Sweet Apple Massacre: Resolute

by DudeIknowHim

First published

After the events of Sweet Apple Massacre, chaos ensues, and a new player steps in...maybe not so new

Directly after the events of S.A.M, AppleJack finds her brother with the aftermath. But in a fight for her life, someone else is lurking.

Sweet Apple Massacre: Resolute

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[Fan fiction of a fan fiction]


(No Copy Right of any kind intended)

(The More Gore and violence there is, The Better!)

The steady sound of Applejack’s hoof-steps thudded in an even pattern, on the wooden barn floor above Big Mac’s head. “What’s been takin’ you so long Big Mac?” inquired Applejack. The steady pattern repeats towards the trap door of the barn, and the creek, as she lifts the door and proceeds downward. Applejack turns her head to see her large older brother standing over the three, no longer recognizable corpses, still erect. The sudden sight stunned her and as she tried to let out a yell, her brother lunges at her. Dodging her crazed attacker she yells out “What in the hay do you think yer’ doin!?” Big Mac slams into a shelf behind her knocking a large hammer onto his head. Now enraged he scoops up the hammer and swings at Applejack. She attempts to dodge and the blow lands down on the joint of her shoulder. The stinging blunt pain shocks through her body and instantaneous tingling occurs in the core of her hoof. At that moment she knows her shoulder is broken, as she is knocked to the ground.

The massive weight of her large older brother landing on top of her knocks the wind clear out her lungs. Applejack squirms under his large frame trying to escape. “Eeyup lil sis keeps on strugglin’. I like me a fighter” The thick southern accent emits cordially. He begins adjust himself to rape the weaker figure beneath him, when Applejack raises a hoof and lands a strong kick straight to his testes. The sheer mix of pressure and, stinging pain shoots up into his stomach. Now further enraged he rears up and slams a powerful hoof into the center of her chest. Applejack coughs violently as her brother reaches over into the puddle of vomit, semen, blood, urine, and feces and retrieves a dripping filthy knife, once sharp and shiny, now dulled from the recent escapade with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Big Mac raises his hoof upward and slams the blade violently into the soft spot below her ribs. As the filth and mess off the knife run into her chest cavity, he drags it down into a 6 inch wound. The sheer pain in Applejack’s abdomen makes her forget about her shoulder instantly.

Applejacks body’s natural adrenaline response kicks in and she manages to land three more violent blows into Big Mac’s swollen bruised genitals. The sudden re-occurrence of the pain sends him rearing backward into another wall. At this opportunity Applejack rolls unto her hoofs and picks up the other rusty, blood crusted knife nearby with her mouth, and charges at him. She uses her good hoof to grab the knife out of her mouth and in one swift motion rams the knife just below the head of his penis and pins it to his stomach, then dragging down slicing his dick in half and splitting open his scrotum. The raw testes then fall out and Applejack grabs them and rips them right off his body. She reaches into the flaps of his split penis and tears out the sponge-like, hardened and filled with blood, material within and rams it into his mouth as he yowls in pain.

Big Mac swings his hoof around and brings the knife into her flank, burying it to the hilt. Applejack screams and pulls away from his mouth and uses the her hoof's cleft to grip the blade, pull it out and stab her brother four times in the stomach. Again removing the knife she brings it up and slams up under his ribcage. She tries to chock him with his own wooden harness, and he swings his hoof, and once again knocks the wind out of her.

Applejack, still bleeding heavily from her wound has begun to weaken after all her effort. She summons up the rest of her strength, tears out the knife and rams it up into his snout and pinning his large jaw to the roof of his mouth. “SWALLOW IT YOU SON OF A BITCH” she screams at him. Big Mac then raises a hoof in his own adrenaline rush and punches Applejack violently in the face knocking her out on impact. Also heavily bleeding out, Big Mac blacks out and hits the floor with a sickening thud.

Applejack slowly blurs awake in a dark, foul smelling room. She tries to yell but realizes there’s a foul tasting rag in her mouth muting her muffled screams. She tries to move but find she’s bound in leather straps. The throbbing pain in her shoulder, and stomach accompanied by the large knife wound in her flank is unequal to the burning in her thigh. Applejack weakly looks down, and sees her cutie mark as been surgically removed from her. At that moment, bright flood lights slam on, illuminating the room and blinding Applejack. The room blurs into a sheer horrible focus at what she is seeing.

On a circular table in the center of the room, a pink tablecloth stacked 3 or so feet with pony-sized skulls colorfully painted and one on the top with a familiar purple horn still attached. Intestines dried and hung like streamers, a filthy floor covered in dried feces, urine, blood, bits of putrid tissue, and bone fragments. The Room reeked of fresh blood. On the table, lay a cupcake tin of fresh baked, discolored cupcakes. That’s when it hits her; something is familiar about the decorating style. Besides the organs and gore, the room has a decorating touch of….Pinkie Pie.

At this Applejack writhes and squirms in her bounds. Then the sudden sound of rapid hoof-steps coming into the room pushes her to full alert. Pinkie Pie Jumps in front of her face excitedly. “You finally woke up silly!” giggles Pinkie Pie. “I got so bored I started without you!” She disappears behind Applejack and soon re-appears with a large syringe and injects into her throbbing shoulder, near her heart. Applejack jolts awake immediately and the full pain of her injury returns. “You and your brother Big Mac were next on my list! Wasn’t it lucky I found you both unconscious!?” she exclaims in a creepy, happy tone. Her face then curls up in sudden disappointment. “You ruined some good body parts on your brother though. I could have used his ‘horn’!” she giggles in a perverted girlish way. “I had to remove his entire snout after you impaled it like that!” She wrinkles up her face in concentration. Pinkie Pie then removes the rag from Applejack’s mouth. The rag coated in blood and her inability to talk signifies her tongue has been removed. She then skips over to a small metal table near them both and grabs a scalpel. Pinkie Pie raises it to Applejack’s six inch wound in her abdomen and continues the slice down to her waistline, then cuts back upward over her ribs.

With a violent tear she rips away the flesh from Applejack’s torso, and slices the inner lining, causing her bowels to fall to the floor, the pain of the rip, no pain like any other. Her stomach pulsates as Applejack vomits a sick mixture of blood and thick yellow acidic brew, on Pinkie Pie’s face. “Yummy!” she giggles, as she laps it off her chin. Inside Applejack’s exposed ribcage, her heart is beating rapidly, and her lungs violently shrinking and expanding in her rapid breaths of fear. Pinkie Pie smiles and raises a stapler to her face and giggles. She then staples Applejack’s eyelids open and takes a swipe with her hoof through the puddle beneath her, and then wipes the mixture of blood and vomit into a streak under her pupils. Applejack emits a weak, muted; blood gargled cry and begins blacking out again. “Uh, Uh, Uh, You can’t sleep yet, we have more fun we need to have!” Pinkie squeaks. “Wait, wait, wait! I made you something!’ she squeals. Pinkie Pie skips away and one minute later returns with another syringe and some sort of a red object.

“Look I made you a new hat!” she exclaims. Unable to blink with burning, tear filled eyes, Applejack looks down at it. It’s a red, soggy, leather-like, poorly sewn hat. On top of the hat is a green apple with a small cross cut into it, Big Mac’s cutie Mark. Pinkie pie puts the hat on top of Applejack’s head, and retrieves the stapler. She then staples Applejack’s mouth shut. “Don’t be sad Applejack! I thought your new hat would cheer you up! Don’t cry!” Pinkie Pie raises her hoof and cracks her ribs, and then she swings again and breaks three of her ribs off. Apple jack cries through stapled lips. She then jabs a hole in Applejack’s left lung. “Stop breathing so fast silly! You might hyperventilate! Don’t suffocate now!” Pinkie pie skips away again. A few minutes later she returns with a mirror in her teeth. Pinkie Pie raises it and what Applejack see’s stuns her. She has been surgically attached at the spine with Big Mac, who is already dead, his jaw gone, and his tongue hanging loosely from what used to be his mouth, blood stained fur slightly darker than his normal color. Applejack starts becoming lightheaded again and blacks out.

Burst back into consciousness, Pinkie pie is jabbing another needle into Applejacks heart. “Your lasting MUCH longer than Rainbow Dash did! I only got to play with her for 50 minutes!” Applejack looks down and sees her ribs gone and her entire organ system strewn onto a large wooden plank, from her torso, beating heart on the floor and pulsating lungs nearby. Pinkie pie then lifts a much larger staple gun and staples down her organs in place, one at a time. She goes behind her and rolls the object she’s bound to, until the only all that remains connected to her organs are pulled tight.

Pinkie Pie comes back around and begins sawing through the pulled tight organs. Applejack screams as loud as her weak, sore, burning throat can manage through her stapled lips. Excrement floods from the splitting bowels, joining the blood, urine, and vomit covering the floor. Leaving only her heart and lungs attached Pinkie Pie takes the bowels, and empties out the remaining excrement, then carries the intestines over to a salt box and lays them out to dry out for more streamers. Pinkie Pie goes behind her and begins cutting open Applejack’s scalp and exposes her skull, she takes out a power drill, and drills four holes into a square shape. Applejack muted scream fades slowly into death as blood fills in the drilled holes, and Pinkie Pie Saws of the square of her skull and pulls her brain through, and eats it raw, entirely.

“Well that was a new record, three whole hours!”

“Guess it’s time to make some fresh cupcakes!”