> A Mare of Changeling Worth > by Awesome Shadows > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *I always got mad at Chrysalis for underestimating twilight so I thought, what if the villain actually had the upper hand this time? How would the others deal without relying on Twilight in one way or another? That is why I decided to write this fic. Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony Friendship is Magic but sometimes I wish I did. Summary: Instead of Queen Chrysalis’s defeat by Cadence and Shining Armor, what if she captured them after they tried to get away and decided that Twilight Sparkle was too smart to be left alone. What will happen to Twilight? And what is Chrysalis planning to do? Prologue: Omens, Plans and Goodbyes Twilight's POV How could it end like this? The wedding was supposed to be a happy occasion. My brother’s bride turned out to be an evil Queen, my brother is hypnotized, my mentor is trapped and so are my friends and I. Even now my REAL brothers bride is weak and so is my brother. My teacher is weak, my friends are tired, and I am tired. I am so very tired. I am getting dizzy from being up here, upside down. This strange liquid chokes me yet I can breathe still at the same time. I am confused, I don’t know what to do, I’m panicking and did I mention I was tired? Must be the strange liquid. Even now I feel myself passing out. The black around the edges of my eyes are proof. They feel heavy, so very heavy and my thought process seems to be slowing down. What was I doing again? Oh yeah, figuring out an escape. But… I don’t feel like it anymore. I don’t really want to leave. Or at least move. Maybe that’s it. I always thought we were so lucky to be able to defeat Nightmare Moon and Discord. After discovering Queen Chrysalis I figured that the second verse would be the same as the first. However, that was the worst thing I ever assumed. I know as the black shadows of unconsciousness surround me, and the horrified gazes of my friends and family are the last things I am seeing, this is the most regretful thing I have ever done in my life. That is… if this moment is my last memory. Goodbye, my friends, family. Goodbye. OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO 3rd Person POV "No! You can't do this! Please!" Celestia shouted. the mane six, excluding Twilight, shouted protests or gasped in protest. "Please! Not Twily!" Shining Armor panicked. He searched around the room quickly, looking for a weapon of sorts, but then tried to charge his horn again for another protection spell. Sadly, the magic fizzled out and left the colt panting. "Let me try to help you!" Cadence cried. She also charged her horn, this time however, to share magic with her fiancé. 'Please, please just work. I'm begging you.' she pleaded in her mind. Her horn charged up almost fully, before her magic also fizzled out. "No! This can't be happening." Tears leaked from her eyes. "HAHAHA!" Chrysalis roared. "You foolish ponies! This is what happens when your opponent is stronger than you. Finally someone has put Celestia in her place. You all have lost! I am the new ruler of Equestria! Now after my royal adviser wakes up, we changelings will take over the rest of Equestria and feed of so much love, we will become unstoppable. But first, I must get rid of you all. Prepare yourself for eternity in the Cantorlot Crystal Caves.” Chrysalis charged up her crooked, holey horn and blasted the surrounding ponies, who were stuck to the floor by some green goo, and green fire surrounded them all. They were quickly transported to the mines and Chrysalis walked away from the area. “Soon. Soon! We will become the most powerful beings in Equestria, and it will all be thanks to you, Twilight Sparkle.” (In the Caves) “Shoot Princess. How in the hay will we ever git out o’ here?” Applejack grumbled. “Well…” Cadence hesitated, “ This is where Twilight and I were trapped before we got out and stopped the wedding. I can try to find a way back out again if we need to.” “Now hold on a minute darling.” Rarity fretted, “How did Twilight get down here? We were talking to her earlier in the Throne Room with her and Chrysalis. Did she send her down here after we left?" "Now wait just a second Rarity." Rainbow demamded. "I think the real question is, why did she send you BACK down here after you already escaped? She's not stupid." “To answer Rarity's question first, she did. Twilight was so mad at whatever she taunted her with after she was teleported down here that she blasted a hole in the crystal wall and almost me when she thought I was Chrysalis.” Cadence shivered at the thought. "She had sapped me of my strength when I first arrived and I was unable to get out of here on my own. She hardly fed me and barely gave me water to drink. However, Twilight was still full powered when she arrived and was able to help me get out. I don't know the reason though of why she stuck us back here." “Well now I think she wants us to escape. She is toying with us. I fear that whatever she has planned will have succeeded by the time we encounter her again..” Celestia spoke up, “ I have almost regained enough strength to teleport us out of this horrid place. If we could just get the elements of Harmony then we will be alright we may be able to subdue her.” “Well how are we going to activate them anyway?” Spike questioned. “EEEE! Guessing games! Ummmm, will Princess Cadence do the magic element? Or Shining Armor? Or Luna? Or you?” Pinkie Pie bounced up and down repeatedly. “That is the problem Pinkie Pie. I am friends with you all, but I can not replace Twilight as the bearer of the Sixth element. If i could replace her so easliy then it would not be friendship at all. I am hoping that if we gather the elements and save her, she will be able to weild the element of Magic and we can defeat Queen Chrysalis. "However, we do need to find Princess Luna. She has been spending a lot of time in the library so maybe she has some information for us. Then we can go to the safe where the elements are. “Well then,” Shining Armor finally stated. “ Lets find Luna and rescue my sister.” OF PROPHESIES AND OMENS Long ago, Star Swirl the Bearded was sleeping in his study. He had fallen asleep during his studies again. However, his dream was not a restful one. A unicorn of lavender pelt, and a violet and pink mane and tail was a hero to the land of Equestria. How he knew what she looked like, Star Swirl did not know. The unicorn was captured by a terrible creature, who looked like a alicorn but she had a black pelt like armor, she buzzed like an insect and she was covered in holes. The alicorn did something terrible to the young mare, she took away her friends and family, took away everything that made her a pony and used her against them. However, if she were not stopped before the alicorn’s plan was complete, equestrian would be plunged into darkness forever. Star Swirl woke with a start. After realizing it was all a terrible dream, he wrote down the dream, which he now considered an omen and a prophesy in his journal, which after the years went past and Star Swirl had passed on to the Great Herd, the journal and it’s prophesy wound up unnoticed in the Cantorlot library. Where a certain black and navy blue princess just took the same journal of the bookshelf to read. > Of Changelings and Ponies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd Person POV "Ahhhh." Luna sighed as she sat down on a soft cushiony chair. She levitated the book she just pulled from the cantor lot library into her lap. She was far into the library's halls and was oblivious to what was happening outside of them. The journal of Star Swirl the bearded opened up and Luna started Reading. OoOoOoOoOoOoOo The green cocoon stuck to the ceiling of the Throne Room, grew a little in size, the inhabitant of the cacoon, shifted slightly before becoming limp again. Chrysalis looked up and smiled. "Poor poor Twilight. Your talents were so wasted apon these foolish ponies. Soon though, you will be where you belong and doing what you will be created to do." She laughed evilly before waltzing gaily to the window. Ponies were trapped in the roads and their homes in a deep sleep. They were dreaming about loved ones and friends which fed the changelings who waited next to them and stole away the little hearts that appeared above their heads every time they dreamed of love and friendship. The Queen herself could feel the power her changelings were absorbing and decided to leave the room to feast on her own. She cast a spell on the cocoon before commanding two guards to watch the area, she flew off to find a victim. OoOoOoOoOoOoOo Twilight's POV 'Uggh' I fluttered my eyelids before slowly opening them. I look around to find that none of my friends are around me. 'Where am I? Wasn't I just in Cantorlot?' I looked around again. There was a bed I was lying on, and the room was wide a circle. There was a small door to my left and another in front of me. 'This looks like one of the royal suites in Cantorlot Castle. But how did I end up here?' I got up and walked to open the door. Tugging softly, I tried to open the door but it stayed shut. I pulled harder, same results. "Darn it!" I shout. "What in the hay is going on here? Why am I locked inside?" I state to myself. I charged my horn and shot it at the door. It disappears and two changeling minions are in front of me, guarding the door. They turn around quick, hiss and jump straight at me. "Ahhhh!" I turn and kick them both while screaming. I hear a groan and quickly run out of the room and down the stairs. I gallop straight into the castle and buck the Throne Room doors open. There was no pony in sight. I walk up the red carpet and look around. There is some strange thing in a green cocoon on the ceiling but it doesn't look like anyone I recognize so I ignore it. 'Honestly, that thing looks like a changeling. But it's much larger than anyone I've normally seen...' "Ah Twilight Sparkle." I snap my head to where the voice came from. Chrysalis. "It's so good to see you little pony." She sneers. " I was wondering when you would get here." "Where are my friends?" I shout. "Friends? What friends? In fact... Why are you even here?" She smirks. I stared straight at her. My mouth drops. 'Why was I there? Who were my friends? I can't place a name and any face that comes up is blurry and unknown. I don't even know why I am in Cantorlot in the first place. Actually, why is the only thing I remember is furniture and Changelings?' "Twilight Sparkle my dear advisor. Don't you even know anything?" 'Advisor? I'm a royal advisor?' "Twilight I can't believe you forgot your dear mentor and friend. I feel so upset." Chrysalis purred. "I'm sorry my Queen." I kneel on the floor and bow my head. "Is there anything I can do to serve you?" "Yes my dear. You can start by waking up." OoOoOoOoOo I woke with a start. I looked around to find myself stuck in some strange green cocoon. "Ah! Twilight Sparkle! I knew you would wake soon my dear." I look down, surprised and a little dizzy from the fact that I am hanging upside down from a cocoon on the ceiling. "My Queen! Why am I trapped in a cocoon?" "I shall free you. You were kidnapped by ponies. I feared they hurt you or worse! You see, I put you in this cocoon to try and heal you." Chrysalis zapped the cocoon with her horn. Twilight floated to the ground. "I hope you are alright dear." She smiled. "I seem to have amnesia my Queen. Would you please fill me in so that I may serve you to the best of my ability again?" I bowed. "Well Twilight, we control this land known as Equestria and a rebel group attacked us and kidnapped you, the Royal Advisor. We fought and brought you back, while locking the others in the Cantorlot caves. Though I fear they will escape. I need your help to figure out a way to keep them contained. While you were in your healing sleep, I cast a dream spell on you so that you would be able to communicate with me in your dreams. I filled you in a little that way. You don't have any injuries but your mane is a little messy. Here is a mirror so you can fix it." I didn't notice but Chrysalis smirked evilly. "Thank you very much my Queen." I smiled and used my horn to take the mirror from Queen Chrysalis. Looking in the mirror, I saw my pelt was dark violet, with a lavender chitin, and my mane was dark purple and pink. There were holes in my hooves, my wings and my horn as well as my mane and tail. Honestly, I never looked better. I dragged a hoof over my hair and fixed it down, for it had been ruffled up by the liquid in the cocoon. I set the mirror down and walked off to accompany my Queen to another room in order to plan our next step. OoOoOoOoOoOo To be continued > Changeling Worth and Legends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna's POV (Reading out loud from journal) "Today I have experienced a most peculiar dream indeed. It can only be a prophecy for the dream would have no other sense in any other way. A pony of great power and strength she must be if the wicked shape shifter has plans for her. I know not when this prophecy will be fulfilled but I shall record it so in many years to come, others will hear and be warned against it. I tell you know if you are reading this journal of mine, that a prophecy of a lavender mare, with violet and pink mane, will face an enemy of high caliber, one who looks like us, yet is not. One of wickedness and evil, who plans to control all of Equestria, to transform our people into minions who do her bidding, and to destroy her foes. Even I know not the consequences if she succeeds. She will corrupt the mare of all dear and will turn it against them, her friends, family and unless the wicked one is defeated before her plan is complete, all will be lost." I stood up quickly. " Shoot! That must be Twilight who Starswirl the Bearded was speaking about. I must find my sister and warn her. We shall need to guard her." I charged my horn before a flash appeared in front of me. My sister and Twilight's friends and family appeared in front of me. "Oh thanks the stars you have arrived dear sister. I was about to go search for you. In this book I have open here beside me, a prophecy about our dear friend Twilight Sparkle is described in great detail. Please sister we need to find her quickly and protect her from a terrible fate." I cried. "I am afraid it is already to late Luna." Celestia spoke. "Twilight Sparkle has been captured by Queen Chrysalis of the changelings. I fear for what may have happened to my dear student but please tell me of this prophecy you have spoken of." "Well I was reading the journal of Starswirl the bearded and I feel it is better explained if you read it yourself." I watched the others gather round the book as Celestia read it aloud. The eyes of everyone reading widened as they realized the gravity of the situation. "We need to confront Chrysalis now Princess." Shining growled, the worry for his sister starting to overtake the respectful tone of which he spoke to my sister. However, she seemed not to notice the disrespect. "We leave now. I have regained a lot of strength. Hopefully all of us together can defeat her. Luna do you know where the Elements of Harmony are?" All faces turned to me. "Of course dear sister! The elements are with me." I proudly claimed. "What!" Celestia cried in an astonished voice. "During the whole protection thing, i figured it easier to carry the elements with me. I put a spell on it that would send it to their bearers upon myself being in danger. That way if while trying to get to you, I would be able to send it away in case of being captured or hurt. Now come on. We have to go save Twilight Sparkle." OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo Twilights' POV "So my Queen all I need to do is plan a way to kill the enemies of our kingdom and we will be able to provide food for the subjects?" I recounted, notepad and quill in uh... horn? (Not sure what you call it, enveloped in magic? In hoof?) Quickly writing down everything that we reviewed before fixing my mane. "Yes dearest Twilight Sparkle. I trust you will be able to come up with a magnificent plan of course. When you are done you must relay it to me and we will go over it to check for any flaws." My queen purred. I smiled happily before changing it to a frown. I just realized something strange... "My queen, may I have permission to ask a question?" After seeing a nod I continued, " I mean no disrespect my Queen but why am I so different from the rest of my brethren? The guards Growl and Scorpion as well as the others in your hive are small and have beady eyes, why then am I similar in look to you and have eyes like yours?" I bowed low and awaited an answer." Queen Chrysalis smirked and replied, " That is because you are special. You are as the heir to my throne. And that is also why you are my right hand mare." "I will make you proud my Queen, I shall not fail you." "Good!" She purred again. "Now my fair Queen, I think I have the perfect plan to destroy these ponies." I smiled evilly. OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo (3rd person POV) *Is This easier to understand than the switching POVs? Comment me please. With Luna and the Others "Poof" Luna and company appeared outside the throne room where they hudled up closely to discuss what to do next. "All right, I don't hear anyone inside right now let me cast a spell to check quickly." Celestia whispered. She spelled the door to check for a presence before turing back to the rest of the group. "I need 2 of you to stand guard and warn us if someone is coming. The rest of you follow me. The room is empty." Fluttershy and Rarity took up position in front of the door, kowing they were more useful on guard while the others quietly opened the door and snuck in, they didn't want to draw attention from anyone nearby. The door shut softly and they relaxed before letting their gazes roam the room for Twilight. "I wanted to check here first since this was the last time we saw her and it looks like hypothesis was correct. I see a cocoon over there by the chair. Let's go." Celestia ordered. Luna got to the cocoon first and peeked inside to see Twilight, purple mane and all but with part of her hind hooves black. "She's right here! Looks like she started transforming into a changeling but the process is barely started. By removing her it should go away." Luna charged her magic and dissolved the cocoon, while Rainbow Dash caught her as she fell. "Twilight are you all right?" Rainbow Dash asked as she landed and set Twilight down on the ground. Twilight groaned, her blackish hooves turning lavender again, and looked around before smiling and replying, "Yes girls. I am absolutely fine.