Ecstatic Eclipse Eccentricities

by lolnewsPegasus

First published

The Elements find out what causes eclipses. And stuff happens.

Warning: Contains Anthropomorph, Futanari, Incest(Celestia x Luna, then again they are deities, and knowing polytheistic pantheons-- sorry, I digress)

An eclipse drapes its effects all over Equestria. Ponyville, the home of the Element Bearers, are sent to seek the Princesses. Only to find out what causes eclipses.

And then the Princesses give them gifts.

A Shocking Surprise

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One day, Ponyville and its townsfolk were going through a slow day. The Sweet Apple Acres still in waiting for the apples to ripen, the weather patrol were idling by since the forecast sent to them was for low cloud activity, fillies and colts were zipping around, ecstatic that their teacher Cheerilee called a field trip to Sugarcube Corner, and all the ponies were doing their routines as usual.

However, the idyllic picturesque was suddenly shattered, when some weather ponies noticed that the moon was not just rising, but moving to where the sun was.

Remembering the olden tales of Nightmare Moon, Ponyville’s governing body, at the moment just Mayor Mare(as she had her aides stay home, expecting a boring uneventful day), knocking frantically on the door to Golden Oaks.

Getting the attention of Twilight, she immediately demanded the six Element Bearers go to her office at once. After some extensive assuaging by Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack, Mayor Mare was convinced that it had nothing to do with Nightmare Moon, especially with the Elements volunteering to head to Canterlot Castle then and there, even sending Spike to remain in the Mayor’s office to serve as a direct mail line, much to the dragon’s chagrin.

Pinkie expressed confustion that Twilight said not to go to the train station, while Applejack understood that ponies would be scrambling to flee via train. Twilight reassured them she had a much quicker method, using a magic circle. Twilight traced out the circle on an even field, with six smaller sub-circles around the main one, in the center of which she put a twig. “I got that from a tree in the parkway near Canterlot Castle,” she said, scratching her chin. “It’s how the circle would know where to send us.”

After a few minutes of fussing, Twilight was confident that the circle is finished.

“Okay girls,” Twilight said with an exhale, dusting her palms. “Stand in the small circles around the big one.”

“Ya sure ya can pull this spell off?” Applejack asked, concerned about Twilight’s mental state, as she did not want another repeat of last time.

“Dear,” Rarity added. “You have to rest.” She placed her hand on Twilight’s shoulder as she attempted to calm the bookworm down.

“Is this circle gonna take us to the Canterlot castle?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yes, and it will use part of everypony’s mana.” Twilight answered. “It needs to do that so that we would be sent there properly.”

Pinkie Pie squealed in excitement, while Fluttershy gulped nervously, to which Rainbow placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

“Remember,” Twilight said, standing on a circle with a six-pointed star. “The symbol that is the closest to your Element is your subcircle!”

Rarity stood on the circle with a diamond, while Rainbow Dash stood on the circle with a lightning bolt. “Close enough,” she shrugged. Fluttershy stepped on the circle with a butterfly, squeaking as she didn’t want to mess up the diagram. Applejack stood on the circle with a tree, asking “‘Ah guess the tree is close enough to an apple, right Twi?”. Twilight nodded, and noticed Pinkie confusedly standing on the final circle, which had an explosion on it. “Party poppers, I guess?” she asked with a shrug. “Balloons pop too…” Twilight said.

As soon as they all stood on the magic circle, it emanated a ray of light, enveloping all of them. After the twig was consumed, as the light dissipated, they noticed the surroundings resembled Canterlot. In their perspective, it was as if a curtain of pure white was drawn up over them, and then let go suddenly, falling to the ground.

The six mares then noticed that the tree was in a road leading to the front entrance of the castle of Canterlot, where they noticed a few Royal Guards staring in shock, implying that they noticed the six mares teleporting into their view.

“What are you horseheads doing, looking shocked?” shouted a grumpy looking old stallion, whose armor signifies his higher ranking, that of a sergeant. He then saw the disoriented mares and sighed. “Oh… It’s just Shining Armor’s filly of a sister…”

“I’m sorry, sir,” Twilight huffed, her fatigue something she didn’t expect. “We needed to head to the Princesses as soon as possible, the eclipse has the townsfolk of Ponyville very anxious--”

“I’ll take you through the guards’ passage,” the sergeant interrupted, his tone now sounding more like a tired uncle. “Don’t want those ponies in line getting mad at you cutting them, don’t you? They’re in no shape to understand you’re Princess Celestia’s student, let alone the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony…”

They followed the sergeant through the guards’ passage and led them to a hall going to an atrium. “I trust you know how to get by, now there you go, I’ll go back now…” he said, turning back with a wave, grumbling, “Before those hysterical Fillydelphians and their pickets get a sense of opportunity and kick up another stink…”

“That bad, huh? Oh, thanks again!” Twilight said to the guard, who heard her and gave a thumbs up.

She then turned to her friends, and said, “Okay, now the Princesses’ quarters are this way!”

The girls, led by Twilight, sprinted down long halls and up wide flights of stairs, heading towards the Princesses’ quarters.

Upon reaching the room, they discovered a magical barrier enveloping the large double doors.

“Twi, you’re sure you can break the barrier?” Pinkie asked. “You’ve been working non-stop since the eclipse happened.”

“Yeah, the teleport circle wasn’t using just my magical energy, the load was divided amongst the six of us.” the scholarly mare replied. “And since I’m very familiar with Princess magic, picking this barrier is easy.” She then paused, realizing the possibility that Princess Luna might have erected it. “Well she is Princess Celestia’s sister, and they’re the only natural-born Alicorns known to exist in Equestria…”

“Those egghead theories are making us nervous, Twi…” Rainbow gulped.

“Darling, what our brash feathered friend is trying to say,” Rarity added, glaring at Rainbow, “you’ve been exhausting yourself mentally lately, and we’ve seen you in panic mode, and a repeat of such is the last of our wishes.”

“Girls, I’m fine,” Twilight smiled. “Now, to unlock this barrier…”

Luckily for them, the bookworm’s intuition was spot on. The barrier instantly faded away.

“No time to knock, time is not on our side!” Twilight rapidly added, as she barged through the doors, only to be frozen in shock, mouth agape.

Rarity and Pinkie, wondering what had happened to Twilight, followed her to see what she saw. And they too, were shocked.

“I think Twi’s brain finally broke so hard it made everyone freeze.” Rainbow quipped, earning a snicker from Applejack and a whimper from Fluttershy, the latter of which made Rainbow sigh. “Fine, we’ll see what happened.”

The pegasus mares then hovered slightly to peek above their frozen friends, while Applejack squeezed a peek between Twilight’s and Rarity’s heads, her hand unknowingly placing itself on Rarity’s rump.

The Elements of Harmony were all frozen in shock. What they saw, was Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, in an embrace meant for lovers, with both of them having penetrated the other’s marehood via their additional equipment.

Twilight could not believe her ears, either. She could hear both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna moaning, coupled with kissing sounds, and the noises of their thrusting into each other increasing in intensity. The Princesses continued, escalating their loving embrace, with Luna’s hands coarsing through Celestia’s mana-hair, while Celestia cupped the back of Luna’s head, bringing their kiss deeper.

The Elements of Harmony were frozen in watching their deity rulers, as the two Alicorns got more passionate with their intercourse, for three more minutes, until they climaxed hard, with their seed overflowing in the other’s sheath. The Princesses then finalized their kiss, breaking apart with a string of saliva connecting their tongues.

“Now, my faithful student…” the day Alicorn began.

“Before we answer your questions,” the night Alicorn added, as the royal sisters touched their horns, sending rays of magic towards the mullberry unicorn, the hesperide earth pony, and the azure pegasus, before Celestia giggled and said, “Now now, we’ll send you home,”

“and fret not about the eclipse,” Luna added.

The Alicorns touched horns again, enveloping Twilight and her friends in a ray of white light, that sent them to Ponyville in a similar way that Twilight’s magic circle teleported them to Canterlot. They went to Ponyville Hall, only to find out that not only Mayor Mare but also a few prominent Ponyville ponies were waiting on an explanation. They reassured them that there is nothing to worry about, and that the Princesses themselves reassured them so. Relieved a bit more, Mayor Mare then allowed the Element Bearers(and the baby dragon) to proceed home.

Baking New Recipes (Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie)

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Twilight had nothing in mind to do, as she just intended to wait for the Princesses’ explanation. She walked around the marketplace of Ponyville, in hopes of browsing for something to buy.

She encountered only Pinkie however, after crashing into her. When she opened her eyes, she found herself on top of Pinkie who was lying on the ground and had her arms wrapped around Twilight, whose muzzle was buried in Pinkie’s chest(something Pinkie noticed).

The scholarly mare then got up and helped Pinkie as well, apologizing for crashing into her. “Hey, wanna bake?” Pinkie asked, her cheeks red (something Twilight did not notice). The bookworm nodded. They then both walked to Sugarcube Corner.

Pinkie noticed the note posted on the door to Sugarcube Corner, and read it out to Twilight.

Dear Pinkie, we left the Corner to restock supplies for the youngsters. Pound and Pumpkin have finished all the raspberry punch. Love, Carrot and Cup Cake.”

“Are they really that hungry?” Twilight asked.

“Weirdly,” Pinkie wondered. “They barely drank breastmilk, according to Mrs. Cake they didn’t want to most of the time, but when they got weaned to solid food, they suddenly had large appetites.” She led Twilight to the Sugarcube Corner’s kitchen after closing the door. “Can you prepare some of the eggs and flour for me, Twitwi? I’ll just go and write my reply on the door so the Cakes will know I’m back.”

Twilight nodded, using her magic to carry the heavier bags of flour while she held in hand the lighter and more fragile eggs. As she placed the ingredients onto the counter, she used her magic to take the flour sieve from the rack. Meanwhile, Pinkie scribbled her reply note onto a piece of paper, using her all-too-familiar pink crayon. She then went outside and tacked the reply note on top of the note the Cakes left for her, for more visibility.

After, she went back to the kitchen, seeing Twilight already sifting through the cookbook in an attempt to anticipate the recipe. “Oh, Twitwi…” Pinkie sighed with a giggle.

“Huh?” Twilight asked, tilting her head sideways.

“I’m following Pinkie Sense recipes!” The partypony cheered, causing Twilight to go pale. “Not the Pinkie Sense again…” she thought.

In a flash of energy and puffy pink, the baker had thrown in a myriad of ingredients, all sharing the common denominator of high sugar content, all the while having already mixed the flour and eggs into a dough.

“Bee-tee-dubs, Twitwi,” Pinkie said, while she partitioned the dough. “Could ya turn the dial of the oven at160? Oven’s gotta pre-heat.” Twilight obliged, while noticing that Pinkie’s skirt was flipping upwards every now and then, she could have sworn that the pink mare wore no undergarments.

After Pinkie had put her prepared pastries into the oven, she sat down on Twilight’s lap, exclaiming “Lappy sit!” and rubbing on Twilight as she did so. Twilight, whose thoughts were occupied by what she thought she noticed, was confidently sure now. Pinkie did in fact go commando. Her brain raced, as she could barely resist grabbing Pinkie and bringing it up.

The party-thrower then stood up and started to browse a nearby cupboard, her skirt flipping over again. Twilight’s eyes could see her friend’s marehood glisten with moisture.

No way… Don’t tell me she…” Her thoughts were interrupted when her skirt flipped up, thanks to a sudden growth of a purple stallionhood; veins, sack and all.

Twilight recalled the first magic ray that the Princesses blasted, specifically towards her, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. “So this is their payback for walking in on them doing it?” she thought.

Pinkie glanced at Twilight, noticing that her bookish friend had grown a friend. She then moved her backside, pointing it towards Twilight. “Oh Twitwi…” she called out. “Do you have any suggestions on what to bake?” she asked with a smirk, wiggling her butt.

Twilight, having approached Pinkie Pie, grabbed her waist, her member brushing against the party mare. “Oh… I have one…” Twilight said, spreading Pinkie’s lower lips, and poking the entrance with the tip of her new shaft.

Pinkie moaned as her tongue lay out. “Yesss… Twi…”

Twilight huffed through her nose, as she entered Pinkie abruptly. This backfired on her, as the sudden stimulation scoured through her nerves and into her mind, her eyes rolling in response.

“Pinkie… you’re so snug…” Twilight said with a grunt, “but your butt is so soft…”

“Start thrusting!” Pinkie hollered, relishing the sensation.

Twilight started thrusting, grabbing Pinkie’s mane with one hand and her chest with the other. “How—hngg—did—nn—you know?” she asked.

“My—uhhnn—Pinkie Sense—mmm—saw the egg yolks—ohh—in a cross—Uoohhh!” Pinkie was taken aback by Twilight nibbling on her neck. “Oh, Twitwi… The Princesses doing it really got you going, huh?”

Twilight then momentarily licked the area she nibbled on. “Doesn’t help that they gave me this hard thing…”

“Let’s get you calmed down, down there!” Pinkie moaned, wiggling her hips and teasing Twilight’s piston, getting it much closer to climax.

Twilight then nibbled Pinkie’s ear, as she furiously pounded Pinkie after grabbing both of her breasts.

“Ohh—yess—I’m bouncingggg—”

“This—is—for—no panties—”

Twilight then quickly pulled her shaft out of Pinkie’s snatch.



Jets of seed rushed from Twilight’s member, showering Pinkie with a coating of gooey white. Pinkie’s nethers started spraying on Twilight’s base, mixing with the cum as it dripped, both mares gasping for air, spent from the sudden sexual sojourn.

“We… gotta… clean up…” Pinkie huffed.

“Yeah… before… the Cakes…” Twilight added.

They both staggered while Twilight used her magic to manipulate cleaning cloths to wipe off evidence of their tryst. Pinkie, after fixing her clothes, planted a light peck on Twilight’s horn, causing the unicorn to blush.

“Wh—wha—was that for?” Twilight stammered.

“It’s a secret?” Pinkie said with a playful sticking of her tongue out, performing the Pinkie Promise to herself. “I’ll tell only when the time is right…”

Twilight sighed, knowing that any follow-up question would lead into a nested gryphondoll of Pinkie Promises.

"Will a Skirt Hide it?" (Rarity and Applejack)

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Rarity was getting impatient, as this was the fifth time she told Applejack to hurry up. Applejack was in her room, pondering why her jeans were very tight, so she stripped, only to find herself possessing a stallionhood and balls. She didn’t know how to break it to Rarity, so she put her jeans back on, without underwear.

As she exited her room, Rarity glanced at Applejack, looking irked, but upon noticing something Applejack didn’t, she thought to herself, “Oh, now I’m having an idea…”

“Dang,” Applejack grunted, checking her jeans. “Hey, Rares, can I ask ya a favor?”

“Why what would that be?” Rarity asked, feigning annoyance with a huff.

“‘Ah was wonderin’ if ya could make me a skirt or sumthin’,” Applejack wondered, oblivious to the scheme Rarity was cooking in her head. “Mah pants are gettin’ tight as heck lately, and ‘Ah think they might rip when doin’ applebuckin’...”

Applejack and Rarity entered the Carousel Boutique, only to be greeted by the sight of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, asleep on the couch.

“Oh… My…” Rarity gasped. Applejack then softly chuckled, as she put her hat on Apple Bloom’s head. “Well, ‘Ah did promise her she could borrow it fer the weekend, so might as well surprise her.”

Rarity was wondering who had managed to tire out the three most high-maintenance fillies in Ponyville, and upon entering the kitchen, she saw a possible answer, her parents, who look beyond spent, and were trying to brew coffee with the cezve she was gifted by a camel begum, a daughter of a bey, seeking a redesign of her formal garb, much to the protest of her guards and servants.

Rarity’s father was busy trying to heat the cezve properly, while Rarity’s mother sighed, expecting him to overheat the coffee.

“Hello darling, youre back!” Rarity’s mother greeted. “Sweetie invited her friends over while you were away, and they seemed to have tired themselves out.”

“Looks like they wanted to help you,” Rarity’s father said, gesturing to a sheaf of papers on the ottoman, where the Cutie Mark Crusaders drew dress designs.

“I just hope they didn’t mess up my workplace…” Rarity sighed, “since I am going to help my lovely Applejack here with a farm-friendly dress. Sorry, my dear parents but I must be off, AJ is getting anxious.” she said with a giggle as the mare in question peered over to the stove to watch the coffee brew.

Rarity’s father smiled warmly, tousling Applejack’s hair with a head pat. “If anypony can help you, it’s my daughter,” he added.

“Best of luck to you both!” Rarity’s mother added, as she draped a blanket over the sleeping Crusaders. “We’ll handle these three rascals.”

The unicorn took her Earth pony friend and headed to her room-slash-workstation. Rarity closed the door and locked it, glancing at Applejack. “Now, take off your clothes, I must measure you again.”

Applejack gulped. She took off her shirt, and then her jeans. When she saw Applejack remove her, Rarity was shocked. Applejack had a member, and it was hard.

“This changes the plan…” Rarity mused. She then pushed Applejack down to the bed, and took off her top, showing her breasts. “You don’t need a new dress, you need these.” Rarity then started massaging Applejack’s member with her bosom, adding gentle licking as she did so.

“Rares…” Applejack huffed. “Yer so soft…”

“This is also payback for you spooning me last sleepover,” Rarity said, kissing Applejack’s tip. “You-mmh, think I didn’t-mmf, notice?” she said between peppering Applejack’s glans with wet kisses.

“Because of that, I’m going to squeeze all of it out.”

“Rares…” Applejack gasped, her back arching. “‘Ah want ya!”

Rarity smirked, before caressing Applejack’s veins with her tongue, before preparing to suck the farmmare’s member. Once she started, she squeezed the base with her breasts.

“Mmmph!” Rarity moaned, closing her eyes. She paused a while, before opening her eyes and locking gazes with the panting Applejack, who was now fondling her own breasts.

The locked gaze sent ripples of sensations through Applejack’s spine, the sight of Ponyville’s arguably most beautiful mare giving her fellatio was an unbelievable one, not to mention the farmmare’s growing infatuation with the fashionista through their bonding as sisters of the Crusaders.

In Rarity’s perspective, she was taken aback at how warm Applejack’s rod felt between her breasts, and how firm it felt in her mouth. The more she sucked and massaged, the more she could feel the warmth, and the more she wanted it.

She then recalled the latest sleepover she had with Applejack(as the Crusaders planned to stay at the Acres), where she stayed in the farmmare’s room while the Crusaders were all in Apple Bloom’s room. She shared the bed with Applejack, and as the night fell, the slumbering Applejack had embraced Rarity from behind. Rarity could still remember the warmth she felt on her back, radiating from the farmmare.

Rarity’s reminiscing spurred her on, picking up the pace of her treatment of Applejack’s stiffness. The variety of sensations Applejack felt from Rarity’s bosom compared to the unicorn’s mouth, had the earth mare’s eyes rolling. Rarity then went faster, faster, until…

Splurt, went Applejack. Rarity then removed Applejack’s tip from her mouth, as it sprayed cum all over the unicorn. Rarity gulped the farmmare’s seed that was in her mouth, and then gently licked Applejack’s member to clean it.

“Holy applesauce…” Applejack mustered, as Rarity moved over Applejack. She then closed in, taking Applejack’s lips with her own, making the farmmare have a taste of her own bounty. Rarity then pulled apart from the stunned Applejack, her hands trying to get a grasp of the alabaster unicorn, but to no avail. Rarity was already away from the bed, examining herself in the mirror.

I do hope my parents didn’t hear me and Applejack…” she thought. Luckily for her, they fell asleep in the kitchen, as they gave up on brewing coffee and drank chamomile tea instead, which had the opposite effect.

Realizations, Regret, Reconciliation (Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy)

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Rainbow Dash, roughly a week ago, had confessed that she had been attracted to Fluttershy. However, Fluttershy had turned her down and things since then had been awkward between them.

So when she received the invitation from Fluttershy about spending the weekend, she instantly accepted, she wanted to do her best to not only repair their relationship but also spend time with the critter caretaker.

Fluttershy had invited Rainbow to a quiet place in the forest, near a creek with a short waterfall. “Hey Dashie,” Fluttershy asked, avoiding eye contact while her cheeks tinged with a pink hue. “Can you set our picnic? I’ll go check the water…” Rainbow agreed. She quickly laid out their picnic mat, basket, and weighed down the corners with some rocks, and turned around to see Fluttershy had taken her clothes off, bathing under the waterfall.

Rainbow then stripped herself, giving Fluttershy a surprise when she approached her, suddenly asking “Can I join?”

“Eep!” the shy mare squealed, glancing quickly at her athletic friend’s now wet body. “Umm, ok… can you wash me…” she asked softly.

“Mhm,” Rainbow replied, cupping some water in her hands, and sprinkling it over Fluttershy’s shoulders. She then, as gentle as a Wonderbolt-to-be could, massaged her hands over Fluttershy’s body fur. “Mmh…” Fluttershy quietly moaned, placing her hand over Rainbow’s. “Right there…” After a while, she turned around to face her friend.

“Close your eyes Dashie,” Fluttershy squeaked. “I wanna wash you this time...” Rainbow Dash, being all too familiar with Fluttershy’s soft voice, understood what she asked, and closed her eyes.

Rainbow felt Fluttershy’s body press onto hers, the timid pony’s softer stomach on the athletic mare’s toned one, as well as their chests pressed together. Rainbow could feel her friend’s more tender breasts rub against her firmer ones, despite being similar in size(with Fluttershy’s slightly larger), the feel was noticeably different, especially to a pegasus as in tune with her nature as Rainbow was. She also noticed Fluttershy rub her body against hers, feeling their breasts and nipples caress each other. Fluttershy, meanwhile, stifled her moans from the sensations she felt.

Rainbow was surprised at Fluttershy’s physical contact, as she knew this wasn’t something the shy mare would do just then and there, but she also wanted more contact like this, especially after things between them got awkward. What shocked her enough to pull free, was when Fluttershy started nibbling and licking her ear.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened at the speedster’s sudden retreat. Rainbow, whose eyes were also wide in shock, stammered, “Wha- What was-that’s a--?”

“I’m sorry…” Fluttershy said. “I turned you down because I thought we had something as close as what the Princesses have…” she then paused as she looked towards the general direction of Canterlot. “But then… we saw them making love… And that made me realize I was wrong… Since I turned you down, I felt awkward with you, and I could notice you were being hesitant…”

“I didn’t want to be pushy,” Rainbow Dash said. “And so I--”

“No, I understand, In fact, I kinda…” Fluttershy interrupted. “But I… Oh, for fluff’s sake, I can’t take it!”

Fluttershy then dove her face towards Rainbow Dash’s, capturing the daredevil’s lips into a kiss. Rainbow Dash, initially surprised at first, immediately returned the kiss.

Rainbow then wrapped her arms around Fluttershy, as Fluttershy slowly caressed Rainbow’s back, underneath her wings. The pegasi continued their kissing, as their wings slowly unfurled as they got more passionate. Fluttershy then felt something push against her marehood, taking her by surprise. She suddenly broke the kiss, and pulled away from Rainbow.

“Wh-wha-what was--” She gasped as her eyes caught on the culprit.

Rainbow looked at Fluttershy, confused. Following her line of sight, she looked downwards, only to be shocked at the sight. In the place of her vagina, there was a set of male parts.

“What the--” Rainbow shrieked. “Why do I have a dick?”

Fluttershy covered her mouth as she gasped. “Will that even fit?” she wondered.

“I… don’t know… ” Rainbow gasped. “This must be the Princesses’ doing…” she thought out loud, remembering the magical ray that blasted her, Twilight, and Applejack.

“We did see them… Having those…” Fluttershy said, her cheeks to flush hot pink upon recalling the scene.

Rainbow took Fluttershy’s hand, and they went out of the stream towards the forested region past the bank. She then lay down on her back. “How about this? So you can control how I go in…” she suggested, her cheeks also flushing pink.

Fluttershy got onto Rainbow Dash, mewling a bit as her vulva caressed Rainbow’s shaft. She then slowly guided the tip inside, sending a jolt of sensations through both of them.

“The… tip…” Fluttershy panted.

“Yeah…” Rainbow replied, also gasping for breath. She then took Fluttershy’s hands with her own, interlocking their fingers. “Slowly does it…”

“Mhm…” Fluttershy nodded, making eye contact with her friend. ‘Her friend… who she will be mating with… oh my,her thoughts went, as she moved her hips down, easing the rest of Rainbow’s length in.

The moment that the whole of Rainbow’s johnson was fully inserted into Fluttershy’s sheath, Fluttershy found herself falling onto Rainbow, finding their faces close up, snout to snout.



They closed their eyes and started kissing in a more intense and passionate manner than before. Their arms slowly wrapped around the other, as their bodies slowly started rubbing sensually, as well as started moving their hips, introducing friction in their sex.

Rainbow moaned as Fluttershy mewled, as they both steadily increased the intensity of their lovemaking, further sending jolts of sensation through their entireties.

Fluttershy moved her hips faster, as she wrapped her arms around Rainbow’s head, locking gazes with her friend. “We’re… Mating…” Fluttershy gasped.

“I’m… Yours…” Rainbow replied through gasps. The shy mare then closed in to the speedster’s ear.

“You… Have… To take me…” Fluttershy whispered.

This instantly flipped a switch in Rainbow. She then rolled both herself and Fluttershy over, putting Fluttershy at the bottom. She then closed in until their muzzles were a quarter of an inch apart, and said, “If you say so…”

The lifetime friends closed in for another kiss, as their wings unfurled to full extension. Rainbow sped up her thrusts, as Fluttershy wrapped her legs around Rainbow’s waist to limit her to a short distance, as she also moved her chest in order to add friction between their breasts.

Rainbow’s mind was racing past the sound barrier, how did the awkwardness from a week’s time result into the most passionate moment she could ever had with her lifetime best friend, or is it now lover? Despite the questions, she also wanted this ever since she confessed, that she would be with Fluttershy like this. Fluttershy’s however, was rolling in unbridled emotions. Part of her worrisome side of the mind was fretting over the consequences on their friendship, while part of her passionate side was aching to be rid of the awkwardness, even if it meant such wanton mating with her lifetime best friend. She then gave herself to the moment, as Rainbow did.

They mated faster, harder, and more passionate. Closer and closer did they skirt towards the moment to come. They both broke their kiss, gasping for air, only for them to hit the ceiling of sensation.




Rainbow let it rip, sending a torrent of seed into Fluttershy’s womb. Fluttershy felt herself fill up with Rainbow’s cum, triggering her nethers to spray shecum violently.

The pegasi then both fell onto the ground, heaving and panting as they looked into each other’s eyes. Rainbow Dash then plucked a primary feather from her right wing, and tried to braid it into Fluttershy’s mane, behind her right ear. Fluttershy, turning pink from the move that the speedster did, and followed suit, primary feather from her right wing braided in Rainbow’s mane, behind her right ear.

“You’re making up for lost time, hmm?” Fluttershy cooed, touching noses with Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow then planted a light kiss on Fluttershy’s lips, letting out a chuckle. “I’m not wasting the moment…”

“You’re awfully fast, Missus Shy…” Fluttershy teased with a giggle.

“Somepony like you has gotta be Missus Dash on my watch…” Rainbow responded, nuzzling her snout with the canary mare.

Epilogue - Terrificly Deific

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First thing in the next day, the Princesses called the Element Bearers to the old castle ruins in Everfree Forest, so they can discuss the eclipse related issue.

“Now, my little ponies,” Luna tried to begin, as she started to pace around. “When a stallion and mare—ugh wait, when two deities—”

“My beloved sister, let me.” Celestia interrupted, nuzzling Luna as she embraced the nocturnal Alicorn. She then turned her attention to the Element Bearers, and said, “How were the gifts we left you?”

The six mares glanced at each other, specifically the mares who had seen each other the day prior. Pinkie laid her head on Twilight’s shoulder, causing the purple unicorn to blush. Rarity took hold of Applejack’s arm and pressed her chest on it, causing Applejack to gulp. Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash as she revealed the braided feather, while Rainbow did the same.

Luna giggled as she held Celestia’s hand, leading the diurnal Alicorn to touch horns with Luna. “It seems that our little ponies understand,” she smiled. Her eyes widened a bit when her student raised her hand. “What troubles you, Twilight Sparkle?” she asked warmly.

“How will the ponies of Equestria deal with the whole eclipse thing?” the bookworm asked. “I’m very happy for you two, but the sun and moon are still linked to your magic—”

“We have already sent out announcements, clarifying the difference compared to the Nightmare Moon era.” Luna said. “I wish it would have been an announcement about—”

“Luna,” Celestia sighed. “We’re still too young as deities, young enough that what we do is still considered history, and not myth. That would likely take tens of thousands of years more…”

“Well… we can wait, surely?” Luna said.