> The Ride Never Ends > by Mr Bones > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Entrance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rain pitter pattered against Chris Sawyer’s umbrella. He walked in an empty queue, surrounded by flat fields and spooky scenery. The queue path for MR BONES WILD RIDE was very long. “I’ve been queuing for MR BONES WILD RIDE for ages!” he thought. As he reached the ride entrance Chris beamed in excitement. He had never been on MR BONES WILD RIDE before! His smile flattered as he saw there were no cars currently in the station. Fortunately the cars soon returned to the station, all filled with passengers. All the guests leaving the ride looked very sick. Chris smiled yet again because he loved intense rides and the look of the departing riders confirmed that this ride would indeed be very intense. Eagerly he boarded the first car available. The car jerked to a start at a few kilometers an hour. Chis Sawyer grinned in anticipation as the heavy rain smacked against his face. “The scenery here is wonderful!” thought Chris as he examined the skeleton and graveyard themed landscape. Many large statues of the hat tipping skeleton, Mr. Bones, were visible from the cart. Various graveyards, fires, and acid pits were also visible. A large sign read “MR BONES WELCOMES YOU”. Chris grinned, giddy in anticipation. His car slowly picked up speed as it began to descend into a dark tunnel. This was going to be a thrilling, wild ride! “I want to get off of MR BONES WILD RIDE!” thought Chris Sawyer as he was blinded by sunlight as he exited the tunnel. It had been one and a half years. For one and a half years Chris Sawyer had sat underground on MR BONES WILD RIDE. His eyelids drooped heavily, insomnia had overcome him for the entire ride. His stomach growled, and his throat begged for water. Chris cried, he realized there were no drink or food stands near the ride exit. “YOU HAVE MADE IT THROUGH MR BONES WILD RIDE” was written on a large red sign. He gnashed his teeth in anger. This had not been a wild ride at all! Chris looked away from the sign. He did notice the mass of trees and rolling hills around him, which were far different then the sprawling flat lands in the park were the entrance and exit was. Realization that the ride did not end here hit him. “I want to get off of MR BONES WILD RIDE!” yelled Chris yet again. For what seemed like the thousandth time he worked at the restraining bar hoping to release himself but there was no escape. As he examined the restraining bar he noticed something. What had once been a pristine bar had now rusted greatly. The moisture from the earlier rainfall had saved him! Filled with resolve Chis pulled out his old film camera. He could get a new one later, all he wanted now was to get out. Chris laughed like a madman as he beat the bar with his camera. Surprisingly the old metal started to give way to his efforts. However his plastic disposable camera was not durable enough. Soon the camera casing fractured, and Chris was left back where he started. Dejection overwhelmed him he put his head down against the bars in a futile attempt to get some sleep. A few minutes later he heard the rushing of water. "What a world!" a loud, obnoxious, voice cried out ahead of him. Lifting his head up Chris saw a giant purple sea serpent, destroying the track up ahead with large, dramatic, movements. Shock overcame his face as he madly bashed his fists against the restraining bar. “I want to get off of MR BONES WILD RIDE!” The bars started to give way again. Chris kept at it knowing he could get out. The sea serpent cried out as it sloshed around, destroying the track as if it were made of cardboard. Chis continued to panic but did not cease his efforts. Fear was written all over his face as he realized not enough progress was being made. The car went straight off the rails. Time slowed for Chris. He had always hated water. He had hated water so much he had never learned to swim. The car plunged into the water with him still securely restrained in it. The water felt surprisingly good. The cool water soothed his dry throat and felt divine as it rushed over his body. Suddenly an all consuming thought surged through his mind. “Help! I’m drowning!” He splashed wildly in the water that had flooded the car. He was defeated and he knew it. His body lashed out at him for the mistreatment it had endured. There would be no getting out of this. Chris blacked out trapped underwater. His wild ride had ended. > On Track > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the cottage Fluttershy carefully examined the creature Steven Magnet carried to her cottage. Even though he was responsible for the situation at hoof she was glad that he had the sense to swim his accidental victim to her. She gave a careful pound on the creatures chest and a small amount of water came up from the creatures mouth. Baby steps to recovery. Fortunately she had managed to identify the creature from her field guide on exotic animals and was confident she could save him. The guide had made it obvious that this particular creature was a faun, a mischievous creature of relation to the minotaur species, but generally more foolish and carefree. The creature looked a little bit off from what the book suggested, but she knew that the sole illustration of a faun in the book couldn’t possibly be representative of all their members. The process of recovery was taking longer then she would have liked, and Fluttershy started to worry for the well being of the human. To her great relief Fluttershy eventually managed to stabilize the human to a roughly stable condition. Every now and then she would try to gently rustle him awake, while asking “Mr. Faun?” On one such attempt the faun stirred. It got up on it’s own, choking up only a little water. Fluttershy couldn’t help but be excited at her sucess. She started to bombard the faun with a barrage of questions. “Are you OK?” “What were you doing trapped in the car?” "Did you bring any animals with you?" “I’ve never seen a real life faun befo-”. Chris cut her off, backing up from the overly close Fluttershy. Seeing it stumble backwards on its hind was both mildly amusing and concerning to her, but Fluttershy did not disparage him for his fright. Stopping to catch his breath, and with a big frown on his face he let out a short sentence. “I can’t find the park exit!” Fluttershy wasn’t sure she understood the angry human. Backing up in a slight terror she murmured “It’s OK Mr. Faun, you’re safe now.” She tried to reinforce her words and hide her nervousness with the biggest smile she could muster. Chris didn’t seem to buy it and his frown remained. With a particularly annoyed tone he complained “I’m lost.” Fluttershy beamed at this statement. She could just return him on those weird train tracks he was using earlier. Just as she was about to reply, Chris interrupted. “I’m very tired.” he said, rather bluntly. Fluttershy showed him to the guest bedroom. Quietly she closed the door and found Angle bunny. “Now Angel, be a dear and make sure our guest stays put and gets taken care of.” Angel protested, but Fluttershy had already turned around to leave, unaware of his insubordination. Wherever this faun had come from, it couldn't have been terribly far. Plus the carriage he crashed in was in a very workable condition and fixable with what little handymare knowhow she learned from her birdhouse construction hobby. She was going to have a busy day ahead of her but the thought of all the new creatures she could see lifted he spirits considerably. This was going to be the best day ever! Chris Sawyer woke up to a start. He was back on MR BONES WILD RIDE. His car had been clumsily fixed, but the majority of it was intact. The restraining bars had been clumsily reinforced with wood and nails. Next to him was a grinning yellow pony who was also firmly behind the bars. The track was curving back into the cave he had once exited. Fluttershy Turned her head and saw Chris was awake. Excited by the prospect of finding new animals he started to "Oh, umm, hello again. I saw that you were confused and lost, so I repaired your cart and placed it back on your track. I know you were saying that you couldn't find the exit so I put your cart on the opposite track back twords the tunnel. I hope you don't mind but my Field Guide to Critters Big and Small says that the Faun Homeland isn't very far from here and has so many wonderful animals that can't be found here. I would really like it if I could even catch a glimpse of -" Chris tuned her out, not responding. He wanted to think he was dreaming, but it all felt too real. He hit the restraining handle with all his might and shouted “I want to get off of MR BONES WILD RIDE!” Fluttershy took this as his way of saying thank you, and happily patted Chris Sawyer on his back with her wing like an old friend. With enthusiasm on Fluttershy's face and horror on Chris's Face the car decended into the dark tunnel. > Double Dip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One and a half years later Chris Sawyer and Fluttershy ascended out of the tunnel and saw the blinding light of day again. They came off the ride ragged, hungry and thirsty beyond what they had previously though possible. They didn’t feel or look much older in age, but they felt and thought centuries older in mind. “THE RIDE NEVER ENDS” boasted a sign accompanied by a statue of Mr. Bones. Chris was OK with that now. MR BONES WILD RIDE was his favorite ride in the whole park. The other rides had long been forgotten, this was certainly his favorite. After entering the tunnel he never spoke a word or did anything for the rest of the ride. As always he had wanted to get off, but he had appreciated that MR BONES WILD RIDE was one of the safest rides in the park, excellently landscaped, and free to ride. As he left he followed the only path from the exit, which went directly to the entrance. He reentered the queue after seeing that there was nowhere else to go. He began to wait patiently in line for MR BONES WILD RIDE. Fluttershy exited the ride sobbing. She had wanted to go on a daytrip, not to be trapped in a tunnel for over a year. Every day in that dark tunnel she had lamented for the animals and friends she missed dearly. No matter what she would do her faun companion had never said anything during the ride. Her long dried eyes could give no more than a few tears. Yet she wasn't dying of thirst, a fact which she felt both disturbed and grateful for. Weakly she ran off in the park fields, looking for a less terrifying way home. Out of nowhere a large statue of Mr. Bones appeared, obstructing her path. Fluttershy was paralyzed with fear. More statues of Mr. Bones appeared, surrounding her. A long pause later and a sign materialized within an instant. It read only "HOPE YOU ENJOYED". Another sign materialized containing only the words "MR BONES WILD RIDE". "EXIT AHEAD" a new sign concluded. A few moments later a path appeared. Fluttershy squeaked in delight, eager to get away from the horrible contraption that had eaten away years of her life, and pleased that Mr Bones understood what she wanted. She pushed her now even more frail body to it's limits. Anything was good. Anything would do nicely. Anything as long as it wasn't MR BONES WILD RIDE. The path went underground. Fluttershy didn't pay it any mind. The path twisted and turned like no other she had ever been on. Again she payed it no heed. Soon she was at the exit of the tunnel. This was it! Soon she would be returning home. She exited the tunnel. The ride was there. It was taunting her with it's presence. She looked to her right and saw a statue of Mr. Bones with a sign. "MR BONES SAYS THE RIDE NEVER ENDS". This sick location only appeared to mock Fluttershy. She had realized why back at the park that there was a strange magic about MR BONES WILD RIDE. A malicious, evil, magic. She had to leave. She was dismayed, but then she remembered something that Iron Will once told her. "You laugh at me I wrath at you!" Fluttershy's gaze hardened, she turned around and started to take off. Before she could get more then a meter off the ground a statue of Mr. Bones materialized. As she tried to fly around it she read "MR BONES SAYS THE RIDE NEVER ENDS". Dull metal pincers materialized out of thin air, snatched her out of the air, and carried her back to the ride. She started to speculate to the magic of the park, and of Mr. Bones. However these would best be questions left for Twilight Sparkle, her bookish friend. She braced herself as she neared the ride. As soon as she was free Fluttershy barreled forward into the tunnel of the ride. Yet again a floating pincer materialized and then picked her up and carried her back to the ride entrance. Fluttershy now knew that flying would be out of the question. Fluttershy’s eyes sparkled with exhilaration as she entered the line. Some of the first cars of the last train had just returned. There was a long line of shambling riders, and she needed to be first for her plan to work. "Cut in line, I'll take whats mine!" Fluttershy pushed guests away left and right as she galloped to the front. The guests did not object to her cutting. Fluttershy managed to get into the first car before it launched. This time she did not seat herself like the faun as she had done before, rather this time she was standing straight up with her rear hooves resting on the seat. The restraining bar fell down. She gazed at the statues of Mr. Bones as she passed by. As soon as she was in the tunnel she started to fly as hard as she possibly could. Braced by the restraints, the car slowly kept accelerating. She tried hard. She tried harder then when she was a filly at flight school. She tried harder then when she was trying to catch Applejack heat of the desert, or when she pursued a belligerent Rainbow Dash during Discords brief reign. She pushed herself until her car was going as fast as it possibly could. Surrounded, perhaps even empowered, by the malicious magic surrounding herself Fluttershy felt no great fatigue. As long as Fluttershy propelled the car forward at a reasonable pace, she knew she would get back in considerably less time. She hoped that Mr Bones would not intervene. A little more then half a month of near constant effort later did Fluttershy see the light of day again. She was overjoyed but now had her restrains to deal with. The Bridge over the river had been repaired, but only the rails really remained of it. She gulped, trying to muster courage for the last part of her plan. “One.” “Two.” “Three!” With all of her remaining strength Fluttershy stomped on the car's seat. It broke and she slipped out of the resulting hole just in time. After getting what she felt was a safe distance away from the ride she grazed a light dinners worth of grass on the spot. She found a stream where she could drink from. She was free! Free at last! She cheered in the air louder then she had ever done before. Soon she was back at her home on the outskirts of Ponyville. She realized how good actual sleep in an actual bed sounded to her. The magic of the horrid place now was no longer bothering her, but it wasn't supporting her either. Fluttershy ignored a protesting Angel bunny and how chaotic her home had become and went to her long unused bed. That night she would sleep well. > Off Track > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy woke up slowly, with a refreshed look on her face. It had been her first real sleep in almost two years. She noticed her room was in slight disarray from the years of unattended animals living here. It would be fixed later but Fluttershy was glad that her animals had made themselves at home. Fluttershy peered out her window. It was still night outside. Did she really sleep for only a few hours? Or did she sleep through the whole day? What if it had been more than a day? That would be awful! Fluttershy couldn't bear knowing she had made her friends wait another day worrying about her, just so she could get some sleep. Fluttershy hurried downstairs to leave. "Welcome back Fluttershy!" Pinkie Pie squealed. All of Fluttershy's friends were in her living room. So was just about everypony she knew form Ponyville. "Welcome back after two years of being gone Fluttershy!" was written across one of the many banners in her living room. Another one of Pinkies parties. Fluttershy shrunk back, eyes wide. It had literally been years since she had seen so many ponies, much less any of her friends. Fluttershy was utterly speechless. Pinkie Pie, however, was not. "Two years ago you went missing and everypony was really sad, and so were your animals, and we sent out search parties which aren't as fun as normal parties, but then nopony could find you and then I was like "aww" but then Angel bunny found me last night and then he made all sorts of silly gestures and took me back to your house and I saw you in bed and I was like gasp and then I had to throw this party for you!" Pinkie Pie gasped for breath from her long winded explanation. Everypony was shocked. They had all assumed Pinkie was off her rocker for throwing a party for a disappeared pony while refusing to explain exactly why, but had all came anyways out of respect for their lost friend. There was a pregnant pause. Twilight Sparkle mustered up the courage to break it, saying "Everypony, my friends and I would like to speak with Fluttershy alone for a few minutes." After hurrying into the kitchen all of Fluttershy’s friends tried to talk to her at once. A few moments later they all realized that they were overloading Fluttershy with questions and paused, except for Pinkie who continued for slightly longer. "And then I found a mush- Oh..." Rainbow Dash broke the silence this time. "Fluttershy" her voice cracked, "Soon after you went missing, Steven Magnet let us know that you had been attending to a nearly drowned faun. How did you go from that to missing for over two years"? “Well, um.” Fluttershy paused and glanced at the ground. “When the faun came I couldn't imagine that it had come very far. I fixed his car and went back with him to see the animals where he lived, and make sure he got back safely -". Fluttershy told them everything. How the faun had came to her. How she was eager to see all the wonderful creatures that were surely only a few kilometers away. She lamented being trapped in the darkness for almost two years. She almost cried when she explained how Chris Sawyer had resigned on his escape. Twilight in particular was fascinated by the magics of the ride and park. Shortly after the explanation Twilight left the room to have Spike send a letter to Princess Luna, who was currently reigning over the night court. They couldn't allow this to happen again to anypony else. What if somepony else shared Fluttershy's fate? What if someone never got off? Soon authorization to rescue those trapped fauns came from Princess Luna through Spike. Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and Spike began preparations to liberate those poor souls who had been trapped on MR BONES WILD RIDE. > Exit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That night two specially made carts drove into the cave at breakneck speeds. In the lead cart sat Applejack, Spike, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle. Pulling the this cart was Rainbow Dash. Behind them was Fluttershy pulling a cart solely occupied by Rarity. Rarity and Twilight provided magical lighting to the rear and front of the two carts. Keeping her gaze foreward Rainbow dash yelled back “Thanks for the anti encumbrance spell Twilight! This cart weighs like nothing!” The magic surrounding them seemed to force insomnia, a small blessing for the task at hand, but a very boring one for the unoccupied riders of the cart. MR BONES WILD RIDE has broken down! A week had passed. Everypony was on edge. Spike had been sending and receiving daily reports to and from the Princesses; who were very concerned for everypony's safety. Rarity called ahead to Applejack. "Can you belive what this tunnel is doing to my coat? I don't know how many trips to the spa it will take to get it all out." Applejack frowned "Well ain't that the biggest of our problems. Still these tunnels are mighty unnatural." "Twitcha Twitch! Everypony bail!" yelled a wide eyed Pinkie Pie, who leaped into Fluttershy's cart with Rarity, managing not to knock them both out of the cart. "Pinkie, what are you -"started Twilight Sparkle, who she cringed at what she saw. A stopped car dead ahead. "Get out everypony, obstruction ahead"! screamed Twilight as she telekineticly cut Rainbow Dash's reigns, accelerating her forward even more quickly, and safely above the obstruction. Applejack had already bailed with Spike. Twilight jumped. Instead of landing in the cart she clipped Fluttershy’s torso. Fluttershy and Twilight fell under the cart. The cart bucked it's occupants as it flipped forward from it's new living anchor. Further down the track there was an explosion obliterating their lead cart, the parked car, and any of their contents. MR BONES WILD RIDE has crashed! For a moment, everything stopped. Fluttershy looked but saw nothing ahead. Everything in the explosion had been absolutely obliterated. "Is everypony alright?" called Applejack. "I'm OK"! moaned Spike. "Fluttershy and I are fine, no injuries"! called Twilight. "I got so much dirt on my coat"! whined Rarity, who’s hornlight clearly illuminated Pinkie Pie, who was rolling in said dirt. "Rainbow Dash?" asked Twilight, who was busy righting herself. "I'm cool" Rainbow Dash’s cracking voice yelled from out from the darkness ahead. "I know this is getting rough an all, but we need you over here Rainbow". called Applejack. There was no response. "Everypony get in the cart". said Fluttershy, eyes wide in terror. Twilight wasted no time righting the cart with her telekinesis. At once the cart feel back on the ground roughly. Twilight's light had gone. By Rarity’s horn-light they could see the dull metal pincers taking Twilight Sparkle away for but a second, before she disappeared into the darkness. The cart was engulfed in a light blue light as Rarity finished Twilight Sparkles work. Pinkie Pie jumped in as Rarity followed. Rarity was starting to cry "Applejack, Spike, get in now"! She heard no response. Rarity paused, cringing slightly. "Spike? Applejack? Stop this horseplay now"! cried Rarity. No one else remained. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy spent a moment of silence. "We simply must get them back." said Rarity. Fluttershy gulped and quickly let out an "Agreed." Pinkie Pie stammed a little before recomposing herself "Let's move girls." Fluttershy took off once again. A few weeks of relentless travel later and they neared the ride entrance. Before they saw the light of day they saw Rainbow Dash who was continuously barreling down the corridor, only to momentarily be whisked outside by the levitating pincers. Soon she could fly close enough to land on the cart itself before the pincers could grab her. “Thank Celestia you all showed up, Everyone else is at the ride entrance. We are going to fit as many of those faun thingies as we can onto our cart and get out. Celestia's orders.” It was not long before they were bathed in light at the exit. After they recovered from the temporary blindness they could see Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Spike, and a gaggle of the humans standing at the front of the queue. Twilight Sparkle picked up all the humans remaining at the queue with her telekinesis and forced them into the cart. Rainbow Dash traded places with Fluttershy at the reigns. Not sparing a moment, they took off Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash both worked together to pull the Cart, as Twilight Sparkle and Rarity cast illumination and anti encumbrance spells on the cart, to assist them. Although Rainbow Dash was doing the lions share of the work, the efforts of the others helped make up for the increased workload. A few more weeks passed in transit they reached the incline to the surface. They could hear Shining Armor barking orders to the guards posted outside. While outside of his normal duties, Shining Armor felt a personal responsibility for his sister's safety and had arranged to pick up the returning captives to the Faun Embassy, as well as ensure the safety of Twilight and her friends on their way home. Thanks to Spike they had been able to coordinate this well in advance. Suddenly their exit was surrounded by dirt pillars. A brick ceiling started to materialize. The fanatic shouting of the guards was quickly muffled. Through the dismayed unicorns magic they could see a statue of Mr. Bones and a red sign. It read "MR BONES SAYS THE RIDE NEVER ENDS". A translucent pink bubble blocked the track up ahead. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy immediately started to brake. "No"! yelled Twilight, "Go full speed ahead"! "Are you insane? We'll all crash"! yelled Rainbow Dash. "Just do it"! ordered Twilight Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy made one last push. The pink bubble opened briefly for them and then collapsed behind them as the dirt fell in. The bubble then reformed around them, just in time to stop a pincer from descending upon them. They brought the cart down and landed by Shining Armor and his encampment. They were free. "Twilly"! Yelled Shining Armor as he embraced his sister. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash traded the cart off to some pegasi guards to take the fauns to the Faun Embassy in Canterlot. The humans in the cart kept insisting that they wanted off "MR BONES WILD RIDE" but did not attempt to free themselves and they were soon carted off. "Spike, Take a letter." said Twilight. "Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned that no matter what challenges you face, they can be overcome with dedication and friendship. Even if your friends sometimes suffer setbacks it's important to stick with them until the very end. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle". With a puff of dragonfire Spike sent the letter. Wandering off Twilight Sparkle saw Pinkie Pie staring at the sky, silent. "Are you OK Pinkie?" asked Twilight Sparkle with a concerned look on her face. Pinkie Pie took a few seconds before responding. "I have the strangest feeling someone is watching me."