The Walking Dead: Equestria

by Pegasi will rule

First published

"It's us or them. There's no time to think when one's about to eat your face for lunch!&quot

I couldn't understand what world I woke up in, nor did I want to. Everything was turned upside down when those... things... Yea, I'm calling 'em things because that's what they are. Horrible, nasty awful things that wouldn't hesitated to eat the face of their own child! Everyday is my last, that's how I live. We fight to survive, and we're not gonna stop fighting until they're all dead.

AN: I'm gonna draw similarities from the show, but things aren't going to be the same. I know this has been done somewhat, but I want to add a powerful story behind it and make it fluid. Hope you enjoy. Gonna switch from first person, over to the others. I haven't seen that done in stories. Maybe I can make it work, maybe I can't I really don't care. But I'm gonna write it, and hopefully you'll enjoy it.

Entry 1: Awaken

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Date: April 5, 2010

AN: Edited the story to place the other survivors in. Not just a one man story all the time. It'll switch from first person, to the others point of views now, since the other way would be boring. Enjoy the edits, because it was f**kin' tedious to wright the others parts.

Me and Bronze were on patrol again. The area between Manehatten and Fillydelphia was notorious for drug runners and arms smugglers. We sat on the side of the road, in the nearby wooded area, eating some hay fries and dandelion burgers we got from Ole McDonald's restaurant. I took another bite of my burger and let out another laugh.

"I call bullshit, man. No way did you bang the PE teacher." I laughed. Bronze smiled smugly and slapped me on the shoulder.

"Man, I did. It was good, too! Remember the way she wore the highrise spandex shorts?" He asked. I laughed again and shook my head.

"You meant the ones that showed a little bit of camel toe?" I chuckled. He nodded, inclining his head up in thought.

"Did you know spandex make it... taste better?" I busted a nut laughing so hard. Bronze's stories were fucking hysterical! I couldn't believe he bucked the PE teacher! Mrs. Golden Heart! Yeah, MRS.! As in, 'married' Mrs.!

"Fuck, man! I cannot believe this! You pullin' my leg?" I asked again. He crossed his heart and slapped me on the back. Yeah, knowing Bronze, he did do it.

"All units, all units! We gotta band of Griffon smugglers going southbound on highway 3! Set up barricades!"

Me and Bronze smiled at one another and quickly dragged the roadblocks out from the woods, setting them up on the path. We stood to the side and drew our weapons. it was about time the Royal Guard worked on some weapons besides swords and bows. Projectile weapons, a lot like the Griffons had, except these ones were stronger, faster, and all in all, kicked a ton of flank!

"Man, are you ready for this shit?!" He yelled with a devious laugh. I smiled and nodded as the carriage came blaring down the road. The pony thugs pulling the cart tried to stop, but ultimately ended up flipping across the road, end over end in some kind of action movie style shit.

"Holy fuck!" Bronze yelled. "Let's get them rascals!"

The both of us grabbed the two carriage pullers and cuffed em as they yelled obscenities at us and the law. That's the kind of stuff that makes this all worth while.

I looked back up as the rest of our squad came barreling down the road. I smiled and waved them over, only to lurch back as something hit me hard in the chest. I pulled my weapon around as a Griffon cocked back his six shooter for a second attack. I unloaded five shots into his chest and he fell hard back into the carriage. I frowned and holstered my weapon as Bronze and the others came to help me up. Bronze grabbed one of my forelegs and pulled me up as I pulled the flattened round out of my vest.

"Man, You are the luckiest Pony I ever did see!" Bronze Star yelled, patting me on the back. I took a look back at the bullet and smiled.

"You ever tell my wife this, I'll personally kick your flank!" I warned. He smiled and held up a hoof in sincerity. Nothing was gonna stop him from betraying his best friend.

Then I felt this sting in my back, like someone just poked me with a knitting needle. I heard Bronze yell my name, but I couldn't register it for some reason. Then I got really tired and just needed to take a seat. I heard more gunfire open up, but it was just so distant, so unclear. I looked over to see another Griffon smuggler fall to the dirt just outside of his upturned carriage.

"Come on man!" Bronze yelled to me. "Stay with me!" Why was he asking me to stay with him, and why was I so cold? I looked at my side to see a bullet hole, oozing blood. I had been hit? When? That's when the voices faded and I began to loose consciousness.

That's when I woke up. Not on the side of the road like I expected to. I'd been hit before and I'd walked away, but this one threw me through a loop. I woke up in a hospital bed. The room was dark and musty, smelling like a stale drawer in a basement. There were flowers on the bedside table that were as frail as ninety year old paper. I ran my hoof through the flowers and watched the petals fall to the ground. I looked over at the clock, which was frozen at 2:13:43. I went to stand but it felt like my legs were jello.

"Nurse?" I rasped. I tried to yell it, but my throat was dry, incredibly so. My lips were cracked and hurt something fierce. I ran a hoof across my face and called out again, this time louder.


No one came. What the hell kinda joint were they running here anyhow? I got up as slow as possible, only to fall flat on my face on the cold tile. "Fuck!" I yelled, hoping to Celestia I didn't have a broken muzzle to add to the list. I hobbled to the bathroom when I finally was able to and took a good, hard look in the mirror. I was skinny; a hell of a lot skinnier than I was yesterday.

Was it yesterday? Or a lot longer than that?"

I pushed those thoughts aside and turned on the faucet. It made some noises from inside the wall before it finally dispensed a murky brown, fowl smelling liquid. I gagged and turned off the faucet. No way was I going to drink that shit. I'd rather be dead!

I continued on out the door, only to be met by another disturbing sight. The place was completely demolished! It had looked like a scheduled hurricane had been through the place. Probably have that crazy mare Rainbow Dash to thank for that...

"Hey! Anypony here?" I called out. Still nothing. Why the hell would a hospital be this empty? I couldn't help but ponder where every pony had gone, why a hospital that should have been filled with hundreds, was only housed by me. I looked over the counter to see dusty papers and computers, all haphazardly strewn around the area. I had to consider my options. A, a bomb had gone off in the building. Or B, I was the last pony on earth.

"Well, if it's B," I thought dryly. "I'm sure going to be one lonely SOB." I couldn't help but chuckle a little at that. I walked down the hall slowly, trying to gain strength back in my aching legs. The walls were riddled with bullet holes, and there was...

"Blood?" I blurted, pulling my hoof away from the dried up gunk on the walls. "What the buck...?" I continued on down the corridor, hoping to find something, anything that showed signs of life.

Well, the body behind the shut door was something...

There it was, just a mare, or what was left of her. Her face was rotted to the bone and her organs were dried and turning to dust on the cold floor. I fumbled away, trying to unsee what I had seen. But it was burned into my eyes like the flash of a camera. It blinded me from everything else. I felt my back hit a door and I breathed a heavy, quivering breath.

What the FUCK happened in this hospital?!

I flew forward as something struck the door from behind. I reeled around to see it chained and boarded up. Somepony spray painted 'DO NOT OPEN, DEAD INSIDE' in big letters.

Okay, if there were dead inside, then why in the HELL was their pounding coming from the other end!? I didn't stick around to find out. I bolted down the halls and out an emergency exit. I was scared, more scared than I'd ever been in my life! The light hit my face, nearly blinding me after my eyes had been shut for Celestia knows how long. The sun felt amazing! I breathed a sigh of relief, but gagged on it when I saw the swarm of crows, flies, and rows upon rows of dead bodies.

"Holy shit..." I gasped, hoping this was all just a terrible, terrible coma induced dream! I slowly walked around the bodies, my hooves becoming soaked in red goo. I gagged and threw up when I was cleared of that mess, then sighed, realizing that only liquid came out. My stomach was empty, and I needed to fill it up, fast.

I tried to clear my mind of food and walked through the abandoned town. It was Ponyville, that much I know. I only lived here for Celestia's sakes. It was a small town. I hadn't lived there long. Me and my wife got there just a few days before I got shot. I wonder how long its been since I was out. Certainly not days. Weeks maybe? Months?


I pushed that thought aside and continued on my way. I found my way down the familiar streets towards Sugar Cube Corner. I wondered what that place would be like, if it was at all like the Hospital. I saw the dilapidated building and pushed my way inside. "Hello? Anypony here? Pinkie Pie?" I called out. Maybe that crazy mare was still here. It wouldn't be too shocking. I remember the day we moved in here; that crazy girl appeared out of nowhere our first day to welcome us, then threw a random surprise party at our house. We never even told her where we were living! I smiled at the memories and made my way over to the counter. "Hey? Somepony home? I could use some food."

I heard some muffled hoof steps from behind the counter and slowly backed away. "H-Hello?" I said again. All at once, the door burst open and a very disturbed looking Mr. Cake came shambling into the foyer. I let out a muffled yell into my hoof when he turned to face me, half of his face torn clean away. I made my way for the door and shut it tight. I breathed a sigh of relief into my foreleg, just to suck it back in when I turned around.

There, in front of Sugar Cube Corner, were at least a dozen of these... things! I pressed myself against the door as the deranged Mr. Cake pounded on it from the other side. I watched as these things came closer and closer, snarling and shambling, snapping and growling! I was as good as dead!

I shut my eyes and waited, only to hear bodies thumping onto the ground. I looked up to see tiny flashes shooting across the street, those monsters falling to the dirt, missing heads and legs. I watched the blurs come back, then a large pink one whisk me away on a swinging rope.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Is all I could yell. I got a good look at the pony carrying me. The poofy pink mane and tail gave it away who it was since her body was covered in black. She wore goggles and had a shotgun on her back.

"Girls! Back to the base!" She yelled over her shoulder. Two blurs ran underneath us and they burst into the towns Boutique. Pinkie carried me through a second story window, while the two tinier ponies ran in through the front door. Pinkie pulled up her goggles and I smiled weekly into the familiar irises. "What's your wound?" She asked quickly, pointing to the bandages at my side.

"W-What do you mean?" I asked. She pulled out a knife and held it to my throat. I gulped and pressed myself against the wall.

"WHAT IS YOUR WOUND!?" she shouted. My eyes were pinpricks and I gulped again.

"U-uh, a gunshot. I-I just woke up today, I swear!" I blurted. She pulled the knife away and looked me over from head to flank. "W-what are you searching for, Pinkie?"

"Bites. Were you bitten? Scratched? Anything like that?" She asked just as quickly as before. I shook my head and she looked at my bandages. "Jeez, those haven't been changed in a really long time. Wait here. I'll get the medical kit. I'll be right back."

I just sat on the bed in the room and let everything that had just happened sink in. I had just witnessed the murders of countless ponies! I couldn't help but dry heave into the garbage pail. I fell into the bed after that and just sobbed.

Now, I was a tough pony. I'd killed before for the name of the law and Celestia, but I never had ponies try to eat me! I couldn't even fathom why one pony would want to eat another! But I was almost the result of that.

"Are you alright?" A voice asked, this one more feminine, carrying a tiny Manehatten accent. I looked up to see a white mare with a purple mane walk over to me. I sat up and wiped my eyes quickly, not wanting this pretty young mare see me in this state.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked quickly, puffing out my chest. This got her to chuckle a little bit as she sat by my side.

"Dear, you don't have to put on that false brave face for me, although I'm flattered you'd do so. My name is Rarity." She said, extending a hoof. I took it gently and shook.

"Tough Gunner. I'm a police officer for Fillydelphia, er, was at any rate. Got shot back in April and woke up in the hospital today. What day is it?" I asked again.

She stared wide eyed, but quickly recomposed herself. "Oh, um. Wow. I believe it is, um, September? Yes, that sounds about right." She said tapping her chin.

A look of despair took over my face. Oh dear Celestia, had I really been out for five months?! What kept me alive all that time?! "When did all... Whatever this is, start?"

"Early June..." She whispered. Well, shit hit the fan just two months after I went out. I tried to recompose myself, but the white mare saw through that. She sat by my side and pat me on the back.

"Don't worry, dear. We- we're all going to be okay. I promise you." She soothed. I looked over to her and sighed again.

"Why doesn't the Princess just banish them all away? Surely you could do something too, right?" I asked. She gulped and shook her head.

"No. Something... Something has stopped Unicorns from using magic, same with Pegasi, they can't fly. We don't know what caused it. Before the magic block, Celestia used the last of her powers to control the sun and the moon cycles." The mare began to tear and looked over to him. "The Princess died doing this, Gunner..."

I lost my breath. The Princess' last act was to make it so we wouldn't either freeze in eternal night, or burn in endless day. "What about Luna?" I asked.

"I honestly don't know what happened to dear Luna. I can only hope she's safe, leading ponies to freedom." She said, trying to cheer me up. I could tell she needed more cheering up than me at this point. "I-I lost my friends. We were all separated from one another. We were going to try and use the Elements of Harmony to restore everything back to normal, but we aren't even sure their magic will work either. I was able to find Pinkie Pie, and Applejack's little sister, but the others are a mystery, to me." She looked up at me and smiled. "Dear, listen to me ramble. You must be starving!"

As if to prove that, my stomach began to rumble. I smiled sheepishly, she smiled back. "Well, I hear Pinkie coming back, so I'll scrounge something up for you, okay?"

I nodded, and as soon as she left, Pinkie Pie walked in with a medical kit in her mouth. She put it on the bed and began to work on my nasty bandages. She pulled the old ones off, letting a stink hit both our noses that made us gag. "Ugh!" We both shouted in unison. I looked down at the nasty, disgusting, puss ranked hole in my side. It hadn't been tended to in months. Pinkie looked equally disgusted.

"Oh, geez! How aren't you dead from blood poisoning?" She gagged. I shrugged and wrinkled my nose looking back to it. She held her breath and grabbed a syringe and began sucking out the puss. I bit my hoof to stifle the scream. I just barely managed to hold it back as I looked on. It was the grossest thing I think any of us had seen. She threw the puss filled tube out the window and grabbed some alcohol. "This is going to sting, and we can't have you making too much noise, so..."

She did something so unexpected, so random, that if anyone else but Pinkie had done it, I'd think they were insane! She poured the bottle onto my wound, and before I could scream bloody murder, she encased my mouth in hers in a kiss. My eyes widened in shock, not pain, at this. In fact, when that happened, all my pain was forgotten. She stopped pouring the alcohol on the wound and I expected her to stop kissing me.

She didn't.

She fell onto me, lying me back into the bed. Clearly, It had been a long time since she last saw a stallion. I was married though! I couldn't be kissing Pinkie! I have a wife, a daughter! "Pinkfy!" I mumbled. She didn't let up. Her tongue swirled inside my mouth, dancing around like there was a wild party going on. I began to tire as my eyes fluttered closed, accepting the kiss. It was just so unexpected, so daring. I admired that about the mare and couldn't help but accept her lustful assault.

She finally released my mouth and pressed her hind legs against mine. Her smile was so wide and devious, it'd make Satan squirm. "Oh, jeez, Gunsy! You have no idea how badly I need this!" She said, practically in a panic. She began to grind me, soaking my belly in her excited juices. I could feel my heart rate increase as the room began to spin wildly. I didn't have the strength for something so strenuous, and I ended up just passing out right there.

I awoke sometime later. Pinkie wasn't on top of me anymore and there were fresh bandages over my wound. I sat up slowly and looked over to see Rarity reading a book, while Pinkie played Battleship with two children. I smiled, hoping to join them. The only thing stopping me was the bowl of dandelion soup right there next to me. I grabbed it greedily and slurped it down, getting the attention of the four girls in the room. I looked up from my soup and smiled sheepishly. "Oops. Uh, sorry?" I said hesitantly. Pinkie snorted and Rarity rolled her eyes while the children giggled.

I stood and sat next to them as they enjoyed their game. "Who's winning?" I asked. The white unicorn filly looked up at me with a big grin.

"We are! And by the looks of things, Pinkie is almost in surrendering condition!" She yelled happily I grinned remembering earlier.

"Yeah, I know what that's like..." I mumbled. I heard Rarity chuckle from across the room and watched as Pinkie went from pink to deep red in seconds.

"I-I'm sorry about that." She said, turning away. I smiled and pat her back. She pushed herself into it and shut her eyes. It was kind of adorable, but I had to remember I was a married Stallion.

"Has... anypony seen my wife? My daughter?" I asked. Pinkie frowned, as did Rarity, and the girls looked to one another. Pinkie shook her head.

"I-I didn't know you had a daughter." She said quietly. I gulped and nodded.

"She... was from my first marriage. My wife just barely accepted her, and she ended up just living with her aunt for a while, since she hated her step-mom."

"This all sounds familiar..." The light orange pony said, tapping the floor. "What was her name?" I frowned. Did it really matter her name? Maybe they knew her, and maybe she was alright?

"Scootaloo." I said. The two fillies eyes went wide and they ran up to me, assaulting me with questions about Scootaloo and insults towards my wife. "Well, Scootaloo has told you all quite a bit, hasn't she?"

"How could ya just let yer own daughter go like that?! For some mean old lady to boot?" The filly asked.

"Apple Bloom! That's no way to talk to our guest!" Rarity scolded her. I frowned and walked back over to the bed. The filly was right. How could I do that to my own flesh and blood? Maybe it was because Scoots reminded me so much of her mother? I don't know, but it was hard to look at her now. I should have sucked that up, given my little girl everything she deserved in life. Instead I traded that for some mare I met. I loved that mare, don't get me wrong, but I couldn't just... forget my daughter. Being an alcoholic pushed her away enough...

"Girls? Why don't you head downstairs; make sure the boards on the doors and windows are secure?" Rarity suggested. The two fillies sulked off, giving me disapproving looks. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling as Pinkie and Rarity sat on either side of me.

"So, you're Scootaloo's father?" Rarity asked. I nodded and she looked away. "I-I always thought her father abandoned her, but I guess you have an excuse." I chuckled dryly at that and wiped my eyes.

"It doesn't matter... She's probably dead now. One of those freaks of natures... What do you call those things anyway?" I asked.

"Trotters." Pinkie said. "They're the Trotting dead." Pinkie laid down next to me and pulled out her knife, twirling it in her hooves. "Just remember, they aren't the ponies we used to know. I mean, the Ponies we knew wouldn't eat us, would they?"

I chuckled. "I know a few that wouldn't mind... but, I guess you're right. I'm grateful for what you girls did for me. So, what now?" I asked.

Pinkie smiled deviously and Rarity just rolled her eyes at her. "Seriously, Pinkie?" She began. "You just met him! I had to stop you from defiling his unconscious body before!" Pinkie gave me a wink and I audibly gulped.

"Rarity? Why don't you head downstairs. I got some unfinished business with Gunzy here, and I don't really think you want to watch..." Pinkie said, causing Rarity to blush immensely.

"Pinkie, I think sex is the last thing he needs right now. Am I right, dear?" She asked. All I could do was stare at the spectacle happening. Pinkie was going to jump my bones, one way or another. I began to mumble incomprehensibly and Rarity just backed up through the door. "Alright, well... I'll just leave you two... alone?"

I tried to call out to her, get her to save me, but I couldn't get my mouth to work. It became twice as hard with the Pink party pony latched to it like a leech. "You and me, Gunzy? We're going to have the best night of your life."

I woke up the next morning as the sun glistened through the boarded up window. I ached. A lot. I used muscles last night I hadn't used in over a year. Yeah, I hadn't had sex in over a year. I looked over to Pinkie who was sprawled out on the bed, snoring pretty loudly. I smiled and slowly got up, making sure she didn't stir. With that successful, I went downstairs to see Rarity sipping a cup of tea. It smelled heavenly and I took in the all too familiar scent.

"Mint tea?" I asked. She turned to me and smiled.

"Oh, yes. I absolutely love it. I take it you're a fan, too?" She smiled. I shook my head.

"My wife was. First wife. Scoots mother. She drank it so often that our house smelled of mint all the time. It's just... good memories I have." I was lost in thought thinking about my late wife. She was something special, so was our daughter. I needed to find my little Scoots, to see her again. "Listen, I'm really thankful for everything, but I need to find out where my wife and daughter are. You understand, right?"

Rarity frowned and nodded. "I-I understand, but it's dangerous out there and we don't have weapons to spare. What are your plans?"

I had thought about that. If the station just outside Fillydelphia hadn't been raided by the cops, then they could get guns and ammunition, which they could use to better defend themselves. "How would you like to help me raid the armory back at the station?" I asked. Rarity nearly choked on her mint tea at my suggestion.

"A-Are you serious?! Do you know how many of those monsters are out there?! It's a suicide run!" She warned. I knew that, but I had to try.

"If you come with me, I'll give you your pick of any weapon you want." I offered. She looked at me, then over to her sister and Apple Bloom.

"We do need the supplies... I guess... Okay, we'll help you get there." She relented. I smiled and nodded, thankful for her help.

"Alright, you're going to have to help me catch up on how to do this..."

I frowned as they led me out the door with nothing but a baseball bat and good intentions. "Alright!" Pinkie whispered. "You gotta aim for the head, otherwise they won't even budge. You got that?"

I nodded as a gutted mare came shambling down the road. "So, just aim for the head?" I choked out as the former mare turned and began approaching me. Pinkie nodded and shut the door behind her, leaving us alone outside while the others packed the supplies.

If you've never had to kill somepony with a baseball bat, I'll go ahead and say it now, it is really fucking disturbing. The mare snarled as she got within feet of me. I closed my eyes and swung the bat as hard as I could. I felt it strike bone, then I heard a soft whump hit the ground.

I opened my eyes to see the trotter on the ground with the side of her head caved in. Blood pooled around in the grass and Pinkie walked to me, patting me on the back.

"That was a good job. I'm glad we finally put Bon-Bon out of her misery..." She sniffled. I frowned as well. This mare had a name, a life. She probably had a family, ponies who cared for her. She had a life and I just ended it...

"You know she was already dead, right?" Pinkie asked. I looked over to her and nodded. Man, Pinkie must have known how to read minds. Rarity and the others came out at that moment with their supplies and nodded.

"Alright, dears. We're ready to go." She said quietly, her eyes darting from street to street. Pinkie pulled out her shotgun and gave it a pump. She smiled and handed me a large, silver revolver.

"Think you can handle something this strong?" She asked. I smiled and nodded, taking it in my front hooves.

"I was a cop before this, Pinkie. I can handle a Python." I smiled smugly and she nodded with a smile of her own.

"Now just remember, don't-" She tried to tell me, but I didn't hear the rest as I fired at a trotter coming towards us. "Shoot..." She finished as undead began filing out of buildings, windows, alleyways, and everywhere.

"RUN!" She screamed. We all did. We booked it down the road towards FPD. It was probably an hour gallop from Ponyville. I knew Pinkie would be up for the run, but Rarity and the children, as well as myself with my weakened muscles? I don't think we'd make it very far.


I turned to see Apple Bloom's hoof caught in a pile of rubble, the herd closing in around her. I hightailed it back and quickly pulled her out, draping her on my back. I gave a lunging trotter a buck to the jaw, removing the appendage as I ran back to the group. "Thank ya! Ya saved mah life!" Apple Bloom said shakily, digging herself into my coat. I turned around and aimed for a trotter, this one running full sprint. I pulled the trigger of my six shooter and the ponies head exploded.

"Keep running!" I called out, hoping we'd all make this. I knew we'd all make it, we just had to. And we did, at any rate. We had to dump a few of the heavier supplies along the way in order to keep going. I snuck up to the front door of the station, peering inside. The door was locked, but with a swift quick, I was able to break the glass. The mares walked inside, Pinkie walking on her hind legs with the shotgun in her hooves.

"Jeez, that takes some serious leg strength, Pinkie. How do you do it?" I asked, joining her, standing on my hind legs as well. She smiled at me and nodded.

"Seems you would know, huh?" She teased. I winked and we made our way towards the locker rooms. I opened the door and scanned the room. There was an old friend in the back shambling about.

"Ah, Luck Runner..." I sighed. That pony wasn't the brightest cop, but he was a good stallion. He had a wife and two kids, which made this a little more depressing. He heard me, apparently, and started shambling over. I rose my gun and let a round tear through his head. No way he was going to let him suffer like that.

Rarity and the girls covered their ears. "Do you mind giving that thing a rest?!" She quietly protested. "I would like to keep the trotters away and keep my hearing!"

I blushed and lowered my weapon. I'd need to find a way to holster that thing. I knew just the way to do it, too. I walked around to the far end of the locker room and found my old locker. I was surprised to see all my personal belongings still inside. I put on my old uniform with a smile, but that wasn't what interested me. The thing that interested me most was the armory key. I grabbed it and turned to the mares with a devious smile. "Who wants some shiny new toys?" I asked. They both smiled back and we walked through the dark, empty building together.

The weapons locker was still locked, which was a great sign, and there were still guns from what he could see. He turned the key and opened the cage, ushering the ponies inside. "Well, this is it. Chose your poison." I said, gesturing to the rack and rows of guns. "Although, a lot of the heavy stuff seems to have been skimmed already. Sorry about that."

Pinkie hopped forward and scanned the rows. She looked back to her shotgun and shrugged, just opting to grab ammo. I looked over to see Rarity pulling a hunting rifle off the rack. I smiled and helped her bring it down. "Thank you, dear." She nodded. I nodded back and grabbed a holster, sliding the silver six shooter into the leather sheath.

I turned to Rarity, Pinkie and the fillies. "Listen. I need to know if there's any hope my family is alive. Any thing that could lead me to them would be appreciated."

I watched as Apple Bloom trotted over. "Before she left, Scoots said that her step mom was takin' them to Manehatten. She said she thought there was ah hold out there. Ah... hope that helps you find them." She said with a soft smile. I patted her on the head and smiled.

"Thank you, Apple Bloom. It'll help quite a bit." I assured. I turned to Pinkie and Rarity. "I'll understand if you folks don't want to tag along on a wild goose chase..."

Rarity and Pinkie looked to one another before Pinkie finally stepped forward. "We have our own to look out for. I really enjoyed last night, but I can't just leave my home. I got friends I need to put out of misery... I hope you find your daughter, Gunzy." She gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek and giggled at the blush.

Rarity smiled at me as well and gave me a hug. "I'm glad we found someone who wasn't trying to eat us. Well, Pinkie might disagree with that last statement..." She said slyly. I chuckled at her lewd joke and turned to Pinkie who was coughing innocently into her hoof. "Well, at any rate, thank you, Gunner for giving us this gift. We'll be heading back home, and we'll be there for a while, so if you ever find yourself in Ponyville again, don't hesitate to stop by."

I nodded, helping them pack a bag with plenty of weapons and ammo, draping it over Pinkies back. "I will, Rarity. You all stay safe..." I thought about something for a moment. I remembered talk around the station about motorized police vehicles becoming a part of the force shortly before I was indisposed. I ran over to them as they were about to leave. "Wait!"

They turned and looked at me curiously. I smiled and jumped over the front counter and grabbed two sets of keys. "So, anypony know how to drive?"

I watched as they waved out the window at me as they drove back towards Ponyville. They gave a small honk, and I honked my siren in return. It was time to head to Manehatten to get my family back. I took a final look back at their fleeting car and said a silent prayer for them. I looked at the guns in the passenger seat and felt a bit more secure. If the world was hells new home, then I'd make sure to decrease the market value. I laughed at that horrible joke for a few minutes before my attention was drawn to the radio at my side.

I picked up the receiver and clicked it on. It wouldn't hurt to see if anyone was out there, would it? "Hello? Is there anypony alive out there. I'm a member of the Fillydelphia Police Department. If there's anypony out there, I'm heading towards Manehatten for the safe zone. If your out there, please answer."

Twilight sat in the relative comfort of the shade as she read her book. It was pretty quiet in the camp today. She watched as Scootaloo played with Dinky and the other children near the RV. While Twilight wasn't her mother, she certainly was going to watch out for little Scoots.

The sun that shone on her book was blocked as she looked up to see Bronze Star standing over her. "Readin' that again there, missy?" He chuckled. Twilight rolled her eyes and continued reading. "So..." He said, permeating the silence.

Apparently she couldn't ignore him. "So." She said back, flipping the page. How many times was Bronze going to try this with her? "Do you mind? I'm enjoying my free time." She said monotone.

Bronze smiled and rubbed his nose. "Well, you could spend your free time with me..." He chuckled. Twilight let out a disgusted grunt and shook her head. Bronze nodded and strolled off, but not before taking a quick glance at her rump. He chuckled one last time and left.

"Hey, Twilight?"

Twilight looked up to see Scootaloo standing in front of her. "Yes, sweetheart? What is it?" She asked. Scootaloo rubbed her forelegs together and smiled innocently.

"Can me, Dinky, Snips and Peachy Pie go swimming?" She asked. The only reason she asked was because they needed a chaperone. Twilight closed her book and put it in the saddlebag next to her. She draped it on her back and nodded.

"Alright. Let's go have some fun." She smiled. Fun. There was a word that she didn't think she'd be throwing around all too often. Her and the children left for the quarry below, intent on having some of the last bit of fun she can in this hell on Earth.

Bronze walked over to the RV and began cleaning his shotgun in the shade. He watched as Twilight and the daughter of his friend walked away. Although, he watched Twilight more. Nice piece of flank on that one...

He heard the radio on the table crackle once, but only thought it was just shorting out. Then it buzzed again and a voice came on. Everypony in the camp stared in disbelief. That was the first time it made a noise in... ever!

"Hello? Hello! We hear you!" Flitter said, grabbing the receiver. The voice came back again.

"If there is anyone receiving, please respond. I'm heading for the safezone in Manehatten."

"Yes! We read you!" She repeated. She began to turn the nobs and sighed in frustration. "Ugh. He can't hear us." Everypony in the camp began encircling the radio. The eldest member, Dale, came trotting over.

"I heard him say Manehatten. That stallion has no idea what he's getting himself into." He looked to the others as Bronze snatched the radio from Flitter's hoof.

"Hello, hello. This is Officer Bronze Star to pony unknown. Do you read?" He asked back. Nothing met him but static. "Damn. We lost him."

"We have to warn him somehow." One of the mares suggested. Bronze shook his head.

"We can't risk it. We have to look out for each other. This pony'll be okay if he lasted this long." He assured. Everyone shared nervous looks with one another and sighed. "Alright. That's that."

There was nothing but static on the other end. Great, that meant there was probably no hope, or I probably wasn't close enough to another pony, I couldn't tell. I rode on towards my target destination, hoping to find just something that can help me find my family.

I continued on with that thought in my head, until I made it to the congested highway. abandoned carriages and automobiles were left on the road, blocking my way into the city. I sighed audibly and grabbed the bag of guns. I guess I'd have to hoof it from here...

The city was dead silent. Buses were overturned, carriages were smoldering heaps, and walls and buildings were riddled with bullet holes. The safe zone must be deeper in the city... I thought to myself. It wasn't long until I found myself deep in the city, the smells of smoke and death wafting into my nostrils. I covered my nose as I rounded the corner.

"Well, I found why it smells like death..." I whispered shakily, backing away as the entire city population turned towards me, snarling and snapping. SHIT!

I turned tail and ran as fast as I could down the road. I looked back to see them hot on my tail. More hordes came out from alleyways and streets, yelling incomprehensibly at me. I stopped and looked all around. I was trapped like a rat, encircled and about to have the skin pealed from my bones. I looked down at my pistol, which would have made death so much less painless...

But I couldn't quit now. I noticed a tank off to my right and booked it inside. I shut the hatch behind me and took in deep, tired breaths in the hot compartment. I wasn't the only one in there though. I jumped back as a soldier lunged at me, latching onto my leg, ready to bight. I pulled out my pistol and fired as fast as I could.

Bad mistake...

My ears felt like they'd just been stabbed with a hot poker, then somepony let a horde of bees loose inside. I stumbled and shook my head, hoping to get rid of the incessant ringing. I finally succeeded, but heard a faint voice. I thought it was just my destroyed ears playing tricks on me, so I just slapped my head, trying to get rid of the voice, but it persisted. When I was finally oriented, I noticed the voice wasn't coming from my head, but from a radio on the wall! I smiled wide as the voice continued.

"Hey, idiot in the tank! You alive in there? Because you sure as hell ain't gonna be for long at this rate."

Yeah, you can say my smile faded pretty damn fast... My life was only going to get more complicated from there.