A Woman Named Eris

by Pegasi will rule

First published

Who says Discord was the only Draconquues

(Thanks so much to SkiddleZIzKewl for the cover! :D)
Eris, the goddess of chaos, was taken out by Celestia and Luna a thousand years ago. Instead of being trapped in stone, she's trapped in a vortex. She ends up in human earth, in the year 2012.
Why did I have to find her...
(It's me, Stephie! My first story eva that I want to post! Natey wnt be back until January 4th and I can't do a thing with his stuff. So, enjoy something he's going to have to update when he gets back. hehe ;] )


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1,000 years prior in Equestria...

Celestia plummeted to the ground, her body singed from the powerful goddesses attack. She groaned in pain and looked over to her little sister, Luna, who was in no better situation. "Lu-Lu? Are you alright?" She asked weakly. Luna sat up and waved a hoof.

"Tis nothing sister. Eris left not but a scratch. Which I can't say the same I will leave for her!" She growled, shooting back into the air, Celestia following quickly.

Eris teleported out of the way and cackled like a mad woman. "Oh, please! Even if you two manage to defeat me, my son is even more powerful than I! It is a fool hardy move to even think me defeatable anyway!" She spread her arms and six golden apples appeared around her. She launched them at the sun and moon goddess'.

The apples exploded, sending out molten chunks in every direction. Celestia felt her skin burn beneath her fur and charged her horn, protecting her little sister from the attack. Eris laughed again.

"Oh, Tia! Such the loving sister! Did you do the same for your soldiers before I slaughtered them!?" She laughed and whipped another apple at Celestia. This one didn't explode, however, and simply hit Celestia with the force of meteor. The apple weighed more than anything she'd ever felt, and she plummeted to the earth, the weighted apple threatening to crush her when she hit.

She heard a pop around her and was instantly on the ground, out of the way of the heavy apple. She looked to her side to see the son of Eris.


"Mother! Stop the senseless violence! This isn't how chaos should reign!" He shouted. His mother crossed her arms and floated gently to the ground in front of her child, as Luna tended to her sister.

"Oh my, my! It seems Discord wants to be in command. What would you rather we do? Hmm? Slap there wrists and let them form another army?"

Discord shook his head. "I do not know, but killing is wrong! If we are to be in control, then we should have the admiration of our subjects, not fear!" He shouted. "I. Don't. KILL!"

Eris smashed him in the chest with a ball of dark magic. Discord flew across the scarred landscape, but slid out of it before he hit the ground. "The Princess' are powerless, and I'm a hairbreadth away from taking them out, once and for all! I will not let you and your weak ideals interfere!"

Discord wove his hands in loops, forming a large ball of pure, dark chaos. "Mother! You were never fit to rule, only destroy! This world will be mine, and you will be forgotten to the pages of history!" The ball grew to the size of a dragon the time Discord released it.

Eris tried desperately to teleport out of the way, but something was keeping her from using her magic. She looked to see her son, snapping in rhythm with her snaps which would have teleported her. He was holding her back from escaping. "Son! Don't! I am your mother! I command you!"

Discord sneered. "And I am your better! NOW YIELD TO THE HIGHER POWER OF CHAOS!"

Eris screamed as she was sucked into the ball of chaos, She swirled around the perimeter before finally being sucked into the center, where a large, black hole like object awaited her. The ball of chaos destabilized and collapsed in on itself, sending Eris into the nothing.

Hey, Chris! It's your brain! WAKE UP!

Hmph... I don't want to!

Hey, I said get up, because you got shit to do!

Ugh... fine! I'm up, I'm up!

I sat up and stretched. "Damn it, brain! Good dream!" I mumbled to myself. My name? Chris, well, that wasn't my real name. My parents named me Chronos, after the Greek god of time. They named me that, since they both studied Greek mythology and I arrived precisely when the doctors said I would.

I was a punctual person.

As for the odd name? I thought Chris would be a better name for the ladies, instead of saying, 'Hey baby. Names Chronos. Looking good'. Yeah, don't know how that would go over.

Anyway, yeah, I got up, got dress and sat down with a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. "So, let's see where I can apply to today." I said, lifting the newspaper to my face.

Nothing really caught my, seeing as how the economy sucked anyway. I had a job already, though, but I hated it. Working in a FedEx warehouse was good money, but it was grueling, tedious work. The reason I wanted out was because my doctor said I was doing irreparable damage to my muscles in my upper back and shoulders.

Needless to say, yeah, no thanks. I'll be taking my business elsewhere.

Well, there was nothing in the paper. Might as well just get set for another eight hours of moving boxes from place to place. I groaned and put my jacked on. "Another day, another dollar." I sang sarcastically, grabbing my keys and locking the door behind me.

Eris finally saw light in the dark void. She'd only been in there for a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity. She screamed again as the portal dumped her to a hard, tile floor.

"Ugh... my head." She groaned, rubbing it with a... "That should have been a paw..." She looked down to see her appendages, even and unison. They were hands, attached to long slender arms, which were attached to a slender body. "Ugh, does everything have to be so... uniform?" She growled. She stood and looked at her surroundings. She was definitely in somepony's dwellings, that was fairly obvious, but so many things were so new and different to her.

She walked over to the sink and ran a hand over the smooth metal. "What in Equestria is this?" She turned the nob on the right side with a 'C' on it, and water began pouring out. She hadn't realized how thirsty she was until she saw the clear liquid. She quickly put her face under the faucet and drank greedily. The water was so cold, so fresh! It was delicious!

She pulled away with a gasp for air. "Oh, how wonderful!" She smiled. "Whoever owns this dwelling must be wealthy beyond measure." She snapped her fingers, but no magic flowed. "What?!" She tried to do even the simplest spell, but nothing happened. "Oh, come on!" She complained trying with all her might to compose a spell, any spell, but nothing.

She scoffed and began walking around the chambers she was in, smiling at all the commodities she'd never seen before. There was a large white box near the fountain which she opened. She was blasted by a stream of cold air, and saw a large assortment of foods from salads, meats, and drinks labeled, Coca-Cola. She grabbed one of those and flicked the tab on the top, jumping back when it let out a loud hiss. She sniffed it curiously, then took a swig.

Her eyes widened and she smiled. "Oh, by that wretched Celestia! That's delicious!" She giggled at the tingly feeling the drink left in her mouth, then chugged the rest of the brown liquid down. She let out a large burp, blushing as she threw the can behind her back, grabbing another as she explored the rest of the apartment.

She made her way to the bedroom, wrinkling her nose at the sight. "Ugh. Well, I can't say this ponies cleaning habits are standard. Where are their maids?" She walked over to the nightstand and plucked a picture up.

She looked at the man in picture curiously. She knew what humans were and she loathed them. They had been banished from Equestria when she was but a child. The human in the picture had a rough brown mane. He was wearing a long coat and had a perfect smile. He had his arms wrapped around a woman, who was smiling with as much glee as anyone of these creatures could muster. She looked down at herself and realized, with horror, what her son had did to her.

He'd turned her human, and banished her to their world.

"Discord, you snake!" She hissed. She sunk into the bed next to her and felt a tear roll down her cheek. She was alone, powerless, inside sompony's home in a strange land, and couldn't do a thing about it. She sunk into the comfortable mattress and just let it out, the first cry she had in over three thousand years. Her eyes soon closed without her knowledge, and she slept.

The workday was finally over as the sun set behind the buildings of downtown Detroit. I hopped into my girlfriends car and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Hey, babe. Whats going on?"

Liv smiled and set the car into the direction of my apartment. "Oh, you know. Same old, same old." She kissed me back and sped up. She was always a speed demon on the road, which scared me half to fucking death. I always tried to get her to drive safely, using the, 'if anything happens to you, I don't know what I'll do' plea. Never worked for a second. Olivia was a tough gal.

She screeched to a halt in front of my building and smiled. "So, am I still spending the week?" She winked. I smiled wickedly and kissed her hard on the lips.

"Come by tomorrow. I got everything set up for your stay." I gave her one last kiss and went inside. I ran up the stairs, excited to finally get some rest. I got to the door, C-12, and unlocked the door.

It was pitch black, seeing as how I only had a window in the kitchen, and one in the bedroom. Not very homey, but it gets the job done. I tuned on the lights and made my way for the fridge, only to nearly die on a soda can.

I hit the ground pretty hard, but it wasn't all too bad. I picked up the Cola can and frowned. Odd... I don't remember leaving this out.

I put it in the bag I hung on the chair to keep my recyclables in and grabbed a soda out of the fridge. "Hm. That's odd. Maybe it just fell out of the bag." I reasoned. Not the first time that happened. I plopped on the couch and turned on the TV. It was 9:04. Good, only missed a few minutes of Walking Dead.

Eris groggily opened her eyes upon hearing voices coming from the other room. She stretched her sore arms and slowly peaked out from the bed chambers. She could see the lanterns in the ceiling, shining so bright. She shielded her eyes and waled down the small hallway. She cautiously peered around the corner to see a man, the same one as in the picture. He was watching people in a small black box, who were talking and shooting at other people trying to eat them. It was kind of comforting to see a creature who enjoyed chaos like her. And he must have pretty powerful magic to watch something like this.

She gulped and put on a brave face. She'd have to play her cards right so as not to upset this powerful being. He could probably squash her like a bug. She cleared her throat, but he didn't hear. She rolled her eyes, stepped closer, and spoke.


I jumped like a bat out of hell at the voice. I turned to see a small, slender woman standing in the threshold of my hallway. What struck me the most was the fact she was completely, utterly naked. I blushed and tried to look away, but I didn't want to break eye contact with this intruder. I got a good look at her features as I gawked.

She was very well proportioned, if you catch my meaning. Her breasts were very perky, and were made so even more by her arms nervously crossed underneath them. Her torso narrowed, then plumped out at her hips, which she had tilted. I brought my eyes back up to her face, which was cute as a button, which I couldn't help but think. Her hair was pure white, flowing into black when it reached past her neck. Her eyes were bright red, and yellow where it should have been white.

Yo! Brain to Chris? Are you going to say something to her?

What should I say?

How about you start by saying she's hot as shit! That's where I'd start out

Yeah, that's why you're not in control...

Oh, com on! I already sent the party invite to your dick! You can't make him sad.

I'll kill you for that later... Just what should I ask her?!

Oh you pussy! Alright, well, you can start off by asking why she's fucking here.

That could work...

Than fucking say it! She's just staring at you like your crazy!

I cleared my throat. "Um... Who are you and why are you in my house?" The woman stepped forward and smiled, going from scared as a mouse to confidant as a lioness on the hunt. It was a little unnerving to see her strut over the way she was.

"Oh, I just... dropped in. Tell me, what's your name?" " She asked, running her fingers across my neck. I shivered and stepped away from her clutches. "I'll start first, seeing as how this is your dwelling. My name is Eris, Goddess of chaos and discord!"

"Yeah," I said, raising my hands. "I know Greek mythology. I'm Chris, or, Chronos. Named after the God of time. So I still want an answer. Why are you in my house."

She rolled her red and yellow eyes and gestured to the couch. "May I?" I nodded and she sat, crossing her legs and lacing her fingers over her knee. An act both seductive and kind of intimidating. The illusion of power was shifting, so I had to keep it.

I sat in the armchair, put my elbows on my knees and placed my hands together. She gave a wicked grin and leaned back, flashing her... undercarriage, causing me to blush. The grin she got after she noticed my discomfort made me shiver. "So, you want to know how I got here, Chronos? Fine, I'll tell you. I was in a great battle with the Princess' of the sun and the moon. My son betrayed me, saying a murderer wasn't fit for rule over Equestria. He banished me here."

I just looked at her, trying to see the littlest hint of crazy in that button face of hers. Nothing. All truth. I burst out into laughter and shook my head. "How many drugs are you on, lady? And how the fuck did you get in here?! I got three different locks on the door, and the windows are-" I ran into my room, checked the window and it was indeed locked, then ran back into the living room, sat down and continued where I left off. "still locked! You couldn't have just magically appeared into my home!"

She smiled again. "Oh, so you don't believe in magic, huh?" I shook my head and her grin turned vicious. She lunged at me, wrapping her legs around my waist and her hands on my throat.

Now, she was a cute girl, but if someones attacking me, man or woman, I won't hesitate to defend myself. I used my forearms to pry her hands out from around my neck. I spun her around, prying her legs off my waist and pinned her to the couch. "Do you know who I am?!" She shouted madly. "I am Eris!"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, Eris? Now you know you don't fuck with Chronos!" I shouted. She began to sob as I reached for the phone and called the police.

"911, what's your emergency?" A woman asked. Eris struggled again and I put my knee on her delicate back. I sighed and eased up a bit. She may have been crazy, but she was still a small woman.

"Yeah. Some woman broke into my house and attacked me. I got her subdued." I said. The woman made and 'mhm' and clicked her tongue.

"Alright, we'll send a car out to your place right away. Would you like to stay on the line?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Nah. I need all the hands I can get. She's a fighter. Just get someone over here." I hung up and turned Eris' head towards me.

"If I let you go, will you calm the fuck down?" I asked. She grunted, then locked her eyes with mine. There was a flash of regret, then nothing. She nodded and I slowly got up. She sat up and rubbed her back. "Sorry... if I hurt you." I muttered.

She frowned and looked me over. "You're an odd, odd human, Chronos... But you're more than that. I can feel it..." She said, walking back over to me. I didn't want to back up or show fear, because the last time I did that, she jumped at the chance to attack.

No, I stood my ground and let her approach me. She ran a hand down my cheek and smiled. "Perhaps we can help each other out..."

I scoffed. "Why? So I can let my guard down and you can jump me again? Yeah, no thanks." I grabbed her by the arm and led her back to my room. I grabbed a shirt and a pair of sweats. "Here. A gift so you don't get a public indecency added to the charges..."

She looked over the garbs like they were tentacle monsters. "What, you've never seen clothes before?" I asked. She shrugged.

"I've never had to wear clothes." She rolled her eyes and threw the clothes back at me. "Keep them."

I shook my head. "Oh, no. I don't want you walking out of here naked. People are going to get the wrong idea." She looked away, a faint blush on her face. "Do you... not know how to put on clothes."

She slowly shook her head. It seemed that admitting a weakness hurt her ego, and hurt it bad. I smiled a little then held the pants low. "Lift your right leg."

She complied and I guided the small, slender appendage inside. Her leg was so soft, so feminine. I had to stifle a quivering breath and keep in control. I was in a happy relationship with Liv. "Just remember Liv, just remember Liv, just remember-"

"You like touching me like that, don't you?" She asked with a tinge of lust in her voice.


"I have a girlfriend, and sorry, you aren't really my type." I told her with a fake smile as I finished with the sweats and put the shirt over her.

She pouted a little. "Oh, whats the matter? Can't handle a mare with a little fire?" She bit her lip and winked at me, making me choke on the air I breath.

Dude! The level of horny is at critical level!

Fuck! Shut it down! Shut it all down!

I can't! Critical boner imminent! Dude, we can't hold it back! We can't resist! Let me at her, let me at her!

Jesus! Get a hold of yourself, brain! We're dating Olivia! We can't-

At that moment, Eris lidded her eyes and sauntered forward, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me. She licked my lips and smiled. "Hmm. Chronos, you're very, very strong... I can tell you're going to be a great asset to me."


I shook my head at the knock on my door. "Chris? It's the police? You in there?"

I coughed. "Yeah, I'll be right there!" I called out. I looked at Eris, who stared at me curiously. "Hm. So, I... decided I'm not to press charges since..." I coughed awkwardly and she kissed my cheek.

"I'll be back after I have some fun..." She sauntered past me and into the living room as the cops opened the door. "Hello, boys. Looking for me?"

I followed after her and the cops gave me a curious look. I shrugged and followed them out. They put her in the back of the car, as I talked to the other officer. "Look, I don't want to press charges. Just... see if she's okay. She might be on something."

The cop took out a notepad. "Alright. Did she tell you anything?"

I nodded. "Yeah. She told me her name was Eris." I cast a look at the police car and she was just staring at me from out the window. I gave her a reassuring smile and felt really guilty about calling the police now. She said she just... fell in here. Her son? Maybe she just was high.

The officer nodded. "Alright. We'll take her to the station, give her an exam. We'll take good care of her." I gave one last look over and sighed.

"Can I go with you?" I asked. I felt really guilty about Eris for some reason. I had to do something to make it right, even if she didn't think anything was wrong. The officer cocked a brow and looked over to the woman in the car, then back to me.

"Alright." He relented. "You'll have to sit in the back with her. And you can help with the report. Come on."

I nodded and slid in next to Eris as the cops talked outside for a moment. Eris smiled and raised a brow. "Any reason you're coming? I know what it means to be imprisoned. I'm sure I'll be able to escape before my execution." She looked out the window opposite me.

I just raised a brow curiously. "Oookay. That's not how our justice system works for a simple break in. You're just going to be talked to about it, and then you're coming back here so we can talk officially."

She flashed a grin. "Really? Why do you want me to come back? I thought you couldn't trust me." She said with mock hurt. I smiled and reclined in the seat.

"You've officially got me interested in who you are. So, when we get back, you tell me everything, got it?" I asked in a hard tone to get the emphasis. She smiled and looked back out the window.

"Yes... That's perfect..."

Let's get answers... and maybe gamble

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Ch. 2: Let's get answers... and maybe gamble

The stay at the station didn't take all too long. I had the charges against Eris dropped and they let us go, and slapped a fine on me for 'misusing 911'.

It was an emergency at the time, assholes!

So, we left and had to walk fifteen blocks back to my place. It was a cold night, but nothing too cold. Nothing I couldn't handle at least. Eris was the same, just looking ahead and frowning. She seemed happy before, but she was slowly losing that. I decided to try and raise her spirits again.

"Whats up? You seem distant." She looked at me with her red eyes and frowned further, making me a little hesitant about even asking her a question.

Eris just stared at Chronos. She must have been giving him a harder look than she thought, so she eased up a bit. She had to keep his trust in order for her plan to work. If he was who she thought he was, then he was the only hope she had. She formed a smile and shrugged.

"It is nothing, really. Just... this is all so strange for me, being in this strange world? I don't know what to make of it." She sighed, looking up at all the tall buildings. I smiled and shrugged.

"Eh, it's not so bad. So, tell me about where you're from. You said... Equestria?" I asked. It sounded like some fairy crazy land. She just nodded.

"Yes. I was vying for control, but the Princess' Celestia and Luna put a stop to me. And my son? Oh, don't even get me started..." She hissed.

I couldn't believe someone as young as her was a mother. "I didn't peg you for a mother. How old are you? Twenty? Twenty-one?"

"4,269." She said as if it was nothing.

Ugh... Chris?

Yeah brain?

You, uh... you made out with a super milf.

Shut up, brain! What should I say to that?

Um... No clue. Say something nice?

That could work. Why didn't I think of that?

You did, dunce! I'm your brain?


"You, uh, look great for your age." I assured. She scowled and looked herself over.

"Ugh, please! I'm stuck in this wretched form! I must look like a beast!" She groaned, kicking the dirt. I kinda chuckled at that. This girl was really strange and I couldn't help but... find it cute.


"What's wrong?" She asked, seeing me clearly lost in pure thoughts. I just looked away, unable to fathom why I was feeling these things. It became impossible to ignore her when she wrapped her slender arm around my own. "Come on. I'm new around here. Show me the sights?"

It was late, probably around 11:30. I didn't know what to show her that late at night. But then I looked into those red and yellow orbs. They were so exotic, so... wanting. I couldn't say no to her.

"Alright, but we have to do it tomorrow. Nothing's open right now." I told her. She smiled deviously and dragged me down the road as fast as she could, the pitter-patter of her bare feet echoing off the buildings.

"Oh, come on! You're talking to the Goddess of chaos and discordance! I can go anywhere I want, and if I cause a little trouble, well, then Celestia help whoever is on the wrong end of it."

She lead me through the streets until we reached the Greektown Casino. "Hm... This place looks open. Praytell, what's a Casino?" She asked curiously.

"It's a place where people piss away there money on pointless betting." She dragged me up to the entrance. I stopped her cold.

"Whoa! We can't go in there dressed like this!" I said, gesturing to our outfits. We looked god awful in our pajamas. Eris tapped her chin and looked to a door that said staff only.

"Hmm. How adventurous are you?" She asked. Before I could answer, she was dragging me to the side of the building. I was surprised to see no security out here. "So, are you coming? Or are you chicken?"

She walked over to the door and went inside. I hesitated, but if she made it in, then so could I. I took a deep breath, hid my fear, and walked in.

The room was empty, and apparently a costume room. Eris had already changed into something... Wow is all that could describe it. She was wearing a silk, pure white Greek toga, made complete with the same color high heels and fishnets. "Oh...my..."

Okay, Liv's amazing and all, but COME ON!

Ehhh! I know! WHAT DO I DO?!

Dude, she's looking at you! Hey, dare you to stare at her tits!

What do I get if I win?

A boner!

Oup! looks like I already won!


Eris smiled and grabbed a golden apple from a fruit basket on a table. She spun it on her finger and looked over at me with those interesting and beautiful eyes. "It's not much, but I think it works." She twirled, revealing a pair of bright red panties. "Where?! Where did she get those!?

"Um... Yeah, I'll go find something to wear..." I walked off as fast as I could to the rack of suits on the other side of the room. I found one in my size, got changed and walked back out, and once again Eris made me catch my breath.

She was leaning on the back of a chair, her leg up on the back of it. She had done her white hair up in an up dew. She looked over to me as she bit into the golden fruit. Her smile was so infectious, so...

Hey, know you think she's bangin', but, Liv. Remember?

Eris sauntered over and laced her arm around my neck. She smiled, producing a hundred from my coat pocket. "Hm. Someone left their currency in here. So, the point of a casino is to just bet money on games?"

I nodded. "Yeah. You can also win if your lucky enough. But I never do." I grumbled, remembering all the cash I lost here. Eris led me out to the main floor. She looked a little taken aback by the size of the place and all the people, but she seemed to warm up to it pretty quickly. She just grabbed my arm and led me over to the first thing she saw. Craps.


The man smiled at the table. "Good evening, sir. How much will you be betting?" Before I could say a thing, Eris place the hundred on the table.

"This." She said. A man came over and transferred my currency into a single chip.

The man raised a brow at the odd single hundred, but accepted anyways. "Alright, place your bet." I looked at Eris who smiled and put her hands on my shoulder, whispering in my ear.

"Six." She hissed.

"Six!" I repeated, my voice cracking a little. Eris leaned against me in a way that made her amazing tits rub against my arm. I was handed the dice and shook them in my hand. Before I threw, however, Eris grabbed my hand and blew on the dice.

"That's for luck..." She winked. I smiled and was about to ask how she knew to do that, but just left it to her oddity. I took a deep breath and rolled.

I watched the dice bounce once, twice, thrice, then settle. I smiled and looked from Eris, to the table. The dice had landed on six!

"Congratulations, sir!" He said, doubling my money. My smile was as large as my ego right now. I looked to Eris and hugged her.

"Holy shit, you're magic!" I said happily. She hugged back with one arm and leaned back, biting into the golden apple again.

"Hmm. I thought you didn't believe in magic." She mused. I tapped her nose and placed a double or nothing bet. I flashed her a grin, and she mouthed eight. I rolled the dice and, sure enough, we won again.

"I didn't believe in magic before, but you? Holy shit! Once is an anomaly, twice is a trend, or something like that." She leaned against me, which I gladly accepted at this point.

"You know, Chronos? Humans can be quite agreeable. Maybe I was wrong for wanting to eradicate them..." She chuckled. I thought she was joking so I laughed with her. "Now, how lucky are you feeling?"

We played almost every game of chance in the casino, winning every single time. And I'm not fucking kidding with that, no matter where we went we won!




We were surrounded by casino patrons who were cheering us on. We must have been the luckiest fucks they'd ever laid eyes on! We started out with a hundred, how much more did we make?

$19,200! And have you ever heard of people who cheat in casinos? Yeah, you can expect our luck was about to come to a grinding halt. I was about to place my bet in the poker game I was in, when a large hand clamped around my shoulder. I looked up to see the security enforcers standing over me.

"You two need to come with us." One of them said, hoisting my up and dragging me by the arms to the back, they did the same with Eris.

We were placed in a small room. "Oh fuck... We should have just left, Eris! They think we cheated and that's a punishable offense!"

Eris finally finished that golden apple and flicked the core across the room. "Oh, lighten up, Chronos! We did nothing wrong!"

I groaned and slumped into one of the chairs. "But they think we did something wrong! Ugh! Why does my luck suck this hard?!"

Eris smiled and snapped her fingers, bringing fourth another apple. Her magic was finally starting to work again! The chaos of this situation was feeding into her powers! She looked at my expression and smiled. "Magic!"

I was about to reply, but three men came walking in. Two were the guards from before, and the other must have been the owner of the Casino. He sat in front of me and frowned. I gulped and twitched in my seat.

"Counting cards is a crime, you know that?" He hissed. I was about to speak when Eris sauntered over, taking a delicate bite from her magically conjured fruit.

"We did nothing of the sort. This is my first time ever being at a casino, and I wouldn't even begin to fathom how to count cards." She held her hands up in honesty and winked at the owner.

I sighed and rubbed my temple. "Look, sir. We just had a very lucky night. That's all. I swear to god and on the life of my first born child, we did NOT count cards or cheat! I swear!"

The man stared at me long and hard. I sighed and gave up. "Look, for the trouble you think we caused, we'll give back half the money. Does that sound like something a cheater would do?"

The man frowned. "No. Then again, a cheater would want to keep some of the money he stole from me." His voice rose with each word, making me flinch. Eris smiled and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Baby, why don't you wait outside. I think it's time me and Mr..."


"Mr. Covarie had a little chat. I'll be right. Out." She lingered those words in my ear as she kept her eyes on Mr. Covarie. He twitched and straitened his tie as I was ushered outside. Before I left the room, I heard Eris' high heels clicking across the tiled floor. Her words made it to my ears as the door closed. "Tell me, Mr. Covarie. Do you like apples?"

I waited outside the room for what seemed like an eternity before Eris walked out, a briefcase in her hand. She looked back in the room, then walked over to me. "Well?" I asked.

She patted the case and smiled. "You think I would just let him get away with swindling Chronos? No, he'll think twice before trying something that foolish again."

Without another word she walked off, leaving me to follow quickly in her footsteps. "How the hell did you convince him to let us keep the money?!" I gawked. Eris smiled and ran a hand across my cheek.

"Oh, the magic of the apple." She sang, spinning another golden fruit on her finger. I laughed and hugged her tight. She was insane to-

"Wait... what did your apple do, exactly?" I asked. She smiled deviously and walked out of the front door of the Casino, strutting up to the valet attendant.

"Be a dear and fetch me a ride?" She asked sweetly, pressing her bosoms together playfully. The young man gulped and shook his head.

"S-Sorry, ma'am. These cars belong to people. If you'd like I can call you a cab, and-" He stopped when she presented a card. I couldn't make out what it said, but it made the boy pale. "T-This is official."

Eris nodded and the boy ran towards the back of the building. I just stared at Eris perplexed. "And what, may I ask, was that about?"

She giggled and nipped my ear. "Take a girl for a ride?"

At that moment, the roar of a sports cars engine came towards us. I looked to see a Lamborghini, a golden yellow in color. The valet attendant came back out with the keys and handed them to me. "Now, be careful. This is Mr. Covarie's favorite car."

If I had been drinking, I would have done a spit take. How in the ungodly hell did Eris pull this shit off?! I looked at her as she climbed into the passenger seat, eying me expectantly. I tipped the valet handsomely and sat in the drivers seat, momentarily too stunned to do anything.

"Come on, baby. Take me for spin." She sucked in her lower lip as I revved the engine, then screamed in delight as we sped off down the streets. "Haha! I think I like these... Cars, do you call them?"

I smiled and shook my head. "You, Eris, are the craziest fucking person I have ever met!"

She grabbed my crotch and smiled. "Hmm. Then again, I'm not a person, am I? Do you still want to know what I did to get us this... equipment?" I nodded and she continued to stroke my shaft like it was a cat curled up on my lap. "Well, my apples can do many things. Seeing as how my powers are weak, I did the simplest thing I could. I wiped there minds."

I gawked. "Wiped them? Of everything?" She nodded and smiled.

"Up until the day they were born." She laughed as I pulled into the garage next to my apartment. We headed for the main building and ascended the old, rickety stairs. My grin was becoming wider, and wider, until I just eventually started laughing. Eris cocked a brow when I looked at her. "And you're laughing because..."

I wiped a tear and leaned against the wall. "Well, in just five hours since meeting you, I've made almost twenty thousand dollars, got a new car, and learned to never, ever fuck with you! Who are you?"

She smiled and squeezed my arm. "You already know, Chronos... God of time." She cooed.

"It's just a name, Eris. And I prefer Chris." I assured. She shrugged and I opened the door-

Only to be immediately pounced on and assaulted by Eris. She threw the suitcase across the room, wrapped her arms around my neck, her legs around my waist and assaulted my mouth with her own. My brain suddenly went into meltdown mode as every sensory organ in my body exploded with bliss. She pulled her bun out and her snow white hair fell over both our faces.

I eeped as she pushed me over the back of the couch and bit my neck. I was going to tell her to stop, and just go to bed, when the squeak of a voice came next to us.


I looked over to see Liv, sitting in the armchair across from the couch. I could only imagine what was going through her head as she looked at me and Eris, draped over the back of the couch as I stared at her upside down with a look of horror on my face.

Yo, Chris?


You done goofed.

Can you kill me?

Only if you think of orange monkey eagle.

......Fuck, can't do it.

Don't worry, she'll do it for you.

"Hey...Liv! Will it help if I said this isn't what it looks like?" I asked sheepishly. Her face contorted from hurt, to neutral, to full blown castrating rage.



The story of us

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Ch. 3: The story of us

"FUCK! Liv?! Just listen to me and- HOLY FUCK PUT THE KNIFE DOWN!" I screamed, running into the living room. Eris was sitting on the chair with her legs crossed, watching the scene with a smile on her face. She was enjoying this way too much!

Way. Too. Much!

"I'm going to fucking kill you, then that little whore!" Liv screamed. I ducked as she threw the knife my way and booked it into the kitchen and threw it back in the drawer, ducking as she tried to beam me with a can of Cola.

"Let me explain! Please!" I pleaded. She growled and jumped on me, ripping at my hair and trying to gouge my eyes out with her nails. "GAH! SHE'S IN MY EYES!" I cried in pain.

Eris rolled her eyes and walked over to the both of the imbeciles fighting in the kitchen. She tapped Liv on the shoulder and crossed her arms. "Are you done trying to kill Chronos? I'd prefer him alive." She deadpanned, a little frustrated.

Liv jumped off my back and faced Eris. I rubbed my eyes, which came back with blood and watched the epic standoff. Liv scowled and lunged at Eris, who simply ducked and stood between me and my estranged, soon to be ex, girlfriend.

"Come here you whore!" Liv screamed, lunging at Eris again. But, Eris wouldn't simply avoid it. She simply straight punched Liv in the nose. I watched her wobble then fall flat on her back, out cold. I gawked for the billionth time today as Eris surprised me... for the billionth time today.

Dude! I fucking love this woman!


Earth to Chris? Snap out of it! Sure, Liv was your girlfriend, and I say was seeing as how she tried to gouge your eyes out! By the way, how are they feeling?

Like they got stabbed by a crazy bitches nails...

You'll be fine. Now, say something to the goddess who save your life!

I stood and faced down Eris, who kicked Liv once more for good measure. "Psychotic wench. If you wish to fight, then learn how to do so!" She goaded. Liv only groaned weekly in response. Eris rolled her eyes and turned to me, a smile on her face.

"That was fun. I haven't had chaos this tasty in so long. Are you alright?" She asked, looking back at me. I smiled and shrugged, wiping the blood out of my eyes.

"Yeah. Bitch got me pretty good though." I chuckled, wincing at the pain. Eris giggled and handed me one of her golden apples.

"You earned it, Chronos. Eat." She winked, walking back into the living room. I shrugged and bit into the apple. My eyes widened a split second after that.

Holy apetits! This is the greatest thing to enter our mouth!

I know! Should we savor it?!

HA! Fuck that shit! Ten seconds?

Halfway there!

I took the final bite and let out a contempt burp. But something was different when I finished it. I brought my hands to wipe my eyes, but there was no more blood, and they didn't hurt like a bitch! "Did... the apple do that?"

"Yes, the apple did that! Now, come sit with me. I wish to talk to you." She said, seeming to read my thoughts. "Okay... did she just-"

"Yes, I did. Now come!" She said. I saw her arm in the air and her finger wagging me over. I obeyed like a hopeless puppy. I was frightened, intrigued, and attracted to Eris all at the same time. I sat by her side and she smiled.

"You, Chronos, are going to help me get home, and get revenge on the Princess' and my son." Her smile turned devious and my fear rose.

"Um... How? I'm just a nobody. How can I do a thing to get you home?" I asked curiously. Eris smiled and snapped her fingers. A glass of chocolate milk appeared in her hand. She drank... the glass. I mentally rolled my eyes as she finished and threw the chocolate away.

Only to have it fucking explode in the goddamn kitchen!

I looked back quickly to see a plum of smoke and chocolate everywhere. Liv was fine, but covered in the goopy mess. I chuckled and turned back to Eris who seemed to react the same as me at the circumstances. Our chuckling turned to giggling, then full blown laughter.

We fell into each other, eyes running with tears of mirth at the scene in the kitchen. Was I angry that I'd have to clean that up? Kind of, but it didn't matter. I had an awesome new friend to share that with. She sighed and looked at me with a slight toothy grin. I smiled back.

We both had the same idea and leaned in, sharing a deep kiss. Not one of the ones she forced on me those few times, but a genuine, full hearted kiss that made me feel... warm and whole.

Told you. I fucking tolled you you liked her!

Shut up brain and just enjoy this...

I just got news from the south. He wants in too!

Let's take it one thing at a time, brain. I want to move slow. She might want to as well.

Oh? then why is her top off?

What are you- Holy shit! Her top is off!

Go get her, tiger!

Eris let the Greek dress fall off her chest, exposing her bare bosoms to me. They were just so... Perfect! Everything about her was perfect! Her eyes, her smile, her personality, her body! She was a goddess, who magically appeared in my home, tried to kill me, then won me almost twenty grand, beat up my girlfriend, and was now presenting herself to me. My eyes were wide as she just laid back, watching me.

"You know, Chronos, this is the part where you do the same." She said with a hint of anticipation. I should just say no for now, get to know her better, and move from there. No need to rush into this after five hours of knowing her. God, has it really only been five hours? I swear I could have known her my entire life!

Even as I was having reservations, I felt my hands moving my shirt off. "Great... Brain, I was trying to say no!"

Bro, just do it! Just do it ya wimp!

Eris ran a single finger in between my pecs, then down the bumpy abs. (Living in the tough city of Detroit, you need to work out to fend off the dangers. I was in shape and damn proud of it. and so was she) She flicked her finger off my chest and smiled.

"Strong. Just the way I remember..." She began running her hands across my shoulders, then placed them to each side of my chest. "Why are you living with these pitiful creatures, Chronos?" She asked astonished.

She kept calling me Chronos like I actually was Chronos. Like she knew me... It was weird, but intoxicating to hear it. She was crazy, but sexy, amazing and... hnggg! I need it now!

You know, you should never put your dick in crazy...

I think they mean crazy, like, first date they want to marry you crazy.

...Good point. She seems like a one night stand kind of girl anyways.

Or... a casual sex partner?

Haha! Now your getting it! Dude, show that milf the best time of her life!

Planning on it.

Eris grabbed my hands slowly, placing them on her firm chest. We both inhaled sharply as my hands made contact with the mounds. "Hmmm..." She cooed. "This is wonderful."

I smiled and tackled her into the soft couch. I had my eyes shut tight as I smashed my lips into hers. Isn't it funny? Five hours ago I was talking to Liv about staying for the week, I meet Eris, she beats Liv up, and now were going from first base, second base, third base-

Eris suddenly grabbed my crotch and stroked it, chuckling at the gasp it got from me.


She slowly undid the zipper and slid her hand inside the hole. I could feel her hand snake its way through my boxers with expert precision until-

"Bingo..." She whispered, yanking it out back through the hole, making me grunt in discomfort. "Chronos, make this like old times... I want you to feel my body again!

Okay, that was enough to warrant some answers. I leaned back and ceased all actions. Eris just stared at me, a little frustrated, but curious why I stopped. "Alright, Eris. Why are you talking to me like we've known each other prior to this?"

Eris smiled and shook her head. "You really don't remember, do you?" She asked quietly. I shook my head and she held my hand, giving it a squeeze. "Your Gods, the Greek Gods, are real entities. You are actually the Chronos."

I gave no reaction, I couldn't! My mind was just a blur at that moment. I just tilted my head and Eris continued. "It's been so, so long, I know... If you'll let me, I'll tell you what happened. How you... happened to be here."

I nodded. Damn straight I wanted answers! I remember my father told me once, 'Nothing is a coincidence. Everything happens for a reason'. Apparently-

Dude, stop thinking! The ladies trying to talk!

Oh, right. Sorry.

Eris scooted close to me and rested her head in the crook of my neck. A gesture I found to be comforting and all too right at the same time. She smiled and kissed my neck, making me sigh contently. She giggled a little.

"You know, you used to do that when we did this..." She said, making me smile.

"Tell me about what happened, Eris. I want to know everything." I said back. Eris smiled and held my hand. She cleared her throat and began her story.

(Mount Olympus)

It was now high noon, the time for all the gods to meet was nigh. Each one began filing in, one by one. Zeus sat on his throne, lighting bolt in one hand, and staff in the other. He waited for the amphitheater to fill with the rest of the gods, then looked upon the two seats that were empty.

Chronos and Eris.

Chronos, the God of time, his father before he was stripped of his title as Titan as a reprimand for his sins, and supposed creator of all. Zeus huffed. The man certainly didn't act the part. His lineage was brought up right, though. They were all in attendance to this important meeting. But, what of the two most troublesome?

Ever since the teenager Eris was aloud to join the halls of the Gods, she'd been nothing but a horrid influence on Chronos. The Draconquues had him wrapped around her little finger. The jealousy his wife was justified, but she could not go against the wishes of her husband. He was the God of time, and as such, had an important role to play in both Earth and the new world Equestria.

As Zeus thought of these things, the two rulers of that land, King Solaris and Queen Nyx, entered the hall. The clopping of their hooves echoing through the great space. He smiled to the guests, gesturing them by his side.

"Welcome to our hall, King and Queen of the sun and moon! Let us talk of history, friendship, and then we shall drink to new allies!" The hall cheered and the meeting went underway, two deities short...

Eris slithered her way out from under Chrono's sheets. Her hair, a disheveled mess, her fur in the same kind of situation. She was but a girl of seventeen, and already the prize of a god. She smiled a fanged smile at Chronos and kissed his cheek.

"That was everything I hoped it would be, my love. It seems Eros approves of this union?" Eris giggled, wrapping around Chronos's chest. He smiled and held her close.

"It appears so. My son was never fond of his mother." Chronos chuckled. Eris did as well and sat up, straddling his hips once more, her red, reptilian tail swishing anxiously.

"You know I am right, don't you? We should be the ones to rule this Equestria. It does not matter what the other Gods say. It is rightfully ours!"

Chronos wrapped his arms around Eris and pulled her down to his face and kissed her muzzle. "You are a smart, tactical and brutal young lady. I would be a fool to upset you." This got Eris to chuckle proudly. "But I would agree no matter who you are. I want this new world, and I want you to rule it by my side."

Eris let out a giddy smile and bounce up and down. Chronos smiled and wrapped himself around his lover. She wiggling her hips again, sending his member deep inside her. She purred in contempt and clawed at his muscular chest.

"So... OH!... How do you p-plan on... taking E-Equestria!?" She struggled with the sentence as Chronos plowed into her, fast and rough.

Chronos smiled. "Ah, patience my love. I am the God of time! You should know that things must come to fruition through it." He spoke wisely. Eris just smiled and wiggled her hips on his shaft, making him grunt.

"It's planned for the meeting today, isn't it? God of time or not, you've never been very patient. You were all over me the minute you saw me." She goaded, jabbing a talon into his chest. He kissed her and made love to her faster, stronger, harder, until they both climaxed, screaming to Apollo's sun.

Chronos let out deep, happy breaths. "Yes... You know me all too well, my love... When the meeting is about to end, we shall make our entrance."

Eris slowly climbed off his waist and kissed him passionately. "You will always be the love of my life, till the day I die, Chronos."

Zeus had finished addressing the hall of Gods of the new world beyond there own. Indeed, there were things Gods did not know about, and that they should welcome the newcomers to their hall with open arms. Everyone in the amphitheater unanimously agreed to it, much to the surprise, and happiness, of the king and queen of Equestria.

"So, it is with a happy heart that I declare this meeting officially-"

The doors to the hall of the Gods burst from their hinges, sending the guards who were outside tumbling in, their bodies sliced to ribbons. Everyone gasped as monsters, thought to have been banished to Tartarus, came pouring in, surrounding Zeus, the King and Queen, and the Gods.

Through the smoke that was once the front door, entered Chronos and Eris. Chronos was dressed in a white tunic with a bandoleer of daggers around his chest and waist. He wore a white Corinthian helmet with a large metal mohawk jutting from the top. On his wrists, he wore silver armlets with gold trimming. A pair of pure gold snakes adorned his upper arms, and one on his neck to go with it. His bronze shoulder pauldrons had a large cog sticking out of each one, symbolizing time. In his hands he carried a his trademark battle scythe, which dripped with the blood of the guards.

Eris wore no armor. She was the same as she always looked. Her fur was neatly made and her large, red and yellow eyes locked with Zeus' as she took a delicate bite out of her golden apple. She fluttered in on her bat and Pegasus wings, stroking Chronos' chest as she did. Zeus flashed a look to Chronos' spouse, who was fuming with rage.

"Ah, my son, Zeus! How was the meeting?" Chronos asked with glee. Eris fed him her apple, which he chewed loudly. Zeus scowled and spit on the floor.

"Chronos, my father. I should have never granted you leniency from Tartarus! I thought you had changed!" He bellowed, thunder echoing after his voice. Everything after that was silent for a few seconds. Eris giggled lightly, but it echoed through the still hall like the crack of a whip.

"Zeus, do you really expect us to just roll over while you let these creatures rule over that beautiful land? Don't you see what opportunity you're wasting?" She asked, biting her apple again.

Zeus furrowed his brow. "That's enough, Eris! The Equestrians laid claim to that land long before! It is theirs to control as they see fit! We will not interfere with their doings, but instead unite our worlds! Do you not see the benefits this could bring to Mount Olympus?!"

Chronos stepped forward, spinning his scythe. "I will no longer continue to be ruled over by my own son! Give me my powers back! Give me Equestria, or all you know will burn like the fires inside Tartarus!"

There were murmurs from the Gods and Goddesses in attendance. Did they really want to acknowledge Chronos' argument?

"SILENCE!" Zeus shouted. The room became still once again. Chronos flashed a glance at the King and Queen, who were glaring at him with as much hate as anyone could muster.

"Oh, don't look at me that way! It's nothing personal against you two. Your world is just so... fresh, and new!" He clapped his hands in excitement at the thought of it.

King Solaris stood in front of his wife and scowled. "You will not lay a hoof in our world, Chronos! You and Eris are insane to think you can just take it away from us!"

Chronos leaned against his scythe in sheer confidence. "Oh, I wouldn't say that. If you let us rule now, we'll let you live. And you can still control your subjects! We just... want to 'live' there. Is that to much to ask?"

Queen Nyx shot forward. "You lie through your teeth, Chronos! Steal your tongue, or I will steal it for you!" She hissed. Chronos got face to face with her and scowled.

"You're lucky we're in the hollowed halls of the Gods, otherwise your head would be an ornament for my chariot!" He growled. The two butted heads, but Zeus sent forth a lightning bolt between the two, separating them.

"If it is war you want, Chronos, it is war you shall get!" Zeus declared. The Gods and Goddesses in the room were in an uproar. Some cheered, some waved their arms disapprovingly.

"So!" Chronos roared. "Who is on mine and Eris' side? Who stands with us?!"

At first, no one. Until Ares, Eris' brother rose. "I shall stand with you, Sister!" He called out, descending to the center of the room with the two traitorous gods. No one else in the room answered, because no one else would join. Someone from outside the room, however, burst through, smiling and laughing. It was Hades, god of the underworld.

"Well, you already know I'm in. You need my armies of the underworld to even leave a scratch on these fools. Plus, it gets so boring being cooped up down there all day!" He brushed back the flames on his head and smiled at Zeus. "Hey there, little brother! It's been a while! Now why is that? Oh yeah, you stuck me in Tartarus, go figure." He shrugged.

Zeus placed a large hand over his face. "Hades. I can not believe you would stand with father after he devoured you..." He mumbled. Hades just laughed.

"Oh, yeah. Well, you know, he was different back then. You stuck him with me, and I couldn't just let your poor mistreatment of our dear, misunderstood father continue. That was until I was able to help him become a God once again.. Still waiting for you to fix my home up after he rampaged through it, though..."

Zeus shook his head. "You are an odd one, brother. But now you're an odd enemy. I want you four and your troops to leave my home! I am beginning to think killing you here will be a good idea. But, the laws of our forefathers demand this be a peaceful place. Be gone!" He shooed them all out, and they left. Eris flashed one more sly grin and threw an apple to the two Alicorn's.

They picked it up and read the inscription carved into the fruit. They couldn't read the odd language. "Zeus?" King Solaris asked. "What does this say?" He handed the apple to Zeus, who read the inscription.

Για δικαιότερο το παιδί σας

"It says, 'To your fairest child'." He handed him back the apple. Solaris looked to his wife, who was blushing profusely.

"Nyx? What does that mean? We have no children?" He said slowly. Nyx smiled slightly and turned to him.

"Well... We are going to... I'm pregnant." She said sheepishly. The hall was quiet, until Zeus let out a small snort, then another, then began laughing with a booming laugh.

"HAHA! Congratulations! We must celebrate!" He cheered. The rest of the hall did as well. They moved on from the sadness of before, and embraced their guests in celebration.

Eris wrapped her serpentine like body around Chronos and kissed his fuzzy cheek. "That, was quiet an entrance we made." She nuzzled his neck and he wrapped a hand around her cheek, kissing her. He then turned to Ares and shook his hand tightly.

"Glad to see you stand with us, Ares. The God of war himself will aid us well!" He chuckled. Ares did as well and whistled, calling fourth his chariot. Hades waved to the trio.

"Hey, that was fun humiliating my brother and all, but I got to get back to Tartarus and rally the troops. You all are welcome to stay there. No God is dumb enough to hit me, or my allies on my own turf. I'll fix us all some drinks. Adios!" He snapped his fingers and he and his demons disappeared in a flash of fire.

The Pegasi pulled up close, and the three entered and flew off towards Tartarus. "So, I don't expect this war to go unnoticed to the mortals below." Ares called out over the roar of the wind.

"Relax, brother. The mortals need not trouble themselves with the quarrels of the Gods. If they are foolish enough to do so, I will gladly remind them of why we are supreme beings!" Eris called back. Chronos smiled and held her claw in his hand.

"That is why I love you, Eris. You hold nothing back! You will make a great spouse!" Chronos cheered. Eris felt her heart flutter and her grin widen.

"Are you saying you wish me to become your bride?" She asked giddily. Chronos smiled and nodded, and was instantly tackled onto his back.

"Yesyesyesyes!" She cried, a tear rolling down her face. "Oh, you've just made me the happiest goddess around!" The two embraced as Ares smiled at them, driving them off towards the gates of the underworld.

Eris held my hand as she finished the rest of the story. "And, for over two thousand years, we fought against the Gods of Mount Olympus and the Ponies in Equestria. At the end of the war, you were captured and imprisoned. I escaped into Equestria to reek havoc there. Ares betrayed us and rejoined the Gods. The only reason you're here today is because Hades was able to help you tap into your power of time and send you away. You must have been reborn here." She concluded and looked into my eyes. Deep emotional pools of red and yellow stared at me, threatening to tear my heart out. I squeezed Eris' hand and hugged her.

"I believe every word you said, Eris. I'm sorry, but I just don't remember any of this. I'm... not a god, obviously, and I'm not all powerful. I can't believe this..." I muttered.

A moaning from the kitchen got our attention. We looked over to see Liv getting up, clutching her face in pain. She looked at me and Eris on the couch and growled. "Liv, listen. You're mad about what you saw, but-"

"Eat my clit, you fucker!" She spat.

I held up my hands and shrugged. "Fair enough." She looked to Eris and spit.

"Fucking whore. You want him, you can keep him! Have fun with my sloppy seconds!" She yelled, she was about to leave, when what Eris said ground her escape to a halt

"I believe you had my seconds, Olivia. Chronos was my lover long before you." She winked as Liv's eye twitched uncontrollably.

Dude... That was cold, calculating and just pure awesome.

Please apply cold water to burned area!


"Fuck you both! I'm out!" She slammed the door behind her, and I choked on my own tongue when she screamed, "Why the fuck am I covered in chocolate?!"

Eris fell into me, her head resting on my chest as we fell into the couch together. "Hmm, tell me Chronos. What's it like to make love in human form?"

I gave a wicked smile and hoisted up her silk wrappings, placing my hands on the laces of her bright red panties. "Let's go to the bedroom and I'll show you." I bit her ear lightly, making her gasp as her hips began grinding my very ready sexy zone.

I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom and placed her on the bed. As soon as she was on her back, she spread her legs wide. The look in her eyes was that of pure wanting, yearning for her Chronos to love her like he did so long ago. She bit the finger on her right hand, and started rubbing her slit with the pointer finger of her left hand.

"Don't keep me waiting, Chronos..." She moaned.

Dude, we finally 'bout to hit dat!

Let's make it memorable...


What is lost...

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Ch. 4: What is lost

Eris laid on the bed, stroking her very moist undergarments. I just sat there gawking at the scene. Never before has a woman presented herself like this to me. Not even Liv! She brought her moist fingers to her mouth and gave them a suckle, giggling at my ever increasing red face.

"Come now. Don't leave your Eris waiting..." She cooed, popping her fingers out of her mouth. As soon as she said that, I whipped my pants off and climbed into the bed on top of her and kissed her fiendishly.

I could taste her fluids on her lips. I yearned for that taste. It was intoxicating, controlling. It was a want unlike any other in the human mind. She pulled back and pushed my head lower, lower, and lower-

Until I was an inch away from her soaked panties. I took the thin string holding them together and ripped them off of her. There was no time to take them off slowly. I wanted in, and I wanted in badly!

Eris wrapped her thighs around my head, pulling me to the very wanting lips. I massaged her plump buttocks while I licked her outer labia, getting a moan in response. I continued that work while her thighs threatened to pop my head like a melon.

My tongue slid past the folds, entering the moist space. She was tight, incredibly so for someone who was a mother. I spread one of her thighs off my head and stuck my middle and pointer finger into the cave.

"Oh, Chronos! Ngh! It's been ages! OH! I've missed you!" She moaned, grabbing the back of my head and digging her fingers into my scalp.

Dude, you're pleasuring a Goddess!

I know! How awesome is this?!

On a scale of one to ten? Off the fucking charts! I'm proud to be your brain! Oh, and heads up. Here comes her orgasm!

Eris let out a scream after another few minutes of my fingers and tongue's assault on her. She poured like a fountain onto my face. "Well, not even Liv could do that..." I thought, remembering those... stale times?

Eris chuckled and brought me up for a kiss, not caring in the slightest my face was soaked with her juices. "You are still as marvelous as ever... Even more so this time around. How far do you want to go?"

All the way?

"All the way?" I asked. She smiled and pulled my boxers down with a smug look on her face. She snaked her way underneath me and gave my shaft a lick from base to tip. The air caught in my throat and I shivered like mad. No way Liv would do this for me!

"You seem to be doing an awful lot of thinking about Liv. Do you miss her?" Eris asked looking up at me, still stroking my shaft. God, that was a comedic sight. It was as if a therapist was giving their patient head in their meeting. I smiled and stroked Eris' soft, white hair.

"God no. Now that she's gone, I really don't care. Our relationship was doomed to fail anyway. And I just feel... right with you. I dunno..."

She giggled and kissed my stomach, then went right back to work on my dick. She was good at it, incredibly so. I could feel her kind of slide her front teeth over it, but soft enough so that it just felt amazing! "Unng! Just like that, Eris!" I called out, grabbing a clump of her hair while thrusting my self further into her mouth.

She took the whole length like a pro, too! I had only ever had sex with Liv, and that was only three or four times. But with Eris? The chick was like a porn star! This was better than all three times with Liv combined! She swirled her tongue around my shaft, pushing me over the edge.

I felt a little guilty about not warning her, but the giggling she made when she released me from her mouth eased that up. "Mmm. That is just how I remember it. Are you ready for the main course?"

She stood up from under me and walked over to my desk, leaning over it and presenting herself to me. "I wish you remember that day, Chronos. When you invited me into your home? I was leaning over your desk just like this when you kissed me... You said you'd never had a kiss that felt so right. You were a Titan amongst Gods, my love. I was a young goddess, but of seventeen years..."

While she talked, I slowly walked up behind her, running my fingers down her delicate, baby soft back. I could hear the air escape her lungs as she twitched lightly at the touch. She went on.

"You, the eldest Titan, the creator of all... taking me, a young goddess, as your lover. The happiness I felt, the pride, the glory... You made me feel those things, Chronos. You made me feel like I could take on all of Mount Olympus. I stood with you that day, because I loved you more than anything the Earth or the Gods could make."

I smiled and kissed her neck, trailing them down her back. She cooed and leaned over my desk more. She wiggled excitedly as I brought my head back up to her face and kissed her. She was practically magnetized to my lips and it was like a ton of weight was now on them. The force, the pressure, the taste, the wetness of them... I had died and gone to heaven!

I moved behind her, her eyes following as she spread her legs, revealing herself to be both eagerly wanting and ready. She bit her lip as I rubbed against the entrance and slowly slid inside.

Again, she's tight. As. Hell!

I grunted as I finally pushed past the last bit of resistance and bottomed out. She purred in contempt as I pulled out, then pushed back in.

She pulled as I pulled, pushed as I pushed. We were in perfect synch, our breaths matching and our sweat glistening in the low light of my room. I leaned down and bit her ear.

"I may not remember, but I'll be sure things are like old times." I said, increasing my pace. She moaned to the sky and rocked her perfect hips.

"If you keep this up, I think I'll like the new you even better!"

We both let out our final moans as we climaxed, falling into the old desk as we gasped for air. Her intense eyes locked with mine as I gave a struggled laugh. "Oh, Chronos... How I've missed that laugh..." She stood and held my hand, guiding me to the mattress. We curled up under the blanket in each others arms. I felt like my eyelids were made of led at this point, but Eris, on the other hand, was wide awake, idly stroking my chest. "Tell me, Chronos. What is this world like? It seems so... advanced."

I stroked her arm and smiled. "That's because it is. The times of Ancient Greece are long since past. That was... 2,900 BC? Yeah, that sounds about right."

Eris cocked a brow. "B.C? What does that mean?" She asked quizzically.

"It means Before Christ. There was this man, name Jesus who preformed miracles. He caused such a sensation about his religion, Christianity, that now 1/3 of the worlds population believes in it."

Eris scoffed. "Some pretender trying to be a God? Bah! These mortals will believe anyone who can pull a rabbit out of their hat. Tell me, do you believe in such hogwash?"

I shrugged. "Eh. Never been big on religion. I'm a, 'if I can't explain it, then it doesn't exist' kind of guy." Eris smiled and leaned her head on my chest as she stared up into my eyes. God, that was the most attractive thing I'd ever seen.

"Tell me. What do you believe now that you've met me again?" She asked. I didn't know what to say to that. Clearly she had some magic behind her, something else I'd have to add to the list. "Well, you're clearly real. And, if what you say is true, then so am I."

Eris smiled and rested her hand on my neck. "You are, don't worry. But, we have to leave soon. You need to get back to Mount Olympus. From there, we'll enter Equestria."

I just stared at her. "And do what, Eris? Throw a parade? I can't do anything like this." I said a little bluntly. I was strong, but compared to Eris, or any other God, I was nothing but an ant on the sidewalk. She smiled and kissed my cheek. God, she was so touchy feely. Not that I'm complaining...

"When you were captured, Zeus took your powers and bound them to your hourglass. You need to get that back to reclaim your title as a God. Then, you and I can set out what we planned to do so long ago."

I frowned lightly. I wasn't a violent person, not by a long shot. But, if what she said is true, then I'd have to face this sooner or later. There was a reason she came into my life at this moment. Like father said, everything happens for a reason. "...Okay, Eris. I'll do it. I'll go back. You have to promise me one thing though."

"Name it." She said.

"You have to promise, no matter what happens, you won't leave me." I didn't know why I asked that. Maybe I was scared of what was to come, or maybe Eris was too important for me to lose. Either way, I was glad with the answer I got.

"I was about to ask you the same thing. But, no I won't leave you. I promise. We... were going to be married, you know, but the war kept us apart." She looked up at me. "I would... very much like to marry, seeing as I found you once again."


I thought she wasn't! Good god, what have I done!?

Say something!



"Of course!" I blurted. She smiled happily and squished me in a hug as she yawned in my ear.

"That's good to hear, Chronos. I think it's time to sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow..." She trailed off, and before I could ask her what she meant, she was already fast asleep. I smiled and kissed her forehead gingerly and finally let my heavy eyelids fall.

(Mount Olympus: 2,000 years after the war began)

Zeus clawed at his throne as the bloody, beaten and mangled body of Chronos was dragged in. He was caught a few days ago in an ambush on him and his army, thanks to the help of Zeus' son, Hercules and the armies of Greece.

Chronos laughed to himself as he was thrown to the ground in front of his son. "Son... You finally did it! You finally caught me and ended the war, once and for all!"

Zeus waited for Chronos to finish his laughter and spoke. "You have caused so much pain and death over the past two thousand years, father! I was kind enough to let you live. You best pray I don't make the same mistake again."

Hercules burst in through the door, striding proudly to his fathers side. "Father. Are we going to execute the slime?" He asked, unsheathing his sword and pointing it towards Chronos. Zeus held up a hand.

"No, son. We are going to do the one thing that will truly make him suffer." He leaned over his throne into Chronos' face. "We're going to strip him of his godhood permanently. Bring in the other prisoner!"

Chronos turned and, to his horror, saw Eris dragged in, her heels dragging as she fought in vein to escape. Behind her was King Solaris and Queen Nyxs' heirs, the Princesses Celestia and Luna.

"Welcome to the halls of the Gods, young mares. I am... sorry for the loss of your parents." Zeus proclaimed. The two mares shot a death glare at Eris as Celestia spoke.

"It is not your fault they are gone, Zeus. Do not apologize. But, you could do us this one favor..." Zeus smiled and tilted his head.

"Oh? Name it, Princess."

Celestia looked to Luna lovingly, then to Eris with hate. "We wish to take Eris home and punish her there. She killed our parents and we wish to have revenge on our own terms."

Zeus nodded. "Alright, Princess. So be it."

Eris flashed a pained glance at Chronos and mouthed 'I love you' to him, which he returned. Eris was then surrounded by Princess Celestia and Luna and a contingent of their guards. Eris watched hopelessly as Chronos' trial started.

"Chronos! You're powers shall be stripped from you and you will be locked in the lowest levels of Tartarus, where even my brother can't get to you! You will know torment until the end of time!"

Chronos smiled. "Is that all? Well, it seems you've forgotten about the first time you locked me up? I will break free again. Maybe you should just kill me?"

Zeus frowned. "Why do you wish to die so badly, father?" Chronos sneered back and stepped forward, shrugging the guards off of him. Hercules held his sword to him but Chronos didn't falter.

"I'm sorry, Zeus, but the gift of rebirth is something even a mortal can do. Keep my powers. Someday, I'll be back for them." Chronos hissed as he slammed himself into Hercules sword.

The boys eyes widened and he dropped the weapon. The sword stuck out of Chronos' chest, dripping blood to the pure white floor. Eris screamed and tried, in vein to go to his side. She had just watched the love of her life take his own life in front of her. But, what had he said about rebirth? Was this part of his plan?

It didn't make it hurt any less.

Zeus knelt by his father and sighed. "Chronos... You are a fool. Guards? Take his body away and prepared for funeral. Even if he was a madman, he was still a god..."

The guards dragged Chronos' bloody body away, and Celestia and Luna dragged off a screaming Eris. "We shall make sure Eris never bothers your world again, Zeus."

And with that, the Princesses and their guard vanished, returning to the world they so rightfully belonged to. Zeus was about to scold Hercules for his carelessness, when one of the guards ran into the room.

"Almighty Zeus! Chronos' body! It's gone!"

Zeus frowned. "Gone? What do you mean, 'gone'?"

"His body vanished right from our arms! He's just... gone."

Zeus looked to Hercules. "Your punishment will come later. Go see if Hades had something to do with this!"

Hercules nodded and whistled, bringing forth his Pegasus. Together, they flew off towards the entrance of the underworld.

Hades stumbled forward as he was pushed by Zeus' guards. "-And you will never again be allowed to leave Tartarus! Do you accept these terms given to you?"

Hades rubbed the back of his neck. "Yes. Sheesh, could you be a little more gentle? I surrendered peacefully."

The soldier huffed. "Tell that to the thousands of souls your demons slaughtered over the past two thousand years!"

Hades rolled his eyes. "Alright, fine! Now just leave! I got work to do." The soldiers left Tartarus, leaving Hades to himself. He cleared his throat. "PAIN? PANIC? Out here! Now!"

Two stocky demons bounded from the dark of the cave over to their lord. One was a light green in color, slender and frail. The other was pink and pudgy, jiggling as he ran.

"Yes, almighty Hades?" Pain asked warily, bowing at the same time Panic did. Hades walked through the entrance of his underworld palace and sat on his dark, dank throne.

"Where is Chronos?" He asked. Pain and Panic looked to one another, then back to Hades with a shrug. "Wait, so let me get this straight. You two, had one job; to look for him when he arrived. And you two, couldn't even handle that one Simple TASK!?!"

The two demons shook at the rage of Hades and nodded slowly. Hades was about to unleash hell upon them, when the sound of foot steps echoed through the caves.

"Don't be so hard on the simpletons." Chronos chuckled. "I can find my way around here well enough."

Hades sighed. "How are you Chronos? I hope your death wasn't so agonizing?" He asked, gesturing to the sword still in Chronos' chest.

The former Titan chuckled. "Not as much as one would think. I'm just glad Zeus was foolish enough to grant me a mortals life. Is it ready?"

Hades cocked a brow. "What, the rebirth pond? Yeah, it's right over there." He jerked a thumb to the left at the small pool of water. "Just... I gotta warn you. I don't know where you'll end up. You could end up weeks, months, years, even centuries into the future! Are you sure this was a good idea?"

Chronos nodded. "I do. I'll return here when I come back. Remember to keep an eye open for me, Hades."

"Always. Happy landings." He said as Chronos entered the pool, disappearing beneath the glass still surface.

Should not be found

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Ch. 5: Should not be found

My eyes shot open. It was still night, the full moon hovering out the window made that obvious. I looked down to see Eris still sound asleep, smiling lightly as she snored so delicately. I was glad I was situated on the end of the bed, since it made getting up quietly that much easier. I slowly tiptoed to the bathroom and ran the faucet on cold and splashed my face.

That dream... That freaking dream! It was so frightening, so strange...

So real.

Then again, if what I knew about reincarnation was accurate, then the person will sometimes have dreams about their past, yet might not recall the dream at all upon awaking. I wished that was the case tonight. Everything I had seen, heard, and felt were through the eyes, ears and touch of my former self. I could feel his thoughts, his ambitions.

I never want to feel those things again.

The evil in his, my heart... I yearned for power, slaughtered thousands, millions for it in my long campaign against the Gods! It made me sick to my stomach, which is why I promptly ran over to the toilet and threw up. I slid to the floor and ran my fingers through my hair. I couldn't do this! I couldn't go through with Eris' plan!

Then again, why should I? I'm not who she loved. She's using me to get him back. If I become Chronos again, does that mean my current life now dies? Do I cease to exist and let that... that monster walk the Earth again? I couldn't allow it to happen. No matter what I had to do, I had to make sure my past life never resurfaced.

Which is when I caught sight of the razor...

I picked it up and broke the plastic around it, grabbing the sharp bit of metal. I stared at it intently, contemplating if this was how I could save the world. Such a tiny peace of metal, yet so deadly. Just a slice down each wrist and I'll bleed out in minutes... I'll foil Eris' plan and the world will continue spinning. Sure, Eris just wanted Equestria...

But Chronos wanted everything...

I pressed the razor to my wrist. It was cold, sharp; I felt it trickle blood before I even moved it. But, something inside me was stopping me from moving it. Something more than my self-preservation kicking in.

It was the thought of Eris. How upset she'd be, how horrified I'd take my own life. I truly did have feelings for her. She was amazing, despite her... misgivings. I had loved her in a past life, and now I'm loving her in this life.

I grunted and threw the razor behind the toilet. No, I couldn't take my own life. There had to be another way to stop this, to make things better so no one got hurt this time around.

It was about then I heard I light clearing of the throat. I turned to the door to see Eris, still nude. She slowly walked over to me and sat by my side.

"Are you alright... Chris?" She asked, finally using the name I liked. Something was up, and she knew I knew it. I just looked away from her and said nothing. "I know how frightening this all must be for you... You're scared stiff."

"No I'm not..." I mumbled. She smiled and ran her hand through my hair. It was the most comforting gesture I'd felt in so long...

"Yes you are, Chris. I can see it. I can feel it. You aren't just scared about retaining your powers. Your scared... of me?" She looked a little hurt by this, and I could do nothing to make her feel better. She was right, of course. I was scared of her, scared she'd do something to get us, or herself killed. I was scared I was just a pawn, and she was using me as a means to and end. I said nothing, but she said it all for me.

"I'm not going to ever hurt you, Chris. You may not know it, but I love you for you. Your title as a God, or as a former Titan meant little to me. Your personality? Now that is something that hasn't changed in the slightest, my love."

I couldn't help but just frown further. "I was a monster, Eris... The things I did... we did. Why did we do it, Eris? What purpose, what gain?"

Eris huddled closer and sighed. "We did it to survive, Chris. We did it to show the other Gods we weren't push overs. We weren't looked upon highly by the others, and they wanted us removed from Mount Olympus. We were going to lose our very way of life... We had no choice but to stand up and take action."

"Can't we just stay here?"

Eris blinked a few times, thinking of what I just said. "Look," I continued. "we can just live our lives here, like this! The money we won... we could have a normal life. Just you and me... I just... don't see the point of continuing something so... pointless."

Eris looked at me and shook her head. "No. I can't live here in this world. It... sickens me. Humans just... I don't like them, okay? You are the exception, considering who you were. I love the new you just as much as the old you, it's just..."

"You want me to be like the old me?" I asked. She looked away and nodded. How could I just give up everything for this? I had a normal life, a normal girlfriend, a normal everything. And yesterday, this woman falls into my home, assaults me, assaults my ex, makes love to me, tells me I'm a god, and she wants me to become a god again?

Dude, being a God would be pretty awesome... I don't see why you're so hesitant about it.

I don't want to lose who I am, brain.

Just see how this goes. Ask her where we need to go, and what we need to do.

Heh. Ever here the saying, 'Curiosity killed the cat'?

I'm not a cat.

Good point...

Eris stood and stretched. "We need to get to Greece. From there, we'll go to Tartarus and seek help from Hades. I want to return home, and I want you to help me make it a world for us to live in peace."

I hesitated. "You need to promise not to kill anyone... I know how violent you can get. Please? I don't want anyone to suffer." I watched her facial reactions. They were subtle, just tiny movements. I could tell she was disgusted with the prospect of letting people who appose her live. "If you don't then, I'm sorry... I can't be with you."

Eris was instantly shaking her head. "N-no! Fine. I won't kill anyone. But, if they attack me, I will defend myself. That is a promise." She said sternly. I nodded, accepting the terms.

"Alright. I'm going to make a phone call." I stood and left the bathroom, Eris hot on my heels. I picked up the phone and dialed my parents. Eris just stared at the device curiously.

"So, you can talk to people with that around the world?" She asked. I nodded. Eris was intrigued with the device, but let me do my thing. Good thing about her, she wasn't so grabby with objects that interested her.

Just me.

"Hello? Chronos, dear is that you?!" My mom gasped. I smiled.

"Yeah, mom, it's me, Chris. How are you and dad doing in Greece?" I asked. My mom was taken aback by my call. I hadn't talked to them since they left a year ago to study the ancient temples and relics from ancient Greece societies.

"Oh, we're doing amazing! We were just on the Island of Crete yesterday! It was so wonderful! So, this call can't just be for courtesy. Do you need something?"

"Kind of... I was wondering if you had room for two visitors for a while?" I asked.

My mom literally almost blew out my eardrum out with the scream. "OH! OF COURSE!" She yelled. "Do you and Liv want to come visit? That's wonderful!"

"I broke up with Liv, mom. I...met someone else." I said. She gasped.

"Oh? I'm sorry to here that. Who's the lucky girl who gets to date my Chronos?"

"Well.... heh. Funny thing? Her name is Eris." I laughed.

My mother hummed. "Well, another family named their daughter well! But, going back to your question, yes. You can stay with us as long as you want. But... Why do you need to come to Greece?"

I hesitated and looked to Eris, who just shrugged and grabbed an apple out of thin air. I sighed. "Eh... just want to finally see the place. I figured Eris might want to as well since she loves ancient history so much."

Eris growled and punched me in the arm, knowing I was shooting a joke her way. My mom wasn't buying my explanation though.

"Mhmm... well, if you're leaving today, we'll see you tomorrow then. I'll email you on where we're staying and have the hotel get you an extra key in case we're out. I have to go, though. Your father and I are going back to Crete again today. I love you, Chronos! I can't wait to see you tomorrow!"

'Bye, ma. Love you, too."

I hung up and turned to Eris. "Alright. We're going to need to need to get packed and ready for our little trip. Problem is," I gestured to her naked form. "you have no clothes. We might need to go shopping..."

Eris sighed and rolled her eyes. "Really? clothes shopping? Just kill me, instead!" She said sarcastically.

Dude! A girl who hates clothes shopping?! Oh my god, I don't care if she wants to marry us! She's perfect!

We hit the jackpot!

I smiled at Eris and wrapped her in a hug. "Don't worry, I hate clothes shopping, too. We'll be in and out as quick as possible."

She smiled slyly and made her way to the bathroom. "I wish the opposite was true about last night..."

OOOOOH! You just got destroyed!

"Hey! You had two orgasms last night! I don't want to hear about it!" I yelled as the door shut. It was funny, really, how well we interact. I wasn't even mad in the slightest, not that I would be anyways. We had sex for fucks sake. How can someone be mad at the best sex partner they've ever had?!

I waited around twenty minutes for her to finish, then washed up myself. It took me half the time it took her, seeing as how a dude really doesn't need to pamper and spruce up. I got dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans, followed by my hoody. Eris was waiting on the couch with the briefcase of cash next to her. She was still naked.

"We need to break that habit... sadly."

"Eris? Come on, you need to get dressed. I got some of Liv's garbs you can wear until we get you your clothes." I assured. She rolled her eyes at the idea of wearing my ex's clothes, but had to relent. I brought her back to my room and pulled out a box filled with Liv's things. "I'll be out here, Eris."

She smiled. "Come on. You have seen me naked already. You're looking at me right- My eyes are up here, cutie." She giggled. I blushed and shut the door.

"That's why I'm waiting out here." I walked back over to the couch and waited about five minutes. I heard the handle click and Eris walked out, looking like...

When the dudes see her, they're dicks are gonna need a wheelbarrow!

When they see me with her? Oh, they're going to punch theirselves in the face.

Indeed, Eris looked like a woman straight out of those movies you see with gangsters or drug dealers. I started with the floor up with her. She was wearing Liv's old red pumps, which clicked and clacked on the wooden floor as she walked. Her legs were dressed in leopard spotted stockings. Above that... way above that, was Liv's old miniskirt. Now, picture this; Liv is a slender woman, and that was high up on her. Eris is curvy... Are you getting the picture?

The skirt was barely covering anything.

She wore a bright yellow T-shirt that said, 'Smack', and a jean jacket covering it. Her hair was in a ponytail, blending perfectly from white to black. I smiled and hopped over the couch with the suitcase in hand. "Looking amazing, Eris! Come on. Let's go."

What can I say about the plane ride to Greece? Well, after our shopping spree and putting the rest of the money in my account at the bank, we had bought our tickets, Eris enjoyed the full body scan a little too much, and a group of swaggets decided to booty call her and bash me, saying I was nothing compared to them.

Needless to say, Eris showed them that she was, indeed, quite happy with who she was with. "Another thing she needs to realize; public displays of affection aren't... fuck it, it's fine."

We boarded the plane and were currently over the pacific ocean. It was fine for Eris to be Eris, since we bought first class tickets. We were the only two passengers in first class. She was either excitedly looking out the window, or enjoying the electronics all around her. I had to profusely apologize to the flight attendant numerous times, telling them to ignore her call button.

And now, she was fast asleep, reclined in the large seat peacefully. It gave me a while to just zone out and think everything through.

I didn't have long to think, when I heard Eris shift and speak up softly. "Hm... You know, there is room for two, and you look quite lonely over there."

I smiled and tucked her back in. "I'm fine, Eris. Why don't you get back to sleep." I assured. She locked her eyes with mine and grinned.

"You know, I heard a man talking to his partner about 'the mile high club'. It sounded quite... suggestive. Care to join the mile high club with me?" She lifted her leg and rested her arm across it.

I gulped. "Um... I-" She didn't give me a choice. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into her seat, throwing the large blanket over both our bodies.

"It was more of an order than a question, dear. Tsk. I thought you knew me better..." She sighed.

"I know you well enough to know that your lust is insatiable." I gasped between her constant kisses. She giggled and smiled wide.

"Looks like you're going to cloud nine before Greece."

Welcome to Greece, Titan.

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Chapter 6: Welcome to Greece, Titan

The plane ride had gone rather smoothly, despite Eris' best attempts at causing a bit of trouble. Needless to say, I don't think planes are a good idea for her any longer. Maybe boats, or- Actually, a plane is good...

Our plane set down at the airport in Glifada just as the sun was beginning to rise. Eris was a little taken aback by the current technological state of Greece, but didn't dwell on it too much. She was more focused on getting us to our needed destination.

"Alright, Chris?" Eris began. I smiled, happy she was finally calling me by the name I liked. "We need to get to here." She pointed to the southern most islands on the map. "The entrance to the underwold is in the caves on that island."

I nodded. "Okay, but first, we go here." I said, pointing on the map roughly where we'd be staying. "I want to rest before we do this." The rest I muttered. "I want to enjoy my last day's as me..."

Eris didn't here the last part. "Fine, we'll rest..." She sighed, snapping her fingers so a yellow lolipop floated down. She looked at me as she slowly slid it in her mouth. "Mmm...Golden Apple flavor." She winked at me and sauntered off, forcing me to give chase.

"Goddamn it, Eris... Is there anything you can't make look good?" I chuckled, wrapping my arm around her. She held my hand as I did so and shrugged.

"Hmm, let me think...No, can't say there is."

I smiled and hailed a cab. I had plenty of money and the hotel we were staying at was forty miles away. Rather not walk that.

It's because you're so lazy. You need to exercise more.

I get plenty of exercise, brain! Stfu!

Why did Eris ever fall for you...?

Because I'm a god! Now zip it!

I reclined in the cab, enjoying the scenery as it passed by. So much history, history that was now a part of me. I'd have to thank my parents for the right upbringing.

"We're being followed."

And, this is where reality comes back to bite my ass. "W-What?" I blurted with a laugh. "How do you know?" Eris slowly pointed behind our cab.

"That car has been following us since the airport. I don't like this..." She muttered. I went to look, but Eris grabbed my head and kissed me. "Don't look." She muttered. "They'll know we're on to them... Just enjoy this. I hope they do, too."

We kissed for a few minutes, nearly driving our own cab off the road. Distracted driving kills, ladies and gentleman. Finally, we made it to our destination, and, like Eris said, the car really was following us. They pulled to the curb about ten car lengths back, trying to be subtle.

"Alright, which room did your parents say they were in?" Eris asked. I looked at the message my mother sent me before we left containing the information.

"Um... 527? I'm guessing that's on the fifth floor." I guessed, walking us over to the elevator. I was glad it was glass, because I was able to get a good look at the men who were tailing us. There were two of them, in the typical 'I'm so sneaky get up'. They were wearing long, black coats and sunglasses. On each of their necks was a tattoo. It was a golden snake, coiled around a cog. I had no idea what that meant, but it was best not to question these things. Actually, I think I was going to do just that.

The elevator halted on the fifth floor. I was severely on edge at this point. I've seen both Taken movies, I know how this shit pans out. They were going to break in, shoot up the place, kill me and sell Eris to sex slavers. Okay, probably not, but I still dragged Eris down the hall as quick as I could.

"Oh, Chronos! You don't have to get me to bed this fast, but I like the enthusiasm!" She chuckled lightly, trying to keep up in those ridiculous red pumps. I quickly knocked on the door, hoping that someone was inside.

No answer.

I heard the elevator we took up close and descend. it had to be the guys tailing us! "Well, fuck..."

"Chronos, get us in the room, please!" Eris said quickly. I walked to the opposite side of the hall and flashed her a smile.

"Why are you so scared? You have magic, right?" I asked. She sighed and looked behind her again, the elevator getting closer.

"Yes, but it's weak and I don't know how I'll fair against a bullet! So, please! Get us inside!" She yelled. I ran full force into the door, busting the lock. I flew threw the room and jettisoned over the couch in the living area.

Eris quickly slammed the door shut and placed a chair under the handle. "Alright, that should do for now." She sighed in relief. I listened as the footsteps in the hall drew closer, stopping just outside our door.

I motioned for Eris to go into the bathroom. She nodded and crawled across the rug as I crawled to the kitchen. She grabbed my arm and smiled. "I want more rug burns on my knees when this is over..." She said low. She kissed me and pushed me away. I watched her sweet, sweet backside wiggle as she crawled away into the bathroom.

Okay, you're about to be assassinated and the only thing you can think of is getting tail... typical.

Shut up! I'm on it!

I entered the kitchen and grabbed a few knives from the drawer in the kitchen. I put three on my belt, one in my sleeve, and held the larges butcher knife I could find. I heard a few voices talking, probably speaking Italian... but it sounded more like Latin... Then I heard the cocking of guns.

"How the fuck did they even find us? Why do they even care?!" I thought desperately as one kicked the door in. He shouted something to his buddy and they fanned out.

I was hiding behind the island in the kitchen, just clutching the knife tightly and holding my breath. I heard the slow footsteps of one of the guys come closer and closer, until his foot poked around the island.

Stabby Stabby, mother fucker!

I plunged the knife down, right through the mans foot. He screamed and cursed in Latin as his gun clattered to the floor. I grabbed it and aimed it at him, just as his partner fired from around the corner.

I ducked back down as the bullets whizzed overhead. The man I stabbed was limping back to his comrade, still cursing me out.

I looked at the gun, then to the top of the counter. I heard the man reloading and blind fired wildly over the top. I prayed I didn't hit them, or if I did, not seriously injure them. I didn't want to kill, I could probably never kill... But, I guess I had no choice.

I heard them shout and dive for cover as I fired. I decided it was time for answers. "Alright, who the fuck are you people?!" I shouted over the ringing in my ears.

"It is not important! What is important is that you and that little whore Eris never succeed!" One of them shouted back, his accent thickly Italian.

"How the hell did you even find out about us?!"

The man laughed. "We are everywhere, Chronos! We knew you would return! The Gods have warned us and trained us well! For we are their disciples!"

"Great! Religious nut jobs! Just what I needed! I don't want to kill you, so just leave!" I shouted again, checking the magazine. I had five rounds left in the pistol. "One bullet can kill if you place it right..."

"Well, it's a good thing we know you're bluffing. No one says they'd shoot someone if they have to. They'd just do it!"

I heard them both run around the island. I had no time to fire a shot as they grabbed my arms and legs. "Hold him down! Now!" One of them shouted. I yelled and kicked my leg as hard as I could, sending one flipping over the island. I snarled in anger as I flipped the other one over my back.

One, two, three? POOF! You're now in 'snap' mode. Enjoy your insanity.

I don't even remember what happened next. Everything turned such weird shades of color. I saw them swirling around my eyelids, creating images of war, death, battles of old. Battles I had fought, or rather, my former self had fought. The rush of adrenaline, the thrill of the kill. It all flooded my mind and blinded me to what had happened.

Then I snapped out of it.

The images faded and died as quickly as they came. And, when I came too, I could only see Eris leaning against the bathroom doorway, arms crossed smiling at me. "My, My, Chris! And you chastised me about killing!" She mocked. I gave her an odd look and she pointed down.

I instantly puked.

In my hand was the knife I hid in my sleeve, covered hilt deep in blood. I threw that to the ground and saw the dead bodies of the guys who tried to kill me and Eris, multiple stab wounds covering their chests and neck.

"Oh sweet baby Jesus! What the fuck did I do!?" I yelled, sliding to the floor. Eris smiled and sauntered over, taking a seat in my lap.

"You, Chris, have made me fall in love with you all over again!" She moaned, kissing me hard, forcing her tongue into my mouth. "Nothing gets me off more than seeing you kill somebody!"

I pushed her away. "Dear God, woman! That's sick!" I spat. She just rolled her eyes and ripped her shirt off. I just stared wide eyed at her as she wore the most unamused look I've ever seen.

"Just fuck me, okay? Then we'll deal with the bodies." She sighed, keeping the same look as I plowed my head full force into her chest.

Hey, I had just killed two people and titties are a good way to calm the nerves. Eris pulled me into the bedroom and shut the door as we let our cries and moans echo throughout the apartment. It was probably the most adrenaline filled, dirtiest sex I could ever hope to have.

Dirty, mostly because I was covered in blood, which Eris seemed to really, really like... I'll leave that one be.

After about an hour of that, we came back to the kitchen. The bodies were still there and the police hadn't showed up for god knows what reason. We needed to find a way to get these corpses out of there, and fast.

"Eris, I'm at a loss for what to do here... Any ideas?" I asked hopefully. She tapped her chin and smiled. She ran into the bedroom and grabbed a few of my fathers 'tourist' clothes.

"How about tourists fell off the roof?" She giggled. I shrugged, then looked at the state of the bodies.

"Uhh... The stab wounds? What, do you think the police are going to think they stabbed themselves on the way down?" I asked sarcastically. She narrowed her eyes and snapped her fingers, causing the cuts and blood stains to vanish.

"Don't doubt me, Chris." She warned, pointing her finger at me. "I may not have my full strength, but I can still do 100% more things with magic than you can do!"

"I can pull a quarter out of your ear!" I shot back, sticking my tongue out at her. She couldn't keep a straight face and began giggling.

"You are such a buffoon. Come on. Help me get them into these." She said, undressing the men with her magic. That was more than I wanted to see of a man. Ever.

Once they were in their new clothing, we dragged them to the balcony. With a bit of Magic, Eris got them to roof level, five stories above. Once at the right height, she let their bodies fall. Eris watched as they fell, while I sulked off to the bathroom to get the dried blood off my face and hands.

I scrubbed as hard as I could. The hot water quickly got rid of the blood, but I kept scrubbing. I hated myself for killing those men. I never thought about killing someone a day in my life, yet I had so easily snapped when those two grabbed me. What the hell happened to me?

It's because you had to protect your own, dumbass. Eris was going to be next if you didn't fight for your life.

Not helping, brain... but thanks for trying.

It's why I'm here.

I fell to the floor, hoping that the feeling of being scum would go away. It didn't. I just sat there, running a shaky hand through my hair.

I heard Eris' pumps echo through the apartment as she strode into the bathroom. "Well, that did the trick. I fixed our door and wall, so as not to draw suspicion. We're in the clear for now, but I think their friends will come back."

I nodded and turned to her. She gave me a warm smile and dragged me to my feet. "Come on, softy. Let's get some rest."

I followed her into the bedroom, we both got completely undressed, and we sunk into the bed in each others embrace. Eris twirled her finger through my hair and I ran my fingers down the length of her back. It brightened up my mood when she shivered at the tickle.

"Chris? Can I need to ask you something..." Eris said, seeming to be unsure if she should ask this. I smiled at her and pulled her in closer.

"What is it, babe?" I asked. She rolled her eyes at me.

"First, don't call me babe. Second... When you killed those men, do you remember any of it?"

I of course shook my head. "No... Everything went into a whole loop of strange colors and I could see flashes of... what looked like war."

Eris nodded. "Well, when you killed those men... You spoke. Things. Things you normally wouldn't say." She said, giving me a curious look. I gave her one right back.

"What kind of things?" I asked. She tapped her chin.

"You spoke like Chronos, in Latin... You pretty much professed your love for me, saying you'd never let them hurt me and stuff like that. Are you sure you don't remember it?"

I shook my head. "No! And I can't even speak Latin! What..." I thought about going into it, but I just decided it'd be best to forget for now. "Never mind. I'll chalk it up to this goddamn weird day..." I muttered. Eris smiled and kissed me lightly.

"Indeed. Now, let's get some sleep. I love you, Chris."

I smiled and held her closer. "I love you, too. Goodnight. Let's hope tomorrow goes better." I yawned, drifting off to sleep. Eris smiled deviously and rubbed my forehead.

"Oh, yes... yes It will."

Strange things are happening to me

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Chapter 6: Strange things are happening to me

The next day... What could be said about it? Could I say it was normal, woke up, had a cup of coffee, read the morning paper, gone on a little tour of the city, and saw the sights? I could say that if I was a compulsive liar. What happened the next day?

Well, in the span of two hours, Eris nearly set the apartment ablaze by her attempts at cooking, then proceeded to steal a car to get more supplies for cooking and our little trip, proceeded to steal those supplies, destroyed public property, and got multiple sexual harassment charges for trying to seduce her way out of trouble.

And it was only 10:30 in the fucking morning...

So, like the good boyfriend I am, I bailed her ass out of jail, proceeded to return all the stolen property, paid off the guy whose car Eris stole, and paid the hotel for damages to the room. So, down about seven thousand dollars now. Not so bad.

So, we returned to the hotel just a few minutes before my mother and father arrived home. Let's just say that, when they got there, they were shocked at what happened to the place.

I turned from my spot on the couch as they walked through the door. They gawked at the state of the kitchen, but seemed okay when I tolled them I paid it off.

"So..." My father said, straightening his dress shirt. "I take it this is... Eris." He said, having a hard time getting over the outfit she was wearing today. Hair in pigtails, mini skirt, and a tank top that said 'Eye Candy'.

"Hello!" She said in a chipper voice. "I'm Eris, and I'm courting your son!"

My parents looked from Eris, then to me. I pretty much had my face in my palm the whole time, trying to hide the sheer embarrassment of the situation. You know that feeling that, even though you're mortified beyond belief, you can't help but smile? Yeah, that was what I was going through.

"O-Oh?" My mother stuttered, also loosing her composure. She turned to me and gave a small smile, the kind of smile that said, 'where in the hell did you find this psycho'. "Well, Chris is very lucky to find you, then."

Eris smiled. "Thank you very much. And I'm so sorry about the mess in the kitchen. Breakfast went a little wry." She chuckled. She walked back over to me and laced her arm under mine, sitting us down on the couch.

"Oh!" My father blurted. "We left Mr. Suez out in the hall!" My father ran to the door and opened it back up. "Mr. Suez? Yes you can come in now!"

My father turned to reveal a small man with glasses enter the room. He smiled at me and walked over. "Ah, you must be Chronos! It's very nice to meet you!" He said, shaking my hand.

"Pleasure Mr. Suez. And please, you can call me Chris." I assured.

He chuckled and took a seat on the other couch with my parents. "Oh, why would you wish that? Chronos is such a strong name! The God of time! It's a shame about the new information we found on him though."

Eris looked from me to the professor. "New information? And what might that be?" She asked. The man blushed when he looked at her and pulled out his camera.

"We found these stone slabs, depicting a... terrible war. It appears, from the writings, that Chronos was released from Tartaros by his son, then swiftly broke his trust, thrusting the world of ancient Greece into two thousand years of destruction and despair."

I looked over the drawings. There, standing tall on the mountain, was Chronos, battle scythe in hand. Wrapped around him was a creature with mismatched body parts from various animals. "What is draped around Chronos' back?" I asked, looking over the picture intently now.

"Oh, that? That is a Chimera... We think. We have never seen anything like it. The writing we found makes references to it being Eris... Apparently they were lovers during the war, but once it ended, they were never mentioned again..."

My parents looked at both me and Eris curiously. "Well, this is a coincidence..." My mother said slowly, staring at the red eyed harpy still wrapped around me. "So, Eris... Where are you from?"

Mr. Suez perked up when my mother said her name. No one else noticed, but I picked up on it quick enough. Everyone was staring at Eris, and her at everyone else.

"O-Oh, I'm from... um..."

"She's from Baltimore. She doesn't really like talking about her past, so, she might be a little hesitant to do so ." I assured, trying to keep a straight face. Mr. Suez stood and walked out of the room.

"I'll be right back. I have to make a phone call." He called back, shutting the door behind her. My parents focused on Eris, before she leaned back into me and chuckled nervously.

"Chirs? Help me out here..?" She whispered harshly. I shrugged lightly and kissed her forehead, hoping to reassure her. Eris sighed and leaned back in the sofa, kind of content with my answer.

My mother leaned back in her chair and smiled. "Well, your past is your past, I suppose. Anyway, Chris? You two arrived just in time! The Archeological Society is hosting a party, celebrating the new discoveries tonight. You two have to come!"

I turned to Eris who just grinned mischievously into space. I could already tell she was all for it. I turned back to my mother and nodded.

"Yeah. Sounds great!" I grinned. "Eris and I will scrounge something nice to wear for the event."

My mother smiled and turned to father. "Wonderful! Now you can meet the head professor of the university here. He's a wonderful man! And his wife is a gem!"

"Alright. We'll be happy to meet them." I turned to Eris, who just shrugged. She didn't seem very interested in meeting the people, but, a party was good place for her to stir up some chaos. Clearly she didn't cause enough chaos this morning.

My mother and father stood. "Well, we better be off. Enjoy the place. We'll be back to get you later." The left the apartment and I could see the small man still talking on his cell. He flashed one last look in as the door closed, making me feel a little uneasy.

"Alright Eris?" I stood, picking her up with me. She giggled as I leaned her down, kissing her passionately on the lips. "Time to look fancy this evening."

The evening came quicker than I anticipated. We didn't have to shop for clothing, since we had brought our Casino get ups. Eris still looked ravishing int the Greek dress, while I was content to wear the tux. The party was in a very beautiful hall, which was filled with old Greek and Roman artifacts and relics.

Eris clung to my arm like a vice. She was content with being ogled by the men there, and was more than happy to show them she was taken. Maybe I should talk to her about public displays of affection? Nah...

As we looked at some of the new items that were put on display for the even, we were approached by two individuals. One was a very suave looking man, and the other was a woman with short cropped hair.

"So, you must be Chronos." The man said, shaking my hand. "I'm Chet, and this is my wife Elizabeth." The woman smiled and shook my hand delicately.

"It's a pleasure." I smiled, I turned to Eris and ushered her to the front. She faked a smile and shook their hands. "And this is Eris."

"Oh? Well, that is an interesting name. Oh, your parents wanted me to ask you if you would attend my class tomorrow at the university. It's highlighting all the new historical evidence we found on Greek culture. Should be an eye opener."

I really didn't want to go to a freaking lecture. I had done my time in school and really didn't need to go again. Still, the class should be interesting.

"Only if I can invite my beautiful acquaintance here." I said, gesturing to Eris who hugged my arm tight. The man smiled.

"Of course. Only if I can show her a tour of the collections we found." He said, smiling at her. I looked to him, then to Eris. I didn't want this guy alone with her, because, he was a rather handsome man, and Eris was rather impressionable and brash. Wait... was I getting jealous?

You're getting jealous, bro!

Well, shit. What should I do?

He isn't gonna try anything with a wife like that. I don't see why not.

"Alright." I said. "Just be careful. She's quite the spitfire."

Chet chuckled. "I'll remember that. Eris? You'll be intrigued by the things we found." He assured, extending his hand. Eris laughed along with the previous joke and took the hand.

"I highly much doubt it." She said, still laughing. Chet led her off to another part of the museum while I was left alone with Elizabeth.

"So, would you like a tour of your own?" She asked, shifting her body left to right. I just shrugged.

"Sure. It beats the hell out of standing around. Oh, pardon my language." I said apologetically. Elizabeth only giggled and looped her arm under mine.

"Come. I'll show you some of the collections in my private collection." She dragged me off to an opposite side of the museum by the arm, bringing me to a door that said private.

Inside was an impressive collection of old weapons, armor and skeletons from ancient times. It was quite impressive and Elizabeth made a point about explaining most of it to me, but I wasn't paying much attention.

"And in here is my personal office." She opened up another door, revealing an office/bedroom. It was a little odd she was showing me this, then made her intentions known when she shoved me hard into the room.

I tumbled onto the bed and was instantly mounted. She grinned deviously into my eyes. "That's better, isn't it? I've been on my feet all day." She whined, stretching her body, pressing herself further against my hips.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but I'm in a relationship, and-" she pressed her finger to my lips, still holding that devious grin.

"Oh, you think we're actually going to-" She burst out laughing and pressed her forehead to mine. "Sorry, sweetheart. You aren't really my type."

OOOH! Going for the low ball!

Then why is she on top of me?

Ask her

"Um, then why are you mounting me? That's a pretty strong signal..." I said, trying to wiggle away. She locked her thighs around mine and giggled.

"Well, how else can I restrain somebody when I kill them?" She asked sweetly. My eyes widened and I furiously tried to scramble away, only to be met with a needle to the neck. The injection she gave me knocked me out in seconds. I was now hopeless against whatever she had planned.

I could feel my vision return, almost painfully. I tried to move, but I could lazily feel my arms and legs bound by leather straps. I was up against a cold stone wall, almost stark naked. At least Elizabeth was nice enough to leave my underwear.

"H-Hello..?" I called out. My voice was ragged and harsh, my throat feeling like it just went through a tanning bed in the middle of the Sahara.

I shouted in pain as a harsh crack hit my stomach. I turned to the right to see Elizabeth with a whip in hand. "Oh come on!" I rasped. "Can't Eris and I take a nice vacation without fucking psychos trying to kill us!?"

Elizabeth stared at me harshly, then smiled. "You know perfectly well why you and that devil must die!" She hissed. She turned around and I could see the same tattoo that was on the guys who tried to kill us. "Great... these bozos..."

"You already killed two of our men. Two really great men. So, tell me," She asked, hefting a knife in one hand, and a handle of moonshine in the other. "Fast, or slow?"

Well, I could either die by the knife, or die by alcohol poisoning. Neither option seemed to be very lovely, so I guess I had to buy some time.

"Pour me a drink, you bitch." I seethed. She smiled coyly and and poured the moonshine into my mouth. I coughed and gasped for air, swallowing more than I intended too.

"Why did we send goons to do a job that really needs a professional's hands?" She asked, twiddling the knife in her hand. I looked up at her and could already feel the alcohol taking effect.

"You think your husband has a chance at taking Eris down? She's getting her powers back and you won't be able to stop her!" I hissed. Elizabeth sighed and sat on my lap, wrapping her arm around my neck for support.

"Oh, Chronos... You really are a fool." She took out her phone and put it on speaker. It rang a few times before Chet answered.

"Hey dear! You got Chronos I take it?" He asked. Well shit, there went my bluff.

"Mhmm. How's Eris doing?" She asked.

"She's a little... tied up at the moment. How about Chronos?"

"Same. I'll call you back when he's... disposed of."

"Alright, dear. Have fu-" Before he could finished, the call was cut off.

"Hello?" Elizabeth asked. She checked the call and saw it had ended. She turned to me and glared. "That wasn't a connection loss... Who's working for you?!" She shouted.

I just stared at her. "Your mother." I chuckled. Elizabeth hissed and pressed her knife to my throat.

"I swear to the Gods, I'll-" I never found out what she'd do, because her talking turned to gurgling. Foam began to seep from her lips as she fell to the floor. She twitched a few times, then was still.

I looked around the warehouse I was in for any sign of who shot her. It seemed completely empty. No sound, no movement. Whoever got her was a real pro. Glad they were on my side.

I yelled in fright as four echoing bangs echoed throughout the warehouse. The chains around my wrist and ankles were shot off. I tumbled to the floor and skidded under the table. I sat there for about five minutes. Nothing happened after that, which was a relief. I poked my head out and looked over to Elizabeth's prone form. There was a dart sticking out of the back of her neck, and attached to it was a piece of paper.

I crawled over and plucked it up. On the front was the symbol of Ares, and on the back was a simple message. 'Finish your quest.'

I looked back up at where the shots came from and waved. I got dressed and beat shit out of there as fast as I could. Everyone I passed, I gave a wide berth. I couldn't trust anybody around me, which was a really frightening feeling. I made my way back to the apartment without further incident. When I got there, the place was completely empty.

I stormed to the bedroom and flew the door open. Eris was nowhere to be found. I really, really hoped she'd be okay. I sunk into the mattress and tried to get a good nights sleep and not worry about it. She was a big girl, she could take care of herself. Still, my feelings for her wouldn't let the nagging thoughts go away. Needless to say, I didn't sleep a wink that night.

The next day was pretty normal to start. I had managed to get some sleep, and my parents had stopped by before leaving. They left a note with the class instructions and directions for that Chet guy. If he was still alive, I was going to kill him myself in front of everyone. And if Eris was dead, I'd make him wish he was never born.

Wow, chill, Chris. That's Chronos thinking.

These people started it. I'll kill every last one of them to keep Eris safe. And we have a little bit of help watching our backs.

Can we trust them?

Do we have a choice?

Good point

I got dressed in just jeans and a T-shirt. I didn't care how I looked, just as long as it was functional. I hailed a cab and made my way to the university, which was quite prestigious to say the least.

I entered the school and wandered aimlessly for about ten minutes until I found the class. The room was packed with students, young and old. I found a seat in the front and sat there with a look of angry determination on my face. If Chet was still alive, then I'd make sure he'd be frightened for his life when he saw me.

Ten minutes passed and still no professor. Some of the students got fed up and began to leave, but the sound of clacking high heels just outside the door in the back halted them, as in walked-

"Oh god, please no..."

She walked up to the desk, swaying her hips in her plaid skirt. The skirt flashed up a few times, revealing flower printed panties to the world, which gave her a sense of innocence, but you could tell she had anything but.

"Oh, please god, anything but this!"

She placed the books in her arms on the desk and leaned against it. Her blouse was unbuttoned down past the cleavage, which revealed half of her breasts.

"Why!? Why the hell am I being tortured like this?!"

"Hello class!" She said happily. "Your professor is a little... sick today. I am your substitute, Miss. Sire."


She turned back around and smiled at me. I had my face down in my hands, shaking my head and sinking into the table. Some of the students looked to 'Miss. Sire' and then to me as she sat her plump, sexy ass on my desk. I looked up to see her rubbing her chest in a flirtatious manner towards me. She lowered her glasses at me and grinned deviously. "So... Who wants to learn about what happened way back when?"


The naughty substitute

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Chapter 7: The naughty substitute

Eris stood off my desk and walked over to the teacher's. Yeah, I was completely mortified, even more when she propped her plump, gorgeous legs on the desk. She had taken off her high heels and was wiggling her toes about, giggling at the stares the boys were giving her.

"Now," She said, pulling a lolipop out of the desk and giving it a suck, then pulling it out of her mouth with an audible pop. I could hear all the chairs jar as the guys jumped at the sound. The room had gained an extra ten pounds in boners... "Who can tell me about the new discoveries that were made?"

Every guy raised their hands, minus me, while the girls just stared at her like she was a disgrace. "Yes... You." She said, pointing to me. Every guy glared at me as I looked up from my hands.

"You're unbelievable, you know that?" I asked. She giggled and walked over, placing a gold star on my forehead.

"I do now. So tell me. What have you learned?" She asked.

I sighed and leaned back as she leaned over my desk. "Well. According to what was found, there is a huge part of their religion that has been forgotten. A war between their Gods, started by Chronos, god of time."

"Correct... somewhat." She smiled, pulling me into a kiss, making every man, and a few girls, lean in to watch. "Your up for extra credit after class." She winked.

Oh my fucking God... She's unbelievable! She's absolutely unbelievable!

Okay, this chick is awesome, but... Really?

Still figuring out how we can kill ourselves with thought?

Working on it.

Eris walked around the front of the room, pacing and swaying those... plump, luscious... incredible hips. "I don't care if she is insane, I'm railing her after this is done!"

"Okay. So, there you have it, from our special classmate... Chronos. So, do you want to know why that it isn't just myth?" She asked. ninety percent of the class raised their hands, making Eris giggle. "Yes, you. WAY in the back." He went to stand, but Eris stopped him. "No, I'd sit if I were you considering your... predicament?"

The class laughed as the man blushed and sat back down. "Well... M-Maybe a few people claiming to be the God Chronos started a campaign with a following? I-I think? Do I get a gold star?" He asked hopefully.

Eris tutted. "I'm sorry, but that still isn't close to what I was thinking. Now, who can tell me what this symbol represents?" She asked. She pulled up the projector, somehow, and there on the screen was the golden snake around a cog. Only one student raised their hand. "Yes, you, ma'am." Eris said.

The girl stood. "Well, that's the symbol of 'I guardiani', or 'The Guardians'. They were sworn to... watch out for the return of the evil that came before... I think maybe this war was the reason for their forming?"

Eris grinned. "Excellent! If you were in the front row, I'd kiss you!" The girl raised a brow and blushed immensely as she sat back down. "So. Why do you think this organization needs to exist, if these are nothing but stories?"

Another boy stood. "Well, it could be much like religion. Even though the deities don't actually exist, organizations and cults can be formed around them, like the Crusaders in Christianity."

Eris nodded. "Hmm... That could be. But, do you wonder where your teacher is?"

"Oh, Eris, don't do what I think you're doing!"

The class shook their heads. "Do you know where I got a picture of this image?" Again, they shook their heads.

"I swear to God, I will-"

"Your teacher was part of this cult. And he tried to kill Chronos and myself last night." The class was in a constant murmur, casting glances at me and Eris.

"Oh, you are just too fucking-"

"So, can anyone tell me what... this symbol is?" She asked, pulling up the same symbol on the note that I received last night. One student dared speak.

"T-That's the s-symbol or Ares... God of War." He stuttered, quickly sitting back down. Eris smiled and nodded. I was completely stunned by what she was planning with this, but I just remained motionless, hoping to disappear from sight.

"So, these two cults are in a war with one another. I know this because as your... teacher was about to kill me, they saved my life, as well as Chronos' here." She pointed to me. "Your teacher is dead!"

The class was in an uproar now. Shouts of why and how and who and what were all being thrown about. Eris held up her hand, and the chatter instantly ceased.

"Well, Chronos? We got what we need. Shall I give you that... extra credit?" She asked, walking briskly out of the room. I just cast a glance at the class, then beat shit out of the room, hot on Eris' heals. I saw her walk into a room and followed quickly.

It was pitch black in there and as soon as I shut the door, I was pounced. I knew it was Eris from the constant giggling and grinding she was producing. "Oh, that was brilliant fun!" She cackled. "Did you see the look on their faces? Oh, if I could bottle it up I would drink it!"

I sighed and wrapped my arms around her, unclipping her bra. I knew the routine by now. When Eris wanted sex, she got sex. No matter when, or where.

She pulled her shirt off and the bra fell to the floor. I could feel her bare breasts against my shirt as she slid down my body like a pole, her head stopping at my crotch.

"Hmm. What is it about stirring up chaos that makes me want to..."

"Fuck the shit out of me?" I finished.

"That's one way of saying it. Now, I've watched a fair amount of porn while-"

"Whoa! When did you ever get a hold of porn?" I asked curiously. She just raised a brow. "Right, not even gonna question it. Go on?"

She cleared her throat and unzipped my pants. "Yes... the videos I found most intriguing were that of the... naughty school girl?"

"Oh sweet ears of baby corn!"

"But you were a teacher today." I quipped. She pulled my shaft out and gave it a lick, sighing happily as she did.

"Well, now? You're the teacher, and I'm the bad student. Punish me." She ordered, shoving my length into her mouth. I let out an animalistic moan as she sucked me off with vigor. I grabbed her pony tails and did the ol' handle bar technique, slamming her back into my waist, making her moan with glee.

"S-Seriously," I groaned. "F-For someone who's over f-FOUR thousand years old, you're a fuCKing pro at new aged stuff!" Eris hummed and picked up the pace, rubbing her breasts and stroking my stomach.

She continued to suck, using her cheeks to squeeze my shaft in her mouth. I continued to thrust into her throat, using her hair as handle bars, and she continued to moan happily as I did so.

After another few minutes, I reached my limit. Eris slammed me down her throat when she felt the head flair and enjoyed a few shoots of semen down her throat as a reward. She came off me with a plop, licking my shaft clean.

"I said I wanted to be punished." She said with a hint of irritation. She stood up and presented her ass to me as she leaned on a table. "So, go ahead... punish me."

I looked on the desk to see a yard stick to the side. Now, normally I'm not into the dirty, domination stuff, but seeing Eris bent over the table, skirt partway lifted up, panties staring me in the face covering that beautifully plump ass? I lost my mind. I grabbed the yard stick and stood back, slapping her ass with force.

"OH! Fuck! Do it again, I've been bad!" She moaned loudly. I grinned deviously and smacked her ass again, harder. I watched the jiggle with lustful eyes.

"MMM! OH, CHRIS! PUNISH ME! PUNISH THE BAD STUDENT! I'VE BEEN SO BAD!" She screamed. I put the yard stick down and grabbed the flower panties and pulled them down quickly. I stared at her bare as and smacked the sides, making her mew into her arm.

My shaft was still at full mast as I lined it up with her dripping slit. Then I got a devious idea. She wanted to be punished, not pleasured...

I ran the tip of my shaft against her slit, coating it in her juices and lined it up with her ass. She gasped and turned around, grinning deviously. "Oh, you dirty-"

The last word came out in a breathless scream as I shoved myself inside. It was slow going once the head was in, but she enjoyed every. Last. Inch.

"Fuck..." She sighed once it was all the way in. "It hurts!" She yelled as I pulled back quickly and shoved in. She continued to scream as I thrusted deep into her ass, enjoying the bone crushing squeeze it put on me.

She was in a fit of pain/pleasure induced spasms. So bad, in fact, that she slumped to the floor, rump still in the air with me still shaft deep inside it.

"AH! C-CHRIS! M-MORE! P-PUNISH ME MORE!" She hollered. I obliged, slapping her ass as hard as I could as I slammed back in.

I finally came, yelling along with her as her ass squeezed the life and seed out of me. "Eris! Oh, fuck!" I yelled, falling on top of her, breathing heavily. She rolled us over so I was on top of her and came off me with a pop.

"That... was the best sex.... we have ever done." She gasped. I laughed and slowly stood back up, pulling my pants back on. Eris did the same with her clothes and we left the empty room.

Well, what we thought was going to be a smooth getaway, turned out to be anything but. Eris and I walked into the hall to be met with more students and staff than we could count. They just stood their, looking at us and whispering to one another, smiling dirty little smiles. "Fuck piss shit!"

"Ehehe... We were just... seeing if, um... tutoring!" I shouted, grabbing Eris' wrist and running out the building with her. She was laughing like mad the entire way back to the hotel. Once we got back, she finally subsided and walked to the bathroom, laughing. After about five minutes, she came back out, dressed in some PJ's and throwing herself onto the couch where I sat.

"So, how was it?" She asked. I just laughed, probably harder than I should have. How did I react? Well...

"Best lay. Ever! Of all time!" I shouted, diving on her. "Jesus Christ, why can't we just forget our plan and just fuck 24/7?" I asked. Eris sighed and looked away. "Right... revenge, am I right?"

She sighed again and nodded. "I'm not a woman to let things go. I will see this through to the end." She stated. I smiled and kissed her cheek, bringing my smile to her.

"Then I will help, no matter what." I said confidently. I didn't care anymore that I'd be in a different world, or what might happen when I became a god again. Just pleasing Eris was my focus right now. No matter what.

And that, is just what she was aiming for...

On a routine expedition

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Chapter 8: On a routine expedition

Ah, how the night went. I was feeling exuberant, full of life after that near death experience. Being with Eris was just... refreshing, something no one else had! How many people can honestly say they have a Goddess looking out for them while simultaneously maintaining a very hot and heavy relationship while on the look out for evil henchmen? Not many people...

I smiled as I woke up, which was something I rarely did. "Hmmm... Eris, you up?" I grumbled, feeling her side of the bed. Sure enough, my hands made contact with her soft breast informing me she was still there, fully naked and snoring loudly.

"Mmm..." She moaned, grabbing my arm and pulling me closer. "It's too early... Go'way..." She grumbled into my arm. I smiled and kissed her shoulder lightly. "Eh, a few more hours of sleep can't hurt."

Finally, I was awoken for the final time when Eris literally slammed my travel bag onto my chest. I coughed loudly and looked up to see Eris standing over me, one of her pure white eyebrows raised. "Do you intend to sleep in all day?" She asked, crossing her arms in annoyance.

There was no point arguing with the woman. I sighed and grabbed some clothes from the bag and quickly got dressed. "So, where is the 'underworld'?" I asked, buttoning my dress t-shirt. Eris pulled out the map from earlier and pointed to the southern most islands.

"Here. It's a two hour boat ride, and I found a great captain who's willing to take us out there." She informed me, munching down on an apple in my ear as I leaned in to examine the map.

"Where did you find a Captain?" I asked curiously. Eris smiled and led me into the living room. I didn't expect a man to be sitting on the couch, sharpening an uncomfortably large hunting knife. His arms were broad, twice the width of mine. His eyes were deep, dark pits of nothing, making him seem... soulless. He wore a handkerchief around his neck, which was blood red in color.

"Chronos, you probably don't remember my brother, Aries?" She said, guiding me towards him. "Aries? Play nice with Chronos. He doesn't remember anything about his old life."

Aries stood and shook my hand with a powerful squeeze, making me wince. "Chronos. It's been too long." He said with a smile. What creeped me out the most was that his teeth were pointed. "So, since you don't remember me, I guess you don't remember how we greeted each other."

In a flurry of motion, he swung his fist down at me. I totally expected to get my jaw decked in, but what I didn't expect was to grab his hand in time, swing him around, and plant it firmly behind his back. Aries laughed heartily and turned to Eris. "I thought you said he couldn't remember."

Eris smiled. "He's getting back bits and peaces the closer we get to our goal." Eris turned to me and smiled. "So, Chronos, Aries here is our captain.He's going to guide us through the dangers of the ocean."

"What dangers?" I asked curiously. "You mean like, rocks and reefs?"

The two of them chuckled, Aries patting me on the back as he did so. "Mount Olympus has been put on high alert since Eris's return and her finding you. They're pulling out all the stops to get you."

I sighed and rubbed my temple. "So, this leads me back to my original question. What dangers?" I repeated, making Eris shift a little. She knew I might not be down for any... unnatural forms of danger.

"Poseidon has been told to impede your progress by any means necessary. Hades is still going to get you and Eris to Equestria, but it's not going to be easy getting you there."

I flopped onto the couch, taking in the news I was just told. Okay, so we're traveling by sea to get to the underworld, Poseidon is going to stopped us by any means necessary... "How many mythological creatures are going to try and stop us?" I finally asked.

"All of them." Eris said crossing her arms. "But, luckily for us, Aries here can help deal with them."

I don't know why I began laughing, but it was the only reaction to the situation I could muster. What the hell could Aries do to help us against hundreds, if not thousands of mythological sea monsters?!

"Krakens?" I asked.

"Two of them." Aries shot back.

"Sea Serpents?"

"Hmm... Twelve last time I checked."

"Tidal waves?"

"As big as a skyscraper. But don't worry!" He assured, walking me towards the window with his arm around my back. "I have the best sea vessel in all of Greece! I'll get you and my little sister there safely."

"This is your boat?" I asked. Oh my God, just kill me now! It wasn't even a boat! It was a little wooden... thing! Its construction was ancient and it looked like it just barely kept the water out. "I don't think we'll be handling any Krakins with this!"

"Do not doubt my vessel, young Chronos." Aries shot back, then chuckled. "Huh... It's funny to think you are young now since being reborn."

"Yeah, funny." I said sarcastically. "Alright, can we just get the fuck to the underworld? I'm itching to see what this is like." I clapped my hands together and hopped in the boat.

What I didn't notice, was Aries knowing glance to Eris, who smiled deviously and twirled her apple around her finger, which Aries nodded, knowing what was going on.

Aries turned back to me and hopped in the boat as well. "Glad to see you're so receptive to her foolhardy idea." He said happily. "Now, Eris, if you would kindly step aboard, we can leave."

I smiled to Eris and offered my hand like a true gentleman. "Your vessel, my lady?" I smiled. Eris grinned and took my hand delicately in hers, using it as a balance as she stepped into the boat.

"The gentlemanly thing doesn't really suit you, dear, but it was a nice effort." Eris giggled, kissing my neck.

"You know, that's not how you say thank you." I reminded her, kissing her back on the lips. Aries had his arms crossed and brow raised as he tapped his foot impatiently.

"May we leave now, or are you two going to be making kissy faces at each other all day?" He asked. I smiled and nodded, helping him hoist the canvas up. Once the sails were at their full height, the boat began to move steadily forward, leaving behind the mainland and leaving us in more and more hostile waters.

Well, it wasn't very hostile... We had been sailing for just under an hour now with not a wiff of trouble in the air, although, Aries was always on the lookout.

"Ugh, are we almost there?" I groaned, dipping my finger into the water and twirling it in a circle. "I can see that Mount Olympus is clearly pulling out all the stops."

Aries stood at the bow of the boat, looking out over the ocean. The southern islands were just barely visible in the distance, what seemed like an eternity away with the boredom I was going through. He turned to me and grabbed my arm suddenly, pulling it out of the water.

"How long has your hand been in the sea?!" He asked quickly. I just raised a brow, looking back to the water.

"Um... a minute? Why? What the fuck is wrong?" I asked as he quickly ran to the other side of the boat. He pulled out two swords, passing one to me and Eris.

"They know you're here." He said quickly, getting into a defensive stance. I pulled out the sword from its sheath, eyeing its sharpness with a scrutinizing eye. The blade looked like it had been sharpened quite a bit, and used heavily, which was a bit unnerving.

Before any more conversation could take place, the boat rocked violently, throwing Eris into me. I quickly caught my lover in my embrace, holding her tight as the rocking continued, this time more violently.

"They're here!" Aries shouted as a massive hunk of meat extended from the water. The suckers along the long appendage were probably the size of my entire body. To say I wasn't scared shitless at this point was an understatement.

Am I the only one with scat lining their jeans right now?"

"Well, fuck my ass! What the fuck is that?!"

Fucking Liam Neeson released the Kraken!

The tentacle towered a hundred feet in the air, quickly coming down onto the boat. Eris latched onto me tightly as she threw us into the water, Aries right behind us.

I opened my eyes under the water, only to see a gigantic grey mass beneath us. Now, I'm not afraid of the ocean, but I'm afraid of what could lurk in it, and seeing that caused me to scream and thrash for the surface. Eris held me down though as she formed a volley of golden, glowing apples around her body, launching them straight into the beast, exploding on impact.

The Kraken let out a terrible roar, shaking me to the core. A tentacle lashed out, grabbing for Eris. She let out a bubbly gasp as the Tentacle began dragging her deeper into the ocean, towards the beast's mighty maw. I reached out in vein, trying to grab hold of my love, but my hand missed.

It fucking has her, dude! Save her!

"What the fuck can I do?! That thing has to be two hundred feet long!"

Lose control again, dipshit!

"I don't know it I-"



"Ugh... my fucking- what happened?"

"Chr...nos? Can... hear me?"


I could feel my heart beating, which was a good sign. My head was throbbing which, while not fun at all, filled me with relief. If I was in pain, I was still alive, and if I was still alive, then that meant...

"Fuck... I lost control again..."

My eyes opened to see Eris staring down at me. My head was resting against something soft, which I guessed was her thighs, judging from my perspective. She stared down at me with concern at first, but that rapidly made way for a smile of genuine admiration, which then turned into a scowl of impatience.

"Chronos! Get up, you lazy excuse for a God!" She commanded, standing up. My head fell from her lap, hitting the rocky beach with a dull thud, causing my vision to spiral as I groaned in pain.

"What the fuck was that for?! I could have died back there!" I sat up and tapped my chin in thought. "What did happen anyway... All I remember is you getting pulled under, then... the rest is a blur."

Eris raised a brow and smiled, pointing behind me. I slowly turned around and got the biggest shock of my young life. Sitting on the beach was a gigantic gelatinous mass, covered in stab wounds and missing most of its limbs. Its eyes were burst open and there was a large gouge in its head, spilling gigantic trails of guts onto the beach and into the sea. Hundreds of seagulls flew overhead, hoping to get a free meal from the creature that I killed.

Eris chuckled and sat beside me, patting my cheek. "You're becoming more and more like your old self everyday. It's turning me on quite a bit." She let out a seductive giggle as her arms snaked around my neck, pulling my head towards hers. "I would love you silly right now, but we have a job to do."

I nodded slowly, getting to my feet. Then I realized that we were one man short. "Wait! Where's Aries?" I asked, looking around the beach for any signs of the psychopath.

"He's already heading into Tartarus. We should be doing the same." Eris said testily as she began to move towards a random cave in the cliffs around us. I stood to follow, but took one last look at the hulking beast of the Kraken with genuine concern.

"If I'm that powerful mortal, what the hell could I do as a god..?"

You do know that is a stupid fear right? You'll be everything you've ever dreamed of being and more.

"Sometimes I feel like you don't have my best interests at heart, brain."

Sometimes I'm sick of you bitching. Go. Mystery awaits.

I nodded to myself, taking one last look at the leviathan before making my way after Eris. For better or for worse, this was going to be the beginning of something new.

And the ending of everything else...

Leaving it all behind

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Chapter 9: Leaving it all behind

It was absolutely freezing as the sun began to set on the island. My soaked clothes had yet to dry, and Eris kept pushing us forward up the mountain on this hulking, desolate rock of an island. I kept climbing though, even as my limbs began to shake and go numb from the cold. I pushed on for Eris, knowing that if we were going to get this done, then we had to keep moving.

"How much further?!" I called up to Eris, my voice audibly shaking from the cold. Eris turned back to me with an annoyed look, like a mother would give her child if it was behaving badly.

"We're almost there, Chronos! Another fifty feet at most. And please, do not ask me again. It get's annoying." She sighed as she continued up the mountain without any signs of her feeling the effects of the cold. I kept my lips pursed shut as I followed her up the last stretch. What she said held true, and I soon found myself reaching for the last bit of rock, pulling myself up to see-

"Nothing... There's nothing here, Eris!" I shouted, mostly in anger as I fell to the ground in a ball, trying to keep myself from freezing to death. If it were true, and there was nothing here, then my life would have amounted to me freezing to death because I followed an insane woman to the top of a mountain thinking she was a goddess or something!

"To the untrained eye, Chronos." Eris said, hoisting me to my feet. "You'll only see it if you want to see it. Concentrate." Eris grabbed hold of my hand and gave me a genuine smile, confidence exuding forth from it.

I had nothing left to lose, so I pictured it. Pictured a world of the dead inside my mind. The pictures began to swirl through my head, and it felt as if I was actually in the underworld, smelling the still air of the earth, hearing the screams of the damned... In fact, I think I was.

"Open your eyes, Chronos." Eris whispered in my ear. When I did, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Everything I had pictured in my head was right in front of me, plus one big, blue flame-headed man in a black toga.

"Hey! Welcome to the Underworld! I'm Hades, ruler of this place! Welcome!" He blathered, approaching with outstretched arms. "Eris, my dear, it has been too long!" He said with a laugh, wrapping an arm around Eris. "I take it it's time?"

Eris pushed Hades off and nodded. "Yes, you dolt, it is time. You still kept Chronos' memories, right?" She asked threateningly, to which Hades had to laugh at. This God didn't seem to take much seriously.

Hades jerked a thumb to an opening in the rock wall behind him. "The pool is in there. And it's great to see you again, Chronos." Hades said as he wrapped an arm around me next. "Don't worry, the Gods are weak now, cowering on Mount Olympus like scared children. Only Poseidon was brave enough to stand against you, and you ripped through him like a wet tissue!"

"Say what?" I asked, clearly confused. I don't remember ever fighting a God! Let alone the God of the Sea! That seems like something someone should remember! Then I remembered the sea creature, then waking up to a completely blank memory about the incident that followed.

"Yeah, Poseidon isn't happy about it, but he's in my realm now, so my rules apply. You know, Zeus will have surely sent word to Equestria about your coming. Aren't you worried that they're preparing for your arrival?" Hades asked, to which Eris responded with her oh so maniacal giggle.

"Please, Hades. Whatever those ponies come up with will be no match for what my love will be capable of. Now, Chronos, why don't you venture into the pool while Hades and I strategize. We'll be ready to venture fourth to Equestria once you're fully restored."

I simply nodded and went ahead, the sounds of screaming dead echoing throughout this hell drowning out my echoing footsteps. I looked inside the room, and sure enough, a pool of what looked like solid gold adorned the middle, a single stalactite dangled above the middle, dripping water into the center of the pool.

I removed my wet clothing and looked at my reflection in the golden liquid. I would never look at this face as me again... I would never look at this world again, or be a normal man like I thought I would. Destiny had intervened, fate pushed me towards something greater. If ever there was a moment in history where a man had the chance to become a God, I wonder what he'd do. Would he take the mantel without question, or would he realize that maybe there were some things man just wasn't meant to have.

"Well, I've come this far..." I muttered. Just as I was about to place my foot into the pool, a voice from the corner of the room stopped me. I turned to see a weak old man, with a long, white beard chained to the wall by his wrists.

"Wait..." He wheezed, looking up at me. For some reason, his name came to me instantly.

"Poseidon?" I blurted, stepping towards him, feeling a weight growing in my heart. If I was capable of bringing this God down with my semi-mortal powers, what could I do as a God myself? "What happened?"

Poseidon chuckled. "I believe you know what happened, Chronos. I know you have your doubts and fears about what you're about to do, and that's good... Keep those fears and doubts. This cannot be stopped now. This must always happen. You must become the God you were born to be..."

"But, I'll do nothing but cause destruction... I'm not sure if I should do this, but I don't know what Eris might do to me if I refuse... I'm at a crossroads here, Poseidon. What should I do?" I asked, kneeling down to face level with the God.

"You must become what you were always meant to, but that doesn't mean the old you has to be you now. You will struggle with your identity, and only who you want to be will shine through. Those memories that you will gain, the thousands, and thousands, of years of your previous life will fill your mortal mind. It may break your human self to the point of it never have existing in the first place. But, it may not... Always remember where you come from now. Who you are now... Don't make the same mistakes you once did for love. Eris... I shall say no more, Chronos. Now, go. Step into the pool, and stand under the dripping stone."

I wanted to say more, but I felt enough had been said. I might be me, I might not be me. But, I'll apparently always be me, because me is a God? I guess that's what I got out of it... I turned back towards the pool and slowly made my way to it. It felt like an eternity walking there, and frankly, I'm glad it did. The dwindling moments my current self had left felt bitter sweet, but welcome all the same.

I stepped into the golden water, which came up just above my waste, and waded my way towards the dripping rock. Just before I stepped under it, I turned back to Poseidon. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean for this to happen... None of it..."

Poseidon laughed, fairly hardily at that. "Don't be sorry, boy... You are the God of time, and as such, you have none to dwindle on for the past. Look towards the future now, for it is up to you whether you want to save it... or destroy it..."

I turned back around, looked up at the stoned and stepped beneath it, and as the dripping water fell onto my head, a tiny voice in the back of my mind could be heard.

"Finally... I am free..."


Princess Celestia stood on her balcony, overlooking the morning sun as she rose it into the sky. Beside her stood Discord, who leaned against the railing as he smiled out over the valleys and towns. "Ah, it does feel good to be out of my prison." He sighed, smiling. "I guess being good isn't all that bad."

Celestia let out an amused chuckle. "Indeed, it isn't. I have to give you credit Discord. You were very helpful these past few months, especially in helping Twilight and her friends with the problems with the Everfree last month... A problem I can't help but feel was your fault in the first place..." She said with a deadpan expression on her face.

Discord held up his hands defensively. "Hey, it was done when I was evil. At least the Elements are back where you found them. I'd hate to have them used on me a third time..." Discord visibly shuddered as he stuck out his tongue. "You know, you can actually taste the stone, especially when you leave your mouth open during it. Dreadful..."

Celestia was about to say more, but a light clearing of the throat came from above her. The two looked up to see a creature with a white robe on, and sandals which held the tiniest of wings, but kept the creature flying above them. Discord had no idea who this creature was, but Celestia did.

"Hermes..." She gasped, visibly shaken by his presence. Discord looked from this 'Hermes', back to Celestia, then back again. "I-I don't want to ask why you've come, but... I feel you will tell me anyways..."

Hermes descended from above and landed next to the Princess. "I must, your Highness... Eris has popped up in the human world... She has Chronos with her, and they've reached the Underworld... We do not know when they will arrive here, but make no mistake... Eris will want her revenge..."

"M-Mother?! I-I thought she was dead!" Discord babbled, more shocked than Celestia had ever seen him. "I thought you killed her, all those years ago, when I was just a young Draconequus! How did she live?!" Discord yelled angrily.

"I-I do not know... I thought the Elements surely killed her, but apparently they don't have that capacity... They must have sent her to the human realm. Tell me, why was I not informed thousands of years ago?" Celestia asked Hermes.

"We only just got word of her a week or so ago. She hasn't been seen or heard of since her defeat." Hermes confirmed.

"Displaced in time then..." Celestia mused. "Fitting, I guess. Thank you for warning us, Hermes. I shall prepare for what is to come. Is... Zeus able to help?" She asked.

Hermes nodded. "We have one-hundred of the best Olympus guards on standby and ready to come to Equestria. I can tell them to come once I return." Hermes offered, to which Celestia nodded.

"Yes, thank you, Hermes. Extend my thanks to Zeus for me." Celestia said. Hermes nodded and flew back into the sky. Celestia turned to Discord. "I want you to go to Ponyville. Tell Twilight and the others of what is coming. I want them to be ready..."

"But, without the Elements, they'll be slaughtered! Is that what you wish to happen to your student and her friends, Celestia!?" Discord asked angrily.

Celestia turned about, anger and sadness etched into her eyes. "NO! ...Discord, I do not... But, this is war... They've saved us in the past, and they might just save us now..."

"With the Elements of Harmony, yes!" Discord argued. "But to send them against Chronos and my mother is suicide and you know it! They won't just come here to cause chaos, you know! They're coming for blood! Your blood! And anypony who stands in the way will be dealt with! Mother was ever so complacent about that..."

"Discord... Please, just go fetch them... I'll prepare with what little time we have. And, I need to know I can trust you on this... You are with us, right?" Celestia asked with a pleading look on her face. "I don't know what I'll lose in these next few days... I do not want to lose you again, too..."

Discord smiled and kissed Celestia's cheek. "I'm with you now, Celestia. My mother died centuries ago, and that hasn't changed in my heart. I'll fetch your student and her chums. Have some faith, will you? It's not like you to be this depressing." And with that, Discord disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving Celestia alone.

The Princess looked out over Equestria, and could see it burning in her mind; see it littered with the bodies of her ponies, while Eris and Chronos stood in the carnage, there faces twisted into evil grimaces as they came for her next... They wouldn't kill her first, Celestia knew that. Eris was an evil bitch, and would kill all she loved, leaving Celestia in despair before taking her life. Suffering of the heart is worse than the body...

"No... Not today... Never again, Eris... This time, you will die..."