> Doctor Whooves: beyond the void > by rx64 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the dark streets of Hoofington, an elderly stallion gallops through it like he was escaping from somepony. As he gallops street by street, corner by corner and looking back to secure that there is nothing chasing him. He stopped to catch his breath. *huff* *huff* *huff* *huff* As the stallion rest, he felt something cold. It’s like death was staring him in the face. As he tried to move a single hoof, the temperature keeps on getting lower by the second. He never felt fear like this before his entire life. All the things that had happened throughout his life flash before his very eyes, reminiscing each joyful memory like a new born baby. All came to a halt when a strange voice spoke. “For a rusty old stallion, you sure can run.” The strange voice complimented. “What in Tartarus’ name do you want from me?” the old stallion said with a shivering voice. “You know exactly what I want, you old piece of trash!” Replied by the voice. “I don’t know what you mean. But if you want my belongings, here take it!” “HA HA HA HA! YOU THINK THAT I WANT ALL YOUR SHIT YOU CALL VALUABLES? HA HA HA!!!” insulting the old stallion. “Don’t make me laugh. You know exactly what I’m talking about.” “You’re not making any sense!” the old stallion replied immediately. “And if I know anything about it, I will not be giving it to you.” “Wow, that’s a very brave face you got there. Too bad it will be the last thing you will do when I’m through with you.” The strange voice pulls out something from nothing and it put it above the old stallion’s head. It then slowly sucking everything from its victim, from all the information it wants to know and through his innards. Like a spider digesting his victims, the only thing left from the old stallion is his skin. “The fuck is going on here? I’m sure that piece of shit knows everything we want to know!” the voice shouted angrily. And then another voice replied from obscure rant. “Don’t you worry brother, much like the rest of them, he hid it somewhere we cannot pursue it.” “He did what?!” “This is only a minor setback. We almost have all the things that we need but this is the most crucial. So we must take care of it slowly and delicately.” The second voice said calmly. “Oh no, I am not going through this again! We had searched from every realm and every dimensions, I think it’s about time we use this worthless piece of contraption and go on with it.” The first voice replied. “Patience brother, we are nearly in completion. And without this final piece, it will fail before the process even began.” With that, the voices vanish without a trace leaving only the skin of the stallion behind. In this vast universe we call home. Hundreds and thousands of living beings thrive with their own abilities to survive all unforgiving challenges thrown at them. Even the ancient ancestors of the timelords had coped with harsh environment of Gallopfrey before discovering the fabric of time and space. But there is one creature, who has only one mission in his mind, feed. He doesn’t care if its living or non-living, he just consume everything within sight. Every metropolis. Every continent. Every planet. And even every galaxy, he continues to devour them, one by one. As the creature discovered the only thing that will satisfy his unsatiable hunger, the ancient timelords immediately goes into action. Creating a device that will seal the creature beyond the fabric of time and space and even beyond the void itself. Making sure that creature can never escape for eternity. As the creature approaches the medusa cascade, the ancient timelords activated the device and opens a rift on time and space itself sucking the creature in. But before the creature can create any damage inside the rift, they open a second rift that leads to the void and they force the creature inside of it. As the creature fought back for his freedom, the ancient timelords activated a second device to render all his abilities useless. But the impossible had happened, another rift was open inside the void itself and sealing the creature permanently. As they seal the rift from the void, the ancient timelords had a premonition that the creature will be set free by a tribe of unknown origin. So they split the ancient device into 8 pieces and spreading them throughout time and space, and even between each parallel dimensions so that even them can’t find it. The legend of the creature was passed on from generations to generations using old songs and folklore throughout the history of Gallopfrey. Never to be written in text. As time goes by, the legend of the creature slowly vanish. Some of the songs were altered and some of the folklore had disappeared, never to be discovered again. But some who still knew and cherished it searched throughout the vastness of space and hopping between dimensions to search the ancient artifacts. As the timelords discovered the artifacts’ locations, they soon realize that it was protected by a specific type of creatures to protect it. One by one, they told the story of the ancient devourer that is trapped beyond the void. As each tribe listened to their strange visitors, they soon realize the danger of their ancient treasures for them and want it destroy. But a solution was made to ensure the location of the ancient artifacts and no one would be able to discover it. They created the chameleon arc. This arc can render anyone who uses it into any creature they want to be and can have any false memories but losing their own memories and capabilities in the process. The tribes must have a specific item to seal all the information of their guardians and either they destroy it or keep for the next generations. As each tribe uses the arc to seal the ancient artifacts into their past, the tribe from the ancient prophecy has arrived. And one by one they have hunted the guardians and slaughter each tribe in the process. As the nameless tribe travel throughout time and space searching for the lost artifacts, they discovered that ancient enemy has not yet made their attempt to stop them. But little that they know they have already made their move and putting the nameless tribe in a time lock. As time makes his ascendance, the nameless tribe thought of a plan of escaping this motionless prison and making sure that the timelords won’t be their way again. > the first encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *vwoooorm* *vwoooorm* *vwoooorm* *vwoooorm* *thud* “Ah, I landed the TARDIS just perfectly! But I must say, this is a beautiful gar... den? This isn’t Ditzy's house is it?” As soon as the doctor realizes his mistake and rushed inside the TARDIS and quickly made some few adjustments. But before he can twick some last few dials, he felt that the TARDIS is being knock down on purpose. “What in rose name is going on here?” As the doctor checked what is happening outside of the TARDIS. “What am ah doin’? Ah’m knockin’ this blue box thingy down if that what you’re askin’.” As the blond earth pony explained. “Well that was unnecessary, and beside this blue box thingy is my space ship if you don’t me asking.” As the doctor explained to the blond earth pony that is somehow confused to all the things that he just said. “If that blue box thingy is really a space ship, then where are all the fancy-smansy thingamajigs?” “Thingama-what now?” “You know all that fancy science stuff.” “Ok I will tell you everything you want to know but first things first, do you have something eat?” “Well shucks, we have all kinds of food here in sweet apple acres. Why don’t you follow me and ah will fetch you somethin’ to bite.” As the doctor follows this strange orange pony, he suddenly notices her cutie mark and ask “If don’t mind me asking miss but what is your special talent suppose to be?” “What do you mean by that partner?” ask by the orange earth pony ready to kick him to oblivion. “Well not much exactly but I notice that you have a lot of apple trees around and nothing more. And then I notice that your cutie mark, sorry for staring by the way, and I can’t just figure it out what your special talent is? You have three apples and then what? I’m still figuring out this cutie mark thing really, and you have one of the strangest yet (aside from Ditzy).” “Ah don’t what you mean by that but Ah can tell what cutie mark is and what it represents.” As the orange pony tells the story on how she got her cutie mark, the doctor has been thinking why the TARDIS landed here in a farm land full of apple trees and with this strange earth pony with three apples as a cutie mark. Nothing can snap the doctor in his trance until “OW!” “Are you alright their sugarcube?” as the orange pony ask with a smirk in her face. “I’m quite alright thank you. Where are we anyway?” the doctor asked. “Well this here is the apple family barn house.” As the orange pony was saying it with pride. “But before ah forget, what your name partner?” she ask curiously. “I’m the doctor.” Saying it abruptly “Doctor of what exactly?” she asked more curious that before. “Well just the doctor. And how about you, what is your name if you don’t mind me asking?” as the doctor asked with confusion in his own mind with all the things that is happening right now. “Mah name is Apple Jack kind sir and a proud member of the apple family.”Saying it loud and proud. “Nice to meet you miss Apple Jack. If you won’t mind I must be leaving.” As the doctor was in a rush. “Don’t be rushin’ and leave now. And ah thought you were hungry.” “I am but with this big farm and your big family, I’m sure that I will just be intervening with all the activities you’re been doing.” He explained himself. “Don’t you be worrying about that sugarcube, ah’m alone here in this farm until next week with all the family crisis and that.” As Apple Jack explained. “All alone? Then how do you harvest all of these apples? I’m sure you have some help with someone you know.” “Yup, you’re right about one thing their doctor. I don’t harvest all of these apples by myself any more; I learned my lesson about that the hard way. But before that, let’s eat!” In the table, there is a lot of delicacies Apple Jack prepared for the stranger. There’s apple pie, apple fritter, apple tart, apple cake, apple strudel, caramel apple and everything in between. But as soon as they finish eating, the doctor ask Apple Jack about her family being away for so long. “Well about that, my uncle Apple Barrel was found in an alleyway in Hoofington.” “Is he alright?” the doctor asked with straight face. “No, he isn’t.” As she continue to tell the story. “What have they found in the alleyway?” as the doctor is looking for clues in some point. As Apple Jack mourn for her late uncle, she wipe her face off and continued the story. “They only found his skin and nothin’ more.” After hearing this grim story, the doctor decides to investigate for himself to know what is going on in Hoofington. “Don’t worry Apple Jack, I’ll know the bottom of this case or my name isn’t the doctor!” “Whoa there smart guy, where do you think you’re goin’?” Apple Jack asked. “After hearing your story miss Apple Jack, I am intrigue on the fact that they only found a skin and no clues was found. "Doesn’t make a little bit curious?” he asked. “Now that ah think about it, yeah it is strange.” “And with that, I’m off.” “Wait a dang toothin’ minute! How the hay are you supposed to get to Hoofington? It’s about an hour train ride and ah don’t think you will make it in time.” As she under estimate this strange earth pony with an hour glass as a cutie mark. “Remember the blue box thingy that you’re kicking before we met.” “Yeah, how about ‘em?” “Well come with me and find out for yourself.” Dared by the doctor to Apple Jack who seems to be determined by this entire predicament. “Alrighty then but if you do anything fancy-smansy sciency stuff, ah ma buck you right in the eye. Got that?” Apple Jack threat to the doctor but he doesn’t to be affected by all that. As they approach the TARDIS, Apple Jack stop even before the doctor touching its door. “Are we clear about the things we talk about earlier?” Apple Jack says to the doctor with worries in her mind. “Don’t worry you about that, I don’t forget. Now come on, adventure awaits.” Ah the doctor says wittingly. “But just you remember if you do something fancy, ah ma... gonna... buck you... right in the.” As Apple Jack steps in the TARDIS, she is amazed and confused at the same time. She keeps running back and forth as the doctor watches with amazement on the reaction of her new found assistant/companion. “How in tarnation is this thing is bigger in the inside?”