Rifters of Equestria

by AldenExMachina

First published

An evil known as "The Silence" threatens Equestria and warriors known as Rifters will figh

Rifters. Incredibly strong and powerful beings from beyond the rift of dimensions and realities. This warriors go from one dimension to the next destroying evil in all of it's forms, but now Alden, Grey, and Claymore, a trio of Rifters from the well known organization known as "The Order of Nexus", have come to the peaceful land of Equestria and with them a terrible a foe known only as "The Silence" who harbors deep hate for "The Order" shall follow and set it's sights on the land for control of the power its magic which, in the wrong hands, could spell doom for pony-kind. Will the Rifters conquer this threat or shall The Silence unveil a dark secret about "The Order? (This story is co-opted by two authors and at certain points the story will split up into segments that follow the POV of each Rifter character. Alden's character also comes from my own personally written story that will be finished early next year. Authors: AldenExMachina, GreyDualsoul21, and Kyuubbigear.)


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We are Rifters. Inter-dimensional warriors, soldiers, and agents that are armed with skills, abilities, and powers. powers we use to fight darkness in all of it's forms. While there were many of us, we were scattered and mostly traveled alone. The way it was is that if we met another Rifter on our travels, we would join forces. Power in numbers and all, until many of us heard of an organized group know as the Order of the Nexus.

The Order to many lone Rifters was seen as a sanctuary. A place where all Rifters could gather under a banner with our own kind, together with a common goal: Justice against Evil.
Real evil, unlike the stuff you would see in a cartoon as a kid. Real true evils in the forms of tyrannical empires, corrupt conglomerates, dark conspiracies, and threats on peace and life. Such as what you will be reading about in the story I am about to tell.

I am Alden Ex Machina and this is a story that is also being told by my fellow Rifter teammates and friends Grey and Claymore from their points of view at the time else where on the Extranet. This is when we encountered a grave threat in the beautiful and peaceful lands of Equestria.

Chapter 1: Insertion

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Chapter 1: Insertion

“Spike, did you find that book I asked for?” “Yeah, here you go Twilight.” Twilight used her magic to levitate a violet book with
the words “Temporal Disturbances” on the cover quickly into her saddlebags which had been sitting up against a wall. It was
noon on a sunny day in Twilight’s library Ponyville. Twilight had been frantically packing her saddle bags with books and scientific gear.

“Spike, I need you to hurry, there is no time to waste with a matter such as this!”, Twilight spoke with urgency in her voice as she shuffled frantically around the library from shelf to shelf enveloping books with her magic and bringing them close as she examined their titles before either placing them in her bags or rejecting them by laying them in a nearby book pile, something that was unusual given her customary need to be organized.

Spike stood watching in confusion as Twilight moved with speed that could match Pinkie Pie on a sugar. “Twilight?” Spike asked. “Ok, I have to bring that, but this covers relative physics on multi-dimensional planes and I still need-“, Twilight continued to mumble to herself as she ignored Spike’s call. “Twilight?!” Spike yelled a little louder in an attempt to gain the frantic mare’s attention to no avail. “TWILIGHT!?!” Spike yelled finally getting her attention. “Yes Spike, what is it?” Twilight replied, as if he only asked only once and not noticing his volume. What is so urgent that it has you looking so nervous? It can’t be that important can it?” Spike asked. “Not, important? Not Important!?!” Twilight half-yelled with concern in her voice and possibly a bit of overreaction. “Spike, this could be one of the most important scientific developments in Equestria’s history since Starswirl the Bearded discovered time travel!” Twilight explained.

Now in Equestria, Starswirl the Bearded was a legendary pony wizard and pioneer of magic. If what Twilight had discovered was more important than what Starswirl discovered than it had to be important. “This morning I sensed an extremely powerful surge of energy far more powerful than any magic I’ve encountered before coming and going not too far from here. Plus, the energy felt temporal and alien, so given my inclination and my being Princess Celestia’s personal student I’ve decided to take it upon myself to investigate the disturbance and report my findings to Celestia herself, so you see why I have to go right now so I don’t miss anything!” “But Twilight, wouldn’t it make more sense to alert Celestia to this now?” “No Spike. The Princess is probably way to busy with her own work to have to come all the way down here and we’re so much closer to the location. I can handle it myself.”

Twilight trotted over toward a stack of books when she heard a knock at the door. “Spike, could you answer that, I have to get my saddlebags. Just as Spike was reaching for the handle the door flew open barely missing Spike as a pink blur bounced through the thresh hold followed by a cyan colored Pegasus with rainbow striped hair. “Pinkie, calm down, I swear one of these days your break one of our door off of their hinges and mines made of clouds.” The pink cotton candy-haired, bright eyed, bouncing, pony could barely contain herself when it came to doing something fun with all of her best friends. “Oh, I’m sorry Dashie,” Pinkie replied calling Rainbow Dash with the pet name she gave her. “I’m just sooo excited for the picnic we’re gonna have! I made cupcakes and pie and-” Pinkie stopped talking (which was rare for those that new her) after noticing the book cluttered room. “Hey Twilight, what’s with all the books all over the floor. Ooooh, are you making a book fort?! That would be so fun! We could even make a book house with all of the books you have here!

Oh! oh!, and we could have our picnic inside of it, wouldn’t that be crazy?” “I don’t think that’s what this here is sugar cube.” From outside walked in Applejack, followed by Rarity and Fluttershy. “Twilight you simply must tidy up in here, It’s just simply un-ladylike to have ones place look so messy. Rarity always believed that there was a certain standard by which a mare should adhere through posture, behavior, and proper etiquette. This also applies to how someone- excuse me some ponies home looks. Then again Rarity herself must not notice how her boutique looks when she has an “idea” while designing and it looks like there was some sort of fashion war. “Oh um, Twilight we could help you clean up in here I mean if it’s ok with you.” Fluttershy said in her soft whisper of a voice. Fluttershy usually spoke softly, she never wanted to seem like a “loud mouth” as if that were even possible. Twilight looked at a nearby clock noticing that it showed the time as 11:45am.

“Oh, I’m sorry girls. I was in such a hurry I forgot about our picnic.” Twilight said apologetically. “Well, what’s got you ‘all so riled up Twilight?” Applejack asked. “Well, earlier today I sensed an energy disturbance and have been trying to pin point its location so I could go and investigate. “So, did’ya find out where it is?” Applejack asked curiously. “Yeah, It’s outside Ponyville, just a little ways north from here. Basically walking distance and its very important that I examine this.” Twilight said. “Well, how’s bout we join you so we can still have our picnic?” Applejack said. “Twilight said as her and the others started toward the door. “Oh and Spike, while we are gone could you clean up this mess?” Twilight said as she closed the door behind her. Spike looked around the library which looked as if Discord had thrown a drunken party in it. “Saw that one coming he mumbled to himself as he got to work.

“Ok the engines origin point is coming from this field.” The 6 friends led by Twilight using her horn as a sort of sensor walked into a large open field that was only a medium distance from Ponyville. It was also close to the Everfree forest. Not to close to be dangerous but far enough that Fluttershy was not shaking. “This looks like such a lovely place, Fluttershy please do set the basket over there by that tree.” Rarity said as she pointed towards a lone tree in the middle on a very low incline of a hill. The butter yellow pegasus walked over to the tree ,which provided a nice slight shade from the revealed sun in the barely cloudy sky, and set down the basket. The basket was then illuminated in a blue glow as Rarity opened it and floated out the contents. A blanket, plates, a tea kettle, and some food.

The six friends all sat down to enjoy their picnic. After leaning her saddlebags against the nearby tree and getting comfortable, Twilight pulled out a quill and some paper ready to record anything out of the ordinary she saw besides Pinkie Pie’s regular shenanigans. They all sat there for awhile talking and exchanging stories and laughter. Twilight had long since put down the quill and paper to put her attention on conversing with her friends. “So Twilight are there gonna be any fireworks, cause I love fireworks, oh or maybe a parade with lots of pretty balloons and streamers and music! That would just be funnerific!” Pinkie said excitedly ‘Actually, I’m not sure what could happen. Anything could technically speaking. I guess all we can do is wait.” Twilight said keeping a watchful eye on her surroundings. “Oh ok,” Pinkie said while reaching for a cupcake. “Well, while we wait try one of the cupcakes I made. I made them wi-” Pinkie stopped in midsentence with her mouth hanging wide open and blue eyes locked on the sky. “Pinkie, are you ok?” Twilight asked concerned about her friend whose gaze was now locked at the sky. “Ooooh, pretty! Twilight look!” Pinkie Pie pointed at a single large group of dark gathering clouds surging with electricity. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity all looked at the anomaly. “It looks like some kind of electrical disturbance.”Twilight said examining the clouds. “Maybe it’s the Wonderbolts coming to tell me they want me on their team because I’m so awesome.” Rainbow said, confidence emitting from her voice. “Whatever it is it’s utilizing an explosive amount of energy. There’s no doubt. This is what we came here for.” Twilight was then shocked to hear a terrifyingly, gut wrenching roar shoot out from the sky. Fluttershy shrieked in fear and terror shooting into a nearby bush to hide. “What was that!?” Applejack said in disbelief as her and the others looked up with shocked expressions.

Suddenly a huge pitch black figure with jagged wings crash landed about 100 hooves (70ft) from them away from them. When the dirt and dust cleared they saw a horned creature with an extended long neck, a huge body riddled with razor sharp scales, a long thick tail with thorn like bones protruding from the near end, four huge claws that looked like they could eviscerate anything they came in contact with in one swift strike, and the most disturbing head structure. A pointed snout with smoking, flaring nostrils, two huge unnerving horns that were bone white coming from its head, a mouth full of teeth so sharp and serrated and worst of all dark, sinister, red eyes, the eyes of a dragon. The 6 ponies stood there unable to understand the draconic dialect, paralyzed with fear and unbelief. The legendary beast was unlike any other dragon known to Equestria.

This was a dragon, a REAL dragon who was no stranger to the brutality, lethality, a dominant nature known to most dragons.

It sat there as if trying to compose itself from the fall before uttering words in a draconic language. “Xsio munthreki! Astahii nearly tepohada ve spical mobi. Coita vi bensvelk youwe si rechan batobot rift. Astahii re jaunus ekess qe woari ekess wer rift ini jaka, rechan stoda vur separated vur thric drongilt vi problem ekess ve.” Which translated to: “Damn humans? They nearly had me back there. It’s a good thing I cast that rift. They are sure to be lost to the rift by now, cast off and separated, and no longer a problem to me.” The dark creature brought its attention to the 6 ponies and looked at them for a few seconds as if examining them before speaking yet again in a draconic dialect which the mane six could not understand. Keh, shar svabol ui nomeno? 6 equines, shio ini astaha? bensvelk, si tiliw klae vi meal ghent batobot annyo ordeal. Which translated to: “Ah, but what is this? 6 Equines, all by themselves? Good, I could use a meal after that last "ordeal".” The 6 mares stood there paralyzed with fear, shock, and disbelief as the creature began to expand its lungs and just as it was about to summon its fire to cook them a voice shot out from the sky.

“HERE COMES THE PAIN!!!” Just then the dragon stopped its breath and directed its attention upwards. To his surprise with anger in his face he spotted three humanoid figures falling from the sky with unbelievable speed. The creature spoke again, but this time in an understandable language due to its blazing rage. “YOU! YOU SHOULD BE DEA-” He didn’t finish his sentence as one of the figures landed feet first on the dragons head driving it to the ground and nearly crushing it with the force of the fall, not enough to kill it but enough for the dragon to be pissed off at the fact that his little contingency plan had failed and his adversaries, the ones from before, had come to finish the job. “You can’t kill me.” the human said.

Chapter 2: Coffee and Dougnuts

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Chapter 2: Coffee and Doughnuts

"Leroy Jenkins...really?"
"You really are insane, aren't you?"
Only with potential to be criminal."
"You mean, criminally insane?"
"Yeah and I have the documents to prove it. Confirmed by several psychologists."
"You're something else Alden, I tell ya."

I was never one for debriefings but in light of recent events my higher ups found it necessary to get a good account of the situation given the threat we faced. I was sure that in the other rooms my fellow team mates were also being..."debriefed. In truth, I really did feel like a criminal. The way our higher ups had demanded that we be questioned. It felt more like an interrogation.

It was a bright and well lit room. I sat in a steel chair with a long steel table in front of me and an agent sitting across from me. A single cup of coffee sat on the steel surface, heating it. There was a strong scent coming from the cup. It smelled good tempting me to take a sip but I would only be met with a bitter flavor that I wasn't exactly fond of. I didn't really like coffee, but the agent had insisted that i have one, said that i looked tired. Yeah right. The guy that can channel electricity through his body and practically feeds off of it, and I apparently look tired. What complete and utter bull crap, and as if he couldn't get anymore cliche, a box doughnuts sat a few inches away from the coffee. Doughnuts! I mean really!

Only a fool couldn't see through this old trick. I may be young, but I'm to old for this crap. It's just disrespectful to someone of my experience. It was a ruse. That's what made me fell like I was being questioned by the C.I.A. rather than debriefed by the order. The organization I worked for. In a questioning or interrogation things like this will be put on the table as sort of a gult test. A way of determining if the person being questioned has something to hide or be nervous about. They must take me for a fool and that possibility kinda pissed me off.

"So, Alden just how insane are you? I mean, I guess your just the wirde kinda of insane huh?" the agent asked
"Yeah, I kinda am, but only the first definition not the second one.
"The first one? What do you mean by that?"
"Well, the first definition is the state of madness where as the second mean foolishness or irrationality."
"So your more of an "Alice in Wonderland" mad huh?"

The agent then responded with a look of understanding as if getting a joke after some one told him it three days ago.

"That explains so much."
"How so?" It explains why that in a recon mission decided to blow up th info stockade for reasons unkniown, but that's irrelevant. Let's get back to the debrief shall we?"

The agent got up from his seat and leaned against the table with a datapad in his hands, ready to record. "So, how exactly did you guys get to this...Equestria?" the agent asked.
"Well, it all started on a previous mission the day before we got there."Alden said.

Chapter 3: Primus Intus (First Inside)

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Chapter 3: Primus Intus (First Inside)

"Target is 240 meters North West. Take in consideration for Coriolis effect and wind resistance. Did ya get all that or do I have to repeat it nice and slow for ya?"
"Screw you Atlas."

I laid prone on an icy ridge high in the mountains overlooking a well guarded facility with Atlas, an Artificial Intelligence Unit that was in a way made by me, holographic-ally represented as a sphere of almost transparent amber yellow light with streams of data circling within the spherical object. Just then the communications earpiece was wearing rung in my ear. "Hey Atlas, you ever stop bitching?" It was my fellow teammate and friend Grey, listening on the comms frequency from a position closer to the facility. "I don't know Grey, you ever gonna stop busting my balls?' Atlas shot back. "Umm... Atlas, what balls?" The third member of our team Claymore, who had already infiltrated the facilities interior was enjoying this...amusing exchange of mission banter that was common with us in any situation, laid back or serious. He had trying to hack into the facility main frame to give us a better layout of the interior. We wanted to keep enemy contact to a minimum. " Last time I checked you were composed of pure information, enough neural connections to rival the human brain, and 90% hot gas." Clay said almost chuckling. We may have been acting goofy at the time but we were always on top of our game and ready for anything.

The three of us formed Primus Squad. One of the most elite and powerful Rifter teams that the Order had and I'm not just bragging here. We had had been on multiple successful missions under deadly conditions and always came back with no more than a few cuts and bruises. We had the respect, admiration, and sometimes hate of our fellow Rifters for being one of the best. It wasn't always that way when we first met. Weren't exactly friends, but I'll get to that later on. The point was that we were good and this was a mission that required our skill and team work. We had been sent to this facility to perform recon, infiltrate and gain intel on a military group known as "The Words of Silence". We gain previous intel telling us that they had been wrapped up in some secret dealings that could prove a problem so we were sent in to confirm this in a dimension primarily composed of icy tundra covered terrain.

"Clay, how are we coming on the hack, getting any closer?" Alden asked. "Give me sec, this is something you don't quite wanna rush. One file in the wrong place and this whole facility could light up like the fourth of July." Claymore said fidgeting with a datapad that was working it's way through the buildings security.
"Maybe if you didn't have the guy that sets things on fire deal with a class 5 superintendent A.I. we would be inside already." Atlas said.
"Hey, you wanna- wait, what did you say?" Claymore said suprised.
"The reason you're not making any progress is because you still think that this is a small facility maintained by a V.I. (virtual intelligence) which is really low leveled." Atlas said surprising everyone.
"So what you're saying is that this facility is so large that it requires a superintendent A.I. to run it." Alden said.
"Yes. As a matter of fact my scans show that the buildings structure extends far below us."Atlas said
"How low?" Grey said knowing he wasn't going to like the answer.
"About 3300 ft below the surface structure in a rectangular prism and there also a large center chamber half way down." Atlas said.
"Great looks like we're going spelunking" Grey said angry at the fact.
"Well, seeing as how Clay can't hack the system for us to get in were going to have to make them let us in." Alden said
"Oh really? And just how do you propose we do that?" Claymore asked
"Like this. Atlas, locate the ventilation system and the hanger bay. Were gonna set this place off." Alden said bearing a mischievous look on his face.
Atlas brought up a map of the facility and showed the interior of the facility below them, highlighting the vent system that was rooted throughout the facility like ant tunnels. Alden clicked on his mic.
"Here's how this is going to work."


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To all those who have read this story, I apologize for not making any new chapters. Life has not given much time to sit down and write, but with the vacation coming up I will do my best to put more up.

Chapter 4: Breaking and Entering

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Chapter 4: Breaking and Entering

"Here's how this is going to work." Alden said. "Clay, make your way over toward the landing bay on the south side of the base and set a thermite charge on the on the fuel resevoires. I'll make my way over toward the ventilation hub. Seeing as how we are dealing with a rather large A.I., it has produce a large amount of heat causing a system shut down and reset of the security systems. Not to mention the sudden increase of interior temperature."
"They're gonna come pouring out like rats." Claymore said.
"Then we'll go in for the kill." Grey said deviously.
"Exactly. Oh, and Grey, take position near the entrance and get ready to throw up a mist shroud." Alden said.
"Got it." Grey said.
"Alright gentlemen, let's move out." Atlas said.

Clay moved toward the landing bay. Multiple aerial vehicles sat atop landing pads that were built onto a cliff ledge overlooking the mountain range. Below was a sheer drop down a steep icy slope. There were only a few vehicles driving around the compound used to carry cargo or troops and given the altitude of the base on the mountain they were most likely dropped in via cargo air ship. Oddly though, there were no ships for interstellar travel to speak of. There had to be some other mode of transportation. An enemy presence like this wouldn't just sit out here without any means of escape in case of emergency. Something was up.

Clay moved from cover to cover behind crates and vehicles, careful to stay out of sight. Although he was trained for it, stealth wasn't exactly one of his strong suits He was accustomed to more...aggressive means of operation. There were at least fifteen men within the immediate area, mostly engineers or soldiers. Clay followed a fuel line to the main fuel resevoire. It was a rather large black tank further to the back of the bay with multiple fuel lines originating from it a spreading out into the are towards the vehicles ready to be used. Clay planted the thermite charge on the back of the tank, as not to be spotted by any wandering eyes and keyed the signal to the trigger.

"Alden. Grey. I set the charge, what's your status?" Clay asked.
"Hey! Who are you!?
Clay quickly turned around to see an armed soldier pointing an assault rifle at him.
"Hey, I'm just checking the pumps, making sure that the explosives I set are good to blow you stupid bastards to kingdom come." Clay said with a grin
"Explosives!?" the solider said.
"Yeah but, if I were you I'd be more worried about myself if I were you." Clay said with that same sly Grin.
"Oh yeah? How do you figure that?" the soldier questioned.
"Well, for starters I don't have an arrow sticking out of my chest."
"Arrow? What the hell are you talk-"

Before he could finish his words the soldier was cut off by the the feeling of something striking him in the back and a strong pain in his torso. He lowered his gun and looked down to find a metal arrow was protruding from his chest.He looked back up at Clay who stood there shaking his head saying:"Sorry man". He fell to the ground as he gripped the arrow in shock and then let go, lifeless.

"Nice shot Grey." Clay said into his earpiece as he hid the body.
"I've got you covered." Grey said.
"You know, you stole my kill." Clay said.
"Yeah but, thought I'd show that guy a little mercy and save him from being turned into a barbecue." Grey said.

Grey was on the roof above the main entrance to the complex. He had his compound bow in hand watching the landing area from afar. From there Clay made his way to the facility's main entrance for rendezvous.
"Hey Alden, how are things going on your end?" Grey asked
"Almost there." Alden replied.

Now all Rifters had powers had special powers and abilities as a result of exposure to Rift energy, which was present in all dimensions and could pop up randomly at any time with an unknown effect. Alden was able to manipulate electrical currents in many various ways from the the electricity in technology or machines to the electrical impulses in the brains of organic lifeforms. He also carried with him a High-Frequency sword, in which he could channel electrical currents.

Alden made his way toward the Ventilation Hub, a small building with a single door leading inside locked with a keypad. He walked up to the door and placed his hand on the pad. Energy began to surge down his arm into the the keypad as he neurologically interfaced with the system. A second later the keypad beeped and the door unlocked. Inside he found a terminal with a window to a huge room of fan walls and coolant tanks. Alden placed his hands on the terminal and gave it a small charge. The screens turned an amber yellow as Atlas used Alden's body as a conduit into the system.
"I'm in," Atlas said "and the system is shutting down...now."

Suddenly all of the fans shut down then slowed to a halt and the coolant began to grow hot and bubble. The terminals turned red as Atlas disconnected and returned to Alden. Now Atlas was a highly advanced A.I. that was housed in a chip in Alden's shades but he was completely able to function within Alden's brain co-operating with his nervous system which benefited the both of them in combat situations, live data analysis, and advanced meta-cognition which can be defined as "knowing about knowing" or having knowledge about when and how to use particular strategies for learning or for problem solving.

"Atlas, blow the charges. Guys, get ready." Alden said, heading outside. Grey, who was sitting on the rooftop, watched as the fireworks started. A huge explosion went off at the vehicle area, engulfing all in range in fire and smoke and caused the landing pads and some vehicles to topple off of the cliff and fall down the mountain in an avalanche of snow, debris, and destruction. Grey looked down to see about 20 soldiers run out of the base entrance heavily armed and at full alert.
Grey pulled out his compound bow, took aim, and let an arrow fly straight to the group of soldiers.

Grey had the power of Aquakinesis. Through which he mostly manifested as mists in combat. His abilities also allowed him to control, generate and/ absorb liquids, moving and shaping bodies of water to the his desire: lifting, parting or otherwise manipulating its form and/or density. He also carried with him two short swords, which he dual wielded and a black and green compound bow. As the arrow flew he engulfed it in a thick mist which trailed in mid-fight toward it's targets. On contact it exploded and dispersed into a thick mist, blinding and confusing the soldiers.

"Hey Alden I just set up a bunch of dead men walking, you close?" Grey said.
"Yeah, I'm closing in now." Grey looked ahead as Alden sprinted towards the still mist covered group of soldiers, all the while sparking with electricity. Claymore followed behind him.
"Alright Al, light'em up!" Grey said
Alden then jumped high into the air, extended his arm, and fired a bolt a lightning right into the mist.
"Energy 101 children! What happens when you introduce electricity to a water source?" Alden Yelled.
The electricity surged into the mist and through the bodies of the soldiers, completing a circuit and electrocuting them.
In many cases Rifters could combine their powers if compatible.
"Shock goes the weasel!" Grey yelled.
"Good job you guys, now let's get inside, it's freezing out here." Clay said, his head practically steaming as the three of them ran inside with the door closing behind them.

It was hot inside and only got hotter the further on they went.
"Damn man, it's burning up in here!" Grey said.
"Well, I did turn off the cooling system." Alden said. "The whole thing is tied into the A.I itself. Without it the whole place will just keep increasing in temperature until-"
"Boom." Clay finished.
"Exactly." Alden said."
"I kinda like it." Clay said.
"That's because your a human boiler. Your brain is probably just cooking in there." Atlas said with his usual smart-ass tone.

The three of them walked down a long corridor with multiple doors and hallways, all empty and silent. The halls were illuminated by red emergency lights. Most of the soldiers had dropped what they were doing and headed outside to manage the destroyed vehicles and fires, were searching the area for intruders, or were preparing for a possible attack.
"Alright, here we are." Atlas said.
The three came to a large multi-lock door with large print that read: INNER-CHAMBER AUTHORIZED PERSONAL ONLY.
"I got this." Alden said as he unsheathed his katana from the scabbard on his back. It was a a curved, slender, single-edged blade with a squared guard and long grip. Being that his sword was High-Frequency it was reinforced by a powerful alternating current and resonated at extremely high frequencies, allowing it to loosen the atomic bonds between atoms.
He brought his sword to bear, brought it back and slashed a series of attacks with incredible speed, cutting the door to pieces as it fell apart to reveal a circular lift.

They all walked onto the lift and Clay pushed the down button and began to descend slowly into the shaft. Not dramatically slowly, but really, really slowly. Like, "what the f*ck?" slowly. So slow in fact, that the Rifters were getting a little pissed.
"Dude...what the actual f*ck?" Grey said flatly.
"It is going pretty slow." Alden said.
"Slow?! Alden, by the time we get down there scientists would have finally come to terms with the terrifying fact that the cast of Jersey Shore are NOT HUMAN!!!" Clay yelled.
"Nice." Grey said laughing.
""Well, what do you suggest?" Alden asked.
"Hmm. You know what, I've got an idea." Clay said.

Claymore's abilities were Pyrikinesis, which is the ability to manipulate fire. He can excite or speed up an object's atoms, increasing their thermal energy making it ignite, not necessarily objects, but also air particles. He can also control and move the flames, including the shape, heat and even color; that said, pretty much everything with this power comes down to burning. Which made sense that he was just fine with the increased temperature of the facility.

Clay stood in the center of the lift as his arms began to ignite with flames. He brought up his arms and threw several blasts of fire at the gears that the lift descended on. The metal quickly turned a white hot and began to melt.
"OH THIS IS GONNA BE FUN!" Alden yelled.
"HOLD ON YOU GUYS!" Clay said as they all grabbed on to the lift.
The entire lift began to groan and creak until the gears gave way and the entire lift plummeted to the bottom of the shaft.
"OHHHH CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!" Grey yelled as they fell.