> Cream Filled Cupcakes > by StuffedHorse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Hungry Mare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Setup- It’s hard… I can just barely open my eyes. My vision is blurred, I hear the sounds of four wheels skirting against the ground forcefully. I feel numb, like my body is beside itself. I move my hooves to find them restrained. How did I get here and why does my head keep pounding. “Oh goodie, you’re finally awake.” I hear in a cheerful voice, though I somewhat felt bad for the speaker but I couldn’t place why. I attempted to speak but my jaw wouldn’t budge. I felt something holding it in place, deprived of sensation I couldn’t tell what it was. This was definitely wrong, my vision finally began to focus. “It took a lot of drugs to knock a big stallion such as yourself out but I’m glad I did.” I started to see the mare, her dark pink fur and her long, straight mane. She was freely exploring my crotch, rubbing her fore hooves in my fur around the base of my cock. “MMF MF!” I attempted to scream. Panicked, I thrash my hooves about while looking to find a way out. The entire room was pitch black except for the light above us which only highlighted the both of us. My exploits were quickly dashed by the heavy restraints. The pink mare quickly jumped on me and leaned in close, taking up my full vision. “It’s going to be okay, I just want both of us to feel really, really good.” Her voice was soft but tainted by a sickly bitter smell. It was easy to tell the sadness behind the failing persona. Her pupils held a pain as they stared deep into my own. “mf, mmf.” I whimpered as she slid back down to the floor. She threw her muzzle between the giant orbs beneath my cock and sniffed, then she chuckled as if she got a high from my aroma before finally touching my cock. She hit it lightly back and forth with her hooves, each throw my pillar of flesh grew against my will. Finally it expanded slightly past the mare’s head it gently rested on. “This will be so much fun.” She cheerfully spoke, blowing hot air into my cock. The mare backed away for a moment before I heard the screeching wheels of the cart once more. The moveable table came into our small circle of light, it held many sharp objects, needles, and medical supplies. She quickly took a needle filled with a swirling white substance and jammed it into one of my balls, I quickly jolted, throwing my hooves into the restraints once more. She slowly squeezed the liquid into me and I could feel the density of my orbs grow. “MMMF!” I attempted to counter. “Just relax big boy and let me do all the work.” She giggled as she began licking my cock like a lollipop. -Head- The dark pink mare held the base of my penis still as she played, swirling her tongue around my tip. When her work brought out a small collection of cum, she quickly licked it up with a smile. It seemed to unlock a desire within her as she began plunging her mouth onto my rod. A wave of pleasure seemed to pierce through the drugs. With each thrust of her head, my cock went deeper and deeper into her, I reached her throat almost instantly. The inside of her maw gave a shocking warmth and thick layer of spit that only made her easier to access. The mare managed to reach the end of my shaft, she seemed disappointed to finally get the entire cock inside. Yet with each throb I was reminded of how tight her throat wrapped around me. She continued and I became closer and closer, randomly a sharp pain ran threw me as her teeth sank into my flesh for a moment before quickly thrusting her head further into me. Her eyes watched my worry and she smiled brightly despite incredibly deep in my pillar. My unease never left even as my satisfaction grew to inconceivable heights. Thrust, thrust, thrust. It began to start wanting to break through, I held back as it built up the cum before she made a final plunge deep into my meat and I released. “MMmmf.” I came, releasing a rope of seed inside of her belly. Then a drastic change, pain. She bit down hard, stopping the next wave of satisfaction. My cock throbbed over and over, begging to release my cum and I threw my hooves against my restraints both in pain and un-satisfaction. My cock soon gave up while I was still desperate for my temporary joy. The unforgiving mare waited before pulling back her head. My unsheathed pillar now craving the warmth and tightness it once had even with the red mark left on it from the bite. “Don’t worry friend, you will cum a lot very soon.” The psychotic pony licked her lips. “MMm MMF!” My mind started to feel sharper than before, along with it came the realization that she is going to kill me. I began throwing my right forehoof into my restraint repeatedly before my captor threw a red needle into the base of my penis and slammed the contents into it. “MF MF!” it certainly did not feel good initially. The drug worked fast however and my mind had a thick fog seeping inside. “You seem stressed. Don’t be, stressed isn’t fun.” She picked up a knife before climbing on top of me. The back of my foggy consciousness I knew something was wrong but the only thing I could feel is my cock and each throb it gave. The mare’s voice started becoming muffled but that’s probably just the knife isn’t it? Everything melted slightly, all except my increasing lust. -Sex- “Oh, you awe alwea’y owin” The dark pink mare cooed with the large sharp knife firmly planted between her teeth. She sat on my stomach but began to sink down, lining up my growing cock to pierce through her rapidly approaching lips. Once the tip entered her tunnel she stopped leaning on me and used her hooves to prop herself directly above my cock. In a moment of mirth, the psychotic mare let go and gravity pulled her deep into my length. Finally I was able to cum, shooting rope after rope of fertile seed inside of the incredibly cute mare. She moaned in both pain and satisfaction with the thrust, almost dropping the knife before she quickly corrected herself. Despite just finishing, my cock did not soften, in fact, I only grew more aroused. I attempted to get deeper, raising my lower body up as much as I could. The mare smiled as she had the same idea. Her tunnel was tight, feeling rarely used. My cock continued to grow from the drug, expanding my girth and length inside of her. Every inch we got deeper a new inch formed from my shaft. The dark pink pony closed an eye with a look of pain, finally the girth of my throbbing cock seemed to cause more discomfort inside of her walls than euphoria. That was until she unlocked a new desire, quickly she turned to laughter before dropping down and wrapping her hooves around me. She pulled close with all her might, slamming down on my pillar as far as it will go. I exploded instantly, breaking through her final wall, I delivered a fountain of white directly into her womb. As I was shooting round after round the mare lifted herself, only leaving the tip inside before plunging back, her pussy consuming my entire girth. She did it over and over, repeatedly and I shot one infinite stream of seed, she didn’t let the orgasm end even when her inside was completely filled with nothing but blood and semen she still pushed. I felt some of the cum escape, covering my throbbing balls. -Gore- My eyes rolled back from the continuous orgasm, my mask became stained with my drool. She slowed down slightly but my euphoria stayed. I felt a dull object roll down my stomach, followed by a constant sting. The mare stopped moving as she sat, my cock fully inside. I was slightly annoyed but began moving my hips, gaining small satisfaction. I could feel my skin stretching and an inner voice of worry attempted to get my attention but my other head spoke more clearly, chasing my next orgasm. “As I thought, the more blood in your juicy meat, the less life juice in here.” She chuckled as she touched squishy things inside of me. Still moving my crotch I attempt to sit up slightly, eyes now the face of the dark pink mare. Her face had a fresh stain of red that only seemed to highlight her swirling blue pupils. Looking down, I saw organs for the first time while she cut them away. “mmf?” I ask, my eyelids became heavy. “What was that, my big friend?” She jammed a needle into my jaw before taking off my mask. It felt nice, the air brushing against my face. “Sehs, mo’e?” I asked again, fighting to stay awake. “We’ll have more sex soon big guy, I just need to do a little bit of work right now.” “O-hay.” She removed part after part, a lot of deep red squishy things. I started moving my hips again while I waited. I could get close but not enough to cum. Finally the mare pulled herself off of my cock, once again I was saddened and my pillar ached for its warm company. -Masturbation- “This part is going to be fun.” She smiled as she snipped something inside of me. “yay.” I respond. The mare begins wrapping a long red noodle around my large pillar before tugging it tightly with her mouth. I felt it pull my inside but I needed her to continue and she did. She backed away with the red still firmly between her teeth and my cock felt like snapping in two, I couldn’t help but to drool again. She moved her jaw up and down and the gore followed. I let out a grunt of satisfaction, resting my head against the table. She continued to pull and I was already prepared to explode with cum. Most of my pillar was stained in my red as it rubbed endlessly against me, only getting tighter and tighter. My cock throbbed violently, not giving up and in a final pull the gore snapped from her mouth. My seed shot through the air as I let out a deep moan of joy. The thick cream landed inside of my stomach, tainting the red with a layer of white. As euphoria washed over me I couldn’t control myself and my eyelids closed. The sounds faded, the joy faded, the pain faded… … A giant jolt of electricity floods me, my eyes shoot open to find a mirror placed above me. The jolt cleared my mind only for a moment before plunging back into the fog. “Wow, I didn’t think I would be getting you back. We have just a little bit more time together.” She stated sadly but with a hint of joy. “It’s time for the finale.” -Pegging- The dark pink/red mare tilted the mirror to reveal a huge cock stitched to her crotch, the color the same as mine. She moved the mirror again, letting me see a perfect picture of my waste and the inside of my stomach. My pillar of meat was missing, the blood losing to the cum and my cock hovering next to my hole. “P’ease.” I begged, attempting to move my lower half away but only my feeling remained. “Hey, cheer up. You wanted us to have more sex.” She said in a soft giggle. She lined up her member with my hole before piercing through it in a thrust. I let out a sharp grunt as the pain shot through me. “I’m not even a quarter inside.” I could see her eyes roll. “AHhh.” I let out as she thrusted deeper. The pillar of flesh broke through me, scrambling my insides. I clench my teeth together, helping to stop some of the pain. “Oh, lookie at your large intestine.” She said excitedly. I open an eye to find the gory tube expand as the cock rummaged through it. She pushed deeper and deeper as my pain reached new heights. Finally something clicked and an odd satisfaction overtook the pain. “Mo’e.” I said, attempting to bring my end closer to her. “Anything for you.” She said in a chuckle right before plunging her cock deep inside of me. I let out a grunt as she continued to push over and over. Finally I felt the two orbs hit my hole and I felt the huge pillar throb inside of me, physically moving the tube of gore. She pulled out to the tip in a single movement before throwing herself back. My tongue fell out of my mouth as I watched the mirror. My cock destroying me completely. Plap, plap, plap. My entire body moved with the intruder. The intestine grew before shrinking, each time I felt the cock move through every inch inside of me. I could only moan in pleasure. My body started to fail. I couldn’t feel my hooves anymore nor could I hear sound but I could still feel it going in and out. The cock filling me. Her speed sharply grew, she closed her eyes tight before pulling me so close the base was completely lost inside of me. We both shouted a moan as the tube expanded with each throb, the cum enlarging my insides even bigger than the cock. The final waves of pleasure shot through me as darkness soon followed. The dark pink mare backed away, the cock no longer attached to her. My inflated tube continued to throb and throb inside. I smiled before losing everything, falling into a deep ocean of nothing.