Ponies and Zombies

by Finland

First published

What was sasposed to be a short adventure ends up effecting everypony in Equestria.

What was saposed to be a short adventure to help a troubled village ends up infecting most ponies in Equestria, transforming them into flesh eaters. The Mane 6, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are the only survivors. They're now stuck in a world where you need to work hard to survive. Along the way theyll find surprises both good and bad. Their's no more Ponyville, no more Canterlot...Only zombies.

Chapter One

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Hello everypony! If I have spelled anything wrong or my story

doesn' look like it's written correctly, then I'm sorry. I'm dyslexic,

I cannot help it. I hope you enjoy the story!


Chapter One.

Twilight Sparkle was sitting down in her bed, stuffing her head in a book labled "The History of Equestria!", when Spike walked up to her.

"The group waiting outside for you, they invited you to have lunch with them." Spike announced.

Twilight looked up from her book.

"Really?" She said, "Well, I guess so. I am kinda hungry." From that statement, Twlight closed her book and, using her magic, put the book back on the shelf.Spike followed her down the stairs, while opening the door to meet her friends, she asked Spike if he was coming along with them.

"Oh, that's okay. I'm not that hungry. I'll just stay here and take a nap or somthing." He said.

Twlight closed the door behind her, seeing her friends smiling and greeting her. Rainbow Dash was doing loops in the air, Rarity was blabbing on out fashion to Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, well, was just being Pinkie Pie.

"Ready to go eat, sugarcube?" AppleJack said.

"I sure am!" Replied Twilight.

Pinkie Pie jumped up and down hapiliy, "Oh! I can't wait for the picnic! It's gonna be so fun, like a party! I brought cupcakes, and muffins, and sooo much more! We're-"

"Okay, okay, we get the point!" Said Rainbow Dash, everypony giggled.


Soon all the ponies where sitting down, blanket laid down, and food spread out all over the ground, a nice breeze cooled the air, and the weather was perfect. They ate untill they where full, and soon, where just playing around.Ranbow Dash impressed the group with some tricks, while Flutterfly was hapiliy playing with a small butterfly that landed on their basket. AppleJack was bucking some apples of a nearby tree, and Twilight and Rarity were using magic to make a show by levitating some of the leftover food in the air.

Everything was perfect.

Twilight was munching on a muffin, talking to Rarity and AppleJack when suddenly they hear someone yelling, everypony looked up in the direction of the noise.

"Twilight! Twlight! Princess Celestia sent you a letter!" Spike yelled, running up the hill torwards the area where everypony was at, when he got there, out of breath, he showed Twilight the letter.

Twilight stood up, and took the letter, "A letter from Princess Celestia?"

"As soon as I got it, I came running to you guys," Spike said, trying to catch his breath, "it might be important."

All of the ponies where soon leaning over Twilight as she opened the letter, then she started reading it outloud.

"Dear Twilight Sparkle, I need to send you and your friends on a mission. There has been reports of ponies attacking other ponies in a small village called 'Rusty Hooves Village', you and you're friends should check it out and try to slove the reason of why this is happening. I would go myslef, or send a few guards, but we're very busy at the moment. The village is located on the edge of the Everfree forest, if you walk the dirt road you'll get there. It is a long trip,it'll take about a whole day to get there, so you should pack up suplies, and head out as soon as you can. I have faith in you. Princess Celestia." Twlight looks up, "I guess we have a new adventure awaiting us."

Rainbow Dash, who was very excited, flew up in the air, "All right!" She said, "This is going to be fun!"

Rairty shook her head. "No way! I don't want to walk that far, I'll be all tired out, and my hooves will be sore for a week! Also, why in Equestria are there ponies attacking each other?!"

A scared looking Fluttershy hid behind Rarity. "I-I don't want to go either," she replied, "It's w-way to scary, I'll just hide in my house with my little animal friends, safe and sound."

Twilight sighed, "Fine, If you don't want to go, then stay." She looked at Spike, "Do you want to come?"

At that sentence, Spike hid behind Fluttershy. "I'm good." He said shakily.

"Okay..."" said Twlight, "Then that means me, AppleJack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash are going, am I right?"

All three of them replied with the same response. "Yes!'

Twilight nodded her head, "then it's settled, go home and get ready, we're heading out early tommrow morning."


"I'm soooo booreeddd" Complained Rainbow Dash, flying right above Twlight's head, "When're gonna get there?!"

It was early morning, and the four ponies have been walking for the past two hours, being guided by the small dirt pathway that would soon lead them to the village.

"Shhhhh!" Replied a very annoyied Twlight, "As I told you erlier, it's gonna be a long trip, and it's not my fault that the village is so far away."

"Why can't you just teleport us there?" Rainbow Dash said.

"I want to save all of my magic incase we have a bigger trouble than I thought we did, it'll be worth it." Replied Twlight.

"I'm glad we didn't bring Rarity or Fluttershy," said AppleJack, "It's not that I don't want them here, it's just that they'll slow us down and it'll take longer to get to the village." Suddenly, AppleJack snapped at Rainbow Dash, "Rainbow, will you stop doing loops in the air? You're making me dizzy."

Rainbow Dash landed next to AppleJack. "I just wanted to strech my wings," she said, "We're been walking for hours!"
She rammed AppleJack alittle, and AppleJack replied back with an angry and annoyed look on her face.

Pinkie Pie jumped inbetween the two ponies and started ranting, "Oh boy! I wonder what the town will look like! I bet it's all dark, and scary, and ghost-like, just like in thoese scary stories! I'm so excited!"

AppleJack and Rainbow dash sighed and continued walking.


The group walked for hours, occaonally they would stop to take breaks and eat. Rainbow Dash and AppleJack compeated in a game of who can throw a rock the farest, but they soon got bored and continued walking. Pinkie Pie was singing and talking and bouncing around, while Twilight was lost in her own thoughts.

The sun was setting down when they finally spoted the village.

There faces lit up with excitement. Even though they where tired, their pace became faster as they ran up torwards the village.

As they got closer, they where able to make out the sign near the entrance, the dusty sign read 'Rusty Hooves Village'.

"Yes! We're finally her-" Rainbow Dash's words where stoped as soon as they walked through the entrance.

Everypony was still and silent. A look of horror overtook their faces as they took a good look at what was before them.

A stalion's scream can be herd off in the distance.

End of Chapter One.

Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

That night was a disaster.

"W-what happened here?! AppleJack asked, her face pale.

What was saposed to be a village was now a burning mess of chaos, mares and stallions where running around in horror, some on fire and some with what the group thought was deep gashes on there bodies.

Smoke filled the air, forcing the four ponies to cover their mouths. They where all to shocked to move. As scared as they where, they still had to do somthing.

Suddenly, a big sign ontop of a two stroy building that read 'The best peaches in Equestria!' caught fire and fell onto the only standing building; a small barn. Screams erupted from inside the building as the building slowly started to burn. Everypony looked up, Rainbow Dash spread her wings and spead strait for the farm, but she was too slow. The barn colapsed under the weight of the sign and crumbled to the ground. Nothing alive would have survived inside that building.

Rainbow Dash cursed under her breath, she started to head back to her friends when she spotted three ponies walking slowly torwards the direction of the burning barn.

"What?" said Rainbow, she slowly flew down to the three ponies, "hey, what're you guys doing?! You should be running!"

They kept on walking, ignoring her shouts. An annoyed look crossed Rainbow Dash's face, and she yelled louder.


The three ponies slowly turned there heads torwards Rainbow Dash. What she saw almost made her puke. One of the ponies in the group had half of it's jaw ripped off, a gash ran across its neck. The other had its stomach torn, guts hung out, and what looked part of an ear hanging from it's mouth. The last one had a piece of it's ear missing, it's face full of blood and guts.Black, lifeless eyes bore into Rainbow Dash and the stragest thing was that no blood flooded form any of their wounds, a horrible smell came, and what sounded like a loud moan came from their direction.

Rainbow Dash had a good enough idea to know that they where bad news, she rushed as fast she torwards the group, her heart beating fast with fear. She stoped right infront of the four ponies who where still in the same place.

"W-we got to go, NOW." Rainbow said.

"Why?" Twilight asked, "We got to help them! The whole town is in trouble, the ponies need our help!"

Rainbow Dash shook her head, "Those things out there are not ponies! I saw them! They have wounds that would kill a pony in an instant, yet they where walking! They're monsters, horrible mon-"

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie screamed. The group turned around in Pinkie Pie's direction, a small brown pegasus filly was walking torwards Pinkie, it's eyes black and a gash layed apon it's right flank while one of it's wings where ripped from its body. A small moan escaped from it's mouth, and it's jaws snapped as it got closer to the group.

Pinkie stepped back, Rainbow Dash and Twilight gasped, and AppleJack started to tear up.

"Poor little thing..." AppleJack said.

While they where distracted by the small victim, they didn't nodice that Pinkie's scream attracted a whole group of the horrible monsters where slowly closeing on the group.

The group looked up, they all screamed.

What was an emty entrance was suddenly filled with jaw snapping, flesh eating ponies, slowly walking torwards their next meal; a unicorn, pegasus, and two earth ponies.

"Teleport us to Ponyville, teleport us to Ponyville!" Pinkie Pie yelled.

"I'm trying!" Twilight's horn lit up, and all of the ponies went into a tight group.

A unicorn lunged at AppleJack, biting it's jaws as it got closer to her face, she screamed.

Then with a bright flash, the group of four was gone.

End of Chapter Two.