Missing folks

by Bugplayer

First published

After the disappearance of Junebug, Twilight and her friends decide to discover what's behind it al

Without leaving any traces, Junebug mysteriously disappear all of a sudden. After this event, Twilight and her friends will do whatever they can to find their missing friend. But what they will find wasn't at all what they expected to be, something that is powerful enough to menace the entire security of everypony in Equestria.

Just a 'normal' picnic

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Author’s notes: First of all, I would like to thank Eternal_S0rr0w, my best friend in real life, for his awesome cover image.

Segundo, this story was originally planned to include a first chapter, (So logically, this one was supposed to be the second.) But for some really obscure reasons the first one seemed to drive away the reader... Seriously, it was almost 6000 words and mostly characters developments, nothing really exciting going on and almost boring so, well, DELETED! Ha! Pretty hard decision but certainly the best.

And lastly, I’ll add more character tags as I upload more chapters.

So without any further ramblings, there you go!

It was such a wonderful day, that Twilight wasn't the only one who though about spending some time in the park. In fact, as soon as they made their way in, they saw a few groups of ponies having a great time as well. Some of them were just relaxing on the moist grass, taking a walk around on the paved path, and even some of them had a little dinner, just like they had planned.

An heartwarming atmosphere floated in the air. All theses happy friends spending time together reflected how much ponyville was a peaceful town to live in.
Twilight couldn't hide a smile seeing those spirits as she glanced around her to find a nice spot to set the blanket; having a nice clean surface to eat on was always a form of courtesy.

''I think I found the perfect spot.'' She brought up with a jolly tone.

A small hill just the right height, not too steep or flat, got the attention of the purple unicorn. A thorny tree was standing just a few hoofs away from the peak of the hill, creating a fresh shadow over the bright green grass. Somepony could relax under it if they ever find the sunny day too warm. As a light breeze shook the thorns, snatching a few down as it passed. It left a sparkle in the dilated eyes of Twilight, who was staring at the most awesome hill she ever saw.

...Or the most awesome hill she saw in a while. Maybe the fact that she's been in her almost in-quarantine library from the past three days had something to do with it. Reading the biography of Star Swirl the Beared, well partially, straight probably increased her affinity toward the natural scenery of the outside world...

Without a wait, she headed toward the spoken hill. In the way, she felt the fresh grass under her hooves as the tips of each strands tickled her ankles.

''This is definitively where we'll have our picnic, don't you agree Spike?''

The spiky head bursted out of the pile of supplies in the cart, still on the bottom of the small hill. Twilight didn't noticed yet that she abandoned the little dragon alone with all the foods, what a bad decision...

''Huh? Oh yeah, it's so beautiful and everything'' He said with a few crumbs near his mouth, before dipping in once again, leaving a amused grin on Twilight's face as she noticed.

''Now don't eat all the consumables before we get set.'' She said before leviating the cart all the way up to the top of the place and digging her assistant out of his nest.

''Aww, you're not cool.''

''We should wait until the party arrive. I'm pretty assured they don't want to have a dinner with bite marks all over their meal.''

''Fine...'' He responded with his claws playing together, with a sigh of culpability.

For the next moment, Twilight and Spike where busy setting the supplies in place while waiting for her friends to show up. Everything had to be perfect, and when Twilight want something to be perfect, this last was better to be perfect. In a blink of an eye, every dishes, contains and aliments, were perfectly placed on top of the blanket. The pile of sandwiches ready to be served, the desserts seated in the middle. In short, the place was ready to receive the hungry bellies.

''Good timing'' She said to herself, as she noticed the group of ponies in the
distance, looking around to see where their friend generously prepared something that could almost be compared to a banquet... Almost...

''Over here!'' She yelled, standing up on her hind legs and waving her hooves in the air to gain their attention, which wasn't a great success apparently, since she didn't even got a single reaction from the party she could barely see. ''Hmm...let see...'' She though for a second, back on her four hooves, looking for something to attract their attention. It didn't take long until her gaze stopped on Spike, who was lying peacefully in the tall grass, covering pretty much his whole body from anypony's eyes. With a mischievous smirk, she agreed with the little plan she had in mind. ''Perfect...''

''I hope we're not in the wrong place...''

''How could we? Its not like ponyville is overwhelmed with parks at the end of every streets.'' Rainbow deadpanned. ''Relax Fluttershy, she should be somewhere around.''

''We should hurry up then.'' Rarity continued. ''This heavy sunbeam is about to ruin my wool scarf.''

''An' can you explain why in the hay would you need a scarf in tha middle of a summery' day?''

''Everything is in the presentation Applejack, how could you expect a civilized pony like me to show up at a public even without using some sort of attire?''

''Oh yea sorry, ah' don't know how ah' got to think that... Winter clothes is totally logical to wear in the middle of the summer...'' She sarcastically responded, hearing a few chuckles from Rainbow and Pinkie Pie from behind.

''OH MY GOSH! Did you guys see that?! That was so colorful! Did you? Did you? Oh come on you didn't!'' Pinkie gasped and jumped in enthusiasm from what anypony else obviously didn't notice at all.

Some sort of... Mad green light? That would be silly, where in the world a park would come with green lights... And to think about it, where did that weird light came from? Oh! Unless it come from green fire! Because, it was blazing crazy... And green, the greenest green I've ever see in a green color.

''Wow chill out Crazy Pie! What are you talking about? There's nothing out
of the ordina-'' Rainbow was brutally interrupted as a giant flame made its way high in the sky, even higher than the tallest of the trees planted in the park. Each one of the group stared at the magical power of the flaming green fire. They could almost feel the heat of the blaze, even if they were almost an hundred meters from the source, hidden behind a small mound of grass standing just ahead of them. ''YOU SEE? YOU SEE?! This is what I was talking about! It's so, so.... GREEN! Yes green, that's the word!''

The whole crew quickly trotted on top of the small hill blocking their sight, intrigued in the source of the out of control wild fire, that's what they though until they peered above the perk of it.

Also, a few other ponies were looking, a little terrified, at the monstrous green flame, which was coming from a little dragon. Against its will, his back was tightly clutched between the two hooves of a purple unicorn, standing up of her hind legs, holing him high in the air. She was also casting a spell on the poor creature, from what the limpid aura from her horn could tell. By the look of it, this spell was capable of decoupling the strength of its receiver, despite the fact that the spoken receiver didn't look like it was with his agreement.

''What in tarnation...'' Was the only words Applejack could say that was rational to say in front of one of the most ridiculous scene she has seen since a long time... The other elements couldn't but stare at the wild Twilight, who started screaming as soon as she saw her friends on sight, eyes closed in reaction of her lungs being used at their top potential.

''HEEEEYYYY!!! OVER HERE!!!!'' Her voice echoed almost through the entire park, while she made Spike spit even more fire, shaking him in the air due to her weight shifting from left to right on her back legs... She obviously did everything to get the sight from her friends. Her behavior was sure something out of ordinary from a pony who was supposed to be waiting with a simple picnic for a few friends...

''Hum... I think we're in the right place... On second thought.'' Fluttershy was the first to speak, her voice completely lacking of emotions.

Taking a deep breath in relief for her totally empty lungs, she peacefully put down the small dragon in the grass. Spike was more than relieved to be released from the grips of Twilight’s hooves. Worn out in the fresh grass, he simply murmured something about 'not supposed to be used as a beacon', or something very related.

The crew quickly galloped toward their friend, standing right next to one of the most gorgeous yew tree available in Ponyville. ''Don't you think she overdid it a little bit?'' Rainbow Dash asked to Applejack, still about half way to go.

''Hum... No question okay?'' She responded. ''At least the lunch isn't burnt... I hope.''

In just a few seconds, they all found themselves gathered on top of the place where Twilight cheerily greet them with a heart-melting smile, so happy to finally see all her best friends together.

''Greetings dear! I must admit that was one of the most... How can I say... Lively welcome?'' Rarity spoke first, then Pinkie Pie Joyfully agreed. ''Yeah Twilight! That was
astonishing! Breathtaking! I never thought I would see something as beautiful as the tremendous strength of two crazy rampaging purple beasts!''

''Uh, thanks I guess?'' Twilight replied, didn't know if it was considered as a compliment.

''Yeah, that was one hay of a welcome we got here Twilight!'' Rainbow said before driving herself in a cracking laugh. ''My, you should have seen the look on everypony's face in the park, staring at it like it was their doom... priceless!''

''Wasn't it a little... harsh? I mean... for Spike. Where is the poor little thing?'' Fluttershy looked concerned for a moment. But why wouldn't she? That dragon must had a bad moment in the total control of the barbarous Twilight.

''Don't worry, he'll be fine. He's just resting over here in the grass, I believe he's not used to be forced like that, when I think about it...'' Fluttershy said nothing as she flew to pick up Spike, exhausted in the grass, and embracing him tightly in the air with her arms all around him. She was probably a little annoyed against the treatment Twilight gave to her assistant.

''Not... kind...'' She said over her shoulder, before cuddling Spike once again.

A small bit of culpability made his way on the smile Twilight was still holding, lowering it a pinch. ''Okay I have to admit, maybe it was a little rude from me... But it's just that I was so exited to see all of you together in the distance.''

''We're more glad to see ya too Twi'.'' Applejack said, breaking the uncomfortable atmosphere. ''Ah' don't know about y'all but, A'm starving! How about we put aside the 'good manners' an proceed directly to the lunch part? This look delicious!''

An agreement nod harmoniously came from the rest of the elements, all of them then proceed to sit around the blanket positioned just next to the shadow of the coniferous tree, allowing only a few rays of sunlight to pass through the density of its thorns. Fluttershy also joined to steal a corner of the blanket with Spike still in her arms. Her temper already seemed to be appeased from the previous event.

''I must say, the tea you've made is simply divine!'' Rarity said before taking a big sip of her teacup. ''So, how's the readings going? We didn't got any news from you since a while!''

''Ohf... whel,'' she finished the bite of her sandwich before speaking up once again. ''Words cannot describe how much this book worth to me. It' so juicy, so passionating! I wish you could all see the meanings this work contains. Maybe you should try it!''

''Oh boy, you know... I don't usually get my snout in a book.'' The rainbow mare brought up, propped on the sturdy trunk of the tree with a big glass of punch. ''I mean, some books are awesome, I tend to like average thickness, like daring-doo or something like Anthropology I just started... But if it took you three full day to read it, not to mention that you're one of the smartest smarty pants in town, it's going to take months until I see the back cover.''

''I'm not finished yet, I barely made through half of the book.'' She quickly responded, getting nothing but a surprised look from Rainbow Dash and Rarity. ''I would say about forty percent of it is still waiting for me on my lectern.''

''Goodness Twilight, so you weren't exaggerating when you said it would take you a while to finish such a massive book. I must say, I'm really impressed.''

Twilight reacted with a small chuckle from the compliment from Rarity. But why wouldn't she? She has all the right to be proud of herself after all. Reading Star Swirl the Beared's biography could be considered as an accomplishment in Ponyville. Who else in the town would be skilled enough to read probably the thickest book available on the market?

''Hum... Sorry to bring that up but... I'm pretty sure this isn't so good for your health.'' Fluttershy timidly spoke, a little concerned about if she interrupted somepony. Visually, she has already completely forgiven Twilight's past behavior. The sleepy dragon could say as well, who was peacefully resting in the grass between Fluttershy's fore hooves, happily in deep sleep. The heartwarming company he had sure has something to do with it. ''I mean, being enclosed like that for three days... Your moral must be affected.''

''Not at all! You shouldn't be worried about it. To be honest, I feel it's more like of a challenge. I would be honored to reckon it as an fulfillment, it's not something you can read in a day.'' She stopped to take a big sip of her punch to moisten her throat, starting to get dehydrated from the dry air. She continued with a giggle. ''Beside, it would technically be considered as a challenge. I've made some sort of a bet with Junebug the other day. And you know how I can't simply denied one! She thought that I wouldn't be able to read it before weeks, but guess who's going to make it through from scratch in less than five days?''

Suddenly, it was silent...

That kind of silence, the one that has the potential to bring an awkward glance from anypony in a discussion. This ambiance was more than enough to tell Twilight than something was obviously wrong in the air, but what could it be? Did she do something? Did she said something? Was it because her words sounded like a brag? Gears were spinning crazy in her head, she even started to blush a bit. Fortunately the blood in her cheeks mingled pretty well with her purple coat, reducing the evidence of her embarrassment.

But seriously, why all this trouble? It's just an awkward, noiselessness... Heavy atmosphere floating under the tree...

''Uh... You didn't get the news?'' Applejack finally broke the ice. The tremor in her voice asserted the weight of the situation.

She couldn't hold it anymore. ''What's news?! Why are you all so anxious all of a sudden? Can't you see I'm feeling terribly uncomfortable right now!?'' The other elements simultaneously jerked from the abrupt emotional burst from Twilight.

''Howe, calm down sugarcube, I can'assure you that's nothing personal... It's about Junebug...''

''And this is supposed to make me feel better? Spit it up! What's wrong with her?''

Applejack took a deep breath before expression herself. ''Well... She disappeared Twilight...''

She froze. Either it was because her increasing stress couldn't take it anymore from the final sentence, or she simply didn't know what to say. The disappearance of somepony isn't something to be taken lightly. And what about her friends? Her sister? Carrot Top should be devastated right now, who know how she felt at the moment? Her own blood kinship, and best friend... vanished.

''She just, disappeared... Like that?'' She managed to say.

''We don't know much for now... But what we're sure is she didn't leave any traces. We've made a quick search in tha town for some information, but it seems everypony didn't know a thin'.''

So that was much better. She didn't only disappeared, but nopony had the slightest idea about what 'may' happened to her. ''What a wonderful day...'' She brought back to herself, indifferent...

''Twilight... Are you alright?'' Pinkie Pie asked. What a silly question... Of course she wasn't alright, but that was the only thing she found in her head to say. The speechless aura coming from Twilight was more than enough to answer her question. In the sight of
a friend in need, she slowly walked around the blanket, carefully sat down next to her, and put her arms around the dark purple mane.

''...Why.'' Her voice cracked. She couldn't do anything else than return the embrace and hide her face in the comforting puffy cotton candy hairs. Only Celestia know, how much she loved to be in the arms of one of her best friends in a situation like that. This amount of affection was just too much, she couldn't resist anymore... Her eyes slowly began to be soaked in water, salty water.


''Twilight...'' She held her even tighter. The clamminess on her shoulder affirmed that she was in fact, crying.

The other ones looked at the two fellows, wordless. Not because they didn't know what to say, but by compassion. Even Rainbow Dash knew she should keep her words for herself, she didn't need any mamby pamby consolation phrases like 'don't make a long face' or 'everything will be alright.' All she needed right now is the comfort of a caring friend.

''I'm sorry, it's just that...'' She swallowed, trying to clear her throat to avoid her voice from cracking on every single words. Pinkie broke the embrace and moved her head back a few inches from hers, and delicately whipped her eyes and cheeks from the excessive tears with one of her fore hooves. ''I considered her as a friend from now, she was so... Kind... She always brought me a smile when I was hanging with her, I wish... I wish we had the chance to spend more time together...''

One more time, a quiet ambiance floated in the air.

''… sniff... Thank you, Pinkie...'' She responded with a smile on the verge of her lips. She already began to feel better. Pinkie's company is something that anypony else couldn't provide. She is such a caring mare... Still, the wrinkles under the blood injected eyes stated that it wasn't only just a snivel, her heart got really hurt, and it wasn't something to be left aside.

''Are you gonna be fine?'' She said while petting her hairs; a messed up mane is such a terrible thing.

''I hope so... I just need to accept the reality.'' Taking a big respiration to relax, she continued. ''Is... Is there any chances, even the slightest one... That we'll ever find her?''

''Hum well, like ah said before...'' Applejack spoke back. ''We scouted the town to get any information we could use... But since we were desperate from the lack of it, we gav'up. But still, there's probably a few fellows we didn't got'a chance to speak to.

''So this is settled...'' She asserted while standing up to rub her eyes and adjust her blurry vision. ''Tomorrow... In my library, we've got a busy day. Now, let's finish this lunch.''