Wake Me Up When These Cheesy Stories End.

by OctaScratch

First published

Starshine and Kindersis aren't new in town, but you've seem to taken a liking to them.

You've known Starshine and Kindersis for awhile now, and you've just recently begun to show your affection for them. This story will include multiple of your encounters with them, and everything you've done.


This story is basically an RP story, or a story where you are the 'mane' character.

Occasionally just little silly stories with my two mares.
None of these stories are connected, they're all in different times and places. Just many random stories I write about my characters, but I just never felt like pairing them with anypony. I may name a mane color here or there, but its nopony. Just you, use your imagination people! haha.

I don't know if I'll continue this story much, but I needed a break from my previous story.


(criticism is welcome)

Drunken Mess

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You’re drunk. You know this in a vague way, the same way you are aware that it is nearing 3 a.m. and in a completely different way from the manner in which you are aware of Starshine’s arm brushing yours every other minute and the way her breath blows hot against your neck when she reaches across you for the bottle of whiskey you’d managed to sneak from Rarity’s house earlier that evening.

Star had looked at you incredulously when you had shown her the bottle hidden at the bottom of your bag earlier. She had snorted and told you Rarity would have your head for it later, which you had already figured was inevitable when the thought had first occurred to you, and which you then responded to despondently with a shrug and an offer to join you later.

She had refused profusely and promptly followed you into your bedroom. It had only taken a half of an hour before she was taking small sips, lips wrapped around the rim of the bottle in a display flagrant enough that you were forced to shift around uncomfortably. She had grinned and the night’s events became hazy, dim and shaded, after that.

You’re aware that Star has been slowly closing the gap between you on your bed as the night cascades into early morning, hooves becoming more restless and your discomfited movements had gradually turned into apathetic half-assed maneuvers to keep Star from noticing the overtly obvious bulge below.

It takes a while, longer than usual, you think, though you don’t know exactly what you mean by that, and you shake the thought away because thoughts are unwelcome in this addled state of mind. Star laughs quietly at herself, and you think briefly that she’s even more hammered than you are.

“hey, uhm, yeah.” she says, slurs really, and giggles again. “I do believe I should stop drinking now, I feel quite—” She cuts herself off shortly, looks confused, and then reaches for the bottle again.

She sips for a moment in silence, and you notice the way her hooves wrap around the neck of the glass, the way her eyelashes cast shadows on her cheeks. The way her mouth glistens in the soft light and you run a hoof down her jaw, unthinking.

She blinks at you, expression half surprised, half curious. “Uhm?” she asks, and you don’t pause before you put your mouth against the same spot your hand had been.
Star jerks, rank liquor splashing onto both of you. Her hoof is on your shoulder, gripping it as if to pull you closer (push you away, you think, before swiftly and carelessly shoving the doubt away).

“Uhm, well, what—” You’ve moved away, only slightly, and your mind isn’t processing her words anymore, caught on the movement of her lips and the strain in her neck as she swallows.

“You’re quite drunk and I, I think we should— you shou— I don’t think—”

“Shut up, Star,” you say and cup her face in both of your hooves. She shudders when you press your lips to the hollow of her throat. Her mouth opens and she starts babbling, as she is wont to do when faced with a situation she is unused to.
“It is quite late, I’m afraid. I should likely be preparing for bed soon, for you know, work tomorrow and such—”

“Shut up, Star,” you mutter and grab the back of her neck, tilting her head forcibly for a better angle. Her mouth is open and sloppy at first, wet heat and a surprised moan from her lips. She quickly tightens up, pushes weakly at your shoulders, and you only back up enough to growl lowly at her, anger and desperation and fear clear in your shaking hands and bright eyes.

She worries her lip between her teeth and you groan, turned on beyond belief and her eyelids droop suddenly. She doesn’t move toward you so much as fall roughly against your waiting form. Hooves wrapped tight in your mane, moans dropping into panted breaths and you feel like you’re going to break apart at any moment because it is so good, she is so good and she’s not yours and you’ll be damned for the rest of both of your lives if you’re going to stop over that kind of trivial bullshit.

You know in the morning she’ll sneak away, bite her lip at your still-sleeping form and call you up later, pretend nothing happened as she reports her undoubtedly horrid hangover in simple terms. It’s an inevitability that claws at your splintered thoughts but you don’t stop moving against her; you’ve fallen for this drunken ruse a hundred times before and you’ll fall for it a million times again. It’s the natural order, anyway, you suppose.

Adventurer Pt.1

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Your pulse thundered in your ears, pounded in your chest, made your tongue dry in your mouth. A laugh bubbled out from between the trees behind you, treading along with heavy footfalls that rang through the trees and rustled the leaves. Between the trunks and around the vague trails cross hatched into the earth by thousands of tiny paws, over creeks and around bends and running, running, running until breath ran ragged out of your lungs and a smile pushed at your cheeks. You ran through the dampness of the jungle till it clung to you, dripped down your face. The heavy footfalls fell behind until there was nothing but your own light tread. You slowed with a wary glance to the tree tops.

The forest rang with silence.

“Gotcha!” Wide arms sprung out from the foliage and wrapped tightly around your middle, hurdling you both to the ground with laughter and heaving breaths that echoed against the roof of the canopy. Green light streamed down to meet your smiling faces and the identical flushes that painted your cheeks.

“Alright, how did you manage that?” you shoved her off of you with a wide smile and the sentiment of friendship and dusted your chest off with muddy hooves.

“I’ve lived in this jungle my entire life, you don’t think I couldn’t manage a secret path or two? Crimeny, it’s like you haven’t any idea who I am at all.” More laughter on the forest floor. Your intertwined legs buzzed.

“You’ll have to show me those paths, you realize.” You smirked.

“You’ll have to best me first, you realize.” It was a mocked accent, more twang than twinge, and entirely intentional.

You leaned over, dead leaves following you, clinging to your mane and tail, accompanied by dirt as you hovered above Kindersis. “It sounds like you don’t think I can.”

“It would seem that way because I don’t think you can.” Crooked, brace filled teeth and smiles flashed in the sunlight as she reached up to take your shoulders and pin you to the ground.

A quirked brow. A challenge.

There was a tangle of limbs and the grabbing of wings and unceremonious grunts as backs hit the ground and no few amount of scratches as bared skin scraped earth and tree and plant. You guys tussled with smiles on your faces and fire in your eyes, even as the green light turned darker, slanted rays pointing eastward as the sun dipped in the west.

“Call it!”


“Call it!”

“Celestia’s Great Aunt Sally, fine fine! Uncle, I call uncle!”

You released Kindersis’s hooves from behind her back with the smug satisfaction of a victory. “Now I urge you to take back your statement.”

“And what statement would that be?” She rose to his feet and dusted herself off, only accomplishing in spreading the mud all over her coat.

“I seem to recall a statement said by one Ms.Kindersis about me not being able to beat you.” You crossed your arms.

“Ah, yes, of course, of course. You have beaten me.” She rolled her eyes and bowed in an ostentatiously goofy manner, sure to add as much sarcastic bite into the movement as possible. You shoved her shoulder. Kindersis shoved back. Her laughter pierced the sky. You helped each other to your feet and walked along a vague pathway. The quiet chirrups and cries of hidden animals dulled, the lack of presence not jarring, but noteworthy.

“It’s getting a tad bit dark, wouldn’t you say?” She mumbled as you walked through the silence of a fading forest, the darkness sucking the color from the green trees.

“Yeah, I suppose.”

A moment.

“Is the one and only Kindersis saying we should quit our adventuring and head in for the night?” Her brows shot up to her hair line, mock amazement in the form of a dramatic hoof pressed against her forehead.

“Even adventurers need rest, you griffon’s ass.”

“Of course, how could I say any different?”

“Yes, your assumptions are a bit troubling.” She raised one half of her mouth in smile, quirking her corresponding eyebrow. You hummed in response, and your walk was dotted only by the few times your hooves swiping against one another as you walked, the silence loud in your ears.

Your house was looming high and artificial amongst the foliage and you walked with reverberating footsteps as ground led way to steel and concrete. Darkness enveloped you both as the last straining light of the sun was extinguished behind the horizon; fluorescent lights flickered on above you and bathed you in a shallow glow.

Transporting up and up and up, blank wall after blank wall giving way to a room splashed with color. This was your room, Kindersis had only been here once or twice before, but never for long. You felt your heart tighten as you knew what was coming next. You gripped her hoof tighter, not wanting to let go, though it was somewhat difficult to walk.

Kindersis tugged you to the bed, a tangle of mussed sheets and a pillow that threatened to fall off the edge.

“We’re filthy.” You eyed her, half a grin threatening at the corners of your mouth.

Kindersis made a show of mulling over your words. “you wanna go in the shower?”

You rolled your eyes, their color shining under the lights. Kindersis plucked your glasses from atop of your head and folded them with purposeful hesitancy before placing them on the bedside table. “Are you going to make another quip about my questionable assumptions?”

“It was a thought I delayed on for a moment, yes.” Another sharp tug landed you on the bed with her looming over you, a blur of color as the posters on the walls spun around you and bobbed into stillness as the bed settled.

Eyes slipped closed. Breaths were loud through noses and lips glided over one another as frenzied hooves gripped and rubbed and pressed. It became a flurry of movement, of sensation sweeping across exposed skin in curling tendrils.

You separated.


Goosebumps rose on skin as you came together again, slow, soft. The muffled whump of the pillow falling to the floor was drowned out by another moan as dirt covered hooves traced along the ridges of toned muscle.

“I feel like you’re cheating.” You murmured, tugging at the little tuft of her wing. There was a smile in her voice.

“I might be, just a tad.” She shuddered once you ran your hoof over her pale pink, almost white chest, and took a moment to stroke at the line around her collar bone. You leaned over to kiss it, to nip at the bones that protruded around her neck.

Adventurer Pt.2

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“I say,” a stutter, “who is the cheater now?” It would have been effective if her voice hadn’t wavered just so, if your knowing grin wasn’t pressed against her flushed skin.

There was something almost diabolical in the way you spread your hooves on her torso; tortuous in the way you stroked at Kindersis’s arms. She could do little else than grasp at your shoulders and shudder at the warmth that dripped from your lips and followed your hooves. Up and down her body, points of pure sensation.

“I never said I wasn’t.”

It took Kindersis a moment to realize you were talking about cheating. It was hardly a game the two of you played, granted. It was never so passing. It morphed with you, changed as the two of you discovered yourselves and each other; it allowed argumentation in the rules, allowed you to laugh, to ‘cheat’, as it were. Because finding those sensitive spots, exploiting them until your spines were wracked with shudders, that was cheating. It was unfair one of you should be a sputtering mess before the other.

Kindersis laid her head in the crook of your neck, following the path your hooves created on her body and allowing a small smile to play at her lips. “Fair enough,” she conceded. You stroked her arms and her sides and down her torso and across her back. You caught the sweat that had already beaded, warmed with the light of day, and cooled as it passed along the tip of your hooves.

You wrapped your arms around Kindersis’s shoulders; circled around her neck, pulled her closer until your noses touched and you tasted each other’s lips. She pressed her face into your neck again and felt the way your delicate touches threaded through her hair; she took a stuttered breath in and kissed at the line of your shoulders until she mouthed at your jaw, felt it work with a silent gasp. You stood in sharp relief and there was a certain amount of pride Kindersis took in that. She made stepping stones along your collar bone. You held your hips tightly to keep yourself grounded as you became lightheaded from the taste of her. Across your shoulders, down your arm, along the ridges of your torso and the few ribs that stuck out from your petite frame. She made you stop your own intentions, made you stiffen your back and look up just in time to watch her swallow convulsively. More kisses, more marks, up your sternum, around your neck, your ears, and your cheeks. She met your lips and pulled them closer. You pulled back, breathing… heaving. She searched your eyes and saw a spark there that she wished you didn’t hide behind your long bangs.

“I may be forced to underhanded tricks if you are to cheat so blatantly.” All breath and two pools of blue eyes grew tender.

A heartbeat.

“I was wondering when you would catch on.”

Kindersis recaptured her lips, scraped her teeth across them and pulled, bit, until you sighed into her mouth and your tongues rubbed against each other in the same delicious friction they felt in your hooves as you threaded through short hair.
Electricity surged through the both of you, made the tips of your hooves tingle, made your hips shift against one another, made your lips magnetic. It pooled heat in your chests and lower, made your filthy faces cover with flush, the fire ignited there traced by curious hooves and exploratory palms.

You seemed eager to kiss every freckle that dotted her coat, lingering on the corners of her mouth, the lines of her neck. You pressed warm lips against her belly and she shuttered. You gripped at her shoulder blades and sneaked your hooves into thick, blonde hair and arched her back until you were touching chest to chest, skin to skin. She was always moving, always working to feel more of you even as you worked to taste all of her. Your hooves were static along her, through her hair and along her face, down her back where she felt the places you had already scratched. There were no marks there yet, none lasting at least. You moved your hooves down and they shook at the lines of Kindersis’s waist. Your hips snapped up at the last second and they moaned in tandem.

A hoof made less careful by teenage impatience snaked down your torso, past the thicker patch of hair that started at your navel, until her hooves were getting to the point.

“Impatient.” you bumped noses with her, your lips touching in the most pointed places, ghosting over her with each pursed letter.

She tilted her head back in one swift motion. She left a chaste kiss that made your lips tingle. “Tease.”

“Eag-” She palmed over you and left you swallowing a whimper.

“No more than you.” She placed her hand on your hip and moved to sit up, making your lips collide as she did so. Kindersis’s hand wandered from your nether reigons to rest on your thigh where she gripped your coat tightly.

A nervous chuckle got caught beneath the huskiness of your voice, “True.” you kissed the corner of her mouth.

“How true?”

You swallowed. She watched your adam’s apple dance.

“Very true,” the air rippled with the tremor in your words.

The air stilled as a brief moment was shared between you. You sat on the mussed bed, naked legs wrapped together as you embraced upright, kissing like it was breath, drinking it in like it was more precious than water. In that moment you were teenagers, caught just in the wonder of your lips working together, in the taste of each other’s sighs and the warmth of smiles that could not be wiped away. You tilted your head just so and caught the corner of her mouth. Your breath bloomed across her cheek as you made a path down her jaw; you bit at the juncture of her neck, pressed at the pulse point and sighed her name into her shoulder. Your tongue darted to soothe the sting of bites, small though they were. You kissed and nipped and licked your way down her chest, flicking a nipple with your tongue. Heat welled against, formed brushes of red as your kisses seared and forced moans from her lips as you pressed her into the bed.

There was a moment of pause, not necessarily of hesitation, but anticipation. You kissed around the pale colored hair that follows the lines of her hips and followed the curve of her thigh. She jerked her leg the smallest bit when you placed a small bite there, and left a soft sigh to hang in the air when you kissed the pain away, made it fade into a tingle that spread throughout her body and made her clench the sheets.

“You’re a god damn tease, you know that?”

“That was the plan.” You laid your chin on her thigh, looking up at her with a smug smile.

She rolled her eyes, “No, I swear to god, you better not say it or I’ll beat you...”

“To get your wet.” She could feel the bed shift as you resituated.

“No fuck you, I will piss on everything you love.” she gave a small hip thrust, obviously fighting back.

“And you,” You licked a thick strip between her lips and placed an open-mouthed kiss at the little protruding bud, “did it.” You chuckled at the red that had increased along the bride of Kindersis’s nose.

She swallowed the vitriolic words that burned the tip of her tongue. “About bloody time.”

“Oh, Kindersis, don’t tempt me.” You murmured the words against her clitoris, making her lips brush with every word.

Anticipation had made her hot and heavy, and she could not fight the shudder.

“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?”

A lick, a kiss, “I could put this off more than I already have. This doesn’t really benefit me in any way.”

“I swear to all that is adventurous and blue-”

You cut her off with a chuckle, “As much as I’d like to hear the end of that statement, I don’t really think you can take much more, Kinder.”

Her glare would have held much more heat if it hadn’t melted the minute you descended on his crotch. Wet and warm and soft, you held her hips down as soon as she attempted to scurry away. She choked out a stuttered moan and kept a firm grip on the sheets, unsure of where else to put her hands.

“This is amazing, you’re very good. Oh Celestia, how did you get so good at- fuck fuck fuck- this. I mean this is just- ah!- pretty much the best thing that’s ever happened to me. How could I have gone this long without knowing how amazing this is. Oh fuck how do you do that? Your tongue has got to be a wonder of the world. Oooh, do that again. No, not that, that thing where you, aaaaah yeah that. I do say-”

You pulled out of her, chin almost dripping. “Dude, shut up.”

She shut her mouth with an audible snap.

“Better.” You looked at her for another moment before lowering your head again. You grabbed her hoof and placed it on your head, waiting for her to grasp on.

It took a few strong sucks, you taking her completely in and humming around him, before she fully realized why you had placed her hoof in your hair. She traded out her asinine commentary for barely quelled moans, tugging and pushing and pressing the back of your head for more.

Kindersis’s hoof shook where she rested it on your head, her other hoof trembling between the sheets. Her bucking hips were becoming harder to control under your firm touch and persistent tongue. She moaned your name, chased it with a shudder that made the air around her tremble. With half lidded eyes and a prominent blush, she bit abused lips and followed your rhythmic head motions with heavy breaths.

A particularly powerful shudder wracked through her frame. She gripped your hair roughly, tried to buck up and push down simultaneously. A groan ripped from her throat as you shoved your tongue in, licking and nibbling her delicate pink skin.
You hovered over her, your lips just barely brushing at her swollen clit, hot breath coming in puffs against the sensitive skin.
“Why the ever loving fuck did you stop?” Exasperation dripped from her lips and mixed with the sweat the cooled in the divots of his musculature.

You gave her a look, half incredulity, half coy smirk. She gulped in response.

“Right, of course.”

Chuckles popped on your lips. “You’re a little ridiculous sometimes.”

Kindersis sputtered and sat up, putting her nose to nose with you, “I’m the ridiculous one? You must be joking.”
You swiped your tongue across your lips and watched her face, noted the deep blue of her eyes and the thick frame of lashes that surrounded such a vivid color. You smiled at what little dirt still clung to her coat and how her hair stood up in angles and the waves that outlined her pale face. Braced teeth protruded out of lips that had been kissed and bitten until they were red and swollen and nearly begging to be kissed again.

So you kissed her again. Slow and sweet and rimmed with something less innocent. She tasted sex on her tongue and breathed in your moans, eager to reciprocate, eager to make your lips just as dark red and bruised and bitten. Your banter was forgotten as heat bloomed across your skin and tongues battled for dominance. She was pushed onto her back again. You laid above her, your noses barely touching when your breath ran away, pressing heavy and insistent when the wait became too long between you.

Kindersis fumbled for the lube at the bedside table, even though she was already dripping, producing enough slipperiness for you to just glide in, and ended up gripping the edge of it instead when you snapped your hips down just right and ground them together. Delicious friction snaked warm and heady down your spines, pooled thickly in the pits of your stomachs and made your arousals flush red. She tipped the bottle over before she was able to grasp it. She tipped it over to coat her hoof and missed entirely when you made her jump with a bite to the juncture of her neck.

She nipped playfully back as she applied the liquid to her hoof. She smiled when you elicited a gasp with just the right swipe of your tongue along the lines of her neck. She watched with open mouth and heavy breath as she pressed downwards. You were all taut and tension; red against cream as her face burned with blush. She waited, aided, until you relaxed against her. You pressed your forehead to hers skin with each shuddering breath expectant.

You attacked hers lips. You sucked them and nibbled them. Your groan mingled in the kiss, grew in heat and intensity the more she moved with you, curled her hoof just right, stroked your cock and thrust against her whenever your skin touched.
You let out a harsh breath as your back arched. “Now,” you breathed, trailing with the ends of a moan.

She made a noise like she was about to argue, but it was quickly smothered by another kiss, another moan, another brush of flushed skin and a run of goosebumps that made chill run down your heated backs. She moved her hoof to your hip, trying to switch their positions. You merely pressed on her shoulder and pushed your hips together.

“What are you planning to do?”

“For all your boasting, you’re not very adventurous.” You laughed against her skin, at the near-scowl that looked much too out of place on her usually boisterous face.

“Now that’s not at all fair, I’m just simply asking what the devil you’re doing!” she craned her neck as you forced her to lay in the bed. She could nearly feel the trembling in your hooves where they grasped at her shoulders.

“Just go with it, dude.” You reached a hand back to stroke her lips, you could feel the pulsing heat just by hovering your hoof over them.

“The last time I ‘just went with it’ you nearly had us both killed.” Nearly hissed. Nearly moaned.

“That’s what makes it half the fun. And that was a vastly different circumstance.” You aligned yourself as she watched with unconcealed rapture. With knees firmly pressed on the bed on either side of her, you lent forward and planted another firm kiss on her open mouth.

“You’re bloody wonderful.”

You canted your hips, rotated them and was met with her low, reverberating moan. Kindersis gripped madly at your thighs. Slowly, slowly, achingly enough to draw a hiss out of both of them. You lowered yourself in much the same fashion, sharp exhalations where she grew impatient and thrust up to meet you.

It devolved quickly, more frantic than you both would’ve realize, harsh pants becoming moans. Arched backs and scratched skin made slippery with sweat. A mash of lips and teeth and tongue; bruises on necks and shoulders. Hooves gripped at hair and pulled for closeness, because you could never get close enough. No matter how flush your bodies, no matter the taste of the other in your mouths, or how your hips ground together in the most delicious of ways. Every breath was a promise; a name, a moan, it brushed against the other’s skin and fanned until it encompassed both of your shaking forms. Because you did tremble. You trembled for each other, enraptured and aroused.


You groaned and pulled yourself off of her, any sort of discomfort overlooked by your own need. You put your cock between her lips, thrusting up and down but not quite penetrating.

Her shouts were muffled by a kiss, your cum covering her throbbing crotch. Your heavy breaths mingled, your foreheads and the tips of your noses touching.


You laughed as you lay to the side and covered your wide smile with your hand.

“What?” she turned her head to look at you with her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

“That that’s the first thing you say.”

“Well I don’t see anything wrong with it.”

“Nothing wrong at all, it was perfect. Totally and completely you.”

“And what is that supposed to mean?”

You kissed her chin, “It means you’re wonderful.”

Pillow Time

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You never thought you’d be the sort of person who’d do something as whimsical as making a pillow fort. You never thought Star would be, either. You’re not sure whose idea it was, but here you are, with all the pillows you can find, carefully planning the construction of what you are certain will be the most elaborate pillow fort in history. This will be the pillow fort to end all pillow forts. A pillow castle, perhaps.

“Brilliance,” Star says, looking over your carefully labeled diagram, “I think we are going to need more pillows.”

Glancing back at it, you have to agree. Your design is far too sophisticated for the seven pillows and five blankets you’ve managed to scavenge up.

“Let’s go shopping, then,” you say.

An hour later, you’re back with more pillows than you can carry, and a few blankets for good measure. You clear the living room, moving the sofa into position and removing the cushions, then line up all of your chairs. Star has your diagram, and occasionally makes suggestions.

“I think it’s time to begin with the pillows,” you say eventually, once the chairs are all in the right place.

“Sofa cushions first?” she asks, peering at the diagram and rotating it slightly.

You nod, grabbing the first two and putting them in place.

“I think this one should go here,” she says, moving one.

“Good point,” you say, adding another.

Half an hour later, most of the pillows and blankets are in place. Your fort is beginning to look more like a castle, complete with towers and battlements.

“Is it finished yet?” Star asks from inside, moving a pillow slightly.

You stand back to survey your work.

“I think so,” you say.

“Come inside, then.”

You slide in next to her, then roll onto your stomach and stare out.

“Cozy,” you say, grinning.

She blushes, and you laugh. You kiss her on the cheek, and she turns even redder. Slipping your arm around her, you pull her into a cuddle.


“Forts were made for cuddling, Star,” you say, and she laughs, giving in and wrapping her arms around you.
You snuggle up to her, burying your face in her neck, and she giggles, telling you that your breath tickles. You blow on her collarbone and she laughs.

“I don’t think this is how cuddling works,” she says, pulling away and colliding with a pillow.

“Careful!” you say, pulling her back towards you, “Don’t knock the fort over.”

“Oops. I almost destroyed an hour’s work.”

Carefully, she shifts away from the pillows, making sure she doesn’t dislodge anything, and ends up with her nose brushing against yours.

“There isn’t much room in here,” she says, her breath tickling your lips.

“Mm,” you say, closing your eyes and leaning in.

You kiss her. At first, she doesn’t respond, and you sigh slightly. You feel her smile, and then she kisses you, rolling you over onto your back. Giggling, you push back, rolling back over so you’re on top of her. Pinning her arms down, you pull away and look down at her, grinning mischievously. She gives you a confused look, then her eyes widen as you Begin tickling her.

“Stop!” she protests, trying to push you away, but you just laugh.

You tickle her mercilessly and she thrashes, struggling to breathe through her laughter.

“Stop it! You’ll destroy the fort!”

“You mean you will,” you say, tickling her under the chin and making her squirm.

She squeals, kicking her legs and catching one of the chairs. The fort comes tumbling down on top of you, and you find yourself pressed against her, squashed under myriad pillows and blankets.

“I told you so,” she says, and you can feel her breath against your ear.

“Shh,” you say, twisting around so you can see her, “It’s even cozier like this.”

She laughs, and you kiss her. You keep kissing her until you both have to fight your way free of the blankets in search of fresh air. As soon as you can breathe again, you wrap your arms around her and kiss her again, the blankets still tangled around your legs.

“This was fun,” she says, slightly breathlessly, “We should do it again some time.”

“Which part, the fort or the kissing?” you ask teasingly, kissing the end of her nose.


You laugh and kiss her again. You have to agree. This was the most fun you’ve had in a long time.