Adam's return, Chrysalis's fetishes.

by realracer

First published

Adam has returned as his normal self, or.. assuming he has returned "normal" he seems pale

Our hero Adam returned after his long journey, he looked tired, but the worst part of it all is that he looks to have had the color drained from his being, something doesn't seem right.
When he was questioned he refused to answer to any pony up till this day, he stayed away from ponies and seemed tainted.
However, after so long of sleeping, after so long of waiting, it seems as if he has lost all his love for Twilight, but can he regain it?
Find out...
(Contains swearing, offensive language and generally abusive nasty terminologies, also excuse my poor writing capabilities, my literature skills were never any good.)
(Also, as a side note, I write these for fun, not for fame, if you hate my stories then so what, just add yourself to the list of haters.)

Chapter 1: Extracting the truth

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[The following is written in a diary]
Dear reader, I talk to you as classic Adam, I have unfortunately found a threat to Ponyville that could ultimately end it. This threat is otherwise known as changelings, I am afraid, cold alone and I have yet to see their queen who they speak so much of...
[The rest is a burnt crisp, unreadable by even the most skilled ponies]

Adam's return: Chyralisis and her fetishes

A banging came from an old wooden door, a pony screamed outside "Adam, I know you're in there, come out now!" A chestnut brown pony we all know and love to be Adam crawled up against one off the bookshelves in Twilight's library. However, there seemed to be a problem, he seemed to be of a grayer color than usual. He took in a panicked breath and finally replied "Applejack you psychotic bitch of a pony, I told you to leave me alone, Twilight hasn't opened that door and neither will you!" His attitude was that of sheer terror, he had changed somewhat since, he began climbing the stairs, rushing up them with a very brisk pace. Right on time too, as Applejack bucked the door off its hinges and smashed it through into the library, apologizing to Twilight in her unforgettably warm accent.

Applejack dashed in, shortly followed by Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Spike, Pinkie pie and finally Fluttershy. He yelled "Oh fuck!" as he took off further into the depths of the library, Applejack not far behind. Before anything could be said, the tree then shook with a massive audible 'Thud!' Applejack said "I got 'im!" He cried "No fair! I WANT A DO-OVER!" Fluttershy quickly became spooked by the sound of tussling in the back of the tree, Twilight ran up into the room that Adam and Applejack were in. Twilight approached Adam, he squirmed underneath Applejack and said "Get off me you fat ugly CUNT!" (I would like to note that on the behalf of all new people that Adam will often refrain from swearing if he can. However, he will never say cunt to anyone, especially not his worst enemy.)

Twilight backed away at his vulgar outburst, then pushed her glowing horn to his head as she yelled "You aren't Adam, he'd NEVER say that to Applejack!" his skin became blackened, this was in fact a changeling, not Adam. He smirked lightly at them both, then disappeared, leaving them with the raw emotions that had been freshly brewed between the ponies. Fluttershy was stood in the door, then said quietly "That wasn't Adam, was it?" Twilight said "No Fluttershy, that wasn't him, he'd never be hurtful, but now we know why he was acting so weird with Discord that time." Applejack finally said "So it looks like this Chrysalis gal has got our old Adam rustled up somewhere, feeding off of his love."

Now for the reason behind this obscure scenario; Applejack was chasing whom she thought was Adam, simply because Twilight had previously had suspicions about him. He was acting VERY strange, especially for what she was used to, as roughly explained previously.

Twilight said "It appears so Applejack, but why would she only want him, why not come for all of us, surely he alone isn't powerful enough to fuel her army?" She said this with confidence, but had even doubted herself. A Human that had four forms, one who could command the forces of magic with such strength should have been supervised and had constant checks made upon them. Adam was one of those dangerous yet interesting unknowns, one with the ability of cross-dimensional traversal was considered to be quite capable, even by unicorns standards it was rare for one of their fledglings to gain such abilities.

Adam as captured, they knew that as far, as to how they knew not. However, Chrysalis feeds off emotion, just like he does, Adams power comes from other ponies positive emotions. Without at leas tone happy pony by his side, he is completely and utterly powerless, the more happy ponies there are, the more powerful he becomes. Chrysalis was possibly utilizing this almost infinite power generation, feeding off it, making herself happier in the process and feeding him. It was all just an infinite loop of power, except Chrysalis remained as a dominant power drain upon him.

"Rainbow dash, I need you to go out and get some things on me from this checklist, Pinkie and Applejack, I need you two to bring food, Fluttershy, try see if you can get your animal friends to locate Adam. Rarity, I need you to make an extremely... provocative dress.... for yourself." Rarity questioned "Why me? Adam has never shown that kind of interest in me, not even once, lady Rarity would NEVER allow herself to be taken in by those beautiful blue eyes and that dashing black suit of his." She paused, the room went silent, Twilight raised an eyebrow, Rarity sighed and said with a faked lack of interest "Fine... but only THIS ONCE, I can't believe I'm allowing myself to lower to this level."

"Oh Rarity, don't flatter yourself, you've been much lower than that, don't say you haven't, because I know you have." She span around, the pony talking was Mada, Adam's dark and evil alter ego, however, it seems as if he hadn't changed. Twilight said "Oh, it's you... what do you want?" he laughed at her, swiveling his red eyes, his black and red spiky hair still giving off quite the impression.
(His picture below:)

After a moment of silence, Rarity finally retorted "Well, what I have done is in the past and will not happen again, that I can promise." He looked at her with a glint in his eye "Do you Mada promise?" he laughed as Rainbow dash, Fluttershy and Applejack ran out the door. All the ponies of ponyville knew Mada well enough to know that a 'Mada' promise was binding, just like Pinkie's only to the next extreme, if the pony promised and then forfeited the promise, he would bond them up in his house and proceed to form hardcore sexual acts upon them relentlessly for the next week. Many ponies made Mada promises because he was a loose cannon, sometimes ponies even volunteered to be captured by Mada, he laughed as he always got the ponies to near orgasmic point and then denied them the opportunity to experience their own hot liquids gushing pleasurably out of them.

Mada was kept in Ponyville, under strict yet comfortable circumstances, his power is harvested from raw emotion, just like Adam's.However, the longer Mada can be kept comfortable and entertained, the less he would need to rely upon the negative energy of other ponies. But, unlike Adam, he goes for emotions like pain, misery, distrust, he is the discord of emotion, only he feeds off it much like Chrysalis. Nevertheless, the reason why some ponies volunteer, is to save younger ponies from the traumatic, if not life scarring treatments that Mada gives out to any who dare cross him. He has both received and given threats, all to or from Celestia, who disliked his presence in Ponyville, but couldn't touch him due to the protections that he has on him.

Rarity said "I'm not sure if I could Mada promise, I remember what happened the last time you made me do that, it wasn't nice." He replied "Sweetheart, It ain't meant to be 'nice' that's the point, if I wanted it to be nice, I'd make it nice, lucky all your female ponies here are all little whores, all who just love squealing out with delight, especially when they feel me rub my dick against them." Rarity's face turned bright red, she knew he was referring to her experiences with him, Pinkie pie said "So it's like your 'dick' is a party, it makes all the ponies squeal with joy?" Mada looked at her, a huge smile broke on his face as he began laughing uncontrollably, he laughed for a solid five minutes, at that time, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy returned to find him laughing on the floor.

He wiped a tear of laughter from his eye, it solidified into pure diamond, Rarity gasped but didn't do anything else. He flicked the tear shaped diamond into his hoof, then handed it to Pinkie, he said "My one act of kindness to you, use it whenever you want, just press it between your hooves, make any wish, it'll come true. That's for making me laugh my fucking ass off." he chuckled slightly as he walked out the door, leaving the entire crew gazing at Pinkie with awe and a hint of jealousy. It was rare for Mada to consciously do any good, once a day he did one extremely brilliant act of kindness and selflessness to 'balance out' all his acts of evil, somewhere inside of him lived a fragment of Adam, no matter how small, it affected him hugely.
(I know this is Cliche, but i'll say it again, I write for FUN, not for FAME.)

Mada's ability to turn tears into wish gems derives from Adam, however, Mada is just an extension of Adam, much weaker than Adam, but if he was killed, his Pony half and both Adams would die. They are all interconnected, if one is harmed, they are all harmed similarly. As for the diamond tear, it is the only way that Mada can use his magic, he has to CRY in order to use it, few things ever make him cry, so he can rarely if at all use his own powers. They grant "wishes" or rather, give Mada the ability to access his power and USE it in order to execute the wish to its fullest extent. Say for instance a pony wanted money, they hold the tear and wish for money, he will then use his magic to give them money, kind-of like a genie with only one wish, each wish needs to be specific, otherwise they could go wrong.

Chapter 2: The wonderful wizard of ODD

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"Right, now that's out of the way, let's try and get you and Rarity sorted." Twilight proclaimed to Pinkie pie, she seemed a bit nervous. Finally, Applejack asked "Twi, What you plannin' to do then?" to which her reply came as a slight stutter "I-I-I-I need to see Human Adam, see what he says, especially see if he's sane." Applejack gasped, Twilight looked solemnly at the door, the sight of a huge observatory in the background was staining the view from her door. However, the rest of the pony crew looked worried, legends of ponies being abducted up near that area and often facing 'experiments', many of which come back with slightly bowed legs and expressions of sheer ecstasy on their faces. Twilight made a teleportation spell, willing herself to be in front of the building, her horn glowed purple, she then disappeared in front of the other five ponies, Rarity and Pinkie pie went off to complete the tasks they were given as she left the room.

Twilight looked up at the iron doors to the observatory, not only were they big, but they seemed to have an almost ''impending doom' look about them, keeping a strict and stubborn look to show that order would be enforced to its maximum potential inside. She raised a hoof and struck it against the door four times, then waited, looking directly at a small slot in the door in front of her, which whooshed open revealing a pair of goggles, of which were glinting at her. However, an exclamation of joy came from behind the door "Twilight! so nice to finally see you, come in!" the doors swung open, still keeping their imposing look.

She walked in, never having seen the inside of the observatory, the doors slammed behind her, all was dark and spooky, not a sound was made. Then, the room flashed up with light, being doused in a multitude of colors that'd have put Rainbow Dash's mane to shame. Adam descended down from the darkness with a jet-pack, smiling ever so slightly, he said "Do you like it here, my dear, are you feeling comfortable? I am more than able to give you all the things you need!" Twilight smiled and said "Yes, it's all very nice here, but what is all of this?" Human Adam smiled, then removed a remote from his pocket, he pressed a button and the machines in the room revved up to life.

However, there was something peculiar about one machine in particular, pistons moved up and down on it, releasing steam with a rhythm. Suddenly, everything started following the given, everything rhymed and it was not a crime, but frankly my dear, it's rather quite sincere. Adam began to say "Every night, every day, magic i fight, with a hip hip hooray, working out the science of this obscure land, because my assistants faces are boring and dead-panned. I'd like to take a moment of your time, I promise you that I'll give a sci-en-tif-ic rhyme, one that is unbeatable, undefeatable, one that is there to beat them all!" as he said this the machines began to whir into song, motors and conveyors moved a-long trying to keep up with his times, cause this odd human was trying to make rhymes.

He placed a small device in front of his mouth, every time he spoke green waves formed upon it, it was interpreting sound as an image and making his voice sound slightly robotic. He began to sing "MY machines are semi-robotic, not totally psychotic, my mind is like a puzzle, except this information it dare not guzzle. Making a half rhyme is a crime, frankly i'm not keeping time, but my dear, let me be sincere, it's starting to get scientific in here!" he pulled levers as he sang, more machines hummed and rang, he laughed with joy that was that of a young boy, one who had just discovered a love.

"So welcome to my lab-ro-tory! let me tell you a stor-or-ry, once I was sane, then I'm here again, now I'm not, frankly I think my brain is starting to rot. Every time I look in your eyes, I see surprise, and a feelin' I'm about to rise, again, my only friend, until the very end!" he continued to sing, for the next five minutes, tying together as many rhyming words he could. Until he came to a pot of orange paint, which he had to do a half rhyme song for. He titled the song "Look at this orange that I have to arrange." and danced about with the paint can for a few seconds. Twilight was in fits of laughter by the time he was done, he finished his song and a machine in the background let off an array of fireworks.

Human Adam breathed deeply, his chest rising up and down drastically fast as he caught his breath, he then said "That was my daily dose of stupidity, now what can I do you for Miss Sparkle?" which between fits of laughter she replied "I - came - to - tell - you - that - Pony - Adam - has been kidnapped!" she sputtered out with a final breath. Human Adam looked sincere, he asked "By whom, may i ask?" to which the reply was "Chrysalis took him, but we don't know where." He looked at her, panic in his eyes, he said "By Jove! Twilight, why didn't you come sooner? I had seen him shot down in the Everfree forest, but all my attempts to locate his exact position have been little luck."

She questioned "then what luck have you had?" to which his reply was "Well, there's a dark cave, I hate the dark, I just fear it unconditionally, so too will my Pony form. I dared not go in it because I get really scared in the dark, no one knew about this because it was my greatest weakness, I would be too paralyzed with fear to do anything in the dark." Twilight looked at him sympathetically, such a strong willed man, he feared the dark? she shrugged slightly to herself, disregarding it as 'everyone having their individual fears'.

Chapter 3: Fear of the dark

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Human Adam and Twilight were teleported into Twilight's tree house library after he had given her a tour around his observation station/laboratory. Adam smiled at the surrounding ponies, glad to see them all again, he casually worked his way past Rainbow dash, nodding slightly, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie pie and finally the lady Rarity wearing an extremely skimpy maids suit. He paused for a second, his lab coat shook slightly, he said "Hello Rarity, stylish as usual I see." she retorted "This is embarrassing enough without you looking at me like this! Lady Rarity wishes that she were not so easily persuaded to look like this!" Adam chimed sweetly "Be careful, you're starting to sound like that ungrateful brat Trixie, plus, I don't want a repeat of that. All she ended up with was my steel toed boot kicking her firmly toned ass out of my laboratory, especially rewarding, as she demanded that I made her more powerful." Rarity huffed, snorting slightly at him though flared nostrils, he paid no attention to this and waved it off.

Adam smirked slightly, he always loved teasing the ponies around town, especially when he wasn't physically exerting himself with either one of the princesses, or mentally exerting himself with designing a new machine to do something new and awesome. Between those two things, they majoritively took up his time, so he appreciated any free time he could get, sometimes visiting Twilight for Tea and biscuits, sometimes reading the books of his people to her as he acted out each character with a new voice and some funny little actions. He always loved making people laugh, it was a trait that both he and Pinkie seemed to share.

Adam said "So, to the Everfree forest then, let's go." his voice was monotone, he seemed to shiver a little as he said this, Twilight said "You showed me your P.O.I. (Points Of Interest) map, so I think that it's safe to say those dark caves are our best bet." His reply was "Yeah, I was really hoping you weren't going to say that." Adrenaline started flowing around his body as he dreaded what was going to brought forth from the darkness. Unfortunately, they had to walk, Twilight was worn out from using her spells a few too many times, Adam began fearing for his life. He then gagged slightly, his next words quavered "I might be magical, but this forest just isn't natural, no matter how much magic I use, I could never change it." Twilight looked apprehensively at him, she had almost always seen a smile on his face, but to see something make him upset, it was unnerving.

He shivered slightly, it was night by the time they had arrived outside the caves, he spoke to the six occupying him with a fearful tone "Do you know what, I think we should wait till morning, morning sounds good, do you all agree, yes?" Twilight stared at him with her purple eyes and said "You might fear the dark, but be brave, I and the other ponies are by your side no matter what. so what if you fear the dark? We will be there to light your spirit up the entire way!" he seemed to grow a little melancholy from this remark, he then smiled slightly and nodded, saying "Into the dark abyss, ourselves we do throw, where the abyss leads, none shall know!"

Adam ran into the caves, Twilight and the other ponies in hot pursuit, all except for Fluttershy, who was being dragged along by Applejack. Twilight lit the caverns with her horn, Rarity helped to light the cave further with her horn, the sequins on her provocative dress slightly catching the light, as well as the occasional sideways glance from Adam. He looked back at the paths ahead of him, three paths all equally dark, dank and dangerous, allowing himself a moment to think, he turned to Twilight with a confident look on his face.

He smiled, then said "I've got nothing, I'm stumped." Twilight sighed, hoping that he might have had the answers. However, it was clear that he wasn't as reliable as he so wished to be, instead seeming more and more insane and unstable with each passing moment. Pinkie pie stepped forward, twitching violently, she pointed down the middle route and exclaimed "Down there, I'm sure of it!" Adam raised an eyebrow, but dared not question her, he walked down the path apprehensively, the other ponies seeming slightly reluctant.