New Life

by J1nkuro

First published

A supersoldier is flying his warship through the night sky on earth then the next moment he finds himself flying through the night sky of equestria, how did he get there and who brought him there?

One moment the supersoldier is flying his warship through the night sky on earth the next thing he knows he is flying through the night sky in equestria.

New World

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After finishing a mission, I was flying in my stealth warship back to base when suddenly a thunderstorm appears in my flight path and I ask my on board A.I. which is named Jenna. "Jenna were there any predicted thunderstorms"

"No sir, this storm seems to have appeared out of nowhere "

"Hmm looks like there is no way around it and we'll have to fly through it". So I'm flying through the storm when out of nowhere there is a flash and for a moment I'm blinded by the flash thinking 'Wow that lightning struck too close for comfort' and when I can see again I notice I'm not flying through a thunderstorm. I'm thinking 'Where the hell am I' and I decide to radio base, but all I get is static. "Damn looks like I'm on my own for the moment"

"Don't forget I'm here sir"

"Yes I know your here Jenna"

"Sir I have detected some buildings below us, but my sensors can't tell what inhabits them"

"Ok lets look for a place to land nearby and go meet the inhabitants in the morning too late to do so now they're most likely all asleep"

"Yes sir".

And so I look and see a clearing far enough from the town. 'Thank god this thing has VTOL capabilities' I flick a switch and my engines turn to 180 degrees allowing me to land straight like a helicopter. Once my landing gear touches the ground I shut off the engines. "Jenna activate defense systems, don't need anything attacking this ship and wake me up if you detect anything hostile or when its morning"

"Defense system engaged and good night sir".

"Good night Jenna" and I head to my sleeping quarters of the ship and get into bed and fall asleep.

Rainbow Dash was sleeping in her cloud house dreaming of being in the Wonderbolts when all of a sudden she is awoken by a rumble and she gets up and flies out of her house to see what's happening and see's a giant flying metal object and immediately thinks it's some kind of monster and sees it land near the Everfree forest but close to Ponyville. Then races off towards Ponyville and crashes through one of the windows of the Ponyville library landing in front of Twilight. "Twilight there is a monster that isn't far from Ponyville".

Twilight responds first by screaming at Rainbow Dash "Rainbow Dash!!!!", "I just replaced that window and you just broke it again and did you say monster".

"Yes I did".

"What did it look like".

"It was big, could fly and was made of metal".

"I've never heard of any kind of creature like that", "I'll have to inform the princess", "Spike, take a letter".

Spike walks downstairs and picks up a piece of parchment and a quill. "Okay Twilight I'm ready".

"Dear Princess Celestia, I've just been notified by Rainbow Dash that some mysterious creature has appeared and is just outside of Ponyville, and I will gather my friends to looks for it in the morning. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle".

Once Spike finishes writing he breathes his dragon fire on it and the letter is on its way to the princess. A few seconds later Spike burps up a letter and hands it to Twilight who starts reading it. "Dear Twilight Sparkle, My most faithful student, please be careful for you don't know if the creature you will meet will be friendly or not. Your loving teacher, Princess Celestia". "Well Rainbow Dash, go home and meet here in the morning with me and the girls to go look for this monster you saw".

"Okay Twilight" and Rainbow dash flies back out the window she broke flying in.

Twilight sighs and says to Spike "Spike, make a note that we need to buy a new window".

Spike writes down a note to buy a new window.

"Lets go to bed now Spike". Twilight walk up the stairs into the room they share and Spike climbs into his basket and Twilight climbs into bed pulling over the covers and both fall asleep.

The next morning Jenna awakens me. "Sir, it is morning".

I get up and walk to the bathroom and after a few mins come out freshened up with a clean shirt and go to the armory and enter it and i put on some body armor and pick up a few frag grenades and flashes, a M14 Juggernaut assault rifle and a Colt M1911. I walk out of the armory and place on my helmet and check my helmet HUD seeing that it is working properly, but before I walk out I give Jenna some last orders before heading out. "Jenna re-arm defense systems and do not fire on anything, alert me if anything approaches the ship".

"Yes sir".

I head out towards the direction of town I had spotted last night from the air not sure what I would find.

In the morning Twilight awakens to the smell of breakfast being made and she gets out of bed heads to the bathroom and comes out a few mins later freshened up and heads downstairs into the kitchen. "Mmm that smells great Spike, what did you make".

"I made pancakes" Spike places a place of freshly made pancakes in front of Twilight. Twilight levitates over a bottle of syrup and pours some on her pancakes then levitates a fork and digs in. Few mins later after breakfast there is a knock at the door and Twilight walks to the door and opens it and is greeted with the sight of her five friends who are also the bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

"So Twilight darling what was is it that Rainbow Dash told us was so important that we had to meet hear so early in the morning".

"Well girls Rainbow Dash crashed through the library window last night as I was reading a book and started babbling about some kind of flying monster made of metal that landed at the outskirts of Ponyville". All the girls go wide-eyed.

"So what you're trying to say Twi is that Rainbow Dash saw a giant metal monster land outside of Ponyville".

"Pretty much", " And we're gonna go look for it and see it's friendly or dangerous", "I already sent a letter to the Princess last night to inform her that we're gonna go look for this monster that Rainbow Dash said she say".

"Hey I know what I saw and I say it was a monster".

Applejack looks at Rainbow Dash "You sure you weren't seeing hallucinating because you we're half asleep".

"Watch when we find it I'll have proven you wrong AJ".

Pinkie Pie butts into the conversation "Then lets stop talking and go look for it".

"Pinkies right girls we need to concentrate on locating it and seeing if it is nice or dangerous and report back to the princess", and Twilight heads out the door with saddlebags filled with quills and parchment with the rest of the mares following behind her. Half an hour passes and they arrive at the entrance to the Everfree forest. "Well here we are the Everfree forest", "Lets go" and all the mares enter walking looking around nervously not knowing what would pop out and attack.

I arrive at the forest I saw when I flew over it looking for a landing spot and I think to myself 'This forest looks different from any forest I've seen, especially since it has a mysterious and dark feeling' and I enter the forest listening to every sound that could possibly be hostile and I see some movement a few feet ahead of me and I activate my scanner, my HUD shows me what the scanner saw that is hidden in the bush and it looks like a wolf-like creature made of wood and it leaps out of the bush at me and I aim fast and put a bullet in its head as its sailing through the air and it's dead before it even hits the floor. I walk over to the dead body and look at it and I say to myself "What the hell, a wolf made of wood", then I hear growling, I look up and see that I'm surrounded by more wolves that look similar to the one I just killed. 'Damn there are more of them' and two of them leap at me and I put a single bullet in each of there heads ending their lives and the rest all leap at me and I shoot two of them and one manages to tackle me to the ground and tries to bite me, so I take out my combat knife and stab it through the lower jaw and out the top jaw killing it and I push it off me and pull out my M1911 ready to kill anymore that try to attack and I see them turn and retreat knowing they've lost this meal and I re-holster my M1911, pick up my M14 Juggernaut and pull my combat knife out of dead wolf, wipe off my knife and re-sheathe it continuing on my way.

Twilight and her friends jump at the loud bang that echos through the forest. "What in the world was that" Twilight says.

"I don't know Twi, but I know it wasn't thunder cause there ain't a cloud in the sky" Applejack looks up at the sky seeing no clouds.

"Then what do you think made that loud bang if you don't mind me asking" Fluttershy looks around nervously.

"I don't know Fluttershy, but I don't think something that makes a bang like that is friendly so we better continue looking for the monster Rainbow Dash saw", but before they can continue on their way they hear a growl and all six mares look around and see that they are surrounded by a pack of timber wolves.

"Uh girls I think we're in trouble" says AJ and the wolves attack. Twilight and Rarity start firing spell after spell at the wolves and Applejack starts bucking the wolves left and right, Fluttershy doesn't do anything but shakes in fear to scared to do anything, and Rainbow Dash starts bashing wolves left and right as well. Each mare gains their fair share of wounds and soon their wounds start affecting their fighting and they slowly become over whelmed.

"I don't like how this fight moving along Twi", "I don't know how much longer we can hold off these timber wolves" "Cause either they give up or we lose this fight and become timber wolf chow".

"I know Applejack and I can't concentrate long enough to teleport us out of here plus I'm to tired to use anymore magic". All six mares form a circle, their backs to each other and as the wolves prepare to finish them off they all hear a loud bang.

First Encounter

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Twilight and the mares open their eyes to see all the wolves now concentrating on killing some weird creature that's wearing that looks like armor and is holding some sort of weapon. Twilight took an educated guess by looking at the thing in the creatures arms and assumed that it was the creatures weapon that made the loud bang, and was proven correct when the strange bipedal armored creature killed more timber wolves with the strange weapon that spit fire and made the loud bang each time. And soon after that, the remaining timber wolves retreat after seeing so many of their own get slaughtered. Twilight then takes the moment to speak to the bipedal creature. "Um hello"

I turn to look at the weird colored horses after killing those wolves made of wood and hearing the lavender colored one say hello and think 'Holy shit did the horse just talk' because on Earth horses can't speak and the lavender colored one just spoke. "Did you just speak".

"Oh my Celestia, you can speak the same language as us", "And thank you for saving us from those timber wolves" Twilight says.

Not sure how to react I just speak what comes to me, "Um your welcome and that's what those wolf like creatures are called".

"Yes that is what they are called by everypony, timber wolves", "Your friendly, right?"

Pinkie Pie answers Twilight's question for her "Of course it's friendly Twilight, if it isn't it wouldn't have helped us", then Pinkie gets in my face asking random questions. "Hi I'm Pinkie Pie, I don't know you yet and I know everypony, will you be my friend, and do you like parties cause I like parties".

"Um hi, my name is Raptor, I'd love to be your friend, and sure I like parties", then I see Pinkie's smile widen.

"Great then when you come into Ponyville I'll throw you a big welcome to Ponyville strange being party".

"Sound great Pinkie, one thing though, where is Ponyville?".

Pinkie giggles and points in a direction and says, "In that direction silly"

"How do you know what direction Pinkie"

"Well duh, me and the girls came from that direction from Ponyville".

"Okay then let's go to Ponyville and leave this forest, cause we never know when those timberwolves will come back for second chance to turn you ponies into timberwolf chow since your too weak at the moment to defend yourselves"

Rainbow Dash immediately reacts to being called weak. "Who are you calling weak, I can take care of myself very well, thank you very much".

"Well since you think so highly of yourself and think that you can get out of this forest alone go for it, but I don't think you'd get far since you're so injured".

"Rainbow Dash stop being so stubborn and put your pride aside for the moment being because Raptor is right, we're to weak to defend ourselves from another attack from those timberwolves and I don't have enough strength left to teleport us all back to Ponyville".

Rainbow Dash sighs. "Fine, but I still don't like being called weak".

All the mares start walking towards Ponyville and I follow right behind listening here and there making sure nothing will surprise us and attack the already weakened mares. After a few minutes we walk out of the forest and out into the open and I can see what looks like a small village in the distance which I'm guessing is Ponyville.

"It's gonna take awhile for us to get back to Ponyville since your all injured so I'll just fly us all to Ponyville".

All the mares eyes go wide upon hearing that he could fly, not believing that he could since they couldn't see any wings on him.

Rainbow Dash walks up to me. "You can fly, but you don't have any wings".

"Oh how very wrong you are Rainbow Dash", "I never said I needed wings to help me fly". I talk to my warship A.I. Jenna through my headset. "Jenna, take off and pick me up at these coordinates".

"Roger that sir, I'm on my way". Jenna powers up the warships engines and takes off.

"So how you gonna fly us to Ponyville cause I don't think you can carry all of us", and just as Rainbow Dash finishes saying that, all the mares hear a roaring sound and look up to see a giant flying metal object.

All the mares go wide eyed at the sight of it.

I hear Jenna communicate to me.

"Sir it appears that you are with six equine like beings".

"They are residents from the town not to far away called Ponyville and I was escorting these ponies back to Ponyville so they can receive medical attention, but it looks like we won't make it back there till it gets late so I had you fly the ship to me so I could fly us all to Ponyville", "So land the ship so we can all get on board".

"Yes sir, landing the ship now". Jenna switches the warship to hover mode and then lands.

"Jenna open bay door"

"Yes sir, bay door opening". The door at the back of the warship opens.

"Okay everypony get on board".

All the mares are hesitant to enter the ship.

I see that the mares are hesitant to enter the ship. "Whats wrong".

Twilight responds, "How do we know it's safe".

"If it wasn't safe I wouldn't have asked you to get on board my ship, now get on board so I can fly you guys to Ponyville so you guys can receive medical attention".

All the mares enter through the bay door and I enter through the door on the side of the ship then I walk and sit in the pilot's seat, press a button and close the bay doors after they all get in. Then I make the ship hover off the ground and turn the engines from hover mode to flight mode and fly towards Ponyville. After a few minutes, we reached Ponyville and I switches the ship to hover mode and hover the ship around looking for a suitable landing spot and I see what looks like an orchard of some kind with enough open space and I land the ship the wind from the landing knocking loose fruit from the trees.

"Alright, we're here everypony" and I open the bay doors to let them out and I get out of the pilot's seat and go out through the bay doors. "Jenna, close bay doors and activate defense systems, but remember no shooting anything unless you calculate that it can cause significant harm to the ship and stop saying yes sir, you can call me Raptor like everypony else".

"Okay Raptor, bay door closing", "Oh and Raptor why did you say everypony, don't you mean everybody, or is it because the equine like beings called ponies live here that you adapted words to how they would probably say it".

"Right on the mark Jenna", "Now I gotta escort them to the medical center in Ponyville".

"Okay Raptor".

As we made our way through the orchard I noticed that the fruit on the tree's were apples and I pick up one off the floor that had been blown off from the landing on the ship and I clean it off and take a bite out of it and think to myself, 'This is the best apple I've tasted'.

"Wow this is the best apple I've tasted".

Applejack has a smile on her face hearing their new friend Raptor compliment her apples. "Well I'm glad ta' hear that ya like my apples, my family has been growing apples since the beginnings of Ponyville".

"So these are your apples and your family has been growing apples in Ponyville since Ponyville's very beginnings", "What's your secret to growing these apples Applejack".

"There ain't no secret way to growing these apples, just a lot of Apple family love and hard work"

"So what do you call this place".

"Sweet Apple Acres"

"The name fits nicely since the apples taste so good and sweet". "Hey Twilight, does Ponyville have a anyplace that ponies can go to for medical attention".

"Ponyville has a hospital".

"Good so lets get you mares there so you can get patched up since none of you seem to have any serious injuries".

As we walk through Ponyville, ponies left and right are giving me looks of curiosity and fear.

We reached the Ponyville hospital and the mares went into the hospital with me entering behind them and the instant the hospital staff saw me they had the same expressions as the ponies we passed will on the way to the hospital fear and curiosity, but once they saw the mares with their injuries their faces immediately became serious and they brought them in for treatment. As I stand with my back against the wall waiting for the mares to come back out, one of the nurses comes up to me and asks me.

"Um hi, I'm Nurse Redheart".

"Hello, my names Raptor, nice to meet you Nurse Redheart".

"So Raptor who or what gave these mares those injuries".


Then a different nurse comes up to me and tells me that Twilight and her friends want to see me and I follow the nurse to the room they are in and I walk into the room to see each of them bandaged up.

The doctor speaks to the mares after bandaging up all of them.

"You six will have to stay here for a few days so your injuries can heal".

"Yes doctor" the six mares say.

Then the doctor walks out of the room.

I move out of the way so the doctor can walk out and Twilight speaks to me.

"Raptor can you go and get my assistant Spike cause I need him to send a letter to Princess Celestia", "He should be waiting for me at my home which is also Ponyville's library", "It's pretty easy to find since it is in a giant oak tree".

"Okay Twilight I'll be back as soon as possible".

I head out of the hospital to get Spike and after a few mins of walking I reached the giant oak tree and I knock on the door and I see what I guess is a baby dragon and I ask him.


"Are you Spike?".

"Yeah, who and what are you?"

"Names Raptor, I'm a human and Twilight is in the hospital and told me to bring you to her so she could send some letter to Princess Celestia".

"Then lets go".

I pick up Spike and place him on my shoulder.

"Hold on".

Spike holds on tightly and I run back to the hospital and my sudden rush into the hospital startles some ponies and nurses and I walk into the room that Twilight and her friends are in.

"I'm back with Spike Twilight".

"That's great", "Now Spike take a letter".

Spike takes out a quill and parchment from out of nowhere which confuses me on how he did that and made a note to ask him later.

"Dear Princess Celestia", "Me and my friends went into the Everfree forest to look for a supposed monster that Rainbow Dash saw last night and while we were searching the forest, we were attacked by a pack of timberwolves and when they overwhelmed us and we thought we were gonna become food for the timberwolves, when a strange bipedal creature who has now told me that his name is Raptor, killed most of the timberwolves with a weapon that makes a loud bang when used, and made the remaining timberwolves retreat and helped us back to Ponyville by flying us in what seems to be a giant metal bird, so we could receive medical treatment. I hope that you can come to Ponyville as soon as you can. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle".

Encounter with Royalty

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As Twilight waited for a reply from Princess Celestia, she decided to ask me a few questions.

"So Raptor, what are you exactly?".

"I am what is known as a human on my home planet".

"Interesting, and what was the name of your home planet".

"My home planet was known as Earth".

Before Twilight could ask her next question the bright flash of light shines in the room, which in turn causes Raptor to react thinking that a flash bang went off and takes cover aiming his rifle in the direction of the light.

Once the light recedes it reveals the one and only Princess Celestia.

"Twilight I teleported as quick as I could the instant I received and read your letter", "Are you and your friends alright?"

"We're alright, just some minor injuries nothing serious, but could had been worse if Raptor hadn't shown up when he did".

"Well I am glad that you all are safe and am grateful that this Raptor you mentioned in your letter showed when he did", "Where is he, I would like to personally thank him for saving you and your friends lives".

Twilight points in the direction that Raptor is taking cover in and Celestia turns to looks at Raptor.

Raptor sees that Twilight knows the taller pony and sees that they are not a threat, lowers his rifle.

"Hello, I am Princess Celestia co-ruler of Equestria and I would like to thank you for saving my little ponies from those timberwolves".

"There is no need for thanks princess, I did what was needed to be done and that was eliminate whatever threatens those that are in need of help, even if what I have to kill is different that what I've killed before".

"I see, and what did you do back on your home planet that required you to kill".

"I was a soldier, but not just any soldier, I was genetically modified as well as physically enhanced and trained to be the ultimate killing machine".

"I have one question for you Raptor" Celestia says, looking at Raptor with a serious face.

"And what question would that be princess".

"Would you ever bring harm to my little ponies".

Raptor doesn't even need to think about the answer and answers immediately.

"I would never bring harm to your little ponies".

Celestia smiles at his answer.

"Then it seems that I am now no longer needed here and must be on my way back to Canterlot".

Celestia then teleports backs to Canterlot.

After Princess Celestia has teleported away, Raptor turns to look at Twilight and her friends.

"Since it seems that you are all fine, I will return to my ship".

"Raptor I want to thank you for saving me and my friends from that pack of timberwolves, if not for you we probably wouldn't be here right now".

"No need to thank me Twilight, I did what I was trained to do and that is to eliminate a threat".

"Ok, now back to my questions"

"Can we save the questions for another time Twilight".

"Aww, okay", Twilight looks down trodden at not being able to ask me more questions.

"Don't worry Twilight, I will answer your questions at a later time okay".

"Okay", Twilight cheers up slightly but still down about not being able to ask more questions.

I walk over to the window and look out into the town and see that it is still devoid of life whatsoever so I decide to ask Twilight why.

"Hey Twilight".

"Yes Raptor".

"Why is the town completely empty?", "I'm pretty sure that I say other ponies on the way to the hospital".

Twilight sighs at the question.

"This always happens when someone that looks different, strange or alien in your case comes through Ponyville, everypony panics and hides in their homes", "The first time I saw this happen was when a zebra by the name of Zecora came through town to buy supplies and herbs", "Eventually everypony warmed up to Zecora and are always happy to see her", "Though with you it might take a little longer".

"Well I can see why they would be scared of me, I'm six feet tall and wearing gear that makes me look very intimidating as well as dangerous to everypony".

"Don't worry once everypony sees that you are friendly they'll warm up to you".

Raptor looks at each of the mares.

"At least you mares have warmed up to me a little so that's a start".

"Well why wouldn't we darling, you saved us from becoming a meal for those horrid timberwolves".

"Rarity is right Raptor, if you hadn't saved us we would've been the most recent victims of the Everfree forest".

"Well you guys are alright now", "Well I must be getting back to my ship", "Oh Applejack, you don't mind me using that patch of your land to leave my ship on do you".

"After you saved us from those timberwolves, go right ahead", "I wasn't planning on using that land anyway since it's so close to the Everfree".

Raptor turns to walk out of the room.

"Where you going"

"I'm gonna head back to my ship, so if you need me you know where to look".

Raptor walks out of the hospital and walks out the entrance with many ponies staring wide eyed at him. As he walks through town to get back to his ship he sees that all the ponies are still hiding in their homes. After a few mins of walking he arrives back at the patch of land he landed his ship and enters it. He then proceeds to ask Jenna about the current status of the ship as well as the current status of the ships weapons.

"Jenna what is the current status of the ship and weapons".

"Structural integrity 100%".

"Ship fusion reactors running at maximum efficiency".

"Ship shields offline".

"Ship primary and secondary weapons systems offline".

"Warning! Nuclear weapon locks offline".

"Jenna immediate reboot of all systems on the ship and re-engage the locks on all nuclear weapons!".

"System reboot starting in 3, 2, 1".

"All systems online, re-engaging nuclear weapon locks".

"Good, the last thing we need is for someone to set off our nuclear payload and we can kiss our asses good-bye".

Raptor decides to look at the files stored on the ships computers and comes upon a couple of locked files that are labeled top secret and require authorization.

"Huh, I wonder why these files are locked", "Jenna unlock these files".

"Sorry Raptor, but these files are locked and need high level authorization or a authorization override to unlock these files".

"Luckily I have authorization override", "Authorization override Delta Sierra 4".

"Authorization override accepted files unlocked".

"Interesting these are files on multiple top secret projects", "Let's see which one to look at first".

Raptor looks through the list of now unlocked files and decides to choose the first one on the list.

"I think I'll start with Project Titan".

He clicks on the file and multiple different text files as well as details and other specs pop up.

"So project titan was a government project to develop giant high tech mech suits as well as some type of power armor", "Looks like they only managed to make some working prototypes, but were unable to test them in combat and that the prototypes were all stored on this ship waiting to be tested".

Raptor thinks to himself.

'I wonder if all the other projects on the computer also have their prototypes stored on board this ship without my knowledge'.

"Jenna, are there any other prototypes being stored on this ship that are from these other projects".

"Yes Raptor".

"Looks like I'm the lucky bastard that gets to test the mech and all the rest of the toys they left in storage then".

He gets up and heads towards the cargo bay of the ship. Upon entering the cargo hold he goes to a console and accesses it to see where in the cargo hold the mech is being stored and heads towards where it is. Once he reaches the mech, his eyes widen seeing the size of it.

"Damn, when the government thinks big they think real big", "I think I'll test it without weapons equipped".

Raptor climbs up to a cat walk that leads to the cockpit of the mech and gets into the pilots seat pressing a button closing the hatch and booting up the mech.

"Okay Jenna are you loaded into the mech's computer".

"Affirmative Raptor".

"Do a diagnostics on the mech's systems and give me the status on all systems".

"Running diagnostics".

"Power core running at maximum efficiency".

"Armor integrity 100%".

"Targeting systems online".

"Weapons systems offline".

"Optic and audio systems online".

"Shields offline".

"Defensive countermeasures offline".

"Ammunition levels 0%".

"Looks like we're ready to take this baby for a test drive".

Raptor starts moving the mech out of the cargo and into the open each step shaking the ground and leaving give footprints in its wake.

"This thing runs pretty smooth", "Let's see how well the targeting systems are at tracking targets, as well as spotting targets".

Raptor looks around targeting random things. He then turns the mech to look at the forest and the targeting system is able to identify potential live targets that he can't see.

"Very nice", "The targeting system on this mech is amazing", "Especially since it can track even a small flying bird".

A red blip pops up on the minimap that Raptor sees on his HUD and Jenna warns him.

"Raptor there is a large slow moving object heading this way".

"Damn, the mech isn't even armed", "Looks like we'll have to do this the old fashion way with hand to hand".

"That is incorrect Raptor", "The mech is armed with a sharp jagged blade that extends out of the right arm".

Raptor presses a button and a blade extends out of the mech's right arm.

"Things just got a little more interesting".

Raptor faces the mech in the direction of the approaching target and the target reveals itself to be a three headed hydra.

"Raptor I suggest going for the vital organs as it seems that this creature is based off greek mythology and was said to regrow the heads that are cut off".

"Roger that Jenna".

And Raptor charges at the hydra.