Storm Warning

by PixelPonies

First published

Twilight and the other bearers of the Elements are called upon once again to protect Equestria. Hurricanes and Tornadoes have been bombarding Canterlot non-stop, and the source of the storms are from the Everfree Forest. Will Twilight and her friends be able to stop whatever is causing the storms? Will Canterlot fall before they can stop the storms? Will they even be able to survive long enough to help Equestria?

Chapter 1- The Assignment

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“WHAT IS THAT THING?” Rainbow Dash was furiously flapping her wings in the middle of a blizzard, desperately trying to see through the falling snow.

“I DON’T KNOW! I DON’T THINK IT’S A WINDIGO THOUGH!” Twilight dodged falling chunks of ice while levitating a small flaming gemstone.

“GREAT, SO WE DON’T KNOW WHAT’S GOING TO KILL US, THAT’S REASSURI- AUGH!” Rainbow’s words were cut off by the sound of a huge block of ice crashing on top of her.

Earlier that week...

Twilight Sparkle sat by the fire in the Golden Oaks Library, holding a pile of books and a mug of hot chocolate. A tremendous snow storm raged outside, the exact opposite of the warm and calm feeling inside the library.

At least, until Spike coughed out the letter. He ran from the bathroom, holding a damp piece of parchment in his claw while blushing furiously.

“Letter from the Princess! I got in while in the bathroom when I was washing my claws... and so...” He trailed off, unfurling the letter while Twilight sipped from her cup. She levitated the letter out of Spike's claws and started reading the slightly smudged letter.

“My Dear Twilight, A large amount of hurricanes and tornadoes have been attacking Canterlot and causing a huge amount of damage, I am sure that these are not normal storms, for they have been coming nonstop for almost a week not. I need you and your friends to find the source of the problem. Meteorologists in Canterlot say that it’s coming from a specific spot in the Everfree Forest, the Everfree Mountain. I am sure this is a Magical Storm, but the information on these things are extremely limited, all I am sure of is that the last one we had was caused by windigoes over two thousand years ago. My guards and your brother are defending the Crystal Kingdom and Canterlot from further harm, so I must ask you and the other bearers of the elements to help us. Attached is a map of the forest, and I hope it will be sufficient.


Princess Celestia.”

Twilight flipped the letter to find... nothing at all. She looked at Spike with narrowed eyes. “Where’s the map?”

Spike looked around nervously, “Well, since I got it in the bathroom it kind of fell in the... so it’s all smudged and stuff… and I really didn’t want to reach into the toilet and...”

Twilight clutched her mane, “We need that map! How wet is it?”



“Ew!” Twilight levitated the sopping wet piece of paper from the toilet and held it in front of her. The map had many lines criss-crossing the surface, and very curly black writing next to certain landmarks, a fact not helped by the fact it was covered in smudged lines and ink.

“I guess this will have to do for now...”

She walked out the bathroom, careful not the rip the soaking wet paper. She put the map in front of the fire and turned to Spike.

“Spike, I need you to get the others, they all need to help me with this, I’m going to research storms while you get them, okay?”

“In the storm?”

“You’re coat’s in the closet!”

An hour later a shivering Spike and Twilight’s other friends stood in the library’s front room.

Applejack was the one to speak first, “Twi, are y’all gonna explain why you’re draggin’ us here in the middle of a blizzard?

“Yes, it was quite unpleasant to walk from Carousel boutique to here.” Rarity pulled off her scarf and boots and levitated them next to the door.

“I had to leave all my animals behind there, hopefully they don’t get too scared.”

“I'm sorry for the inconvenience but, Princess Celestia has a new assignment for us.” Twilight levitated the now-dry parchment in front of the other 5 ponies, who scanned over it.

“So let me get this straight,” Rainbow Dash landed next to Twilight, snow dripping from her mane.

“Princess Celestia wants us to go into the most dangerous forest in Equestria in the middle of Winter to find the source of something that not even Celestia knows on the top of a MOUNTAIN!?”

“Yes, and it’s our duty as citizens of Equestria to help protect it.” Twilight puffed out her chest proudly as Spike walked from the kitchen balancing five mugs of hot chocolate.
“Hey, does anypony want Hot Chocolate?”


Twilight shoved a pile of books from an armchair and plopped into it. “I did a bit of research on magical storms, but not much of it was successful.” She levitated up a thick volume labelled, “Storm’s Most Dangerous” and flipped to the chapter entitled, "Magical Storms. Magical Storms are caused by a disturbance in an extremely cold climate, like the top of a mountain. They are made by an overflow of magic in the air. Most Magical storms are caused by unicorns, but windigoes and Ice Wolves can be known to cause them too." She closed the book and looked around, "The rest of the chapter is just examples of Magical Storms, and there are really only two good examples, the Beginning of Equestria and The Griffin Kingdom's Ice Wars."

"What about the rest of those books?" Rainbow Dash pointed at the pile of books next to Twilight’s chair from her position next to the fire, "Is that really all you researched?"

Twilight smiled sheepishly before answering, "I did, but... most of my books on storms didn't have it or had vague examples on them! Before we can actually solve a problem we need to think up a good strategy!"
Rainbow looked back at Twilight, "Yeah, why don't go and buck whatever's causing the storms in the face?"

"Dashie, don't you remember last time we tried that?" Pinkie had been pre-occupied while building a fort out of the mugs of hot chocolate surrounding her.

Rainbow Dash grimaced at the memory of the dragon. "Fine, that might not work, but do we even know where the Everfree Mountain is? You said that the map was wet or something." Spike blushed profusely.
Twilight bowed her head. "I've managed to get most of the lines straight and a semi-clear path, but I'm not 100% sure that it's the best way to go."

"Twi, you're tellin' me we've got to stop some... thing from destroying Canterlot with magic storms, and all we got is a path that y'all ain't sure is the best, and a tiny bit of information?"

"Um... Yes?"

"Great! The Princess wants this done as soon as possible, and we haven't been able to do anything so far except gather around the fire and drink hot chocolate." Rainbow flew out of her chair, the cup clattering to the floor.

Twilight stomped her hoof it frustration, “It’s not my fault! Spike got the pages wet and the books in my library have virtually no information on magic storms! The storms are too dangerous and rare to study, and the last time a magic storm happened it was before the Princesses even existed!” She narrowed her eyes at Rainbow, “And you expect me to know ALL ABOUT THESE THINGS?!

Fluttershy looked up from her position next to the fire, watching Rainbow and Twilight yell at each other. "Um… Twilight? Maybe we should wait until tomorrow to get started, maybe the storm won't be as bad tomorrow, at I think least that's what the weather team told me this morning." She looked outside the window and whimpered, "Oh no, I hope my animals don’t get sick when I stay the night."
Twilight stopped yelling at Rainbow to look at Fluttershy, "What? Stay the night?”
Rainbow rolled her eyes at Twilight, “What did you think? We were gonna let you stay up all night, getting ready for the adventure, while we walked home in the blizzard and didn’t help with preparation?”
“Well… no.”

“Twilight? Um.. Twilight, it’s morning.”

“Go away Spike, five more minutes.”
“Um… I’m not Spike.”
“Huh?” Twilight jerked her head out of her book, a page sticking to her face. Fluttershy was gently shaking Twilight, the last night’s events came rushing back to her, the letter, the studying, the drenched map. Twilight looked down at the book she was reading. ‘A Documentary of the Life of Maple Woods.’

“How was this going to help me?” She levitated the volume onto it’s place on the shelf and noticed the piles of other books surrounding her and plopped her face into her hooves. “How late was I up last night?” She asked, to nopony in particular.

“Well, most of us fell asleep around Eleven, and Fluttershy woke up first, and she woke all of us up, but she couldn’t get you or Pinkie to wake up.” Rainbow Dash was sitting in the kitchen, a cup of orange juice sitting in front of her. “Pinkie found this though, she fell asleep first.” Rainbow tossed a small clipping from a news paper from 1898. The clipping was old and ripped in some places, but unlike the map was readable.


After the increase in Flame Wolves this summer, a pack of ice wolves moved into an abandoned warehouse in Trottingham, causing a snowstorm to come five months ahead of schedule. After numerous attempts from weather pegasi, the Princess sent a group of top magicians from Canterlot to stop the Ice Wolves. After failed attempts with fire magic, Dawn Lulamoon used Tears of Fire, a highly dangerous and unstable form of pyro magic, known for causing insanity if used too often. The pack fled Trottingham, and Dawn Lulamoon was thanked personally by the Princess.

“But there was one thing that we couldn’t figure out… what are these... Tears Of Fire?” Rainbow had been looking over Twilight’s shoulder while she read. “And where the hay can we get them?”

"Well... I know a pony named Lulamoon... but we're not exactly on speaking terms right now."

Written by PixelPonies
Edited by ParadoxDepy

Chapter 2- Spells of the Showmare

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“Trixie? How is she going to help us?” The group of six ponies (and one dragon) walked through the cold, windy, and dirty streets of Manehatten burdened by heavy loads of food and survival supplies.

“And why do y’all think that Trixie would head to Manehatten?”

“Remember when Trixie’s cart smashed? Snips and Snails cleaned it up and there was a list of places Trixie was headed after Ponyville., and it seems like Trixie came here. It makes sense she would come back here to build herself back up again. And, to answer your question Rainbow, Trixie’s last name is Lulamoon, which means she’s realated Dawn Lulamoon..” Twilight’s eye caught a fluttered paper in the chilly breeze. She walked over to the newsstand and scanned the article.


After the sudden increase in storms Canterlot weather ponies have been losing control of the storms. Today a large snowstorm that pegasi have been keeping back for days went wild and nearly destroyed the Wonderbolt’s Racing Track. Nopony was killed, but several injuries to the staff on duty at that time suffered from injuries. It is unknown how many bits will be required to repair the stadium, and one of the workers there will be in hospital for several days.

“This is bad, very bad.” Twilight held up the article and turned to the pony working there. “Could I buy thi-”

“Twilight Sparkle?” The silver maned unicorn behind the counter looked at Twilight with shock. “Why are you in Manehatten? Have you come to perhaps... admit to Trixie that she is the better, stronger, prettier, and all around better unicorn than Twilight Sparkle?”

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes and muttered. “Says the pony working at a newspaper stand.”
Twilight head shot up from the paper.“Trixie! I need your help with-”
“Why should Trixie help you after all, you did humiliate Trixie. Trixie is nothing but a laughing stock now, everywhere she goes she is mocked because of you, Twilight Sparkle.”
Twilight glanced angrily at Rainbow Dash and looked back a Trixie. “I... well... we received an assignment from the Princess about the weather storms. Apparently they are coming from the Everfree Mountain, and while we were researching we came across this. Twilight pulled out (with difficult) the short article about Trottingham. “I know your last name is Lulamoon, and the article says here that Dawn Lulamoon used the Tears of Fire to get rid of a magic storm.” She placed the article on the stand.
Trixie blinked a couple times, obviously pushing back tears. Nopony has ever mentioned Mother for so long. She tossed her mane and turned away to avoid looking at the group, shuffling newspapers around. “Yes, Trixie’s mother. Dawn Lulamoon.” Her voice wavered. “Talented in arcane spells and magical artifacts. Went insane after using the Tears of Fire. The Tears of Fire... they are a family heirloom.”

Twilight’s perked up. “Really? What happened to them?”

Trixie smiled mischievously and beckoned her hoof. “Trixie will tell you... for a price.”

Rainbow Dash sighed, flew closer to the stand and pulled out five bits from her saddlebags crammed with supplies. She threw them onto the stand. “There, that should cover for that newspaper and the info.”

Trixie looked down at the bits, then levitated them into a small pouch in her greyed saddlebags. “They are... gone.”

“WHAT!” Rainbow flew even closer to Trixie and stared at her straight in the eye. “What do mean, ‘gone!?’”

“Trixie means exactly what she says she means, they are gone. I buried them away when I was quite little. After I-Trixie received them... Trixie became worried the gems might take me, especially after they took my mother... I assumed they must be bad luck. Trixie’s father became overcome with grief.” He also became addicted to cheap beer and kept me up with his drunken fits. The stupid colt deemed unfit for my care when the Filly Protection Agency came and found me lying in a pile of newspaper that my father told me was my bed, the soggy bastard. Wouldn’t have cared if I died. He yelled it was my fault mother was dead. No... it wasn’t my fault. It couldn’t have been my fault. “I-I took them and buried it in a cave many miles away from where the orphanage where I was sent. You may as well give up now Twilight Sparkle. The Tears are Gone, one of the gems were broken anywa-” Trixie paused. She felt something in her horn, a tingling feeling. It lit up without her consent, and tugged her saddlebags. But she couldn’t possibly, her father told her never to... but he was so...

It’s okay Trixie, you can give it to them.

Who are you?

Give them the parchment, it’s okay.

Twilight was turning around with disappointment. “Well... thanks anyway Trixie, come on girls.” As they started to walk away-

“Wait!” Twilight turned her head.

“I- Trixie might not be able to get the old one... but... I think I know how to make one.”

“Great! What do we need?”

Trixie looked around to see if anypony was watching before opening up a tattered white saddlebag with several items in it. She pulled out a pouch that rang with the sound of bits, an old notebook, and a grey quill before pulling out old sheets of parchment hastily held together with a single paperclip. “This is all that Trixie has about the Tears.”

Twilight levitated the papers over to her excitedly and carefully nestled them in her already-crammed saddlebags. “Thank you so much Trixie, you don’t know how grateful I am for this.” Twilight turned to the rest of the group, “We have to hurry now, the Tears aren’t going to make themselves. Let’s go.”

Trixie stared at the group of seven, her mind whirling. Why had she just helped her arch rival? And why did she want to... help more?

And most importantly... who was that voice?

“‘Through flames and warmth the tears are made, with crystals far beneath the cities wake. Mix the harmony of crystals with three rubies glowing with ember light, but only one or it will cause a... blight?” This barely even rhymes! How does this even make sense?” Twilight stared, annoyed at the poem. She sighed and continued reading the tattered page. “The lovely sprites wings sit atop the ruby’s sides, with dust of the stars for magic, and fruit of the kind. ’ Honestly, this pony needs a rhyming lesson, it looks like they just gave up at the end! Also, what are these items. Why do old spells always have to have a secret cryptic riddle for a recipe to save Equestria, and why does this one have to stink so much?” Twilight flopped her head on the cafe table in the middle of the cold Manehatten street, hooves over head like it would make all the questions go away.

“Twilight, don’t blame yourself for this, rhymes and spells go hoof and hoof. Apparently in olden times rhymes were associated with power, and still today they do carry that sense that only to bravest and the most intelligent can cast and solve these spells.” Rarity patted Twilight then picked up the parchment again, dusting off some of the dirt that had gathered in years of disuse. “The first thing we should do is find out what these items actually are, since it doesn’t mention many by name. Harmony crystals beneath the city’s wake...”

Twilight mumbled something.

“Yes Twilight?”

“Aria Crystals. Remember when Queen Chrysalis trapped me inside those caves with Cadence? Those gemstones were Aria Crystals. They special properties, with amazing acoustics, the Royal Canterlot Opera House’s main room is made from Aria Crystals. The ‘harmony of crystals. They also are rumored to increase singing and hearing skills, though I’m sure its just a myth.”

Rarity looked at the next line. “Three rubies glowing with ember light. Well, that’s obvious. Fire Rubies!”

Spike jolted up from his daze. “Did somepony say ‘fire rubies?’ those things are delicious, especially in emerald salad with powdered diamond... Yeah... I could go for a fire ruby... too bad they’re only found in the Badlands...” He dozed off, eyes glazed with the thoughts of food.

“The lovely sprites wings sit atop the ruby’s sides.”

Rainbow stared at the bottom of her empty hot chocolate cup, mumbling to herself. Sprites. Now where had she heard those before... “Sprite wings... sprite wings... I got it! Sprite wood!”

“Sprite Wood?” Pinkie looked at Rainbow confused, “But I thought those were just myths?”

“Well, yeah, so was Nightmare Moon.”

Before Pinkie could retort Twilight cocked her head and asked. “What’s Sprite Wood?”

“Sprite Wood, or Eternal Trees. is this weird kind of tree legendary tree in the Hearth’s Warming Eve story that the Pegasi used. It was rumored to have special properties, like never burning when set on fire and magic uses that the pegasi didn’t know about. Pegasi used this wood for fires, because then it would never run out. They also traded the Sprite wood with the Unicorns for high prices, because they couldn’t use the Sprite Wood except for burning stuff. So they used the stuff so much that eventually it all disappeared.”

“Disappeared? But you said that it never burnt out.”

“That’s what’s so weird! Somehow when the friendship between the clans fell, the trees started dying and the wood would burn twice as fast as normal wood!”

Twilight looked at Rainbow with a depressed look while levitating the spell out of Rarty’s aura. “But how in Equestria are we supposed to find an extinct tree? Ponyland is covered in snow now, and all the plantlife are gone.”

“I might know where to get some...”

“Not only are the first Tears of Fire gone, but now we’re supposed to build new ones out of insanely rare materials in a few days!”

“I think that Old Canterlot has an abandoned garden that some Sprite Trees still grow in...”

“This spell is useless, and now it’s going to be our fault if Equestria is doome-”

Applejack shoved her hoof into Twilight’s mouth. “Fluttershy is trying to say something Twi.”

“In Old Canterlot there’s an abandoned garden that’s rumored to have a sprite tree garden...”

Twilight looked around awkwardly, pulling the parchment over to hide her face. “Oh... Um... Hey we’re supposed to find Star Dust. I’ve seen Star Dust in the Canterlot National Museum of Astrology. Why don’t we split up and... find the items in pairs?”

“But there are 5 items and only 7 of us. We’ll have to send two ponies alone, last time we didn’t stick together it didn’t work at all!”

“Then two pairs will just have to get another item.”

“We only have two days tops Twi, the weather ponies told me that the barrier that the cities are having aren’t so strong.”

Twilight bent her head down again at stuck her hooves into her face.

A showmare leaned close to the wall, perfect timing...

“Trixie believes she can be of assistance.” Trixie stepped out and stood before the group of friends.

I have to help, I can’t let anything happen.

Make them proud.