> Changelings and Cowponies > by Noctopus 8303 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noctopus yawned his mouth opened wide. He was a purple pegasus with yellow-orange eyes and a red mane and tail, and his cutie mark was a mirror. He always thought it was because he was good at making mirrors but really it was because he was really sexy and he didn't even know it. Other ponies was always looking at him when he walked down the street. They always looked at his flank it kind of got distracting to other ponies but still he didn't notice. He worked at the mirror factory and every once in a while he would get really drunk and wake up in a strange place kind of like now. His purple wings rustled brushing against the soft cloud he was resting on. Wait cloud? He didn’t sleep on a cloud he slept on a bed it had blue covers and everything. His eyes shot open. He was in a strange house so he panicked and flew in circles and then he saw that Rainbow Dash was sleeping on the cloud bed to and then he facehooved “Not again” he said. Dash woke up she sniffed the air and said “what smells like sex” then she saw Noctopus and she remembered “oh yeah we had sex” she said. Noctopus shook his head he felt ashamed. “I’m sorry every time I get drunk I end up banging ponies im really sorry it won’t ever happen again.” He frowned trying to do a puppy face, he hoped she would forgive him. She sat up and her wings went “pomf” as she gave him bedroom eyes. “Why should’nt it happen again!” she said “you were really good. He backed away and turned red not a really deep red but like Big Macintosh with a sunburn. “I’m sorry Rainbow Dash you were really good to but that was wrong of me i have to go now.” Then he flew away fastly leaving a sex-craving Rainbow Dash behind. “oh well” she said “i guess i have to give Big Macintosh a call.” LATER.......... Noctopus slammed his hoof on the desk and gritted his teeth “what do you mean i’m fired!” he said angrily at his boss. The slender mare sighed “I’m sorry Nocty you just haven’t been a good addition too the company it’s not you it’s me.” “What?” “I meant to say it’s not your fault you just aren’t a good fit for the job” she said she was really nervous because Noctopus was really hot and rumor has it he is really good in bed.” “Isnt there anything i can do to earn money” he said sadly. She gave him a suggestive look and said “Well there is something...” “No!” ponies had told him if he could have sex with them for money before and he had always said no. It wasnt right. “Your my ex-boss! I can’t have sex with you”! “What” She seems confused. “I wasn’t talking about me I was talking about my friend Chrysalis.” “The changeling Chrysalis?!?!?!?!?!” She actually isn’t that bad,” the mare said. “She pays real good to.” Noctopus thought about it. He couldnt just sell his body to earn money. But then he remembered he had just been fired. He did needed the money. And every time he walked through the town all the mares and even some stallions stared at his flank so maybe he should. Besides during the changeling invasion he does kind of think Chrysalis is sexy. “OK i’ll do it” he finally says. The mare smiles, “I’ll tell her for you.” Things were starting to look better for Noctopus. THE NEXT DAY......... Noctopus once again finds himself walking into a bar. This time it’s because he lost his job. He sits at the bar and blinks at the bartender saying “Give me you’re hardest cider.” The bartender frowned “Are you sure you can handle that buddy.” “Give me you’re hardest cider!” The bartender shrugged, got the drink, and poured Noctopus a glass of it just as a cute stallion walked in and asked for the same thing. He also said he would pay for Noctopus’s drink because that’s just the kind of stallion he is. Noctopus took a swig of the drink and looked at him from the corner of his eye because he thinks he’s kind of cute but he doesn’t know if he’s a coltcuddler or not. “Hey there, I’m Noctopus, what brings you here?” Braeburn shrugged and drank some of his cider. “I had a long day. How about you?” “I lost my job” he said sadly and stared at the ground “thank you for paying for my drink Braeburn.” “No problem i was happy to do it,” Braeburn rested his hoof on the stallion’s shoulder, “do you want to come to my place afterwards?” “Why?” Even though Noctopus was really sexy he was also naive so he didn’t really know what Braeburn was suggesting even though it was kind of obvious. Braeburn smiled “well we could buck.” Noctopus gasps adorably kind of like a filly. he’s shocked by Braeburn’s forwardness. “WHat!” At that moment there was a loud growl and both of them turned to see none other than QUEEN CHRYSALIS!!! Her green hair had a lot of holes in it and so did her legs and her wings. She didn’t look happy “Hey! are you Noctopus!” “Y-y-y-yes Queen Chrysalis i am” said Noctopus. “Well what are you doing flirting with a stallion because i thought WE were supposed to buck later not you and this numbskull.” Noctopus did another puppy face. “im sorry Queen but he’s really cute so maybe we could have a threesome later?” Braeburn nodded, and the Queen thought for a bit of time before she said “OK that’s fine by me as long as i get to buck you you handsome stallion.” They buy some more drinks and talk for a while before (completely drunk) they stumble out of the bar and head toward Braeburn’s house on the edge of the town. Noctopus is smiling it’s going to be a good night. > Chapter Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Braeburns house is really small but cozy and the bedroom is in the back it. Has a king bed with brown sheets and they have apple’s on them. Noctopus is nervous even though he’s really sexy he’s never bucked before so he’s worried he’l mess up and then Braeburn and Queen Chrysalis won’t like him so he’s really nervous. Braeburn and Chrysalis seem fine though but really their nervous inside, they both think Noctopus is really sexy so they’re looking forward to doing it with him but they don’t know he’s a virgin they think he’s some expert on sex. They think he’s hot, even Braeburn because he’s secretly a coltcuddler. He went out with Soarin the wonderbolt for a while but then they both decided it wasn’t going to work out. Braeburn was sad after that but now he’s happy again because he loves Noctopus and that’s all that matters. When they get to the room they stop and look at each other because each of them wants the other to make the first move. Their all drunk off their ass. Finally Noctopus says “OK so i think we should buck now” and Chrysalis and Braeburn agree. One thing about Noctopus is that his dick is really big, even bigger than Big Macintosh’s. Braeburn and Chrysalis know that because they can just tell because Braeburn knows about these kinds of things and Chrysalis is a changeling and they feed off love and it doesnt really matter why they know they just do OK? So then Braeburn said “That’s a good idea sweety” and he started making out with Noctopus. Chrysalis thought it was really hot so she got turned on and she started clopping. Then Noctopus got turned on and his dick got stiff and he moaned so Braeburn slid his tongue around inside his mouth and that made him even harder. Braeburn slid his hooves up and down his length and Noctopus moaned even more. Finally Noctopus couldn’t take it he pushed Braeburn away and said “bend over” and since Braeburn loved him he was happy to oblige. Noctopus pounded into his tight plot, moaning and it's really hot. Then Chrysalis starts to give Braeburn a blowjob underneath and it’s too much for Braeburn so he cums RIGHT INTO HER MOUTH. She coughs because he has a huge load and then she tells him to buck her so he does. And because changelings feed off love it’s double arousing for Chrysalis and she climaxes too and then collapses because she’s already tired. Noctopus is still bucking Braeburn and then he cums, too, and his juices spill all over the floor and into Braeburn’s pussy because Braeburn was secretly a girl this whole time. Then their exhausted so they fall asleep in braeburn’s bed. He wakes up in the middle of the night and Noctopus is on his right looking really content because he’s no longer a virgin and on his left is chrysalis who looks kinda bored even in her sleep because she’s had better she’s bucked DISCORD and he’s REALLY good. Braeburn wakes Noctopus up by giving him a blowjob and then Noctopus returns the favor and they fall asleep again but before they fall asleep Braeburn says kinda softly “i love you Noctopus” and Noctopus is like “i love you too Braeburn.” When they wake up in the morning they’re heads really hurt because remember they were drunk. Chrysalis pays Noctopus a whole lot because she thinks he’s hot and then Noctopus and Braeburn have to say goodbye their really sad. “I dont want you to go” said Noctopus. “i dont want to go” said Braeburn “ever. will you marry me!” And then Noctopus says yes because he loves him so maybe Noctopus getting fired from his job isn’t such a bad thing. Since Braeburn is secretly a girl they have two foals and they’re names are Octopi (like apple pie) and Ocean Apple and their all happy in their little home. Every once in a while Chrysalis came over and they bucked again but really they didnt mind because she was really good. The moral of the story is that sometimes bad things can turn out really good. > Sequel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi guys this is an Author's Note. BOCARF, the most wonderful person in the world, suggested I write a sequel. I'm not one to deny her wishes so I'm writing a sequel right now. The first two chapters are out but they haven't been approved yet so I'm not sure if the link will work, but here it is. Hope you enjoy! Here's a preview: “Honey its not what it looks like!!!” Noctopus begged “Chrysalis and I were just reliving old times it doesn’t mean anything I love you more than I love her!” Braeburn gasped “You mean you actually love her?” “No I didn’t mean it like that I love you!” “i know exactly what you meant” said Braeburn really coldly it was like venom was dripping from his voice and he walks past them and leaves without even taking the foals. “You can keep our foals they mean nothing to me” he said. “Goodbye Noctopus.” And then he was gone. Noctopus was sad. He loved Braeburn but he also loved Chrysalis but he knew there was nothing he could do to have both. So he cries and cries and Chrysalis hugs him and then they are both crying because secretly Chrysalis loved Braeburn two and its like there’s nothing more in the world but sadness.