> Casualty of Society > by Hyper-Insomniac > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Introduction To Destruction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bizzy groggily glanced out of the passenger car's window, on the train to Ponyville. Bizzy hated early mornings, more than anything else; waking up was hard to do. Come to think of it, he wasn't really a fan of anything that was hard... Being in a band meant early travel days every so often. And they did ALOT of traveling, all across Equestria, and sometimes beyond. Bizzy laid back as he thought about how much it would suck to have to organize all of that. 'Thank Celestia for managers' he thought to himself. Rubbing his eyes vigorously, he turned towards the window, to catch his reflection. He let out a small sigh at what he saw; bags under his eyes, and a ruffled spiky mane. His life of partying was wearing him down, though he would never admit it. Pounding alcohol and tobacco all of the time wasn't helping his case. Bizzy lazily turned to his other side, seeing his fellow band mate, Brownsound, still snoring away. He played lead guitar, and very well. He was also a little short tempered, evoking some jokes from his band mates. In front of Brownsound lie Stevo, the band's drummer, was sound asleep. He was the "craziest" of the group; a hard partier and a great prankster. And the one to get on Brownsound's nerves the most. And last but not least, beside Stevo, sat Bass Beat, who was awake; the only band member to not mind early mornings, and the bass player. He was quiet, reserved, and rarely spoke unless spoken too. And finally, Bizzy's thoughts returned back to himself. He played guitar as well, playing the easier parts while Brownsound played the harder ones. He wrote alot of the band's music. He was the lead singer, more out of neccesity rather than talent. He wasn't terrible, but he wasn't a prodigy either. Yet, he had fun with what he did, and that was all that mattered. His cutie mark resembled a music recording device; he had a knack for mixing music, along with other things done in the studio. If it involved sound, he knew about it. He was, wether for better or worse, happy with the life he had now. He was in a band that played music that was popular enough to make an amazing living off of. He partied all the time, did whatever he wanted, and got with any mare that he sought after... Bizzy suddenly shifted his train of thought back to mares. So far, all they did to him was satisfy his lusts. His "relationships" lasted a day at most. A family? That was crazy, how could anyone ever want that, he would think to himself. Give up his life of a party for a real relationship? That sounded like the most foalish idea ever. Bizzy chuckled and laid back in his seat, yawning. Sum 41 would arrive in Ponyville that evening, and they had a show a few days later, do to some mishaps the show had to be postponed. Bizzy slowly drifted off to sleep, wondering what lay ahead of him there... <=====oooOOOoooo=====> The first thing Bizzy noticed was the horrible pang in his head. Then came the stench. He reeked of B.O. and tobacco smoke, among other foul things. He tried to make sense of his surroundings, blinking and rubbing his eyes to wake them up. He rolled over to his side, to shift his field of vision from the floor to the rest of the surrounding area. There was junk littering the ground, empty bottles strewn across the floor, and other refuse left behind from the previous night's activities. The throbbing in his head distracted his train of thought, as he tried to recall what the hell had happened last night. The pang in his head told him he must have drank far more than his share that night as well. And the smell of saturated tobacco soot in his coat required no thought as to its origin. These signs were all too familiar to Bizzy... He had been at a party the previous night. Not the kind of party were a few innocent ponies gather and have a could time; the kind parents would tell their foals to avoid. The kind that is usually associated with illegal stuff. Yep, where a bunch of ponies just breaking adulthood get together, to drink, dance, and engage in....other activities. For better or worse, but probably worse, Bizzy was very familiar with these kind of parties. Him and his fellow band mates, Bassbeat, Stevo, and Bownsound, were used to finding these parties during their tours, stopping at towns, having a good time, picking up some mares, playing a show, then moving on to the next town to repeat. But, that kind of lifestyle wasn't the kindest to your body. Bizzy struggled to his feet, trying to find his balance. The throbbing in his head didn't help at all. He stumbled around the room, kicking aside trash, to find his friends on the opposite side of the room still sound asleep. He wondered why they even bothered renting hotel rooms, it seemed like they never ended up sleeping there anyway... Impatient to get out and have some more fun, he not-so-gently kicked his band mates in an attempt to wake them up, evoking a heavy groan from each. Brownsound, who was, well, brown, was the first to speak. "Gah! Fuck man it's too early...." Bizzy sighed, cleared his eyes again, and glanced around for a clock, finally finding one. After squinting at it for a few seconds, he returned is gaze to Brownsound. "Dude it's almost 2, Get your fat flank up, I wanna get something to eat." Brownsound groaned again in response, and beat his head against the wall once before giving Bizzy a muffled 'mmmpfth' in response. He grunted, and forced his slightly overweight body to a standing position. Stevo and Bassbeat followed is lead. Bizzy grumbled and lead the others around the dimly lit house in search of an exit. After finding a door that looked like an exit, Bizzy gave it a firm kick, and was met with a piercing, painful blast of sunlight. The four young stallions cringed and squinted as the light drilled into their eye sockets. After stumbling around for a few minutes, their eyes began to adjust, and Ponyville came into view. Bizzy glanced around, seeing a sign labeled "Sugarcube Corner". 'Hmmm, sweets for breakfast, why the fuck not?' Bizzy thought to himself as he turned to face his companions. "BROS, how does cake for breakfast sound?" Stevo's ears perked up at the news. "Awwww hell yea!" Stevo and Brownsound brohoofed in agreement while Bassbeat only gave a small affirmative nod. The four stallions trotted over to Sugar Cube corner without much conversation; they were still trying to shake away their hangovers. Bizzy glanced over to a glass window of a passing shop, to catch a glimpse of himself. His mane was a disheveled mess, his coat was ruffled, and he had bags under his eyes. "Meh". He said alloud. Appearances were not important to him in the slightest. He kicked the ground as he walked, not caring at all about what other ponies thought of him. And that was the way he lived. It was so much easier not to care, so much easier just to live life without caring, without responsibility, just having fun. Living with that adolescent attitude in adulthood closed doors however. There were some things that you just couldn't have if you lived like that. A job, a stable long term relationship, a family... But like all other things he couldn't figure out without effort, Bizzy said 'Screw it.' and forgot about those thoughts as quickly as they came. The four ponies entered the sweet shop and- "HIYA! WHAT CAN I GET YOU TODAY? Oooooo I don't think I've seen you guys around here before! That means you don't know me! Hi I'm Pinkie Pie! WOW I still have to plan your welcome to Ponyville party! There's gonna be cake and dancing and music and ponies and games and-" Pinkie's outburst wasn't well well met by Brownsound, who was the first to crack, now fully awake from Pinkie's sudden outburst. "WHOAH. SLOW THE HELL DOWN." Pinkie's demeanor completely changed, her ears drooped, and her lip began to quiver. Brownsound opened his mouth to say something, probably of the negative variety, when Bizzy punched him in the shoulder. "Dude calm down. Seriously" He slowly sighed and turned to Pinkie, "Look, no party please? We're not gonna be in town long, we have a show to do then we're gone- Pinkie looked on the verge of tears, and seemed like she was about to start bawling when Bizzy opened his mouth again. -but we were wondering if we could pick up a cake or something here?" As if forgetting the past thirty seconds, Pinkie began to bounce in place. "DID YOU SAY CAKE? We have all kinds of cake here! We have carrot cake, strawberry shortcake, blueberry cake, chocolate cake-" "Chocolate's fine!" Bizzy managed to yell over Pinkie's rambling. "Great! I just love love LOVE chocolate cake! I'll get that for you right away...oh...my friends are coming over soon and I just promised them I'd have some cupcakes ready for them. Shoot! Would you mind waiting for a minuit, while I finish them? Oh, I didn't get your names!" Bizzy threw up his right foreleg in a mock salute and said, "Bizzy at your service..." Brownsound grunted and said, "I'm Brownsound. Cause I'm brown. And I make sound." Bassbeat lifted his gaze for barely a second, and mumbled his name. And finally, it was Stevo's turn. "Uh...I uhm... I'm Stevo" , he said, trying to hide his blush with his for hooves. Pinkie giggled, "You ponies are silly. I'll get your cake ready ASAP!" . Pinkie said as she bounced her way into the kitchen. As Pinkie hopped into the kitchen, Brownsound gave Stevo a questioning look. "Yo, were you checking her out?" Stevo returned his glare with a blank expression. "I dunno bro, she's just...so...pink!" Brownsound audibly facehoofed while they all sat down at a nearby table, trying to kill time before their cake was ready. Bizzy played with a napkin while Bassbeat sat staring into space, and Brownsound and Stevo were in the middle of a heated argument. "But dude, did you see how pink she was? Pink is my favorite color!" "No it's not you just made that up!" "She was so sweet..." "She was the most annoying mare I've ever seen!" "She rattled off those cakes like the alphabet." "You've got to be kidding me bro." "You're just jeeeellllyyyyyy", Stevo added with a stuck out tongue.\ "Jelly of what? Your negative I.Q.?" Bizzy zoned out from their argument, losing interest. Out of literally nowhere, Pinkie burst into the room. "THEY'RE HERE!" > T.H.T. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bizzy shook his head, and swung his gaze towards the door, where Pinkie excitedly greeted her guests. He looked past the bouncing pink pony to see two mares, a turquoise pegasus with a rainbow colored mane, and beside her a purple mare, a quite attractive one at that. Bizzy tilted his head a bit more to get a better view. And thus the wheels began to turn... Meanwhile, Pinkie kept hopping around her two friends going on and on about how excited she was to see them, and how happy they would be with their cupcakes. The Rainbow maned mare was the first to get a word past Pinkie. “Pinkie! We’re gonna be late for the picnic, get the cup cakes and let’s get a move on!” Pinkie let out the world’s largest gasp. “CUPCAKES!? Why didn’t you say so!?!” She whirled around, and made an exagerated dash towards the cupcakes, but stopped in mid-dash, seemingly in mid air, and her eyes grew so wide it was a wonder her head could contain them. “OH MY GOSH! You two didn’t meet my new friends yet! They’re new to Ponyville!” Pinkie grabbed her two friends by the hoof and dragged them to the table that Brownsound and Stevo were sitting at, and exclaimed “This is Brooooooowwwwwnnsound. He’s brown, and makes sound!” Pinkie giggled. “And this is Stevo!” Stevo opened his mouth to speak, but by the time words came out, Pinkie was at Bizzy and Bassbeat’s table. “THIS is Bassbeat!” He gave a small knod. “And this is Bizzy! Oh my GOSH, he has a purple mane, and so do you Twilight! That is SO COOL! Ohmygosh, I didn’t introduce you to the others!” Pinkie jumped onto Bizzy’s table, much to his surprise, and took a deep breath, and... “ATTENTION BROWNSOUND, STEVO, BASSBEAT, AND BIZZY. THIS IS RAINBOWDASH.” she said pointing her forehooves at the turquoise pony. “AND THIS IS TWILIGHT.” She shouted, using the same hoof gestures. She hopped off the table, allowing everpony a moment’s recovery from the Pinkie-onslaught. Rainbowdash turned towards Bizzy, narrowing her eyes. “Don’t I know you? Yeah...you’re...OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!!! TWILIGHT! This is Bizzy! BIZZY!” Twilight blushed lightly. “Um, who might that be?” “YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW? He’s the singer for Sum 41, the only thing almost as awesome as the Wonderbolts! I listen to them to pump me up for practise!” Twilight looked slightly confused. “Oh, sum forty one is a musical group? What genre? Folk, Classic, Contemporary? I’m sure I’ve read about those.” Rainbow rolled her eyes and grumbled. “You are such and Egghead, Twilight. They’re only the BEST, COOLEST, most AWESOME band there is. And they use guitars, which are way cooler than those lame violins and stuff.” Rainbow turned her attention back to Bizzy and the others, barely able to contain her excitement. “Best. Day. EVER! Hang on...” She turned around, with a copy of Sum’s newest CD, All Killer No Filler. “Could you guys sign it?” Rainbow’s muzzle spread into a huge smile, her eyes wide in anticipation. Bizzy snapped out of his previous thoughts, and shrugged. “Sure, anything for a loyal fan.” The quartet each took turns inscribing their names onto the CD case. Rainbow took her signature-adorned case and squeed. All the while Twilight stood awkwardly to the side, trying to figure out how Sum 41 hadn’t come in her reading some time. Bizzy’s attention went back to Twilight. She was awfully pretty, and her ignorance of music seemed kinda cute. She seemed like the type that one could have a great time discussing things over a coffee with or something. That might be nice...wait, he told himself, what the hell am I thinking? She’s hot, that’s it. But then that simple thought made him feel crude and stupid. But normally he didn’t. He managed to confuse himself, and he didn’t like it. He shook his head again, as if to shake away his thoughts. This was weird... “We’re gonna be late!!” Pinkie exclaimed, balancing a box of cupcakes. “But but but but but but!” Rainbow sputtered, “We can’t leave, this is the opportunity of a lifetime!” Bizzy suddenly spoke up, and surprised himself. “Nah, go ahead, here, we have a show coming up in a few days, howabout I get you two some tickets? We should hang out before then Rainbow, maybe, and...Twilight.” “OHMYGOSH! That’d be so awesome! Thankyouthankyouthankyouyhankyou!” Rainbow exclaimed, grabbing Bizzy’s hoof and shaking it furiously. “Me and Twilight’ll be there!” Pinkie grabbed Rainbow, and Twilight, and the box of cupcakes, and led them out the door, Rainbow still crying thankyou’s, and a stunned and embarrassed Twilight saying “But..Rainbow...I can’t...but...but!” As the trio left the shop, Bizzy settled into his chair, realizing, grimly, that they didn’t get their cake. He glanced back to the table, and shook with surprise as he saw a cake, a huge, yummy, mmm inducing chocolate cake. ‘How the hell did that get here...?’ He thought to himself. However, his wonder was put to rest the second he took a bite. “Dig in guys!” <=====oooOOOoooo=====> “Why are you acting all weird, Twi?” Rainbow questioned her friend on the way to the picnic. ‘What are you talking about? I’m fine!” She said, flustered. “You’re all....fidgety. Like I was before the Young Flyers Competition. What’s up?” “Rainbow, I said NOTHING!” “Ohhh, this is about Bizzy isn’t it? I TOTALLY saw what was going on there.” “What in the wide world of Equestria are you talking about?” “You were eyeing him up” Rainbow snickered. “I. Was. Not! He smelled like alcohol and cigarettes, he was filthy, and smelly. He looked like a completely irresponsible, reckless, immature colt. I would never da- why are we even talking about this?” Twilight stammered. “Well,” drawled Rainbow in a teasing tone, “If that’s true, why are you so worked up then?” Twilight’s face burned. “I-I’m n-not!” “Then what is the big deal.” Twilight stopped walking, and looked at the ground sadly. “I....if you really need to know....” The purple mare sighed “...he was the first colt to ever ask to spend time with me...” Rainbow looked at Twilight, her expression confused. “Really? Like, how? I mean, you’re pretty, smart, funny...I don’t believe it, quit pulling my leg Twi.” Twilight sighed again, shaking her head. “Let’s get moving, we don’t want to miss the picnic.” > Makes No Difference > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bizzy leaned back to his chair at The Prancing Pony Pub, sipping on a scotch and soda, with a cigarette resting lazily on the edge of his lip. His bandmates were adjacent to him, sharing a basket of hay fries, laughing and joking with one another. Bizzy blew out some smoke as he took a sip from his drink. He was in a thoughtful mood, which wasn’t really like him at all. He glanced up slightly as Brownsound pounded a hoof on the table, laughing his flank off at some joke Stevo pulled. Bizzy however, was pretty removed from the situation. He thought about what had happened earlier that day, that crazy pink mare, the Rainbow one that he gave his autograph to, and then....that purple mare, Twilight. He kept thinking about her....and it wasn’t voluntary, at least he didn’t think so. To him, normally he would walk around before or after a show, find some willing mare, do....whatever, and then shoot for the next town. And never really gave another thought about that mare afterwords. He didn’t even DO anything with Twilight yet, and she had been on his mind. That hadn’t ever happened before. Now that he thought about it, she didn’t even seem like THAT type of mare. So why was he even wasting his time? Was it wasting his time? He didn’t know. He wondered if right now, she was thinking about him. That was a weird thought. Like, what if she was thinking about him, right now, and not in the ‘omygosh he’s the Sum 41 singer’ way, but in the ‘I like you’ way? What if, she like liked him? In a relationship way? He had no idea, he had never been in that kind of situation. Why was he even thinking about this? He never had before. He felt like he was staring at a suduko puzzle, and just couldn’t figure it out. Bizzy sighed and took another sip from his drink, and took a drag from his cigarette. ‘This has got to be just stress from touring....right, that’s it. So I’m not going crazy.’ With that, he turned over to his bandmates and called out, “Who’s up for some clubin’?” <=====oooOOOoooo=====> Twilight lagged behind her friends slightly as they trotted back to Ponyville after their picnic. She was deep in thought, which was not uncommon for her, yet this was about something completely foreign to her. Stallions. Specifically, one stallion. That shabby one that she had met at Sugarcube Corner earlier that day. He had asked her to ‘hangout’, which meant some sort of leasurley activity. She knew what that was like, she had friends after all. But she had never been asked by a stallion before. That was like...a date, wasn’t it? She had read about those. Typically a stallion would ask a mare that he has certain feelings for to spend time with him, and they would do something romantic. This would continue for a while, if it worked out. Although her studies prevented her from exploring these relationships that many ponies took for granted, she, like all mares, secretly wished that the stallion of her dreams would walk up to them one day with that question in mind. She always had pictured a well-groomed,studious, elite, and well-learned stallion. She imagined she and whoever that stallion might be talking about books and current events together, sharing knowledge, and talking about new scientific discoveries. It always warmed her heart when she would imagine that stallion coming up to her and asking her on a date. She always expected the first stallion to ask her to spend her time with to be exactly that. Bizzy wasn’t that stallion at all. He looked like he was raised by wolves. Her first impression of him was an immature adolescent menace to society. He was dirty, he had alcohol on his breath and smelled of cigarettes, a disgusting self-destroying habit, and the way he acted...it was so...so...annoying to watch lazy ponies like him have it all. Although... He HAD given Rainbow his autograph, a lot of famous ponies didn’t give their fans any time. AND he had given the two tickets to their show, for free. Sure he was...crummy...but those were nice deeds, right? Maybe underneath that dishevled layer, there was a nice stallion. Twilight pondered this. As outlandish as Bizzy was, she couldn’t shake that she did ask to spend time with her. It had never occurred to her what his true intentions were. She was only seeing the best of the situation. Twilight looked up to see her friends a little ways ahead of her. “Girls, wait for me!” [Sorry for the length and the wait, just school's been a handful, and I've been trying my hand at vectoring lately. I won't be forgetting about this story anytime soon!] > Handle This > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bizzy squinted his eyes as he burst out into the sunlight. He, along with his band mates had been out clubbing until the wee hours of the morning. He shook his head, trying to shake away the pang in his head. His mates were still sleeping it off, and normally he would be joining them. This time however, he was a stallion on a mission. He had done a lot of thinking the night prior, and he concluded that all those weird thoughts he had been having about Twilight were just stress-based. Even though he really didn't feel that stressed, but apparently a lot of musicians experienced it now and gain, an it was normal. He munched on a slice of pizza to cover up his breath of gin as he continued trotting through Ponyville. His band's show was the following day, and he planned to hold up his promise of hanging out with Rainbow Dash and Twilight, warm Twilight up, play the show, and move on. He smiled to himself as he thought how the day would end. If only he knew how wrong he was... Bizzy suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, when he realized he had no idea where Rainbow Dash nor Twilight lived. He cursed under his breath, wondering what to do now. He sat on his haunches near the front of Sugarcube corner, and kicked at the ground, puffing on his cigarette as he pondered how to find those mares. He sighed lazily, when he heard somepony cry “LOOOOOKOUT BELOW!!!” He turned just in time to see it’s owner collide into him. Bizzy was knocked backwards hard, slamming into the side of the building. In the process, he swallowed what was left of his cigarette, and was having a violent coughing fit. He coughed a few more times, and hopped back to his hooves to see a paralyzed-looking rainbow mare. “I’m so so so so so so sorry! I was doing this awesome flip and didn’t see you! Are you alright? Bizzy cracked his neck to the right, and replied “I’ve been worse for wear. I was actually trying to find you and Twilight, so we could chill and stuff.” Rainbow’s eyes lit up. “We’re actually doing that!? Awesome! C’mon, let’s go pick up Twilight.” She turned around, motioning for Bizzy to follow. “You know, you shouldn’t smoke those. They really hurt your heart and lungs.” “So does being slammed into the ground.” snapped Bizzy. “Let’s meet up with Twilight, I got the perfect plan for our hangout.” Rainbow somersaulted in the air, landing in front of Bizzy. “Sounds awesome! Here, follow me, Twi’s is this way.” After a minute, she looked over her shoulder looking at Bizzy, “Look, thanks, for well, hanging out, but Twilight doesn’t get the chance....to, you know, get out much.” Bizzy wasn’t really paying attention, so he just shrugged. “Uh yea no prob.” Bizzy followed Rainbow Dash through the town, walking down streets to the outskirts. A large tree loomed ahead, which had been fitted out to be a home. Rainbow pointed at the strange tree-house. “That’s where Twi lives; it’s the library.” The two trotted over to the entrance; without knocking, Rainbow let herself in, Bizzy followed. Twilight was on the other side of the room, horn glowing and face contorted, heavily focused on an odd-looking squirrel, which was changing colors rapidly, like a chameleon that couldn’t make up its mind. Twilight let go of her magic, panting and taking a break, to see her visitors. Upon seeing Bizzy she let on a slight blush. “Twi, quit being an egghead and let’s go, Bizzy’s actually gonna hang out with us!” Twilight fumbled with the book she had been using nervously, glancing at Bizzy. “Uh, y-yeah! Sounds good to me. What are we going to do?” Bizzy smiled, thinking he had Twilight right in his hooves. “I was thinking we go bowling. I thought it might be cool, I haven't gone in forever. Then we could go get shakes or something, I’m dieing for one.” Twilight looked back to Bizzy, fumbling with her mane. “S-sure, that sounds like fun! I’ve read all about proper bowling etiquette. I didn’t have time to freshen up or anything...” “Whatever Twi, let’s go, it’s gonna be awesome!” cried Rainbow, as she flew herself behind Twilight, pushing her out the door. Bizzy jogged to keep up as the trio made their way to the bowling alley. The trot to the alley was only about fifteen minutes, but poor Twilight was was getting more and more nervous. At first, her plan was to just get to know Bizzy, but that seemed to be failing. She looked at Bizzy every so often, hoping he wouldn’t notice. She had read books on the subjects of relationships before of course, but these sorts of things were hardly ever black and white. She thought of Bizzy; he wasn’t the most attractive stallion in Equestria, he wasn’t the responsible adult type at all, and he wasn’t even her “type”. But still, her thoughts persisted. Sooner or later she would have to decide what to do about them. She thought about the ponies around her, everywhere she looked, ponies were connecting in a higher level than friendship. First Rainbow Dash and Big Mac, hell, they were having a foal in the coming months! Fluttershy and Braeburn, Fluttershy of all ponies! She knew she didn’t want to end up an old hermit, but her fear of rejection kept her locked in place. She certainly lacked any confidence with stallions whatsoever. She sighed heavily; she would have another look for a confidence-enhancing spell later. The alley came up and the three walked inside. The place had a good chunk of its lanes taken, but not all. Bizzy walked up to the counter, and paid the clerk, who handed him bowling shoes for the three of them and directed him to an open lane. They tied up there shoes, and selected their balls. Rainbow tried to pick the heaviest ball there was, barely able to pick it up. “No! It’s fine! I’ve got this.” she protested as Twilight tried to get her to swap for a lighter one. Bizzy handed Twilight a smaller-sized bowling ball with a small smile, causing her to blush slightly. Bizzy was up first. He stood in front of the lane, and awkwardly bucked his bowling ball, causing it to soar into the gutter, leaving the pins untouched. Knitting his eyebrows, he tried his second attempt, scoring a gutterball once again. Bizzy stepped back, scratching the back of his mane, “Heh, maybe getting gutters too would’ve been a good idea.” Next up was Rainbow. Lining her ball up squarely in the middle of the lane, she spun around, and gave it a hard kick, sending a shudder through her body. The ball flew through the air and hit halfway down the lane with a hard “Thwomp!” as it continued to roll straight down the middle, leaving all but one pin standing. She missed the last pin her second try, but her ego was already through the roof. She spun around, a wide smirk on her face. “Try and beat that Twilight!” Twilight stepped up, awkwardly. She was no athletic pony, and every time she tried to set herself up for a good kick, she stopped herself. Finally, her horn glowed, and a zap of magic hit the ball, shooting like a bullet into the pins, knocking every single one down with a loud crash. Twilight stepped back, blushing, to see Rainbow’s jaw hanging open and Bizzy throwing a laughing fit. "Oh goddesses; that was great!” he said between fits of laughter. Ponies all around the alley were starting to stare. An angry manager came stomping their way. <=====oooOOOoooo=====> “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to get us thrown out!” Twilight’s ears drooped as she, Rainbow, and Bizzy left the bowling alley. Bizzy was still laughing, nearly crying as he gasped for air. “No worries Twi, that was legendary. I’ve been kicked out of all kinds of places before, but never a bowling alley! You might as well have just shot a cannon at those pins.” Twilight blushed, looking away. “Oh...I didn’t mean to...it kinda just happened.” Bizzy waved hoof. “No worries; how ‘bout we get them shakes now?” Nopony objected, and the three were soon at Sugarcube corner again. Twlight and Rainbow Dash took a seat as Bizzy went to go pick up their shakes. After Bizzy was out of earshot, Rainbow turned to Twilight with a smirk. “What?” “Oh don’t ‘what’ me. I know EXACTLY what’s going on here.” “What are you talking about?” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “You are STIll checking him out. It’s so obvious.” Twilight covered her face in her hooves. Bizzy came back with their shakes, and handed them out. Sugarcube Corner was oddly quiet; not any ponies were there that night. Bizzy took a sip of his shake, then began looking for something to keep him occupied. His eyes lit up when he saw a jukebox sitting on the far wall opposite of their table. Hastily, he got up and trotted over, popping a bit, and chose his song. In the few seconds before the song started, he ran back to the table, a mischievous expression on his face. “C’mon Twi!” he called to her, beckoning with his hoof. Twilight wasn’t sure what he meant. “W-what do you mean?” Then the song started. Oh. That’s what he meant. “Let’s dance, c’mon it’ll be fun! This is a good tune!” Twilight blushed madly, trying to hide her face. “But I can’t um, d-” She was cut off as Bizzy took her in his hoof, pulling her onto the floor. “Just follow me.” He smiled at her. The music started to pick up, and Bizzy started moving. “Just do what the lyrics say!” Bizzy rocked back and forth, clapping his hooves on the ground, swinging his hips, and jumping forward than back. Twilight was having a hard time, but couldn’t help herself from having fun with it. The next chorus started, and Bizzy called over to Twi, “Put your hooves on my shoulder!” Twilight blushed and nervously put her hooves onto his shoulder. The two swung their hips to the music, jumping forward and then back. By the time the song was over, the two were breathing heavily, and Twilight’s face was practically glowing red. “That was pretty fun...” Twilight bashfully admitted. Bizzy hopped onto his chair and took a swig of his shake. “I told you!” He opened his mouth to say something when he saw a familiar set of brown forelegs waving at him through the glass. “‘Scuse me for a sec, I’ll be right back.” Bizzy trotted out the door to meet Brownsound, who without a word, led him to an alley slightly further down the road so they wouldn’t be seen. As soon as Bizzy closed the door, Rainbow got up to follow. “I’ve got a sketchy feeling, be right back.” Before Twilight could reply, Rainbow was out the door. Rainbow saw Brownsound and Bizzy turn down the alley, and she spread her wings. “Definitely sketchy.” she muttered under her breath. She spread her wings and flew onto the roof, to get a bird’s eye view of the alley. Staying hidden, she tuned her ear to hear the conversation below. Bizzy rolled his eyes at Brownsound. “Alright, what the hell do you want? I’m kinda busy.” Brownsound bro-punched his shoulder, sitting on his haunches, smirking. “So, didja, yaknow, do it?” Bizzy sighed. “No, we’re still hanging out. She needs to be warmed-up first.” Brownsound laughed, “Alright man, well after our show tomorrow we’re headed to Hoofbeats, so you get to ditch town quick.” Bizzy sighed, and chuckled. “Right. Well if that’s all you wanted, I’m out; I’ve got some business that needs attending to.” “Ight, I’ll see you later on then.” The two bumped hoofs and Bizzy left the alley to head back to Sugarcube corner. Brownsound went the opposite direction. <=====oooOOOoooo=====> Rainbow Dash’s jaw hit the floor. She couldn’t believe her musical idol just wanted Twilight to use her. An anger welled up in her, and she raced to get back to Sugarcube Corner before Bizzy. She barrelled through the door , hoping Bizzy didn’t spot her. She met Twilight’s gaze with a pained expression on her face. She didn’t want to have to say this to her... Twilight was confused and cast Rainbow a questioning look. “What was that all about?” she asked innocently enough. Rainbow looked down, she didn’t want to meet Twilight’s gaze when she broke it to her. “Look, Twi...Bizzy isn’t...he isn’t the pony you...want him to be. He-..he just wants you for your body, and then he’s leaving to play another show somewhere else. That why he wanted to hang out with you.” Rainbow looked away again, bracing herself for Twilight’s response. Twilight blinked in disbelief, and tears welled up in her eyes. “N-no, you’re lieing..he wouldn’t...I..” she looked pleadingly to Rainbow, who just shook her head. She couldn’t believe it, why her? She was beginning to feel special, feel a little hopeful. She didn’t allow herself to just jump right to being head-over-hooves in love, but the thought that somepony would do what...Bizzy did was just...too painful to come to terms with. Tears began to flow freely, while Rainbow tried to comfort her friend as best she could. Bizzy burst into the door, a broad grin on his face. “Sorry girls, just a little somethin’ I had to take care of.” He stopped when he saw Twilight crying. “You two okay...?” Rainbow opened her mouth to speak, but Twilight got up, and stepped in front of Bizzy, with that terribly hurt expression on her face. “How long were you planning that, Bizzy? Since you first laid eyes on me? Well?” Bizzy knew exactly what she was talking about almost at once, but tried to play it off. “ W-what do you mean?” His legs started to feel clammy and weak with nervousness, an odd feeling for him. Twilight shook her head sadly. “I’m not your whore Bizzy, so leave me alone.” Without warning, she galloped out the door, tears streaming, with Rainbow following closely behind, leaving Bizzy all alone. Bizzy sighed, as he sat down at his table, to take another sip of his shake. He shrugged, and started to think about the show he’d be playing tomorrow, when it hit him. A feeling. The one he had been waving off this whole time. The one that had been leaving him confused and worried. The feeling he had just crushed in somepony else. Love. That’s what he felt for Twilight. A new, alien feeling, that he couldn’t explain. One that could bring the highest level of happiness. And he had just thrown it away. Almost immediately his heart sank, hard. What had he done? He just crushed Twilight’s heart. Along with his own. He saw now; he had acted like complete loser, the worst kind of pony. And destroyed the first chance he had of maybe have somepony love him. Soon, tears of his own welled up. It had been a long time since he had cried. he felt so much pain, he didn’t know what to do with it. But then he thought of what he had done to Twilight, and he cried even harder. He realized he cared for her, and he had twisted the knife. He had to make things right. He didn’t know how to pick up the pieces, but he had an idea. The only one he had. He prayed it would work. If it didn’t...he didn’t want to think about it. He wiped fresh tears from his eyes and stepped out into the cool night air. Luna’s moon was high in the sky, watching over him seemingly. Bizzy looked up. At his most vulnerable and lowest point, he looked up at that moon, with a slim hope. He had messed up, and he had to at least leave Twilight on good terms. The rush of realization was stressing his mind. He took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry Twilight.”