> Seeded Conceit > by dermuffinmeister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You look absolutely perfect, Trixie,” Trixie told the drop-dead gorgeous girl in the mirror. The dressing room lights bathed her in an incandescent glow, showing her makeup as it would look on stage. She blew herself a kiss and continued to detail. Pearl blue lipstick accentuated Trixie’s face in a fantastic way. She couldn’t get over how sexy and gorgeous she looked, her full lips being the centerpiece of the art gallery that was the Great and Powerful Trixie’s face. She hummed a little burlesque tune and plucked up her mascara. Trixie left the cap on. She looked deep into Trixie’s eyes and kissed the tip of the little black tube. She blinked slowly and moaned softly to her lover in the mirror. She opened her mouth wide and placed the shaft on her soft tongue, gently moving back and forth to stroke the metal with every taste bud. Her dick sucking lips pursed around the rod as she sucked hard. Trixie began to fellate the makeup wand with vigor. Five raps on the door made her jump and nearly swallow her tool. “You’re on in five, Tricks!” a jealous female shouted from behind the dressing room door. How DARE she be so insolent, so disrespectful! Trixie cleared her throat, but said nothing. She batted her eyelashes some in the mirror, feeling the disgust from whoever was behind that door. The petty envy made Trixie’s sexy lips curl up in a girn. She only wished she could meet herself as another person, oh the words she would have! The sexual fulfillment! No more impotent fans or expensive escorts that hardly did more than lick apathetically or stick it in like a plug in an outlet. No, Trixie’s greatest fan and lover would always be herself. Well, herself and her magic wand, or wands. “Doooooo, re mi fa so la ti dooooo,” Trixie sang to herself, getting her beautiful voice ready. She stood and sang a few more scales, recited a few lip looseners, rehearsed her big lines, and looked at her nice round ass in the mirror. She pulled her stockings again until they looked ready to burst. Her thighs looked so great in them, Trixie found herself getting a little hot under her kinky dress already. Trixie winked in the mirror and adjusted her gown one more time, wishing she could grope herself as another person badly. Four hard knocks rang through the door, but Trixie stopped the fifth one from coming. The red-haired manager lady was hardly surprised to see Trixie stand in the open doorway. “You’re on, lady-” “Shut it, lady,” Trixie interrupted. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is prepared and ready to put on a magnificent show. Step aside!” Trixie strutted into the hall, leaving the door for her to close. She heard something rhyming with “witch” as she walked on, but Trixie hardly let that under her skin. The opener was on his way back into the trenches after what seemed to be an acceptable performance. He wore a nice suit, at least, Trixie noticed with the faintest hint of approval. “Good evening, miss Trixie,” a muscular man in his late prime said, his bald head shining just under the flourescent lights. “And to you,” she said benevolently. Trixie walked slower for the nice gentleman, allowing her admirer graciously to drink in her curves. She felt that twinge of loneliness hit again with her mild lust attack. Trixie swallowed her frown as she stepped into the buzzing backstage area, a glow nearly emanating from her skin. Even though she was well sculpted and well tanned, Trixie loved the way her lotions glowed in the blacklights. That was a major sect of her performance, ultraviolets. Her perfect teeth were radioactively bright, something she found extremely alluring for an odd reason. The whites of her eyes, as well as her white-streaked hair, shone brilliantly in the purple blues. “M-miss Trixie! Ther-there ar-you are!” A lanky, acne-ridden man-child with a slight neck beard walked up with his clipboard readied as a shield. “The re-light’s are ready, the band, the uh... “ “Microphones? Stage? The rest of the fucking set?” Trixie didn’t have patience or time for this. Neckbeard nodded. “Y-yes, miss Tri-” “That’s the Great and Powerful Trixie to you, plebeian!” Trixie walked on past him. She met with the five-man band briefly to review the set. By god were they homely. Trixie still smiled at them, however. The musicians were very talented, she knew. There was something about the balding vocalist that struck Trixie as off. Not bad or disheartening, just odd. She shrugged her notion aside and fixed her gown while the curtain rose slowly. The show started before the lights came on with a strong, heavy chord. *                                *                                * The starred door shut with the most satisfying click. Trixie sank into her makeup chair and just relaxed, completely limp after a long performance. She turned off the harsh lights, but kept the blacklight above the mirror on. Her makeup and teeth glowed brilliantly, making her sigh with content. “Oh Trixie,” Trixie said to the picture of beauty before her. “Why and how are you so amazing? Oh, I just wish I could step through that mirror so much.” Trixie sulked back into the chair and stared at the ceiling. “I need a drink.” The world’s greatest entertainer stood and adjusted her sexy gown in the mirror, taking stock of her fantastic breasts. She squeezed them together softly, then roughly. Trixie bit her lip as her womanhood ached for a touch. On that note, she turned for her special bag. The tool was too familiar to Trixie. A long, diamond-hard vibrator nearly ten inches in length with a ballooning head. She grinned, knowing how it perfectly filled her and made her moan. The shaking, flaring tip always caressed her g-spot so well. Not as well, however, as the tool she had for that purpose. Trixie laid the pink and purple thing next to the first and remembered her times with that. She had had a layover, so she went back to the hotel for the night. Alone, as always. As much as she loved the spotlight, Trixie typically hated people. She did, however, love her own touch. Trixie squirmed on the little loveseat as she remembered back to that snowy night. The special g-spot vibrator, a simple, high-definition video camera on a tripod, and plenty of water. God, Trixie had never squirted so much. After just ten or so minutes of extreme stimulation, Trixie bathed herself and the camera with all her girlcum. It must have been a gallon. Trixie began to breath hard in the stuffy little room. She got up and calmed down, a glass cold water doing wonders for her mental health. Trixie sat down again at her spot and prepared to remove the special fluorescent makeup. A series of hard knocks startled Trixie, making her jab her eye with a damp rag. “OW! For the love of me... CAN I NOT HAVE SOME PRIVACY?!” “Trixie, open the damn door!” a familiar male voice shouted. It couldn’t be... but, could it? “O-one moment!” Trixie scrambled to fix herself again. She got her hair right enough and her dress nice and tight again as the door shook with hard knocks. Trixie rushed and unlocked the deadbolt, then the door knob. The image of her toys flashed through her mind. Trixie panicked. She zoomed to the couch with her lovemakers and stuffed the plastic between the cushions as the door flew open. “Why the fuck was that locked?!” An angry man, well over six feet tall, said as he stormed in with two of his friends. Trixie felt a twinge between her legs just before the shock of fear sent adrenaline to her body. She remained stiff and tried to look unafflicted. “To keep fanatics out,” Trixie said with a little flip of her hair. Three more men walked in, all more or less familiar somehow. Four were in the stage band, she was sure of it. The others were also stagehands, but only one did Trixie know by name. Her ex-lover and former talent agent closed the door behind the last man to enter. Trixie sank deeper into the uncomfortable couch and crossed her legs. “S-so, Simon,” Trixie said with forced casualty. “What’s with the parade? I’m not comfortable with all these people in my dressing room.” “That’s the idea,” the large male said. He smirked a shit-eating smirk and nodded to one of his buddies. Trixie squirmed as he set down a heavy bag and pulled out what seemed to be a high-end camera. As fear ran through Trixie’s veins, she finally got a stock on the strange sensations. She was sitting right on a vibrator, and it was on high. The tip was trying it’s best to push through the delicate fabric of her dress and into her, ashamedly, wet pussy. “I, I don’t follow.” The one guy in all black continued to place the camera front and center in front of Trixie as she began to perspire. Simon and his friends worked quickly to set up black lights all over, as well as bar the door. Trixie didn’t like this at all. “Just sit pretty, Trixie. That’s about all you’re good for. That and selling about twenty tickets.” “Ah! That was a packed house, you asshole! Are you blind or something?!” Trixie was a bit too distracted to think up proper insults. “Shut it,” Simon said levelly. “If you keep your pretty mouth shut, I might fuck it a little more gently.” Trixie had no answer. Another two tall men stood over her with some straps in their hands, but they remained still as the rest set up for what looked to be a quick photo shoot. The black lights really did play on her makeup, Trixie knew, but why the goons? Why no notice? Why was the door barred? Why was there just one video camera in front of a sofa? And then Trixie knew. The internet. She was about to become famous, but not for anything she would have ever wanted. Sure, she had scraped together quick cash on the road with pictures and a video or two, but that was all solo. Hell, she had had sex only a dozen times, maximum! And not with more than one partner, and never utilizing both holes. Never! The Great and Powerful Trixie was just... above such barnyard vulgarity. “Alright everybody,” said the man behind the camera with the red light. Once we finish the lighting, we’re ready to rock.” The red light flicked off just as Trixie squirmed on her pulsing dildo. The bulbous tip of the g-spot stimulator was right on her asshole, but for whatever reason, Trixie couldn’t keep the pleasure away. The pink knob was alive and trying to penetrate, and Trixie really wanted it to. Trixie squirmed in her seat whilst seven big men worked around her. She was extremely horny, and that was undeniable. Maybe... this wouldn’t be so bad. Trixie just hoped they would be gentle at first, use protection, and plenty of lubricant if they went there. “What the shit is taking so long, Caesar?” Simon barked as he helped to set up some lighting. Trixie’s entire core shook with apprehension and a wanton lust for all the flesh around her. The lust was superfluous, primal wanting, but she felt it all the same. What she really wanted was a weapon, or a way out. “It’s... fuck, oh, okay I got it now!” Caesar, the glasses-clad man operating the camera, plugged in a chord and gave a thumbs up and a big smile. Trixie wanted to wipe it off with a baseball bat. “Alright then, finally we’re in business!” Simon jumped onto the couch next to Trixie, quite a sight for such a large man. Trixie knew he was big in more than one way, on top of that. Simon scooted close to Trixie and held her close, against her will. “Alright, G and PT, here’s what’s up. We’re gonna fuck you. And you’re gonna make us boku bucks, and if you got a problem, we got gags and leather straps and all sorts of pain makers. Hell, we were banking on the assumption you would not want seven dicks in you, one after the other, making you scream and scream and scream some more. Whaddya say, slut? You’ll get ten percent, of course. Maybe. Depends on how much we get.” Simon reached around and cupped Trixie’s right breast. As fantastic as it is, Trixie wasn’t in the mood for sharing. However, she was too paralyzed with fear to do anything but whimper about it. As both of her amazing breasts were fondled roughly, Trixie mustered up the courage born of disgust to push him away. Trixie remained seated on her toys as another dude came by and pulled her head back to the couch. Trixie was forced to push out her chest as she was declothed piece by piece. Trixie began to perspire as her clothes were taken off. Her toys were still digging into her womanly flesh, the only wanted sensation. That alone cemented Trixie to the spot. Simon and another “gentleman” began to suck on her sensitive, erect nipples. Trixie breathed hard as a hand dipped down to her legs. She instinctively and immediately slapped her hands down onto the wandering grabbers and grabbed at them. She was given a swift slap as a prize. Trixie found herself sideways on the sofa, her cheek stinging and her breasts hanging out, her fantastic ass in the air and cold. She was smacked again, this time on the ass. The sting was far more erotic than the pain on her face. Trixie gritted her teeth and bore through it as the guys picked up her toys with laughter. Their jeering and laughing faded away as Trixie blocked out what was going on. She was smacked, bitten, slapped, whipped, spanked, all making her bare breasts bounce and her tense voice quiver. Trixie opened her eyes again to the sight of much, much more flesh. The rippled abdomens and the strong chests made things a little more agreeable, but in a way, it made things far worse. Trixie squeezed her eyes shut as her gown was ripped off of her. She shuddered at the thought: such an expensive piece torn to ribbons. It was criminal in itself! Not to mention the rape. Water fell sideways from Trixie’s face as her own toys were used against her. Her shoes were long since tossed aside, but her pantyhose remained on, but torn at the crotch. She shook in place as something warm touched her bare slit. A tongue, she looked between her legs and saw. The drummer, the overweight man with hardly enough hair on his neck to call peach fuzz was eating her out. And it felt good. Great, even. Trixie hated it, but she loved his tongue. He kept going until she couldn’t help but let out a little moan. “Slut,” came from somewhere. Trixie absolutely, wholly loathed everything and everyone that’s ever existed, but she loved one thing. Trixie adjusted and let him continue. At least this felt good. It wasn’t long before everyone got bored, however. Trixie yelped as her magnificent twat was spread open by a pair of strong fingers. It seemed like they were gentle enough, as the vibrating tip of her odd vibrator slid in easily. Trixie whimpered and laid back, taking up most of the black sofa. She opened her eyes and saw them all enjoying the sight. Two men were naked waist down, pleasuring themselves to the sight of Trixie’s beauty. The sight gave Trixie a glint of satisfaction, and that led to pleasure. She allowed herself to watch and breath heavily. Already, sweat tainted the air, but that was okay. The vibrator turned up slowly, the bulging head pressing exactly into the desired spot. Trixie wanted to take it in her own hands and put on a show, just to appease and please them and herself. Trixie couldn’t hold it in any more. She moaned openly, feeling amazing already; she was not just horny, but pleasured. The only way to make it better was to have a mirror on the ceiling. She really wanted to watch the video feed, too, and see herself getting stimulated. “Ah...” Trixie panted and gyrated her hips a little. She squeezed her breast and looked up. “AH!” Trixie’s lovely face was squeezed by a rough, calloused hand. A thick cock slapped her lips a few times. Trixie refused it, baring her teeth as a warning and a threat. “Nope,” the man said. “Looks like we need the ring one. Hey y-fuck!” He let her go as he caught the mystery object. “I will NOT fellate a stranger’s tool!” Trixie shouted, the vibrator inside her making her blush. The disgusting taste clung to her lips still. She would kill for a toothbrush. “Yeah you will, fucking slut!” The man smacked her upside the head, making her reel. “NEVE-GRMMRAAA!!” Trixie found her face forced open by the man’s strong hands, and a ring was forced in behind her teeth. The thick plastic ring held Trixie’s mouth open. She writhed in place, but five strong hands held her down as two more secured the strap behind her head. Thankfully, he was careful of her hair. Trixie swallowed her saliva several times to stop from drowning, and her mouth was drying out fast. The calloused man forced her head back again and pushed his thick, gross member into Trixie’s mouth upside-down. She tried to force it out with her tongue, but that just pressed it’s taste into her tongue. Trixie’s nose inhaled the scent of his cock-sweat covered testicles. The disgusting stench was oddly arousing, as if the musk of his perspiration was an aphrodisiac. Trixie found his long tool entering her face not so bad, after a bit of adjusting. Her pussy purred with wet delight as a cock made her choke lightly. Trixie got plenty of time to breath, at first, but his might overwhelmed her. She gagged and gagged as his dick pressed into her throat. “Relax and swallow it, you fucking cunt,” Simon whispered into her ear. Trixie clenched her eyes shut and tried her best, her consciousness fading fast as oxygen failed to feed her brain. Surely enough, a sack smacked her nose as a thick cockhead slipped deep into her throat. Trixie offered no resistance when he pulled out to let her breath. Trixie was nearing a serious climax as the pink bulb was jiggled against her special spot. The vibrator was on full, no doubt. Another vibrator rattled against her clit hard. It was crude, but effective. The dual stimulation drove her insane. Trixie shook and panted a little while the calloused man stroked himself with Trixie’s spit. She only wanted to slurp up her own saliva now. Trixie attempted to reach down and touch her clitoris in an attempt to invite him back, but her arms were fastened above her head. No surprise there, Trixie thought with a defeated slack. Someone said something, and Trixie found herself in a bunch of strong arms. She was dropped hard onto a mat, a dirty fuck mat. She screamed out when the pink, hot, wet vibrator was shoved up her asshole, but it wasn’t too bad. Trixie closed her eyes and felt it go deep. The bulb sank into her dirty hole farther than she had ever thought possible, and then the handle began to go in. The switch scratched her as it slipped past her anus, but it wasn’t so bad after the whole thing was inside her. Trixie loved a weird dildo vibrating in her ass, especially right when it hit there. There! A cock slipped into her face again as she pushed her weight down, forcing the vibrating orb to press there. Trixie moaned as she was sent to a world of bliss. Something nice and thick slipped into her cunt, adding to her bliss. Trixie looked up and saw black. That’s right, a blindfold. Trixie’s thoughts moved as fast as her intense simulations. She breathed when she could, and she focussed on the good. Her prostate, that was what was so good, right? That’s what made her entire core reverberate with pleasure. It must be, or something. Trixie smiled around the gag that was around a hard rod. They didn’t even need that gag, Trixie would gladly suck that sweaty member. As if they were all mind readers, Trixie could breath again. Her jaw erupted with pain as it was allowed to come back to a normal state. Trixie’s arms were still bound, she found, when she attempted to move the blindfold. Entrapped in a world of black, Trixie clenched her sore jaw and rode out the pleasure. She attempted to use her kegel exercises and push them out, but they were stuck. “Ah, fuck me.” Trixie moaned softly. She jolted in response to a chilly sensation on her bare chest. All she could do was whimper as her great tits were massaged with lubricant. A rod was placed between them. Trixie winced as her sensitive breasts were squeezed together hard. Trixie panted hard as she was titfucked. She imagined the thick rod between her tits as it pumped her. She felt her still little clitoris throb painfully hard as she felt the man’s heaviness on her chest. Time seemed to fade. The air got musty, then hot, very quickly. Trixie still sucked the sweaty dressing room air for all she was worth. Climax came, and Trixie could finally feel the tape begin to give way. Trixie felt herself squirt and squirt, and she didn’t hold one drop back. She continued to trickle pussy fluid until the dildo squirted out of her orgasming cunt. She barely had time to catch her breath before a different presence entered her. Trixie’s mouth went limp as a dick fucked her. She could only spread her legs wider and accept it. He was novice, but brutal. Trixie found his rod most pleasurable. On top of that, her special vibrator kept touching her anal cum-button. The blindfold lifted suddenly, surprising Trixie. “Wha-oh, th...” Trixie trailed off and whimpered as a hot load of cum fell forcefully onto her face, mainly her eyes. She couldn’t wipe any of the radiant sperm away, and some flowed onto her eye. Despite the searing pain and discomfort, the stench and stimulation was too great to hate. Trixie thought she might be broken, but that thought melted in a second of extreme hardcore stimulation. The music from her set played in her mind as another cock found her face. Trixie felt the cum all over her face, as the blindfold had been discarded. She hated the thick, disgusting fluid on her pretty, made-up face. It was an insult, more than anything. Trixie frowned and wished she was somewhere else, getting pounded by a true love. She imagined her raper to be a strapping young lad, not some gross man. She had already finished, why couldn’t she just be held as she drifted off to sleep? The greatest magician knew she wasn’t perfect, as she was painfully lonely, but this was just rude. She cried some, mixing cum with tears. She tried not to think, but the mind-blowing pleasure and the mind-numbing pain forced her brain. Trixie imagined all of the males through her eyelids were smiling and grunting and sating their lust with the visage of herself defiled. Trixie wanted nothing more than to take a hot knife to each of them, especially Simon. But, she felt good! Trixie counted a fourth load (or was it the fifth?) to land on her face. She spit out some semen and turned her head. That must piss them off, she thought, to see all their cream dripping onto the mat. Equestria’s best magician was right. A heavy boot kicked her side hard. She sucked for the air that was knocked out of her, wincing in extreme pain. The dildo raging in her asshole, for once, was not the first thing on her mind. “Don’t fucking dodge, cunt!” a male voice shouted out. How can no one hear this? Trixie thought. “Open your fucking whore mouth.” Trixie shut her eyes and held out her tongue. “Fuck, that’s hot. Just sit there, bitch. Stay still and eat my cum.” She didn’t know the voice, or the dick that was put into her face. Trixie flattened her tongue on the underside of his cock and sucked on it slightly. He came immediately, filling her maw with a thick, hot wad of man goo. On instinct, the only form of thought she could muster, Trixie swallowed. She blocked out whatever hateful praise she got and focussed on the dick ramming into her pussy, the little vibrator on her clitoris, and the bulb rocking her skene’s glands. Trixie fellated another meat popsicle for a while, wincing as her tits were squeezed hard. For what seemed like weeks, Trixie felt dick after dick cream on and in her. After a little bit, they stopped, it seemed. Trixie found her hands were free, and that the men were milling around, using the toilet and sink. She moved her hands to her ass so she could pull out the dildo, and with an extreme effort, it came out. The pink thing wasn’t very pink anymore. Trixie couldn’t look. Her elbows were stiff, her wrists were sore, and her shoulders ached. Trixie felt her pussy and wept. It wasn’t pristine and as perfect as a teen’s anymore. Her cunt wasn’t pretty, her asshole no longer virgin, and Trixie cried openly for the first time in ages. She rolled onto her side and cried, her salty tears mixing with several dozen thick facials. “Here,” Simon said softly. “Wipe off and go home. Or, the trailer. Whichever, bitch.” Trixie immediately hid her face in the towel. It wouldn’t be enough to wipe off all the sperm, but it could clean her face alright enough. Trixie sat still as the men packed up. The white stains surrounding her glew bright violet in the lights. The carnage faded in luminosity as one by one the black lights came down. “I’ll send a check,” Simon said on the way out. Trixie’s door slammed shut, leaving her alone to clean up. “Fuck.” Trixie sat up with her sore legs and tried to stand. Her knees wobbled, until her first step. She fell hard and more tears found the floor. Trixie crawled to the toilet and vomited. She smelt her stomach’s contents and spewed again. She climbed to the sink and splashed water in the general area of her face to wipe her spit away. Trixie found she could lean well enough, so she took a lengthy sink bath. The warm water was calming, but she really wanted a full bath. After wiping herself as clean as possible, Trixie sat in her chair. The clock read four. A cab ride to the hotel would be short, as no sane drivers would be out now. Thinking about practicalities calmed Trixie some, as did the radio. Whatever shitty classic rock was on was at least distracting somewhat. The greatest entertainer in the world steeled her resolve and opened the phone book. Trixie wrapped herself in her trench coat and found cabs in the yellow pages. *                                *                                * Trixie’s cell rang as she soaked in the tub. She fished through her purse next to the tub and slid the quasi expensive device open. It was Jess, one of two people in the world she felt like conversing with. “Hello?” Trixie said, her own voice calming her a bit. “Good morning, beautiful. How was the show last night?” “Jessie, I...” Trixie took a shaky breath and tried to form her words. “Jess, something... happened. The show was just fine, but after, S-Simo-” She couldn’t go on. Trixie set her phone on the floor and broke down. This was far too soon to talk about it. “Trixie?! Was it Simon?” Trixie could make out as the world’s best agent nearly screamed over the phone. “What happened?!” Trixie shut her phone and opened it again, noticing the time. Just past seven, her flight left in two hours. She set her phone to airplane mode so he couldn’t call back. Trixie composed a message to him, however, with wet fingers. “Jessie, I have no clue how to say this so I just will: after the show, Simon and his friends came into my dressing room and tied me up. They did horrible things and I had no way to fight back.” Trixie closed her phone, saving the message automatically, and threw it across the tiny bathroom with trembling hands. She dipped her head under the clean water and hid her tears in the dripping water. After an eternity, Trixie drags herself out of the bathtub and towels dry. Her fingertips are pruned, she notices. Normally, the wrinkled fingertips made her resent standing water. She smirked and remembered back to her innocent childhood memories. She showed off her wrinkled fingertips to grandma, and they had a good laugh. Trixie sat nude and only partially dry on the hotel bed and swam in her sweet memories. Trixie sat for a long time, not doing anything. She couldn’t call the police, she’d be beaten or dead before long if she did, she just knew it. Trixie laid back and felt how sore she was. She eventually got up and retrieved her cell, but she didn’t turn it on after putting it back together. She wormed underneath the covers and tried to forget, but only slept lightly. twisbest: she goes to the hotel and draws a bath. Her agent (not simon) calls her and she's just... she just can't. She cancels the next four shows on the tour and just slumps in the tub, drains the water cuz it's creamy, and naps for the day.