> Cuffs > by CrimsonEquine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Nuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just to get you in the mood.... here ----------------------- Zecora was late, late, late, she really needed to get back to Ponyville to cure the widespread disease of Dieckpinisonia. The disease could not be cured by conventional needs by her and the Everfree forest so she had to run all the way as fast as she could on her strong horse legs to get the medicine and vaccine everypony needed. The wind of the cold highway was blasting in her face as she sped with a bag of vaccinations in her bag. It was very late at night and she was exhausted for running so far that she thought of laying down and sleeping but, she knew that everypony needed her so she could not ever give up. That was the case as she sped down the highway until she heard a police siren. "WEEE OOOO WEEE OOOO WEEE OOO" weeooed the siren on top of the Police ponies hat. "Aww! Not the Popo because I have to go!" whined Zecora as she slowed down from her running. As the two equines slowed down from their running, the Police Pony then walked up to the side of the now annoyed Zebra. "Ahem, do you know how fast you were going! You past the speed limit and oh lordy no one passes the speed limit under this ponies watch" said the Police Pony. Zecora in turn frowned and looked down at the floor at her current position since she wasn't going to get the medicine to the needs of the denizens of Ponyville and she worked so hard to earn their trust! "You were going eighty-five miles per hour do you have any idea what would happen if you crashed into somepony? You both would be dead!" said the Police Pony constructively towards Zecora. "Well any who, License and registration please?" Zecora sighed and then pulled out a card from her bag and hoofed it over to him. The Police Pony then went and slide the card on his hat like a card machine and read her bio in the police records as it flashed in his technological sunglasses. "Mmkay, looks like your wanted for questioning for the murder of somepony" "What!? Wow what a rut that this has sought!" said the rhyming pony for some reason. "Yes your under arrest for the murder of Moondancer and how suspicious that you are running away so fast from Manehattan" said the Police Pony questionably. "I did not kill anyone I have not the skill!" rhymed Zecora. Then in a flash, Zecora started to run as fast as she could away from the Police Pony but as soon as she picked up speed, The police pony just crashed into her and they rolled on top of each other until they stopped rolling and hit the wall of the highway. "Stay down! Put your hoofs where I can see them!" ordered the Pony as he started to put Cuffs (XD) on her two top legs. "I'm sorry officer I am sorry!" said Zecora while the Police Pony was on top of her. The Police Pony got up from Zecora and stood breathing heavily from the ordeal. "What is wrong with you!? Take a deep breath It will be all right, take a deep breath" said the Police Pony. "I can break these cuffs, they aren't so tough!" "You can't break those cuffs" "... NUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" screamed Zecora as she tried her hardest to break those cuffs. "I appreciate your co-operation okay?" said the Police Pony. "Why do you do this? The deadline I will miss!" "You should've..." then the Police Pony put on his glasses. "Followed the law" YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Zecora sat there dejected, depressed, and sad, she had no way to get back to Ponyville now before all of them explode from the side effects of the disease. Zecora had no idea what to do until she came up with an idea... "Hey there Big Boy wanna have sex with me with your toy?" said the sluttified slut-bag while sticking out her toungue and laying there sensually. The Police Pony was nervous beyond belief, a hot Zebra asking him to have sex with her. He knew that she just wanted to get away with murder, but this was too good to be true and he had to take the chance. "How do I know you won't run away from me when I pass out from bucking you so hard?" "You won't know" "Good enough for me!" said the Police Men as he jumped on top of her. Before the Police Pony got close enough to buck her, Zecora kicked him in the balls. The Police Pony lay on the ground in pain, screamed out "Yipe!" and lay there with his face incredibly cringed. Zecora grabbed the Cuff keys on the Police Ponies belt and opened the handcuffs with her mouth. She then ran even faster to her destination. ----------------------- After running as fast as she could to get back to Ponyville she finally arrived at the Everfree Forest. She ran through fauna and plan-tae until she finally saw some buildings. When she finally got out of the Everfree Forest she noticed that it was day time, She slumped on the floor and banged her hoofs on the ground for she was too late. No, no it can't be, all that work for nothing and I am so exhausted... Why? How could this happen!? She stood up and walked into the first building to see through the window and find all the family members that lived in that house's organs sprayed over the walls and liquids all over the interior of the house. The ponies that lived inside were a family of four with two adults sitting with their skin overlapping their chairs and two foals with their bodies stretched out like a balloon. She then continued to trot to different homes and buildings to find everyone had exploded from the disease. Having seen she had failed her mission, Zecora went back to her home, got out a twelve-gauge shotgun from a hidden corner next to her cauldron. She cried as she started to put shotgun shells into her gun. She put the barrel of the gun to her mouth and closed her eyes. The End.