> The life of Rain Chaser > by RainChaser14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun shone through my window straight onto my face. I blinked and rolled over in bed. “Piss off Sun, I’m trying to sleep here.” I grumbled. The sun seemed to glow brighter as if saying “Hahaha! Fuck you, get out of bed!” I moaned and sat up in bed rubbing my eyes with my hand. “One day Sun,” I complained, “Me and you will have words.” I rolled out of bed and grabbed some clothes out of the closet. I shuffled into the bathroom, my eyes only half open. I turned on the shower and waited for the shower to heat up, then stepped in. The hot water woke me up as it ran down my back. I stepped out of the shower and slipped into my clothes. I had on a brown domo shirt and some blue jeans. I have two options, I thought, I can either play dragons dogma or watch MLP. Hmmm…… “My Little Pony it is!” I yelled, smiling cheerfully. I ran into the living room and literally dove onto the couch and rolled while grabbing the remote in mid roll. Lying back on the couch like a true lazy American, I start up the recording of My Little Pony. It was the MMM Mystery episode. “Silly Pinkie Pie, that donkey’s not a ninja.” I said. I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to bust a gut when they showed Pony Joe as a James Bond imitation. “Oh my god this is rich!” I said through chuckles. As the recording finished I turned to the HUB to watch a live episode of MLP. 10 minutes in the connection was lost. “DAMN DIRECT TV!!” I yelled. It was a good thing I was home alone or I would be in serious trouble. I looked out of the window and noticed it was raining outside. “Dammit, well mom can get it to work every once in a while so I guess it couldn’t hurt to try.” I said. If only I knew how wrong I was. I grabbed my hoodie, slipped on my shoes and headed outside into the rain. “Hmmm… maybe if I turn it or something?” I turned the satellite every which way and still no signal. Out of nowhere a patch of clouds started to glow purple. “What…the…fuq…. Okay I know I’m not high so am I dreaming?” A purple ray of energy shot down from the clouds and struck the satellite. “Well….fuck me.” That’s all I got out before the beam redirected and hit me full force. An intense burning sensation spread throughout my body. It felt like I was thrown into a volcano while dragons were breathing fire on my and a meteor was two inches from me. This is all I felt for ten seconds before I blacked out. I could hear birds chirping happily while I lay on the ground. I was laying on….grass it felt like? There wasn’t any grass this soft near my house so where was I? Once again that damned sun shined on my face again. “Can’t I just lay here in pain without you fucking things up? Is that too much to ask?” I mumbled. I tried to stand up but my legs decided to be Chuck Testa and said “Nope.” Wait a minute, I thought. I looked down at my legs and saw that they were blue, like Sonic the Hedgehog blue. I stumbled over to a nearby pond with the grace of a cow that’s drunk and high at the same time. Great I have to walk on all fours now. I stopped walking (or more stumbling) instantly. Blue, four legs, no fingers, HOLY SHIT NO WAY! I tried to run but ended up tripping over my own hoof (OMG HOOVES) and rolled towards the pond. I stood in front of the pond and looked at my reflection. Besides all of the other features I noticed earlier I had a blue and silver made. It was silver in the middle and blue at the end. The same with my tail, silver inside, blue outside. I also saw I was a Pegasus. (He looks like my avatar. No vest or cape.) Fuck yea I’ll be able to hang out with Dashie! Maybe I’ll even meet Luna! *Gasp* that would be sooooo awesome!! Now if only I could fly…?? “Challenge accepted.” But for now, find my way to Ponyville and pull a prank on Rarity. Trollface.jpg. Oh and I should probably learn how to walk properly and how to run cuz Rarity will try to kill me. After about 20 minutes of walking in circles I learn to master walking. Admittedly I fell on my face a few times…. Okay a lot of times. “Now to try running, or…galloping…whatever I know what I mean.” I sighed after the words escaped my lips. I started off as a steady walk then slowly got faster until I was galloping through the forest. “Hell yea, this is easy, and I think I see Fluttershy’s cottage in the distance.” As I galloped toward the cottage one thought crossed my mind, my life in Equestria BEGINS!!!! The CSI Miami voice went through my head. “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!” oooo i wonder what will happen whenhe gets to ponyville?(i already know lol) i promise the chapters will get longer and more detailed. this is my 1st fic after all. > Chapter 2: interrogation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning air was crisp and clear with the wind carrying the scent of flowers. The birds were chirping happily overhead while the sounds of other forest life buzzed around me. “Man, if it wasn’t for the fact that I was just randomly transported to Equestria this would seem like a regular, peaceful walk.” After running a great distance I had exhausted myself and decided to walk through the forest. Through the trees I could see a small cottage in the distance. “I think I’ll hold off on meeting Fluttershy knowing how well… shy she can be.” As I walked by the small abode I could see different birds preening their feathers and other small creatures napping in the soft sunlight. Unfortunately my peaceful walk was interrupted by the sound of hooves stomping on the dirt path. The mane six were charging in my direction, excluding Rarity and Fluttershy. “Hey you!” I turn my head to see none other than THE Rainbow Dash floating next to me. “Why were you in the Everfree forest?” Twilight then walked up to me with a quizzical look on her face. “Also did you happen to see a weird purple lightning bolt coming from there?” Now I’ve read plenty-a fanfic to know how this would work. I either tell the truth and risk severe questioning from Dash and Twilight, or I could lie about the whole thing. I would have told them, honestly I would, but my brain decided to be a dick today. “I was out for a morning stroll and I didn’t see a purple lightning bolt, sorry” Dash looked at me questionably, “But you’re walking from the direction of it and from that distance you should have heard it.” Great, my first lie in Equestria, and I already fucked it up. “Ah can already tell he’s lyin,” Curse you and you honesty element Applejack! “What do ya really know?” “Umm… well you see….” Being a brony and all I should have known I couldn’t out run Rainbow, or even AJ, but dammit ii was going to go down trying! “Welligottagokthxbai!” I sprinted down the road until I reached Ponyville and kept running. ‘Good thing I already practiced running or else-‘ “Hiya! Why are you running mister blue guy?” Pinkie asked as she bounced alongside me. “Pinkie,” shouted Twilight in the distance, “we’re supposed to be catching him!” “Well why didn’t you say so you silly filly!” Pinkie giggled. She instantly changed course and bounced on top of me pinning me onto the ground. “GET OFF OF ME PINKIE IM NOT A CHAIR!”I yelled at Pinkie who was currently sitting on me like I was some sort of park bench. “Of course I knew that, duh. I’m just keeping you here till the rest of my friends catch up!” She replied. “I know but I’m trying to get away from them.” I said. “But why? They’re great ponies!” ‘Well might as well tell her the truth’ I thought. “It’s because I’m the thing that came from the lightning bolt.” “Really? *gasp* that means I’ll have to throw you a ‘welcome to Equestria’ party! There’ll be cake and muffins and cookies and all kinds of other sweets oooo!! Lots of games to like pin the tail on the pony and-” I just tuned her out after she started rambling. “aahhh…. So you’re the cause of the strange lightning.” Said twilight, who apparently walked up to us without me noticing. “Dash!” she called. “On it!” the prismatic Pegasus called back. “What the-” was all I said before I felt a hoof hit the back of my head and I blacked out. I groaned as I regained my consciousness and my eyes fluttered open. The spot on my head where I’d been hit throbbed painfully. I looked around only to be greeted by complete darkness. I tried to move my arms…er...forelegs but they were bound to the chair I was sitting in. “Where am I?” A lamp clicked on next to him and pointed directly at his face. “Arg! My eyes I’m blind!” My eyes blinked rapidly at the fierce light shining into my eyes. “Aww, stop over exageratin.” A voice said in a southern accent. I turned my head to see Applejack leaning against a wall. “Alright let’s get to questioning.” I turned my head again to see Twilight sitting in a chair. “First question, who are you?” I paused a moment before answering. “My name is Arron, as you can plainly tell I’m not from around here.” Twilight looked at me quizzically. “Where are you from then?” “Well I’m from Earth and I wasn’t originally a pony. Before I came to this amazing place I was a human.” This immediately got dash’s attention. “A Hu-what now?” “A human, a race of bipedal creatures that are closely related to apes.” Twilight looked deep in thought so Rainbow stepped (or rather flew) in to ask the next question. “Why are you here?” she asked. I shook my head. “To be honest,” I replied, “I don’t know. I was at home watching TV when-” “What’s TV?” asked Pinkie. “It’s kind of like watching a play but you can watch it at home on a screen.” “So like our movies?” Rainbow dash inquired. “Yea but there’s a bunch of them on at the same time and you can switch between them. Any way as I was saying I was at home watching TV when the signal stopped working. I looked outside and there was this huge rain storm going on outside. Sometimes as if by a miracle my mom gets it to work but she was gone that day for work so I had to fix it myself. But as I was tinkering with the satellite dish the clouds started to glow purple.” I sighed before continuing my story. “I knew I wasn’t on any medication or anything, so I thought my eyes were paying tricks on me. Out of nowhere this purple lightning shot out from the cloud hitting the satellite. The satellite redirected the lightning and ended up hitting me and sending me here. So there you have it.” I opened my eyes after wrapping up the story and saw twilight with eyes as big as dinner plates. “Wow, that’s….so uh let me get this straight, you were sent here against your will and have no intention of hurting anypony?” I looked straight at her before replying, “Yes I was and no I don’t.” Everyone just stood there, even Pinkie, taking in the full story. “Umm…guys it’s been fun and all but can you get me out of these ropes?” Twilight snapped out of her trance and blushed a little realizing she’d knocked somepony out, tied him up to a chair, and interrogated him. “Oh! I’m so sorry! Please forgive me!” After she got done untying me from the chair I stood up and stretched. “It’s no problem. Just looking out for Ponyville right?” Twilight gave me a sheepish smile. “Yea, pretty much.” Back on the other side of the room Applejack raised an eye at my previous statement. “Now wait jus’ a minute. How’d you know the town was called Ponyville?” Everyone in the room turned to me with puzzled looks on their faces. “Yea, how did you know that?” asked the prismatic pony. “Umm…well I saw some…uh… newspapers and they said the town was Ponyville so… yea.” Apple jack didn’t look convinced. “Son, I know when somebody’s telling tha truth and you’re only tellin half-truths.” I looked away from everypony in the room, beating myself up for letting my brony knowledge slip out. “Applejack,” said Pinkie “the guy’s been through a lot. Oh! I know what will cheer you up! A party!” I instantly perked up at the sound of a party. “Oh! That would be awesome! I’m guessing you throw really good parties?” Rainbow walked over to Pinkie and threw a foreleg around her. “The best,” she said, “Nopony throws a party like Pinkie Pie!” I could tell life in Equestria was going to be great…for now. yes now its time to Pinkie Party! WOOOOO! Rainchaser: i know right! hurry and finish the nxt chapter! its 1:00 i have to go to high school and if i keep falling assleep ill fail. Rainchaser:fine fine