Captain Equestria: The First Wonderbolt

by ShamrocknRoll

First published

The CMC try to uncover the first Wonderbolt

The Cutie Mark Crusaders and their new member Dinky Doo have been assigned a group biography on a pony that was important to Equestrian history. The four quickly decide to do Captain Equestria, an old war hero in the first Changeling War that was given powers by the top secret Super Stallion Serum. When Queen Chrysalis and her husband King Cocoon come back for another war and the Changelings have secretly replaced many of Equestria's political figures and heroes including the Mane 6 with impostors. The Cutie Mark Crusaders (along with Rainbow Dash) must find the first and only trustworthy pony to help them fight a war that they have no idea who to trust... Captain Equestria!

Note: This isn't a Crossover but it is inspired by Marvel's Captain America and the Secret Invasion Marvel storyline. I repeat this isn't a crossover. Just inspired by the two.

Journalism and Book Reports

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The Cutie Mark Crusaders along with their new member, Ditsy the mailmare's daughter Dinky Doo walked into the Ponyville Library. Their teacher Cheerilee have just assigned them to make a group biography on ponies that made Equestria the world that it had became. Silver Spoon, Rumble, Pipqueak and Diamond Tiara were doing Celestia. Twist, Snips, Snails and Featherweight were doing multi-medalist in the Iron Pony Competition, Steel Shoes the Unbreakable. The four fillies were really stuck on who to research and report on. The four of them rushed to the reference desk where Roseluck and Minty were the librarians. The Crusaders didn't know the two well but they needed some help.

“Excuse me, but who would you view as an amazing pony in the history of Equestria?” Sweetie Belle asked. Applebloom nodded.

“The pony has to be cool.” Applebloom demanded. “No namby pamby ponies that made a new fashion style.” Sweetie Belle glared at that remark.

“And heroic.” Dinky chimed in. “We want this pony to do something everypony can admire. Not just certain ponies.”

“And finally patriotic.” Scootaloo requested. “That should get us bonus points for Cheerilee.”

“Very well. We will help you find that. Cheerilee told us that you would want someone that could be like this.” Minty and Roseluck started looking for books in the biography section and the Cutie Mark Crusaders followed. The Crusaders saw a paperback book that had a muscular green Pegasus stallion in barding of all the colors of the three species of ponies; purple, blue, green and brown on the cover. In his mouth was a vibrant multicolored shield with a unicorn head, a pegasus head and an earth pony head on it. His mane was purple, blue and brown and what made him stick out was that he lacked a cutie mark.

“Who's that?” Dinky asked.

“Oh, that's Captain Equestria.” Roseluck answered as she took out the book from the shelf. “He was a war hero in the First Changeling War against Queen Chrysalis and King Cocoon.”

“You mean the Changelings attacked before they went after Celestia and Shining Armor?” Sweetie Belle asked. Minty nodded.

“It was way before you fillies were born. Maybe even before your sisters were born.” Minty answered.

“What about my sister?” Applebloom asked. “She's the oldest you know?”

“Is not.”

“Is too.”

“Who cares? Let's get these books.” Scootaloo butted in as she scanned the bookshelves for Captain Equestria books. She shoveled three of them into a basket. Applebloom took the book Roseluck had. Dinky and Sweetie Belle took out their library cards and checked out the books that their friends chose. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Dinky went back to their tree house and began to read about Captain Equestria who fought against the Changelings wayy back when. While Applebloom decided to go back to Sweet Apple Acres so she could ask Granny Smith about Captain Equestria.

“Wow, he was the first Wonderbolt.” Scootaloo said as she munched on some Nightmare Night candy. “Now I know why pegasi have such a strict standard on flying.”

“Look at this, his weapon was a shield made out of Palominoum.” Sweetie Belle said as she turned a book to her friend and showed them the shield Captain Equestria had on the cover. “He also ingested a unique potion made by Professor Ridgling and the legendary Star Swirl the Bearded called the Super Stallion Serum making him strong as 10 stallions.”

“This guy was amazing!” Dinky Doo yelled. “Look at this he fought a Changeling agent named Camoflague. Who was the best covert operators in history.” A familiar posh tone was heard outsite the tree house. The three Crusaders looked outside and saw their two nemisi teasing Applebloom.

“Look Silver Spoon, the blank flanks are so desperate to beat us on grades they picked a fictional character.” Diamond Tiara smirked. “Evidence that blank flanks are dumber than us cutie markers.”

“Indeed, so sad I thought you would be an actual challenge.” Silver Spoon added as she snorted to punctuate her disgust. “You do know Captain Equestria was just a propaganda idea for Equestria against the Changelings right?” The two fillies trotted away giggling with malicious intent.

“Just you wait you, you big meanies!” Scootaloo yelled. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had their spirits dashed and their heads fell in defeat. Applebloom climbed up into the club house with some notes from Granny Smith's memory.

“What if they're right? What if Captain Equestria was just a myth and made to energize the Equestrian war front?” Scootaloo asked.

“He couldn't have been.” Dinky said trying to reassure herself and her friends. “There' s too much proof that he did exist. Besides Minty and Roseluck wouldn't have lied to us.” Applebloom placed her hoof on her chin. There had to be somebody that could help them prove that Captain Equestria existed. The real question was who. Applebloom smiled, as she realized she had a friend who had connections to none other than access to the history of the Equestrian military. Twilight Sparkle and her brother Shining Armor.

“We must travel to Canterlot team, Twilight and her brother have to have information on the Super Stallion Serum and Captain Equestria!” Applebloom yelled. “I mean Twilight's a genius and her brother is the leader of the military, this is perfect.”

“But we don't have enough bits Applebloom.” Sweetie Belle pointed out. “Unless you have rainy day bits somewhere.”

“You forgot I have a grandmother.” Applebloom said as she pulled piut a satchel containing fourty bits in it.

“Applebloom you're a genius.” Dinky said. “This is enough for four tickets. To Canterlot and a sneak peak at the Super Stallion Serum. Maybe even some insider information. Everypony in Equestria will be envious.” With that, the Cutie Mark Crusaders trotted off to the station, awaiting the train they bumped into Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash.

“Oh hello there Cutie Mark Crusaders.” Twilight said. “We were going to a...”

“Wonderbolt flying show at Canterlot.” Rainbow Dash said. “I got a flight test as well there. Want to come along?”

“Sorry we're on school duty. We're trying get information on Captain Equestria and the Super Stallion Serum that Shining Armor has and guards.” Rainbow Dash looked sheepishly and looked away from the Crusaders.

“Captain Equestria? You do know he was just propaganda footage? The Super Stallion Serum, the shield, the fact he was the first.”

“Wonderbolt.” Rainbow Dash said lacking the passion in her voice. “Look the train's here, let's go together.” The six ponies went inside the train and the Crusaders were excited to start their research.

The Super Stallion Serum

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The Crusaders looked out the window of the train. Scootaloo looked at Rainbow Dash, who was still sullen. As if mentioning the hero of the Changeling War stirred up some trauma in her life. She wasn't the Rainbow Dash she looked up to anymore, she wondered why did Rainbow Dash change suddenly?

“Look I know you four are excited for the fact you are going to visit my brother. But he's a captain of the guard. Not a super stallion, he doesn't have anything like that in his archives, or his possession and Princess Celestia did not create Captain Equestria in real life. She made it to keep the war effort running.” Twilight Sparkle said. “I'm here to tell you while Cheerilee might entertain your imaginations. But me and my brother won't. I'm sure Rainbow Dash is with me right.” Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, yeah Captain Equestria is fake. The first Wonderbolt was...” Rainbow Dash muttered something inaudible. She looked at the Captain Equestria book Scootaloo was holding.

“So what's your favorite adventure of The Cap?” Rainbow Dash asked Scootaloo, trying to lighten her own meloncholy. Twlight sneered at her friend's gesture.

“I liked it when he fought off the Changeling Baron Von Pupa. The one with the mechanically enhanced hooves.”

“Ahhh.” Rainbow Dash sighed as she looked out the window.

“I swear, I'll prove to you Captain Equestria existed. Remember when you said Pinkie Pie's Pinkie Sense didn't exist?” Dinky Hooves asked Twilight Sparkle. “We'll do the same.”

“Look.” Sweetie Belle said as she pointed her hoof north. “Canterlot's up ahead.” Applebloom beamed with intensity, as if her cutie mark was up ahead. “Quills ready girls, we're getting our cutie marks today.” Twilight started to part ways with the Crusaders but she saw Rainbow Dash walking with the Crusaders.

“Rainbow, what are you doing? Don't you like the Wonderbolts?” Twilight asked.

“Yes but its Captain Equestria. Next to Daring Doo, the best pony ever created.” Rainbow Dash answered. “Besides he was the first Wonderbolt. Plus Rarity and Applejack are going to hold us responsible if anything happens to their sisters.” Rainbow Dash was taken aback by this. Did she just turn down a Wonderbolt show? Did she just sound responsible? Either way Raibow Dash felt like she was maturing. Ever since she started reading she felt a duty to mature as a pony and watching over the Crusaders was a a sign of maturity to her. “So Fillies, do you know where to go for this project?”

“No but we can find somepony to help us.” Dinky answered as the five trotted around looking for a royal guard to ask about the Super Stallion Serum. All the five mares got were chuckles and looks of “Are you insane?” The five looked around looking for Shining Armor. Rainbow Dash decided to open a door that was labeled “Royal Guards and Royalty only”.

“Are you sure this is legal Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked her mentor.

“Only if you want the best book report biography ever.” Rainbow Dash said as she winked at her charges. The five soon sidled near Shining Armor, who was instructing a new recruit that was a vaguely familiar blue unicorn next to a large metal door with a symbol that was the same as Captain Equestria's shield on it.

“Now Ms Lulamoon, you do know that the thing you are guarding isn't just Equestrian history. It is the biggest mystery of science Equestria has ever made. Dr. Saddlewood was a pony who helped us win the Changeling War.” Shining Armor said. “You may be new, but you are genuine in turning a new leaf and have potential to be a very powerful unicorn. This is why I am telling you to guard the Super Stallion Serum.”

“I understand completely.” The Unicorn responded. “The Great and Powerful Trixie will guard this with The Great and Powerful Trixie's life.” The Crusaders and Rainbow Dash rushed towards Trixie and Shining Armor when the discussion ended. Rainbow Dash's wings went up in excitement. She found the proof of her hero's existence. Daring Doo she knew didn't exist, but the fact that Captain Equestria's existence was the biggest

“Shining Armor!” The Crusaders yelled. “You gave us the evidence we need to prove to everybody that The Super Stallion Serum exists.” Dinky pulled out her camera and shot a picture of the door.

“Can we see the serum? Please?” Applebloom asked.

“Yeah I mean you have a guard that you can trust.” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

“Why are you in a classified area of Canterlot Castle?” Shining Armor asked the five mares.

“We're doing a biographical book report on Captain Equestria. We need to prove to everybody that he exists and for that we need a photo of the Super Stallion Serum.” Dinky said.

“We promise we won't touch it.” Rainbow Dash assured.

“Well despite breaking security protocols. I guess I can make an exception as you fillies have a chaperone. Plus it can make a case for Celestia to increase the defense budget.” Shining Armor thought out loud. Shining Armor placed his Hoof on all three of the symbols of the three pony species and the door opened. On a pedestal was a vial of platinum colored fluid.

“Wow.” Trixie said as she stood awestruck at her post.

“It's pretty.” Sweetie Belle said. Dinky took five pictures of the vial.

“Is that the Super Stallion Serum that made Captain Equestria?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yes. And we ponies have yet to replicate it.” Shining Armor answered. “Sadly Dr. Sandlewood died before she could share the secrets with Celestia and well, the Changelings were on to us and destroyed the machine.”

“Can we interview you about what you know about the Changeling War?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Sure.” Shining Armor answered. “Trixie, can you close the door

“No you cannot!” The six ponies turned to see Spike and Twilight Sparkle behind them looking furious. Twilight was the owner of that voice.

“The Train to Ponyville is half an hour away.” Spike said. “We have to leave now.”

“Yeah, we have so many things to do. Including list making.” Twilight Sparkle huffed. Rainbow Dash smelled something in the town of Przewalotte. Twilight and Spike were supposed to be at the Wonderbolt show which went until nightfall, and they don't end early. Nor were her friends usually this grouchy.

“Look Twilight it won't take all day.” Shining Armor said trying to defuse the situation. The six ponies all went out of the room that contained the serum and sat down to begin the interview. However, before it started there was a huge CRASH coming from the Serum room and the group ran back as fast as possible. They saw that Twilight and Spike gone, Trixie tied up in a spider-web like material and most frightening, the Serum gone.

Setting up a Base

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“This isn't good.” Shining Armor said. “This means that my sister and Spike were...”

“You adversarial neighborhood Changeling soldiers!” Shining Armor and the Crusaders plus Rainbow Dash turned around and saw two arachnid-like changelings that looked a lot different than the ones that were fought at Shining Armors wedding. They had eight spidery legs and long fangs dripping with an acidy substance.

“Get behind me team.” Shining Armor said. “Rainbow free Trixie.”

“Got it.” Rainbow dashed towards the rookie unicorn guard and freed her. The five ponies stayed behind Shining Armor. As he strategically circled the two changelings into the room where the Serum was once in and the ponies were in the hallway.

“The four civilians run for it, Lulamoon cover them.”

“But...” Trixie started.

“That's an order!” Shining Armor yelled as he was pounced on by the bigger of the changelings. The other one charged at Trixie who started to gallop with the other ponies, firing mystic bolts from her horn at them. The chiton-covered spindly legs of the spider got vaporized into sickly green glowing blood. However the legs suddenly regenerated. Trixie gulped and galloped faster and caught up to the four civilian ponies.

“We got to get back to the train, that will lead us to Ponyville.” Sweetie Belle said. Applebloom and Scootaloo nodded. “They probably will loose us in a crowd. Plus they're mooks. They will also pause to report to the King Cocoon and Queen Crysalis.”

“Hold on Fillies.” Rainbow Dash huffed. “What if the conductor is a changeling. Who knows how many Changelings are in Equestria now?”

“True, I mean think about it. If they have infiltrated Canterlot, Ponyville and the other cities would've been a piece of cake.” Trixie said. “I have a place in the Everfree Forest that I used before I was recruited by Shining Armor we can use for our base. We won't be able to trust anypony in Ponyville.”

“Makes sense.” Rainbow Dash replied. The ponies unanimously deviated from their original course and ran straight for the forest.

“Do you think Babs Seed can be trusted?”Applebloom asked her elders.

“Possibly, the Changelings are probably aiming towards the high ranking ponies. Babs is a filly just like you four.” Trixie answered. The six ponies stopped as they entered the Everfree Forest to recover from running. “I must get back to Canterlot and try to discern ponies from changelings. Here's a map to my old house. Stay safe.” Trixie said as she gave a map to Rainbow Dash, threw down some green powder and gallopped away. The five civilian ponies were alone and defenseless.

“We have to find this place soon.” Dinky said looking over at Rainbow Dash's map. “I think the Changelings will come and look for us in here soon.”

“If they haven't already started looking in here.” Scootaloo said as she looked down and saw some prints that looked insectoid that were coupled with a trail of green slime between them.

“This isn't good.” Applebloom said. “Where is the house Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow Dash swallowed, she knew she had to be responsible and couldn't mess up. She never had any responsibilty that was this high stakes. She had to make every choice matter on what she did. She was needed in this group of five. She looked at her map, realizing that Trixie's old house was the direction that the prints went in.

“The choice is yours Chief.” Scootaloo told Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash nodded.

“Stay here you four.” Rainbow Dash said as she jumped off the ledge they were on and focused her mind. She had to get into the groove to pull off a low altitude Sonic Rainboom. “There's no need to fear. Rainbow Dash is here.” She visioned her zooming through the air like she always did when she performed this artistic ariel ability. She started to gallop then leapt and quickly thrusted herself and her wings flapped quickly and she suddenly activated the Sonic Rainboom not even a meter above the ground. With the speed she gathered and was going at she ran literally through the Changeling soldiers, cleaving them in half as she was covered in green blood. Rainbow Dash motioned to the Crusaders to advance.

“Well there's Trixie's old place.” Dinky said as she walked in followed by her friends and finally Rainbow Dash. The knob in the tree was small but serviceable as a base. Rainbow Dash looked through the closets and found a box of candy canes. However, Rainbow Dash realized from some reading she did from Twilight's bookshelf that these were Communication Canes, a confection that allowed communication mentally to all who have eaten them. She gave one to each of the Crusaders and one to herself.

“Consider everybody, even your parents compromised.” Rainbow Dash said as she started to munch on her cane. “Now let's head back to Ponyville and pretend nothing happened. But there is trouble in the wind so don't let your guard down.” The five trotted into Ponyville and Rainbow Dash left the Crusaders to their own devices so she can clear the sky of clouds. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were crestfallen that they had to fight against an invasion where they could trust no one. Maybe not even themselves. The hung their heads low and they accidently bumped into the friendly neighborhood Garbagepony, Street Sweeper. Sweeping away with his multi-colored dust bin and broom.

“Hello me good smiling friends.” Street Sweeper chuckled to the Crusaders. Street Sweeper was a kind, old, Earth Pony stallion who wore coveralls of a dark blue color and wore an engineer's hat that covered his mane. He always was there for the Crusaders when they were teased due to their blank flanks sometimes even sayting he was a blank flank himself. However, the Crusaders assumed he was just humoring them. “Why the long faces?”

“You wouldn't believe us if we told you.” Applebloom told Street Sweeper.

“Try me, this old stallion has seem some weird things in his life.” Street Sweeper said. Applebloom cleared her throat and was about to explain but she was interrupted by Dinky.

“Changelings are invading Equestria secretly and we have no idea who to trust. Not even our parents.” Dinky spilled. Street Sweeper raised an eyebrow.

“Don't be silly. The Changelings have realized that they can't defeat Equestria. First good old Captain Equestria defeated them then Cadance defeated them. They can't possibly try again.” Street Sweeper said. “Go home and I'm sure your parents will help you sort out your overactive imaginations.” With those words the four Crusaders returned to their respective homes. Nervous about school the next day.

Other Allies

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Applebloom and her friends met up at school near her locker. The three knew too much about the invasion the changelings and they realized they could trust no one. Not even Cheerilee, their trusted teacher. “I'm scared.” Sweetie Belle told her friends. “I mean who knows. Cheerilee might be the mastermind behind all of this.”

“Too small apples.” Dinky said cool as a cucumber. “A school teacher is good for propaganda, however Canterlot's the big cheese of Equestria. If Changelings wanted to take us over, a school teacher would be just one minor cog in a machine.”

“Which is why we have to find Captain Equestria and the Super Stallion Serum.” Sweetie Belle pointed out. The Crusaders and Rainbow Dash seemed to be the only ones who knew about anything about the secret invasion of the changelings. Who knew if Celestia or Luna were already compromised. Rainbow Dash was doing her best to look into that rumor.

“Rainbow Dash is handling finding the Serum. Its up to us to find Captain Equestria.” Scootaloo said. Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara trotted over the four Crusader members.

“Still going on about Captain Equestria? He's just a myth. Then again you are blank flanks and they never learn.” Silver Spoon said.

“Yeah, no wonder Cheerilee has asked you four to see her before class.” Diamond Tiara sneered. “She had to tell you that you can't pick a mythical pony.” The Crusaders frowned, all the work and research for nothing. “She's in the auditorium.” The Crusaders slowly walked to the auditorium, crestfallen at this development.

“Isn't it weird that Cheerilee is in the auditorium and not in her classroom?” Dinky said. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

“Define bad feeling.” Applebloom stated. “Like spoiled apple cider bad feeling in your stomach or skunk juice bath bad feeling?”

“Like Changeling plot bad.” Dinky whispered. “I mean children are the future and who has access to the future for six hours a day? Plus if she has said we can't do Captain Equestria what does that say?”

“That maybe Captain Equestria doesn't exist?” Scootaloo asked. “Despite her admiration for Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo was slowly starting to think maybe The Captain never existed or at least didn't exist anymore. “Maybe we were wrong, maybe our patriotism blinded us to the reality.”

“Nope, maybe she's trying to censor us.” Dinky said.

“Dinky, you said that when the Filly Scouts gave you the wrong cookies.” Applebloom pointed out. Dinky was known for being somewhat of a conspiracy theorist.

“THAT'S a conspiracy and you know it.” Dinky countered. Street Sweeper passed the fillies again and smiled at them.

“Good morning fillies how are you today? Hope your parents told you all about the Changeling War.” Street Sweeper told them. The Crusaders hung their heads and shook them. “Aww well, let Mr. Street Sweeper tell you about the Changeling War during recess. I mean Captain Equestria wasn't the only hero in the war.” With a chuckle Street Sweeper continued his job. “By the way, why are you listening to those bullies? I just cleaned the auditorium and nopony was in there.”

“Wow thank you Street Sweeper.” Applebloom said.

“My pleasure fillies.” With that, the four crusaders went to class, learning about science. Sweetie Belle kept notes, wondering if maybe simple science could help foil the evil changeling plot. After class, the four Crusaders agreed each had to have a job if they had a chance of surviving this. Sweetie Belle was the archivist, Scootaloo was the scout, Dinky was the tactition and Applebloom was the main soldier. They went to recess and saw Street Sweeper sitting on the grass eating hay fries, he looked up and saw the four fillies. “Hello again my good smiling fillies. So who wants to hear about my story about the Changeling War?”

“Wait you are a veteran?” Applebloom asked. Street Sweeper nodded.

“Sergeant Street Sweeper, I was Captain Equestria's second in command in his squad. When he wasn't going solo or with his buddy Biscuit.” Street Sweeper elaborated. “We had some great adventures we did. So why are you still worried about the changelings?”

“The Super Stallion Serum was stolen.” Applebloom said.

“Canterlot has been infiltrated by Changelings.” Sweetie Belle added.

“The only safe place is the Everfree Forest. But not for long, the only reason we're here is because we have to keep our knowledge a secret. Plus it seems you're no Changeling, you would've killed us if you were.” Scootaloo chimed in.

“You fillies have very much been reading too much comic books. I mean I love comics, but there is definitely too much of a good thing.” Street Sweeper pointed out.

“Things always come in three Street Sweeper. Call me a pony who has apophenia or a nutcase but lets see. Changeling War, Chrysalis trying to crash Shining Armor's wedding, who knows what King Cocoon is doing, remember he wasn't there.” Dinky pointed out. “He's probably very angry we got rid of his wife.” Street Sweeper placede his hoof to his chin. He was about to say something but the bell rang, recess was over. Scootaloo felt something in her mane and looked up, it was a piece of paper that said: “Meet me after school by the flagpole. -Street Sweeper.”