> If Her Majesty Wishes > by Liquid_Rainbows > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > If Her Majesty Wishes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If Her Majesty Wishes By Liquid Rainbows "Atten-HUT!" The line of royal guards stomped their right fore-hooves in unison. The gray pegasus drill instructor was marching along the row, analyzing each of the new recruits as he passed. At the end of the line was the newest recruit, Sunny Days. He was an awkward, quiet earth pony stallion who happened to be the only new member in the most recent recruitment. Because of this, he was isolated from the rest of the group. He hadn't been with his peers since the first day, and so everyone had already grouped off into their own cliques, so to say. But Sunny had promised his parents he would make something of himself, and so here he was. Sunny was more than a little nervous. He felt trapped within his armor, his yellow coat shrouded in metal, his dark brown mane hidden by the helmet. It made him claustrophobic. Don't think like that, Sunny, he encouraged himself, You just have to stand up tall and look determined. The drill instructor reached the edge of the line and glared at Sunny. Sunny was...average. Not exceptionally strong or tough, but he was acceptable. Mostly. Sunny felt his nerves getting wracked as the instructor looked him up and down, scowling. It felt like an eternity before the pegasus finally turned away and began marching down the line again, shouting at the more rowdy recruits. Sunny let out a sigh of relief, happy that he hadn't been selected to be the victim of the instructors frequent angry tirades. It was better, Sunny felt, not to be noticed, rather than getting negative attention. After a few more minutes, a loud whistle blew, signaling that it was time for dinner break. The sun was lowering in the sky, and the guards were happy to finally be through with training for the day. Sunny kept his head down, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention. He and the others filed into a the large mess hall, moving towards the food line. Sunny stayed towards the back of the food line, waiting patiently to get his ration. A few minutes and a tray of food later, Sunny took a seat with four other recruits, whose names he could only remember two of which. One was Dusty, and the other was Miles. Sunny quietly ate his dinner, mostly listening to the rest of them talk about different things. The conversation eventually drifted to the topic of life back home. Their old hobbies, hometowns, and families. Sunny grew uncomfortable as their chatter shifted in the direction of marefriends. Sunny had a marefriend once, a long time ago, but they never got very far in their relationship. "I have a lover back home," Dusty recalled, reminiscing on the world he had left behind, "She's a sweet lass, that one. Real lively, too. I can't tell you how many times she pounced me when I came home from working the sawmill." The stallions around the table laughed heartily. Sunny shrank down in his seat, afraid of where the conversation was headed. "I've never been one to commit to a long term relationship," Miles explained, grinning, "Me? I prefer to pick up mares at the club and give 'em one-nighters." Again, laughing around the table. Sunny sunk a little deeper. This time, one of the recruits who Sunny didn't know spoke up. A brown pegasus with droopy eyes. "Why, the night 'fore Ah left to come here, this fine young girl from next door gave me a very special goodbye, if y'all catch my drift." Howls all around. As the next stallion spoke, Sunny noticed that the conversation was moving in a circle around the table, and next in line was Sunny himself. "I'm gonna agree with Miles on this one," The black coated earth pony exclaimed, "I like taking my mares one a week. No one girl is gonna tie me down!" Miles nodded in agreement and grinned as the rest of the recruits around the table laughed at the black stallions vulgarity. Soon, as the laughter died down, Sunny could feel someponies eyes turning on him. "Hows' about you, Sunny?" A voice said. Sunny looked up from his hooves, which he had been intently focusing on, and saw that all eyes at the table were on him. "Oh, me? I-I, er..." Before Sunny could really embarrass himself, the whistle blowed and all the ponies in the mess hall began rising from their tables. After dinner was recreational time, which meant he got to slip away. In his head, Sunny thanked Celestia for this act of mercy. He didn't know how he could possibly have told them that he was a virgin. It was humiliating. By "never got very far in their relationship," it meant the two had never had sex. Sunny did find it hard sometimes, still fantasizing constantly about what is might feel like. While most stallions his age had already been laid, and thus didn't feel the need to lust after every mare they saw, Sunny was an exception. Sunny knew what sex looked like, mostly from the magazines he had snuck into the house during his youth, but he knew that experiencing it was an entirely different story. It also made him feel weak and insecure, that all the others had been able to hook up while he had not. It made him nervous around females, particularly of the attractive variety. His hormones were begging him to find a mate, but Sunny had neither the courage nor the self confidence to pull it off. As the sun began setting in the west, many guards in training left to the recreation hall to play games or just hang out. Sunny only opened himself up around people he knew, and thus had a small group of good friends back home, but in this alien place, he couldn't bring himself to enter the hall with the others. Instead, Sunny crept away towards the barracks as he always did. He'd only been here about three weeks, but he hadn't yet spent his recreation time with anyone else but himself. The entire military training complex was located on a patch of land beside the royal Canterlot palace, and Sunny enjoyed catching views of the splendid place on his way to the barracks. He idly wondered what Princess Celestia, whom he had given oath to protect, was doing at the moment. Despite himself, Sunny relished his time alone in the barracks, undisturbed and unconcerned that he might be interrupted. Sunny found his bunk in the room on the end. He shared this room with three other recruits, but none of them were here at the moment. Sunny snaked his way into the bottom bunk on the left, lying on his back and soaking in the silence. He usually used this time to think or to read, but today was one of the days he wanted to "take care of business." Painting the image of a sultry mare in his mind, Sunny used his hoof to relieve himself of the stresses he felt. Despite how good it was, Sunny had a deep rooted sadness that no real mare had been with him like this, and he was always forced to resort to his hoof for stimulation. Sunny used one of his wash clothes to climax into, quickly washing it clean in the sinks afterwards. As Sunny flopped back onto his bed and drifted into sleep, he thought to himself; one day... Everything was quickly brought into focus as the morning whistle was blown. It was Sunny's least favorite time of the day. The beginning. The other recruits dragged themselves from bed and let their hooves carry them to the washrooms, bleary eyed. Sunny was particularly tired this morning, and rather than rising from bed, he decided to rest for another five minutes. I've got fifteen minutes until the second whistle, he thought to himself, resting his eyes, what's the harm? Everything around Sunny grew dark and quiet. Most recruits were donning their armor and leaving the barracks now. Sunny enjoyed the brief moment to himself, unwary of the possibility that sleep would find him again. And alas, it did. As Sunny lay on the bed, sleep crept up slowly and knifed him in the back. All was darkness, for a time. Light returned when another loud whistle blew, waking Sunny from his slumber. His eyes grew wide and he leaped from his bed, frantically trying to clasp his armor on. It was then that Sunny felt a warmth in his groin. Dammit! Sunny remembered what he had been dreaming of. He did his best to ignore the hardness down below, and not to the think about what he had been fantasizing of his slumber. To Sunny's shock, the sun was higher in the sky than he expected. No, no, NO! He hadn't just missed the second morning whistle, he had missed breakfast and the first hour of training. Galloping as fast as his legs could carry him, Sunny ignored his growing nervousness and rushed out of the barracks door, toward the training field. Sunny found that the recruits were lined up again, and not for the first time thanked Celestia for the mercy. Sunny swiftly and silently took his stance at the end of the row. The morning sun was bright in the sky, and Sunny's panting slowly died down. The recruit next to him leaned over and whispered. "You, my friend, are one lucky bastard." Sunny did his best to stand up tall and look like everything was in order. He couldn't help but shift uncomfortably from the boner that was only now going away. The image of a mare, head between his legs, looking into his eyes, was still fresh in his mind. All thoughts, though, were dispelled as the drill instructor reached the end of the row, staring Sunny down. "Recruit. I don't recall seeing you this morning. Care to explain?" Sunny instantly started sweating nervously. "Well S-Sir, I, uh, d-do believe I was here." The instructor frowned, leaning close towards Sunny's face. He held his scowl for a full minute, before suddenly chuckling. "Well, I'm not surprised." The instructor explained. "It seems a weak, USELESS, STUTTERING MAGGOT LIKE YOU WOULD BE EASY NOT TO NOTICE!" Sunny cringed backwards. The drill instructor stared at him for another moment, huffing, before finally marching back down to towards the other end of the line. Sunny couldn't even sigh in relief, instead standing as still as possible. After about ten more minutes of standing and being berated by the instructor, the recruits were ordered to jog towards the running track. Once they all reached the large oval tack, they were ordered to stand side by side at the starting line. Sunny had always been average at the track, and wasn't to concerned that something horrible would happen. The instructor blew the whistle, and the guards began galloping forward. Sunny actually enjoyed the freedom of running. Back home, he had always galloped when he had time to spare, letting the wind flow through his lungs and jostle his mane. Of course, with the helmet on, there would be no mane jostling here. Nonetheless, Sunny ran happily along the field, about halfway between the fastest runner, and the slowest. Sunny, in a random burst of energy, decided to pick up his pace, pushing forward as fast as he could. Despite the burning in his legs and lungs, Sunny managed to bring himself into third place, galloping alongside the second place runner. The instructor always said it wasn't a race, but that was a lie, and everypony knew it. The guard beside Sunny was a tough looking stallion. He was one of the rowdy recruits, always getting yelled at. But, of course, he had formed his own little gang amongst the trainees, as all jerks seemed to. He was dark gray with darker blue eyes, and seemed concerned that Sunny had the potential to pass him. Sunny continued pushing forward, determined to beat the gray recruit. He was sick and tired of being put down by the others, and wanted to at least say he was good at running, if nothing else. The gray recruit smiled at Sunny wickedly. Sunny didn't have time to wonder what was going on when he gray recruit stuck out his right foreleg, tripping Sunny as he tried to pass. Sunny flipped frontwards and lay on the track, dazed. He could almost see stars circling his head. After a few moments, Sunny started dragging himself back up, the other recruits passing right by him. By the time Sunny had pulled himself up and was running again, he was in dead last, and stayed in last till the end, despite his best efforts. When Sunny finally reached the end, panting, the gray recruit walked by him haughtily, a cocky smile on his face. Sunny could only catch his breath dejectedly. The angry looking drill instructor marched up and grabbed Sunny, dragging him away from the others. When the two were out of hearing distance of the other recruits, the instructor spun Sunny around and faced him. "What in the hell was that?" He hissed, trying to keep his voice down. Sunny's face flushed with shame. "I d-I mean, it was j-just." "Shut up!" The instructor yelled, quickly glancing around and lowering his voice again. "And don't think I don't know about what happened this morning. I know that you weren't here earlier today, and don't you dare tell me otherwise, or I swear I will tear out your-" The drill instructor stopped and took a few deep breaths. "You just sit right here, recruit." The instructor said before trotting away, peevishly. Sunny sat on his haunches and stared at the ground, horribly mortified. The other recruits were taken by the instructor to another section of training, and Sunny merely waited in silence. The minutes passed by quickly, Sunny watching the clouds move overhead. It would have been a pleasant day, if not for recent events. Finally, after what must have been an hour, the drill instructor returned alone, trotting over the field.. He stopped, glaring down and Sunny. "You have orders to go to the Caterlot palace throne room immediately. I hope you're not too stupid that you don't know where that is. Princess Celestia wants to have a word with you." The instructor turned without a second glance, walking away apathetically. Sunny mechanically rose and began trotting towards the palace, but his mind was in turmoil. The Princess! What does She want? What is She going to do? As he trotted, sweating nervously, Sunny recalled that a recruit had been sent to see the Princess once before, a week ago. It was after he had gotten into a fight and almost killed another guard. Sunny never found out what happened to him, but he didn't return to the training grounds. Was Celestia going to personally fire him? What would he tell his parents if that happened? He surely wouldn't be able to return home. Sunny tried trotting as slowly as possible, unbearably afraid of what was going to happen. He has seen the Princess many times before, but had never actually talked to her up close. What could be more nerve wracking than talking to a living Godddess? And so, despite his best efforts to postpone the confrontation, Sunny found himself standing in the throne room of the Canterlot palace. All around him were many embroidered banners, mosaic windows, paintings, and other decorations, but Sunny couldn't help but look at one thing. Princess Celestia. In all his life, Sunny had never seen such a beautiful creature. She had an elegant, voluptuous body, a lovely flowing mane, a pristine coat. Not to mention that her eyes were simply gorgeous. The black eyeliner against her white coat was stunning, and her kind smile made him feel welcome, even in this uncomfortable situation. It made him nervous and ashamed, to be viewing his Princess in this way, and he did his best not to stare. His best wasn't very good, and he found himself blushing slightly. Sunny stepped forward and bowed his head. "Sunny Days," the Princess said, causing Sunny to look up, "I hear that you've been having some troubles in your training." Celestia's voice was motherly, sounding authoritative, yet kind and gentle. Sunny was at a loss for words. "Y-yes, your H-highness." the Princess chuckled at Sunny's nervousness. A sweet laugh that made Sunny's legs feel droopy. "Please, you can call me Celestia. Now Sunny, I heard what happened this morning. You were sleeping in, correct?" Sunny nodded his head in shame, "You've been here for three weeks now," the Princess began, "By now, your natural alarm clock has been set. There must be more to it than simply falling asleep." In a way, Sunny knew, there was. The thoughts Sunny let into his mind had made him this way. Sunny was blushing profusely now, his entire face burning red. He shrank back a little, as if trying to hide himself behind the air. Celestia observed him, trying to discern the situation. Being alive as long as she had, Celestia didn't have to much trouble reading the look on Sunny's face. "Sunny, did you happen to have a... particular sort of dream?" Celestia was raising a brow now. Sunny couldn't have lied to her, even if he wanted to. "Y-yes." Celestia smiled, knowing were this was going. "Well, I think you should come with me, and we can learn a little more about your problem." Celestia smiled and stepped down from her throne, beckoning Sunny to follow her. Celestia was larger than a normal pony, and Sunny was a little intimidated by her imposing figure. Nonetheless, he followed behind her meekly, stealing quick looks. No matter how many times Sunny glanced at the Princess, she was always just as amazing. Everything about her was perfect. Sunny accidently let his eyes wander onto Celestia's curvaceous backside, and he quickly looked away. He was instantly ashamed of himself, but he could already feel hotness growing from his groin. The Princess lead Sunny up a large, spacious spiral staircase, passing by multiple windows that looked out over Equestria. As they reached the top of the spire, Sunny was shocked to see that the Princess had taken them to her personal quarters. Opening the embroidered door, the two of them entered and Sunny stared in awe at the bedroom. A large, red master bed with drapes sat at the wall on the other end of the room, facing forward. The room was large, with shelves of books, a fireplace to the right, a balcony to the left, with its doors shut and white drapes closed around it. Fine, heavy rugs rested on the floor, and decorative work of art hung along the walls. Celestia locked the door behind them and trotted to the center of the room, taking a seat on one of the soft rugs. Celestia beckoned Sunny over with one of her wings. Sunny was sweating lightly, again extremely nervous. Why had she brought him here alone? Why had she locked the door? Nonetheless, Sunny obeyed Celestia and took a seat on the floor in front of her. She smiled at him, and his heart melted. He would have done anything for her, in that moment. "Oh, Sunny," She chuckled, "You're like an open book." Sunny was surprised at this. "Wh-what do you mean, Princess?" He asked. She gazed into his eyes, and Sunny immediately became transfixed. "It's alright, Sunny. You don't have to be ashamed. I know about your problem," She smiled, and whispered the last part, "I know what you are." Sunny didn't need her to explain what that meant. Slowly, the implications of what was going on flooded into Sunny's mind, hitting him like a train. He reeled back and noticed the seductive look on Celestia's face. Sunny felt his mild erection grow into a raging boner in ten seconds flat. He opened his mouth to speak, but Celestia leaned inwards, pressing her lips to his before he could get a word out. Sunny felt light headed. He couldn't believe was happening. His mind hardly had time to think, when he suddenly tasted something wet. The sweet taste of Celestia's tongue exploring the inner walls of his mouth. Sunny was red again, but he didn't have the capacity to protest as Celestia licked along the inside of his mouth, sucking his tongue and making his member throb. Instead, he moaned at the wonderful feeling. Celestia gently pushed Sunny back, just hard enough for him to fall onto his back. Using her magic, the Princess unclasped his armor and levitated it, along with helmet, off to the side. Celestia blushed and giggled as Sunny's boner sprouted out at full length. Sunny was sweating, stunned by the surrealism of the situation. Celestia, the ruler of Equestria, hooking up with him? Some poor virgin. Sunny didn't know that he was exactly the kind of guy she liked. Celestia hadn't had a lover in over a thousand years, and resorted to having sex with a guard every decade or so to relieve herself. She loved the meek, quiet ones. She cherished the looks on their face when she let them inside of her. And Sunny was the perfect example. Sunny was free from his cage now, his messy brown mane now longer confined to his helmet, his hard on no longer suppressed by his armor. He was quivering from excitement, and from uneasiness. He had no idea what Celestia would do next. The Princess moved over top of him, looking down into his eyes. She bent down and began kissing him on the lips, moving down to his chest, stomach. The Princess stepped back and sat down, moving her kisses ever lower. "P-Princess, wait- ah!" Sunny gasped as Celestia placed a kiss on the tip of his length. Sunny felt a wave of heat and pleasure as her moist lips touched against the head of his rod. It felt more amazing then he had ever imagined, even more so because of the beautiful mare doing it. Celestia pulled back and laughed charmingly, licking her lips. "I'm surprised no one has done this to you before. You're delicious!" Sunny's whole body turned red, and Celestia giggled. He let out another gasp as Celestia began licking circles around the tip of his member. It was driving him mad. He had to stop himself from bucking upwards and pressing it deeper. But just before the urge to do so became too unbearable, Celestia pressed the whole head into her mouth, slowly moving downwards until Sunny's entire length was down her throat, all the way to the base. Sunny was shocked as he felt the warmness of her throat around him, Celestia's tongue licking the shaft as it rested in her mouth. She let his cock rest inside of her for a moment, before bringing her head back up again gracefully, not gagging in the slightest. Celestia winked at him and smiled. "Years of practice!" Sunny believed it. Celestia began licking up and down his shaft, sucking the head every so often, or deep throating the entire thing. Sunny could feel the warmth and wetness on his member, and it made him moan in pleasure. Every movement Celestia's mouth made was another wave of ecstasy. The Princess began taking the entire length in her mouth, bobbing her head up and down swiftly, coating Sunny's member in wetness. Sunny moaned loudly and bucked his hips in motion with her head, practically drooling in bliss. Sunny's eyes became glazed, but he couldn't take them off Celestia's face. She stared up at him, seeming to gaze into his soul. The Princess kept sucking harder and faster, enjoying his taste in her mouth. Sunny couldn't believe how good this blowjob felt. Finally, she slowed to a halt, removing her mouth from his length and gently licking and sucking Sunny's balls, making him squeak in surprise. Celestia wiped her mouth clean with a hoof and looked up, smiling. "Mmmm, you were great," Celestia purred seductively, "but that was only the warm up." Celestia crept up his body, kissing him on the mouth, before positioning herself above him. Sunny laid there, his legs spread and his forelegs at his side. Celestia had a fore-hoof on either side of him, and she slowly brought her marehood down to meet his length. Sunny inhaled sharply and gasped as her wetness made contact with his shaft. Celestia smiled and moaned quietly, savoring the blissful expression on Sunny's face. Slowly, the Princess began rubbing her womanhood along his shaft, up and down, soaking it in her juices. The pleasurable feeling of his thick cock pressing against her only made Celestia more wet. As the two rubbed against each other, Celestia started picking up the pace, pressing into him harder. Sunny's breathing turned into panting as wave after wave of euphoria surged through him. The Princess began slowing down, still pressing into him and soaking up the feelings. As she reached a halt, Celestia lifted herself upwards, placing Sunny's tip against her lips. Slowly, she let herself slide downwards, Sunny's rod impaling itself inside of her, breaking his virginity. Celestia's blush deepened, and she began to slide herself up and down along Sunny's shaft. Sunny had never felt a more pleasurable sensation. The way Celestia clenched herself around his member, the way the slick juices coated him, the way the tight walls of the Princesses pussy sent nauseating rushes of heat and rapture through him. Every nerve ending in his body was tingling. Celestia began to bounce faster, her hips smacking into Sunny with each downward slam. She was moaning louder now, feeling his rod press against her insides, stimulating them with swift movements. Celestia clenched her teeth, tightening her grip on his member, as if to squeeze all the pleasure she could from it. The tightening made Sunny gasp, her womanhood pressing more barrages of pleasure into him. Sunny was pumping his hips upwards with each smack, adding to the powerful beat of Celestia's movements. Celestia almost became lost in the passion, but came to her senses and slowed down the pace. She was sweating, red cheeked, but there was one more thing she wanted to do. Coming slowly to a stop, the Princess and Sunny caught their breath together. Both were drooling slightly, sweating, red faced, and glazed, Sunny eyes had rolled back, but he brought them back into focus. He was again astonished by the sexiness of Celesita's body. Now wet and huffing, her appearance only added to Sunny's arousal. "Now Sunny...huff...you have to learn...huff...to be more self confident. I happen to know...huff...just how to do that!" Celestia pulled off of Sunny with a squishing noise. Her slit was soaked in wetness. Turning around Celestia leaned forward, backside in the air, presenting herself to Sunny. Sunny's mouth hung open as he stared in disbelief. Celestia put on her best meek voice, saying: "Sunny, I want you inside me!" Sunny's mind wasn't in control anymore. His body instantly rose and bolted over to Celestia. The Princess was taller than he was, but Sunny managed to position himself behind her. Pressing the head of his cock into her dripping pussy, Sunny began inching his way inside of her. He had never been in a position of dominance. Not in his hometown, not as a guard, not ever. Now, at this moment, he did. Sunny finally pushed his full length inside, making Celestia moan. Sunny was panting, enjoying every second as he rammed his hard shaft into Celestia's body.The Princess let her front half rest on the floor, taking his length and savoring every movement. From this position, Sunny's cock pressed deeper than ever, caressing her insides as the two passionately moaned together. Celestia pushed her hips back with each forward thrust that Sunny made, pressing his member into even her harder. She could feel wetness seeping from her pussy, and drool dripping from her mouth. "P-Princess...I'm getting close." Sunny groaned as his rod slammed into her. "S-Sunny, I can't have you finishing inside me. Maybe you should...try another place." Celetsia turned and gazed at him enticingly. Sunny pulled his length from her dripping pussy, placing the head against her tight asshole. "A-are you sure about this?" Sunny asked nervously. Celestia winked at him. "Oh, I'm sure." Sunny nodded pressed forward slowly, amazed at the tightness of her ass. He could feel his cock being squeezed, and it made him wild. Celestia inhaled sharply, momentarily feeling pricks of pain, but soon was moaning as Sunny's cock reached deep within of her, titillating her insides. They soon got into the rhythm as Sunny thrusted in and out, feeling her ass pucker against his rod. Celestia began pressing back with each pump again, feeling his large member completely fill up the inside of her flank. Sunny had his fore-hooves placed on either side of the Princesses plot, holding on to her for leverage as he thrusted. With each movement, Sunny's balls would slap against Celestia's groin, adding to the euphoric pleasure she was experiencing. The two of them slowly began reaching their climax. Both Sunny and the Princess could feel the rising sensation of a coming orgasm. In unison, the two of them screamed out, cumming in perfect sync. Celestia's eyes rolled back as she felt fluids burst forth from her marehood. Sunny slammed forward again and again, his hips bucking violently, stream after stream of thick cum shooting from his member into the Princesses ass. As his orgasm receded, Sunny stumbled backwards, shooting his last strands of seed onto Celestia's flank. He fell to his back, panting in exhaustion. The Princess was still dripping wet as she wobbled over to Sunny, falling over to rest at his side. As the two recovered in a serene silence, Celestia moved her head to rest on his shoulder, wrapping her forelegs around him. "Problem solved?" She asked, smiling and raising a brow. Sunny blushed and grinned. "Problem solved..." The next morning, to the surprise of the other recruits, Sunny was there, in his bunk, when everyone awoke. Many trainees asked him where he had been, but Sunny chose not to answer them. Breakfast passed quietly, as did the first hour of training, but things got interesting during that mornings race. Sunny was lined up at the start with the others when the whistle blew, and like a bullet, he shot out ahead into second place. He felt strong. He felt confident. He felt good. Running free like this only brought his adrenaline up higher. The gray recruit from before, who had tripped Sunny in the last race, was in first place, frowning. Sunny ran alongside of him now, looking straight ahead, a smile on his face. The gray recruit scowled. "Didn't you learn your lesson before?" He shouted. Sunny ignored him completely. The gray recruit yelled and stuck out his right foreleg to trip him. Sunny reacted swiftly, stepping to the right. The gray recruit stumbled to the side, tripping over and falling flat on his stomach. The rest of the crowd stampeded by him. Sunny ran faster and faster, winning first place by a long shot. When he reached the end, huffing, Sunny was approached by the drill instructor, who was scowling. "Recruit!" He growled, frowning. "...Decent work." The instructor never smiled once, but Sunny was happy. The rest of the recruits soon caught up, congratulating Sunny on his victory. The gray recruit stayed far away from him, moping. The day passed on as normal, all the way up till dinner. Sunny sat with the same crowd again, Dusty, Miles, and the other two he still didn't know. Sunny took part in the conversation for once, feeling lively and social. The other recruits were happy to have in their talk. Dinner lead into recreation time, and the five of them sat together at a table, continuing to tell stories and chat. The topic soon drifted again to mares back home. The brown pegasus with droopy eyes turned to Sunny. “Hey Sunny, y’all never did tell us about the last mare yew've been with.” For the second time in the past few days, all the attention around the table was focused on Sunny, who merely leaned back in his chair and chuckled. “Oh, you want to hear that story?” He asked with a grin, looking around the table. “Trust me, you guys aren't gonna believe this one!”… The End