> Diamond in the Dark > by ClosetKone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Everfree forest is not a largely hospitable place at night. Between the thorn vines and the dangerous creatures, a pony would have to be desperate to step foot inside. There was one such pony, however, cowering in the shadows. Fluttershy hid beneath a rotting log, hooves over eyes. As she whimpered and shook, she mentally beat herself up for being so foolish. She had just got back from a trip to Manehattan, and during the interim, she had left Angel with Rarity. When she returned only to discover her bunny had just then dashed off, she gave chase with no thought to her actions. Rarity called after her, pleading with her to wait until morning. Oh how Fluttershy wished she had listened. She lifted her dirty hooves an inch, her eyes darting around. To her, every bush held a beast, and every whisper was a warning. The wind shifted slightly, causing a stray leaf to brush across her pink tail. Her scream was nigh supersonic and she burst out from under her cover. Tears blurred her vision as she blindly crashed through the undergrowth. Her heart pounded and her clamped wings refused to work. When she saw a dim light in the distance, a tiny glimmer of hope sparked inside her. In her mind, that light was akin to Celestia herself. As she thundered over the snarled roots, she began to discern the outline of Zecora’s hut! With reckless abandon she charged the front door, sobbing. She unceremoniously crashed through the doorway, tripping and skidding to a halt near the center of the room. Zecora had been organizing her stock, and the sudden intrusion almost knocked a potion from her hoof. “Careful child, watch what you do! You do not want me to spill this potent brew.” She gingerly put it back onto the shelf and faced the panicked pony. Fluttershy’s usual demeanour instantly took over. “Oh, I’m sorry Zecora. I was out looking for Angel and I got stuck…” Zecora laughed. “Calm yourself dear Fluttershy, and try not to cry. Come sit down, and your fears I will drown.” Fluttershy took a seat while Zecora rummaged through her many ingredients. The frightened pony wiped the tears from her eyes and took a shuddering breath. “Oh Zecora, I’m so worried. Angel ran away tonight and he’s somewhere in the Everfree? Have you seen him?” She asked, wide eyed. Zecora tossed a few herbs into a pot hanging over her fire. Then, she approached the table, holding a small pouch in her hoof. “That is troubling news, to be sure, but I haven’t seen any bunnies run across my floor.” Fluttershy sighed, her head sinking to the table. “I’m so worried. Poor Angel, all alone in the dark… But I don’t have the nerve to go look again tonight.” The zebra put the pouch on the table, then went to go retrieve the tea. “I’m sure he’ll be fine, he’s an animal after all. If you tried to find him now you’d become exhausted and fall.” She brought the tea over with two cups. “Thank you,” Fluttershy mumbled, accepting the tea. While avoiding Zecora’s eyes, the pegasus noticed the pouch on the table. “Zecora, if it’s okay to ask, what’s in the pouch?” She smiled. “That, child, will get you through the night. These herbs have the power of Iron Will’s might.” With that, she opened the pouch and dropped a few dried herbs into her hand. They were shrivelled and brown. To Fluttershy, they looked like rolled up dead leaves made out of dirt. “I’ve never seen anything like those before. What are they?” Fluttershy asked. The smile grew wider across the zebra’s face. “This will ease your burden and make you forget your woes. Before long, you’ll forget about Angel and his bouncing toes!” She extended the handful to Fluttershy. The pony felt uneasy about this unknown herb, but she didn’t want to be rude. Carefully she took them, and brought them to her nose. Their smell was awful. She looked up at Zecora’s expectant face, and sighed. She took a nibble of one, and immediately spat it out. Instantly she was stumbling over an apology. “Oh Zecora, I’m so sorry! I just wasn’t expecting the taste, and I know I shouldn’t have spit it out, but-“ The shaman put a hoof on her mouth. “Calm down, dear child. Have some tea, it makes the taste much more mild.” Fluttershy nodded, and Zecora removed her hoof. The pegasus looked at the herb in her hoof. She really didn’t want to eat it, but again, she couldn’t bear offending her host. She stuffed them all in her mouth at once and chomped on them. She grabbed her cup and chugged the entire cup in one go. Her eyes watered from the heat, and when she gasped her breath came out as steam. “As impressive as that was, you should have not. My fire makes drinks very very hot!” Zecora observed. Over the next hour or so, the two sat and chatted. Fluttershy began to feel rather relaxed, which was very confusing to her. She was normally so anxious. What had Zecora given her? “My, Zecora,” Fluttershy said, slowly rubbing the surface of the table. “Your coat contrasts so nicely.” She giggled. The white was so pure, and the black was so deep. “Have you ever noticed how smooth this table is? It feels so comfy, I could just lay my head down and…” With that, Fluttershy passed out on the tabletop. Zecora shook her head. “I know that she is Fluttershy and it is late, but I did not expect her to be such a lightweight.” Fluttershy’s eyes cracked open. They were still bleary, and she rubbed them as she sat up. It was odd. She didn’t remember Zecora having a canopy over her bed. Suddenly, the door opened. She dove underneath the covers, just barely peeking out. To her relief, Rarity trotted in. “Fluttershy, darling! You’re awake,” Rarity exclaimed. Fluttershy dropped the covers a bit. “H-How did I get here?” “Well, I had to visit Zecora anyways last night to pick up a rare flower that only blooms at midnight for an ensemble I’m putting together. Of course I kept an eye out for you, but I was surprised to find you passed out on Zecora’s table.” A look of disdain crossed her face. “That’s no way for anypony to get a good night’s rest. So I brought you back with me, and here we are!” The shy pegasus dropped the covers. “Oh Rarity, I’m sorry for making you carry me back here. Thank you so much,” she said sheepishly. The fashionista flipped her mane. "It was no trouble dear. Oh, I have a surprise for you! Come, let me show you!" She merrily trotted out of the room, and Fluttershy rolled out of bed. Her tongue tasted of dirt, and her head was still a bit fuzzy. She followed the unicorn outside and down the stairs. "Oh do hurry up Fluttershy. I've been waiting days to show you this!" Rarity hollered "I'm sorry..." She called back, picking up the pace. She found Rarity standing by the door to her basement. "Now, I keep all my coup de resistances down here. You're about to see a true treasure vault!" Rarity bragged. She unlocked the door and led the way inside. The stairway was rather dark, but Fluttershy didn't want to say anything. Instead, she meekly followed her friend down the steps. When she reached the bottom, she couldn't see anything. "Rarity?" She called out. "Where are you?" In answer a blindingly bright light burst into life in front of her. Fluttershy cried out and covered her eyes. "Oh I'm sorry, darling, was that too quick?" Rarity's voice sounded out. Fluttershy looked up, squinting, still unable to see her friend. The light was coming from two spotlight focused on an object on the wall. It was in a frame, like a painting, and had a velvet rope in front of it for show. Slowly, Fluttershy started to distinguish the shape. It was small, roughly the size of Spike, maybe a bit smaller. The outline was strange though; it resembled modern art, with two long objects sticking out sideways. It was so confusing. What was so amazing about this? How as this a masterpiece? Then it dawned on Fluttershy, and she saw it in full clarity. Angel was severely mauled, his body twisted at grotesque angles. His head was pulled down by his ribs, and stuck out sideways. A look of horror was etched on her little friend's face, and his entrails hung loosely. "I made it just for you, dear. I think I did an excellent job of not getting any blood in the fur. He was quite difficult to catch, I'll tell you that. But then again, he was only a stepping stone to my real model." Rarity stepped out in front of Angel, a smile on her lips. "You." She whispered. Fluttershy screamed and turned to flee. A rope snagged her ankle and hoisted her into the air upside down. She began sobbing, her tears spattering on the ground. "Like taking candy from a baby," Rarity smirked. "Now, let's get you to sleep so we can get started." She levitated a damp cloth over the weeping Fluttershy's face. It smelled strange, and Fluttershy felt herself slipping away. Her last sight was Rarity winking. As she awoke for the second time in such a short while, her head pounded. The chemicals that filled her lungs caused her throat to burn. She gasped for air, coughing and sputtering. She tried to sit up, but something was restraining her head and torso. Panicking, she tried to raise a hoof or a leg but to no avail. She looked up, and realized she was on her back. A mirror hung above her, showing her reflection. Restraints held every part of her body down. "Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy... You're too much of a pushover." She heard her friend's voice somewhere behind her. Rarity stepped closer, and Fluttershy saw her in the mirror. "Awww, you're so precious. No wonder Photo Finish chose you as her model. You could make anything look good!" "R-Rarity?" The pegasus stammered. "What's going on?" Rarity laughed. "Why, I killed your bunny and have now strapped you to table silly! Don't ask obvious questions, dear, it's most unbecoming." The waterworks started again. "I'm sorry, Rarity, I really am. I didn't mean to make you mad. I'm so, so sorry." In a flash of rage, Rarity smashed her hoof onto the table. "STOP SAYING THAT! "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Shut up! You took my chance for fame from me, and while you may have fooled the others, I know you wanted to!" "Wha-what?" Fluttershy choked out. "Photo Finish! You knew she would want you, you knew you could steal my thunder! Well guess what?! Now you get to model again. Aren't you happy, dear?" Rarity had regained her sinister composure. She leaned down next to Fluttershy's ear. "I'm going to tart you up, just like Angel." She whispered. "Not so fast!" A familiar voice shouted out. Rarity turned, anger in her eyes. "What?! How did you get in here? Show yourself, ruffian!" She growled. "Her number hasn't come up yet, Rarity..." The voice told her matter-of-factly. Rarity's eyes widened. "You! You stay away, this is my revenge! My righteous victory!" Pinkemina stepped into the light. Her hair was straight, and her eyes were dark. "You know the rules, Rarity. You can't just break them like this." She said quietly. Rarity snorted. "Oh, because big bad Fever is gonna get me? Psssh, please. You're crazy if you believe in that." She retorted. "Rarity, please. As a Sister, you must respect the covenant. Such actions violate the sanctity of our coven. This is your last chance." Pinkemina warned. Rarity laughed. "Ha! Your sentiments are ridiculous, darling. Watch, let me prove it to you!" With that, she spun around and grabbed a railroad spike from a nearby trolley. Raising it high above her head, she brought it down on Fluttershy's wing. Fluttershy screamed out in pain, tears streaming down her face. Rarity laughed and laughed, leaving the spike where it lay. See, Pinkie?! Where is Fever Dream, hmmm?" Pinkemina lowered her head. "The Walker cometh." She said, flatly. Slowly, a dark green haze began to fill the basement. Rarity started to panic, her mouth hanging open. The mist coagulated in one spot between Pinkemina and Rarity. A tall being that stood on two legs appeared before the ponies. A tattered black cloak was draped around him, and the hood was pulled low over his face. "You have violated the covenant. I have been sent to relieve you of your sense." The strange creature murmured. Rarity stepped back. "No! You can't! I'm justified in this! This is what I'm meant to do, this is the killing that called me!" She pleaded. The figure flickered forward, uncaring of this sad little pony's words, and placed a five fingered hand on her forehead. Immediately her eyes rolled back and her jaw went slack. "Know horror," Fever Dream instructed. Rarity screamed, and the world shook. The ceiling began to crumble from the sheer magnitude of magic use. One chunk of plaster fell down, striking Fluttershy square on the nose, knocking her out cold. Yet again, she awoke groggily. She forced her eyes open. A light above her stung at her retinas. She groaned, lifting a hoof to her head. Suddenly she realized she was no longer restrained. Bolting upright, she looked around wildly. The quick motion made her sick, and she felt bile rise. Frantically searching, she saw a trash can beside the bed. She retched into it and dropped it back down, moaning. She was in a hospital room being fed by an IV drip. "Fluttershy! Thank Celestia you're awake!" A voice shouted uncomfortably close. "Twilight...?" She whispered. The plucky unicorn popped into view. "Yep! And everyone else is coming too! I was so worried, I wore a groove from all the pacing I did!" Fluttershy closed her eyes. "What happened?" Twilight scrunched up her nose, thinking. "Well, when you went to pick up Angel from Rarity's an earthquake did a number on Rarity’s boutique, somewhere in the realm of 6.8927 magnitude. Most of the town is okay, but her boutique collapsed! Luckily Pinkie Pie was nearby, and got you two here right away!" "Hey, is Fluttershy awake?" Rainbow Dash called from the hallway. Twilight turned back to Fluttershy. "Look! Everyone else is here now!" As her friends piled into the room, fear gripped Fluttershy's throat upon seeing Rarity. She let out a strangled cry, to which everyone else gasped. Rarity was the first to her side. "Oh darling, are you alright? When the boutique came down I was worried you got really hurt! I mean, I managed to get away while only a couple cuts and bruises, but you..." Rarity shuttered. "I don't even know what happened." Fluttershy's breathing has rapid and she began gasping. Pinkie bounced over and put a paper bag over her nose. "Here, breathe into this! Dontchaknow your lungs can't handle that, silly?" She said in her usual cherry voice, though it was also concerned. "Rarity. Angel. Pinkie. Fever!" Fluttershy gasped out while huffing into the bag. "Exactly, so you gotta calm down! It's not good to get excited when you have a fever." Twilight said sternly. Fluttershy's eyes teared up as her breathing returned to regular. "Oh I had the most awful dream! Rarity and Pinkie had gone crazy, and there was some weird two legged creature, and Angel..." She choked up. "It's okay Fluttershy, fever dreams are normal. Just remember none of it was real." Twilight smiled reassuring, putting her hoof on her forehead. Fluttershy began to calm down. Oh, she had such a horrible imagination! "I'm sorry I thought you guys were crazy," she sobbed. "Well I can see why you might think that, but just because I throw a lot of parties doesn't mean I'm nuts!" Pinkie Pie laughed. "Yeah... Yeah I know," Fluttershy managed a small laugh too. Just then, the doctor entered the room. "I'm sorry, but you'll have to go now. We need to examine Fluttershy. She took quite a hit!" He said "Aww already? But we just got here!" Rainbow Dash whined. The doctor nodded. "I apologize, but you really must go." Fluttershy said goodbye to her friends as they filed out. Pinkie Pie bounced along at the back. As everyone else left, she stopped and turned back to look at Fluttershy. Her face had lost all joviality. Instead, all Fluttershy saw was pain in her eyes. Before she could say anything, Pinkie turned back around and left the room. The doctor approached Fluttershy. He began to check her over, but Fluttershy was still staring at the empty doorway.