of that one was an orange horse with a blonde mane and tail both tied up into a ponytail. I chuckled at that. She was also wear a Stetson. What the fuck? On the yellow horses right there was a white unicorn with a beautifully styled purple mane and tail. And last but not least, bouncing behind the others was a pink pony with a really curly pink mane and tail. They all had cartoonishly big eyes and shorter snouts than a regular horse would. I tried to think of what a miniature horse would be called but because I drank so much last night, my thought process was just really slow today. It’s a miracle I was able to save that other horse with half my brain working. Maybe I’ll think of it later. I sat in the tree just watching them, hoping they will pass by, not like they could do anything to me if they caught me seeing as how small they are, until they stopped right under my tree. Shit. “Winona, come over here!” yelled the orange one. Suddenly I noticed a short brown dog that was running towards the tree. “See if ya can get a scent from here,” she looked up at the others, “hopefully, we can track this here monster ‘fore it can reach the town.” Oh crap, now they can track? This is just great. “Rainbow, have you found anything yet!?” yelled the purple one. “I think I see something up in that tree.” I looked to my left, and sure enough, a blue pegasus is darting straight at me. All I can think of is... Oh shit!