Little Dashie Come Out and Play!

by Yucala

First published

Spitfire's contract for the Wonderbots is ending, so what happens when a evil mare takes charge?

Spitfire's contract with the Wonderbolts is ending and is leaving the job to a mare named Spectrum. Spectrum however, is a mean, conniving, evil mare that will stop at nothing to reach her goals. Which when Propel (Spitfire's sister and my oc), the first pony to step in her way. Spectrum vowes to get revenge and learn the secrets of the sonic rainboom without her help.

Propel decides to quit the Wonderbolts along with her sister and the both move to Ponyville, where they are greeted by one of Pinkie-pies parties with one change from the advisory of Rainbow-Dash. That there be loud music, dancing, and lots of spiked punch. Just like any other party that Spitfire threw.

Just so I get this straight for all of you looking for a certain pairing, this is going to be Rainbow-Dash/Propel mainly. I may add more pairings as I go along. This story is going to contain, sex, alcohol, violence, scifi, rape, oh and did I mention sex?

Wonder Don'ts!

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Author Notes: This story takes place after the Royal Pony wedding of Shinning Armor, and Cadence.

Chapter One: Wonder Don'ts!

“Propel!” Yelled an over angry gray pony.

Propel sighed as she looked over the mean grey pony. She had the negative spectrum of the rainbow in her mane. Kind of like a negative of Rainbow Dash. Only reason Propel even knew of Rainbow Dash to compare this mean grey pony to her, was because she was the flight plan engineer for the Wonderbolts. Hell, Propel's cutie mark was even the Wonderbolts logo, a lightning bolt with white wings.

“Can I be of some help, Spectrum?” asked a usually nice Propel, which her direct orders was to be nice to the next in line leader of the Wonderbolts.

Spitfire's contract as the Wonderbolt leader was ending soon, and Spitfire had seen it as her chance to quit the Wonderbolts altogether. Where she was going was unknown to all, except Soarin, and Propel; Ponyville.

“That son of a bitch, Rainbow Dash once again made another Sonic Rainboom at the Royal wedding... I need those statistics... NOW!” Bellowed a loud and angry Spectrum.
“I've done told you... Rainbow Dash took out a patent on how she is able to perform the Sonic Rainboom. You would either need permission from Rainbow Dash herself, or for one of us to figure it out for ourselves... And personally, I am not going to jail over you for stealing!” Propel said holding her head high.

“Look here brat!” Spectrum yelled taking Propel by the sky blue fur on her neck and pulling her close to her face, “You WILL find a way, or ELSE!...”

“Get your nasty hooves OFF ME!” Propel yelled kicking Spectrum in the stomach.

Spectrum coughed spitting to the ground before slamming Propel up against the wall by her neck. Closing off Propel's air ways, “You listen here, I'm going to be leader soon, you either listen to me, or you are fired!”

Spectrum let go, letting her fall to the ground fighting to catch her breath, Her powder blue mane frizzed from the fall. Before Spectrum was out of sight she yelled, “I'd rather die than work for you!”

“Then as of tomorrow, when I take charge, you are done with the Wonderbolts!” Spectrum said calmly yet with anger apparent in her voice.

As Spectrum walked away, she said under her breath, “As done as your life will be!”


With Rainbow Dash: On the train ride home from Canterlot, after Shinning armor's wedding.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, OH MY GOSH, That wedding was so totally AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash said in a surprising fangirly way.

“Ah just can't believe that wasn't the real Cadence!” Apple Jack said with excitement.

“Those changlings were scary.” Fluttershy said in a calm tone.

“I thought they were SOO CUTE!!!” Pinkie Pie spazzed like she normally done.

“I'm just glad it's all over, but I have to say, I do still feel a little guilty for not paying more attention to Twilight's feelings when she knew from the beginning that Cadence was evil.” Rarity said aloud, “Can you ever forgive us Twilight?”

Everypony looked at Twilight which was only silently looking out the window at the moon.

“Sugarcube, you seem distracted?” Apple-Jack asked placing a hoof on the purple unicorn's shoulder.

Twilight snapped out of it as soon as a hoof was placed upon her shoulder, “Oh um... Did you girls say something?”

“Twilight... Something the matter, darling?” the white unicorn Rarity questioned, with worry clear on her face.

“It's just... I've never followed my guts. I would study and if anything arose, I would prove it before acting. Since moving to Ponyville, there has been multiple times that I acted with my heart and no one believed me, like with the changeling queen.” Twilight said looking down at her hooves.

“Twilight, we are so very sorry about that, please forgive us...” Apple-Jack stated replacing her hoof once again on Twilight's shoulder.

“I do forgive all of you though. It's just... I still have that feeling that something is wrong... But I'm afraid if something does happen. It'll be too late once again before anypony believes me.” A sad purple unicorn stated as she let out a depressing sigh.

“Ah promise, no matter what happens tis time. You got meh on yer side.” stated an honest orange pony.

“And me!” Rainbow-Dash was quick to say.
“And me!”
“Me as well!” Rarity stated as everypony joined in.

“Me too...” Spike said in a yawn as he snuggled to his blanky tighter.

Everypony giggled on that note as they watched the small baby dragon curl up into a ball.


In Canterlot: A show to announce that Spitfire is resigning and is leaving.

The Wonderbolts once more performed their incredible flying maneuvers, which were created by Propel, herself. Everypony in the crowd could be heard, ooing, and ahing. Later that night however, Princess Celestia stepped up on stage and quieted the crowd, “Ladies and Gentlecolts! For many years Spitfire has led the Wonderbolts in various airforce shows, and also to protect the skies. She has of her own will decided to leave and here she is to give some final words, farewell!”

Celestia stepped down taking a seat next to Luna, before a naked Spitfire took the stand. Everypony turned their attention as she began to speak, “Hello everypony, I know many of you are sad that I am leaving. It's been fun and exciting, but all of you must understand. Being somewhat of a celebrity...”

Spitfire was cut off as somepony in the crowed yelled, “Somewhat?”

Spitfire only giggled as she said, “Well maybe a little more than somewhat.”

Many ponies giggled as she continued, “However, I had not planned this to be a permanent profession. I am leaving and I'm not saying where. I just know I wouldn't be able to live in peace with everypony stalking me for an autograph. So here I am to say goodbye.”

Propel stepped up on stage and whispered something into her ear. Spitfire nodded as she said, “Now here is something from the Wonderbolts own flight engineer.”

Everypony clopped as Spitfire stepped down, and Propel took the stage, “Hello, I know I'm not seen much, and I prefer it that way. Ever since my sister Spitfire took leadership...”

Propel was cut off as the crowd went wild. Chatter could be heard from the closer rows of, “I didn't know Spitfire had a sister?” and things like, “I didn't know the Wonderbolts needed a flight engineer!”

Propel's heart stung a little knowing they didn't even know that much, let alone the Wonderbolts didn't even had an engineer to make their flight routines. Propel fought back the sadness before continuing, “I am also leaving the Wonderbolts. Only reason I started was because of my sister. She is also the reason I got my cutie mark which also turned into the trademark of the Wonderbolts.”

Propel turned to allow everypony to see, which made the crowd go into an uproar once more. None could believe the Wonderbolts insignia was made after a cutiemark.

“I will be joining my sister, and just wished to also say goodbye.”

Propel took a bow before walking off stage. The crowd went into a loud frenzy as she left. Everypony seemed sad that she was leaving even though any of them didn't even know she had existed before today.

“Why didn't you tell me?” Spitfire whispered her question as Propel sat next to her.
“I don't wanna talk about it...”

Spitfire just left it at that for the moment, maybe she could get it out of her sister later on.


In Ponyville: Sugarcube Corner

Everypony of the mane six knew of the ceremony in which Spitfire was standing down as leader. They almost had to drag Rainbow-Dash to the train to get her to come back. Which in the end, Rainbow-Dash knew why. They knew because of the construction of a new home, that Spitfire was moving to Ponyville. So it wasn't like Rainbow-Dash was going to miss seeing her. They all decided that a party was in order. Well Pinkie-Pie decided, but everypony didn't put up a fight on the matter. Rarity insisted the party be high class and everypony would wear their gowns from the gala. Rainbow-Dash however, had been to several of the parties Spitfire throws and knew a high class party would just make her feel like she was out of place. Rainbow-Dash had talked the girls that it was just going to be Spitfire and the mane six, just the girls. Rainbow assured that Spitfire preferred her parties small, wild and inebriated.

Rainbow-Dash knew some of her friends wouldn't agree with the alcohol part, but talked Pinkie-Pie into spiking the punch. Maybe if she impressed Spitfire, she could even get a good word in with the Wonderbolts and would finally get to join.

Twilight was in her study. Researching up on Spitfire. Her history with the Wonderbolts, even going as far as to read old newspaper articles on her. Which to her amazement, one name would always appear next to Spitfire's. Or in every picture a pony would appear next to her. A pony named Propel. This sky blue pony with a powdery blue mane kept popping up. What really intrigued the curious unicorn was Propel's cutie mark. Her cutie mark was that of the Wonderbolts insignia. Twilight giggled like a fangirl only because she knew how excited this would make Rainbow-Dash. Twilight dashed from her library to find her feathery friend.

Rainbow-Dash was helping Pinkie-Pie with her party when suddenly the doors sprung open. A pony standing there looking at the rainbow maned mare.

Twilight sighed knowing that Rainbow-Dash was probably either doing her sky work, or was done and was already at Sugarcube corner. She thought it best to wait it out at the Surgarcube corner and left quickly.

“SPITFIRE!” Rainbow-Dash giggled like a little fangirl.
“H-hey Rainbow-Dash, long time no see!” Spitfire said happily as she clopped Rainbow's hoof in a high five. (er um... a high hoof.)
“And Propel!” Rainbow-Dash said happily before taking Propel's surprised hoof.
“You... know me?” Propel asked in bewilderment.
“Yeah, you are Spitfire's sister, and not to mention the engineer of the Wonderbolts. Without you I would never have perfected the Sonic Rainboom!” Rainbow-Dash stated at a rate that seemed barely understandable.
“You... know... who I am...” Said Propel in dumbstruck disbelief.

“Come on sis, Don't act so surprised. Any TRUE fan of the Wonderbolt's would know who YOU are. Plus you don't get a bigger fan than Rainbow-Dash!” Spitfire giggled as she elbowed Rainbow in the side.

Propel shyly nodded as another pony stepped through the doors of Sugarcube corner.

“Twilight, this is...” Rainbow-Dash started before getting cut off.
“Propel!?” Twilight said in excitement and confusion.

Propel was now furiously blushing. This was now the second pony to recognize her. Twilight ran up and said frantically, “Rainbow, you will never believe who this pony is!”

and what seemed like the same exact time, both Rainbow-Dash and Twilight said, “Spitfire's sister and engineer to the Wonderbolts...”

Twilight's excitement faded as she asked, “You... already knew?”
“I wouldn't be a TRUE fan if I didn't!” Rainbow-Dash gloated, “But... question is... how did you know?”

“I wanted to know all I could so I could properly welcome Spitfire and make her feel at home and came across Propel. I thought... you would like the news...” Twilight stated in a defeated voice.
“Oh believe me twi, I never got over finding out about Propel!”

Propel couldn't believe what she was hearing, Rainbow-Dash was excited about her. Also apparently knowing about her for a long, long, time. She was blushing so furiously and was so into thought. That she didn't notice Pinkie-Pie walking up with a glass of punch on her head, “Propel, want some punch?”

Propel yelped in surprise as she was jerked out of her train of thought as she bumped into Pinkie-Pie, knocking the cup on her head over and coating her cotton candy hair in punch. Propel looked in fear, “I'm so sorry...”

Pinkie-Pie only started giggling with a snort, “Don't worry, a little punch wont literally punch me!” Pinkie-Pie walked off to clean up, laughing at her own poorly created joke.
“That Pinkie-Pie is SOOO random!” Rainbow-Dash said laughing.

“Well... The party isn't for a couple more hours... I'll see you girls later, unless you need help with the preperations?” Twilight asked as she looked from Rainbow-Dash to Pinkie-Pie.
“I think we got it, but you are welcome to stay and help.” announced the colorful Pegasus.
“Then I'm here to help.” Twilight smiled as she used her magic to pull some streamers from a box.


Meanwhile back at Canterlot:

“Damn it! Where is my coffee!” Spectrum yelled throughout the main Wonderbolts headquarters.
“Here you go ma'am.” A young earth pony stated as he handed over the coffee.

Spectrum took a sip before spitting it back into the cup, “You think this is black? I WANT MY COFFEE BLACK!”

The young earth pony screamed as Spectrum poured the contents of the coffee over the ponies head, burning his skin underneath the fur. The pony turned and ran away crying.

“NEXT TIME BLACK COFFEE!” Spectrum yelled loudly, gritting her teeth.
“You wont last long as leader, with that attitude...” A light blue pony said behind her.
“Shut it Soarin, I'm in charge!”
“You were appointed leader only out of popularity from looking like Rainbow-Dash... I hope you know that?” Stated Soarin as he turned to walk away.
“Don't YOU EVER SAY THAT!” Spectrum yelled as she reared up onto her front hooves, bucking Soarin on his cutie mark.

Soarin yelped in pain as he growled, “As soon as the public sees your true attitude, You will not be the leader anymore. Also you just assaulted me so prepare to hear about this!”

Spectrum didn't waste any time jumping onto Soarin's back. Wrapping her front hooves around his neck, and her back ones around his waist, keeping his wings pinned. Soarin, only able to do one thing, started bucking like a bronco. Trying anything to get her off, even slamming her into a wall a couple times. Spectrum laughed maniacally, “Is that all you got? Watch this!”

Soarin gasped as Spectrum flew up, carrying Soarin up and out of the Wonderbolts main base. She kept flying higher and higher, all the while, Soarin struggling to get her off, “What are you planning? You know I can fly?”

“Not if your unconscious, haha.” Spectrum released his neck long enough to strike Soarin's head. Leaving the pony unconscious. Blood trickling down the ponies brow.

Spectrum let go laughing maniacally before yelling, “No one will get in my way! I will steal the secrets of the sonic rainboom, and the I will rule ALL!”


Down in Canterlot:

No one really was paying any attention to the pony falling from the sky. They just assumed it was another practice by the wonderbolts. They would often enough drop from the sky only to show off and dart up at the last moment. Everypony just watched and waited. However, there was surprisingly one pony that had noticed something wasn't right. The pony ran at a full gallop and as the closer she got, she realized her suspicions were true. The pony that was falling, was unconscious. She wasn't a pegasus, but luckily for her, she was a unicorn with one specific spell in mind, “I the ALL powerful TRIXIE shall SAVE YOU!”

Soarin's eyes shot open as reality hit him just as a large bubble encased his body. Just as the last moment gently letting him land next to her. Soarin grunted grabbing his head in pain, “Ow my head...”

“Are you ok, little pegasus?” Trixie asked as she grunted to herself, “I must be getting soft... That stupid Twilight has gotten to the ALL powerful TRIXIE! I would have NEVER saved anothers life before...”
“Well I'm sure glad you did...” Soarin said trying to get onto his hooves.

Trixie blushed realizing she had said that out loud, “Don't make the ALL powerful TRIXIE regret saving you!”
“Sorry... I'm Soarin by the way.” Said a smiling Pegasus as he extended his hoof.
“I do not shake... Hooves!”
“Then how about I buy you a pie?” Soarin said with a sly grin.
“I suppose that is acceptable!” Trixie lied. She normally would turn him down, but as soon as she heard mention of food. Her stomach growled something ferocious. Truth was, ever since she was proven a false by Twilight. She had been down on her luck. Now no matter where she went. She had to do small jobs just for a bite to eat. Though she would never admit it.


That night in Sugarcube Corner:

“Rainbow-Dash, thanks for this amazing party?” Spitfire grinned her her cyan friend.
“Don't mention it!” Rainbow-Dash smiled dancing to the music next to Spitfire.

The song was starting to end and Spitfire panted as her muscles relaxed. She looked and noticed her sister, Propel in the corner. Sitting quietly next to a butter colored pegasus with a pink mane. Neither of them saying a word. Spitfire strutted over, most of the walking done mainly by her wings, “What's wrong sis?”
“I just don't know anypony!” Propel had to yell because the next song had started.
“SO?” Spitfire yelled back.
“I just feel awkward.” hollered Propel which was being eyed by Flutter-shy.
“Come on, DANCE WITH ME!” Spitfire said holding out her hoof.

Propel blushed, “But you are my sister?!”
“Doesn't mean you can't show me your moves!” Spitfire giggled as she grabbed Propel's hooves and led her next to Rainbow-Dash and started dancing, “Like this!”

Propel started swaying back and forth gently. Shaking the entire time she tried.

“Now just move back and forth, like you don't know weither to go frontwards or backwards!” Yelled Spitfire.

Propel blushed harder as she did as she was told.

“THAT'A GIRL!” Yelled Rainbow-Dash.

Propel giggled as she yelled back, “This... is actually... FUN!”

Propel giggled and laughed as she danced without guidance. Spitfire stepped back nudging Rainbow-Dash a little closer before exiting the scene, hoping Propel would get a little more independent and social if she was alone without her on the dance floor. Propel had her eyes clenched closed with a huge grin on her face as she danced gleefully. Her eyes slowly opened and her heart skipped a beat and she immediately froze, seeing that Spitfire wasn't there anymore.

“AWWW, Why'd you stop?” Rainbow-Dash asked pulling the shy Propel back onto her back hooves and danced with her.

Propel tried to pull away but couldn't, a little out of embarrassment, and a little because of Rainbow-Dash's strength. However, Propel looked at Rainbow's face and couldn't help but smile. She could apparently see the happiness in the Pegasus's face and her inhibitions died a little as she started moving on her own again. Spitfire giggled and smiled as took Propel's empty seat next to Flutter-shy.


In a small cavern in Canterlot:

Trixie couldn't hold her mouth from watering as a delicious cherry pie was placed on the table between Soarin and herself. She used her magic to pull out a slice and started hungrily and greedily scarfing down the fresh delight.

“Wow, you must've been hungry?” Soarin stated in surprise.

Trixie gave a hateful glare before wiping her mouth with a napkin that was elevated by magic, “The all POWERFUL Trixie...” She started to say something unkind but paused, “Who am I kidding... I've been struggling ever since that Twilight-Sparkle ruined me...”

“You mean the leader of the mane six?” asked a shocked Soarin.
“Yes, I was going around showing off my amazing magical skills, before she brought a Ursaminor to town to show off!” yelled an infuriated Trixie.
“I heard otherwise.” Soarin said raising his eyebrow, “I heard that you were obnoxiously showing off and lying...”
“HOLD IT right there... I'll admit... I was a bit... overbearing when it comes to ponies liking me... However, I do admit the amazing and ALL powerful Trixie could have handled the situation better.” Trixie sulked slightly, losing her appetite and laying down a slice of pie back in the pan.

To the surprise of what most would expect from Trixie. All she really wanted was to be excepted. Since Twilight had upstaged her, She had realized she could not gain friends in the manor that she had tried. Yes, she had partly done it for the money. However, she mainly just wanted friends. She could not do that in her hometown of Slum-ville. Well Slum-ville is what she called it anyway.

“I understand Trixie.” Soarin said with a small smile.
“No you don't... You don't know me! How DARE you say you understand the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie!”
“Watch it Trix, or I'll kick you out again!” A gruff looking bartender said looking to his gaurds by the door.

Trixie's cheeks puffed red in anger before she let it all go in a large breath and she sat back down in defeat, “What is the all power... I mean... What am I kidding? I have no friends, no way to support myself. I'm trash just like the Slum-ville that I came from... I'm not even sure if I understand Trixie... I never meant any harm... I... I...”

Tears swelled up in her eyes as she could no longer hold back. Soarin stood up from his seat across the table and gently wrapped his hooves around Trixie's head holding her to his chest, “It's ok Trix, You have a friend now...”

Trixie tried to say a snappy mean comeback but Soarin's niceness and the realization of actually possibly having a friend, made her cry ever so much harder.


With Spectrum at the Wonderbolts headquarters:

“Soarin's body will probably show up sooner or later... I Need to get into the flight patent vault and figure out the sonic rainboom before anypony figures out my plan!” Spectrum stated to her brother.
“But sister... murder really? I can't believe you...” A black stallion with a red short spiky mane stated.
“Oh don't start growing a conscience now brother of mine...” Said a sarcastic Spectrum.
“Yeah your right, not like we haven't killed before.” Giggled Sin maniacally.
“Your sense of humor gets to me more and more as the centuries go by!” Laughed Spectrum as she rubbed herself along the side of her brother.
“Oh sister of mine, So when do we break into the patent office?” Sin asked with an evil smirk.
“Tonight... I would prefer we get it done before Soarin's body turns up. Everypony is going to start keeping their eyes open if we don't go ahead and proceed.” Spectrum said with a frown and a stern seriousness.
“Very well sister, I'll see you when I'm done.” Stated Sin as he left the room. Spectrum watched him leave before grinning, “Soon Rainbow-Dash... Very soon!”


Back at the welcome party for Spitfire and Propel:

For about two hours Rainbow-Dash had kept Propel dancing until Propel seriously looked like she couldn't dance anymore. Propel went and balanced a glass of spiked punch on her head as she sat down in a chair at an empty table. Rainbow-Dash joined her as she smiled, “I haven't danced with anypony like that since... Well since I last attended one of Spitfire's parties!”

Propel blushed as she looked at the worn out Rainbow-Dash, “truth is... I've never danced with anypony other than Spitfire...”
“Really! It must be pretty awesome being Spitfire's sister!” Rainbow-Dash gave a partial inebriated giggle.

Propel sighed as she looked over to Spitfire whom was talking to Twilight, which looked like had too much to drink, “Yeah... it is...”
“What's wrong... You don't sound excited about it?” Rainbow-Dash asked in concern. To Rainbow-Dash she couldn't dream why anypony wouldn't like being Spitfire's sister.
“It's just... Before me and my sister joined the Wonderbolts, they were just a flight team. Spitfire was the leadership but I was the brains. I made hundreds upon hundreds of flight formations and when I got up on stage, no one knew who I was...” Stated a depressed Propel.
“Be honest though... You never showed yourself... If you had joined more parties, or were at the shows... instead of staying in that watchtower all the time.” Rainbow-Dash stated as she shot up another shot of punch. Gasping at it's strong affects.

Propel frowned as she took a shot of her own, “Is... it really my fault then? If I had been more... social?”
“Lighten up sis, it's a party!” Spitfire said as she had snucken up from behind. Hearing Propel's last sentence.

Propel was about to say something before Spitfire went to step forward but fell on her face. Propel assumed she had too much and giggled, “You always drink WAY too fast sis...”
“Muuurrmmm mmrr.” Spitfire tried to say even though her mouth was muffled by the floor.
“Come on sis... let's go to our new home...” Propel said trying to pick her sis up.
“Here, let me help.” offered Rainbow-Dash which had trouble getting up from her chair.

Propel hiccuped and giggled, “Guess we all have had too much!”
“Let's get you two home!” Rainbow-Dash said with her own giggle. Propel and Rainbow-Dash taking flight with either hoof on each of Spitfire's sides.


At the cavern:

“So... She tried to kill you? What are you going to do, you have to tell somepony!” Trixie said loudly.
“I am, I'm going to tell Celestia tomorrow.” Soarin stated finishing off his own pie.
“That's... not a good idea... You should tell Luna, she'd be up this late.” said a surprisingly worried Trixie.
“You really think I should?” asked a wide eyed Soarin with small bits of pie all over his muzzle.
“Yeah, Murder shouldn't be taken lightly, Not even the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie would stoop so low!”
“Lower your voice you drunkard!” The bartender yelled to the blue pony.

Trixie stuck out her tongue at the bartender before sighing, “You should tell her...”
“Ok then, I'll go right now then!” Soarin said stepping from his stool. Soarin gasped falling to the floor and holding his head. He had forgotten about the hit he had taken from Specturm. His wonderbolts suit had absorbed the blood and his mane hid it from view. Trixie rushed over to notice the blood, “Soarin! Maybe... you should wait...”

“Hehe... ow my head...” Soarin said in pain trying to get to his hooves.


At Propel's and Spitfire's new home:

Propel and Spitfire had decided on living with one another and like Rainbow-Dash, they had a cloud home up in the sky. Since it was clouds, it was easily built within a week. Rainbow-Dash and Propel tried their best to fly in a straight line which they ended up having to walk to the door once they had gotten up on the cloud. Spitfire fumbled with her key in her mouth as she unlocked the cloud door. The house smelt wonderfully of fresh air and morning dew from the clouds. You could really tell the home was recently manufactured. Which at the moment, none of the three really gave a horse patty. Spitfire passed out the minuted she laid on her bed, which left a very drunk Propel, and Rainbow-Dash.

“You... You... HIC!.. can sleep here... if you want?” Propel said with a small giggle as she leaned up against Rainbow-Dash for support.

Rainbow-Dash only managed to nod with a goofy smile as she followed Propel, “This was originally supposed to be Spitfire's house, so there is only two rooms, you can... HIC... sleep with me.”

Suddenly Rainbow-Dash started giggling loudly as she plopped down on Propel's bed.

“Wha... what's the mat.. matter?” Propel tried to keep her thought processes straight.
“You... Hic... want to sleep with me!” Rainbow-Dash giggled at what she thought was a clever joke.

Because of the alcohol, the joke completely went over her head and she just shrugged it off because all that was on her mind was sleep, and keeping her dinner down. Propel crawled up to Rainbow-Dash and prepared to fall asleep. Propel's eyes shot open when she felt nibbling on her ear. She looked up to notice Rainbow apparently was wide awake and had her wing tightly wrapped around her. Some of Propel's shyness and overconscientious getting the better of herself as she asked, “Rainbow... what are... you doing?”

Rainbow-Dash must not of heard her cause she kept nibbling and wrapping her wing tighter around her torso. Propel's body felt like a ton of bricks and she couldn't bring herself to move away. She burped feeling the acid that was festering on her stomach before her consciousness left her mind.


The next morning in Canterlot:

Trixie had tended to Soarin's head wound and now they had woken early to rush to princess Celestia. They rushed to the castle and the guards grabbed hold of Trixie but not of Soarin, “Sorry, you are not allowed any further!” A white pegasus guard stated, holding Trixie back by his spear.

“Go on without me, Soarin...” Trixie said before grinning, “The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie will await you right here.”

Soarin nodded before rushing on, He entered the royal court to where Celestia was up on the throne. Celestia raised and eyebrow as she asked, “Soarin? What brings you to see me?”

“Celestia, Spectrum... She tried to kill me!”


With Propel in her cloud home:

Propel cracked her eyes open. She was surprised that she didn't have much of a hang over. Though she never really did any of the other times. Guess she was always just lucky like that. Propel yawned and went to stretched but found that something was tightly wrapped around her torso. She looked over and her face flourished a crimson as she saw that the thing holding her still, was Rainbow-Dash's wing. Her body was pressed tightly up against the cyan mare's fur. Making Propel's body tingle with excitement, fear, embarrassment, and overall shyness overwhelming her senses. She started to panic within her mind, mainly because she couldn't remember anything that happened last night. She remembered leaving the party but that was it. Propel's head ached worse and worse the more she tried to remember. Her gut churned as she thought to herself, “Did we... have sex?”

Propel froze as Rainbow-Dash was starting to stir. Propel tried pulling away but to no avail. Rainbow-Dash wasn't having any of that. In the Cyan mare's daze of waking up, she only tightened her grip against the only source of heat she had. Propel was amazed at Rainbow-Dash's strength and she even seemed to be slightly larger than herself. Propel's heart was beating a million beats per minute so it seemed to stop dead when Rainbow turned and looked at her, “Mornin'.”

“Mo... mo... morning...” Propel managed to murmur.
“My achy head!” Rainbow-Dash whinnied as she clutched her head.
“Hold on... I'll get you some aspirin...” Propel stated jumping up and heading to her duffle bag, packed with immediate supplies and pulled out a bottle with her hoof.

She poured two pills out and Rainbow displayed her tongue as Propel fed her the pills. Propel turned to get some water but before she could go anywhere she heard Rainbow-Dash swallow down the pills.

“Thanks...” Rainbow-Dash said lowering her head back onto the cloud bed.
“You can stay here if you like. Wouldn't want you flying home in so much pain.” Propel said as she flew over to the window and pulling the clouds over the window making it non existant. The room grew dark and Rainbow seemed to sigh in relief.

“I'll... just go see how Spitfire is doing...” Propel said trying to hide her blush at the thought of what possibly happened last night.

Propel left the room and hovered down the hall toward Spitfire's room. She couldn't help think to herself, “It wouldn't be the first time... I woke up with a mare in my bed...”

Propel blushed furiously remembering that night. Apparently according to Spitfire. After one of her 'wild' parties, she brought a mare home and they kept her up all night moaning and groaning. Propel pushed the memory from her head and called out since you can't really knock on a cloud door, “Spitfire, may I come in?”

There were only faint groans of pain, and that was Propel's cue to come in. It wouldn't be the first time she would have to nurse her sister back from a hangover, but now she had Rainbow-Dash also to worry about. Propel didn't mind in the least, but she really, REALLY, didn't want to be known as the slut that seduced a drunk Rainbow-Dash. She stepped in and Spitfire forced a smile, “Hello sis.”

“Hangover?” questioned a concerned Propel.
“Just a little... OW...” Spitfire lied about it's intensity as she gripped her head.
“Here... I brought you some aspirin...” Propel stated placing the pills on her tongue like she had done for Rainbow-Dash.

Spitfire swallowed much like Rainbow-Dash had done, without any water. Propel sighed as she sat on the bed next to her sister.

“What's wrong hun?” Spitfire asked with her own concern.

Spitfire had known Propel wasn't one for hangovers, the lucky girl. However, she did know something was bothering her, “I didn't hear any sexual noises if that is what you are worried about?”

Instantly a weight seemed to be lifted off of Propel's chest, “Thank goodness... Maybe I didn't seduce her then?”
“Definitely not, especially since how much of a moaner you are!” Spitfire said in a loud giggle.

Spitfire immediately regretted the laughter as her head pulsed in pain. Propel sat up in front of her sister and gently rubbed the temples of her head. Spitfire moaned in pleasant delight as she murmered, “Thank... you sis...”

Propel didn't reply knowing Spitfire always fell asleep when she does this for her. As soon as Propel heard the faint noise of snoring, she moved away and flew from the room. Returning to check on Rainbow-Dash.


Author's notes: Ok I thought that was long enough for this chapter. I wanted to keep going but I'll just start on the next chapter. Please let me know how you like it. Hopefully it'll be a long and fullfilling story for all to read.