> Crucible > by Gonderlane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Worship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Celestia!" Twilight shouted triumphantly as she stood next to her friends, wielding their individual elements. They were finally ready to banish the evil ruler of Equestria once and for all. To them, restoring Celestia was still more important than defeating the dark mare. But Daybreaker seemed unfazed by the Elements' power - even with all their might directed at her, there was no sign that she was going to lose. "We have the Elements of Harmony and you're alone," said Rainbow Dash as they approached the empress. But Daybreaker only laughed. "Alone? You foolish ponies!" The six of them charged up with their power and pointed it at Empress Daybreaker, who sat atop a throne that had once been the white, pristine one they once knew, now covered in thick red flames. "Go ahead, try me," sneered Daybreaker. "Your pitiful attempt to defeat me will only prove your weakness. I am unstoppable!" But Twilight's resolve didn't just shimmer; it blazed. "You won't get away with this," she declared, the pain in her horn igniting her words, turning them into a promise rather than a threat. Daybreaker's laughter, a sound dark and confident, seemed to wrap around the defiance, attempting to smother it. "Oh, really? You think you can challenge me? Your empress? Your precious elements are mere playthings against my might." Surrender, however, was a concept alien to them. Applejack, with the vibrant glow of her element casting an orange defiance, stood unwavering by Twilight. Their faces, mirrors of determination, refused to let their world, their Equestria, fall into the hooves of this monster. Daybreaker, her magic swelling like a storm on the horizon, smirked. "So, you choose defiance," she sneered. "Prepare to meet your end." The palace then was awash with light so blinding, it seemed to erase everything else. The chaos that followed unmoored them from reality, their hooves finding no purchase. As quickly as the fiery tempest arrived, it vanished, leaving behind a silence that pulsed with dread. Daybreaker's smile filled that silence, not just seen, but felt. This despair wasn't merely physical. An unholy magical grip, borne of pure malice, now held them, a testament to a power unfathomable. Daybreaker had unveiled her true might, a force so overwhelming it promised eternal stasis, not just to their bodies, but to their souls. Twilight's spirit flickered defiantly. She couldn't give in; the stakes were far too great. Harnessing a surge of desperate strength, Twilight shattered her paralysis. "Let them go!" she demanded, her voice a beacon for the others. She heard a bright glow coming from her left. The Element of Loyalty ignited, its glow a herald of resurgence. Then, the others followed.  Each Element sparked to life, their combined luminescence cut through the horrid brightness, Daybreaker's grip weakening. Seizing this moment, Twilight acted. Channeling her pent-up energy, she unleashed a beam of pure magic at Daybreaker. The spell, precise and potent, struck true, the impact staggering the empress, her momentary vulnerability exposed. As Daybreaker reeled stunned, the Elements started to pulse, growing brighter and warmer, until finally, the aura surrounding the rest of her friends began to fade, releasing them from its grasp as they all collapsed on the ground. Twilight steadied herself and looked up at Daybreaker in awe.  In return, her eyes narrowed and her lips twisted downward in anger as she watched them recover from her attack.  "Tsk." "Now, Twilight!" yelled Applejack as she rushed forward again, her pendant of Honesty glowing brightly as they joined forces against their radiant enemy. Twilight blasted Daybreaker once more, making the empress shriek with fury as she was knocked back.  Daybreaker stumbled backwards, reeling over and landing hard on the ground, stunned by the blow. The impact shook the entire palace, causing the walls to rumble violently, every column threatening to collapse in upon themselves At that moment, Twilight knew they had to finish the job. She gathered herself up and ran toward Daybreaker, who was still struggling to get upright. With all the force she could muster, she leapt at her. As soon as they connected, the Elements behind her glowed brightly, sending out pulses of energy into the room. They enveloped them in a shimmering cloud so bright, it blinded the red flames surrounding them all. All six ponies were lifted into the air in harmony, their Elements pulsating with power. Their combined efforts propelled their energy forward with such immense force that even Daybreaker couldn't resist the assault anymore. The burning aura that had once enveloped Twilight now dissipated, and she felt a surge of energy flowing throughout her body. She glanced around the room, noticing her friends were also feeling it. Their faces were alight, their own Elements glowing brightly in response. The aura grew in intensity, slowly forming into a beam from all six that then shot towards Daybreaker, striking her directly in the chest, right at the center of her solar pendant. The impact of the beam sent a shock wave throughout the entire room. Daybreaker screamed in rage and defiance, desperately trying to counter the onslaught. Her pendant absorbed the energy from their attack, glowing brighter and brighter.  Right in the center of her solar pendant. The beam's extreme force unleashed a shock wave, reverberating through the room. Daybreaker, fueled by rage and defiance, let out a scream, a futile attempt to combat the inevitable. Her pendant, mirroring her fury, absorbed the onslaught's energy, its luminescence intensifying with every moment. The struggle reached its zenith when the beam's growing might culminated in an explosion—a cascade of blinding, pure light that swallowed everything in its wake. The aftermath saw all six ponies hurled backward, their bodies meeting the ground with a collective thud. Disoriented, they lay scattered across the floor, the room's sudden shift leaving them dazed. Twilight was the first to rise, her concern immediate as she surveyed her friends. "Everybody okay?" Her voice, though steady, carried the weight of their shared ordeal. One by one, they responded with weak nods, pushing themselves off the ground with effort that belied their fatigue. As they regrouped, a palpable sense of exhaustion enveloped them, the air thick with a warmth that hadn't been there before. At the room's heart stood Daybreaker, more formidable than ever, her glare laden with undisguised loathing. "Predictable," she sneered, the word cleaving through the tense silence. Every aspect of the Solar Empress was changed, her mane no longer flowing and vibrant as it once was but instead now wild and untamed, her eyes blazing with rage. The pendant she wore shone brighter and brighter with each passing heartbeat, its glow casting an eerie, otherworldly shadow across the chamber. When everything faded back to focus, they were still greeted by the wicked grin and fiery aura of Daybreaker. She stood up tall before them once again and glared daggers at Twilight. "Pathetic! You think I'll be defeated that easily?" She growled, her voice rising in a crescendo of rage and frustration that reverberated throughout their surroundings. The air grew heavy with static electricity, causing hairs to rise on end, and a shiver crept down each pony's spine, making every breath they took difficult to inhale. "How!?" cried Twilight, staring up into the empress' glowing, blood-red eyes, which burned brighter with her anger. Daybreaker sneered, leaning in towards them. "It takes something greater than the power to destroy me. Your Elements of Harmony are no longer yours!" She raised her head up, towering over them like a giant monster. The empress' mane blazed furiously, casting long shadows over them as if it was a fire itself. With that, she looked down at her pendant, now burning as brightly as her mane and her rising aura. "I have taken the power you so desperately cling onto!" "No, you couldn't have!" yelled Twilight, her face contorting as her emotions bubbled over, unable to contain themselves within. Every corner of the room darkened and filled with the scent of flames and sulfur, making it harder to breathe. It was as if the fire in the room grew in power along their empress. "I am invincible!" Daybreaker laughed maniacally, reveling in the despair she was creating. Her power swelled around them all. "You are powerless! Your pathetic Elements now belong to me!" she snarled through her teeth. With her words came an explosion flare that sent Twilight and friends staggering backwards, falling flat upon the stone floor, dazed and confused. Daybreaker laughed maniacally above, watching the ponies struggle, knowing that she had the absolute power over them, that she truly was invincible... that nothing, nopony - not even the essence of harmony that flowed through each and every pony, could ever stop her now. The heat in the room began to intensify, burning their skin and choking up their throats. As the smoke billowed around, they could make out trails of smoke trailing towards the center of the room. They watched in horror as the flames licked up and up, engulfing the embers in flames, until they were completely surrounded in a wall of fire.  The intensity in heat grew stronger by the minute, forcing Twilight and her friends to clump together in fear. The air became thicker, harder to breathe, and their eyes started burning. They couldn't see, couldn't even think straight as the smoke invaded their minds, turning their world to burning darkness. In their last moments, before their consciousness faded, they could hear a sinister chuckle in the distance, a voice whispering in their ears, taunts of victory and defeat ringing out, echoing through the air.  Twilight looked towards her friends, the pendants they wore, all glowing brightly as their magic flowed through their veins, but even their combined strength wasn't enough. Their Elements of Harmony had lost their potency, fading in brightness and power, as if they had been drained of energy.  And Twilight realized the only possible solution. "WAIT!!!" Twilight screeched in desperation, trying in vain to get Daybreaker's attention. One last attempt to stop the madness... Suddenly, an entrance in the circle of flames opened. There, Daybreaker appeared before the six of them. She looked smug and triumphant as she gazed down at them. "One last plea, Twilight, before I burn your precious ponies?" She sneered, looking over at the other ponies who cowered behind Twilight as though she were protecting them from danger. She chuckled at this sight, clearly amused at how helpless they truly were. Twilight stood firm, determined not to back down, even in defeat.  She silently whispered to herself, not audible to anyone but to her own ears. I'm sorry, Princess. Twilight then bowed her head. "I... give up." She begged, trying to not let the desperation show in her tone, but it was useless... her voice shook uncontrollably, revealing her true feelings. The empress merely snorted and shook her head in disdain, clearly unimpressed by such a weak display. "Give up? Ha! I've waited too long for this day, Twilight! The day when I finally get what I deserve, where every single last trace of Celestia is erased from existence and her beloved subjects become my slaves!" The mare's eyes glowed red, and a wicked smirk formed across her face that gave way to a loud laugh. The ponies backed away further, terrified by the empress and unsure what she might do now, but their backs eventually went to the stinging warmth of the circle of flame. "Twilight?" Fluttershy nervously spoke up despite her trembling legs. "Oh, but you aren't going to give up, not without your friends." Daybreaker smiled, stepping forward, closer towards Twilight. "See, I thought ponies recognized you for your intelligence..." Daybreaker leaned forward to whisper softly. She was mere inches away from her as she spoke, and the closeness unnerved the unicorn, who flinched slightly. "Your precious princess is dead, and you're too stupid to even recognize it." Twilight blinked. "What?!" She exclaimed incredulously. But she had no time to process the revelation. Was... she really dead? Her eyes widened, and a cold sweat broke out on the back of her neck as she struggled to know what to do. The realization that Celestia was gone, truly... it was almost incompatible. How could she accept that?  But as she stood before Daybreaker, she couldn’t afford to dwell on such things now; her friends needed her more than ever. "Take me instead of them, please!" Twilight looked up at her friends with horror as she tried to suggest the last resort plan. She had never meant it to come to this, but now, with the stakes high, they were left with very little options. If she surrendered to Daybreaker, her friends could escape with their lives. It had always been their goal to save the world from evil, and now she was willing to sacrifice it all for her loved ones. They would hate her forever...  But she had made the choice. And it would be the best for all Equestria to let the empress win. After all, the world would need a leader... Even if it had become a dark place. "Twilight!?" Pinkie and Rarity shouted in tandem, but Twilight had already stepped forward. Daybreaker grinned, grabbing Twilight's mane tightly and pulling her closer, almost lifting her off the ground. Her eyes shone brightly as she examined every inch of Twilight, devouring her moment of weakness. Twilight trembled, and Daybreaker sensed a hint of uncertainty in her.  "You're a fool to think that giving up yourself will help your pathetic friends. All of you have use to me." "You can do what you want with me! Just leave my friends alive!" Twilight pleaded, hoping that her surrender was enough incentive for the empress to spare the others. Daybreaker chuckled darkly. "Oh, I'm very glad you offered. I can sense the magic in you, the potential... it's quite tempting." Daybreaker's horn glowed red hot, burning with power as her magic flowed through every cell of her. The air crackled with energy, and her hair flared like a burning pyre around her head. Twilight closed their eyes, preparing to accept the pain and agony, praying that her sacrifice would be the one thing to save Equestria. She felt the magic flowing outwards, enveloping her in a bright flash, and then she was consumed in the darkness, lost to all but the empress' laughter and the cries of her friends. They were gone. Daybaker's magic faded, and the world around them returned to its normal state, as though nothing had ever happened. Twilight's friends had vanished into nothing, along with their precious Elements of Harmony. Daybreaker's triumphant smile widened as she looked around her throne room. She could feel her magic coursing through every inch of her, and she reveled in her victory.  She could rule this world as she saw fit. No one, nothing - not even the elements - could ever stop her now. The empress let out a low chuckle, basking in glory and power as she prepared to begin her reign... She looked down at Twilight, now the only other pony in the room. She lay still on the marble floor, lifeless and silent. Her face was contorted in a permanent mask of terror as she gazed up towards the ceiling, as though looking beyond into the stars beyond, where perhaps she could find solstice. Daybreaker scoffed at the pitiful display before her... a foolish mare whose dreams would remain forever unrealised. But even as her magic surged and her power increased with every heartbeat, Daybreaker felt a nagging sensation gnawing within, something that she could not explain but made her uneasy nonetheless. It wasn't just the loss of the elements that bothered her, but also... something more, something far greater. But she brushed these thoughts aside as quickly as they arose and focused on what mattered most; playing with her prize. She trotted towards Twilight, admiring the beauty and innocence of this young, broken soul, wondering how such a delicate creature could have caused so many problems. As she drew nearer to the mare, her gaze fell to where she lay motionless, her eyes closed in death and defeat, her body covered with burns from Daybreaker's magic. And yet... There was still magic inside her... not as much as before, but just enough... Daybreaker smiled as she lifted Twilight's face up gently with one hoof, stroking her cheek with a soft touch, feeling the life flow within Twilight's veins. She had underestimated how powerful she was, but she knew that this young pony had so much power, so much untainted potential waiting to be unleashed. It wouldn't be hard to mold and shape her into a new form - a loyal, powerful minion, someone she could use and control, and maybe even teach the secrets of magic. The thought brought her pleasure, as she pictured Twilight serving under her, doing whatever Daybreaker commanded without fail, no longer a threat to Equestria... "Wh..." Twilight whimpered, barely being able to talk or move. Daybreaker smirked as she saw a glimmer of recognition in the mare's eyes as realization dawned on her. "W-what did you do to them?" Unbeknownst to Daybreaker, she let out a smirk that revealed her inner thoughts, which Twilight immediately caught and recognized, her mind racing with possibilities, each one more horrific and terrifying than the next, and yet she couldn't bring herself to scream for her freedom or cry for mercy. "Oh, they're safe, don't you worry." whispered Daybreaker, her voice dripping with malice and venom as her magic flared once more. "You should be thankful for what I'm going to do with you. Very thankful." Twilight's face paled with shock, the very last essence of her element prompting her to resist.  "No! No no no!" She screamed as her horn began to flicker with energy, but it only fizzled. Daybreaker's smile turned evil, seeing the mare try to fight, despite being so weakened and exhausted from their encounter earlier. She admired the determination in her eyes, already hoping to sap it from her, along with everything else. She leaned down to whisper softly into Twilight's ear.  "You don't get it, dear pony. You're mine." Twilight immediately struggled and squirmed under her captor's hooves, kicking and biting and flailing wildly with every ounce of strength she possessed, but the empress simply tightened her grip and pressed her hoof harder into Twilight's back, pinning her firmly against her chest.  "Stay still. Don't make it worse for yourself." she warned in a cold and threatening tone. Twilight continued to fight, desperate to escape. But it was no use; the empress was just too powerful, and her resistance seemed futile. Suddenly, Twilight's horn began to glow, and a burst of light erupted from the tip, shooting straight into the empress' body. Just as before, however, it only made her stronger and brighter, as though it fed upon the power she absorbed.  Daybreaker let out a sinister laugh, relishing the feeling that coursed through her body, enjoying the rush and excitement she experienced every time Twilight resisted or struggled, as though it were some kind of game, a challenge to be conquered. The flames in her mane flickered in response to the energy flowing through her, illuminating her face with a sinister red light that made her look like a demon from a nightmare. She grabbed Twilight's head in one hoof and held it tight as Twilight screamed and writhed against her grasp. She leaned down to whisper softly into the mare's ear, reveling in her helplessness and fear. "Shhhh...." She cooed, running her hoof down the length of Twilight's neck in a gentle caress, as though calming a frightened animal. "You're all mine, under my safety. In due time, you'll learn to enjoy your role under me." Her smile widened, as Twilight's struggles began to cease. She could sense the resignation and hopelessness emanating from her captive, which pleased her immensely. It was like watching an insect give up on escaping a spider's web. She had trapped Twilight, and she had no intention of letting her go. "Don't you see?" Daybreaker tapped her glowing amulet, pulsing with energy in response, as if it were alive. "Your precious elements belong to me now. Your magic, your... essence." Twilight looked up at Daybreaker pleadingly, but the empress merely shook her head with a wicked grin, savoring the moment. "You belong to me now, Twilight Sparkle. And you'll do exactly as I command." "Please, let me go." Twilight whispered in desperation, tears streaming down her face as reality finally sunk in. Even if she knew it was useless to resist. But she had always been a fighter at heart, and she would continue fighting until she had nothing left to give... even in death. Daybreaker laughed cruelly.  "Let you go? I think you're misunderstanding the nature of your position..." Daybreaker merely laughed once more. "Your weakness shows when you beg, something I will not have for a pony serving me." Her eyes glowed brighter as she leaned close, her lips brushing gently against Twilight's neck. Then, she gave her a long, slow lick from her jaw to her chin. Even her tongue burned with heat, leaving a very small trail of smoke and ash in its wake, while tasting the salt from Twilight's sweat and tears. Twilight shivered with disgust and tried to pull away, but her captor held her tightly, preventing any chance of escape. "I'll have to fix you," said Daybreaker. "NO!" screamed Twilight, her eyes widening as realization hit her, and panic set in. She kicked frantically, trying to push herself away, but Daybreaker pinned her effortlessly with a smirk on her face that made her blood run cold. "Let me go!!! Let me GO!" The empress ignored her pleas, her lips curling in a wicked grin as she reached down to grab one of Twilight's front legs. She yanked it upwards roughly, causing Twilight to cry out in pain, but still she fought. She thrashed wildly, trying to break free, but it was no use. "Stop! Stop! Please, please don't hurt me!" She cried, her tears streaming down her cheeks, as she realized the full scope of what was about to happen. "Don't worry, I'll make this as painless as possible for you... well, for me, anyway." Daybreaker chuckled darkly, as she pulled Twilight's leg higher, forcing her to bend awkwardly at the waist until she was bent double, her head resting in between her own knees. Her rear hooves scraped against the floor as she tried to push away, but she couldn't move, not an inch. She was stuck, helpless and terrified. Twilight sobbed, her heart hammering in her chest, as she tried desperately to get away. "Anything but that, anything but that!" But Daybreaker ignored her pleas and pushed her back, pinning her down with one hoof and spreading her rear legs wide apart with the other. She was completely exposed. The empress leaned forward until her muzzle was inches from hers and whispered softly into her ear. "Calm yourself. I just need to purify you first." With that, she shoved her muzzle into Twilight's nether regions and began to lick furiously at her pussy, slathering her tongue all over it, coating it in spit, before thrusting her tongue deep inside. The heat burned, scorching her insides, causing her to yelp in pain as she struggled and writhed, but Daybreaker held her fast, keeping her immobilized. Her tongue darted in and out of Twilight, licking her walls, and her clit, sending jolts of intense pleasure throughout her body. She moaned involuntarily, her mind and body betraying her. Her breathing quickened, and she felt herself losing control... but the pleasure soon turned sour as the empress bit down on her sensitive flesh, causing her to cry out in agony, as she felt a wave of pain wash over her. She screamed in anguish as Daybreaker pulled back, grinning evilly. "Don't worry, this is all necessary." Daybreaker licked the juice from her lips as Twilight lay there panting heavily. "It will make it easier for what comes soon." She then proceeded to shove her whole mouth over her clitoris and sucked on it furiously, sending shocks of pleasure through Twilight's body once more. This time, Twilight couldn't resist the sensations. She bucked her hips, her legs grinding against the empress as an immediate reaction, her body craving the stimulation. The burning sensation from Daybreaker's tongue intensified as she felt Daybreaker nibble at her folds, her lips and teeth grazing her skin, causing sparks to dance up and down her spine. Her body betrayed her once more, pain mixing with ecstasy, her mind reeling with the conflicting desires of pleasure and agony. She had never been touched like this. She couldn't believe how much her body wanted it, even if her rationality screamed otherwise. The feeling of heat deep inside was overwhelming. She felt as if her core was on fire. But it wasn't just physical. The emotions she was experiencing were rawer, more potent than anything she had ever known, like a dam had broken and flooded the valley of her psyche, drowning everything beneath it, leaving her helpless and lost in a sea of sensations she didn't understand and couldn't fight. She was powerless to stop it, and she didn't want to anymore as Daybreaker continued her relentless assault, driving her to the brink of orgasm, her body writhing with pleasure and agony. "Ah! Ahhh! No, please... stop... don't do this... don't... don't touch... noooooo......." she whimpered in desperation as her climax built up inside her. She couldn't control her thoughts; she could barely speak or move, her mind overwhelmed by a torrent that threatened to sweep her away, to drown her in a flood of pleasure and pain. It was like an electric shock that coursed through her entire body. It was too intense... too intense. It was like a drug, a drug whose effects lingered long after its initial dose, leaving her wanting and aching, needing more and more. She couldn't help it. She couldn't stop the feeling inside, the desire for more. The wanting of her tongue... her tongue that burned with a fire she couldn't escape.  She was already so incredibly close to losing control, her legs trembling, as the empress continued to lap at Twilight's folds, lapping up her juices like a thirsty animal, making her wet, making her drip, making her squirm... the heat from her tongue was like a spice that made her feel intoxicated. She felt dazed... dizzy... and she wasn't sure if it was because of the heat or from the intensity of her emotions. As Daybreaker worked her magic, her body reacted to each lick and nibble. She could hardly breathe as she gasped for air, her body shaking, as she felt herself coming closer and closer to climax, her heart racing, her muscles tensing, the heat growing inside her. It was too much... it was all she needed to reach her peak. That was, until Daybreaker pulled back and looked Twilight in the eyes with her fiery red ones, a smirk on her face. "Already so close, Twilight? We're just starting." She chuckled darkly and licked her own tongue, as her saliva dripped from her lips. Twilight shuddered in response, feeling a wave of shame and fear wash over. She was so close and still denied. The empress' eyes narrowed, and she grinned wickedly.  "Not yet," Daybreaker said as if reading Twilight's thoughts. "You're mine now. If you release yourself so early, this starts getting boring." She leaned in, pressing her nose against Twilight's, as her breath washed over her like a furnace. "Do not defy me again. I'll make sure of it." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "You'll be mine, forever..." "Forever..." repeated Twilight, the meaning behind it echoing through her mind. Daybreaker smiled and stood upright once again. She took her place in front of Twilight. "You may have been the one to lead the Elements, but it seems you're nothing more than another pony to me. Another plaything, another tool to be manipulated." She leaned down and placed her forelegs on Twilight's chest and pressed her weight down. "You may be strong, you might resist... for now." she hissed as Twilight whimpered in fear. "But in the end, you're nothing more than a toy, a play thing... mine to do with as I wish." She leaned in close and nosed at Twilight's cheek affectionately, her tongue trailing over the sensitive skin there, before moving to nibble her ear. "And now, you belong to me..." She breathed, her words hot on her ear as she nibbled on it. She could taste the salty sweat on her coat... the scent of Twilight, the sweet tang of fear mixed with the sharp bite of pain. It was intoxicating. Her tongue flicked over the delicate skin as she licked and lapped. Her hot breath was on the mare's neck, as her lips brushed against the skin. She nibbled and sucked lightly, drawing out moans of both pain and arousal, causing Twilight to shiver in anticipation. "Mmmmmmmm..." She murmured. "I think I'm gonna love making you mine..." She whispered, as a smirk played across her muzzle. She leaned forward again and licked Twilight from her cheek, up her jaw, all the way to her forehead, tasting every inch of her. The trail she left in its wake burned, as she felt her tongue sipping on her skin, tasting her sweat and fear as her eyes widened in horror. She felt like she was on the verge... the precipice of something terrible, something awful, but she was unable to pull back... The lingering sensation of ecstasy from her earlier teasing remained in Twilight's body. Her legs trembled, and her heart raced, but she knew that if she came... she would never forgive herself. She couldn't allow this to happen again. But the heat from the empress' tongue made her feel weak, her muscles taut with tension as she resisted the temptation of release. The feeling, the thought of losing to her made her shudder with shame, and she couldn't help but feel a spark of rebellion within her soul... She couldn't give up. Not here, not now! She wouldn't lose herself so quickly! She had more power, more will to fight. But as she continued to play with her face, her lips eventually met her own, and their mouths pressed together. She could feel the empress' tongue darting inside, swirling around, as if exploring every corner, savoring every taste, as Twilight's body trembled uncontrollably from the contact of their lips. The taste was sweet and salty, but most overpowering was the searing warmth that radiated from Daybreaker's mouth and tongue. It burned like fire, scorching her, and making her want more of it, even as she hated it at the same time... she wanted this... she wanted it to stop! She didn't understand what was going on, why she wanted more. If it was even possible, the passion in Daybreaker's kissing intensified. She began sucking on Twilight's lips hungrily and nipping at her tongue with her teeth, causing her entire body to quiver with excitement. She could feel the warmth of her mouth and tongue, as she felt the tip of her tongue sliding up and down, exploring each crease and crinkle. It sent a surge of pleasure throughout her body, as she found her hips bucking and her legs squeezing together tightly. She felt the urge to grind against her captor... to press their bodies together. The sensation was intoxicating. Every corner of her mouth was explored, left in a burning feeling as her tongue slid down the back of Twilight's mouth, causing her to moan in pain and pleasure at her touch. Even Twilight's moan was stifled with Daybreaker's tongue in her throat. The feeling was incredible! The empress' lips were warm and soft against her mouth; they were gentle, and tender, as she nibbled and bit at her lips. Yet they were also aggressive and fierce, matching every kiss with equal fervor. It drove Twilight to madness, making her want to lose control completely... but she couldn't. She could smell a musky scent in her nostrils... the smell of sweat. The air was thick with it, the heat rising, the room filling with smoke, but neither seemed to notice or care as they lost themselves in their embrace. The feeling of being kissed by the empress, the sensation of being consumed, of being devoured by a fire that burned within her. She was trapped; trapped and unable to move or resist. But she had to fight. She had to resist. She knew that this feeling, this pleasure, was not meant to last; that it could never be real... She was being kissed by the Solar Empress herself. The only alicorn whose mane burned bright like the sun's flame itself, the same one who now had taken everything from her and was about to take more... and yet... she didn't care. She just wanted to give in and be kissed again, to be loved by such power... to be consumed, to feel that warmth within her, as her heart raced and ached for more. Her lips suddenly parted, releasing their hold on Twilight's. They separated for just a moment, a long trail of saliva dripping onto Twilight's chin, before she was met with the satisfying, warming smile of the empress.  "Isn't it nice, tasting your own essence?" she asked, smiling down at her, as if amused by Twilight's predicament. Her lips twitched and quivered slightly at the thought of having been forced to kiss another pony, but she didn't respond, instead focusing on the empress. Daybreaker then lunged at her again with renewed ferocity. The empress was now kissing with greater urgency, and her mouth opened wider and wider as her tongue darted into every recess inside Twilight.  It probed, explored, searching for any hidden corners, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable in a way that was impossible to explain. The feeling grew more intense, and it was all Twilight could do not to lose herself completely to it, not to give in, but she was already lost to this madness... she couldn't stop it, even if she wanted to. Her heart pounded in her ears as she tried desperately to hold back the waves of ecstasy that crashed over her, all from the passionate kisses of her tormentor. But it was futile, and the pleasure was too strong to resist. With her body trembling and aching with desire, she finally surrendered, her mouth opening and closing in a silent plea for more... And that's when Daybreaker pulled away once more, this time, with a wicked grin playing across her lips. Her eyes glittered with mischief as she looked down, as Twilight stared back in longing. Her lips were red and swollen from their kissing, while the empress' tongue still glistened with saliva as it hung from her mouth. Daybreaker leaned in again and pressed her nose against the bridge. "Ohhh, you're so cute." She cooed, her tongue flicking over Twilight's muzzle, leaving trails of heat and moisture in the air, before pulling back with a chuckle. "So helpless... so weak. And now, I'm going to make you mine." Her words echoed in Twilight's ears as her mind struggled to process the implications of what Daybreaker was saying, of what she planned. She was too overwhelmed by the feelings coursing within her, by the emotions that racked her body... "You will be mine." The empress' voice was like a whisper, a promise of pleasure beyond her wildest dreams and fears. Twilight could only nod in defeat and surrender... She was lost to the empress' spell and her own cravings, and she knew, in a distant part of her mind, she would be forever changed The stinging feeling left in Twilight's mouth was that of a burn, like she was on fire from the inside out, the spice of Daybreaker's tongue still lingering. It was almost as though she was drunk, or perhaps under an enchantment. But as her mind slowly began to come to grips with the reality of her situation, her senses became heightened and her thoughts cleared. She felt as if every part of her had been claimed by Daybreaker. She couldn't move, could barely think. She felt as though she'd been possessed, or worse, owned. She couldn't escape, and the empress knew that. She had total dominion now. She had taken everything away from Twilight... Almost everything. "But you aren't mine. Not just yet." The solar pendant suddenly glowed much more, humming with energy, its glow illuminating Twilight. Daybreaker slowly trotted backwards as the amulet shone with power and light. Twilight watched in awe as the empress' horn flared and the air crackled with energy, as the embers of her mane flared and danced. Her hair rose above, as her eyes burned with a fire that seemed unearthly and terrifying. Then, Daybreaker took a graceful motion where she turned around, her tail flicking with her. With the new view, Twilight's instincts, all mostly sensual due to her captivated state, kicked back in. She could see the curve of her flank and the muscles in her thighs, the way the light hit each part, the smooth flow of movement and the grace that flowed with it all. She could almost feel the heat emanate from the other side of her body, but that could also have been her own desire. Either way, it caused an uncomfortable stirring in her lower body. A feeling that made no logical sense given their current situation and yet, it persisted. Her gaze fell upon her flank, the shape, color, even how it moved. She found herself wondering what it would be like to feel the warmth of her body against her muzzle, or even her lips and tongue, as her tongue ran across her teeth and lips in memory of the burning kiss from earlier. And more than anything, she wanted to bury her face in that warm, soft flank and feel the heat radiating off her skin. To let it consume her, to feel it envelop her like a blanket of comfort. But she knew better. She couldn't allow herself to indulge such fantasies. That would only make her weaker. It was bad enough that she felt the way she did, she couldn't let it take complete control of her actions as well. Twilight shook her head in an attempt to clear it and focus. The empress' movements had a rhythmic quality to them, as she walked in slow, deliberate strides, almost like she was dancing to music only she heard. Or if she was trying to tease her, taunting her with a sight she couldn't have but wanted so desperately. The thought made Twilight's cheeks flush with embarrassment, and her heart raced with anticipation. But then, the empress finally arrived at her own throne, and the sight of it was both magnificent and frightening in equal measure. For Twilight saw the empress sit in it, the flames surrounding the base roaring to life, and the sight of Daybreaker perched atop her perch sent a shiver of terror through her. It felt as if she were gazing up at a goddess of some kind... a creature of pure, untamed fire that could consume anything and anyone in its path without mercy or regret. But Twilight was powerless to resist, as she felt herself drawn towards her, as though she was in a trance... a spell. She could feel herself losing control of her body, as if her hooves were acting on their own, carrying her closer and closer to the fiery maw awaiting her, as she felt a wave of panic rising inside her, but there was nothing she could do to stop. "Drawn to me, are you?" asked the empress, smirking wickedly as she watched her captive approach, her eyes burning with an unnatural glow, like the reflection of the flames dancing around her. "Good. Come close, and see the culmination of the very thing you call friendship." Suddenly, the pendant on her neck glowed brighter, with her aura surrounding her like a cloak of power. It was as if the empress herself had become the center of the universe, drawing all attention, and all power to her and her alone. Twilight felt as if she were standing in the presence of something truly divine. Then, her attention was drawn to her lower body. More specifically, her crotch. With her sitting position in the throne, her legs started to spread, revealing that the fiery magic around her was manifesting into a cock. A giant cock, one where Twilight could feel her heartbeat quicken as she stared, unable and unwilling to look way as she approached closer, feeling a strange mix of fear... and lust.  Her cock manifested as the air around her shimmered with power, the magic of her aura, flowing from within the pendant. It pulsed with life, with energy. She was drawn closer and closer by it, as if compelled by some unseen force. Twilight stared, transfixed as a wave of arousal surged through her core, sending sparks of electricity dancing over her skin and down to her hooves. If her cock wasn't already big enough, the size of it seemed to be growing larger, the magic around the throne glowing hotter, as if fueled by the heat and power within the empress' aura. It throbbed and hardened beneath Twilight Sparkles' hungry gaze. Her heart hammered in sync, her breaths quick and shallow. It was as if she was mesmerized by it. Her breathing quickened and her body shivered with lust as she felt herself becoming aroused by the very sight alone, the heat radiating off it, making her want more. Her mind was racing, filled with conflicting feelings, torn between the overwhelming urge to submit and give up all control versus the stubborn desire to remain true to herself and resist. She had... disgusting thoughts. Lewd thoughts. She wanted to taste, to lick, to kiss it. To feel its heat in her mouth, to taste the salt from sweat, to feel the pulse of blood pumping through its veins.  These thoughts... these feelings, they terrified her. They were wrong. She shouldn't want this. She should be fighting, resisting, doing everything she could to escape. But she couldn't. She couldn't stop herself from wanting it. Not even that, to shield her mind from the images and desires that flooded her brain. She didn't know what was causing this, but her mind was still hot from earlier, and now, it was as if she was being driven mad by the heat and power emanating from the empress. The sight was intoxicating; it made Twilight forget her own thoughts as if they had disappeared into a fog, as she found herself unable to tear her eyes away, as if in a trance. Her mind was consumed by it, consumed by the desire, by the heat and the passion, as she found herself longing for it. She trotted closer, almost hypnotized by the glowing phallus that was now almost twice its original size, as it pulsed and throbbed with energy and life. She couldn't resist... it was an amazing sight. Every growing inch was coated in the glow of magic, the tip glistened with a liquid fire-like substance, dripping onto the floor in tiny droplets. It was like the embers of a flame; a beautiful, terrible flame. It was like a drug, like a force, like an addiction she couldn't fight anymore. She wanted nothing more than to feel every centimeter inside, to feel the warmth of her body engulf her own. Her legs trembled with anticipation and excitement, as she imagined herself riding the shaft, feeling its thickness stretch and fill every inch of her body, as it pumped and throbbed with life. Her mouth salivated as she pictured it inside her, tasting and swallowing its juices, feeling the burning heat in the back of her throat. It grew and swelled, continuing to pulsate as Twilight watched in awe and fascination, her own desires and urges growing stronger with each passing second, her body betraying all logic and reasoning, leaving her with no control, no choice, no way out... She wanted this. She wanted to lose herself. But as she reached the base of the throne and knelt before its owner, she couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation, a fear that gripped her heart and held firm. She knew she couldn't fight it, but she couldn't let herself fall prey to its charms either. But as her gaze traveled upward, meeting the empress' own blazing stare, she knew that it was too soon to make a choice. She would be forced against her will to choose, sooner rather than later, and it terrified her. The only question was whether or not she was brave enough. But for the time being, her only choice was submission. "Enamored, are you?" chuckled Daybreaker as she gazed down at Twilight from above the throne. She smiled wickedly as the pendant around her neck flared once again, causing the flames around her to flare in unison. "I only have you to thank. You and your bountiful magic."  With that, her pendant flared, and if even possible, her cock suddenly grew even longer and thicker, as if in response to her words. Its tip now almost touching her own chin, as if it were beckoning her closer, urging her to take it all. It was monstrous, it was divine. It was everything that Twilight had ever desired and feared. Her thoughts compelled her to take it, to feel its heat, to feel its warmth and its passion. She couldn't resist. She couldn't stop herself from wanting it. She felt a rush of adrenaline course through her body, as if she were being driven by a primal instinct, a desire that was stronger than anything she had ever known.  Despite being in a trance, Twilight was still aware and conscious of the pendant's abilities. With it harnessing the harmonic magic and power of six ponies, it was only now empowering Daybreaker with sexual energy that was beyond comprehension and reason. The empress' cock seemed almost alive, pulsing and twitching with need, begging Twilight for relief, as her eyes widened and mouth dropped open involuntarily. Twilight's body still burned from within, no doubt a result of the empress' tongue dominating her prior. The heat from it was still there, still affecting her, and it only served as a further reminder of how powerless she really was. But despite her resistance, she couldn't deny that there was a part of her deep down inside who yearned desperately for this, for this feeling of release and fulfillment. She could feel it in every cell of her body. She wanted, more than anything, for the empress to claim her, and she couldn't stop herself from giving in to the desire. It was inevitable, and the realization of it made Twilight shiver with dread and desire, as she stared longingly at the empress and her pulsating shaft. Her body ached with need, but she fought the urge to give her full surrender to this powerful alicorn's demands, knowing that there was only one outcome to their interaction that would satisfy the empress' dark lust... "Come forth." Daybreaker gently patted the spot between her legs, beckoning to Twilight to climb up and take it all, to accept everything the alicorn offered, without question, without hesitation or fear. But Twilight hesitated, knowing that she would lose everything she was the moment she did. It was less of a command, and more of a statement of fact; an invitation for Twilight to come closer to her, and closer to her cock as well. She knew that it was pointless to resist, but she also felt as though she were on the brink of something dangerous... something that could change her forever if she gave in to temptation. It was too much. It was too risky. But as she felt another surge of warmth flood her body, it seemed that her decision was already sealed in stone before she had the chance to even begin. She knew it wasn't over. Not yet, anyway. She couldn't stop what was to come next. But it seemed like the only thing she could control now was her choice; to surrender and accept defeat with pride and grace, or to resist and fight back until the end. And she chose to resist. Despite every single nerve screaming for more, despite feeling her legs tremble with need and lust, she resisted. Her mind screamed out in defiance as she stood firm and refused, even as the empress' piercing stare bore down, almost daring her to try. She knew she couldn't escape this, not without a fight. She had no weapons; all she had was her mind... her will to resist. She had to fight with her own strength alone, and she was determined to do everything she can to stay strong. Her trotting towards the throne stopped. She stared back, as she clenched the ground with her hooves, fighting every instinct and urge within, refusing to give in so easily. Daybreaker's eyes narrowed in anger, and her lips twitched in annoyance, but she didn't say a word as Twilight stared at her in defiant fury. She was ready for a fight, but it didn't come. Instead, the empress' horn glowed, in unison with her pendant, as if she were casting a new kind of spell. Instead, however, was something different. This spell was far from physical, but instead a psychic attack, one that struck Twilight directly and with full intensity. She felt her vision blur, and she suddenly found that she couldn't breathe, couldn't scream. The feeling was overwhelming, and she was unable to resist the force that was bearing down. She could feel her body tensing and tightening up from within, like an elastic band about to burst. It was almost as if she was being crushed from all sides, suffocated, and choked from within. No, more than that. It was like being drowned in a sea of molten lava, as the heat from her body rose to unimaginable proportions and threatened to melt her from the inside out. Every prior crevice of Twilight that had been touched, kissed and caressed, now seemed to ignite with an intense burning sensation. And as it grew in intensity and volume, the feeling of pain mixed with the sensation of pleasure. It was as if her entire body, including the parts Daybreaker hadn't touched, were on fire from within. She could feel her body reacting to the heat as she began panting heavily, her chest heaving as she gasped. These were only the physical sensations. Her mind was assaulted by an overwhelming feeling, as if it were under siege by the most powerful force she ever knew; as if the heat and the pain were just the beginning. It was as if a thousand voices were screaming in her mind at once, as if a thousand emotions flooded her psyche in an instant. Or just one very powerful, overpowering emotion. It was impossible to tell, and as much as the feeling terrified her, in the sea of this unrecognized, overwhelming emotion she was drowning in, a part of her recognized one thing. A feeling that resonated within her core. It was something she never expected to feel. A connection that she never thought she would experience, a connection between her and the almighty Solar Empress. And it terrified and confused her, as it was a feeling of belonging that she couldn't comprehend. She didn't want to believe it, but it was there all the same: the sensation of love, of acceptance. It filled her heart like no emotion she had ever known. It was more than overwhelming; she was drowning. And she didn't care. As she was swept up in that wave, as that connection became more intense, the heat and pain became secondary. She didn't know how to deal with such powerful emotions. And as she struggled with the conflicting forces raging within. Her body and her heart fought a losing battle, as her resistance weakened and crumbled away. She was lost in that storm, lost to those sensations, lost to those powerful feelings that threatened to destroy her from every direction. But in a moment of clarity in the middle, she realized something that made her heart sink. That no matter what she did. She lost the will to resist. And now, she only wanted to serve. > Conversion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daybreaker beckoned, her shining cock towering as she watched Twilight struggle in silence. Twilight could hear a faint chuckle as her body reacted on impulse while trotting forward, her heart hammering in her chest, as if her body itself was acting against her will. She was unable to control her actions, unable to stop herself as she felt herself climbing up the base of the empress' throne, feeling each step she made reverberate through her body, each hoofbeat sending shocks of electricity coursing through her veins. Every step upwards only gave her a better view, and the sight was breathtaking. Her body was on fire from below, the warmth of the flames licking at her skin, and yet it felt as if she were walking on a path to her own doom, her own fate. And yet, her body betrayed her once again as she approached the summit, as she felt herself kneeling in front of the empress, her eyes fixated upon the throbbing, glistening cock before her. It felt as if time had stopped as they looked into each other's eyes, the empress' burning red eyes staring back at her, her expression cold and calculating as she watched her prey. Daybreaker didn't move a muscle, her gaze fixed on the pony beneath her. She knew she had her trapped, knew she had complete control. It wasn't over, but the end was close enough for them to see it clearly. Twilight's heart sank as she knelt in place, knowing that she couldn't run. She was trapped in her own mind, trapped in the web of emotions that she could no longer fight. As the heat and energy of their connection grew even further, Twilight couldn't resist it. It felt like the sun's heat was burning through their connection, burning her, burning through every part of her. It was overwhelming, and it was impossible to stop it. She had never felt anything like it before, never experienced anything quite like this level of passion or emotion or intimacy. But the empress was in complete control. Her throbbing cock was mere inches away, as it pulsated with a heat and warmth of its own. She couldn't tear her eyes away from it. She was mesmerized by it, by its power. The smell of sweat and desire hung heavily in the air, its length easily reaching her own nose. The smell was intoxicating and filled her lungs as she breathed heavily, as a drop of liquid desire formed on its tip and fell to the ground with a splatter. Each testicle below it seemed to pulsate with need as well, and as Twilight gazed in amorous wonderment at the sight. Each one was easily bigger than both her hind legs combined and was covered in a layer of thick, hot, wetness that only seemed to grow as she stared. The empress' ballsack seemed to hang heavy, like two giant orbs of fiery flesh that seemed to radiate heat and energy along the rest of her dick. It seemed as if they were the source of everything she had been feeling, of every emotion she had felt, and it filled her heart in ways she never imagined, in ways that made her feel complete. It was a feeling that went deeper than just sex, it went deeper than any emotion she had ever known. And Twilight wanted it badly. "Worship." Daybreaker commanded in a voice barely above a whisper. Twilight's heart sank, but her body reacted on its own, as she leaned forward, her lips parted as they brushed against her enormous length, as her tongue slid down the side, tasting the salty sweetness of its surface and savoring the feeling of its heat and texture. It was incredible. It tasted like a sweet and spicy mixture. The heat and moisture from it were almost overwhelming as her lips trailed down, kissing and licking every inch, feeling the consistent pulsation of blood rushing through it. She felt a rush, like a surge of ecstasy as she felt her tongue brush up and down its sides, feeling it pulse, as a trail of liquid desire followed. Her lips were covered in its slick wetness as she tasted its essence and felt it fill her mouth and nostrils. She tried her absolute best to lick every corner of it as if she really was worshiping a goddess, her mind overwhelmed by its sheer girth. The taste, the smell, even the feel of her lips on it made her heart pound, as she licked and nibbled with abandon. If she wasn't so enraptured by Daybreaker's cock itself, she might be embarrassed or even mortified by the sounds she was making; moans, whimpers, and soft cries as she sucked and kissed with all she had, clearly unable to control herself. It felt as if she couldn't stop, her tongue sliding across every crease and curve, every part, every inch that was hers to taste. And she felt her mind and heart melt away as she surrendered to the sensation. If she weren't making such decadent noises, Daybreaker's soft, stifled moans also would be heard throughout the room, as if she was enjoying the show just as much as her own pleasure, which was only heightening with time. Twilight was lost in the moment. It was as if her whole life, her entire world had been consumed by this feeling, this passion, this connection, as if she was meant to experience this ability to worship the empress' dick with a fervor that surpassed any rational thought.  That was, until one of the empress' balls was suddenly pushed into her mouth.  Twilight gurgled and sputtered, but Daybreaker was quick, and her other testicle joined in soon after. They were warm and heavy as they filled Twilight's mouth and pressed against the sides of her cheeks. "Ngh, you've cleaned my shaft enough, now it's your turn to take care of these." Daybreak said, as she thrust her hips upward and shoved her testicles even deeper into Twilight's waiting muzzle. She felt as if every part of her mouth was being stuffed, and her lips were stretched wide as the empress forced her way inside. They were like a furnace; they pulsated and radiated heat and energy like a star itself, making every part of Twilight's mouth and face burn with an overwhelming warmth, as her body quaked with the sensation of being so close to Daybreaker. She could feel the pressure building within her, and she knew that she couldn't last for very long. Each ball felt as heavy and dense as a cannonball, but she couldn't resist, couldn't fight, couldn't pull her face away as they pushed past her teeth and into her throat with surprising ease. She felt her gag reflexes trying to reject it, but her body refused, and the sheer force and power that the empress put behind every thrust made it nearly impossible for her to fight back.  Her jaw was locked in position; she had no control as she was used. She felt her throat stretching, her muscles contracting as she was filled, her entire face and body trembling from the sensation. And as Daybreaker continued to shove and push with all her strength, her balls pressing deeper inside her throat with each thrust, she knew there was nothing else that could compare. Nothing else could come even remotely close to this feeling... This was what it was supposed to feel like. To worship, to serve, and to submit. It was a feeling that went far beyond the realm of pleasure. It was a connection, a feeling of unity, as the two ponies shared a bond that transcended everything that came before. As Twilight's body trembled in pleasure, she found herself wondering what she had been doing with her life. How had she been able to live without this? Without this feeling, this sensation... this connection. It was as if everything had been leading up to this moment. This was a feeling that could last forever, that could bring her peace, happiness... and satisfaction. The pain from having such enormous objects stuffed inside her was quickly overtaken by waves and waves of intense pleasure as her body reacted, her mind going numb from sensory overload, her eyes watering, as she moaned and gasped with ecstasy from every movement of the empress' hips. She felt herself losing consciousness as she tried her best to lick with the position she was in, her head spinning as every ounce of her energy drained away, but Daybreaker didn't slow or relent. She only increased her pace, as her cock swelled with heat, and she felt her own release building up inside her, threatening to burst free from her body at a moment's notice. "Mmmf... Nnnh..." Daybreaker moaned as her breathing grew heavier, as she pushed even deeper into Twilight, her massive balls pushing and pressing against her cheeks, forcing themselves even further inside, until she couldn't fit anymore. Twilight's mouth was completely full, stretched to her limit, as she struggled to breathe and keep herself from passing out, her body shaking with need and pleasure that was almost overwhelming. She had never been so turned on or aroused. Never before in her life had she experienced anything like this... and she couldn't imagine anything more amazing or fulfilling. She never wanted to lose this moment... she wanted this sensation, these memories... Then, both balls were suddenly forced out at high velocity, as Daybreaker grunted as she heard a slick popping sound right as both spheres were removed from her face. Twilight coughed and choked as her jaw was forced to open once again, her throat aching and her lungs desperate for breath and oxygen as her body shuddered violently with the sudden lack of pressure in her mouth and throat. "That's... enough... polishing." the empress growled, her voice thick with need. "But now... it's time... for you to properly praise me." It was as if her own cock reacted to her words, its pulsating length swelling even bigger, the glow around growing even more brilliant. It shined like a star, softly illuminating the entire chamber with its radiant heat and energy, as if she had become the sun itself. Although it was not a gentle light, it was warm and powerful, colors that seemed more red and orange than any gentle one you might find in another source of light. It seemed as if Daybreaker was transforming, becoming more powerful with her own magic with each second. Twilight stared up, transfixed at the sight, her eyes glazing over with lust and need. It was like looking into a flame, a beautiful, terrifying flame... and all Twilight wanted to do was get closer, as if it were calling her. As if she belonged there. And that thought terrified her, yet she couldn't stop the feelings of desire, of longing, that were consuming her. She needed this. And she knew it. "What are you waiting for?" Daybreaker asked, her eyes blazing and her voice thick with hunger for Twilight's submission. It seemed as though she could barely contain herself, and she reached for Twilight with a ferocity and intensity that made every muscle in her body clench with fear, anticipation... and desire. She used her magic to easily levitate Twilight and lift her upwards, her magical grip so strong it was painful, as she held her suspended in the air with ease. Twilight felt helpless as she hovered above her, as if she were an animal caught in a trap... or a slave to be used. Her eyes met Daybreaker' gaze, but she saw a look there that sent chills running up and down her spine; a mixture of lust, dominance, and pure, unrestrained need that she could not resist, even with all her efforts to resist. Daybreaker's eyes burned like fire, as if she wanted nothing else except to devour Twilight whole, body and mind, until she was nothing. And then, Twilight's mouth was immediately filled again, as the empress' pulsing, throbbing dick pushed inside, stretching her jaw to its limit, as she struggled to keep her balance in midair. She felt like she had become weightless, like she could float, as Daybreaker held her effortlessly in place, as if she were no more than an object to be toyed with. She was trapped, and there was no escape. Her body quaked with a combination of pain and need, her mind racing and struggling to keep itself sane. She couldn't fight it. She had lost that ability a long time ago. And with the feeling of her body being filled and emptied, over and over, it was all she had left to cling to her sanity. She was a plaything, a puppet, a doll for the empress to manipulate and use to fulfill her own desires as she pleased. It wasn't a question of choice or freedom; she had none, and she knew it, deep down. And that knowledge only made her more afraid, more desperate to escape, to fight, to find a way out of this mess. Daybreaker was relentless as her thrusts intensified. She seemed to sense Twilight's desperation, and her movements increased in speed and urgency with every passing minute, her body moving faster, her cock pulsing with heat faster and harder with each thrust of her hips. She seemed possessed by a feverish frenzy, as if every inch of space in her body was occupied and consumed by this feeling, by this desire, and by this connection. Twilight felt as if she were floating, as if she was being lifted up higher and higher, as her body began to shake uncontrollably from the sensation. It was too overwhelming. She felt as if she would pass out or die, but she couldn't stop herself, couldn't control herself, couldn't hold back any longer... She continued to suck with such fervor that it made her throat sore, yet she couldn't stop, couldn't resist as the feeling built and built inside of her, as her entire world was reduced to a haze of sensation that she could not escape from or resist. As much fun as Twilight was having, Daybreaker appeared as if her orgasm were coming as well, and Twilight could feel a familiar tightening in her balls as if they were about to pop with the amount of cum that they carried. The thought excited Twilight to no end. She could only wonder how long the load would last and how much she might be able to fit into her stomach. She wanted to swallow every last drop of her essence and let it consume her from within. She could only imagine what that must taste like, because if it was anything like her previous experiences with her tongue and her lips, it would be delicious. And as she felt the heat and pressure inside her build to a fever pitch, she knew that there was nothing she wanted more than to be filled by her, to have her cum inside her, to be marked by it.  She wanted nothing else. "Mmgh..." Daybreaker suddenly let out a stifled moan that sounded more primal and guttural than before - nearly a growl as she pushed her dick even deeper inside her mouth, almost as if trying to reach her throat with the very last of her energy before finally exploding in release. Her balls tightened and clenched as they prepared to let out a holy flood, while her shaft swelled up with blood and energy, and Twilight braced herself, feeling as if she was on the verge of a climax. Suddenly, a red aura surrounded Twilight as she was lifted and pulled off of her former master. She was denied. "No.... not like... this..." Daybreaker groaned, her horn glowing as Twilight was lifted off her. She struggled against the force pulling her away, but it was useless. She knew there was no contest, no matter how hard or desperate she was. But she couldn't help feeling frustrated at being deprived of her prize at the eleventh hour. She wanted it. She craved it. She needed it... but now, she would be denied. Her heart broke a little, as she felt her desire fade away into disappointment. She had been cheated out, and it made her desperate beyond words to think about. "You've polished it enough for today." Daybreaker's expression turned from satisfied to wicked as Twilight's magic faded away and she dropped back to the ground on unsteady hooves. Her entire body still felt weak, and her legs were shaky, her mind still foggy with the remnants of desire and passion that still lingered within her body and heart. But now, there was nothing she could do. No matter what, the outcome would be the same; it would always end with the empress taking control, using Twilight's body, and claiming her as she pleased. The empress observed her erect cock, glistening and wet from Twilight’s sucking, before turning her gaze towards Twilight. Her face showed signs of satisfaction, her expression darkening with a hint of malice in the corners of her lips, as her brow knitted in displeasure. Daybreaker took a moment to observe her work. Twilight's lips looked raw, her face was stained with tears and spit and pre-cum, her mane was tousled, and her eyes were red with exhaustion and need. But the sight of this maddened, ravishingly beautiful creature before her filled Daybreaker with a sense of triumph and pride, and it only made her cock even harder. She had done this, she had taken this beautiful creature, and now she was in the process of making her hers. Now, it was her time to claim her reward for her conquest. "Do you know what comes next, little pony?" Twilight stared back silently, her mind still reeling from her near orgasm, her entire body quivering and shaking, her nerves on high alert, ready to explode at the first sign of release. The empress' eyes gleamed dangerously. She knew what she wanted... and she wasn't going to wait for an answer. Twilight stepped closer, feeling every inch of her body burning with desire as she stared at her, unable to tear her gaze away, her heart pounding with fear. She was terrified, but she couldn't deny the feeling that coursed through her like a drug, that threatened to consume her completely, and she couldn't stop herself... Her body ached as her mind raced and spun with a million thoughts. Her emotions were all over the place, ranging widely between desire and fear. But it seemed like her body itself had a will of its own as she felt a surge of energy coursing downwards, as she was unable to stop herself from getting wet, from getting aroused, from wanting more, from needing more. It was overwhelming, it felt almost as if her heart itself wanted this to continue. And she hated it. But there wasn't any fighting or resisting anymore. There was only the answer to Daybreaker's question. And she responded by turning around on her four hooves. She bent down on her knees in a doggy position as her rump was exposed, as she felt every part of her body shiver with fear, with desire, as she waited in silence. "Barbaric yet... fitting, for one like you." the Sun Goddess chuckled. With an expression of pure, unrestrained need and desperation, she lifted Twilight off her hooves once again, levitating her up and over to her, Twilight wincing as the flames nearby singed and almost seared her coat in the process. But as Daybreaker hovered her above her cock, her horn glowing brightly with a magical energy, it became painfully clear that she wouldn't be given any reprieve or mercy, as she was positioned and placed exactly the way the goddess wanted her. Twilight was powerless to stop her or change her fate. She looked down as she was suspended in midair once more and could feel the tip of the empress' cock nudging against her slit, pushing insistently at her folds as it sought to gain entrance. Twilight whimpered softly in fear, in anticipation of the inevitable pain and humiliation of being penetrated, but the empress seemed determined to make her suffer. The first thing she was given in this very vulnerable position was a harsh hoof smack that stung her flank and made her squeal in agony and humiliation, her soft fat jiggling as she struggled against the force that held her. The ripple it made traveled up to the top of her backside, as her entire rear quacked in shock from the impact, and Twilight winced and bit her lower lip to try to hold herself in, knowing there was no stopping the inevitable. Daybreaker's hoof was like a hammer as it came down again and again, hitting every part of Twilight's butt and making her scream and writhe with pain. She knew this was her punishment; this was her penance for trying to resist and deny her fate. She couldn't escape it, and she could only accept it. "Such a deliciously plump flank for an Equestrian Element," the empress murmured in a voice barely audible. Twilight shivered in response as she heard it, her body quailing at what might be in store next. "It will feel amazing when you're impaled." Twilight could only cry silently and tremble with need and terror as she heard the last word, which was coming soon enough. "But first... you need a reminder that you're mine, and mine alone." The words made Twilight's ears flop as she felt a tickle of warmth up against her thigh, right where her cutie mark was. Her eyes widened in realization at what the alicorn was planning on doing.  But before she even opened her mouth for a plea or a warning, she felt it: A searing sensation that burned like the sun. The heat of the Solar Goddess's hoof as it burned Twilight on her cutie mark, leaving it permanently etched into every cell and fiber of her coat. It would be a symbol of her ownership forever; Twilight would never be able to escape, never be able to deny who her mistress truly was. A branding mark. "There... no more Element of Magic." Twilight's mind and senses were overriding by a surge of white hot pain as the burning continued for what felt like minutes before finally ceasing, leaving behind a scar so bright, she could only feel as she continued to bite her lips to avoid letting out any sound, her eyes well up and tears fell freely down. Still, her body quaked and trembled from the shock and adrenaline, her nerves singing, sending shock waves coursing through every muscle, and every nerve in her being, and it took everything in her power for her brain not to pass out from the intensity and sheer magnitude of it. It felt like an eternity passed as Twilight floated above, as if her entire world was reduced to nothing more than this one singular act of pain and submission. Then, she felt another warmth, one emanating from below. The tip of Daybreaker's enormous cock, still wet from being sucked, now pushed insistently at her lower lips as it sought entry. Twilight tried to struggle, her remaining fear urging her to push it away, or at least move it from her sensitive parts, but she couldn't do anything to stop its advance or slow it, as Daybreaker's magical hold held steady. It felt huge as she felt the head begin to nuzzle against the very edge of her vulva. The very tip of the alicorn's cock was hot, almost scalding, and Twilight could smell a scent that was unmistakably musk, and she knew she was powerless. Her body was already wetter than ever, and she could feel the slickness coating her inner thighs. The head of her cock brushed against the fat of her rump, as Daybreaker shifted her hips to adjust her position. She seemed to want to take things slow, teasing, torturing, as her shaft rubbed up and down against Twilight with agonizingly slow speed and pressure. It was driving Twilight crazy with need; every nerve of her body screamed for more. She wanted it, she wanted it all. Every time her massive cock brushed across her lips, she shivered in pleasure and pain as her need for release only grew stronger. It was like a game, a cruel and sadistic game that she was playing without her knowledge. A test that she couldn't escape... and didn't want to. The empress' eyes were fixed on Twilights’ as they widened with every inch she pushed in, and her grin broadened, revealing fangs that glinted in the light, sharp and white as daggers. Twilight knew that look; it was the look of an animal ready to hunt, the look of a monster that would stop only for death, the look of somepony who had been driven insane with lust and power. She could see that the empress would take pleasure from every part of her; every scream, groan, gasp would be music to the alicorn. It filled them both with a strange sort of pleasure, knowing how much power she wielded over her prey, and how much Twilight would willingly sacrifice to feel that sensation of submission, to have her mind blown away with sensation, with desire and need. And as Twilight stared up into the face that stared back at her with unwavering intensity, she felt that massive length push its way inside of her slowly. Her magical hold on her made her positioned so that every part of it would hit the right spots, making Twilight wince in pleasure. She could feel the heat radiating from Daybreaker and from inside her, her tip still brushing against the fat of her flank as it continued its relentless journey to go deeper. She could barely move, only able to directly face Daybreaker's expression of twisted pleasure as she watched her prey be teased and tortured with pleasure and pain. She couldn't escape or hide from her. All she wanted, all she needed was for it, was to be fucked by this monster and used as her plaything, her whore. Twilight was lost in a mental fog that was impossible to escape. The radiating heat from the cock that pushed its way slightly deeper each time was almost more intense and painful. "Be thankful for my tongue earlier, little one," the Sun Goddess purred with a smirk. She seemed to be relishing in the sight and sensuality of it all. She wanted this to last as long as possible. And the longer she went without climax, the longer and slower and more intense everything became for both of them, until Twilight thought she'd explode with need and desire. If it weren't for her tongue exploring Twilight before, the penetration alone would be enough to make her pass out from shock. As if her entire being was being filled up with a heat that was almost more intense than any pain she had ever experienced in any other situation. But the pleasure, it was almost as intense, and her heart raced faster than it ever had before as she felt every nerve and muscle twitch with need. Her pussy clenched tightly around the cock that was slowly but surely pushing its way inside, her body trembling with the effort of keeping it contained. But there were limits to what she could take. And she could already sense herself breaking as every inch of her insides was pushed to the absolute edge of tolerance. Every inch deeper was another explosion of ecstatic pleasure and sensation that threatened to send Twilight careening over the edge of reason. If she had seen how massive her cock was, feeling it in real time inside her body would be a whole different level of intensity, one beyond her wildest imagination. And yet here she was, feeling it all, feeling herself stretch to the limit and beyond. Being as wet as it was only made it easier, juices mixing with heat so much at this point that the smokes She was so incredibly wet that she could feel her juices slather over every inch as Daybreaker moved slowly inside, as the heat and pressure from inside made Twilight feel lightheaded and faint. But she couldn't stop now. She couldn't fight it, even if her life depended on it; her need had reached critical. Her body shook violently, uncontrollably, as if her very cells were on fire from the heat, the pressure building up inside, her mind racing, unable to stop or restrain her need for more... for everything. She had reached such heights that it was almost frightening, almost terrifying... but at this point she couldn't resist it.  Her mind, her body was lost, her soul was lost... but there were still some things she couldn't control, no matter what happened, she couldn't deny what it felt like inside of her. Her heart, mind, everything she had ever been and ever known had become nothing more than a distant echo in the back of the recesses of her consciousness. Her twitching suddenly ceased as Twilight's mind and body went blank, her muscles spasming as she let out one final, shuddering squeal as she exploded in climax and release. The sensation was so overwhelming and all-consuming it made her feel as if the entire world was melting away, fading to nothingness as the only remaining thing was her desperation and Daybreaker's cock, pushing deep, filling her up with every inch until she was sure she would die from the pressure and the intensity of the moment. The juices that gushed from Twilight's lips coated Daybreaker's cock, as her entire body convulsed violently from the force and power that surged through every inch. She felt as she was being filled up completely, as if every inch of her had become nothing but the vessel for this incredible pleasure, this overwhelming intensity and emotion that made her heart and mind melt into a state of blissful nothingness, a feeling she couldn't escape. She didn't want to. She couldn't resist it. "Already? I've only put a quarter inside!" the Solar Empress smirked with wicked amusement. "But then again," Daybreaker mused aloud as she gazed up into the face before her and licked her teeth with anticipation. "It doesn't seem like your mind has any control over what your body says, hm?" She chuckled softly, causing the walls around the base of her cock to clench in sync with her laughter. Twilight felt a flush creeping up her muzzle at her words as she tried desperately to hide how embarrassed, how humiliated, how aroused she was, and how she wanted it all so much. But she knew that the empress could sense it, could feel the pulse of her body, and the wet, dripping sounds her pussy made, even under the crackling fires.  Twilight's body was still trembling with the aftershocks. It felt amazing, it made it hard for her brain and body to function. Her sly comment colored her muzzle red with embarrassment and desire as she looked away from Daybreaker's piercing gaze. But the empress only laughed at the reaction as she continued. "I suppose you want more? Is that it?" she teased, her tone dripping with sarcasm and cruelty. Twilight still tried her best to avoid meeting her gaze as her cheeks burned, struggling to find the words. But Daybreaker seemed satisfied.  "Don't say a word, and you can get much more of me inside. Much, much more..." she promised darkly as her cock still swelled inside her. Twilight felt it pressing even tighter, even harder into every crevice of her body, and her pussy ached with need once more, even after she came only seconds before, as if it had a mind of its own. She could feel the heat radiating through her belly, warming the flesh inside, as her entire lower body was subtly stretched even wider. Her legs felt like they would snap off if Daybreaker pulled her dick out even halfway. How was it even possible to be turned on by someone so evil? How could someone so vile, someone that she hated and revolted at every level of her being make her feel so alive? It was like a curse; she couldn't stop herself from being drawn to that heat and warmth that filled and surrounded her like a furnace, like she was being consumed, like every atom that made up her existence was being destroyed by this inferno... yet it felt amazing. Then, she felt more. Mostly pain, but also a sense of being completely and utterly filled as the empress began manipulating her hold to slide Twilight off and on, up and down her length like an object, like an extension of that monstrous member. She had no power, no choice, only acceptance. Her pussy ached and stretched as she felt herself pushed further and harder, her entire insides filled up and stuffed with every inch and curve of Daybreaker's enormous cock. The sounds being made were wet and slick, and Twilight was horrified to hear her involuntarily moans, gasping, crying with each movement, every inch. To describe it like that... it was like being a slave, a toy, an object to fuck. But she couldn't resist or stop it as the feeling grew and intensified with every thrust. She could feel her lips being stretched beyond its limits, as Daybreaker's movements quickened with a sudden intensity, and Twilight felt the heat rising in herself. She couldn't control the sensations; it was too late. They had taken control of themselves, her entire being, every fiber, every nerve and synapse of muscle in her was focused entirely on one thing, on one goddess... the empress Daybreaker. Her entire being belonged to her. She could barely think, barely form any thoughts or words except to beg and plead for mercy, for forgiveness and salvation, but only stare at Daybreaker's smile as she increased her speed, the pace and rhythm slowly becoming more and more intense. Watching her as she slid Twilight on and off of her length, watching her as she fucked and used her as if she were no better than an object for Daybreakers personal satisfaction. it was almost enough to drive her mad as well. The heat inside her rose to such a level that Twilight thought her entire body was being engulfed in an intoxicating flame, one that felt more mentally languishing than any amount of physical suffering she could endure. She felt a sense of loss as she realized her fate had already been decided. This was who Daybreaker truly was; not only powerful, but merciless, cruel, selfish... yet beautiful and lewd at once. The empress seemed content to keep going at a constant pace; it was almost agonizing, maddeningly slow, but she kept pushing and stretching and filling.  But there was a sensation along with the pain, something else she could barely understand, but it felt so good it made her head ache with the need for release. The feeling of being stretched and filled was almost addictive, as Twilight could hardly think of anything other than wanting more. It was as if Daybreaker had found a way to manipulate her mind, her thoughts, even her emotions, as Twilight's feelings towards the flaming alicorn were torn and warped and transformed into a desire that rivaled her previous hatred. It was almost as if the empress had cast magic over her body and spirit to bend her will. Twilight felt a surge of anger and frustration rising within her at her inability to stop it, her body shaking with rage as she struggled uselessly against the invisible force. Her mind was racing a million miles an hour, but she had no control over herself. No power... just acceptance. And sensual, pleasurable torture, one so sweet that it was impossible for either to break the hold of their own lust. Twilight's body quailed with the effort of containing the empress, but it felt as if she were fighting with every inch, every ounce of her being to keep herself together and not be broken. But there was no escaping the feeling, the heat... the desire that coursed and throbbed throughout her every nerve and cell as she gave in and accepted it, and allowed the sensations to wash over and overpower her, drowning out everything else but the need to... to... "I c-can't... I'm g-going to-" Twilight whimpered, her entire mind and body overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. She knew there would be no stopping it, but the empress didn't stop. Not for a second, as she pushed even deeper, as if her goal was not simply to penetrate Twilight, but to possess her, claim her. To fill her innocent flesh completely. A coat of juices came gushing forward, and the sound of Twilight squirting was loud, almost obscene, but Daybreaakr continued without a hint of slowing. It was practically a melting explosion that seemed to go on and on, her entire body convulsing violently from the sheer force of it. She couldn't control it. She couldn't stop it. Her body was lost in sensation, her senses lost in the heat and warmth, the wet and slopping sounds that she was making, and it made her dizzy and delirious with desire. The feelings from sliding down further and further onto Daybreaker's length were indescribable. The heat, the warmth, the sheer size of every inch, every ridge, was almost overwhelming as Twilight's mind spun and spun in circles from every movement. If she could even manage to compare it to anything, it felt like being impaled by a hot rod, a searing brand, like every part of her was filled up with molten metal, burning her insides and turning her bones to pudding. She had no idea how she wasn't burning alive. The sheer heat emanating from the length was so intense it made her feel as if her entire body were on fire; her skin prickled from it as sweat dripped down her coat from the effort of taking so many pounds inside her smaller frame. If it weren't for her magical hold, her body would've broken in two from such a feat, she was sure, as it was all she could do not to scream in terror at the sensation and the sheer power of Daybreaker as they moved as one. The empress seemed to be taking immense amounts of pleasure just watching, her gaze fixed with rapt attention as if every inch and every twitch of the mare's insides was a work of art, an exquisite masterpiece to appreciate, to cherish. She wanted it to last as long as possible. But there were only so many limits she had. And it wasn't as if she could resist anyhow, as her pussy stretched even wider as she was forced to take more and more of it inside of her, her body trembling and shuddering as the heat intensified and the pressure increased even more with every second. That was, if she could even stretch any wider; she had been pushed to the limit physically, mentally, emotionally... it wasn't possible for it all to fit, it couldn't fit... yet somehow it did, as she felt the gigantic ring of her shaft finally push past her opening. The sensation was like a punch to the stomach, a blow that made her gasp for breath and struggle for air, as if she really were being split into two. The feeling of having so much in her, Daybreaker's flesh ring pushing and stretching her pussy to its breaking limits, her insides being forced to accommodate something so enormous and impossible... she was shocked at just how much her body could handle, how much she could endure and adapt to this torture... and it felt amazing, even while her mind struggled desperately with the implications of this new reality, this new existence, this nightmare... this was what true power was all about: control. She felt it in every movement, in the magic that flowed between them as they connected, and in Daybreaker's expression as their gazes locked. She was the master, the owner of every single part of this body that she had chosen. "Look at that, you're getting so much more if it in...." Daybreaker grinned. It seemed like she was relishing every moment of Twilight suffering and struggling. "Are you proud, little one?" The empress taunted as Twilight winced at her words, her eyes watering from both pain and humiliation as she once again tried to look elsewhere, anywhere, but into those eyes... "You should be... most other ponies have had worse fates than this," she added with a sneer as her cock slid even deeper. Twilight could feel it pressing against corners she thought impossible to reach before; it was pushing deeper still as it seemed to grow even larger within her body. "But you can still go a little deeper, I'm sure," Daybreaker murmured softly. "So let's try, hmm?" Her voice dropped to a whisper, as if they shared a private moment that nobody else could know. And in that moment, she slid even further down, pushing and stretching her insides even further than they thought possible as every muscle, bone, and nerve sang with pain as she squeaked. She couldn't take another ounce, it couldn't possibly fit, she felt she'd explode or be destroyed, and yet it seemed there was still space inside, and more, and Daybreaker's horn lit with magic again. Twilight braced, but she was powerless, she had no hope of resistance, and she felt her legs spread wide apart as they were pulled by the magic to expose more, and more, as her insides continued pushing and squeezing on their own. Slowly, she felt her pleasure rise, slowly overcoming the ache and the discomfort and even the fear that threatened constantly to overpower her. Her heart was racing faster and harder with every inch as her body was filled up and filled with Daybreaker's essence and heat as she pushed even deeper, and deeper, and deeper. The pain faded, as she found it easier to breathe with more space to move, to adjust as she was stretched, her body becoming accustomed to the heat that was almost too much to bear, and the pleasure began to take shape. She felt the heat building up in her core as her mind began spinning and twisting and melting, her vision clouding over, her thoughts becoming fuzzy and indistinct until it was nothing but a haze of colors and lights that flashed and danced in her vision. Her lively mind took control of her body, already so deep in Daybreaker's cock that it felt as though her entire world was consumed with this feeling, this moment of pleasure. Being so deep inside, she could feel every twitch and pulse, every beat of the sun, every shift of her breathing, and her movements. Still slowly sliding down, the fat of her flank finally met her balls, and she gasped in pain as her body shook again. She felt her mind spin and spiral outwards, as she realized what meeting her balls signified: She was fully seated on her dick. No, more, even further than that, with every single millimeter fitting perfectly within her folds. It seemed like a miracle that her insides could even fit such an impossible length, such an impossible girth. It was a feeling beyond any other, a sense she could never experience or comprehend again, as if she had been born and raised solely to take her inside of her. It was as if the universe itself had created and shaped and sculpted her pussy, her body just for this very purpose; to take Daybreaker, her cock and length and size... and to be stretched out, and filled out. She was nothing but a vessel for the goddess to use. Her pussy clenched involuntarily at the thought, causing Daybreaker's eyes to flash in pleasure at the tightness that surrounded her shaft. She felt her cock swelling even more as if it was preparing for release soon, judging from her expression and the tinge she felt deep in her balls. Twilight felt herself being lifted and pushed up slightly, but she could no longer control herself;.  "Ngh... good, good..." Daybreaker whispered huskily as Twilight shuddered, her entire body aching with need as her eyes glazed over with lust, with desire, with need and with submission as every fiber, every nerve, was filled up by the heat of the Solar Goddess' cock inside her. It stretched on and on. The empress seemed intent on taking her own sweet time, savoring and cherishing the moment. She didn't care how long she took; the fact that she could feel Twilight trembling around it like a glove made the wait all worthwhile.  She used the opportunity to gently loosen her magic grip, seeing Twilight had given up all control and surrendered to her fate, her fate to be used and claimed. To Daybreaker, the sight was a beautiful one. The little princess was now nothing more than a quivering mess beneath her, her body giving in completely as she was filled, stretched, and impossibly full from her cock alone. She could feel it pressing hard and fast into the softness of her insides, every inch rubbing across the surface, as she felt her mind slowly begin to melt and fade into pure ecstasy. The level of heat rising inside of her was unique, blending into a feeling so intense it made every nerve she had sing, and her insides felt like they might burst open with the force behind every thrust and every movement. The pressure, the friction was unbearable; her body was on fire and she began to love it. The sight of having such a beloved figure of Equestria mounted and filled and fucked like a common prostitute, Daybreaker mused to herself with a smile, was a sight to be cherished, a memory that could be replayed over and again in her mind. No, but she didn't have to. She could always create more opportunities to enjoy this little pony.  "Now... you'll take every bit." she growled in pleasure. Her tone was a mix of satisfaction that couldn't admit, music that filled Twilight's entire being. It seemed almost unreal, yet she couldn’t deny the feeling, the pleasure, the heat, the intensity as the cock continued to press and push and squeeze and stretch and mold her insides to its shape, filling her with an overwhelming need that made her feel as if she would melt or combust into flames from within. Her pussy felt so stretched and wet, so hot, it almost burned from every thrust as it slid in, as Daybreaker's length rubbed every crevice and bump of her inside, as it pushed into her very soul. It was changing her, and she silently refused to admit it, to give Daybreaker the satisfaction. Yet the sensation was... divine. More than divine, this was the most intimate and sensational thing she could ever imagine. Despite being stretched to her absolute limit, her insides ached with a need to feel it deeper, to be filled up even tighter, even further, but the sheer enormity, size and weight of the cock was too great even for Twilight's body. She knew it was hopeless, it wouldn't fit. But still she wanted it. Needed it. And Daybreaker's expression said everything she needed as she watched Twilight writhe and moan, her body shivering as if her entire core had caught on fire from her touch. Daybreaker had long since let go of Twilight with her magic hold and instead watched as she was able to move her own hips, sliding her up and down, back and forward as she continued to take the full length, every last ounce of it, every inch and every vein and throb of her pulsing cock. It was as if the empress were content to let her take charge, as if she were simply a tool or an object, a plaything to be used, a puppet to control, and a slave to fuck. Twilight was mounted so perfectly, every little movement Daybreaker could see the bulge of the tip poking through her belly and the base pushing against her butt, her balls pressed tightly together, as her body rocked and bucked and shivered with every motion. Watching Twilight's body quiver and react to her every action, Daybreaker couldn't suppress the urge to tease, to taunt and torment as her eyes flashed in wicked amusement at how easy it was to control her emotions. She could make her cry in pleasure and pain, in humiliation and desperation. She could see her tongue lolling from the side as Twilight was fucked so thoroughly, her mouth opened and drooling as the heat inside of her rose and rose, and it made Daybreaker's cock stiffen even harder, if that was even possible, as she felt herself growing closer the edge.  She knew Twilight could tell she was close by the way every part of her seemed to tremble with anticipation and excitement, her eyes wide, as her pussy clamped tightly around the shaft. Twilight was desperate for it, but she soon found that she didn’t care. She had no will left in her, no ability to control herself. It felt amazing... it felt like nothing she had ever experienced, and she didn’t want it to end. "A far cry from - ngh - barely being able to take the tip," Daybreaker purred as they both felt her shaft slide easily up and down inside. She felt every inch and curve as the heat continued rising and spreading outward from her center.  Twilight's body trembled as she so desperately tried to shove it all inside, to feel it filling her completely, every inch of it. She wanted it, she needed it. Her pussy had been leaking for so long she could barely think, as she pushed back and forth and squeezed and released, trying to take as much of it inside of her as possible. But try as she might, her desperation to take up even the last few inches was futile; she began to spasm once more, this time with a greater urgency, a greater desperation and heat than ever before. It felt like her insides were so overloaded, they were spilling outwards from the sheer volume of cock and juice inside of Twilight's folds as she came once again, her juices squirting wildly out of her lips. "A-aaaaaaaahhhh!" she moaned loudly, the one she couldn't stifle. "Oh, again? How many times can you finish for me?" she chuckled as she saw Twilight twitching uncontrollably, her body convulsing and shuddering as she felt the wave of ecstasy wash through her. She was so overwhelmed that it felt like she would pass out from this one, juices coating far more than Daybreaker's cock. It was leaking onto Daybreaker's balls themselves and dripping down to pool on the throne underneath them both. But even after another orgasm, another release of tension, Twilight's need hadn't diminished in the least, she was even more aroused, more eager for more, for every inch of it as she felt a new sense of emptiness and yearning inside of her core. Every climax she did would release more and more of her essence, her willpower, and leave behind a need, a desire to serve, to be filled up once again and stretched out and claimed as Daybreakres' very own servant, her slave, forever and ever...  She couldn't deny her darkest desires, nor did she want to. It seemed like the only thing she could do, and it was driving her insane as she desperately continued to slide her ass deeper, to swallow the very last bit and feel it pushing and straining inside as she tried to force the impossible, to make Daybreaker fit completely within her as if they weren't even two separate beings any longer. "Let me help you." Daybreaker smirked at Twilight's desperate need to have her cock buried inside her body, as she began moving her hips back slightly and pulling out, only to ram back forward in one smooth, quick stroke, causing the tip to slam into the depths of her belly.  The physical impact made Twilight yelp in surprise as she felt it hitting something deep within her. Something that she had no idea even existed, a spot inside her that was sending jolts up every fiber in her nerves and making her mind reel and spin with sensation. Any other pony would have fainted from the pain, but Twilight found herself enjoying every second of Daybreakre slamming his massive cock inside with enough force to shake her entire frame. The lasting physicality of the impact made the fat on her flanks ripple like jelly, but it didn’t seem nearly as satisfying to her as feeling the tip and shaft sliding deep into the recesses, into the deepest depths of her body. "More... more! Please...!" Twilight pleaded with Daybreaker in desperation, her need and desire so intense and consuming she didn’t care about anything else. She didn't know if she was pleading for more cock inside of her or begging her to stop; she had reached such a point of bliss where everything was just an extension of her desire, her need for more. She could barely even think, her body acting on instinct as she tried her best to bounce and move, and slide and thrust herself on Daybreaks' dick. Her entire lower half had become a mess of sweat and slick juices, her fur stained with the effort of holding on as her movements on the empress' cock became more and more frenzied and erratic, as the pressure and friction increased and intensified and grew. "More? Are you sure? You can barely take it..." Daybreaker teased. She knew exactly what Twilight meant, yet the teasing only seemed to drive her to greater heights of desperation as she slammed back into her body with an urgency that matched their combined need for more. Twilight felt like she was losing her sanity as she continued bouncing and riding the goddess's cock, every inch, every ridge and curve, every vein pressing so hard it felt she would break in two, but she still craved and wanted and needed even more. "You better be careful what you wish for," Daybreakers tone dropped suddenly. Then, her horn glowed in unison with her pendant. Another aura softly enveloped Twilight and her body began shaking and convulsing even more, this one another attack on her mind. If she would call it an attack, as the sensations brought forth made it seem like more of a gift, like a blessing as the heat and warmth spread through every cell and fiber, her entire being seemed as though it would melt away into pure ecstasy. It was instant euphoria, as the waves crashed into one another in the most incredible of combinations. If she thought she was experiencing pleasure before, this was beyond any comprehension. The feeling rose, crested, and exploded as if her body and soul and everything she had ever known was consumed with an energy that couldn't be contained, couldn't possibly be held within such a limited and mortal form like hers, and she could do anything to escape it except accept it. So she did; her body arched and spasmed as it came, her insides gripping and releasing, her pussy milking it dry and sucking every ounce of essence she had to offer. Daybreaker then shifted the magic from her pendant to her own, causing a sudden burst of warmth to flood into her chest, her heart thumping wildly and painfully, her lungs struggling with every breath as if they would burst as well from the pressure, her vision clouding over and blurring into a mist, into a fog as her mind went blank from sheer intensity. It was made very apparent that even she could not handle the pendant's power alone, as it would be enough to overwhelm a lesser pony. Daybreaker, however, harnessed it as she grunted in effort, using all her strength and power to channel the energy into nothing else but her cock. And she did, and it swelled. It swelled and grew, and Twilight felt it all. Every twitch, every movement and vibration, every ridge expanding, the head widening... she felt it all and more, so much more that it made her come again, nearly instantly, as if she had lost complete control over her own body. She couldn't hold herself back anymore... and neither could she.  Daybreaker groaned loudly, her body shaking and quivering and convulsing with every pulse that passed. Twilight, however, was stuck panting, her pussy already stretched so wide she was sure there couldn't possibly be more, and yet it grew, and stretched, as if her insides had no limits to how much they could be filled and stretched, and she felt it pushing against her womb, pressing and squeezing, until she feared her stomach itself may break from being pushed too far and too hard. Twilight gasped, her pussy already stretched so wide she was sure there couldn't possibly be more, and yet it grew, and stretched, as if her insides had no limits to how much they could be filled and stretched, and she felt it pushing against her womb, pressing and squeezing, until she feared her stomach itself may break from being pushed too far and too hard. "Mmmh... it's... getting bigger than... I thought... mmh..." Daybreaker groaned as she felt herself pushed to the absolute edge, as every last ounce was forced deep into her, her belly swelling from the size of it, her mind and body reeling as her nerves screamed for release. With how much she swelled, both in height and in width, she was forced to spread her legs wide to keep balance. Each hoof she planted back on the ground, both now spread farther apart, seemed to sink deeper in the marble as if the very ground below was weak. But she was greedy. She wanted more.  "I want more, more... give... more..." Twilight’s words sounded more slurred and broken as she struggled to keep up with the pendant's energy. It was so potent, far more than she had thought. But every second of its energy channeling through her body, through her cock, made her only want more. She channeled more and more, filling her balls up and pushing them against Twilight's ass as she kept her in place. Each ball  inflated like balloons filled to the absolute brim. It seemed as if her whole body was being pushed to the limit, and yet it felt so good, and the warmth and pressure from inside were so intense it was finally bringing the holy empress herself to the brink of orgasm. And it continued swelling, the heat and pressure continuing, as Twilight's body continued shuddering, twitches wracking her limbs, her spine arching and curling, her mind spinning, and she couldn't breathe or speak as every nerve and muscle and cell in her being was flooded and filled to bursting with the warmth of an expanding, swelling Daybreaker. One that swelled from the very harmonic magic that flowed through Twilight as the Sun Goddess channeled every last bit of it into her cock. Finally, the dam broke, the pressure and heat reaching their peak, as Daybreaker gave a loud groan, followed quickly and swiftly by a scream of ecstasy that echoed throughout the throne room. "Aaaaahhh!!!" she screamed in pure bliss at last and came. Came with such a force it made her mane flicker and sparkle in flames, and her entire lower half spasm, the muscles twitching as they strained to contain it. She roared with every last drop of strength as Twilight felt something burst, as the pressure inside was suddenly released, a torrential rush flooding out of her cock as if she was a hose that had just exploded with the sheer force of the pressure that filled up behind her. Her balls swelled up like a pair of balloons as her cock twitched with such power and ferocity that Twilight thought it would break her completely. The first spurt was so forceful it made Twilight squeal and moan, a blast of liquid warmth deep inside, a jet so strong and fierce she felt her belly swelling and bloat as it poured straight into her very womb without any resistance at all. It flooded her so easily it seemed as if her womb was inviting it in. All of it in. Twilight's eyes widened in terror and awe as it shot forth and splurged against her cervix, her uterine lining swelling with every ounce of Daybreaker's load that poured forth like water rushing out of her mouth after swallowing an ocean. The pressure from such volume made her womb stretch and expand like it was being pumped from the other side like a balloon that was filled too fast and would soon pop. And it hurt in such a good way. it felt as if her insides were about to tear open from being stretched too far, too much, too quickly and for far too long as the flow continued. The second spurt made her stomach physically expand, making the bulge in it more pronounced and more obvious. The pressure from inside was so overwhelming that Twilight was sure she'd burst from the inside out, her stomach stretching to its limits, her lungs and ribs straining and creaking, as the pressure continued building until she was gasping for oxygen, her mind spinning out of control, and the world itself seemed like nothing more than an afterthought. It seemed impossible that there wasn't a limit to her capacity, that there couldn't possibly be enough room for all this seed to be stored inside her. The third spurt was by far the strongest, and the longest. It felt almost endless; Daybreaker's cock head wedged so deep into every nook and cranny of Twilight's insides, it felt as though it could reach up and touch the roof of the cavern. The volume from all spurts alone would be enough to impregnate every single pony in Ponyville, and all of it poured directly into Twilight's womb like water into a reservoir, the heat from the sheer quantity and the warmth of it all so overwhelming that she thought she was melting from inside and out. The sheer volume that filled her womb was so massive she couldn't even see past the bump of it anymore as she felt her body being pushed up and away, as her stomach expanded and swelled and pressed up towards her ribcage. It made her feel as though she had become pregnant with the entire city's worth of foals, as she could barely see the floor or anything past it, as her vision blurred and clouded. She felt like the only thing holding herself back up was her body stuck on her cock, and the force of gravity itself as every inch was forced deeper than it ever had before, and it still wasn't enough for the goddess, it wasn't even close to enough to satiate her need, her lust, her desire. It seemed as though Daybreeker could fill the universe with her seed alone as her cock pulsed and twitched and pumped with an unrelenting pace and intensity that Twilight never knew could exist. Her body trembled and convulsed, unable and unwilling to fight back as she gave herself completely to this moment as if nothing else mattered or even existed. The final spurt came with the most intensity; the stream that shot from the tip was so strong, it traveled all the way through every inch of Twilight's insides until it hit her throat from within, making her spasm and gag as she choked on the liquid that filled it up, the warmth spreading through her entire system, her lungs struggling desperately for breath, her vision going white as her mind spun and twisted and melted, and every part and fiber of her being heated to such an intensity she began to radiate her own calidity. Indeed, so she was that even the empress of the sun noticed the warmth and glow radiating from her body. Daybreaker's eyes glinted with pleasure as her cock pulsated, her own body shuddering from the effort, her own mind spinning out of focus and control as she finally released the last drop from within. She could see that Twilight's belly had swelled up to the limit from being filled so deeply and fully, and that the heat from it alone had made her skin glow and shimmer as if a thousand tiny suns radiated from it, and yet Daybreaker wasn't satisfied; it wasn’t nearly close enough for her. Her mind still burned for even more as her cock twitched again in anticipation. She was already hard once more, ready, eager to go. It seemed that the more Twilight submitted and gave into this power, the greater this hunger would become. And it was a hunger that couldn't easily be satiated. But she couldn't. Any more, and this poor little pony would burst. Her body was already so full, so stretched and swollen, it seemed that there couldn't possibly be anything else left, and her stomach looked fit to burst as the liquid oozed and seeped out of it in thick rivulets, running freely over the sides and pooling onto Daybreaker's hindlegs and the pristine throne below. Glowing her horn once more, she slowly lifted Twilight, sliding her off like a glove from a limb. Her added weight was noticeable, and her belly swayed from front and back like a heavy ball, the skin glistening and reflecting the light from Daybreaker’s horn, making them appear translucent. It was almost a relief for both, and Twilight's body was instantly relieved of any pain as her insides shrunk down from the emptiness left by the absence of Daybreaker; it was a feeling of release, like being released from a vice-like grip as every ounce flowed out of her, and every nerve sang with a sweet ache that felt both painful and soothing at the exact same time. She levitated the engorged pony off her dick and laid them gently onto the cool stone floor, where Twilight curled in on herself as every inch of Daybreaker's seed leaked out, leaving puddles on every surface it dripped onto and covering them all in a orange, burning fluid. Even on the ground did Daybreaker's seed seem to gently burn and warm Twilight's entire lower torso with the same intensity she felt when being impregnated with it, making them glow and shimmer in an iris hue. Daybreaker gazed in admiration at her work, a small smile curling across her muzzle, her mind reeling from exhaustion and exhilaration at such a powerful orgasm that made even herself tremble. She had been sated; the hunger inside seemed momentarily quenched. For the time, she was calm. Recovering from such exertion took her a long moment to come to her senses, even for an empress like her. She had drained herself dry of all essence, every inch that was not currently erect or pulsing was shriveled and empty from such effort. As for the little pony, her body seemed to almost glow from inside. Her mind, too. She seemed to be in a haze of pure bliss, her eyes closed, her expression peaceful and secluded from the world and the chaos around her. She didn't speak, but the faint smile playing about her lips told a tale of utter fulfillment and saturation, and her body seemed content and comfortable in her position on the floor even despite her condition of exhaustion and fulfillment. Daybreaker smiled to herself, pleased with her work and the effect she had. Her gaze flickered to the window above them, to the blazing sun outside shining brightly down on them both, and she could swear that it was smiling back at her with approval... "Rise, Sunrise Sparkle..." Her words cut into Twilight like a knife; the peace and seclusion of her mind were torn away as reality set in once again. The warmth of her glowing insides was replaced with the cold, hard stone below, as her body stifled and groaned, her muscles aching, her joints creaking, as if she'd been lying on this unforgiving surface far too long. She opened her bleary eyes to meet a piercing gaze fixed on hers. It was a familiar look, one of dominance and command; a look she was used to by now, as it had been directed towards her for far too long. She looked back at the empress. What the pony saw was a being of pure radiant energy; her golden coat shone as the rays of sunlight that spilled in danced along her fur like a living flame. She was tall and beautiful, her face and form flawless and graceful as if she had emerged straight from the pages of some mythic story, her mane flickering and flowing like a river. It was a sight of beauty; she could stare at it for hours. She did not see only an alicorn, or even an empress. She saw her mistress, her owner... her goddess in the flesh, and nothing else seemed as important. The goddess had her shining pendant, one that she knew belonged to her and her alone.  She was completely lost in the presence that Daybreaker exuded, as if drawn to it like a moth to the flame; there seemed to be no escape for her as she found herself unable to tear away from this moment, this feeling. It was holy. Daybreaker, looking down, saw a different pony entirely. No longer did she see the once beloved Element of Magic; now she was different entirely. Despite her swollen belly, her expression had turned from defeat and exhaustion to complete subservience. Her purple and pink mane was now that of orange and pink, now much more flowing and bright like the sun, and it framed their features in the same way. Her coat color had turned slightly brighter. Her tail was longer than before and ended with a tuft that resembled flames at the tip. And her eyes. They had changed, too; no long did they have the innocent sparkle of a curious mind or a kind heart. Her eyes had hardened into pools that reflected servitude, and they were locked solely on Daybreaker as if she was the only thing that mattered or even existed in that moment. Indeed, She saw Twilight's eyes glinting with adoration; it was the look one would give when staring at their god. She was truly worshiping at Daybreaker's legs, and Daybreaker could see that it made Twilight happy to please her and obey, and she was glad to reward. "Come, and sit on your rightful spot next to me."