> MLP FiM: The Perfect Storm > by foxdieholocaust > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Canterlot Wedding Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Queen Chrysalis’ defeat on the Canterlot palace, the Changelings were scattered, and were sent flying across the different lands of Equestria. "She is over here!" Chrysalis heard a faint voice. Her vision was a blur and her head was spinning. "Your majesty, are you alright!?" She heard someone else say; the familiar voice of one of her Changeling subjects buzzing inside her head. She didn't recall very well what had happened or where she actually was at the moment. As conscience began to return to her shaky body, she realized that beneath her was the feeling of grass and the sensation of cold, chilling wind. Realizing she was on an open field, her thoughts shifted from confusion to shock and she cleared her head as she watched a small pack of changelings. "Where are the others?" she asked the Changeling in front of her. "I am sorry, I don't really know your Majesty," replied her subject with a tone of concern in his voice. "So I must assume you also don't know where we are?" "Well, your Majesty, while we were scouting for you, we realized that we were cast far away from Canterlot." "What exactly do you mean by far away?" the Queen asked. "We believe that we are on someplace nearby to the northern lands of Equestria, near the Crystal Mountains." The Queen was now even more shocked than she was before, for she couldn't believe that they traveled such an impossible distance. Immediately, she impulsed herself upward with her wings and stood still in mid flight as her blood chilled with the sight of the snowy mountain range, that was close enough to see the white snowflakes falling from the skies. She stood still for a few moments, thinking about what to do next. Scouting the terrain, she spotted the chimney smoke's trail from a little town in the distance. But unfortunately it was located north from their current position, closer to the skirts of the icy mountains. "Is there any other population nearby?" she asked. "Again, I am afraid to tell you that one is the only town we were able to also locate, your Majesty." Seeing no other choice, the Queen sighed and gave an order to the few subjects she had now with her. "Alright, we are going to depart for that town right now! We must feed in order to regain our strength, and it may be possible that any other Changeling that landed nearby might head for that town!" And so with her Majesty's firm voice and orders guiding them, the Changelings departed. When they arrived near town, they spotted a small farm, and a scout was sent to count the ponies in the farm. A while later, when the scout finally brought the news, there were more than enough ponies for them to personify and Chrysalis gave the order. "We are going to attack that farm; however I forbid any of you to use any magic, for we don't want to attract unwanted attention." Having said this, the group launched the attack on the farm's inhabitants. The following fight was short but brutal. Being unable to use their magic for attacking them, they used their horns as a stabbing weapon. Capturing the most suitable ponies and brutally killing the rest of the defenseless family members, stabbing their sharp horns in the stomach of their victims, leaving them to a slow death by a bleeding, painful wound. Just out of sheer sadism. Having done this, and taken their respective ponies’ shape, they headed over to town. Thinking that, since this town was small, everypony knew probably each other and would have a strong bond with each other. They were right. But by a mere strike of bad luck, the family that they had attacked were something close to hermits, so the townsfolk barely knew them. Still, they had managed to acquire valuable information; a gossip on the streets about the resurface of the lost empire, and about how the love, hope, and joy of the ponies had defeated a force of great evil. Chrysalis couldn't hide her curiosity, so she asked where this Empire was located. She was told that it was still impossible for an earth pony to go to that place, and the winter storms made very difficult for a pegasi to actually find any safe route. Still, Chrysalis had an idea. If the love and joy of the ponies living in that place were so great, they would be able to use their abilities of sensing love as a source of food to find this place, and since this Empire was so isolated, they would be able to feed and regain their full strength, without the interference of Celestia's forces. With those thoughts in mind, the group of Changelings left the small town without even having eaten properly. They didn't even had to worry about the farm ponies, since no one was going to look for them soon. > A Chance Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The group headed to the outskirts of town in order to take back their original shape. Having doing this they began their flight towards the misterious Empire. In the beginning not even the powerful Queen could sense anything, apart from the bitter cold. They continued their travel, going deeper in the artic mountains. Eventually they came to a point of believing that there was no hope left, that their time had come to an end. The Queen felt a pressure in her heart, not for having put herself in such a dreadful situation, but for dragging her subjects along with her. And she feeled specially stupid for believing a pony rumor, and for having rushed an investigation without even considering the consequences. They kept wondering for days, crossing blizzards day and night, heading for what they believed was the north. "This is it... I am so sorry my Changelings, for having put you throught this hell" the starving Queen thought while she began to feel the last of her strenghts abandon her body, for in the last days she had, without them knowing giving away her magic energy to her subjects in order to keep them alive. "Curse you, Celestia. Curse your Kingdom and your damned family" Those were the words that came out from her mouth before she felt her legs collapse. With obvious concern the others helped the weakened Queen to stand up "please, your Majesty we can't give up yet!" hearing this words the Queen found the strenght to stand up. She lifted her horn and started to cast a tracking spell, this was the Queen's last attempt to find the Empire or any source of food. What she found maked her hopes return... She felted something she hadn't feeled in decades, probably centuries. A pure and extremely powerful source of malice. As is known, the Changelings not only feeded on love, but on malice too. But being the ponies of a pacific and loving nature she hadn't sensed any malice worth of effort in quite some time. but this time was different, the amount and level of that malice was enought to feed an entire army. Hoping that this wasn't some sort of illusion provoked due to the hunger she passed the good news to her subjects. And so, gathering energies from an unknown place the group raced to the origin of that last hope. When they crossed a hill that stood in their way, what they saw left them speechless. A large crystal city, glowing and shining beautifully in the light of the rising sun, surrounded by a protective barrier of powerful magic. "That must be... The Crystal Empire!. So that is why we couldn't found it with our powers, is protected by one of those cursed barriers!" The Queen said that with a dissapointed tone of voice, having realized that in their current situation reaching the insides of the city was impossible. "Still, we are going to look for the source of this... Delicious evil" The Queen gave the order, and in no time they found themselves in the limits of the town barrier. At plain sight there was nothing important, but then Chrysalis found a small red and sharp object buried in the snow. It was a smooth black and red horn from an unicorn. "What do this means!?, THIS is the source of that great evil?; Ah, whatever." a beam of green magic lifted the horn off the ground and soon other beams joined the original as the Changeling started to drain the malice out of this awkward horn. As the group of Changelings continued to feast on this horn, something specially strange became noticed. The horn, instead of running out of malice, it became stronger, and it's power more abundant. Then suddenly something as they were draining this horn, a thick and black smoke began to be expelled from it's base at an incredible rate, as if it was about to explode. Immediatly the Changelins began to step back as the smoke began to gather around the space around the horn who was now levitating by itself. A dark silhouette began to form out of the smoke, and slowly the shape of an unicorn began to materialize in front of the shocked group of Changelings. It was a large and imponent stallion with a dark greyish fur and a pure black mane dressed in the apropiate clothes of a king, with pieces of armor covering his neck and quarters with a silver crown on his head. This figure within seconds of his release launched a violent and bloodthirsty cry, wich shuddered and frozed the blood of those who were present. Recognizing this threat, the Changeling subjects immediatly went to a defensive stand. "Stay behind me!" the Queen ordered, prepared to face the grim figure in battle if necessary. Immediatly the stallion turned again into shadow, and quickly positioned his face less than a few inches from Chrysalis own. Looking direclty in her eyes, the King gave a stare that Chrysalis felt as if was piercing deep into her soul. She actually was greatly intimidated and scared by the ruthless and full of the most pure hatred and blood thirst, green with red, covered in a dark purple mist king's eyes. And finally after what it seemed to be an eternity, the dark King spoken with a hoarse and deep voice. "You... Released me... Changeling?". > Unexpected Alliance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The air was filled with an horrible tension as the two dark figures stared at each other in silence. "Answer me Changeling... Now!" Sombra said with calm voice. "What, Who do think you are to give me orders!?" Chrysalis replied, feeling offended by the stallion in front of her face. "Do you know who i am?, I am the Queen of all the Changelings, Chrysalis!" "You haven't answered my question... Changeling" Chrysalis sighted and finally answered to the stubborn stallion. "Yes, indeed i released you. You should be thankful for my kindness, maybie you should bow in order to thank me and my subjects" When Sombra heard this arrogant words from Chrysalis, he instantaniously used his smoke like mist to put himself right next to the Queen's side. "I shall not bow to anyone" Sombra whispered in Chrysalis ear, this froze her on the spot. Suddenly Chrysalis felt a terrible pain in her right side. She fell to the snow covered ground, shouting in pain as she realized that her ribs were broken. Immediatly the lesser Changelings began a furiuos offensive against the King. obviously they were no match for the King's dark powers. "No... Argh... Stop it, you bastard...!" Chrysalis was triying to scream but only whispers came out of her mouth, as she saw her defeated subjects being treated in the cruelest of ways. Some got their wings torn appart, other were having their bones broken, while the rest got stabbed, leaving a pool of red blood on the snow. While hearing her subjects cries and screams of agony, Chrisalis couldn't help but to let some of the few tears she had spared in her entire life drop out of her eyes. Her heart stopped as she saw the dark unicorn quicky approaching to her. She tried to get up, but it was useless. Sombra then lifted Chrysalis head from her mane. "What, are you going to kill me!?, try it you monster because i will take you down with me!" "No... that has been punishment enought for having taunted me" "What the hell did you just said!?" "I've seen inside you... Changeling... We have some things in common" Then, sombra casted a dark healing magic that enveloped all the diying Changelings. This spell actually caused more pain than the actual wounds, but still was regenating their broken bodies. "It is done... And now i shall give you a reward for having released me" "You have nothing that i could possibly want!" The two horns came in contact as the King's dark magic began to flow to Chrysalis body. Suddenly Chrysalis felt an extasis, something that she never expierenced before, it was regenerating, energizing, overflowing. "Are you feeding me!?." "No... i am saving you and your people." "what, How is that even possible for you, a unicorn, a pony to do!?." Chrysalis was staring at the stallion she believed was totally insane as he let go of her mane. "Now you can feed of the fear and pain of other creatures... and you being the Queen of Changelings can pass this habilities to your subjects and the next generations... Am i correct?" "HA, you are insane!, completly. How do you expect me to believe in this stupidity!." Then the King simply levitated a rabbit that was passing by, and stabbed it with his horn. The little creature's pain and fear actually made the Queen felt like she was being feeded with either love or malice. But suddenly that sensation stopped. "But there is a condition for your salvation." "What happened, Why it stopped?" "In order to have your dream come true... you must serve me" "What do you mean with my dream?" "The dream of saving your people from extincion" "Go to hell, i will never serve one of Celestia's---" The sentence was cut in the middle as a hoof slaped Chrysalis with brutal strenght. "I have nothing to with Celestia!" The King shouted furiously as he continued his physical assault on the Changelig Queen, hurting her in the face this time. The lesser Changeling were now too scared of the King due to the brutal torture he gave them some minutes ago. Still, Chyslis was now able to fight. She liberated from the king's grasp and she shoot a magical beam with all of her might. "Curse you monster!" The king lifted his horn and shoot a beam of his own. The two beams collided violently, but Sombra's magic overpowered Chrysalis with ease, throwing her body like if it was a doll's. "Why... I... I am as powerfull as Celestia... Even more powerful than her!" Chrisalis said, stunned in the ground, almost losing consciousness. "Because i have ten times the power of Celestia" The king said with a grin on his face. The Queen couldn't belive the reality any more. "What do you want from me, why you just don't kill me?" "as i said i saw inside of you... And we have a enemy in common" "Who, who is this hated enemy?" "The Royal family" Chrysalis stood up again, she was not feeling alright, but still she was putting special attention in his words. "Can you see this glorious and magnificent Empire that stands before us?.... That is MY Empire, and i am it's true ruler... however Celestia and her family took it away from me... And i will not able to return to my Empire ever again... That's why i want to help you Changeling...." His paused voice now became fluid and energetic. "Swear loyalty to my cause, and i can save your people from their doom!" "Do you expect me to believe that you have formulated such a plan just now, when you just by coincidence met me. do you think im stupid?" "I have developed this plan for more than a thousand years!" Chrysalis didn't knew what to do. It was all sudden, confusing and almost impossible to believe. "And how do expect of accomplish this, how can you be so sure of this plan of yours" She asked with incredulity. "This moment Is like a perfect storm, this circumstances will never repeat again... It was predestined" The King now couldn't hide his emotion anymore. "What the hell do you mean, with that you can't defeat the entire family of celestia that easily... And what about the Elements of Harmony and its weilders?" "As i said the conditions couldn't be more perfect" "I don't care about you delutions, i wont serve you and i won't help you!" "You will... You have no other choice... All of Equestria must already be warned about your Changelings... You can't turn back now... Is serving me or face a slow extincion!" The King said with an evil grin. Chrysalis deep inside knew that he was right. "And what if i decide to help you, but not to serve you?" "Then you can still be saved." The king replied with his calm voice and silence was made. "And what about the Elements of Harmony, do you have a plan to take them out as well?" "I have someone that can take care of them" After another long silence Chrysalis made her final choice. "I shall help you then, but only as long as you keep your word" "I will" "So then, how can we start this master plan of yours?" "Not too far away from here, inside the Crystal Mountains, there is a underground cavernous system that can accomodate you and your Changelings, and protect you from the bitter cold" "So what do you want me to do?" "Inside those caves are crystals that can enchance magic... I want you to use you power to summon every single Changeling back into this mountains, the crystals will help your magic to reach all of Equestria" "And what are you going to do while i do that, may i ask?" "I will depart... To the southlands... There lies the key to the destruction of the Elements" "The key?" "A pony who has now became my servant... without her knowing" "And who is this so powerful pony that can destroy the Elements?" "Trixie Lulamoon" Having said those words, the king began to transform into a dark cloud. "I know that you wont fail me or try to run away... Your people depends on that!" He said before he began moving with incredible speed towards his destination. The sun was starting to fall as Chrysalis began moving to the north to look for those caverns. In the middle of a small forest was a little cart with a light blue cute little pony with a pale blue mane preparing for sleep inside. Who in all of Equestria would have knew that the greatest tragedy of this filly was about to begin... > Promises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throught all the land of Equestria, throught the dark forests and tall mountains the shadow moved, always silently so nopony would notice his presence. In the artic north Chrysalis and her group of survivors reached the warm cavernous sistem deep inside the Crystal Mountains, and began it's exploration. The Queen explored throughly the site and the coal black crystals that were found inside it. "How are this crystals gonna help me call back my Changelings?" She wondered while contemplating the seeming endless labyrinths covered with crystal stalactites and stalacmites. Those kind of warm, wet and isolated caves were the ideal enviroment for the Changelings to live. After a lot of meditation and with a deep sigh Chrysalis prepared her summoning spell "I can only hope my Changelings hear my call and make it back alive" Said this words Chrysalis casted her spell towards one of the crystals, instead of the sky like she always did, causing the green beam of the spell to reflex into other crystals, and this beams bounced into more crystals causing a chain reaction through the cave, amplifying the power of each beam every time it went to a crystal until finally they reached many natural exits from the cave, ejecting into the clear skyes. exploding into a massive wave of green energy that was dispersing throught all the lands of Equestria. From the Crystal Mountains to the Macintosh Hills, from Vanhoover to Manehatten, only the Changelings could feel this magic wave, calling all of the survivors from Canterlot battle back with their Queen. Meanwhile in a small forest somewhere in Equestria. Trixie Lulamoon, the great and powerful Trixie had been feeling uneasy, she had not slept well, she had being dreaming with the painful events of the past. About how Twilight Sparkle had humilliated her in the past, about the sadness she felt when she was kicked of all the towns she went, about her feelings of hatred, how she adquired that damned amulet, about all the damage she did to innocent ponies and the regret she felt. She always wake up with dried tears, sometimes with the tears still rolling throught her pretty face. Still she had been trying to live her life as normally as she could, taking her show from town to town, making an enormous effort to earn back the respect of her public. But she would never fully recover from the damage her own lies caused to her. That's why she now lived in a small and far away forest, to stay away from the mockery of the others, and to learn and practice new spells to reopen her show and impress her public. But that left her vulnerable to a certain ominous shadow. A shadow that had been with her in the past days, always watching, always silent, like if it was stalking a prey. One night, after a long day of practice an exhausted Trixie went back to her humble cart for rest. After the dinner, the blue little pony settle herself to have a much deserved sleep. But as she turned off the lights of her home she realized something disturbing. She found herself in absolute silence, and that was the most unnatural thing in the forest. There was always noise from the living creatures like owls, crickets, frogs, and insects, the noise of the wind moving the leafs, she could see the fireflies outside her windows iluminating the dark forest. It was a relaxing and beautiful sight to watch, but not today. Today was dead, not a single sound could be heard, as if all the living things were gone very far away. Her own home was covered in a deep unnatural shadow that didn't allow her to see the very border of her bed. She was about to get up from from bed, but as she lifted her head there were three stangely glowing orbs staring at her. She stared back at them, frozed with fear, then she got caught in a horrid and very lucid vision. She found herself being abandoned by her newfound public she had been trying so hard to please, her new show ruined, and what was the most painful thing for her. There was Twilight Sparkle as the responsable, laughting at her misery and humilliating her with the most possible cruelty in front of everypony. "Why Twilight, why do you do this!" She was screaming in despair while struggling against her inner demons. "I thought you had forgiven me, please stop i beg you please!!!" The little mare's screams were so intense that her vocal chords were in danger of tearing apart if she continued like that, she had never cryed worse than that in her life, the dispair and the pain that she was living were the worst she had ever experienced, she struggled with those invisible demons at the point of turning upside down the inside of her house and hurting her own body... If a hell existed she was in it at that very moment. "Please forgive me, have mercy don't do this, plase Twilight i beg you" Time passed and she was sobbing quietly defeated in the ground with her body and spirit broken, whispering those words with what she had left of strength. The infernal visions that she had, only she knows them with detail. When she finally realized that she was safe at her home, alone. The animals had returned and the noise too. But still Trixie spent that night painfully crying and trying to wonder what was the meaning of such torture. Obsessed and traumatized, Trixie began a research in all her magic books about visions and their possible meaning. She had not slept in since last night, and throught the course of the day she had been hearing a incoherent whisper inside her head. "Come on Trixie. Don't lose it!" She kept repeating to herself over and over while looking for any kind of clue in her books. Once again the night had fallen over Equestria, unleashing a terrible and real nightmare. Being submerged in her research Trixie didn't realized that the very same circumstances of last night were repeating. "Those fears will be your future" A deep voice came out of nowhere while Trixie turned abruptly to confront the intruder. But there was nothing exept for that grim shadow, a shadow like a black mist that covered everything inside the cart leaving her blinded. "Get out of where you are and face The Great and Powerful Trixie you coward!" Trixie shouted to the enveloping darkness. "You are the responsable for last night aren't you, what was the point in making The Great Trixie suffer like that?" Trixie asked to the air, still questioning if what was happening was actually happening. The shadows that enveloped the cart materialized into the dark figure of an unicorn. Trixie gasped in surprise as she fired an spell from her horn towards her unwanted visitor but the intruder had vanished in thin air, making the spell harmlessly hit the wall. "I have not come here to fight you, Trixie Lulamoon!" The unicorn spoke with an imponent and intimidating voice. "What do you want from Trixie!?" "I have come to save you" The unicorn said now being behind Trixie, as she turned around in terror. "Who are you!?" "I am King Sombra, i am your savior" "A King!?" Trixie didn't wanted to believe him, but his imposing way of talking, his garments, his movements, and most importantly the almost unreal and powerful magic aura he emmited for being an unicorn. "I have never heard of a king in Equestria, the only rulers here are Princesses Ce-" "Watch your toungue!" The King shouted with fury. "Listen to me carefully, i have come to warn you about the posible future" "That thing you said before about my fears and my future... My visions... Is that's going to happen to me?" Trixie had now forgotten her own character, and was now very afraid for herself and her future. "Unless you do as i say" "What... Do you want me to do?" She wanted to cry but wouldn't allowed herself such weakness. "You were the last bearer of an amulet i created long ago... The Alicorn Amulet... It's magic is still latent in you, That's why you could see your future... That magic is connected to me as well, that's how i knew about your existence, you have been chosen worthy by the amulet to be it's bearer, it is calling you back... Your visions are a warning to the amulet's curse... If you reject the amulet's power and influence a future of suffering shall await you... The thing you need to do is to get it back to avoid that fate" Trixie was shocked by the abrupt revelations. "But, the amulet is probably in Canterlot now, there's no way i can get it back if it's on Canterlot" "It does not lie on Canterlot, i can feel it's power surging from somewhere southwest of Canterlot" "Oh no... That must mean they have it... I can't go back there... Not after what i have done... I can't go back to Ponyville!" "Then you shall suffer" Afraid that the unicorn may go Trixie asked him a question. "Why do you want to help me?" "My amulet chose you as it's bearer, it means you have the potential to unleash it's real power... A power that allows it's wielder to fulfil a grater destiny..." "You mean that i wasn't using it at it's fullest!?" "You were using just a fraction of it's real power... If you get it back you can still fulfil the purpose you had originally" "Purpose?" "As i have said before i have a connection with the magic of the amulet, and hence with you... I know you wanted revenge on a particular somepony... But you didn't knew how to handle it's power and it fired back at you... I shall help you to control it's power in order to fulfil the true destiny" "And how am i supposed to know if you are just using me to get your hoofs on the amulet!?" The King barely contained himself to apply Trixie the same punishment as when Chrysalis dared to insult him, keeping a calm demeanor. "Celestia casted a curse on on the amulet... She was afraid of it's potential... It challanged her rule... And i am no longer able to weild it's powers, That's why it needs a worthy bearer... you" Trixie was stunned, impactated beyond what she thought could be real, and then the king made his movement. "Will you accept this gift of power beyond limit, will you fulfil your revenge, will you fulfil your true destiny as one of the most powerful unicorns there have existed and save yourself... Or you will neglect this gift and suffer the curse of the weak?" Trixie's mind was storming, that monster she had tried to bury deep inside her was resurfacing, reviving from the ashes while the regretful part of Trixie was fighting this temptation. And then, she made her choice. "I shall rest this night and depart to Ponyville at down, i shall reach my destiny in a day or less" "You indeed have the potential, Trixie Lulamoon... But tell me do you have a plan?" "Indeed i think i may have a plan" "Then i shall depart, don't worry i'll come to you when the time has come... After all we are connected" "Yes...majesty" Trixie said while bowing to the King, as he drawed a dark grin on his face. "So long then, we shall met again on the day of the destiny, Trixie Lulamoon" The king said while turning again into a shadow and began his way back to the Crystal Mountains. The night passed and so when the sun began it's way up in the skies, Trixie began her way to Ponyville. "This isn't over yet... Twilight Sparkle... We are not done yet!" Trixie said while making her way out of her training grounds. Meanwhile at the Crystal Mountains Chrysalis army of Changelings began to gather again in the caves, and had begining their reproduction process inside those caves by feeding on the mountain creatures including Windigos and other malicious creatures. The abandoned weak Changelings were the only Changelings left on her kingdom, so it was considered lost and with her invasion plans foiled Chrysalis and the last of her Changelings had newfound hope in Sombra's plan. The wheels of fate had started turning. > A Ligth Between Shadows > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Sombra's plan was already in motion and the wheels of fate had started to turn. Trixie had began her short voyage to Ponyville, shivering in exitement thinking in the moment her revenge could be finally fulfilled. Finally she came to the outskirts of town and settled on a hill where she could overwatch all the movement on most of Ponyville, but most importantly the library where Twilight lived. She stayed there all day long, stalking her targets and memorizing all their movements until night. The next morning came and so Trixie abandoned the sheltering cart to finally start with her plan. She walked on to Ponyville main plaza, where everypony was still runing afraid of the former tyrant, and she simply stayed there like waiting for somepony. Rainbow Dash was overflying Ponyville at the moment she saw all the agitation provoked by Trixie's presence. "Hey, hold on what's going on?" She asked a fellow pegasi that passed her by. "It's she, Trixie is back, hurry get away from her, get away from the plaza!" The pegasus told alarmed at Rainbow Dash, who in that very moment flyied towards Twilight's house at the library. "Twilight, where are you!?" She shouted while breaking into the tree. "Rainbow Dash, what's going on, why are you so -" "Trixie is back in town Twilight, she is in the plaza!" "Wait, what!?" "Come on, i bet she isn't planning nothing good!" "Alright then, go for the others and meet me at the plaza!" "Roger, leave it to me!" And so the two ponies departed to their destinatons. When Twilight reached the plaza in front of the town hall, there she was, standing in the middle of the square with her magician cape protecting her from the sun and her hat hiding her face. "Trixie!" Twilight shouted to the blue mare in the empty place. Trixie stood still and silent while Twilight came closer. "What are you doing here Trixie, if you came for another duel..." "Twiligt... I have come here so i could talk to you" Trixie interrupted abruptly. "Wait, you came back here just so you could talk to me!?" Twilight was actually surprised at this, since she didn't notice any hostilily on Trixie's voice. "Don't listen to her Twilight, she is still Trixie, remember?" Rainbow Dash shouted while coming with the other 4 ponies. The mane six gathered around Twilight thinking that they were about to have an "aggressive argument" with Trixie. "Wait girls, she says that she wants to talk with me" "Are you really gonna believe that meanie!?" Pinkie Pie said with a surprised tone. "Listen Trixie, if you even try to pull anything funny we'll have the guards here in no time!" Said Rarity with an unusually angry tone in her soft voice. "Um.. Girls, maybie we should let her speak to Twilight since she has..." Fluttershy tried to express her point of view, but as always her voice was too soft to be hearded by her friends. "It's ya call Twilight, we'll support ya on anything ya choose" Finally said Applejack, with her always calmed demeanor in this times of crisis. Trixie was silent, still with her face hidden with the hat and her heart racing in expectative for her rival's final decision. "Alright Trixie i'll talk to you, but i won't be moving an inch away from my friends" And so, rising her head and taking off her hat Trixie began her speech. "I still can't apologize enought for all the damage i have caused to you and to all folks in Ponyville... I let that the worst of me take over but... You teached me something that day Twilight... You showed me that i was... Wrong... You showed me... How powerful is... The magic of friendship... I want to-" "You want to learn about friendship don't you Trixie?" Twilight interrupted, Trixie's words, followed by Rainbow Dash's. "Yeah right, you want us to believe that!?" "Well she looks sincere, maybie we should consider helping her" Rarity said with certain tone of concern. "Yes, we can at least try to-" Fluttershy's words were again interrupted by Dash's voice. "Come on, are you serious?" Rainbow Dash continued stubborn while Applejack just remained silent. And then Pinkie spoken. "Silly pony, why come all the way to Ponyville to make friends, you must have some friends at home or somewhere, right Trixie?" This words actually hit Trixie's heart for real, making her just turn her head and lower her sights. All of them suddenly realized, Trixie was all alone... She had no friends whatsoever, this make Pinkie's happy face suddenly turned a little sad. Trixie tought that she was prepared for this moment, but nevertheless it was painful to her to be remembered that she was all alone, without any friends. She actually never had real friends, only some ponies that kinda treated her nice like Snails and Snips. Trixie was surprised that her little weakness had actually touched everyone there, even Rainbow Dash stopped the trash talking. Fluttershy breaked the silence. "Um... Girls i actually think we should give Trixie a chance" "But Fluttershy we should meditate it a little more don't you think?" Twilight replied to Fluttershy. "Is just that... She seems to be truly regretful and... Well she needs us... Maybie if we show her what friendship is she could be nice to everypony... And besides we can't say no when somepony else asks for our help... Even if she used to be mean she deserves a second chance... Sharing kindness is an easy feat... Right girls?" Fluttershy standed right next of Trixie as if she was protecting her of something. And that leaved the other 5 pensative about the matter. They looked at each other, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie noded in agreement, but Rainbow Dash still refused. "Alright sugarcube, we give ya a last chance" Applejack had faith in what they could do to help Trixie. "But if you even think of pulling anything im gonna buck your flank so hard tha-" "Rainbow Dash!" Applejack shouted at the aggressive Rainbow Dash and the two stared at each other for a few seconds, after that Dashie taked flight. "I'll be watching you, Trixie!" Dash said while flying to the horizont. Then Pinkie stared to Trixie. "Do you know what this means, Trixie!?" "W-what?" Twilight and the others rolled their eyes while chucking. "It means that we'll have a PAR-TY!" "Huh, why a party!?" Pinkie filled her lungs with air and then. "Because we have now a new friend, that is you, and we need to have a party to celebrate that we have a new friend, because when you make a friend it makes your life brighter, thats why we need to celebrate, and even more, you used to be mean and now you're our friend and thats why we have to PAR-TY!!!" Pinkie was out of breath, but recovered inmediatly and taked Trixie from her hoof. "Come on this way!" Pinkie practically dragged Trixie like a doll while happily bouncing to Sugarcube Corner, followed by the other ponies. "Wait here, i'll have everything ready in just a second!" Saying this Pinkie started to come in and out of Sugarcube, adorning to begin a party at an impossible speed. Trixie asked Twilight while dazzled by Pinkie. "How does she do... That..." "Believe me, don't ask, you'll just get used to it over time" Rarity was chuckling while watching Trixie. "What's so funny?" Trixie asked Rarity "Oh nothing, is just that is always funny to watch anypony's first reaction to Pinkie's... Normality" Everypony, including Trixie laughted at Rarity's joke. And finally the party was ready to start. "Alright everypony, let's enjoy another of Pinkie's legendary parties!" Applejack exclaimed enthusiansmated and everypony greeted. They entered Sugarcube Corner, all exept for Trixie and Fluttershy. "What's wrong, Trixie?" "I don't know... All of this is too sudden... I mean i taked over your town and now you're making me a party" "Ponies can change Trixie... Just as the night becomes day... And i know you wouldn't be able to hurt anypony..." Trixie turned down her head, and when she looked back she saw Fluttershy's smiling face and she smiled back at her. Trixie was now feeling a heavy doubt in her heart, she hasn't been a single day in Ponyville and she was already questioning everything she had been living in the past few days, her terrible visions, King Sombra's offering, and the Amulet's curse. The sundown was now ending and night had fallen So for now, they entered the party and enjoyed the night. It was a nice heartwarming party with songs, smiles, a lot of AJ's cider and laughts. Despite all that happened early and in the past, Trixie felt a beautiful sensation in her chest, it was joy, she actually was enjoying the company of those ponies she used to hate. The nigth passed away in a blink, so the obvious question was made. "You have a place to stay, Trixie?" Twilight kindly asked. "Ah, yes... my cart is... Above a bucking hill... outside of Ponyville" "Don't worry for tonight you can stay with me and Spike... We have a guest's bed" "In the library!?" "Where else?" Trixie had hoped that the Alicorn Amulet could be stored somewhere inside Twilight's house, in the moment she entered she would be able to feel it's presence inmediatly. "This is my home, but i assume you already must know it?" "Please don't remind me of those times Twilight" "I'm sorry, im gonna go up to get the beds ready" When Trixie was left alone, she used her magic to find out if the amulet was there, but it turned out it wasn't there. Trixie just tought that she'll find it anoter day, for the days of unrest were taking their toll. "Trixie, you can come up now!" She left her cape and hat aside and got into bed, falling sleep inmediatly like a rock. And thus, time began to pass for Trixie in Ponyville, and the other ponies began to the fear they had for her. She had began to study and practice magic along Twilight, growing stronger everyday. Twilight realized the magical potential of Trixie, that's why she started to teach her advanced magic. Trixie had also made good friends with Fluttershy, who was the first to ever stand for her, Fluttershy teached her kindnes and Trixie helped her whenever she got picked by someone else, so they grew a very strong bond. Rarity teached her about how generosity could make her loved by others, and she also teached her fashion and class. There wasn't much that Applejack could teach her that she hasn't lived in her own flesh, about how lies will eventually destroy the liar and honesty was always better, no matter how humble it is. Pinkie Pie made Trixie less serious, making her enjoy the life she had and to laught in times of despair. The last one to accept her was Rainbow Dash, who in the end accepted her as a friend and teached the most valuable thing to Trixie, to always be loyal to your true friends, no matter the temptations and no mattered the fears, obstacles and dangers ahead, friends will always be by your side. Trixie had reopened her magic show, but now instead of using intimidation and lies, she used what their friends had taught her, making her show very succesful. Trixie had completly abandoned her plan of adquiring the Alicorn Amulet and stab Twilight in the back, her friends became the most important thing in her life, the thing that maked her truly happy. The night of The Grand Galloping Gala was drawing near, and everypony including Trixie recieved tickets for the Gala. Since Shining Armor, Cadence and even Luna were going to take part in this year's Gala they decided to go. Trixie thought that she had changed her fate, for she was whole now. But once the wheels of fate start turning, there is nothing able to stop them. > Shattered Dreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night of the Grand Galloping Gala was drawing near, and Rarity once again designed and manufactured the dresses her friends would use in the gala. Only that this time she had to make a seventh one for Trixie, who was very eager and happy she had the chance to attend. Trixie had decided to make Ponyville her permanent home in the few months she had been living there, so she build a modest little house in the outskirts of the Everfree forest. To earn a living, every week Trixie pulled her old cart in the town's plaza to perform her renewed magic show, but instead of using lies and mocking others she performed real and amazing magic. Soon ponies from many places, like Cloudsdale, Appleloosa, and even some of Canterlot began to visit Ponyville to witness The Great And Powerful Trixie's magic show. She had grown much stronger in her magic powers than in the past, an big difference from the past, and this was because many reasons, like the training she underwent before returning to Ponyville in the Equestrian mountain forests. But most importantly because she had now the proper educational material and Twilight to aid her training, instructing her the same way Celestia had taught her once. However Twilight didn't consider herself a teacher to Trixie but a study partner. Trixie demonstrated a very unusual and special talent in magical arts, enought to be an equal in power to the element of magic herself. And because of this Twilight suggested Trixie the idea of presenting her magic show during the gala, but most importantly in front of Princess Luna. Twilight wanted the princess to witness the magical potential and talent of Trixie and perhaps this would make her to take Trixie as her personal student, just as Celestia had done with her. It was the greatest chance for Trixie to make her future shine and prosper as a great sorceress unicorn. But with the great joyfullness her life had become, Trixie forgot the great evil that stalked her, always following like a shadow. And underestimating this shadow was the biggest mistake anypony could ever made. In the depths of the Crystal mountains the once weakned and defeated Changeling army had now resurrected from the ashes, stronger than ever. This was thanks to Sombra who gifted them with the power of feeding from the pain and the fear of any living being. Apart from love and malice. Eventually all living things in the Crystal mountains were consumed by the Changelings, and Queen Chrysalis had now gained mounstruos power, enought to defeat and consume the legendary spirits known as Windigos, feeders of hatred and the cause of the great blizzard that now maked impossible to explore the icy mountains, who now even were afraid to get closer to Sombra or Chrysalis. Thus the Changeling army finished all their preparations and was ready to proceed with the King's master plan. They were now ready to advance all their forces towards Canterlot and they were now prepared phisycally and strategically to do battle head on with Celestia's army,the elite royal guards. Chrysalis was in extasis with the thoughts of how the pain and fear of Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor would taste like, she was eager to capture them and slowly torture them, one in front of the other, until they both begged her to bring forth their deaths, just to deny them that blessing. In the almost a year following the awkward and improbable alliance, the Changelings and their Queen had went throught an extreme psychological change. Their personalities now were twisted, versions of their old selves, they had now become violent, sadistic, brutal and bloodthirsty creatures, this was one of the prices to pay for King Sombra's gift. And the time came, King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis gathered the Changeling army in the biggest cavern in the depths of the Crystal Mountains. Tens of thousands of Changelings crowded the cave, in tight formation, silent, focused and tense, waiting for the final words of their leaders before the beggining the war against Canterlot. Queen Chrysalis was the first to spoke. "My Changelings, my brave and strong warriors... Your time of waiting has finally come to an end!... Finally the moment has arrived to avenge our fallen brothers, to bring forth justice!... Finally we can make the Royal Family pay for the humilliation they put on our kind!... They shall pay the highest price for underestimating the Changelings!!!" The ranks exploded in cheers with the words form their Queen Now it came King Sombra's turn. "Today Changelings, destiny has called you upon the battlefield once again... Today we move forth, to the corrupt city of Canterlot and against the Tyrant that tried to condemn you to death... Fate has given us the reason of strength and the task to bring forth justice... To bring justice to Celestia and her wicked kingdom that tolerates and protects the weak and restrains the strong!... The tyrant that claims the justice and the world belongs to the weak... The true justice belongs to the strongest, the world belongs only to the strongest!...we will purify Equestria from the weak, and shall return this world to the path of righteousness and honor!... So go forth, into unremitting battle, go forth and do not weaver, do not let up!... Compassion will not be tolerated, not one step back, cowardice will not be tolerated!... All dishonored traitors and dessertors shall face death.... You all know the battle plan, and your respective positions... Go forth, kill or be killed, destroy or be destroyed, take it all or lose it all... Make them remember the feeling of fear beyond their worse nightmares, let's take the blindfold of their eyes and make them see the world as it really is... Let's bring them hell!" The crowd was in complete silence, but only for a mere moments, for seconds later they exploded in cheers and a thunderous applause, making the earth itself to tremble before this gathering of monsters. Both leaders turned around, and Sombra issued his orders to the Queen. "I shall depart to Ponyville now, you and the army begin moving towards Canterlot at dawn, take the safer route throught the east, throught the Neightgara Falls, and i shall reunite with you at the night of the gala outside of Canterlot, to the east, it shall take exactly 48 hours for you to arrive at Canterlot if you follow the schedule, make your spies on the guard outposts throught the route to make their movement now" "Are you gonna take down the Elements already?. Will you be on schedule, Sombra?" Chrysalis replied. "If i travel at maximum speed and use a direct route i'll be there before the end of this day" "And you think your little agent has completed her task?. I don't know why you picked that girl to do it, after all she's just another pathetic weakling" "It dosen't matter now, her fate has already been sealed" "It's decided then, King" "It's destiny, Queen" Shortly after saying those final words Sombra shifted into shadows and began his journey towards ponyville. As planned, a few hours after King's depart when dawn arrived, the Changeling army gathered in the main entrance to the cave. "It's time my Changelings... To depart to the battlefield... In just a few hours everything will be over to Canterlot and every single pony inside it... Let's give them a warning that the end is near... Sound your wings loud and proud, let every living creature in this Equestia hear your warcry and tremble in fear as know their last hour is at hand... This is war!" The great army let out a roar that even could be heard in the nearby Crystal Empire. The Changelings all opened their wings in unison and lifted flight, guided by their Queen, a massive amount of Changelings spawned from the cave entance, in an organized flight formation, one after another. The ponies living in the Crystal couldn't be more terrified with the vision they had that morning. An swarm of black creatures, a gigantic cloud suddenly eclipsed the rising sun, an endless column of these awkward beings was emerging from the depths of the Crystal Mountains, flying southeast following the mountain range. There were thousands, seemingly endless amounts of creatures flying in formation. Some ponies in the Empire thought it was some sort of migration, and many were concerned, thus all the telescopes in the Empire were pointed towards this phenomenon. This creatures were really strange, pony like creatures, black bodies with gnarled horns and insect wings, and they gave a really bad vibre to anypony who saw them throught the telescopes. Nopony recognise them at first, but when they did their hearts filled with absolute terror... They were Changelings. After thinking where that mountain range ended they realized it wasn't a migration, there was no reason for the Changelings to migrate, and almost a year ago, they had assaulted Canterlot, that's where they realized. It was an army, an invasion force heading towards Canterlot. Canterlot had to be informed about this, but the Empire was incomunicated, impossibilitated to use magic to send any kind of message due to a magic barrier the Changelings had set around the city in the hours before movilizing the army without anypony noticing it, and any physical messenger would be killed even before getting outside the barrier by interceptors posted outside of the Empire. The Empire just counted with a few dozens of elite royal guard pegasus, who's only task was to protect Princess Cadance and Shining Armor for there was no need for an army in the Cryslal Empire thanks to the Crystal Heart. It was a priority to warn Canterlot about the attack, so many members of the royal guard volunteered to serve as messengers and give the alert to any military outpost and warn Canterlot and the Royal Family, who had gathered there for the Grand Galloping Gala. Only the best flyiers were to be used in the task of delivering the message, any other guard would have to stay and protect the citizens. The pegasus leaved the city, flying as fast as their powerful wings allowed them to, however some of the Changelings immediatly taked off and engaged the pegasus in the air. The Changelings used their magic beams to take down all the royal guards, once they hit the ground, they quickly got sorrounded and killed. The Changelings couldn't enter the Cryslal Empire because the Crystal Heart wich whenever any threat or a great evil came close to the Empire, it raised it's protective shield as the definitive method of perfect defense against evil. But still, the Crystal Empire had been completly defeated without any real battle. They were the only ones that knew what was gonna happen, and yet couldn't do anything about it. Hours later the day of the Grand Galloping Gala arrived. It was the most beautiful morning in Ponyville. Everypony was as cheerful as ever, everyony had a large smile drawned on their faces, songs were being singed while the townsfolk prepared everything for another busy day of working. Fillies and Colts were headed towards miss Cheerilee's class, stores were open, and everypony began it's busy routine. But this day was specially cheerful for Trixie, for tonight was her big chance to impress Princess Luna. Rarity had already finished the dresses her friends and herself would use in the Gala, Trixie's dress was inspired by the cape and wizard hat she used to wear in her shows, a more refined complex version of it, dark blue with small dots resembling the stars over the night skies and her cutie mark that resembled the moon as a centerpiece of the dress. Everything was ready, but before the Gala Trixie had to rehearse all the spells she would use to impress the Princesses, and take care of every single detail involving that special performance of tonight. She went to her training grounds in the edge of the Everfree Forest accompanied by Fluttershy, who was there to make sure she didn't lose track of time an be punctual in Carousel Boutique to dress up for the party. Trixie displayed wonderful magic, something that could only be paired by a high level unicorn like Twilight Sparkle, she performed transformation spells, surgical precision levitation, high level illusions and as her grand finale a show of lights that was stounding even in plain daylight. Everything was now ready now, but there was one thing to be done before going to Carousel Boutique. "Um... Trixie... I..." Trixie looked at Fluttershy intrigued by her nervousness. "What's wrong Fluttershy?" "Um... Twilight asked me to... Um... Well... C-can you come with me to my hut... please Trixie?" Fluttershy sounded more nervous than usual, this was of much concern for Trixie because Fluttershy was not somepony to hide something from her friends, yet Trixie agreed to go with her. Inside the hut there was Twilight Sparkle accompanied by Zecora, whom Trixie haven't get to know yet and a little box over a table in the middle of the room. "What... Who's her... What's going on?" Trixie was very surprised and tension built up in the air. "Trixie we need to talk to you" Twilight had a very serious face, and the Zebra looked like if she was judging Trixie in silence. "We all know and have felt how much have you changed since you decided to open your heart to us and how much you have grown since then... But you still have a dark past Trixie" Twilight magically levitated the box and opened it, revealing something that made Trixie's blood chill. The Alicorn Amulet. "No..." Trixie whispered as she started to tremble. "Why Twilight... Why would you...?" Cold sweat started to fall of her face. "Trixie... I've talked to Princess Celestia... She told me that... It's time to let go of the past... it's time to set you free from that heavy burden you have to carry" Trixie was astouned and the only word she could articulate was. "How?" "To the Princess in Canterlot this box you must deliver, but you must watch out for your toughts can be decieving." Zecora finally speaked to the young mare. "W-who is she?" Trixie asked about Zecora. "Oh, sorry... her name is Zecora, she is a Zebra from a far away land and she lives in the Everfree forest... she was taking care of the Amulet since the last time" Twilight quickly answered her friend's doubt. "Well... She indeed looks different from other ponies... But what do you mean with that, Zecora... That my thoughts can be decieving?" Trixie asked trying. "A great evil is nearby and you must decide wheter you will listen to your heart or you will allow the shadow to take away all that you have" Zecora replied with a serious tone. Trixie was paralized in fear, for in that moment she remembered the tormentous visions she once had, she remembered King Sombra and his promise of changing her destiny with the Alicorn Amulet. "I shall depart now Twilght Sparkle, for i cannot leave my home in abandon" "Oh, sure Zecora... Good luck" Twilight said a bit surprised for zecora's sudden depart. "And do not falter, little mare for fate can always be cancelled" Zecora said with a smile to Trixie before interning back in the dangerous forest. Trixie was still shocked, but she recovered quickly. "I am so sorry for having put you through this in this day... I... If you don't feel good... If you feel too pressured i can arrange a private meeting with the Princesses another day" "Don't worry Twilight... In fact this is the best thing for me..." "What do you mean Trix?" "I... I thought that i needed this... thing's power to be happy... Now i know how wrong i was... My destiny... Everything... Now i can let go and start over again... This'll be the best night ever..." After that Trixie did something that in another time would have been unthinkable and impossible. She cuddled Twilight as a sign of thankfulness, as a sign of true friendship. "Thank you Twilight Sparkle... For everything" When they separated Twilight realized that Fluttershy was outside the house, flying around with a concerned face. "Fluttershy, what's wrong" Twilight asked. "oh, Twilight, Trixie... The animals... They are gone... This is not normal... Something must have really scared them" "Oh, there must be beacause of Zecora, she must have scared them, after all they don't know her very well" "No Twilight... there is something very wrong here... This silence is not normal" "Silence..." Trixie was remembering that night. When she had those horrible visions and how it all started with a silence like this one. The sun was about to set. "Hey girls we sould be going to Rarity's boutique now, or we'll be late" "You go on ahead Twilight... I'll help Fluttershy to look around and see if everything is fine" Twilight sighted. "Please girls everything is fine, we need to go" "It'll not take too long... Is just that i don't want to leave Fluttershy alone" "Alright, alright... I'll be going then, i have to make the final checks... i'll wait for you at the boutique so don't be late alright?" Twilight walked away to Carousel Boutique leaving Fluttershy and Trixie alone. Them both looked around for a while for the animals but they were gone, leaving only the sound of the leaves moving in the wind. "Oh no, Angel!" Fluttershy let go a gasp, scared about her beloved pet and both ran inside the hut looking for the bunny. When the pair made it's way inside the house a strange feeling welcomed them, a feeling of bitter coldness, a feeling of evil. "Fluttershy we need to get out of here, now!" "B-but Angel" "Now Fluttershy, now!" Trixie dragged the pegasi to the front door from wich they entered, but when they were about to escape the door slamed right in front of their faces. "No... Please no..." "This is the day of fate, Trixie Lulamoon... Tonight you will fulfill you destiny" "King Sombra!" "King Sombra!?" Both ponies gasped at the unison, terrified as the shadows that covered the room were materized in an unicorn who's eyes glowed like bloodstained orbs in the dark. "So, you have finally found the Alicorn Amulet... Good... Now fulfill your destiny, fulfill your revenge against this ponies!" Fluttershy was paralized in absolute fear and so was Trixie, but she stood in front of her friend, protecting her and prepared to fight that shadow, even if she had to endure the worst fate. "No... I won't... I will not harm my friends, and i won't let you hurt any of them!" Her horn began to glow as the magic was accumulated for an attack. "I won't let you lay a hoof on them... Even if it costs my life!" King Sombra looked at her without any emotion. "It's not your choice" Sombra partially turned into a shadow and with amazing speed he charged his horn against the two friends, forcing Trixie to push Fluttershy and herself to avoid the lethal attack, separating them. Trixie was now standing alone face to face with that fearsome monster. Trixie charged with her horn at Sombra, who dodged the attack very easily by turning into a shadow and rematerialized above Trixie crushing her with his front legs. Trixie couldn't believe the weight his armor gave him, and his strength was abnormal too, she couldn't move and could barely breathe. "What are you?" Trixie asked, with barely a whisper. "There was a time where the strenght was absolute, justice belonged to the strong and only the strongest could rule... I am the very strongest... One of the most powerfull unicorns that has ever lived!" "Leave her alone, you monster!" Fluttershy yelled at Sombra, without fear, without doubt, all for the sake of her friend. Sombra turned and headed towards Fluttershy, leaving Trixie knocked down on the floor. "You must be the element of kindness... Fluttershy, am i correct?" The courage of Fluttershy began to vanish as the two made eye contact, not even the bravest of ponies could see Sombra to the eyes without being terrified. Trixie knew that Sombra was now after Fluttershy, she couldn't defend herself against magic, much less against an enemy like that. Both were in despair, the only one that could fight was her, but she had her ribs broken from before, the pain didn't allowed her to concentrate her magic. There was now only one hope left. Trixie dragged her body towards the table, where the box with the Alicorn Amulet was still waiting. Her pain was unbearable, but she still managed to open the box, but doubted about using it's powers. When suddenly she heard a cry of pain and the sound of cracking bones. She turned and there was Fluttershy, lying on the floor, barely conscious, bleeding. The sight of blood on Fluttershy's innocent face covered in tears made Trixie felt a rage, a blind rage she had never experienced before in her life, but her face was frozen in an expression of shock. Sombra noticed this and turned into Trixie's direction, leaving Fluttershy directly behind him and silently walked towards Trixie, glowing his horn, a sign of an inminnent attack. "TRIXIE!" Fluttershy screamed to warn her seemingly gone friend about the incoming danger. Trixie finally snaped and in a flash of rage placed the amulet around her neck and cast upon Sombra the most powerful attack her body could withstand. He responded with an attack of his own, clashing in the middle of the small space, liberating monstruous amounts of magic energy, starting small fires throught the hut and sending the furniture flying. Their powers were seemingly even, the destructive force of both spells was incredible. "I'll kill you for hurting Fluttershy!" Trixie yell at Sombra with a terrifying voice. "Ha, you can't kill me with my own creation, you stupid mare!" Sombra replied with a voice more of a demon than a pony's" Sombra's power pushed Trixie even further with each passing second, forcing her into using her full power, ever more and more unstable and when the clashing powers reached the peak, it was already too late. king Sombra made his descisive move, transforming into a shadow, intangible, allowing the terrible magical attack charged with hatred, rage and despair went through his own body impacting the very thing that was supposed to protect. Trixie had allowed her heart to be decieved by shadows and that lead to the ultimate consequence. The whole Everfree Forest trembled in it's very roots as it witnessed the kindest and the most loving of all the creatures in this world vanish in a viscious blast of magic and fire coming from the place her humble home, now turned into a burning pile of debris used to stand. Trixie was protected by the amulet, but what she witnessed when the smoke and dust cleared a little maked her wish she were never born. Lying a few meters before her, buried in the burning debris was Fluttershy, lifeless, over a pool of her own blood, with her wings torn to shreds, her mane and coat now red, stained in blood, her eyes forever closed and covered in tears of despair and an expression of agony in her face. Trixie couldn't believe her eyes, she had just killed her best friend, the first pony to ever try to protect her, the first pony to lay a hoof to her. She could only let go a terrified scream that teared her throat apart, tears falling off her face, shaking her head violently in denial of the terrible reality. When suddenly she heard familiar voices, the voices of her friends, talking inside her head. The voices began to accuse her, of murderer, of traitor, she could hear Twilight's voice. "Trixie, why did you do this... We were friends, how could you kill Fluttershy?" Trixie closed up her eyes, and when she opened them back she saw herself back in Ponyville, sorrounded by many ponies and her friends, as if it were a trial. "You... Murdered Fluttershy... you betrayed us all Trixie... You will now face the consecuences..." She could see Twilight Sparkle before her, with a look of absolute despice on her face. "Please Twilight... Girls... Wait... i... I didn't do it on pourpose... king Sombra... He tricked me... Please...!" Trixie begged desperatedly, crying in regretment but nopony seemed to care or to even listen to her plead. "Trixie Lulamoon... This is the end for you." "Please... Twilight... Twi-..." Trixie's words were suddenly interrupted when she realized that she wasn't on Ponyville, nor the one standing before hew was Twilight Sparkle, but King Sombra. But it was now too late, The King lowered his head and before Trixie could react, he raised his head with great fury and thrusted his horn into her chest, impaling the Great And Powerful Trixie, lifting her right where she was standing. Trixie felt the stinging pain ih her chest as she was lift by the Dark King and tried to scream, but blood was the only thing that poured from her mouth. Blood flowed like a river, bathing the Alicorn Amulet in the vital liquid. "It's time to release the curse Celestia casted upon me, and my power, the power in the Alicorn Amulet belongs to me, and to me only..." He then throwed her behind him, in a viscious movement. Her ribs broken and her body horribly maimed, Trixie lied in a pool of her own blood, dying, unable to fight anymore, everything began to feel cold, her consciousness fading away. When once again the stinging pain brought her back, she saw herself levitating and the room sorrounded with a fog black as coal, and the stallion standing before her was now in a trance, his eyes now glowing in a vivid crimsom color, sincronizing with the bloodstained Alicorn Amulet's crystals. Thus the Amulet detached from Trixie's neck and the mare fell back heavily into the bloody floor where she was before. Trixie was barely conscious, but she still managed to open her eyes, just in time to witness King Sombra's ultimate triumph. The Amulet was levitating by it's own, without any magic in Sombra's direction and Sombra reached his hoof, slowly towards the charm. Finally after 1,000 years the Alicorn Amulet was returned to it's true master and it's rightful owner. He proceeded and placed it over the thick piece of armor that covered his neck. And then King Sombra's body began to overflow with power, all of it shined with an intense crimson color, bright as the sun itself and raised his heavy body from the ground, and then he re-assimilated his original shape. The outburst destroyed what was left standing in the hut that belonged to Fluttershy and finally sealed the fate of Trixie's when part of a roof beam fell on her, crushing her hindquarters. He then turned to face her once again. "In your veins flows the blood of Starswirl the bearded... That's why my Alicorn Amulet chose you to be it's weilder, because of the power that's hidden within you... That power would have been a thorn in my future... I just killed two birds with one stone... It was the blood of Starswirl the one that made impossible to me to use my amulet... And only the blood of Starswirl combined with my power could break that curse...there's still one threat, the blood fo Clover the clever, but i'll take care of that some other time... For the time has come... This is the end for you, and Equestria im afraid" The only thing that Trixie did was to drop some silent tears, tears of impotence and despair. "But now the gala's about to begin and i can't keep Celestia and her family waiting for me, after all it will be our big reencounter after 1,000 years" The King said while looking at the final moments of the sunset, the night had began, and so he departed, he went away as fast as he came. "Fluttershy, Trixie!" Her 5 friends came running to the ruins only to found the heartbreaking scene. "Trixie, what happened!?" Twilight asked while trying to aid Trixie. "Where's Fluttershy, we heard explosions and came as fast as we-..." "FLUTTERSHY!" Twilight words were cutted short by the scarring scream coming from Rainbow Dash, who had just found Fluttershy's dead body. Everypony looked the horrible scene. "Fluttershy... Fluttershy, please wake up... Open your eyes, it's me... Rainbow Dash... Please don't do this... Fluttershy... Don't go... Please... Fluttershy... No..." The place was silent as all witnessed the useless attempts of Rainbow Dash to wake up her best friend, everypony broke in tears as they realized the reality, and the fact that Fluttershy was dead. "King... Sombra... The Gala... He's gonna..." Trixie got interrupted by the unbearable sensation of her own blood choking her. Her time had come, she could feel all her body becoming numb, her sight blackening, her audition reduced to only buzzings. Then decided to speak her final words, wich she would try to speak as clearly as possible. She then reached her hoof to Twilight's own, who was desperatedly, but uselessly trying to talk with her in order to keep her conscious. And once again silence was made as Twilight and the others freezed. "Girls... I am sorry... For all the damage i have caused you... And the people of Ponyville... I wish that we have met... under other... circumstances... But you... Still made me your... Friend... I was... happy... while i lived... in Ponyville... and i... thank you for... giving me a... second chance... I love you... all girls... Because... Did you know... You are all... My very... best... Friends?" And with this final words to her friends the Great and Powerfull Trixie closed her eyes for the last time. All the presents felt like this was a horrible and unreal nightmare for they had lost two friends in less than a day. "I swear to Celestia i'll kill whoever that did this to you Fluttershy" Rainbow Dash sobbed. "We'll get the bastard who did this... I swear for the Apple Family" Applejack, said too, hiding her face with her hat. Pinkie's hair flattened as a sign of the shock, but didn't said nothing, and Rarity was frozen, speechless, she couldn't even react. And Twilight, still kept Trixie's hoof against her body, as she felt the warmness of her body vanish. She had her teeth clenched, and sobbed silently, as if trying to hold back her emotions, but then she snapped. "SOMBRA... I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY FOR THIS !!!" She yelled with all her strenght, her heart filled with the most pure rage and hatred she had ever felt in her entire life, rage against a pony she believed was long dead. Everypony then looked towards the east, towards the capital city of Canterlot, just in time to witness a powerfull protective shield rising around and above Canterlot. This was the omen that marked the beggining of the true tragedy. The perfect storm had begun. > The night that changed it all > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot, capital city of Equestria was celebrating tonight the most important annual event in the land, The Grand Galloping Gala. The Canterlot Royal Palace, was host for the elite members of Equestrian society, such as Diplomatics and high ranking Military officers to Artists, Entrepreneurs, Scientists, Scholars and many other ponies that had contributed greatly to improve Equestria and it's society. But this year's Gala was a very special evening, for it was also the former celebration of the resurfacing and liberation of the long lost Crystal Empire. Also, it was the first time in many years that so many members of the Royal Family would gather for one social event. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Prince Shining Armor, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and Prince Blueblood for the first time would all be together celebrating the Gala of this year. And the honor guests of this particular celebration would be none less than the weilders of the elements of harmony, the humble heroes that saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon and Discord, the spirit of chaos and also had taking a major role in halting the Changeling invasion and in the ultimate defeat of King Sombra. And so the Grand Galloping Gala began when Princess Luna, with majestic spectacle raised the moon and the stars that would illuminate the beautiful nightsky. The guests from all of Equestria and some from beyond arrived at Canterlot palace, greeted by Princess Celestia in person and later joined by her regal sister Luna. And in the palace's Ball Room were the new rulers of the Crystal Empire, Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor spending time socializing with the guests, while impatiently waiting for the most important guests for both to arrive. But not everything that night was joyful and serene. Beyond the palace surface, beyond the guards, dressed with ceremonial armors plated with gold and silver, deep inside the bowels of canterlot. in the main military comunications room in the capital, there was an absolute opposite mood from that of the event in the upper levels. A few hours back every comunications with all the northeastern guarding outposts had been lost, and none of the scouts send to investigate had returned. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were already informed of this situation. Every single guarding post had been now alerted of the danger and every sentry and every telescope in every tower and wall were vigilant of the Northeastern skies, ready to sound the city alarms in case of the worst. Pegasus were patroling the skies, searching for any threat inside Canterlot and Unicorns were deployed all around the perimeter of the city, in order to rise a defensive shield in the case of a contingency. Although, the matter was still kept as discreet as possible in order of avoiding unnecessary panic amongst the guests and the population in general. Their emergency plan was to send all civilians into an old mining system while the Royal Guard dealt with the threat on the outside. Such cavernous system was rediscovered under Canterlot during the events of the Changeling Attack a year ago, and had undergo a remodelation in order to be used as a bunker for the citizens or an emergency escape route from the City if the situation required such measurement. So, the night continued lively, waiting patiently for the honor guests to finally arrive. But they were all oblivious to the tragedy that had shadowed Ponyville. They were all ignorant of the tragedy brewing for them all. They were oblivious that the nightmare beyond anypony's greatest fears that was about to become a grievous reality. They never realized until it was far too late. That the perfect storm that would change the world had already begun. > The Changelings Arrive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Changelings were advancing, swift and steady, crossing the heavens above Equestria, closing more and more with every second into the magnificent Canterlot. The swarm had prepared for a long time for this evening, enduring the merciless cold of the artic mountains, deep inside the eternal glacial valleys. The months spent in that frozen hell granted the Changelings with endurance and strenght equal that of Celestia's army, therefore they didn't need the surprise element anymore, for they could now go on direct confrontation against the Royal Guard. This was the day the Changelings were waiting for, the time where they would take revenge on ponykind, and no Changeling had waited more anxiously for this day than Queen Chrysalis. None of them felt the weight of flying at full speed from the North Mountains to Canterlot, their blood was pumping and their heads were filled with thoughts of glorious triumph, they wouldn't feel any exhaustion with victory at their grasp. And then finally, after seemingly endless hours of flight there it was, the city of glamour, the city of luxury, high above any other city in Equestria. Canterlot was at sight. But at the same time the swarm was at the sight of the sentries in canterlot, their black bodies were contrasting with the deep blue of the night, they were exposed. A living storm coming to destroy Canterlot. This was no time for being subtle, the guards sounded the city's alarms at the sight of the strange vision closing fastly from afar. All the thrumphets and every horn in every tower sounded at unison, and every living creature in Canterlot stood still before the ominous song. The magic shield was quickly raised around Canterlot with the effort of dozens of specialized unicorns, and the evacuation issue was proclaimed at the streets. Celestia knew something of extraordinary magnitude was about to happen. To make the situation worse the population was begining to panic due to the sudden events, and the guards were struggling to avoid a stampede in Canterlot streets. And inside the palace was not much different of a story, but they had Luna, Cadance and Shining Armor to calm them down, so Celestia made her way to the highest towers, to witness for herself the situation. And then she arrived, recieved by the tower's sentries highest officer whom with calm demeanor informed her majesty what was of their knowledge at this point. "You'r majesty, It's a massive formation of living beings heading towards Canterlot, coming from the northeast". "It's... An Army... But who are..." Said Celestia as she gazed to the horizon, but then the noises on the street caught her attention, the ponies below were in panic, there was chaos. After some seconds of meditation she made a decision and then took off the tower, flying towards the open skies, where everyone in the city could see her. And the chaotic crowds suddenly froze at the sight of Celestia's magnicifent glowing figure, like that of a godess. And so they waited with a knot in their throats to hear the words from their beloved Princess. With a powerful and Frim but at the same time kind and warm voice she addressed her subjects. "Citizens of Canterlot, please remain calm... In this moments the city is in severe peril... A great threat is coming towards us as we speak, that is the reason we have issued the evacuation order, so none of you will get hurt in the case of a fight... A year ago i was reminded that my most sacred duty as a Princess is to protect you, and Equestria... And so i ask you ponies... Be brave...be strong... Equestria will always prevail as long as it's people always remain strong!" And so, everypony stood still, petrified by those words, words of valor and inspiration but also of great concern. "Come on everypony, lets get a move on and leave some space for the guards to do their job, Shall we?" Said a random gray furred and blonde maned mare with waltzy eyes that was standing in the middle of the silent crowd with a confident smile on her face. "Oh yes, come on, let's get a move on gentlecolts, on to the shelters!" Said what appeared to be her companion, a brown furred stallion with a mane of the same color and an hourglass cutie mark that no one really knew much but some ponies said he was some sort of Doctor. And so, the concerned crowd agreed to follow the instructions, and began to move, following the guards orders with an anxious calm. The situation was seemingly under control in the streets. And inside the palace the evacuation was already on course as well, leaded by the royalty after they managed to calm down the guests by their own but similar means. Several minutes of tension had transcurred, until the alarms sounded once again, this time the tone was the corresponding for the call to arms. Celestia was in the Streets helping the evacuation when a guard came to her. "Your majesty, please come with me." "What is going on, they're..." "They're here your majesty" So, the pegasus lead the Princess into the northeastern edge of town, just in the border of the magic shield. Meanwhile the streets were flooding with guards, running and flying towards their posts, preparing for the oncoming battle. Their formations were as it follows. The land ponies, armed with long spears were in the vanguard of the formation. And behind them were the pegasus, armed with lighter javelins and light swords. And in the rearguard were the unicorns, standing in high ground, this case above the roofs of the city. "Everything is ready for battle your majesty." A high ranking guard told Celestia while she arrived with the emmisary. "Battle against whom!?" The princess asked. "They're back my lady... The Changelings are back... And they are... Many more than last time." "But how... How can there be more than the last time!?" "We're not sure, my lady" And for the third time, thrumphets sounded, this time amongst the formed ranks. "They've arrived!" Said the commander to Celestia. "Please, My Lady, guide us into battle." Celestia didn't wanted a battle, but she knew this was no time for hesitation or doubt, it was for her people. So, she took flight and headed towards the front of the troops. And there they were, standing on the other side of the magic shield The Changelings were standing, the same creatures that tried to invade the same lands a year ago had returned. This time there was an overwhelming number of them, never an army of this size had stood outside of Canterlot in all history. Then the Changeling ranks began opening a singlr path, allowing a tall, slim figure to walk to the front of the lines. With the same defiant demeanor and and arrogant smile on her face that she portrayed in the past, was standing in the eye of the storm, the Queen of the Changelings herself. "Chrysalis!" "You missed me, Celestia?" "How dare you coming back to Canterlot, How dare you!?" "You should had known that we wouldn't just stand idly as we starved to death, Celestia" "That's not the reason you're here, Changeling, what is your intention!?" "You know you cannot defeat us Changeling, you'll be gone or you'll yield!" "You mean YOU will make ME yield... Just like the last time, when i stepped on you like an insect!?" "You got a twisted sense of humor, don't you, bug Queen!?" Both stared fiercy, throught the shield, each one's troops behind them ready to slaughter each other. "I shall reveal my intentions here then, Celestia... I have come to Kill Shining Armor, Cadance... But don't worry... I won't lay a hoof in you... You see... That's another one's privilege" "What... !?" Celestia was speechles, shocked by the grim intentions of the Changeling. "You see Celestia... When you and your damned family defeated us, we were in the brink of death, in the brink of extincion.... That's of course untill our kind benefactor came in our aid..." Chrysalis said with a tone of mockery. "What... What benefactor, who in Equestria would help you!?" "Oh Celestia... You're naive... He's been in front of you the whole time, but you are so blinded by your confidence that you never saw him coming!" Then it revealed itself as black mist advancing, shrouding the Changeling ranks, and as it passed them they began to look Diferent, the look in their eyes and their presence itself had changed. "What is that...? Mist?." Celestia said to herself as she was looking for a new foe hiding in the mist. "You haven't changed at all... Celestia...." An ominous voice echoed throught the air, unknown it's direction. "That... Voice.... It can't be..." The mist had began concentrating besides Chrysalis. "Welcome to the party, King." Celestia and the guards remained silent while the mist began to take shape. A black fur unicorn dressed in garments of a king, and heavy armor protecting him. In his neck was hanging the cursed amulet, it's crystals shining like fresh blood. His crimsom eyes glaring with terrifying hatred and his presence was of voilence and bloodshed, an evil Celestia had feared for a millenium. "No... You're dead..." Celestia looked at him with shock, but then she noted something that replaced that shock with the deepest of anguish. "The... Alicorn.. Amulet... No... Twilight...Ponyville..." She whispered to herself as she felt her heart shattering and by the tought of what could have happened to her beloved student and all of Ponyville. "You're not gonna get away with this, SOMBRA!." Equestria darkest hours were now seconds away. > The Fall of Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You're not gonna get away with this, SOMBRA!." Celestia fiercely shout at the dark king, whom with cold demeanor stared defiant at the eyes of the raging princess. "Where is Twilight Sparkle... What have you done to Ponyville!?." Celestia yelled once again at King Sombra, only to recieve an answer her heart was fearing to hear. "The Elements of Harmony are forever gone, Celestia... you've lost your most precious weapon..." Her heart got crushed in that very instant, but she knew not to trust the words of her enemy, for he was someone known for manipulating the dark emotions within oneself, specialy fear. "How is it possible that you are still alive!?." Celestia asked once again with contained rage. "For you've always lacked the power to kill me... And so did the Crystal Heart." "You monster... What do you seek here, why are you allied with the changelings!?" Celestia kept interrogating the King, triying to buy enought time to figure out how to deal alone with this unexpected foe. "Ah, Celestia... Don't try to fool me... You know you can't... But im going to tell you, nevertheless... my farewell gift to you" The princess was more tense with each passing second, for she knew the threats of this stallion were not to be taken lightly. "Celestia... i want you to be aware that everything that will happen tonight is the outcome of all the mistakes you ever did as a ruler... Your lack of strenght and leadership allowed me to return to my Empire... Unfortunatedly, Destinty didn't meant for me to take back my rightful throne, and it almost cost me my life to realize so... Truly, the Crystal Heart's might almost ended with my life... But driven by my to will to live i was able to cast a sealing spell on myself in order to survive... Using a shattered fragment of my horn as vessel, i managed to safeguard my spirit and conscioussness to avoid their destruction..." At that moment, an anxious Chrysalis interupted his speech, and with maniatical enthusiasm related her own story. "As for me, Celestia... Your family defeated me and my people, thus condemning us to a slow and painful demise, myself and a few other survivors were casted far away, into the cold lands in the north... We desperatedly traveled for countless days and nights, stuggling to find any sustain... Then we thought it was all over... Until we found the most wonderful gift fate could have given us!." After Chrysalis ended, Sombra took over the relate. "And so it came to be... The Changelings, guided by the hand of fate saved me from my self imposed imprisonment... They unsealed my trapped spirit from my horn fragment. Thus i compensated their kin with a power beyond narure... I have given the changelings the greatest gift, a miracle that only I could grant them!" "we're gonna use this power to destroy everything you love, in the same manner you took everything from us!" The Changeling Queen interrumpted the King once again, her eyes overflowing with a dark aura resembling the magic that sombra weilded, and so were the eyes of every Changeling in that massive formation. The Changelings began to growl and scream filled with animal anger. "Do you see, Celestia!? They're my warriors now, For i gifted them the power to feed from the pain and fear born from the hearts of every living creature!" The ponies that witnessed such insane spectacle were terrified, incapable of speaking, including princess Celestia Herself. "You took my Empire, you took my body, you took my subjects and my freedom... But in the end i live, and i will take matters into my own hoofs, exactly like how it was foretold! I have reclaimed the Alicorn Amulet, and with it i shall take over Equestria and bring it to a new era, where strenght once again prevails over weakness... I will save Equestria and bring it to it's true destiny and glory!" The Royal Guards inmediatly took their fighting stance, now more willing than ever to protect Equestria and all it's inhabitants from the madness of this monster and his army of abominations. "Now, i will show Equestria the strenght of a true ruler ... Behold the glorious power of the Alicorn Amulet!" After pronouncing those words pitch black colored dark magic sorrounded by the powerful crimson aura of the amulet flowed into Sombra's horn. "The Alicorns no longer hold the supreme power, Celestia!" Sombra exclaimed as he stabbed his horn into the soil under his feet. And the earth convulsed as King Sombra's magic casted inmense shockwaves at the ground between the two armies, greatly intensifying with each passing second, becoming a devastating earthquake below Canterlot. "What, how is this possible!?" Exclaimed a terrified Celestia while she attempted to get hold of reality. King Sombra roared fiercely, as the tremors were magnified and intensifying, and then concentrated into one single point. "NO!" Celestia screamed as she realized what was about to happen, but it was too late now. The mountaintop that stood above the main city was already shattering itself over Canterlot, massive boulders and pieces from the now ruined constructions at the peak of the mountain began to fell over the shield. The specialized unicorns were giving their best in the task of containing the falling debris, but it was hitting the shield with extreme force, for it was too heavy and falling from a very high altitude. The shielding of the city finally collapsed before Celestia even had the time to do something. The debris kept falling, destroying great part of the city and the tremors hadn't subsided fully yet, the specialized unicorns were barely alive after the amount of energy they used to maintain the shield. Sombra was terribly exhausted after burning the seemingly impossible amount of energy required to bring down the mountaintop. "Changelings.... ATTACK!" Sombra ordered his army between pantings, seconded inmediatly by Chrysalis. "GUARD, READY" Ordered Celestia to the Royal Guard while taking her position behind the vanguard. The Changelings spreaded their wings and charged fearless towards the pony vanguard and their piercing lances. The two masses of bodies collided with brutality and violence, the fearless Changelings began to be ripped apart by the spears of the ponies but didn't gave a step back in their charge. The avalanche of black bodies kept pushing forward, while the pony vanguard was squished between walls of flesh, their movement and vision thwarted. Then above their heads the ponies heard the distinctive sound of the insect-like wings rushing above their heads, followed by explosions and screaming. The Changeling rearguard had lifted off and was attacking the center of the pony formation from the air. The Pegasus inmediatly engaged the Changelings, and the air filled with magic beams and the sound of the battlecries. At that moment the Pushing Changelings began firing their own magic at the faces of the Vanguard ponies at point blank range, killing them and managing to penetrate the first line. More Changelings jumped from behind their own vanguard and began stabbing and shooting the ponies that were squished defenseless in the third and fourth lines. The Changelings broke the Ponies defenses quickly after that, infiltrating the formation and spreading it to the sides, anihilating any fighter in the center of the pony ranks, pushing the rest between their own comrades and natural rock walls. Celestia inmediatly entered the battle, jumping into the center of the formation, fighting the Changeling hordes whom were absolutely no match against the might of the legendary princess of Equestria. She alone began to push back the Changelings into their own formation, but still something wasn't right. The battle in the skies continued to rage. The Changelings, despite their magical talents were overpowered by the pegasus, whom agility and reflexes far surpassed their enemy. They ripped apart any Changeling that had the disgrace of not having a comrade watching their back. But still something didn't felt right. The pony Vanguard had recovered their terrain and were attacking fiercely the incoming Changeling hordes, spears, swords and horns clashed, causing death to each's enemy. Ponies screaming, cursing and sobbing could be heard everywhere in the battlefield, but the Changelings were in extasis, like they didn't cared for their own pain, as if they didin't cared the least for their own comrades. They were only focused in killing rather than survive. Celestia noted something in the sky, just a few meters in front of her, a green flare like signal was shot into the sky. The Changeling rearguard began rising once again, but this time it wasn't just a few of them, it was the whole rearguard advancing towards battle, making a shape similar to that of an scorpion's tail. The head of such formation moved above the center of the pony army and began a throwing themselves at it, using the same 'diving bombardment' tactic as when they first invaded Canterlot, but this time in concentrated formations, of sometimes what seemed like 20 Changelins falling at the same time towards one point, raining death to the Ground's ponies formation, whom were forced to break. The second part of the 'Scorpion's Tail' formation headed straight towards the pagasus fighting above. But this time instead of 'dive bombing' they used their magic and rushed forwards like missiles against the pegasus warriors. A pony that was flying straight above Celestia got hit my one of this living projectiles, and the speed of the crash was enought to tear both the pegasus and the changeling apart. Bodies rained around Celestia as she gazed with horror how the pegasus were being slaughtered by this tactic. They couldn't avoid the charging Changelings and the magic attacks at the same time. The Changelings penetrated the Pegasus Formations. And so, the Unicorns far in the pony rearguard began their anti air duty, only to be greeted by the third wave of the 'Scorpion's Tail' Formation, again using the first 'Dive bombing' strategy, but since the Unicorns were spread across a large terrain and above rooftops these were easy targets for the Changelings that descended in formations and ganged up on them. The final act of this horror show came when coming the pony rearguard, a flare spell was shot at the sky, meaning that the city had been breached. Soon after that the city began to show the signs of fire and battle. Celestia witnessed how the formations were broken and the troops slaughtered helpessly. She was left with no choice. She ordered the troops back into the city, defend the evacuating civilians at all cost. Celestia was about to take off and go help in the city when she felt the presence of an ominous shadow behind her. She turned only to be recieved by a thrusting horn that she managed to block with her own. "You should concentrate on the enemy in front of you, Celestia" Celestia locked her eyes at King Sombra. "I will put an end to your madness once and for all !" Celestia shouted fiercely at Sombra, and the king laughted mockingfuly. Celestia attacked the king with her powerful solar magic, to wich the King responded by shifting into his Shadow form, moving in direction to the city. "Come forth Celestia and contemplate the fruit of all your efforts, witness the raging inferno that shall become your grave" After this the shadow moved at amazing speed towards Canterlot, and the princess was obliged to follow him using the full strenght of her wings. Meanwhile the battle in the streets raged, as the spreaded forces of the Royal Guard did what they could to stop the invading Changelings from reaching the evacuation routes. Including the one on the palace itself. And inside the Palace. Cadance, Shining Armor the more forced than willing Prince Blueblood were fighting together the Changelings that managed to sneak past the palace's defenses... They stood on the main hall guarding it so no Changengeling could even dream to enter the underground mines, and trying to figure out what to do next. "Where is aunt Celestia, i want to go home!" Blueblood cried, terrified by the hell he was living. "Shut up and keep fighting, we have to help those people!" Yelled Shining Armor at the cowering prince. "I am not a violence lover like you, Shining Armor... I am not a brute, and why do i MUST fight to protect those commone-" His words sudenly stopped by a hoof in the face from Shining. "Those 'commoners' are YOUR people, why can't you understand that they count on you to protect them!?" Blueblood froze at the spot, with his tears still rolling on. "Cousin... You must understand that it is our duty to fight for the people... Is our duty as royalty, as rulers... So please... We need you, you're strong as well... But you've never used that strenght to help others... So please... Blueblood fight for them." Cadance adressed her cousin with a tone of sweetness and warmth. They were interrupted when PrincessLuna entered the room to report the situation to the rest of her family. "Canterlot is in flames, the guard has spreaded throught all of the city... And no sign of my sister... I fear the worse..." Luna said with great concern and anguish. Meanwhile in Canterlot the battle raged with violence, the city was burning and crumbling, the Changelings destroyed the city's defenses one by one. Chaos, a few guards tried to run for their lives only to be slayed by the Changeling attacks, the streets were stained in blood and the smell of smoke and charred flesh saturated the air. Amidst the confusion ensued in battle the Changelings disguised themselves as guards and attacked the ponies from behind and retreated back into the shadows, creating chaos and paranoia amongst the ponies, whom began killing each other in bursts of panic. But the worst came to happen when the Changelings found one of the evacuation tunnels still intact, for most of their entrances crumbled when King Sombra's tremors devastated Canterlot. Entire platoons of Royal Guards tried desperatedly to defend this entrance, but with the Changelings mixed amongs their ranks they were quickly destroyed. A massive number of Changelings began rushing their way into the tunnels, and quickly navigated the labyrinths untill they found the massive chamber that lead to the exit routes... with of all the ponies evacuating still trapped inside due to the exits had crumbled as well. What followed was an inenarrable crime, the caves became a pit of despair and death. The Changelings in their murderous psychosis intended to slaughter every living being inside of them, shifting their forms in order to camouflage and attack their newfound preys, ensuing terror into the hearts of every stallion, mare, colt and filly that lied within that earthly hell. Thousands lost their lives in the most horrid way inside those caves, many died due to the stampede caused by the panic inside the chambers and tunnels, other died in the hands of the feasting demons and a few other died for the still falling debris inside the caves. And no one could rescue them, for the Changelings had cornered them into the dephts of the caverns and the blocked the exits to the outside. But a shimmer of hope was seen, as the heroic Royal Guards in charge of the civilians inside the caves managed to open a path throught the blocking rocks and released the caves leading towards the exits. A second estampede issued, causing more death and destuction, while the terrorized victims ran for their lifes towards the exit. The few Guards and some brave volunteers, fathers, uncles and brothers sacrificed their lives to protect their loved ones, holding the Changelings back and even blocking the creature's deadly magic with their own bodies. An incalculable number had perished inside this trap, but the heroic efforts and sacrifice of a few granted the scape for many many others, whom rushed down the mountain, searching protection in the woods below, guided and protected by the few guards that survived the fight in the mines. And back into Canterlot's surface the battle between Celestia and Sombra ensued. Sombra still in his shadow form guided Celestia throught collapsing neightborhoods, avoiding skillfully the attacks of the enraged Princess. "Do you see now, the 'invencibility' of your 'Great Kingdom', Celestia" "Shut Up!" "This is the price that ponykind has to pay because of your incompetence!" "SHUT UP!" Celestia casted a wave of light that forced Sombra out of his shadow, knocking him to the ground, allowing Celestia to trap him under her hooves. "You're right Sombra... I wasn't strong enought last time... But this time i'll make damn sure that i'll kill you!" Celestia spoke with the ominous canterlot voice, her fearsome eyes glowing like the sun itself. Sombra frowned before the threats of the alicorn princess. "Celestia... You don't know your place, do you?..." Sombra casted his extremely powerful magic towards the princess body, who was strucked and pushed away with with brutal strenght, provoking her to release a scream of pain. Spreading her wings, Celestia using that same impulse elevated herself and with iron determination shot her most poweful beam against Sombra, whom contested with a spell of his own. The powers of Shadow and Light clashed over Canterlot, burning the skies in a magnificent display of magical energy. Yet neither of the two opponents yielded before the power of such colossal outbust of energy and ressumed their battle, colliding their horns with rage and hatred for one another. The Princess took flight and began casting the best attacks on her personal arsenal against the dark King, whom using the power of his amulet and his shape shifting abilities, avoided once again the princess attacks while concieving a counterattack, wich he applied and casted terribly destructive magic over Celestia, maiming her body and knocking her out of the sky. Blood stained her beautiful face, and the rest of her figure showed the severe bruises and cuts product of this battle. Still, she wasn't ready to accept defeat. King Sombra approached her, and now it was himself that trapped Celestia under his hooves. "Not even you can withstand the onslaught of time, Celestia" As the King was speaking those words, he Princess realized all the damage their battle had caused to the already crumbling city, but she saw a place where they could finish their battle without risking Canterlot anymore. "My voice will be the last sound you'll hear, your majesty!" King Sombra shouted enraged at the Princees, and pummeled his hoof at her face, moment Celestia, with all the strength of her heart used to capture the King between her hooves, and using her powerful wings for taking an advantage position, she managed to lift off from the ground taking Sombra with her. Sombra tried to transform into shadow to escape the yuke of his captor, but with no avail, for the princess contained him using her light magic as both rose into the skies at great speed. Her plan had to be flawless, she flapped her wings with desperation and flew faster than she had ever flew in her life. And with one final push Celestia close her wings and braced herself, for she was diving straight into one of the towers of the Canterlot Palace, the same tower that were used as storage for the fireworks that were meant to be used later that night. And they breaked throught the thin roof of the tower, moment the princess used to cast away Sombra into the hollowed center of the structure along with a spell before she managed to adjust her own diving angle and escaped throught a window just in time, for the fireworks stored in the base had began to fire off, causing the tower to explode and collapse in itself with King Sombra unavoidably still trapped inside. Celestia glided with effort her wounded body throught the outer palace, before finally crashing into a window that took her right into her own throne room. Hearing this racket, Shining Armor, Cadance, Luna and Blueblood rushed into the throne room only to find a heavily wounded Celestia lying on the floor amongst the broken glass and covered in dust and wounds. "SISTER!" Princess Luna yelled her lungs out as she ran to provide help to her beloved sister. The rest of the royal family only could follow Luna and assist her. But as a surprise to all the present, Celestia began to stand on her own, althought her coat was bloody and her right wing was broken beyond repair. "Oh, Luna... How much i wanted to see you again" Celestia talked with an exhausted voice to her sister. "Dear sister, what has happened to you... Who did this ... Was the one responsible for this insanity!?" "king Sombra... He's here.. He has the... Alicorn Amulet...." Celestia replied, provoking complete terror in the hearts of Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. "Twilight!" Shining and Cadance uttered at the same time. "But... If he's got the Amulet that means Twilight Sparkle is..." Luna said with a tone of deep concern in her voice. "No... I suspected it as well... But something tells me i am wrong... Something tells me Twilight Sparkle is still alive..." Celestia adressed to the relief of everyone in the room. "Luna... Cadance... Shining... Blueblood... Please listen to me... I'll give you commands and you'll need to follow them... In order to ensure the safety of Equestria..." "What? But sister, your wounds...!" "Listen to me!" Everyone froze in the spot and looked at the wounded princess, who stood as prideful and imponent as ever, even with her body in such decaying state. "Cadance... I want you to take Shining armor and take for Ponyville, evacuate the town, lead them into the forest... To our old castle... There lies an entrance to a series of tunnels and shelters that connect to the Equestrian mountains..." "But Princess, i can't leave my post behind, my men need me... Im still a captain for the Royal Gaurd!" Shining reclaimed to Celestia, and then he turned the head to see his beloved wife. "Cadance... My love... Go to Twily... Help her get throught this... Please..." "But Shining, I can't leave you behind as well..." "Cadance... If i go with you... I'll just slow you down... I'll be a burden... So please..." Celestia could only bear to watch as the couple decided their fate. "Luna... The Elements of Harmony..." "They're safe sister... They're safe in the tower... Your spell still protects them, no one will take them away!" "Im glad to hear that" "Sister, whatever you have planed, i'll follow you, but first you need medical attention..." Luna approached to Celestia in order to examine her wounds closely, only to realized as she touched her sister that Celestia's body temperature was extremely hot. "Sister... What are you doing... If you use that much energy you'll..." "Im so sorry, Luna... But it's unavoidable now..." The room filled with disconcert once again as Luna oppenly sobbed. "Come closer Luna" Celestia instructed her sister, whom immediatly snuggled her, still with tears on her eyes. And the two sisters horns came in contact, after what Celestia began to cast her own magic into Luna. "Cadance... Go to Ponyville... Get in contact with Twilight and Spike... From this moment forth any messages directed to me shall be recieved by my sister..." "But... Why?" Cadance asked with hessitation. "Also... From now on the duty of rising the sun falls into my beloved sister, Luna..." "Why are you saying such things, aunt!?" Cadance asked again, fearful for whatever her adoptive aunt was about to answer. "King Sombra will reach us at any time... I casted him into the tower that burned a few minutes ago... But that won't be enought to finish him... That's why will put put an end to this battle... I shall end this madness... Before my time is up..." "Let us help you aunt!" "NO!... You can't... You can't... He's far too strong... And Equestria will need you... Please... Cadance... I don't wan't to see more death." Celestia approached the pink Alicorn and embraced her with her left wing. "Aunt... You're burning..." "My time is up, Cadance... I have used too much energy for way too long... So many years... I am like a star that has burned most of it's power..." The Sun princess told a grieving Cadance as she turned her head and looked at her sister in the eyes. "Luna... You shall go to Cloudsdale, lead the evacuation inside the mountains... Meet with Cadance... Gather our subjects... Rebuild Equestria..." Luna could only nod in reply. And out of nowhere all the lights inside the Palace were extinguished, and a sound similar to the cryings of a wendigo could be heard. "He's coming... You must leave, now!" Cadance inmediatly turned to Shining and looked him in the eye. "I don't wan't to leave you.." "You must do it... Protect Twily... For me... And please... Ask her if she can forgive me..." After saying this, Shining Armor and Mi Amore Cadenza kissed for one last time. "I love you, Shining... I'll always love you..." "Goodbye my love, goodbye my princess... And remember... That our love will conquer all adversities... No matter what..." After what Cadance, hesitantly took flight and escaped throught one of the broken vitrals and gazed at her love for one last time with teary eyes before dissapearing into the night. "Luna... My beloved little sister... Be strong... Equestria will need you... You shall be the light that brings hope to all ponies in this times of despair..." "Celestia... Please... Forgive me for all the pain i've ever caused you... I was such a fool... I really... I never fully realized how much i loved you... But now that im about to lose you...." "Shhh... That is a thing of the past, Luna... And of course i forgive you..." The two sisters remained snuggled in silence. "It's time... You must go Luna... Never look back... Just go forth, into the future..." Thus, Luna began to step back, and got out throught the same way Cadance did. The room was silent and Darkned, only the battle outside could be heard. "Princess, i shall go outside and help Cadance escape..." Shining armor said, as he made his way out of the room, leaving just Blueblood and Celestia alone. "Im sorry, Princess..." Blueblood calmly said as he walked towards the front door. "Where are you going?" "I... Don't know... I've always been useless to you... But... Seeing this situation... I've decided that perhaps... I should fight for my subjects for once... Cadance was right..." Saying this, Blueblood began to walk outside the door and into the dark hallways of the palace. "Wait, Blueblood!" The prince couldn't even look back into Celestia as she approached him and embraced him with her wing. "Blueblood... Oh my Blueblood... You were always so charismatic, but yet so vain and prideful... And still... I know the good in your heart... I wish i could have spent more time with you... Im sorry..." "Aunt... What is... Why... Why are you doing this?" Said the prince with tears in his eyes. "For the people of Equestria..." Blueblood finally rised his head and saw Celestia's face, radiant even in the darkness and with a smile drawn on her face. "But you're gonna ..." "I know" This was like an epiphany to him, for he realized how much a true ruler is willing to give for their people. "CELESTIA!" A gruesome scream echoed throught the halls of the empty palace. "He's here..." Celestia looked nervous, almost scared and embraced Blueblood with force. "Aunt... I know what to do... If Shining has go to help Cadance, then i shall go and help aunt Luna in her escape..." He then headed to the windows and looked back at Celestia. "I love you, aunt." "And i love you too, my Blueblood." But in that same moment the doors were busted and a thick smoke-like mist invaded the room. "AUNT!" "BLUEBLOOD, GO!" The prince quickly managed to jump throught the window and escape the throne room before Sombra saw him. "I've had enought of your little games, Celestia!" The voice echoed throught the room, the exact procedence of his owner unknown. "No, Sombra... You've gone too far... You're gonna fall here, today..." It was then that a figure leaped throught the mist and stabbed Celestia in the chest. Celestia screamed in pain as she felt the horn thrusting into her flesh, tearing her apart. But she reacted with haste and using the advantage of her height Celestia stomped the King in his head, pinning him down to the floor and pulling the horn out of her chest. "Equestria will never be defenseless, even without the Elements Of Harmoy, Sombra... You thought i had used my last resource... but you're dead wrong." The King, now possesed by the fiercest rage tried to shift, only to realize the Princess had once again casted her restrictive magic on him. "I am the sun... and you are in the epicenter of a supernova!" He could only stare at Celestia like a cornered animal. "You and me ... We're gonna die together here, King... The circle comes to a close." Princess Celestia's body shined brighter than the sun she once controlled and her body burned hotter than anything else on this earth as she trascended into pure energy. Sombra struggled with great despair to escape, for he not only felt an excruciating pain caused by the exposure to such energy. But he also felt a primal terror beyond anything else he had felt in his life. "Blueblood, Cadance, Luna, Shining... and my faithful student Twilight... The Hope of Equestria... Rests upon all of you..." Celestia closed her eyes as she spoke her last words. The brightest flash of light engulfed heaven and earth, as the magnificent Royal Palace of Canterlot was engulfed before the eyes of every living being across the vast land of Equestria and beyond. The sun had descended with all it's might and glory upon Canterlot. So the Night transformed into Day as the great sacrifice of Princess Celestia marked the beggining of the new era, not only for Equestria, but for the world as a whole .