> Girl > by littletulula > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > CHAPTER ONE > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So there's this girl, and then there's another girl, and another girl. One girl walks into a bar. "HAY SO UH.. WHAT HAPPENS TO BE YOUR NAME?" a drunk pony said. "My name is.. uh, Sweetheart. What's yours..?" I replied "MA NAME IS WISH." I didn't know if she was drunk, or if she was serious, but I couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Wish? What kind of name is that! You're ridiculous!" I said inbetween laughs. "YOU KNOW; AS IN, I COULD REALLY USE A WISH RIGHT NOW?" the drunk pony said again. "Yeah... sure..." I said, not believing what she was saying. "DUDE... DUDE YOU KNOW.. YOU KNOW WHAT WE SHOULD DO!?!?" The drunk girl, 'wish', said to another. "WHAT SHOULD WE DO????" asked the other drunk girl. "WE SH- WE SHOULD SING" Wish hollered. I stared at them as they went on to a table, the other drunk girl who's name I don't know, levitating microphones for the both of them. "This ought to be good.." I said to myself. and before I knew it, all you could hear is two ponies screaming out words, what they would call, 'singing'. "CAN WE PRETEND THAT ROSEHEART'S IN THE NIGHT SKY ARE LIKE.... UH WHAT CAME NEXT???" Wished asked the other drunk girl. I couldn't help but laugh. I had no idea what as going on. Then suddenly, both of them fell off the table. I still couldn't help but laugh.. drunk people falling off a table! What could be funnier than that? Well, it was funny, until.. the pony I don't know the name of fell on a glass cup that fell off the table when the drunk girls hopped on. "Are you okay!?" I asked her. "ff......" she replied. "Is that a yes?" "I.... I...." she slurred. "Yes...????" "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT DAMN YOU GLASS I HATE EVERYONE IN THIS FUCKING BUILDING I'M LEAVING BY" she screamed. "OH GOD YOU'RE SO FUNNY, ROSEHEART." Wish yelled. So, I take it her name is Roseheart... A pony with a rainbow colored mane wandered by the scene of all the screaming ponies. "What's with all the screaming..??" The rainbow colored mane pony slurred. Just what we need, more drunk people! Yay! "Are you like... gay?" Wish asked. "HAHAH WRONG TERM, IT'S LESBIAN!" The blue pony with the rainbow mane said. "So, you are a lesbian?" Wish said. "HAH, NO, WHERE WOULD YOU GET THAT IDEA?" Then she fell on the floor. "I'M NOT WAKING HER!" I blurted. "I'M NOT EITHER!" Wish and Roseheart yelled out at the same time. --- A few days later, I saw the two walking together at the park. "Hey! Aren't you two ponies the ones who were drunk and singing on stage a few days ago?" I yelled out, and covered my mouth with my hooves immediately. "Yeah! We are!" Wish said. "Wait, aren't we?" "I'm pretty sure we are, if I'm not mistaken." Roseheart said surely. I guess I can understand why they aren't sure, I mean, they were drunk, but it seems like they're faking... I saw a rainbow of color drop on to the ground. It was the rainbow-maned pony from that one night. "Haven't I seen you two before?" She said, with a weird stare. "I don't know?" Wish said. "Wait a minute..." The cyan pony said. "You're the one that called me a lesbian!" "No, I did not CALL you a lesbian, I asked if you were gay! And you said the correct term is lesbian!" Wish replied. "Oooh, just wait 'til I get my hooves on you!" The rainbow pony was about to pounce when a sudden "Hey, Rainbow Dash!" was yelled. "What the- what are do-" Rainbow dash said. "Oh, I'm sorry." The same voice squeaked. "Did I startle you? I didn't mean to startle you..." "What are you doing here, Fluttershy?" Rainbow dash asked. "Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out.. I mean um... if that's okay with you..." "Sure!" Rainbow dash eyed wish. "I'll get you back later..." That sounded like a promise. Some pony, huh.. "Oh yeah, what's your name, by the way?" I asked Roseheart. "My name is Roseheart" She smiled. "That's a nice name." I replied. There was a silence. Well, it was a silence, until someone broke it. "We should all be friends." Wish said. "I guess..." I agreed. "Vagins." Roseheart mumbled. "What?" I asked. No really. Vagins? I Don't even.. The two ponies started laughing. I'm totally lost. "That's... nice.. I guess?" I said They laughed even harder. "I guess I'll just be uh, going then--" I got cut off. "NO!" Roseheart screamed. "Why did you--" I got cut off... again. "But.. I thought you're our friends..." Roseheart said. The two weird ponies made puppy dog eyes. "Yes. I am your friend.. I think....." I said. "And your friend, uh... has to be going now... sooo...." "Hashtag rude!" Wish said. "What?" I said. Before I knew it, I was being dragged to one of their houses. -- "SO, FRIEND..... TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF!" Roseheart said, while we were all sitting at a table in the dark with a desk lamp being shined in my face while Roseheart and Wish stared at me like I'm some kind of bad person. "I uh.. enjoy candy...." I said. "Me too, but I prefer nachos!" Wish said. "That's.... nice?" I replied. "Isn't it!?!?!?" Wish yelled excitedly. HOW DID I GET HERE. "SO..." Wish said. "DO YOU FIND YOURSELF ATTRACTED TO THIS!?" Roseheart finished for her, and Wish took out a Justin Pony poster and rubbed it in my face. "No! EWW!" I said, disgusted. "Okay, good. We're all going to get along so well!" Roseheart said. Authors note: Author does not write fanfics. Author is bored. Author thinks writing fanfics is hard. Author is not serious about this fanfic, but author hopes you enjoy anyway, and plans on making more chapters. Also, author could not have done this without the help of authors dear friends, who's oc's are used in this fanfic: Roseheart, and Wish. Roseheart has also provided the image for this fic. Also, author would like to notify you that author's oc is Sweetheart, and that author will not stop referring to author's self as author. Thank you.