Nazi's on the dark side of the Nightmare Moon

by rocketlvr

First published

Nazi's, Nightmare Moon, super weapons. Quite a frightening combination right?

June 30, 1942 The turning point in the second world war. Germany has reached a stalemate in the West and its attacks are being held off in the East. The stalemate must be broken or Germany will be defeated, in order to do so they are researching some... unconventional methods. Nightmare moon may be making a comeback in World War 2's Nazi Germany.


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According to some, there is a sample, and a project.

The sample was one of the biggest hopes that Germany had in winning its war. Only the lead scientists on the project, German top brass, and the Feurher himself knew what this sample was. The sample itself was a certain... ally... who claimed he would assist the Nazi cause. Now this ally was of another world, a land of fire and brimstone, Demons, Devils, and Hell beasts. The project was opening a portal to Hell with the sole purpose of bringing Satan forth from its fiery depths.


Dr. Schuster took a drag from his cigarette, his day was not going as planned. The sufficient levels of Ununpentium to stabilize the MDT were not available and the SS demanded the project to proceed as scheduled. If he didn't succeed then the whole project would have to be scrapped and all his hard work for the Fatherland over these past 10 years would mean nothing.

So be it, he thought we will just do what Germans do best and by this he meant engineer something brilliant and then get totally wasted on schnaps afterwards.

"Dr. Maxis! get over here now!" he barked, and then out of the sea of scientists in the room one in particular began migrating towards him.

"Ja Dr. Schuster?"

"Our power sources have been compromised, therefore I need you to adjust the intake on section Rb57 and set the coils to maximum output. Then once you're done with that pick me up a few schnaps from the bar downstairs"

Maxis took a few moments to process this information before replying "with all due respect sir that act could completely alter the effects of the machine. We might not attract the samples that we want or even get the machine working at all".

"I am fully aware of the consequences Maxis; however, the SS demands that we get this operation running immediately or the whole project will be... cancelled"

Maxis shuddered, he knew what cancelling meant. The SS never left "loose ends" in its failed projects, they didn't want to risk having any Wunderwaffe scientists defecting to Britain or Russia despite the wars current success, and as they say, dead men tell no tales.

"Jawol, I will get to work on that immediately, I hope your numbers are right though, it worries me to think that our sample may not be... cooperative"

"I know, this project is something truly evil. May God forgive us.

"I think we are a little past God, Dr.Schuster. Do you still want those schnaps?"

"Do fish swim in water? Of course I want schnaps."

Maxis scurried off, Schuster walked to his office in the corner of the room and went in, shutting the door behind him and flopping into the large cushy leather swivel chair.

"Ach mein gott, this is going to be a long day." He sat for a while in his chair thinking about nothing in particular. His daughter was to be graduating soon from middle school, the loses in afrika drove the prices of gasoline up to 5 reichsmarks, really anything in particular that could keep his mind off the task at hand. Eventually, there was a knock at the door and when he opened it he was greeted by Maxis holding three bottles of schnaps.

"Dr. Schuster, I have done as you instructed and the MDT is prepared for the project whenever you are ready." With this he handed Schuster the bottles. Schuster took two and instructed Maxis to keep the last one.

"You're going to need a drink by the time this schiesse is over"

Maxis nodded "Thank you, Schuster" and with that shut the door and left.

Schuster sighed, this was it. Now or never. All those years of work, secrecy and cunning came down to the next 10 minutes of button pushing. He gathered himself and pushed the door open.

He was met by a surprisingly clearer room. All actions had been accomplished and most scientists had left to safer quarters. The few that remained were the necessary equipment workers, SS troops, and lead scientists to supervise the operations. Some of the SS had surrounded several high ranking officers and generals; the rest had their weapons trained on the MDT. Should the subject remain uncooperative, or be of the wrong type expected, the SS was to *ahem* dispose of it. They had more than enough firepower. Two Mg42s, at least a dozen mp40s and twice that amount of kar98ks, and even some dummkopf had decided it would be a brilliant idea to have a Panzershrek, a bazooka like weapon, pointed at the machine as well.

That imbecile is standing to close to the wall, he'll fry himself like one of those American marshmallows if he tries to use it. Mein Gott I am surrounded by idiots.

An incredibly fat General approached Schuster. He looked like he was going to die of a heart attack in a few seconds as he was sweating and wheezing profusely. A half coughed order came from his mustached lips.
"Ehrm... *Cough cough* Dr. Schuster *hack* you may start your experiment when ready" he waddled away and went into the "observation" room. It was a solid concrete room with a tiny pill box style viewing slit and walls made several feet thick.
Schuster could see his pudgy face light up a cigar and stare back at him expectantly. Several other faces joined him and for once Schuster felt nervous about what he was doing. On the outside he appeared to cope well under pressure but on the inside his mind turned to mush. Schuster cleared his throat and spoke.

"Esteemed generals, colleagues, and friends, today I bring to you the future of modern warfare. This single device will bring Germany victory over her enemies. The third Reich will last for a thousand- nay- a million years from the supernatural powers which we will have brought forth at the end of this day. Dr. Gröbbmen care to do the honors?"

A lanky scientist with a postage stamp mustache pulled down on a lever supplying power to the room. The MDT spat to life and loud mechanical whirrings and noises sounded throughout the room. A ball of bright white light formed in the center of the MDT pad growing by the second. It reached the size of a small shed when a creature began to appear. It was very hazy and not very solid looking at first but soon it grew and appeared to be very equine in shape. A loud explosion happened and suddenly the room was filled with light and the crew was temporarily blinded. A few more seconds passed and with a sudden jolt, everything stopped. The light dissipated and the machines went silent. The hiss of cooling metal was the only noise in the room as everyone's attention was drawn to the massive creature in the center of the room.

The body of a horse and the eyes of a snake, it grinned with teeth like daggers and stood silently for what seemed like an eternity. One scientist lost it and ran screaming for the bunker door, but an SS guard shot him in the back with his rifle and he dropped like a stone. Despite this random occurrence, everyone remained silent. The fat general's cigar fell from his lips
and then the creature spoke.


Meanwhile in Equestria

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Celestia was having a most excellent day. Equestria seemed to be enjoying endless peace and prosperity, Discord was reformed, and nearly all of her citizens were clothed, fed, and healthy; but most of all, she and her sister were spending time together, and that was worth all the world.

They were actually holding an Equestrian tea party for not just her and Luna, but all of Celestia's closest friends and advisers. Twilight and her friends; Shining Armor, and Cadance; even Discord had shown up for a most excellent gathering.

"Twilight, would you please pass me some sugar?"

"Of course, no problem" She replied with a smile before levitating the sugar jar over to her.

"Why, thank you" Celestia levitated a spoon and scooped a small portion of sugar into her drink.

Luna spoke "Dearest sister, would you mind passing the tea along when you are finished?"

"Certainly..." Celestia paused, a gust of wind had just circled about the chamber. This normally wouldn't be odd except for the fact that none of the windows were open.

"Discord, did you do that?"

The draconequs replied "No, uhhhh that wasn't me I promise!"

"I believe you Discord, there's no reason to get so defensive"

"My apology's Celestia, I'm just so used to people blaming me for everything"

"Well I wouldn't worry about it anymore, I think we all believe you've moved on from your days of chaos."

"Why thank y-" he was cut short by another gust of wind, this one much stronger than the last. He looked around puzzled, this wasn't supposed to happen. The wind blew again, even stronger this time and didn't stop. It kept getting stronger.

Twilight interjected "What's going on, what's happening?!"

The wind was howling now, and something seemed to be effecting Princess Luna, her face was contorting as if in pain.

"Luna! What's wrong!" Celestia got up and galloped to her.

"I-I don't know, I feel like..... like..... *HURK*" She looked like she was going to vomit, until suddenly she screamed.

"LUNA!!!" the whole table got up and rushed around her, she fell out of her chair and began squirming on the ground in sheer agony. She began to scream more, until suddenly a bright light enveloped her and she began to change. Her teeth elongated and sharpened, her eyes narrowed like a snakes, and she grew to about 8 feet tall. Her voice turned into a bellow and she cast away the crowd before she cried "DO NOT TOUCH NIGHTMARE MOON, FOOLISH FOALS!!!!"

She shrieked before the room began shaking, and the princess seemed to implode slowly. Like her whole body was being sucked through a small pin hole. She began screaming and laughing in a maniacal way before suddenly, she vanished. The wind stopped, and all trace of Luna was gone.

The crowd stood mouths agape for a moment before Celestia cried:

"Luna?! LUNA!!!!"



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The scientists stood slack jawed in front of the creature as it glared menacingly back.

Dr. Schuster remembered that he had left his "Welcome" speech in his office.

"Schiesse, Hartmann grab the speech, grab the speech!" he whispered in panicked anger.

A well shaven, and clean cut scientist darted into his office and seconds later came scrambling out with a sheet of paper.
He dashed it over to Schuster, who smacked him, and shooed him away. Fiddling with the paper, he now looked up at the creature and cleared his throat.
Looking up into the creatures reptilian eyes he experienced immense fear. Nevertheless, he persevered and continued.

"Greetings from The Great Chancellor, and Fuhrer; Adolf Hitler,

It is on this day of June 30th, 1942, that we welcome you to the glorious and powerful nation of Germany. The reason that we have awoken you, Oh Great and Powerful one, is that we are engaged with a world wide conflict, the likes of which have never been seen before. And we would hope to make a cordial address for assistance in our cause."

The monster stared down at the shaking German.

"And what cause is that?"

Schuster jumped at being addressed.
"We wish to assure our nation's dominance across the globe, along with our allies to the South and East, which are the nations of Italy and Japan, respectively. And that we may establish a race of supermen who will rule the world in peace harmony and prosperity for hopefully all time. We have many maps, and the finest professors of our country who may explain to your greatness any of these issues which may not be clear, and....."

The creature bellowed causing all in the room to recoil.

"I do not care for your nations history, nor your allies. However, I must ask you three questions and my assistance shall be yours."

Schuster stuttered "Absolutely, any question you have I will answer to the best of my abilities"

"Very well.
Firstly, do your people fear me?"

Schuster paused "uhhhh... We do believe most will be taken aback by you, but we hope within time they will grow to appreciate your presence."

Nightmare Moon cocked an eyebrow.
"Most unusual, but I must say I'd hoped to be feared, no matter. The next two questions shall determine your fate."

All the people in the room, shuddered.

"Secondly, Will they respect me?"

Schuster jumped to on the question, perhaps a little too quickly. "Yes of course, your highness. The Fuhrer deems you good, and reputable. If he says it is good, than the rest of Germany shall agree it is good."

"Excellent. And lastly....." She paused. "Are your nations people willing to kill for your goal?"

The Doctor was surprised. Perhaps world wide conflict did not have the same meaning as war did for this Beast. Germany had been fighting for nearly 4 years at this point, crushing dozens of weaker nations under its feet. Not to mention Operation Reinhard being recently started, which created the concentration camps now preparing for the extermination of an entire race of people.

"Why of course, we Germans are prepared to do anything for victory."

The creature paused.

"Most Excellent... very well. All my abilities are at your disposal."

The room was shocked. No one had expected it to be so easy, part of the reason for establishing the concentration camps was to prepare a massive human sacrifice unlike any other. Perhaps, it would now just be easier to allow the Jews to be released into some other country, like the Soviet Union, to burden their economy.

The immensely fat general pudged himself out of the observation room. He was now surprisingly composed.
"That is most excellent news! I have much to discuss with you then your majesty." He turned to Dr. Schuster

"Herr Schuster, you should return home, and get some rest. You have done your Fatherland proud." Clearing his throat he addressed the room.

He turned to a young SS bodyguard "Sgt. Heydrich, relay to Berlin that the operation was a success, and that Operation Reinhard will no longer be necessary. We will discuss logistics later."

"Jawol!" With a hearty salute the young man marched off to a comms room to radio command of the news.

The fat General once again addressed the creature. "Would you be so kind as to follow me sir? We have created a room specifically for you."

"Certainly, And do not address me as Sir, For I am Nightmare Moon! Queen, not King, of the night."

"Of Course ma'am, my apologies." The General looked puzzled but merely shrugged and puffed his way to the luxurious room specifically created for the root of all evil. Housed solidly under 100 feet of concrete deep in the ground.

As soon as the door was closed, an SS commanding officer began to bark orders and scream at the room.
"EVERYONE OUT! WE HAVE BUSINESS TO ATTEND TO! you will be contacted later from your respective temporary homes in Berlin."

The SS Guards began to shove all the scientists (Apart from the aforementioned maintenance teams) into the cargo elevator and back out into the world above.
The last look that Schuster got of his laboratory was of a flurry of people and the cooling of machines.
He sat down on the grated floor of the elevator and pondered his life. Many others were silent, some cried, and a few others were happily talking a chatting as if a highly complex experiment had succeeded.
Dr Schuster huffed at the thought. His work was his life. Morality during working hours never existed, but now that it was over he felt the weight of his actions. This whole idea had been his virtual child for the past ten years. Nearly rivaling but never surpassing his own real child in importance. However, unlike his real child. He feared that this one might have been a mistake. Only now did he realize the significance of what he had done.