The Reflections of One's Own Insanity

by WarriorTheHedgehog

First published

My fc Lightning is in an asylum, and YOU come to visit, he is accused, find out what happened!

Ah, want to read? An asylum, a murder, and first person, enjoy! Alright, Lightning, my FiM fan character, ended up in an asylum, YOU come to visit, he tells what happened, there are 3 parts before the aftermath, His side, When he was blacked out, and the Trial. There is only two or three Phoenix Wright references. Enjoy, have a nice read.
WARNING:Contains some gore!

Chapter 1

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The Reflections Of One's Insanity
Author's Note:Friendship is Magic characters belong to Lauren Faust and Hasbro. Lightning belongs to me! The court scene was inspired by Pheonix Wright, which was made by Capcom. The ponies were human in this fic by the way!

What Lightning remembers(Lightning's POV and telling of what happened):
Well, hello there reader, thank you for joining me in this asylum. We both know I shouldn't be here right? Well, you may be wondering what happened. Well, I'll tell ya, it was a warm summer day. I was hanging out with our friends. Me and Rainbow Dash were clearing the clouds. You and Fluttershy were watching from below. At one point, I flew through a cloud that was too close to a mountain. I rammed my head so hard into that mountain and got brain damage. "Lightning!" Fluttershy called out when I rammed into it. After that, I blacked out. When I awoke, I was getting up and I felt soaked in something. I look and it was blood. In my hand, was the gun, the gun I was accused of using. Remember that gun? I never owned a gun. I don't know how it got in my hand. By the time I had gotten cleaned up. Twilight and Applejack came in. They saw Big Mac, on the ground, dead with a bullet hole in his chest. When I came back downstairs, they saw me and noticed the bit of blood I missed on my shirt. I tried to explain but I forgot to wipe the fingerprints off the gun. I was proven guilty. Trixie was the prosecutor. My attorney was Twilight, her and the rest of them believed I'd never do something like that, but Trixie had enough proof to have me guilty. When I heard "guilty", I snapped. My eyes went like Nightmare Moon's and I just went berserk. Everyone avoided me for awhile, even Fluttershy. She told me she'd never accuse me of doing anything bad. I forgive her though, she came to see me earlier and she forgives me for going berserk. We promised to go on a picnic when I get out of here, which will be next week, I've shown I'm not insane anymore. Don't worry, I'm fine, really. Thanks for coming to see me, that's every one of you all now. I hear Big Mac was actually holding on, what a trooper!

When he was blacked out(Big Mac's POV and telling of the struggle):
I remember what happened. It was a bad day for me. I was working on the farm as usual. I went to haul the apples in. Before I knew it, the barn door slammed shut and I was on the ground. I looked up and saw it was Lightning, but something was off, his eyes were plain red! His entire eyes were red and glowing! "Lightning!" I shouted, "Snap out of it!" He replies in a cold dull voice, "Shut up and face your fears..." He raised a blade at me. Luckily, being a hard worker, I was stronger than him. I wrestled the blade from him and threw it to where he can't reach. He appearently forgot he had wings, that was also lucky. "You forced this Big Mac" he says in that cold voice pulling out a dagger. "Lightning stop!" I yell at him. Unfortunately for me, I was home alone, Granny Smith, bless her soul, passed away. Applejack and Applebloom were shopping with Pinkie, Twilight, and Fluttershy, I don't know where Dash was, and Rarity was filling dress orders, so I was alone with Lightning and his insanity. Next thing I knew was I was sliced in the arm, it was just a scratch compared to that cut I got when I was younger. He was going for another attack but, I dodged in time. I was slowly bleeding, I did my best to stop it for now. I ripped one of my sleeves off, that's why this shirt's uneven, and tied it around the cut. I went in to get the dagger away from him. At one point, Fluttershy popped in but ran at the sight of Lightning slightly covered in blood and holding a gun. "Fluttershy come back!" I shouted after her, but she didn't come back. I was going to see if she could snap him out of it, which she did at the trial, but cried and ran away from him afterwards. Anyway, in a last resort, I ran towards him to get the weapon out of his hands. I partially succeeded. "BANG!" is the next thing I heard then felt a sharp pain in my chest. I was shot, but not on purpose, I must have squeezed the trigger with him in the struggle. We were both shocked, I guess he wasn't planning to actually harm me that bad, but I took the chance and punched him one good time in the jaw, he went down like a bag of hammers. I started to black out, last thing I remember seeing was Lightning panicking and running upstairs. That's what happened.

The Trial(Lightning's POV again):
Everyone went into the courtroom. I sat at the defendant's chair and Trixie was at the prosecutor's. "Do you have an attorney Mr. Lightning?" asked the judge, Doctor Whooves. "No your honor" I replied. "Then the court shall appoint you an attorney" he responded then pointed at Twilight, "Twilight Sparkle shall be your lawyer." She seemed surprised then nodded and sat with me. I could see Fluttershy in the jury, I hoped she was going to see me as not guilty. Also in the jury was Applejack, Dash, Rarity, Spike, Derpy, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Applebloom. I looked at all of them and they gave me forgiving looks and smiles. I smiled back somewhat but then frowned. Twilight was up against Trixie, and Trixie would do anything to win. I gulped loudly, but only Twilight heard me. "Don't worry" she assured me, "I'll win this for everyone!" I smiled some again, I felt relieved. "Court is now in session!" said the judge banging the hammer, "Is the prosecution ready?" "Yes your honor" the blue haired rival said calmly. "Is the defense ready?" "Yes your honor" said my friend/lawyer. "The prosecution may have it's opening statement." "Thank you your honor" she says, "As we all know, we found Big Macintosh on the floor of his house with a bullet hole in his chest and covered in blood." I looked around and I saw Fluttershy turn pale. I gave her a small smile and she calmed down a little. "We didn't know who did it but we have proof now!" Everyone gasps, even me! "The proof I'm speaking of is..." she trailed off getting her evidence, "This gun! Found at the crime scene!" I had a shocked look on my face, that's the gun that was in my hand when I woke up! "The proof we found was fingerprints." "OBJECTION!" Twilight shouts, "How do you know it's Lightning's fingerprints?" Trixie smirked at this question, bad move Twilight, ask something more complicated next time! "Well" she starts, "Thanks to Doctor Whooves, he found out they're his!" Everyone but her looked at him. "I'm a doctor, I have to keep track of my patients!" he said in defense. Me and Twilight shook our heads. The trial went on for a week! The day finally came. "Now, we all have the full story, Lightning went insane, fought Big Mac, and killed him!" Trixie states in a cold voice. Me and Fluttershy look at each other and we're both almost crying. She was crying because she didn't want anything bad to happen to me and I was crying because I was afraid Trixie is about to win. "Has the jury reached a verdict?" inquired Doctor Whooves. "Yes your honor" said Lyra as she stood up, "We find the defendant, Lightning..." Time seemed to stand still at that moment, we all leaned in closer, except Fluttershy, she cried harder, I forgot she was part of the jury, so she knows the verdict. "Guilty" the green haired jury member says sadly. My heart sank at that word. Twilight patted my shoulder and said, "I'm sure you'll have an easy sentence." I moved my shoulder and had a dark look in my eyes. "Lightning?" she asked stepping back. I unknowingly let out a deep growl. Everyone looked at me, even Trixie was shocked at my sudden behavior. I stood up and everyone was ready to run. Fluttershy was looking at me with her eyes wide in horror. Suddenly, I pounce at Trixie, ready to tear her to shreds. Twilight and Lyra, even though they hated her, saved Trixie from my attack. Doctor Whooves ordered my sentence to be a month in an asylum. And that's how I ended up here. Now you know!

Aftermath(Author is telling this):
A week later, Lightning was released from the asylum and reunited with Fluttershy. The two were later going out. Spike finally got Rarity's love. Derpy won a year's supply of muffins in the muffin lottery. Lyra and Bon Bon were never spoken of again. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were harvesting apples. Trixie moved away from Ponyville to avoid Lightning. Finally, Doctor Whooves found love too, with Derpy. A month later, Lightning and Fluttershy got married and lived in her cottage. Everyone was leading happy normal lives now. Except Trixie who was tramatized by the insane Lightning that one time in court. The author, your's truely, was having fun typing all of this. Good-bye reader(s), I hope you enjoyed this fanfic! See you next time!