> Singing contest > by YatzSliversword > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Doctor trotted happily down the streets of Ponyville, enjoying the warm feeling of the sun on his back. His spiky brown mane stuck out at all angles, in contrast with his lighter brown fur. On his flank was an hourglass Cutie Mark, since his special talent was apparently traveling through time. He halted abruptly as he passed a poster with a bolt font on it, reading: SINGING CONTEST: TODAY ALL WELCOME MUST SIGN UP BEFORE THE SUN SETS The Doctor scanned the poster briefly. “Well, I’m sure Derpy will be interested in that.” He said in a strange accent. Next to the poster was a sheet of paper entitled: SIGN-UP SHEET. The Doctor took the pencil in his mouth and inscribed on the last space of the chart: DERPY HOOVES At Sugarcube Corner, a small but fully grown gray pegasus went about her favorite business: Making muffins. Derpy was a slightly strange pegasus. She had blond mane, and bubbles as a Cutie Mark--she said it was because of her bubbly personality, which is true--but her most interesting feature was her eyes. They were gold colored, but they were almost always crossed in different directions, except when she got excited. Most ponies, except for a chosen few, ignored the fact. Making muffins was her most absolutely favorite thing to do. Pinkie Pie often said that they were the most-sold pastry at Sugarcube Corner, though Derpy wasn’t sure if she was saying that just to be nice. She was mixing up the batter as the Doctor entered, since he figured this is the only place she would be. “Hi Doctor!” Derpy called cheerfully around her mixing spoon. “Hello Derpy.” The Doctor said. “You’ll never guess what I did!” Derpy thought for a moment. “Hmm... Did you get over your fear of pears? No... Did they ban butter? No... that would make you sad. I give up! So what is it?” “I signed you up for that singing competition tonight!” The mixing spoon clattered onto the counter as it fell out of Derpy’s open mouth. “Did I say something wrong?” The Doctor asked. Derpy shook her head. “No-no. It’s nothing.” The Doctor hesitated, opened his mouth to say something, but thought better of it. “Well... Okay. See you tonight?” Derpy nodded wordlessly as she picked up her mixing spoon. When he had left, she sighed. Didn’t he realize her fear? Princess Luna walked up to the sign-up sheet and un-tacked it with her magic. Luna was an alicorn, which meant she had the build of an Earth Pony, the wings of a pegasus, and the horn of a unicorn. There were only three known alicorns, one being her sister, Celestia, the other co-ruler of Equestria. Luna’s mane, like her sisters, flowed endlessly, except hers was the color of the night sky. Her most bold feature was her Cutie Mark, which was the picture of a moon. Her special talent was raising the moon and the stars every night, while her sister Celestia raised the sun every morning. Her glass slippers clicked on the ground as she mumbled off names on the list. “Bon Bon, Amethyst, Diamond Tiara, Surprise, Derpy--” She stopped herself as she saw Derpy’s name. Her friend was entering the singing contest? That couldn’t be right. Derpy turned around as she heard the little ding-a-ling of the bell on the door of Sugarcube Corner. “How may I... Luna?” Her alicorn friend came up to the counter. “Is there something wrong?” “No.” Derpy said. Luna stared at her. Derpy sighed. “Yes! The Doctor signed me up for the singing contest, and he doesn’t know my fear! At first, I was only going to watch, but I guess not, now.” “Oh!” Luna said. “That would explain why your name is on the list. I knew you’d never willingly enter with your fear of performing in front of an audience. Derpy nodded glumly. “Mm-hmm. I don’t want to tell the Doctor, because he’ll probably just think it’s stupid. Isn’t there any way to get my name off of that list?” Luna shook her head. “I’m afraid not” Derpy began banging her head against the counter. “I’m going to make a fool of myself out there!” Luna wrapped one of her wings around Derpy’s shoulders. “I can help you with this! You can perform a song in front of me.” Derpy looked up. “Really? But what if somepony comes in here in the middle of me singing?” Luna used her magic to turn the OPEN sign on the door to CLOSED. “Problem solved.” Luna sat down in a chair. “Okay, pretend I’m an audience. Why don’t you sing the first verse of a good song?” Derpy shifted her hooves nervously. “I just can’t! You’re watching me!” Luna turned around in her chair so that her back was facing Derpy. “How about now?” “O-Okay...” Derpy began singing softly. And know that in your heart You have the strength deep inside. Let it be your guide. You can fly past the moon And race all afternoon. Don't be afraid to make a choice. Raise your voice. Luna turned around. “That was AMAZING! It was so good! Sing it again, but this time I’ll be watching you.” Derpy repeated the verse, but this time a little stronger and bolder. Luna clopped her hooves together, her glass slippers making clinking sounds as they hit together. “Wow! That was perfect! Do you know the whole song?” Derpy nodded. “Can you try and sing it with me watching you? I’m purely non-judgemental, remember.” “Okay...” You can reach for the stars And know that in your heart You have the strength deep inside. Let it be your guide. You can fly past the moon And race all afternoon. Don't be afraid to make a choice. Raise your voice. Just follow your star. Spread your wings and be free. Wherever you are Is right where you should be. So listen to your heart And believe in what you dream. And follow, follow your star. There's a time when you know How to find your destiny. And with each turn in the road It's clear for you to see. So push through the days; Don't let your by spirit fade. Throw away all your doubts. I'll sing out loud. Just follow your star. Spread your wings and be free. Wherever you are Is right where you should be. So listen to your heart And believe in what you dream. And follow, follow your star. Just follow your star. Spread your wings and be free. Wherever you are Is right where you should be. So listen to your heart And believe in what you dream. And follow, follow your star. Follow your star. Follow your star. Follow your star. Follow your star. Follow your star. Follow your star. Follow your star. Follow your star. Follow your star. Just follow your star. Luna applauded profusely. “That was incredible! You should have absolutely no worries about tonight! That song will blow everyone clean away! It’s perfect.” The two friends left just as the sun was sinking low on the horizon as Celestia’s magic took hold. “Oh!” Luna exclaimed. “That’s my cue. Pardon me!” Derpy watched as Luna spiraled into the air, her mane flowing out behind her. She was interested in what would happen, as she had never seen Luna raise the moon before. The moon alicorn slowly flapped higher into the air, and the full moon rose with her, as well as stars beginning to appear in the now-dark sky. “That was so cool!” Derpy told her as she landed. “And you get to do that every single night! You’re talent is awesome.” “But remember,” Luna said. “You’re going to be awesome tonight too.” Derpy winced. “Oh yeah, that. I’m gonna die.” “You’re not going to die!” Luna scoffed at her. “You will be awesome, and everybody shall love you. Besides, they wouldn’t dare make fun of you while the Princesses are present!” “Gee, thanks.” Derpy mumbled. The Doctor met them halfway to Town Hall, where the event was to take place. He had a green tie on, which Derpy found odd, but she didn’t question it. “I am gonna die.” Derpy whispered in Luna’s ear. “If I lose it with him watching, I’ll never leave my house again.” “Will you relax?” Luna whispered back. “Even if you do lose it, which I know you won’t, he wouldn’t care one way or the other.” Derpy didn’t have a chance to answer before they were joined by the Doctor. “Hello Derpy!” He greeted Derpy. “And greetings to you as well, Luna.” The alicorn nodded. “We were planning to walk over together. Care to join us?” “Sure.” Derpy sighed as the Doctor joined him. I’m going to die. When they reached Town Hall, Derpy quivered slightly as she saw the sheer number of ponies that had packed the building. “There are so many...” She whispered, trying to get her crossed eyes to focus on them all. Luna nodded. “Yup. I think just about all of Ponyville has turned out to see this.” Derpy whimpered. “That doesn’t make me feel better.” “Sorry.” Throughout the entire time that had been talking, the Doctor had been saying something about “equines”. “Doctor,” Luna said. “Would you like to join me and my sister up in the balcony, since there are obviously no good seats anymore?” The Earth Pony blinked, looking slightly surprised. “Well... sure.” Luna directed her attention back to Derpy. “See the stage? Behind those curtains is backstage.” Derpy nodded, trying not to show any of her fear, though she thought it showed clearly. “Right.” Luna winked at her before she led the Doctor off. “Good luck.” Derpy finally managed to squeeze through the tight crowd and make it to the backstage, although it wasn’t much better. Ponies bustled about, rehearsing or preparing themselves for their act. Not knowing what to do, Derpy settled in the corner of the busy room. It seemed like ages, but finally she heard a regal voice call out: “My loyal ponies!” Derpy peered in between the curtains. Up in the balcony, she saw the Doctor and Luna, as well as a rainbow-haired alicorn, Celestia, who was addressing the crowd. Celestia continued. “Thank you all for gathering here tonight under the full moon Luna has provided us with! I’m sure everypony’s different acts shall be exceptional in their own way! Let us begin!” Derpy hid behind the curtains as the crowd roared and clapped in approval. Act after act went, and even Diamond Tiara performed, giving Derpy a sneer before she went out onto the stage, though her singing was off key, which heartened Derpy. Each time a song ended, Derpy prayed she wasn’t next, but finally her name was called. “Derpy Hooves!” Derpy approached the curtain; a feeling of doom spreading over her. As she passed Diamond Tiara, the pink pony snickered: “Break a leg.” As she walked out on stage, she was intimidated by how many silent faces looked at her, silently waiting for her to begin her song. She glanced up at the balcony, and saw Luna and the Doctor smiling encouragingly, and even Celestia dipped her head slightly. She took a deep breath, and her whole body relaxed. Luna was right; she wasn’t going to fail. She began singing, soft at first, but it got louder. You can reach for the stars And know that in your heart You have the strength deep inside. Let it be your guide. You can fly past the moon And race all afternoon. Don't be afraid to make a choice. Raise your voice. Just follow your star. Spread your wings and be free. Wherever you are Is right where you should be. So listen to your heart And believe in what you dream. And follow, follow your star. There's a time when you know How to find your destiny. And with each turn in the road It's clear for you to see. So push through the days; Don't let your by spirit fade. Throw away all your doubts. I'll sing out loud. Just follow your star. Spread your wings and be free. Wherever you are Is right where you should be. So listen to your heart And believe in what you dream. And follow, follow your star. Just follow your star. Spread your wings and be free. Wherever you are Is right where you should be. So listen to your heart And believe in what you dream. And follow, follow your star. Follow your star. Follow your star. Follow your star. Follow your star. Follow your star. Follow your star. Follow your star. Follow your star. Follow your star. Just follow your star. As the last melodic notes faded away, Derpy stood, awaiting what reaction she received. Much to her utter surprise, the audience exploded into cheering and clapping. Completely overwhelmed, the pegasus scrambled backstage, and was greeted with the same encore. The only one that didn’t congratulate her was Diamond Tiara, who looked stunned, and a little angry, which made Derpy’s day. After a few minutes, Luna appeared, bouncing around her in circles yelling: “You did it, you did it, you did it! It was perfect! It was magnificent!” “Oh,” Derpy said, looking at her hooves. “It wasn’t that good.” “Yes it was!” The Doctor appeared at her side. “It was truly a brilliant little ditty!” Derpy blushed even redder. “Well... Maybe it was...” “And at first, I thought you would have stage fright, or something like that.” The Doctor carried on. “But, it doesn’t appear to be so! Though now, I must be getting back to the TARDIS. Goodnight all!” After they had bid him farewell, Luna exploded into laughter. “What’s so funny?” Derpy asked. “Ahahaha!” Luna cried. “All this time you were worried about stage fright, while he was worried about you having stage fright! And he has no clue, either!” Derpy began laughing too. Finally when they were able to stop, Luna asked the fatal question: “Do you still have stage fright?” Derpy shook her head. “No, thanks to you.” AUTHORS NOTE: The song that Derpy sings is not my own. It is actually a song called Follow Your Star. The song has two mixes; Ideal mix (Male version), and Truth mix (Female version). If you would like to listen, look it up on YouTube. For a more Derpy-ish sense, go with Truth mix.