> Adopted by a Mad Motherly Matchmaker > by False Door > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > New Beginnings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Color and joy had returned to Hope Hollow. Another battle won where the solution was inside them all along. Rainbow yawned and stretched her wings as the sleepy little town slowly settled back into a post celebration stupor. The crowds were thinning across the rainbow festooned square but she couldn't see any of her friends. “Darn,” she grunted, turning to her twin shadows. “I think everyone’s either packing or packed up already. I guess I gotta go soon. It's been really fun though.” Pickle and Barley’s expressions fell at the inevitable news they'd been dreading. The past week they'd spent with the Element of Loyalty had been the best thing to ever happen to them and they never wanted it to end. “Wait,” pleaded the filly, Barley. “Before you go, can we get your autograph?” “Yeah,” agreed her brother, Pickle emphatically. “Sure,” laughed Rainbow, delighted at the request. “What do you want me to sign?” “Our poster,” Replied Barley. “If you wait here, we can go get it.” “Why don't I just go with you?” she shrugged. “It'll be easier.” The twins exchanged astounded glances. “Yeah, okay! C'mon. We can show you our room.” The Little yellow pagasi fluttered into the air and looked back at her expectantly over their withers. The Wonderbolt promptly complied, not wanting to waste anyone's time with her lollygagging.  “You two have real potential. I mean, for the little amount of time we had to practice, we put together a pretty good show.” “Yeah,” they agreed. “We definitely couldn't have thrown that together by ourselves though,” added Pickle. “But now you've learned some things and I think your self training is going to go a lot farther now. So just keep at it.” She followed them closely to the edge of town. The foals set down in front of a two story house that looked to rival the mayor's residence in size. Rainbow blinked. “Wow, this is where you live? It's big. Are you guys like rich or some-” Her eyes suddenly landed on a faded wooden sign hanging from a post by the front step which read Hope Hollow Orphanage. She felt a sickening pang in her gut as she immediately put the pieces together. Up closer the big house didn't look so nice anymore. It had broken balusters and grimy windows. Rainbow was totally dumbstruck as they walked onto the small porch and through one of the propped open double doors. The siblings stopped abruptly and looked back at her. “You have to sign in,” said Pickle, pointing at the front desk of the lobby. “Oh, yeah, sure,” she mumbled, heading for the pen and clipboard. The worker looked up from her papers to silently acknowledge her presence as she scribbled her name in the next slot of the log. “Guess I'm autographing two things," she laughed weakly. She dropped the pen back on the log and rejoined her little fan club on the other side of the lobby. “You can just come and go from here as you please?” “Almost,” replied Barley, cocking her head toward the doors into the orphanage proper. “We do have check-in times and a curfew.” Flying practice and the balloon ride home were suddenly completely eclipsed in Rainbow's mind as she became mentally bogged down with this shocking revelation. “Where… are your parents?” she asked with a cautious sort of dread.” “They died,” replied Pickle with an almost detached flatness. “Long time ago before we could remember. We've been here ever since.” “Is it normal for kids to be here that long?” “No. The problem is that we refuse to be adopted out separately and most parents aren't looking for two foals. So… we just stay here.” “Oh…” The twins led her into a small dormitory with about a dozen bunk beds lined in two neat rows. They passed one colt who appeared to be sleeping on the bottom of his bunk right in the middle of the day. “This is our bunk,” explained Pickle, trotting up to the last bed in the first row. It consisted of two simple stuffed mattresses topped with a pair of gray blankets. “I get top.” “But I get the poster,” boasted Barley, gesturing to the wall enclosed by the frame around her sleeping space. It was decorated with torn out and pinned up magazine photos and articles about the Wonderbolts orbiting around a single large promotional poster with creases running through it. It was a veritable Wonderbolts shrine. Rainbow fought back tears as she laid eyes on the poster. They had nothing. Their whole personal lives were condensed into this tiny little space. She’d spent a whole week with them and had no idea. Pickle eagerly produced a pen he'd likely absconded with from the front desk and held it out to her in his wingtip. He had no parents or family home but the only thing on his mind at that moment was how he'd scored an autograph from his hero. Rainbow took the pen in her own wing and crawled into the bottom bunk. She sat awkwardly scrunched on her haunches and swooped out her signature just as she'd practiced. When she crawled back out, the twins quickly gathered in to gawk at the upgrade to their prized possession. “Thank you so much, Rainbow! This is the best day ever!” “Yeah,” she murmured absently. “It's the least I can do… Well… I'd better go find my friends and see what they're up to. Don't want to make them wait on me.” “Will you ever come back?” asked Barley desperately.” “Uh, yeah, I'll come back some time.” Rainbow initially bluffed but quickly realized it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for her to make happen. She sat and placed a hoof on each of their heads. Then she drew them both into a hug. She clenched her eyes shut as the tears threatened to spring out once more. The three of them returned to the town square where the purple hot air balloon already stood tall and billowing, ready for takeoff. “Oh, there you are, Rainbow,” called Twilight emerging from the inn. “Just in time. Do you have everything? We're about ready to leave.” “Uh yeah,” she grunted with a distracted air. “You know me; I didn't really bring anything and it's not exactly a big souvenir town.” “Well, it might be now that the color's back,” smiled Twilight as she passed. Rainbow trailed her to the balloon basket where the rest of their group waited and a sizeable crowd of townsponies had gathered around for the sendoff. Rainbow turned back to the twins. “I guess this is it. See ya later.” She waved and fluttered into the basket with her friends. Pinkie cut the ballast and the balloon rose quickly into the air. Rainbow’s eyes stayed trained on Pickle and Barley as their tiny, waving figures receded into the distance. - - - Rainbow's mane ruffled softly in the little breeze that was able to permeate the bottom of the basket. The night air was crisp and there was almost enough moonlight to read by. She laid on her side watching Applejack’s blond tail swishing as she stood alertly at the rim. The only other pony awake, she was tasked with keeping the balloon at altitude and on course. Applejack turned around and made eye contact with Rainbow before reaching up and hitting the thruster for a four second blast. “Ya ain't even tryna go back ta sleep,” muttered Applejack, returning to her post at the rim. “I was never asleep,” grumbled Rainbow. “My brain won't let me. Did you know that those kids I trained in Hope Hollow were orphans?” Applejack screwed up her face in consideration. “No,” she shrugged. “I only learned that like right before we left and now I can't stop thinking about it. They’re just… waiting there in that town and it seems like no one's coming for them. It really put a damper on the day for me. Today felt like an amazing huge win up until that point and now I don't even know. It really bothers me.” Applejack lifted her hat to scratch her head. “They seemed like great kids. Ah'm sure someone’ll scoop ‘em up.” Rainbow rolled onto her back and looked up into the sliver of twinkling stars around the edge of the balloon. “But they've been in that orphanage for basically their whole lives; they don't even remember their parents.” “Oh… So like Apple Bloom.” “Yeah… but all alone… with each other.” “Hmm… Ya know, one thing Ah still wonder ta this day is if it's better ta remember ‘em or not or if it's just a different kinda hurt and that's all it is. But one thing that's obvious is that havin’ family ta fall back on always makes it better.” “Right. They have each other but… they're just foals.” “That's too bad,” she sighed. “Cain't fix everythin’ wrong in this world.” “Yeah,” she agreed despondently. - - - Rainbow said nothing more about the twins for the rest of the trip back but that didn't mean they'd been swept out of her mind. She bailed from the balloon before it set down in Ponyville and fluttered lazily to her towering cloudominium home which hovered imposingly at the edge of town. She wandered up to the second floor, slowing down until she came to a poignant stop at the door to the abandoned guest bedroom. It had been months since she or anyone else had set hoof in that room. Her house was big but so empty a lot of the time… especially now. Rainbow put a hoof on the door but hesitated as if being repelled by an unseen force. She pushed it open slowly and stood in the doorway for a moment, lavishing in bad memories like the heat from a sweltering oven. There wasn't much in the room. A few books. A few drawings. It wasn't as if it had been Scootaloo’s home and Rainbow had made sure to give any personal effects she found back to her family. The bed was still tousled from the last night she'd spent there. Neither of them were much for making the bed. On the bedside stand was a framed photo of her with Scootaloo smiling on the podium at the Sisterhooves Social. Rainbow sighed and tugged the corner of the comforter with her teeth. Then she straightened it over the mattress. Perhaps doing so would help give her some sense of closure. She tidied up the books and the papers on the table. She put the pens and pencils back in the cup and pushed in the chairs. By the time she was done, the room looked unnatural like it was closed instead of just waiting in hopeless suspense for Scootaloo's return.  She felt no better. It was like she'd just stirred up her emotional sediment again but maybe… eventually… Rainbow snuck one last glance at the photo before closing the door and heading to her own bathroom. She twisted the knobs in the shower. Then stared vacantly at herself in the mirror until her reflection vanished behind a curtain of fog. Rainbow closed her eyes and shuddered as the hot water rained down on her, melting away the tenseness in her body. It was there that a simple but wild idea finally barged into her brain. She could do something. She could help them. Why not? They had no one. She had no one. She was a Wonderbolt. They were aspiring Wonderbolts. Ponyville and Hope Hollow were comparable. Her house was so quiet. The more she thought about it, the more the pieces just seemed to fit together. She could be a parent. It wasn’t too different than what she had been to Scootaloo, except with the twins she’d have more governing power and influence in their lives. Nothing like that would ever happen again. Things would be so beautiful. She’d save them from living on to age out of that old orphanage and becoming damaged adults with rejection and trust issues. She’d help them achieve their dreams. Who better than her to step in? Rainbow sputtered as water poured over her lips behind a bedraggled mane. She tried to come up with a reason why this nagging, spontaneous fantasy didn’t make sense or why it was a bad idea for either party but she couldn’t. The only thing she could see was the legal technicalities. - - - Even after sleeping on it, Rainbow still awoke with the unshakable notion that she needed to save the Barrel Twins. Without much deliberation she bolted from her home that morning and soared to the castle to pay Twilight a visit. The doors were always open, especially to her so she fluttered right into the library. Her suspicions proved true, Twilight was eating breakfast with her books. “Twilight,” she blurted, setting down across from her. She planted her forehooves firmly on the table. “Do you have a minute?” Twilight put her spoon back in her bowl of oatmeal. “Sure. What’s going on?”  Rainbow took a breath, trying to measure her passion and make the idea sound less like a flight of fancy. “I need your help. I want to adopt Barley and Pickle Barrel in Hope Hollow.” Twilight cocked an eyebrow with skeptical intrigue. “Those kids you trained for the celebration? They don’t have guardians?” She shook her head. “No, they’re orphans who’ve lived at the orphanage there for basically their whole lives. They’re stuck there because they refuse to be separated.” Twilight frowned and waved a hoof dismissively. “Well, legally you can’t even adopt two foals as a single parent so-” “I know,” Rainbow interrupted. “That’s why I need your help. I have super high standing in Equestria but obviously not as much as you. Can’t you pull some strings for me as the Princess of Friendship to grant me some kind of an exemption?” “Ugh, Rainbow… How long have you actually been considering this huge, life changing and irrevocable decision.” The pegasus slumped a little. “Well… Honestly about a day. But I’ve been worrying about them since we left Hope Hollow. This is just such an obvious solution, you know? I'm a Wonderbolt. They’re little wonderbolts.” “You seriously believe that you're ready to take on the commitment of being a single parent to two foals right now?” “Yes,” she answered with conviction. “I wouldn’t be here asking for you to do this just to screw around.” “Are you sure… emotionally you're ready for this?” Rainbow shook her head. “What do you mean?” Twilight frowned as she tried to find a nice way to call attention to her friend's still present trauma. “I mean are you… over Scootaloo yet?” “No,” she admitted quickly. “But maybe this will help me.” “That’s the thing. I don't want you to go into this seeing those kids as some kind of rebound or analogue for Scootaloo and I don’t want you counting on them to heal you. That wouldn't be a good basis for lunging into parenthood.” “That's not what it is at all,” spat Rainbow indignantly. “C'mon, I'm the Element of Loyalty. Name one better quality an adopting parent should have. Don’t you wanna help them too?” Twilight gave an exasperated sigh. “Fine. I’ll make your case to Celestia herself and see what she thinks but don’t expect an answer today.” Rainbow pounded a hoof on the table in elated triumph. “You’re the best, Twi! This is gonna be amazing! I’m so excited.” - - - Despite Twilight’s abundant caution to temper her expectations, Rainbow was on pins and needles for almost a week straight. She presumptuously fixed up the guest bedroom and even bought some new decor for her new foals. Hardly any thought other than bursting into that orphanage and seeing their happy smiling faces could hold space in her brain. She practically had a heart attack the morning Twilight knocked on her door with a face of cold gravitas. “Well, Rainbow. It looks like you're all clear.” The princess floated a big envelope to the gobsmacked pegasus. “Celestia sent me a packet of papers to give you. Everything looks like it's filled out and accounted for except for the spots you're supposed to sign. Theoretically you could just walk right in the orphanage, hand them this and the Barrel Twins would be released into your custody.” Rainbow beheld the thick envelope in her hooves with reverent awe. Not only was the answer a yes but she’d procured a battery of already filled out official papers including references and a cleared background check signed off and sealed by Princes Celestia, the highest authority in Equestria. She probably could have just dictated a one page royal edict but she was an exemplary stickler for going through the proper channels she could otherwise unilaterally circumvent. “I'm gonna go get them right now,” sputtered Rainbow manically. She grabbed her messenger bag from the hook by the door and slipped the priceless documents inside. “Thanks again,” she blurted at Twilight before dashing past her and launching into the air at full speed. Without the meandering mosey of the hot air balloon, Rainbow made record time streaking through the sky toward Hope Hollow. Just hours later she was sweating and panting and coasting to an idle over the little town. Her mind boggled. Where was that orphanage again? What if someone already adopted them or what if they didn't want to go with her? No. Ridiculous. Of course they were still there. Of course they'd come with her. It was a school day. They would be at school. No, wait, they would have just gotten out of school probably, judging by the clocktower. Rainbow’s eyes snapped to a pair of foals below, one wearing a red hoodie and the other wearing a red hat over a teal mane. They sat on a bench outside the drug store. Rainbow spiraled down and alit gracefully on the ground in front of them with a huff. The twins recoiled in surprise. Barley blinked. “R- Rainbow? You came back already?” “Yeah,” she gasped, still out of breath. “I have a question for you two. Would you be willing to let me adopt you?” It seemed as if time had stopped momentarily. The two of them looked at each other, then back at her as they stammered, spouting gibberish at the abruptness of the outlandish scenario. “Wait, wait, you can't adopt us as a single parent,” stated Barley. “Aren't you single?” Rainbow patted her bag smugly. “Yeah but I got a packet of papers right here signed by Princess Celestia herself that would legally allow me to adopt both of you. We can all go live in Ponyville together.” “No way,” breathed Pickle. “Yes way,” rebutted Rainbow emphatically. He slapped his own cheeks. “This isn't happening; this is some kind of insane dream.” “I don't think it is but are you in anyway?” “Yes,” they exploded in unison. The twins led her back to the front desk of the orphanage where the same Earth Pony worker from before stood filing. “Oh, it's you again. Can I help you?” “I'm here to adopt these two.” Rainbow placed a hoof on each of the foals’ heads and the three of them smiled. The mare at the counter perked up with surprise. “Oh, well, wonderful!” She bowed her head under the counter and pulled out a stack of papers in her jaw, slapping it down on the surface. “We'll need to see your ID, place of residence, interview your partner-” “Hold on,” interrupted Rainbow, fishing out her own papers. “I've actually been pre-approved by Princess Celestia.” she pushed the open envelope and her ID to the suddenly bewildered mare. She shook the papers out and flipped through the stack with wide eyes. Everything was on royal Canterlot letterhead with Celestia's embossed seal at the bottom. She looked at the ID and then squinted back at Rainbow. “Who are you?” “I'm the Element of Loyalty and recurring savior of Equestria,” she boasted. The desk worker's mouth hung open. “You’re that Rainbow Dash?” She looked back down at the documents. “Uh, it looks like everything is in order here. I just need a couple of signatures from you on these and… that's it. You can go all go to your new home together.” “That's really it? I sign and we go?” The twins laughed with glee. “That's really it. If Celestia vouches for you, there's not much else to be said. The signatures are actually just a formality at this point but it would be nice for our records. Oh, we also give every new adopted parent a copy of this parenting book which specifically covers raising foals that have lost or been taken away from their previous guardians.” She vanished below the counter again and reappeared with a new book in her teeth. “I’m so happy that someone is finally taking them home.” Rainbow slid the book toward her. The title read New Beginnings and had a silhouette of an adult pony and foal walking into a blinding sunrise. “Alright, I'll sign.” She took a pen in her mouth and began to scribble her name in the prescribed areas. “And this is the address we can forward mail to and the school we can transfer their grades?” Rainbow had to double check or rather check at all to make sure. “Uh-huh.” Pickle and Barley said goodbye to the few friends they could track down. They collected their magazine pages and folded up their poster, giving them to their brand new guardian. “I can't believe this is happening,” gasped Barley with manic candor. “Don't wake up,” Pickle breathed to himself. “Cmon,” laughed Rainbow, idling in the air. “If we hurry we can get home before dark.” Home… The word sounded like heaven. With hearts lighter than dandelion fluff, the twins sprang into the sky behind her and bid their old town farewell. They watched it scroll away like a receding wave on the beach. “Welp, don't have to do that history report now,” quipped Pickle on the verge of tears as they passed over their school. “You know, living here wasn't easy but I'll still miss it,” he added. “Yeah,” agreed his sister. “Your new hometown is pretty cool,” Rainbow bragged, looking back at them over her shoulder. “And wait till you see your house.” They journeyed back at a brisk pace that was easy for Rainbow but a bit taxing for young pegasi. In spite of this, the twins still found the energy to talk excitedly over each other as they spiraled and looped around Rainbow, trying to grab her attention and get her approval. They cycled through every move they thought they could show her while traveling. “You guys need to pace yourselves,” she laughed. “It's a long flight. It'll be much easier if you just stay in my slipstream.” “Hey, Rainbow, check out my suicide drop!” Without any further explanation, Pickle folded his wings and tucked his legs to his body in a cannonball position. Rainbow let out a scream as he quickly fell away, plummeting toward the ground like a stone. She flailed her limbs in a panic before launching into a divebomb. She caught up with him quite close to the ground and before he'd even unfurled his wings to save himself. She wrapped her forelegs around him and swooped back upward in a steep climb. “Hey, I was about to catch myself,” he protested disappointedly. Rainbow's heart thundered in her chest. “Never do that!” “Why?” “Because-” Her explanation cut off in heart stopping horror as she saw Barley rush past them replicating the same reckless maneuver. Unable to react in time, Rainbow simply clenched her eyes shut. “Weeeeee,” laughed Barley as she swooped back up to them from half a second before impact. Rainbow let go of the colt and let him fly on his own. “You two need to be more careful when you fly,” she chastised. “Don't do stuff that's pointlessly dangerous.” “But it's fun,” shrugged Pickle. “Yeah, and we're good at stuff like that,” whined Barley. “Danger is always fun before you get injured by it.” The trip proved to be a marathon for the foals but despite Rainbow's offers to stop and rest till tomorrow, they were absolutely insistent upon going straight to their new home and pushed onward with zeal, drafting behind Rainbow. “I'm exhausted,” grunted Barley, her legs dangling limply beneath her sagging body. “We're almost there,” cried Rainbow. “That's the Everfree Forest.” She pointed down at the seemingly impenetrable expanse of trees. “It borders the outskirts of the town. It's also pretty dangerous to go there so you should avoid it.” Pickle and Barley exchanged curious glances. “What makes it dangerous?” shrugged Pickle. “Lots of dangerous creatures like timberwolves and manticores and cockatricesesses- cockatri?” “Cool,” they exclaimed in unison. “No, not cool,” she insisted vehemently. They reached the edge of Ponyville just before sunset and by that time all three of them were pretty spent. “That down there is my friend's farm and just up ahead…” Rainbow pointed into the orange glow where her cloudominium towered in silhouette. “You're not serious,” gasped Pickle. “That's your new house!” The awestruck twins suddenly found the energy to dash to the palatial, cloud based home. Rainbow followed them inside the front door where they began to zigzag across the entryway, unable to decide what to explore first. “This place is huge; it's like a mansion.” “Look, there's a gym.” ‘Whoa, you have a TV too?” “And an air hockey table,” added Rainbow. Her house was nice by Ponyville standards but going straight to it from orphanage life made it pure opulence. “This is the kitchen,” she said, pointing through a doorway at the bottom of the stairs. An open cereal box stood abandoned on the table and in the sink was a pile of dishes. Most things in the house looked messy but not dirty. “C'mon up here,” she motioned. The curious foals followed her to the second floor on to the landing where their new guardian stopped them. “Alright, are you ready for this?” she asked with a smirk. “This is your room.” Rainbow flung open the door. The astounded twins trotted inside, scarcely believing anything they were seeing. It was so big… and clean. They immediately hopped on the bed in the center of the room and began jumping in giddy celebration. “It's just one big bed; I hope that's okay. I can get you a couple of smaller beds if you want though.” “We've never slept in a bed this big!” Rainbow unfurled their poster from her pack and began pinning it up in the corner. The autograph on it kind of seemed silly now. “Our own room with walls, furniture and a door!” “And a closet.” said rainbow, putting in the last pushpin. I'll show you my house now and maybe tomorrow I can show you Ponyville and we can go get ice cream at Sugar Cube Corner.” “Yay!” The two leapt from the bed and followed Rainbow back into the hall. “That's your bathroom,” she directed, pointing into the next door as they drifted past. “And… this is my room.” She pushed open the door and led them inside. She hadn't tidied up for the moment at all. “It's a little messier than the other rooms,” she admitted. Her eyes fell on a hastily discarded dildo on the floor. She quickly kicked it under the bed before the twins could notice. At least her porn library was always safely locked away... until they got too nosey, she worried a bit. “Who's that?” asked Barley, pointing to the photo that she'd moved from the guest bedroom. Rainbow looked, her expression darkening. “That's… that's Scootaloo. Um, she was kind of like my adopted little sister. Not officially. She used to stay over sometimes in the room that's yours now.” “Oh…” The two looked at each other as if telepathically debating if they should make her elaborate. “What happened to her?” asked Barley. Rainbow swallowed. “Um, she died attempting a dangerous stunt with the Washouts. I wasn't fast enough to save her. But it wasn't my fault,” she clarified defensively. “I tried to stop her.” The twins’ faces fell with shocked sadness. “Yeah, I don't really like talking about it,” she murmured. “That must be why the Washouts don't tour anymore,” whispered Pickle to his sister. Rainbow finished the tour of the house. They ate a quick and easy dinner and in short order it was time for bed, or at least that's what Rainbow was forced to decide now that she was a parent. She made them brush their teeth and tucked them into their big new bed. “We'll have a lot more fun tomorrow,” promised Rainbow, reaching for the light. Pickle looked down the sheets at her, barely keeping himself awake. “Um, thanks for rescuing us, Rainbow… I mean… Mom.” An endearing yet awkward silence passed between them. It underscored the fact that they actually didn't really know each other at all and yet here they were, starting this life-changing journey together. Just that morning, the twins had been scrounging for loose bits under the lockers at school to buy more food. Just hours ago getting adopted was only a distant daydream. “You’re welcome… You don't have to call me mom if you're not comfortable doing it.” “I've never called anyone mom before but if I'm going to start, I'm glad it's with you.” Rainbow was taken aback by his honest expression of affection. Overwhelmed and unable to articulate her thoughts she simply whispered “Good night,” and closed the door. The twins fell asleep immediately in the wake of their physically and emotionally exhausting day. Rainbow laid in bed for a while and skimmed some of the parenting book but quickly found it too difficult to keep her weary eyes open. > The Thuds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow awakened in the middle of the night from a distant knock on the door. Her clock said three AM. The pounding downstairs was measured rhythmically in quick beats of two followed by a long pause before the next pair of raps, almost like a slow heartbeat but strangely mechanical. She rolled out of bed with an immediate sense of uneasiness. Anyone calling at this hour, it couldn't have been for anything good. But who would knock like that? Airborne now, she zipped quickly past Pickle and Barley’s closed door, hoping that the disturbance wouldn't interrupt their sleep. Out here the banging seemed to shake the whole house. Thud, thud.  Her heart was beating anxiously in her throat as she neared the rattling door. She didn't know what to expect when she opened it but it certainly wasn't nothing. She peered out into the cold darkness of night confused that the knocking had stopped and there was no one in sight. A stupid prank? A soft breeze ruffled a piece of paper at her hooves. She looked down to see a discarded show bill. Stepping on it to keep it from fluttering away, she took a closer look in the porch’s dim light. At the top it read, in bold black letters, The Washouts Present: The Amazing Barrel Twins. Beneath it was a dynamic illustration of who could only be Pickle and Barley chained with their backs strapped to a large TNT barrel that was floating down an alligator infested river toward a towering waterfall. “What the fuck?” she whispered in breathless trepidation. “This doesn't-” Her stomach dropped. Rainbow spun around and dashed back upstairs. She flung open the door to the twins’ room and switched on the light. “Barley?” she cried in panic. “Pickle?” Their bed was empty and cold. She did a lap around the room looking in the closet and under the bed. They were gone but where? Rainbow rushed back to the porch and looked down over Ponyville, terror welling within her. The whole town was dark as expected for such a late hour except for one structure which shouldn't have been there. A great big glowing circus tent stood tall in the park. She sprang urgently from the porch and swooped into the silent town below. She rocketed straight to the great striped canopy and right through the open flaps of the entrance where larger show bills depicting the twins' incredible exploits hung on display. Inside she touched down on what felt like carpet, skidding to an abrupt stop as she lost her sight completely. Although the exterior was lit up brightly by a ring of skyward facing spotlights, the inside was almost as dark as a cave. “Pickle?” she called desperately into the silence. “Barley? Are you in here?” She was now on the verge of tears. Nearly blind, Rainbow was feeling her way around. Suddenly she felt something lash around her neck. It yanked her backwards, her flanks slammed down on a bench where several snake-like ligatures slithered around her every limb, crisscrossing over her body. She grunted in surprise, attempting to leap from the seat but she'd been virtually cocooned to it by unseen forces. There came a drumroll accompanied by bombastic applause all around from ponies that seemed to appear suddenly from thin air. Symbols crashed and the house lights illuminated the interior allowing her to see an audience of hundreds seated in a circular array around a tall column in the center of a large cement clearing. Rainbow looked down at her body to see that she'd been completely wrapped up inside long tapes of red admission tickets. Despite their assumed fragility she could not break them. Her eyes shot up, playing over the crowd and a new discovery shook her to the core. She gasped in horror. Every single pony in attendance was a Scootaloo. Not only that but each one had sustained a different gruesome bodily injury and disfigurement. They even appeared to be in different states of decomposition, some freshly deceased, others with pale, withered skin, and some just skeletons. On her right sat a Scootaloo without a head. To her left was a Scootaloo with a wooden fence post lodged in her eye socket and bursting through the back of her skull. The dead filly did not seem to mind this detail in the slightest as she clapped in exuberant anticipation of the show. Triumphant fanfare erupted from an invisible band and a soaring pegasus exploded into the tent, captured in the aura of a racing spotlight. A series of rings suspended in the air ignited with flames in succession as she did a lap around the tent through classic fiery hoops. The audience below her burst into raucous cheers. It wasn't until the mare finished her run and set down on a short pedestal in the center arena that Rainbow recognized the one pony she'd never forgive, Lightning Dust. The ex Washout captain wore a white tophat and tails like a ringmaster. She bowed, smirking to the audience of applauding, dead Scootaloos. “Ladies and gentlestallions,” she announced in a booming voice, hopping down from her perch. “Welcome to our stunt show spectacular!” Cheers swelled again from the crowd of Scootaloos. “Tonight we have a very special treat for you. You are about to witness a feat never before attempted in front of a live… or dead audience. Our very own Amazing Barrel Twins will attempt to defy death right before your very eyes. Please direct your attention to the center of the big top, one hundred feet in the air!” Lightning Dust pointed up as an array of spotlights came on to highlight the base of the central column. The concentrated circles of light quickly raced up the mighty column to the dizzying heights above where a peculiar looking apparatus stood. Fresh terror gripped Rainbow as she spotted two tiny figures. The foals hung motionless upside down, tethered by opposite ends of the same rope which pulled taut over an enormous pulley wheel. Both Barley and Pickle were restrained in straightjackets and wrapped in chains. They looked like the dangling weights of a cuckoo clock. As it so happened, there was also a huge clock face with only one hand and gradated with second marks. It stood boldy atop what looked like a raised guillotine over the midway point of the rope. “No,” shrieked Rainbow. “Stop this! Stop the show!” Lightning Dust continued as she paced around the arena. “Not only must our brave escapists undo their bonds before the clock counts zero but they must do so in complete synchronicity. Should one of the twins free themselves first, the other will fall and be dashed to bits upon the cement a hundred feet below.” A pair of spotlights shown upon a couple of red and white targets painted on the hard ground far below each foal. “Should they even become unbalanced, the very same will happen. Those in the front row are advised to cinch up those rain parkas just in case,” she added with a giggle. “Pickle,” screamed Rainbow as she struggled to free herself. “Hi, Rainbow,” answered the colt, unable to wave or even look at her. “Tell her to stop the show!” “Rainbow, you're embarrassing us,” Barley whined. “Just watch. It'll be fine. We used to do this all the time back at the orphanage.” A drumroll interrupted their exchange. “We have one minute on the clock.” The audience shouted in unison, “Five! Four! Three! Two! One!” The symbols crashed and a perilous sounding piece of music began, played by an unseen orchestra. Pickle and Barley began to struggle and swing like butterflies hatching from their chrysalises. The mighty wheel rocked precariously back and forth as they shifted. If they offset their weights too much, they'd slip right off of the pulley. How could anypony possibly escape such a predicament? Barley got a loop of chains off of her, allowing it to dangle in front of her face but they'd already used almost half their time. Rainbow writhed violently in her seat, wrenching every limb to no avail. She swore obscenities to the sky in her helplessness. The big wheel creaked as Barley slipped down while her brother ascended. “Ten seconds,” gasped Lightning Dust. “Will they make it?” she asked in mock concern. The excited crowd of Scootaloos began to chant, “Drop! Drop! Drop! Drop! Drop!” Lightning Dust cackled maniacally as the clock ticked over the five second mark and the audience began to count down again with feverish bloodlust.  “Five!” “Four!” “Three!” “Two!” “One!” The waited blade came down in indifferent finality with a thwack, severing their lifeline. The two bound foals plummeted earthward, screaming all the way. “No,” cried Rainbow as she clenched her eyes shut. Even in darkness she could still vividly see in her mind's eye the next sounds she heard. Thud splat. Thud splat. Rainbow awakened with a jerk. She shot up in her bed, panting, her heart beating so hard that it ached. Her glow in the dark clock said two fourteen A.M. She rubbed her clammy face with her hooves. What a fucked up dream. Clearly she was even less mentally stable over this issue than she thought. Weary, she forced herself up and went to the twins' room, looking for something to put her mind at ease. She opened their door quietly and was blessed with the sound of them breathing softly in the dark. From the soft glow through the curtains she could see two little lumps under the covers. They faced each other while they snored. They were safe. But even though it wasn't real, Scootaloo’s aparant resentment and spitefulness toward the foals stuck in her mind like a bitter aftertaste. A little more at peace now, Rainbow returned to her room and laid back down. She rustled around trying to get comfortable again. Then she shut her eyes and waited but sleep wavered just out of reach for quite a while till fear's adrenaline left her body. - - - The shrillness of Rainbow's alarm clock dragged her grudgingly into the hell that was consciousness. Her weariness felt like being entombed under a pile of sandbags but she quickly forced herself upright in her bed just to keep from falling back asleep. Her whole night had been fraught with viscerally terrifying nightmares of Scootaloo, the twins and the Washouts. The Washouts… That was one thing she didn't have to worry about in reality at least. Lightning Dust and the rest of the them were behind bars for life though it did little to heal what had been done. “Ugh,” she grunted, shambling to the door. “Gotta make ‘em breakfast.” She smiled weakly as she heard laughter emanating from down the stairs. It was nice to hear that sound again in her house. She followed their voices to the kitchen where she found the two foals not eating but engaging in some sort of game. Barley was laying face up on the floor, her head resting on a big wooden cutting board. An array of stuck knives surrounded her face. Pickle stood on the counter above her, dangling a knife tip down in his wing that he'd pulled from the block. “What are you doing?” shrieked Rainbow in alarm. Pickle winced at her interruption and dropped the knife. It stuck in the cutting board with a thud between Barley's ears. The two foals looked at her. “Don't play with knives,” she scolded, pushing the knife block away. Pickle hopped off of the “Oh, sorry. They didn't let us play with knives at the orphanage either. We just assumed it would be different here.” “No, of course not. Knives are dangerous and they're tools, not toys.” She set the cutting board on the counter and began yanking blades out. “But they have knife throwing tricks at the fair sometimes,” argued Barley. “Yeah, well… those are… very practiced ponies,” she fumbled trying to protect the validity of her point. Stupid sensationalism setting bad examples… “It would be cool to do that as a job though,” added Pickle. “Yeah,” agreed Barley. Rainbow gritted her teeth in frustration at their insatiable attraction to such things. “Listen, I'm gonna make breakfast for everyone. Why don’t you go draw some pictures or check out the workout room… uh, but don't mess with the weights,” she added fearfully. “Okay,” they replied, turning away. Rainbow sighed and opened up the fridge. Why didn't they warn her about this at the orphanage? She briefly wondered before realizing that the question basically answered itself. She checked the upper pocket on the right side door for Starlight’s special energy vial stash that she kept for whenever she had bad nights followed by an important day. Much to her chagrin, the shelf was empty. “Shit,” she grumbled under her breath. “I forgot to restock. I can’t be this sleep deprived on my first full day of parenting. I feel like I’m gonna drop dead right now.” Maybe she could go to the grocery store and- no… There was no over the counter replacement for those; she needed the good stuff today ASAP. Despite her weary body and frazzled brain, she pushed through to make breakfast for the foals but not herself. “Breakfast is ready,” she called. She scooted the plates onto the table and sighed as if it had been a herculean ordeal. The twins eagerly got in their seats and dug in, excited to have good food that was made just for them. “Okay, I gotta go get something from a friend real quick,” cautioned Rainbow. “Just eat your breakfast and stay out of trouble. Don't do anything dangerous and don't join the circus. This’ll only take two minutes.” “Okay,” they nodded dismissively, mouths already full of food. Satisfied things would be fine in her short absence she zipped shakily out the door and toward the Castle of Friendship. She dropped in unannounced as usual but didn't check the library first. She instead raced straight to Starlight Glimmer’s room. She raised a hoof, ready to knock on the door when she spied a piece of parchment tacked there right in front of her face. She blinked her still blurry eyes and began to decipher the pretentiously elegant script apparently left behind by Starlight. Twilight, I left on a solo map mission in Appleloosa. Back whenever… You know how it goes.  Starlight “Ugh,” grunted Rainbow in frustration. Did that mean Twilight was also gone somewhere? Spike too? How in the hell was she going to get her fix now? Right now? Leaving the note in place she unlatched the door and pushed. Perhaps she could just find some energy potions in her room and repay her later. She must have had her own stash somewhere in there. She invented them for her own use after all. The contrast between Twilight and Starlight's personal quarters and lab spaces was subtle but noticeable. Starlight was a stickler for regimented neatness while Twilight was a step toward organized chaos. Starlight’s composite bedroom and laboratory looked spotless as if nothing was happening here despite all the books and glass lab equipment. She did just leave on a long trip but the room reminded her of when she finally made Scootaloo’s bed and it just looked… staged. What caught her eye first was a couple of open books on her desk. She began rifling through the drawers there, one after another, thinking it the most obvious place to put such an item. “There you are,” she gasped, a little glass clink sounding when she pulled out the big center drawer.  She picked a familiar vial of blue liquid out of a row of identical vials. Then she unceremoniously downed it. Her eyes automatically returned to the abandoned books before her. The top of the page of the closest one read Reproductive Cutie Marks Cont. Sex Work. “What the,” she snorted with intrigue. Curious, she began flipping slowly through the book which appeared to scientifically chronicle unusual cutie marks. What was Starlight doing researching the sex cutie marks section? Rainbow chortled thinking she needed to stop and get back to the house when she came across an interesting term that she'd never heard before: Breeder Bond. She scanned the body of text under the mysterious header, wondering if it was exactly what it sounded like. A breeder bond is a shared, usually identical, cutie mark between two opposite sex ponies that represents their calling to rut or reproduce copiously with one another.  Breeder bonds have only been identified on ponies who are of blood relation. Chances of having a breeder bond increase in foals who have experienced trauma such as losing a parent or sibling. This is believed to be a vestigial evolutionary response left over from ancient times when ponies lived in small clans that needed to keep their numbers stable. The cutie marks have been documented to appear on foals as young as nine years of age but can only appear simultaneously on two corresponding ponies without cutie marks. The marks often appear arbitrary in meaning making them difficult to diagnose. Chances of breeder bond occurrence also increase significantly between siblings and exponentially between twins. Eighty-three percent of all breeder bonds are shared between fraternal twins. Before receiving their cutie marks, breeder bond siblings often display reckless or even self destructive behavior. This is a result of a prodigious pent up sexual drive. Left unchecked, their behavior will often worsen over time. This may prompt well informed parents to spur their foals’ cutie mark development by orchestrating sexual contact or even intercourse between the two destined ponies in order to cultivate a more constructive outlet for dangerous behavior. It continued on but Rainbow stopped to furrow her brow in reflection. The twins didn't have cutie marks yet and could still be anything but this description of breeder bond behavior, genetics and predisposition was uncanny in its similarities. The idea that they might just be destined to screw each other sounded completely insane on the face of it but also something else about it seemed strangely familiar. Why did this concept sound so… porn, she suddenly realized. She'd seen it in porn movies. There were at least a couple of pairs of opposite sex ponies with identical cutie marks that she could recall from dozens of movies in her extensive incest collection. Guess they really were related after all. In retrospect it lended a rarely seen level of authenticity to the art form. She felt a pang of arousal in her loins that was as sudden as it was unexpected. Weird. It usually took a little more than just remembering some porn movies in general terms. She closed the book and squeezed her hind legs together feeling a small dampness spread between her pressed thighs. No time to do anything about that, she lamented, envisioning the twins juggling power tools in an overflowing bathtub. Looking at the cover of the other book she saw that it was also about esoteric cutie marks. This was definitely something worth looking into and Starlight wouldn't mind if she borrowed these; she wasn't even here. Rainbow quickly snatched up a couple of other related books from Twilight's own library before departing with newfound energy from the drink in her system. She zipped home to find the foals hovering outside engaged in a shouting match. They were in each other's faces looking like they were about to throw down. “We're not doing it, it's a waste of time,” screeched Pickle, flailing his forelegs. “Hey, what's going on here?” shouted Rainbow, swooping up to the pair. “Ugh! Barley is refusing to do my routine unless we add a stupid stall after the climb.” “It looks more fluid,” she argued haughtily. “It kills the momentum,” he shot back. “Why don't you just make slightly different but separate routines and you can agree to do both of them?” Rainbow suggested. “I guess,” grunted Pickle, crossing his forelegs grumpily. “But I want us to do mine first.” “Fine,” shrugged Barley. “See, that wasn't so hard. You just need to remember to try to find a compromise on things like that.” The teachable moment felt like it needed something else to close out. “Now give each other a little hug and kiss and then you can keep practicing together. The two grumbled to themselves in awkward hesitation but eventually reached out for an embrace. Pickle then leaned in slowly and kissed her woodenly on the cheek. Even though the gesture had all the grace of someone enduring a foreigner’s weird greeting, Rainbow couldn't help but find it extremely cute. “Do I need to kiss him back?” asked Barley. An intrusive thought popped into Rainbow’s heah. “Yeah but try kissing on the lips this time,” she suggested nonchalantly. The two looked at her like she'd just told them they were going back to the orphanage. Maybe this was a little too sudden of a stab in the dark but she didn't want to back down from it now and admit it was weird. If they liked it, they liked it. And if she was wrong about this then there was no harm in trying it she supposed. “What? Why are you looking at me like that? Make up kissing on the lips is a thing,” she blurted defensively. The twins shared a skeptical glance but closed their eyes and pursed their lips. Their lips met slow and soft and unexpectedly sensual. Rainbow felt another twinge between her legs. She scratched the back of her head uncomfortably. This kiss hit differently than the first one. It was… hot. When they parted, red faced, she had an immediate desire to see more, to push them further, to see their mouths open, tasting each other's tongues. She swallowed and opened her mouth but the words wouldn't come out. This avenue was completely about their safety and healthy development as foals but maybe she needed to do a little more research before committing to this strange idea. Though perhaps the seed had now been planted. Their day got back on track as they went into Ponyville to explore. Rainbow showed the twins around their new town, introducing them to any friends that they happened to run into. They went to town hall where she picked up more paperwork to fill out about her new dependents. They went to the toy store where she treated them each to a toy under fifteen bits. They went to the park and the post office. Rainbow dropped off a letter to her parents, informing them that they were now grandparents. How surreal it would be to open that letter she thought; this would be the first they ever heard about it. They'd have to take a trip to go visit them soon but there was so much to do today. The three went to visit their new schoolhouse and say hello to Miss Cheerilee, their new teacher. None of their soon to be classmates were around but they did get to test out the playground, much to their delight. They capped it all off with a trip to Sugar Cube Corner. “Some time soon I'll have to take you to Cloudsdale and show you the Wonderbolts academy,” mused Rainbow. “That would be awesome,” gasped Pickle, fiddling with his new Rubik's cube at the table. “This has been the best day of my life since you adopted us yesterday. And then before that it was when you signed our poster. And before that it was when we performed with you at the festival.” “And before that it was when we met you,” laughed Barley. Rainbow's heart swelled with joy at hearing this. She would have squeezed them in a hug if they weren't sitting across from her in the booth. A tray came down on the table. “Order up,” chirped Pinkie Pie. “Two milkshakes for the new regulars and a sundae for the old regular.” - - - Back home Rainbow showed her new foals photo albums full of pictures of friends and family and herself as a filly. They watched a movie on TV and ate popcorn. It was a day full of firsts. Late that evening, when the kids were in bed, Rainbow pored over her borrowed pile of books. The general message between them all only reinforced what she had begun to suspect: The twins had to be an unrealized breeder bond pair. Now what to do about it… Though incest and underage sexual activity was generally frowned upon in Equestria, she could not glean any sort of moral guidance from the reading material. It seemed to simply present the idea of introducing unrealized breeder bonded foals to sex as a matter of fact solution to curing their destructive behavior. Rainbow could just let them be and let things play out naturally. Though frankly their behavior terrified her. Taboo aside, it was difficult to see how things wouldn't be overall better for everyone if she intervened. And what if they never figured it out themselves? And when one thought about it, if this was what they were destined for, it seemed like if they were biologically capable, then why not? Rainbow slunk to her porn collection cabinet and ran a hoof over the first neat little row of colorful smut sleeves. The videos were organized in alphabetical order within their fetish category. By far the largest of her genres was incest. The section started off with the The 69 Twins and ended with Zebra Mama: Cunt of Darkness which dovetailed nicely into the next section which was Zebras. Rainbow scratched her head absently, laughing weakly as she scanned across the incest titles which were mostly siblings and of those, mostly twins. What a weird coincidence that she had a twincest fetish and she'd adopted twins. > The Most Amazing Number > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Having taken a serious sleeping pill, Rainbow stayed asleep through the night with only the haziest memories of unpleasant visions when she awoke. Rainbow got up early the next day, making sure to minimize the amount of time that the twins were left unsupervised. She came downstairs relieved to find them making a pillow fort in the living room and not playing games that risked severe bodily injury. “Good morning,” she chimed. She got out the waffle iron and the instant batter. “Hope you like waffles.” “Yay,” they celebrated in unison. Rainbow went all out with strawberries, whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Since adopting the twins she'd been overcome with a desire to go the extra mile and shower them with presents. Part of it was a want to impress them and develop a good rapport and part of it was knowing they’d been growing up deprived of so much. She couldn't even remember the last time she made waffles; they were always such a mess and not worth the effort for one pony. Rainbow made herself breakfast too and sat down at the table with them. “Can we go to the Wonderbolt Academy today,” asked Pickle, his mouth sticky with chocolate sauce. “Uh… Not today,” she groaned in disappointment. “But how about next weekend? Your first day at your new school is tomorrow so we should probably focus on that today. We need to go back to school shopping but in the middle of the year.” “I'm scared to go to school,” whined Barley. “There's nothing to be afraid of,” Rainbow assured her. “Miss Cheerilee is so friendly and the students will be excited to finally meet some new foals. Their meal was interrupted suddenly by a loud boom which sounded like the front door exploding off of its hinges. “Ahh, it's the circus,” screamed Rainbow in a panic, falling to the floor from her chair. “Run!” The foals shrugged at each other in confusion. “Why does she keep talking about the circus?” asked Barley “Where are our grandfoals?” demanded a familiar voice from the entryway. Barley and Pickle looked expectantly at the kitchen entry right before it filled with a crazed looking couple of pegasi. Rainbow sat up and peered over the table. “Dad?” Windy and Bow gasped in shock as they laid eyes on the twins still sitting, wide eyed with stuffed cheeks at their plates. “They're adorable,” squealed the grandparents. The two rushed in to look them up and down with awestruck wonder. “Well, these are your new grandparents,” droned Rainbow in annoyance. “This is Barley Barrel and Pickle Barrel.” “Rainbow, you didn't give us any warning at all that you were thinking about adopting,” Windy admonished. “We had no idea.” “Neither did I,” she shrugged. “But I told you, didn't I? It's just that it happened really fast. We're planning on going to Cloudsdale next weekend; we would have seen you then.” “It’s very nice to meet both of you,” said Windy. ”We brought presents for you.” She held up a cloth tote bag. The twins perked up with interest. “It’s a new board game.” “And a hoofball,” added Bow with excitement. The twins smiled as they received the thoughtful gifts like they were unwrapping surprise birthday presents. “Thank you.” “Hey, I got an idea,” mused Rainbow. “How about you four stay here and bond while I go out and run some boring errands. Everyone okay with that?” The twins nodded back at her tentatively. “That sounds great,” said her dad. “We can have an official Rainbow Dash Fan Club meeting and we can tell you stories about Rainbow when she was little and I wanna watch your flying routines!” The twins exchanged jubilant grins at the prospect of having more ponies around them who were excited to watch them fly. “Okay then,” smiled Rainbow. “Be good while I'm gone and have fun.” - - - Rainbow got a lot done quickly in town but couldn't help but feel jealous from missing out on whatever fun was being had at home. She missed them already. That being said, she really wanted the twins to like her parents so it was nice that they got to spend time together alone even if it felt like it was cutting in on hers. She hit the general store for most of the back to school shopping and then swung by the drug store for a crazy idea she had that she wasn't sure she was ready to test. Rainbow flew back home, supplies in her bulging saddle bags. The moment her house was in sight, she realized something was off. There appeared to be a tower of gray smoke coming from the roof. Her eyes widened as she quickly sped up. Once at the site she spied the four pegasi standing in a circle on the cloud foundation near the front door. She landed nearby, immediately noticing Bow's face was darkened with black smudges and his rainbow mane was singed. “Oh, you're back,” chimed Windy as if nothing was amiss. “What happened?” gasped Rainbow with a slack jaw. “Is the house on fire?” She pointed to the roof where the dark gray vapors were still rising. Bow looked up. “Huh? Oh, no, no,” he chuckled. “Not anymore. That's just steam. Didn't have an extinguisher so your mother just whipped up a little rain cloud real quick to put out the flames. “Please explain,” demanded Rainbow, flailing her forelegs. “Well, we were watching the twins perform their amazing flying routines and then Barley said ‘Hey, I have an idea how we can spice this up. It'll be great but you have to go inside ‘cuz it's a surprise.’” When Barley called us out, she told us to watch her rescue Pickle. Then she led us to the roof where they'd built a lean-to out of tree branches. Pickle was inside waiting and it was already covered in flames. I panicked and rushed in without thinking so that's why I'm a little crispy.” Rainbow turned to the twins with a glower. “You guys,” she groaned in disappointment. “Sorry.” “Oh, it's fine,” laughed Windy dismissively. “Your house is still standing and no one was injured… very much.” “I wish you'd been here to see the little flaming lean-to,” said Bow. “It was so cute.” “Ugh, dad.” Rainbow checked for structural damage on the roof before they all went back inside but it didn't seem too bad. At the moment she wasn't sure what to do about their behavior beyond a stern reprimanding but she did know for certain that things couldn't continue like this. It begged the question: what kind of insane shit did they get up to back in Hope Hollow when they weren't under supervision in school or at the orphanage? Maybe she was just seeing it as it got worse because they were now on the cusp of sexual maturity. She needed to take action before someone got seriously hurt. Everyone ate lunch together and played the new board game with Rainbow included this time. After a long back and forth battle of stalling and cajoling, the grandparents finally said their goodbyes and left. Rainbow sighed as she shut the door behind them. Then she spun around to look back at Barley and Pickle. She wondered what was going on in their brains at this very moment. Were they concocting another dangerous scheme? They still seemed so young. Was she really going to pervert their minds with smut and sex acts? She thought about knives going into Barley's eyes and her house burning down. Yes. Yes she was. “What?” the two shrugged at her, seeing that she appeared to be spacing out in deep thought. “Oh uh, nothing. Why don't I show you your new school stuff.” - - - By evening Rainbow had set up what she thought was a pretty good plan. All that was left was the execution. The twins laid side by side on the floor of the living room just starting their dinner in front of the blank TV. Rainbow slid a video cassette out of a sleeve that said Dandelion’s Undersea Adventure on it. She popped the tape into the VHS slot with a click and it started automatically. “Alright, I'm just gonna get your drinks. Be back in a sec.” She zipped back into the kitchen where a pair of full glasses were waiting. Rainbow kneaded a little pill with her hoof, pulverizing it into a pile of blue dust. She brushed it delicately with her feathers off of the cutting board and into the top of one glass. She swirled the straw around in circles till the substance dissolved without a trace. Then she repeated the process with a different pill for the other glass. She rushed back into the living room with the drinks in her wings. “Alright, here we go. Be really careful not to spill. In fact, maybe just drink them right away to be safe.” She set the drinks down in front of the foals, remembering which one was for which. Barley squinted at the TV as an old timey news reel played. “Rainbow, I don't think this is the right movie.” “Hmm?” She looked at the screen with disingenuous confusion. “Oh, you're right. I must have accidentally switched the tapes. But you know what? This is a good movie too. It's actually about twins like you. So why don't you try it out this time. You might even like it better. So I'm just gonna go have a big workout session in the gym. I'll be there for a while so if you need anything, that's where I'll be.” Rainbow turned away to leave but stopped at the door. “Oh, and make sure to drink all your juice,” she added, promptly shutting the door and prancing quickly from the room before shit could start to get real on the TV. She went to her personal gym and sighed anxiously. Now all she had to do was wait… and watch. Rainbow flipped on her workout TV and switched the input to the video feed. She needed to give them comfortable privacy but also know what, if anything, they did. The idea was a stochastic approach. If she provided all the necessary elements for a sexy encounter and they didn't do anything, she'd have to reevaluate whether they really were destined to be breeder bonded twins. But she had an inkling this would would produce results. The feed flicked on showing a view from the hidden camcorder she'd left on the book shelf. It faced the front of the couch where Pickle and Barley still sat on the floor as they ate. By their flat expressions, the real show had yet to start. While it did have a bit of a leadup she had high hopes for the porno holding their attention. They were super impressionable and the movie paired their love of peril and mystery with their presumed love of incest, the characters being an easy analogue for themselves. Might as well work out like she said, Rainbow supposed. Typically she wouldn't at this hour but she had already missed a couple of days from life's commotion. “What's this about?” grumbled Barley, crunching on a carrot stick. “Looks like an action movie,” answered Pickle as the montage of jungle stock footage ended. “But I don't know.” Neither of them were too versed in the motion picture medium outside of educational material they'd occasionally seen in school. Just getting to watch it at all had a big novelty factor. “This is it,” gasped a sweaty teal earth pony with a strangely breathy delivery. Her presumed twin brother who wore a matching tan pith helmet and saddle bag came up beside her on the crest to gaze down over a ruined and overgrown pyramid in a shrouded valley. The edge of the painted backdrop was visible in the shot but neither Barley or Pickle noticed as they sipped their juice. The stallion unfurled a tattered map, pinning it to a tree. “Right where we thought it would be too.” The camera cut to a closeup of the map which showed the contours of a valley which from above apparently looked like an erect phallus about to prod a yonic looking gouge. The heavy-hooved symbolism still went right over the young viewer's heads. “I can't believe it,” said the mare. “The Lost Temple of Fallatioatl. We must be the first ponies to see in hundreds of years.” “If not a thousand,” nodded her brother. The twins were thoroughly intrigued as the two adventurers came to a gaping stone doorway in the side of the ancient structure. “We’ve gotta be careful,” cautioned the stallion as he equipped his oil lantern. “There could be traps.” The two wandered inside alertly. Though they had a lit lamp, the interior appeared well illuminated for having no other light sources inside. They brushed aside curtains of cobwebs as they pushed deeper into the temple. “Look out,” murmured the stallion as the edge of his light uncovered something in their path. They came upon a pony skeleton skewered on an array of spikes protruding from the wall. “Cool,” said Pickle. “Ouch. That's the kind of triple penetration you don't want,” quipped the mare. The foals got up on the couch, having finished their food. Barley shifted uncomfortably as she sat down, suddenly sensing a hot slipperiness between her thighs. Maybe just sweat? She tried to ignore it and pay attention to the movie. The duo of explorers entered a small chamber that appeared to only have one entrance. “Is it a dead end?” asked the Stallion in disbelief. “No, there's a door here,” began the mare, rubbing her hoof on a wall that flexed like textured cardboard. “But it's sealed shut and I don't see a lever or anything.” Pickle scratched his chin in wonder. He liked this movie so far but there was something weird about it that he couldn't explain. “Look here,” said the stallion, setting down his lamp near a chest high stone slab. “There's an inscription.” He pointed to a row of squiggles that weren't carved into the surface but painted or rather drawn with permanent marker. “What does it say?” asked the mare as if she already knew and just wanted to hear him say it. “Only one who eats of the mare’s sacred flower shall pass.” The mare covered her mouth in surprise. “You don't mean-” “Yes,” he nodded solemnly. “This slab is a seat for a mare. It looks like the door will only open with a release of sexual energy.” “That just sounds like a crazy superstition,” sighed his sister with flimsy skepticism. “How do we know unless we try,” he shrugged. The mare twirled her braid coquettishly. “It’s just us here but we're still brother and sister. Should we really do that?” “We didn't come all this way just to turn back now.” The two siblings shrugged off their saddle bags as a musical cue of jungle beats began to play. They went in for a deep kiss with no run up. For ponies with supposed reservations about it, they sure got down to business fast. The foals’ eyes bulged as the tongue wrestling commenced. “I don't get it,” shrugged Pickle. “Why are they kissing?” “I… guess they have to do it to open the door but I've never seen anyone kiss like that.” Pickle suddenly remembered the on the lips kiss they'd shared yesterday and how it had stirred a lot of confusing feelings inside of him. All that aside, he did know one thing for sure: it felt nice. The mare hopped up on the supposedly enchanted slab, setting her flanks on the edge. She laid down slowly on her back and spread her legs wide. Nothing could have prepared the young viewers for the next shot squaring up the sister's nice ripe pussy in the center of the frame. Her brother’s muzzle came in to hover over her marehood. He gave a slow sensual lick up the length of her slit. Then he dove in and began to feast just as the inscription had prescribed. The mare moaned with a dreamy smirk on her face. Rainbow chuckled at their expressions over the impromptu monitor as she stretched. “Must be getting interesting now.” Pickle side-eyed his sister who sat on the couch slack jawed. He craned his neck, his eyes traveling down to her nethers to sneak a peek but he was mostly thwarted by the angle. So that's what she had down there. He'd never seen one for so long and in such detail. They watched, uncomfortably captivated by the mare's impassioned mueling under the oral efforts of her brother. She let out a final cry in the hollow chamber as her orgasm hit. There came a magical sounding flourish and the door rumbled open with the sound of stone grinding on stone. “It worked,” exclaimed the stallion, wiping his mouth with his fetlock. The foals were left in speechless awe of what they had just witnessed. There was little frame of reference in their brains to process it. The panting but satisfied sister rejoined her brother on the floor and they continued their exploration. “What… was that?” Pickle finally asked. “I don't know but it looked fun… I didn't know they had movies like this.” The explorers continued through a burial chamber and a gauntlet of pneumatic dart guns and then suddenly they were back in front of another sealed door. This time instead of a slab in the center of the room there was a thin but ornate stone arch just tall enough for a pony to walk through. “Hey, there's another inscription here,” called the mare excitedly. “Let’s see… Only one who drinks the stallion's milk of new life may pass.” She put a hoof to her chin. “Hmm… I think I get it but what's the arch for?” Without missing a beat, the stallion reared up, planting his hooves in the two notches at the apex of the arch which naturally presented his sheath and balls in the wide opening below. “Oh, I see,” she giggled, moving in for a closer inspection. She swirled her hoof around, gently juggling his balls as she thought. “Well, if we have to, we have to.” She opened her mouth and took in one of his large orbs. The foals were on the edge of their seats for what happened next. The stallion grunted as she worked him below and his sheath quickly sprouted a mighty pillar. The mare dragged her tongue from his base all the way to the tip where she plunged it straight into her mouth. Again they were at a loss for words as this graphic sex act, which they'd never heard about or considered before, played out in front of them. How did she fit it all in there? Barley looked over at her brother, her eyes quickly landing on his fully erect dick which pointed straight up. It didn't seem like he'd even noticed it yet but as she looked closer, it appeared to be leaking, a little shimmer of wetness on his head. Humming, squelching and more jungle beats. She looked back and forth between the screen and her brother's rock hard cock, wheels turning in her head until he finally felt her eyes upon him. He turned to her and followed her gaze to his loins where he finally realized his own condition. Their eyes met and they both looked away in embarrassment. Pickle slid a pillow over his lap. “Here it comes,” growled the stallion. The mare pulled off of him for the camera and cradled his tip in her outstretched tongue. Soon a deluge of hot cum surged forth from her brother. Sticky spurts gathered on her lips and tongue where it slid down into her open mouth. She closed her near overflowing mouth and swallowed the load with a moan. Then she licked her lips just as the door began to rumble open. This door chamber scene was even more mind-blowing than the last. The foals were reeling on the cusp of a life changing revelation; they could feel it. The intrepid explorers, who reminded them of themselves, journeyed onward through more booby traps and perilous corridors of stone blocks falling from the ceiling that were big enough to crush a pony flat. Then, once again, they came to another chamber with another sealed door. What would they do now, wondered the foals. What else could there possibly be? In the center of the room was another stone apparatus, a circular slab with a big golden symbol that almost looked like a number, sixty-nine. The stallion ran a hoof over the inscription written along the circumference of the slab. “Hmm… Only those who feast in the ring of infinity may pass.” “Ring of infinity?” pondered the mare. “There's only one ring of infinity that I can think of but I don't know if we can get another feast ready so soon.” The stallion cocked an eyebrow. “My kitchen's always open.” The customary music came on and the making out began. They were even more vigorous than before as if spurred on by their nearness to the end of their quest. They rose to their hind legs, groaning passionately. The stallion fell back on the slab, his sister landing on top, pinning him there. She pulled off with a grin and scuttled around in a one-eighty so that her plot was right in his face and her face was in his towering stallionhood. They eagerly went to work in each other's nethers and began to ‘feast.’ When a full frame pullback shot of this ‘ring of infinity’ as they called it, came on screen, the foals’ mouths dropped open with mutual epiphany. You could perform this crazy thing on each other at the same time. The symmetry. The expertise. It was like some kind of synchronized stunt. And the name sounded so cool. The two siblings turned to each other slowly.  “That looks amazing,” admitted Pickle, as strange as it sounded. “Yeah,” agreed Barley. “They make it seem really fun.” “I wanna try that,” continued Pickle adamantly. “Me too…” “I guess we can if we want,” argued Barley. “Can't we?” “You mean with each other?” “Yeah. Is that weird?” “I… I don't think so,” said Pickle, clutching the pillow in his lap. “I mean they're doing it.” He gestured to the TV as the pair moaned and slurped for all they were worth. Barley swallowed and spread her legs open a bit. It felt so strangely hot down there. Her face felt hot too, now that she noticed. She peered down at herself to see a pair of flush, swollen lips. It felt like she wanted something down there. “Right… here on the couch?” She asked, sounding less concerned with the act itself and more like a curt waitress enquiring about a refill on coffee. “Okay,” he replied, feeling his heart tremble in his chest. He slid the pillow off of his lap, revealing his now painfully engorged member. He glanced back at the movie to make sure he had this right. “I guess I lay on my back and… you're on top?” He swung his hind legs ninety degrees and laid down, wriggling into the center of the couch. Momentarily distracted by the sight of his upright dick, Barley stood up and awkwardly turned her rear to him. She backed up carefully, her legs straddling either side of his body. She looked down, stopping when her brother's balls and skyward shaft came into view, the tip shimmering with a new sheen of precum. Pickle stared up into the crook of his sister's legs where her sacred flower, or whatever, awaited him. Her tail flicked out as she kneeled down upon him, something hard, hot and sticky poked her in the cheek. She'd been so focused on being careful while sitting on her brother's face that she momentarily forgot about his raging erection. Barley lifted her head and was about to pop it in her mouth without thought when a shocking sensation shot through her loins. Pickle’s tongue made an exploratory journey across her sensitive slit, causing an overwhelming shiver to run up her spine. She had a taste that he wasn't expecting, something tangy and savory like nothing he'd ever tasted before. Not really knowing what to do, he just began to lick everywhere. The sensual barrage of hits and misses had Barley distracted again until she felt his needy shaft prod her cheek once more. Not wanting to lose the moment of awareness again and get left behind on their carnal adventure, she opened her mouth and stuffed his head inside. It slid all the way to the back of her throat with a force that made her gag. Having his cock suddenly enveloped in an indescribable warm wetness, Pickle moaned into her pussy, the vibrations that went through her underscored the amazing cyclical nature of the position. Rainbow paused after her situp to check the monitor again. The twins were as entangled as they could possibly be. “Holy shit,” she panted. “They're actually going for it.” What a move to start out on, she thought, hoping they were okay. She became entranced by their amateurish but no less erotic display, something sparking defiantly between her legs. Despite some gagging, Barley continued trying to swallow the entirety of her brother's length just as she'd seen in the movie. It was difficult and she was quickly running out of stamina. There had to be some trick to this. Pickle found his task sucking and nibbling any piece of flesh he could get between his lips, his efforts causing his sister's hindquarters to tremble like gelatin. He braced his hooves on her flanks not only to stabilize the both of them but also to keep her from smothering him. He was starting to become lightheaded from lack of oxygen. Barley bobbed her head up and down her brother's shaft like in the movie but scaling back a bit only going about half way down. Her lips reciprocated with a slurp between the ridge of his medial ring and the ridge of his flare. Rainbow had stopped doing situps entirely and was instead shamefully rubbing her clit while sprawled on the mat. She bit her lip and whimpered, her hoof practically vibrating between her legs. She let out a ragged gasp as her body jolted with a powerful surge of pleasure. Then her arched back melted flat with a slightly guilty sigh. It was just so hot. Pickle exited Barley's pussy, rolling his head back with a gasp for air. “It feels really good and I want to keep doing it but I'm having a hard time breathing,” he panted. “Me too,” coughed Barley. “Maybe we can try it some more later.” She rolled off of him, tumbling to the carpet. The both of them just laid where they were, still horny as they watched the climax of the porno. The explorers ran for their lives as the temple collapsed around them while they absconded with some shiny golden phallus. Pickle kept licking his lips, savoring the new taste, trying to pin it down in his brain. The explorers made it safely outside with their pith helmets after a bout of generous camera shaking and debris falling. They stood at the now blocked entrance to the temple. “You lost your bag,” gasped the stallion. “The statue!” “The statue’s not in my bag,” she put smugly. “Then where is it,” he shrugged. “One guess.” He shook his head. “You just couldn't wait, could you?” The mare flagged her tail, revealing only the protruding base of the statue. Then she cast a look back over her shoulder and winked at the camera. The shot transitioned via circle wipe to the credits. “That was completely unhinged,” murmured Pickle. “How did she even fit that all the way in?” mused Barley in disbelief. She ran over her rough memory of the size and length of the statue, finding it improbable from her understanding but A: she wasn't adult sized and B: she'd never tried anything like that herself so she couldn't say but it just didn't seem right. In the wake of a strange movie coupled with sexual experimentation, the two spent several moments silently in their own heads until the VCR clicked and whirred in reverse and Rainbow returned with a towel around her neck. “Did you like the movie?” “Yeah,” replied Barley. “It was really cool,” added Pickle. “Never seen anything like that before.” “Yeah, it's one of my favorites.” Rainbow surreptitiously examined their flanks but found no breeder bond marks. That was definitely sexual contact but it didn't get them their cutie marks. This worried her momentarily but there were still some variables at play. Maybe they would need to go a bit further before she could alter course on the whole idea. No one even came… except her, ironically. Rainbow expected some questions but their conversation about the movie and what happened in it got no more detailed beyond a few approving platitudes. A little taken aback by the mixed results, she had them brush their teeth and crawl into bed for their big day tomorrow. Hopefully their interest had at least been piqued. - - - Barley quickly silenced the alarm clock with her hoof. She rolled over to face her brother as he stirred groggily. “Hey, let's try the thing again,” she proposed as if no other thought had passed through her mind since the end of the porno movie last night. Pickle rubbed his eyes. “You mean the whole thing, both at once?” “Yeah.” “I don't know; it seemed really hard to start there. Maybe we should start out simpler like they did in the movie, like one at a time first.” “Yeah, okay,” she nodded. “Then why don't I do you first and then you do me?” “Okay.” They wiggled out from under the covers and settled on top of them in the warm morning light. Pickle instinctively rolled onto his back. Barley's eyes went straight to his crotch where she beheld his balls but an empty sheath. She frowned at the unexpected setback. “Oh… we need you to be out first.” That was weird. She didn't even think about this part. Before, they wanted to try it so they just did. He was already hard then. Pickle scratched his head. “Wait, how did they do that in the movie?” He thought back. “They did kissing and… sucking,” she offered. These two methods were untested between them but apparently they worked. “Want to try kissing again?” she shrugged. “Sure,” he breathed. The kissing they saw in the movie was intense, unlike any they'd ever seen. It must have been a special kind that ponies used for this sort of thing. Barley crawled up on top of her brother until they were eye to eye. She blinked with momentary hesitation. “The way they did it in the movie,” she murmured before closing her eyes. She leaned down and planted her lips upon his. A moan slipped from her mouth as it opened around his. Her tongue slipped between his lips, his tongue greeting it in kind. Pickle's forehooves instinctively traveled down to her flanks and gave them a squeeze causing her to squeal and buck against him. Their kissing intensified along with their heartbeats. Pickle could feel it this time, a fast growing tightness in his loins as their lips gripped each other, saliva escaping them to smear across their chins and cheeks. Shifting on top of him she felt something on her undercarriage she hadn't noticed before, something hard. Barley broke their kiss and pushed herself up. She looked down between them to see his dick standing at attention just like they wanted. She looked back up at her brother excitedly. “It worked.” She made it hard. How weird and amazing. She shimmied down to his hips where she was at eye level with his colthood. Pausing for a moment this time, she took in the mottled pattern on his shaft and the fleshy ringed flanges. Holding it between her hooves, she gently bent it straight. Not thinking to experiment a bit, Barley opened her mouth wide and pushed his tip inside. Pickle gasped and squirmed. His sister slid down his length slowly, absorbing the strange contours with her lips and tongue. Again she met with the edge of her comfort range about two thirds of the way down. She started a slow ascent, pursing her lips around his girth. She flicked her eyes up to gauge his enjoyment so far. His head was thrown back into his pillow, mouth open and quivering. It looked strange but he was having fun, she guessed. Slowly she began to feel out her range of motion, sliding his cock in and out of her muzzle. His breath came in shaky bursts. This was a good idea. Seeing the results of her efforts was fun and doing just one of them at a time was a lot less taxing on their bodies and more suited for their level of experience. Her ultimate goal though was to someday make an infinity ring with him as good as the one in the movie. Like with everything else, they just needed more practice. Pickle put a hoof on her head, his eyes half lidded, staring at the blank ceiling. Now that his shaft was saturated and she'd found the rhythm, she increased her speed. Her head bobbed up and down, slurping loudly at a constant tempo. The underside of His cock throbbed with imminent threat of blowing. “Ugh, that feels amazing,” he grunted. It was working even better this time. He'd achieved new heights of pleasure and suddenly they were skyrocketing beyond comprehension. Barley abruptly pulled off of him with the sound of the bedroom door opening. “You guys,” called Rainbow. “You need to-” The filly was so startled that she hardly noticed the hot globs of cum spurting across her face. Rainbow immediately recognized the position the twins were in. “Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were uh-” Barley turned to her, fresh seed dripping down her chin. “Uh, uh, um we were just-” What were They doing, wondered Barley suddenly as she fumbled for words in the awkward moment. Pickle however was unaware of anything that was happening beyond the surge of his first orgasm as it tapered off.  “It's completely fine if you wanna give your brother a blowjob but just save it for a time when you don't need to be getting ready to go. It's your first day at your new school. You don't wanna be late.” Rainbow checked their flanks again from across the room. Still no cutie marks. So it wasn't tied to orgasms either. Scratch that off. She screwed up her face and left them to get their appearances in order before she'd have a need to clop off again. “What just happened,” groaned Pickle. “We need to get ready for school,” his sister replied, scurrying off of the bed.” “I definitely owe you one when we come back,” he mumbled, trying to force his body from the bed. Pickle clumsily slipped on his hoodie. Barley went to the bathroom to brush her mane. Looking in the mirror, she noticed the thick, milky globs on her face. “The white stuff,” she whispered in wonder as she remembered the substance pooling on the mare's tongue in the movie. She scooped some off in her hoof and examined it curiously. You can eat it, she reminded herself. What does it taste like? She lapped her tongue across her hoof, licking it up and swirled it around in her mouth a bit before swallowing. It was strangely salty but not bad. Kind of alluring actually. She scooped up the big glob about to drip from her chin and ate it up too, pausing to gestate on the flavor. She washed off the rest, brushed her mane a tiny bit before hiding it away under her beanie. The two siblings went downstairs where breakfast was already waiting for them at the table and Rainbow was almost done with her own food. Their new guardian spoke up as they began to eat. “So, outside of this house, it would be best if you didn't do or even talk about the movie you watched or those types of things you do with each other. Not with anyone.” “Why not,” asked Barley. “Because it's generally seen as inappropriate outside of your own home. Ponies all do those things but they don't talk about them in public because many find it offensive. There's a time and place for that stuff.” “Oh.” “Rainbow,” began Pickle, his mouth full of oatmeal. “Do you have any more of those kinds of movies?” She smirked knowingly to herself. “Heh… Uh, yeah… I got a few more.” His eyebrows went up with intrigue. “Can we see them?” “Sure.” > DTR > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Alright everypony,” chimed Miss Cheerilee in front of the chalkboard. “I have a special treat for you today. It’s my pleasure to introduce to you our brand new students all the way from Hope Hollow, Pickle Barrel and Barley Barrel. Let’s all give them a friendly welcome to our school.” The students turned to the newcomers and each gave their own robotic welcome at once. The twins sat next to each other in the middle right side of the student desk matrix. They took some comfort in how similarly sized the student body was to their old school. Weirdly, at a glance, there were many foals around them that reminded them of old classmates. Scholastically speaking, they dropped right into the middle of a classic book in language class but conversely the mathematics lesson was one they'd already covered back in Hope Hollow. At first recess the former Cutie Mark Crusaders gravitated to the new students with amiable curiosity on the four square court. “Y'all live with Rainbow Dash, right?” enquired Apple Bloom. “Yeah,” answered Barley, rolling a ball around under her hoof. “Who’d ya live with before?” “Hope Hollow Orphanage.” Something clicked inside Apple Bloom when she realized this wasn't like what Rainbow and Scootaloo had; it was an even deeper commitment. “Oh, lost yer parents like me then.” “Your parents died too?” asked Barley, wondering if that was a more common phenomenon than she first considered. “Yeah. Ah don't even remember ‘em but at least Ah had other family ta live with.” “Hey, you don't have your cutie marks yet,” gasped Sweetie Belle, astonished. “You're even older than we were when we got ours. That's probably really frustrating.” Pickle looked back at his own flank and shrugged. “Not really. Neither of us ever thought about it much; we just wanted to get adopted more than anything.” “Really? We used ta fret about it more than anythin’. We probably thought about it every single day. We even made a pact that we would help each other get ‘em no matter what and then when we finally did get ‘em we decided ta help others get theirs.” Apple Bloom’s expression suddenly  darkened as she paused. “We haven't really done that though since Scootaloo… Well…” “But we could still help you with yours,” offered Sweetie Belle. “Uh… That's okay,” mumbled Barley. “We always kind of assumed it would have something to do with flying because we like flying so much but even if it's not, we can still be good at flying.” “I guess one good thing about getting your cutie marks late is that you understand that.” Their day at school was better than either of them expected and when they flew home, Barley was quick to remind her brother of what he needed to do for her. “How was school?” asked Rainbow excitedly when the twins came in. “Good,” they replied shrugging off their packs on the floor. “Hang them up,” she blurted. “That's why there's hooks. Did you meet any friends?” “Yeah.” “Do you have homework? I can help you with it.” “Okay, in a little while,” agreed Pickle, “I need to eat Barley's sacred flower first.” The foals rushed upstairs to their bedroom, leaving Rainbow with a creased forehead at their bluntness over their sexual antics and strange choice of words. Maybe after they saw a few more movies they'd have a more robust anatomical vocabulary. The twins squeezed roughly through the door side by side, not even bothering to close it behind them. Barley flopped on the bed, face up, limbs out. She looked down the length of her body, expecting her brother to be crawling into position but all she could see was his head idling at the foot of the bed a million miles away. “Wait,” he began. “Remember the movie? It was easier for them because she was lying on that stone slab.” Barley recalled the scene in her head. “Oh yeah. I could just lay on the edge of the bed while you stand on the floor. It's the same thing but probably more comfortable than stone.” She eagerly scooted down to him, essentially putting it right in his face. He looked down with breathless intrigue. Everything was dark and confusing when they tried this on the couch last night but this time he was actually able to get a good look at his sister's pussy as if it were dinner served on a plate. He opened his mouth and began to trace her slit with the tip of his tongue. Barley's hips trembled in response to the intimate and unfamiliar stimulation. He spiraled to the center slowly and then began to caress her most sensitive region with his lips, making it up as he went along. Barley wriggled, trying desperately to keep her thighs open instead of clamping shut around Pickle's head. It was like getting tickled but more fun. He pulled away suddenly leaving a string of saliva behind and examined his target again, pink and swollen from the work he'd done. Curious about the nub peeking out of her folds, he drew his hoof across it. It was slick and squishy to the touch. Gently pushing her labia aside for a better look, Pickle revealed the fascinating feminine component that nestled between her lower lips. The stallion in the movie paid extra special attention to this spot so that was what he was going to do. Pickle stuck out his tongue again and dragged it slowly but with conviction across her clit. His sister bucked in surprise. “Ugh, that feels really good,” she moaned. “Keep doing it.” He began to lap with powerful rhythmic strokes of his tongue, her clit rising and fall as if riding over ocean waves. Barley squealed, scarcely able to control her own body from the intense jolts he was sending through her. Her thighs did indeed snap shut and trap him in her reeling fillyhood. Far from bemused, her outburst emboldened him. He began to lick faster, nodding his head up and down as she tangled her forehooves in his mane in a full body cling to Pickle’s head. She whimpered and bit her lip when her clit slurped into his mouth. Her hind legs shook as it felt like she was plummeting in a suicide dive. Barley threw her head back and let out a scream as her first orgasm rocked her body. “Okay… okay,” she panted. “You can s-stop now. I think it's over.” Pickle lifted his head slowly with a squelch to look up at her, her whole body now tranquil instead of thrashing in overwhelming pleasure. Barley exhaled. “That was the most amazing… I don't even know. It looked weird at first but they were right about this. We should keep doing this… a lot.” Pickle turned around and looked beneath his undercarriage. “Woah, I'm really hard,” he murmured. Barley suddenly sat up with renewed focus. “Oh, then I can do you again right now.” When they were finished, the twins came back downstairs to find Rainbow having a drink with a book at the kitchen bar. “Rainbow,” Barley began in excitement. “The movie was right; blowjobs are really fun, even more fun than we thought. We even set our alarm to go off a little earlier so we'll have time for them before school every morning from now on.” Having already heard her impassioned outburst Rainbow nodded with subdued astonishment. “That's great.” “I can't believe this is the first we've heard about it. Who does blowjobs for you, Rainbow?” Rainbow choked on her drink. “Um, well, I prefer to keep that kind of stuff a secret… You are remembering not to talk about these things outside of the house, right?” She gave a pained smile. “Yeah.” “Hey, have you, y'know, tried rutting yet?” That was the obvious next move if they blew each other and still had no cutie marks. They looked at each other. “Rutting?” “Yeah, it's similar to a blowjob but it feels good for both of you at the same time.” Something sparked in Barley's eyes. “Oh, like the ring of infinity? We should try that again now that we're better.” Rainbow scratched her head. “Yeah… kind of? Except no mouths. And most ponies call that a sixtynine. Oh, you know what, I have movies about it; I'll just show you what I’m talking about.” “Yay,” they celebrated. Porn movies, thought Rainbow. The most respected field of sex academia. She picked out another incest movie, this one strictly all about fucking, and soon they were gathered on the couch in the living room to bask in the electric glow of moving smut. “See, that looks fun, right?” Rainbow pointed to the mare getting pounded by a stallion with some very theatrical vocalizations. “You should try-” She looked over at the twins at the other end of the couch. Pickle was standing on the floor with his head between his sister's open legs. “Hey, you're not even watching.” “S-sorry,” groaned Barley shakily. “We were watching but then we got really… uh…” “Horny?” she grunted in annoyance. “I guess.” She closed her eyes and let out a moan. Rainbow sighed and sipped her glass. Whatever, she thought. It was a simple force of nature; they'd get it eventually, especially if she pumped enough rutting imagery into their brains. She just needed to be patient. - - - It had been a week since the twins did anything overly destructive or dangerous. They hadn't even voluntarily practiced flying since their sexual awakening because if they ever had a spare minute, they mostly just wanted to go down on each other. It lent credence to the hypothesis that a desire for sex would replace the reckless impulses inside of them. While it seemed that Rainbow's primary goal of rewiring their brains had already been achieved, she felt they still needed those cutie marks as a sort of passport to a lifestyle of sexual debauchery, otherwise they were just a couple of perverts and, by extension, herself as their enabler. She needed irrefutable proof that she wasn't just corrupting a pair of innocent foals without cause but the only way to get it was to journey further down the rabbit hole. Rainbow got them a small TV with a VCR for their room where they could watch porn movies. She let them browse her whole collection and check out as many as two titles at a time. She gave them recommendations, mostly movies about Twins and siblings rutting, hoping that they would get the idea that it was fun and try it themselves but that had yet to manifest as far as she knew. It was clear they were giving each other oral at least twice a day but Rainbow wasn't monitoring them at all hours so they did have the opportunity to hump without her knowledge. This essentially forced her to keep asking them bluntly if they'd done it yet. Every time the answer was no. Then she'd give them a spiel about how great it was, resulting in them being lukewarm to the idea and ultimately never pursuing it because they were too distracted by what they were already doing. What the hell was wrong with them, she wondered. She shouldn't have to sell them on the idea of putting their genitals together. Rainbow came into the kitchen ready to make breakfast for the twins. She expected them to still be asleep or maybe fooling around in bed as they liked to do but instead there they were at the kitchen table, already eating? She squinted confusedly as she tried to read the situation. Pickle was sitting at the edge of the table with a glazed look in his eyes. Barley sat in a chair in front of him, a plate between the two of them. Rainbow walked to the fridge, side-eying them as she discovered that Barley was jerking him off with both hooves. “Hey, Rainbow,” greeted the filly without looking up. Rainbow said nothing as she drank milk straight from the carton, eyes still on them. Pickle grunted as his cum spurted in thick strings across a piece of toast sitting on the plate between his legs. Once the last drip had been squeezed from his head, Barley lifted the toast and took a big bite.  What the everliving fuck is this, wondered Rainbow, aghast. She couldn't recall anything like this from her sizable porn library. They couldn't have seen it there. They came up with this depraved act completely on their own. Barley just loved cum and they were a pair of insatiable nymphos. This had to be their calling but they still hadn't rutted and they still didn't have their cutie marks. Maybe Barley just thought it was a waste of good jizz. Barley swallowed the rest of the spunk toast and licked her lips while her brother scooted back down into his chair. “Rainbow, have you ever tried cum on toast?” she asked perkily. “It's really good.” Rainbow's mouth wrinkled. “Uh… can't say that I have... So… you guys try rutting yet?” “No. We forgot.” That’s bullshit, thought Rainbow. They didn't forget. How do you forget? It wasn't like there were limited windows for such things, at least not with them. They simply needed to be occupying the same semi private space for more than a few minutes. Pickle was probably already reloading and almost ready for a second round. Rainbow grumbled as she clattered in the cupboard for a bowl. She was done trying to let nature take its course here. She was going to make them fuck and get them their cutie marks. That night when the twins were watching a movie in the living room, Rainbow slipped them another pair of special juices. They didn't make it twenty minutes into the feature. The next time she checked on them, both were passed out cold but visibly fully aroused from the drug cocktail she'd administered. She carried them upstairs to their bedroom cradled on her back. First Barley and then Pickle. She set them side by side on top of the comforter so that Pickle was spooning his sister. It took her some time to finesse and prod them into alignment, especially being squeamish about real hooves on assistance, a line she wanted to avoid crossing. At last, she got Pickle's tip to slip between Barley's folds. Rainbow gave Pickle’s flanks a strong push with both hooves causing their hips to nest snugly and hilt his length inside his sister. Pickle groaned with full insertion while Barley whimpered. Now, with any luck, their prodigious sexual instincts would take over from there, even in unconsciousness. Rainbow sat on her haunches at the foot of the bed and watched, already feeling the indecent urge to give herself a few strokes between the legs. - - - Barley whacked a shroud of vines asunder with the weathered machete in her mouth. She dropped the blade to the floor in finality. “This is it,” she gasped, gazing upon an overgrown edifice of ancient pony origin. “I can't believe it,” exclaimed a stallion behind her. She looked in surprise as he came up beside her. Not only did he have the same pack and helmet as her, he had the exact same coloration from his teal mane to his yellow coat. “Pickle?” she mused with uncertainty. “Yeah?” He breathed in response. Barley looked up at her brother. He was a full sized stallion with a chiseled jaw and a five o'clock shadow, a rugged explorer. She was still just a filly somehow. “Uh… let's check it out,” she posed with newfound excitement in her voice. The two ventured up to the entrance which was buttressed by a meticulously carved frieze. She winced as a cloud of bats fluttered out overhead into the heavy jungle air. The interior of the long entryway hall was adorned with stylized pornographic paintings of ponies doing just about everything in every way. The hall terminated into an enormous rotunda illuminated by an oculus at the center of the domed ceiling. Vines poured in through the hole, snaking outward across the ceiling like veins in an eye. A slanted beam of light came down, making a bright ellipse on the mosaic floor. Barley and Pickle traipsed around in awestruck wonder at the architecture and artistry of the temple dedicated to the joy of sex, unseen for centuries. Pickle closely examined an obelisk at the center of the room, a classical phallic shape pointed straight up at the hole in the ceiling with obvious connotations to carnal union. There were carved inscriptions and pictograms on all four sides of the polished monolith. “This is the last clue we needed,” he gasped. “The treasure room is below here and it's sealed by a sex magic enchantment. It looks like two ponies are meant to rut upon the altar on this very day.” “They have to rut?” blinked Barley. “Are- are you sure?” Pickle pointed adamantly at the egg-shaped mosaic seal on the floor that was almost perfectly aligned with the light projection from the oculus. “The light is only right once a year. It's passing over the altar right now. Come on. We can do it; we have to be quick though.” Barley bit her lip. “But we've never… Um, well… okay.” How could she back out of such an urgent proposal? The two explorers hurried over to the harsh spotlight. Barley tilted her head to look up at her brother and closed her eyes expectantly. His much larger lips came down and eclipsed hers. His tongue invaded her mouth, smothering her own and it was exquisite. She groaned as blood rushed to her loins. Pickle pulled off, leaving her gasping for air. Her eyes traveled automatically to his undercarriage and then bulged as they landed on her brother's adult sized cock. It was thicker than her leg and nearly as long. “Ready?” he asked before kneeling down and rolling onto his back. Barley watched as the forces of gravity shifted causing his hefty balls to roll into place between his legs and his cantilevering dick to wobble up and down like a springing diving board. She swallowed with intrepid conviction. “Um, yeah,” She shimmied up on top of him, straddling his barrel, dampening his fur with her juices and feeling the shocking sensation of his throbbing tip nestle between her flanks. Unsure of exactly what to do now, she at least understood that their parts needed to be aligned for this to work. She laid forward from her sitting position until she was face to face with him and her forehooves were braced on the floor on either side of his head. He held her there, his hooves on her little flanks. Then he planted a few more kisses on her lips for good measure. Barley's eyes shot open as she felt his tip prod her entrance. Her brother simultaneously scooted her down and thrust his hips slowly. Her lower lips yawned wide over his flare as he successfully pushed inside her. She let out a breathy moan as she felt herself filling up inside from his massive shaft. She bared down as it threatened to split her open and then suddenly his balls bumped her flanks signaling that he was all the way in. But how was it possible? Barley forced one eye open to see her brother, mouth agape, nearly paralyzed in the profound grip of her pussy. He gave a shaky grunt as his hooves viced tighter around her flanks. Barley gasped as he pulled out of her a generous amount and pushed back in, beginning to pump. She gritted her teeth and whimpered, overwhelmed by the size of the intruder. The feeling of fullness within her was unreal but incredibly satisfying. So this was what it was like. Barley curled up against him, placing her trembling hooves on Pickle’s chest. He began to quicken his pace as time was of the essence Despite her inexperience with the huge size difference, she felt her pleasure beginning to mount quickly and suddenly she felt the urge to switch positions. She pushed herself back up into a sitting position, forcing her brother to reorient his thrusts from back and forth to up and down. His balls slammed into her rump with a slap. Her own weight pressing down got him even deeper inside her core, much to their enjoyment. Barley cried out, her scream echoing across the rotunda. Her brother moved his hooves to her midsection and began to roughly bounce her up and down, timing his upward thrusts so that their bodies would collide as violently as possible, his tip reaching new, uncharted territory within while his balls squished with each wanton crash of their flesh. Now stiffly restrained upright, Barley was helpless to do anything anymore. With eyes clenched shut and tongue hanging out, she was consigned to mindlessly lap up whatever he wanted to dish out to her. Pickle grunted and shuddered beneath her as he sprinted toward climax. He watched his sister's clit flutter over the thick rib of his medial ring listening to her cries get higher and higher until suddenly she went rigid in his grip, shaking in cosmic ecstasy. Pickle couldn't hold back any longer. His cock pulsed, hot cum gushing inside her like they'd popped a champagne bottle. Barley had just enough awareness to think she could feel her belly expanding with the blast of seed even as she felt it blowing back out of her pussy, warm stickiness gathering on her thighs and rump. There was so much that she could feel the liquid creaminess between their bodies. The floor rumbled as the ancient treasure room opened but the two of them were in no hurry, content with basking in the messy afterglow and the warmth of the sun's rays. - - - Pickle laid on a floor cot in the middle of the abandoned orphanage, silence and loneliness consuming him. The doorbell rang and he shot up. “The pizza’s here,” he gasped excitedly as he sprang to his hooves. He pranced to the door and flung it open with his wing.  There, in the doorway, stood Rainbow Dash wearing a hat and delivery uniform. She had a closed pizza box balanced on one wing tip.” “I got a large cheese pizza here,” she declared flatly. “That's for me,” confirmed Pickle, his mouth already salivating. “That'll be fifteen bits.” Pickle flipped open his coin purse to find nothing but a piece of gray lint. He inverted the purse and shook it for dramatic effect. Then he looked up at her, his pathetic expression smudged with dirt. “Oh no, I don't have any money.” Rainbow frowned. “No money? Well you still have to pay for the pizza and my tip, unless you don't want the pizza.” “No, please,” he begged. “I’m so hungry; I want pizza but how can I pay for it?” Rainbow put a hoof to her chin in thought before smirking. She stepped past him and nudged the door shut behind her with a hind leg. “I think I have an idea,” she began, spinning the box on her wing. “I don't suppose you've ever eaten pussy before.” He scratched his head. “Um, yeah, but never with a mare.” “Never with a mare? With who then? “My twin sister.” She raised an eyebrow. “Oh, kinky. Well, here's the deal. You gotta eat pussy before you can eat pizza and you gotta do it right. Understand?” He eyed the twirling box on her pinion lustfully and nodded. “Uh, okay.” Rainbow looked around curiously as she meandered further inside. Pickle’s sleeping and living space appeared to be combined in a gaping, empty entryway indicated by a collection of random discarded furniture. “You got this place all to yourself?” “Now I do,” he groaned. “Everyone, even my sister, got adopted out except for me and then the orphanage shut down. They weren't going to keep it open for just one orphan.” She set the pizza on a coffee table and plopped down on the nearby couch with a heavy sigh. “Well that's rough but today's your lucky day; you get pizza.” she spread her legs apart shamelessly, revealing her slit. “Just skip the foreplay and dive right in,” she urged. “As long as you're not awful, I should be warmed up in no time.” She tilted her head back on the cushion and rested her forelegs spread-eagle atop the backrest. Pickle wandered into the space between her legs where her completely dry marehood awaited his servicing. He could smell the fresh pizza mingling with Rainbow's scent as he huffed hot air over her entrance. It was, to his shame, an enjoyable mixture that, despite the unfairness of the situation, was still arousing. He stuck his tongue out and licked her slit forcefully from bottom to top, parting her folds as he went. Rainbow hummed as a smile curled her lips at the auspicious beginning. Pickle quickly delved deeper into her crevice, seemingly trying to scoop out her clit with his tongue. It responded, by plumping up and peeking out. He began to nibble the slick nub with his lips before taking it into his mouth entirely. Rainbow closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh as her juices began to flow. The front door creaked open without warning. “Oh, Pickle? I'm here to fix your leaky- Hey!” Rainbow and Pickle looked to the doorway to see an annoyed Barley wearing coveralls and a tool belt. “Pickle, you're only supposed to do that for me when I make house calls.” “But I'm doing it for pizza," he argued. “It's the only thing I have to pay with. We can't all be rich plumbers.” “Wait, is this your sister?” asked Rainbow, legs still wide open with a sheen of saliva and natural lubricant. “Yeah,” he grunted. She looked her up and down “Interesting… New plan: you can eat her pussy instead but you have to fuck me at the same time.” “I have no problem with that,” Shrugged Barley. Except… how do we even do that?” “I know,” said Rainbow, slumping over on the couch. She laid face up on the cushions with her head on the hoofrest and patted her stomach expectantly. “Hop aboard.” Barley blinked. “Oh, I get it.” She unbuckled her belt and climbed up on top of Rainbow where she straddled her at the hips, one pussy stacked on another. Rainbow grabbed the filly and scooted her up her barrel a bit to give Pickle some space to work. “Ready whenever you are, stud,” groaned Rainbow. “I- I've never done this before,” bemoaned the colt who was still standing on the floor. “Your pizza’s getting cold and I'm getting hungry,” she threatened. “Okay, okay.” He scampered up in between her legs, his erection still holding strong. He looked down at Rainbow's pussy and then up at his sister's, their legs splayed open and waiting. He swallowed nervously but laid his head down on her stomach and crawled up it till he felt his tip poke her spongy inner thigh. He wrapped his forelegs around her waist and scrunched his back end forward. His struggle was rewarded as his cock suddenly plunged right inside her warm marehood. Rainbow hummed as his body locked up with incredible shivers. After the spell subsided, he instinctively pulled out and pushed back in, a similar wave of chills running through his body. It was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. He tilted his chin back to look up Rainbow's barrel but only saw his sister's puffy fillyhood right in his face. Oh yeah, he thought, suddenly remembering that he needed to tend to her too. He wriggled up a bit higher till he had a good bead on both of them at once. Then he opened his mouth and gave Barley a deep kiss between the legs. Barley gasped and squirmed atop Rainbow. The mare held her in place to keep her from falling off. She savored the impassioned sounds from the filly, her excitement heightened by having insinuated herself into the twins' lovemaking. Pickle began to find his rhythm in the unorthodox position, thrusting into Rainbow while suckling on his sister's tender meat. He gripped the mare's barrel tightly to allow himself the necessary leverage. The three of them let out a communal moan as pleasure blossomed in the tangencies of their entangled bodies. Rainbow smirked as she pushed Pickle's muzzle into Barley's pussy as if achieving sexual gratification vicariously through the act. Pickle's thighs slapped against her own, punctuating Barley's foalish squeaks. Now becoming a servant to her mounting pleasure, Rainbow rolled her hips into his thrusts as she tried to get every bit of him. “Oh, fuck,” she cried. “Put a foal in me!” Though joined in a pile, the three of them became islands unto themselves as their orgasms loomed, snuffing out any awareness and self control they had left. Their bodies moaned and writhed as one, losing all division between who said what and what they were doing to whom. They simply continued as a lustful hivemind, charging toward the edge of bliss. - - - Rainbow watched intently in the dim light of the bedroom as Pickle sloppily pistoned in and out of his sister whilst completely unconscious. The two of them moaned softly as some semblance of their rutting trickled into their brains. Rainbow was now horny as shit, had been for what felt like an eternity and it was absolutely maddening but she promised herself that if she could maintain some level of motherly professionalism and not just clop off right there in the room while she forced them to fuck in their sleep then she'd get out the vibrator when she went to bed. Pickle grunted, his balls clenching in finality. Rainbow watched as a telltale ring of cum formed around his girth and his lazy thrusting slowed to a stop. Rainbow let out an exasperated sigh of triumph as she moved in for a closer look. They fucked. He came inside her. Still their flanks were blank. Maybe the cutie marks would pop in the morning when they woke up, she lied to herself. Disappointing but she'd reevaluate at breakfast. Right now she was in serious need of some self love. - - - “I had a crazy dream last night,” said Barley at the breakfast table in between bites of her cum drizzled muffin. “Me too,” added Pickle.” Rainbow smiled and nodded, having a pretty good idea where this was going. “Oh yeah? What was it about?” “Rutting.” “Me too,” confirmed Pickle. “It was like that movie,” Barley continued. I was exploring an ancient temple in the jungle with Pickle but he was a stallion and I was still just a filly. We had to have sex on a certain spot on the floor to open the treasure chamber.” “Wow,” said Rainbow, stirring her bowl of oats. “Did you like rutting in your dream?” “Yeah, actually, even though it was just a dream.” “Well it's pretty awesome in reality too; you really should give it a try.” She turned to Pickle with a spoonful of oats in her mouth. “What was yours about, Pickle?” He looked at her, suddenly flustered at the thought of explaining Rainbow's role in his dream and how he enjoyed it. “Uh… well I don't really remember a lot of details,” he lied. “But I remember Barley was there and rutting was fun. And then when I woke up, my dick was inside Barley.” “And now I'm leaking cum,” added Barley matter of factly as she popped the last of the ‘brother seed muffin’ in her mouth.” Rainbow’s eyebrows went up in mock surprise. “Really? Well you should have led with that. No wonder you had those dreams. It sounds like your bodies are trying to tell you something. You should definitely try rutting when you get home from school today,” she resolved for them. The two looked at each other and shrugged. Maybe they just had to do it of their own volition while away, hoped Rainbow. The twins had a difficult time focusing in school that morning now that the prospect of having sex with each other for the first… second time loomed inevitably on the horizon. Pickle had the added challenge of trying to sort through what felt like a very issue-charged dream. In the end he decided to just never tell anyone the whole story and never mention it again. Dreams were weird. They didn't necessarily mean anything. After class they flew home practicing back to back double barrel rolls on their way. Going to and from school was pretty much the only time they spent practicing maneuvers. After all, they couldn't give head while flying, not for a lot of reasons. Rainbow greeted them at the house with the expectant fervor of someone throwing a block party. “We're gonna go do rutting upstairs now,” said Pickle, hanging up his saddle bag.” “Okay, great,” exclaimed Rainbow. “Have fun! See you later!” “Do you remember a rutting position that looked good?” asked Barley as they headed up the stairs together. The twins had no idea what a conventional rutting position looked like; they'd seen pretty much everything now, presented in no particular order so one was just as novel as any other. “Remember the one where the mare sat on the table for the stallion?” he suggested. “Oh yeah. Okay.” Once through the door Barley bounded up onto their little round table and sat at the edge with a generous space between her hind legs. They'd seen this enough times to generally know how it worked. Pickle glanced at her fillyhood, feeling a pang of henger before rearing up to eye level with her. He planted his hooves on either side of her rump and leaned in for an aggressive opening kiss. Her lips parted for his tongue and she gave an mmpf. Her forelegs went to his withers, pulling him in as she retaliated with her own tongue. Pickle felt a tightness growing in his loins as his sister's hind legs gripped his sides. His length filled out quickly till it was pointing straight up and getting squeezed between them. He could feel the underside of his girth cradled in her lower lips and dipping into a warm wetness deeper between them. Barley moaned as she felt her brother's cock slip upward and caress her clit with a pleasant tingle. It continued to tease her, sliding up and down, spreading her juices through her folds. The sensation was as incredible as it was unfamiliar. They broke their kiss to investigate their newfound stimulation. The two siblings looked between their bodies, down where the action was. They were both ready; it was time. Pickle angled his erection down with one hoof and felt his swollen flare pop into a warm pocket. That must have been it. The wonderful sensation demanded that he explore further. Setting his hoof back on the table, he thrust his hips forward. As he hilted inside her, their mouths opened wide in glorious awe. This feeling of union right here, this was what it was all about. Barley wrapped her forelegs back around his withers as he began to ram into her. Their thighs slapped loudly and Pickle’s balls bumped the edge of the table. He covered her lips with his own as she began to whimper into him. This felt so natural and perfect. Picking up speed, Pickle moved his hooves from the table to her taut flanks. He squeezed them with a primal assertiveness as he drew her to him, forcing their bodies closer together, forcing himself deeper inside her as he let savage instincts drive him. Barley assisted the effort, rolling her own hips and squeezing him with her flexing thighs while he pounded her mercilessly with wild abandon. Pickle grunted as his ecstasy took flight and she trembled in his hooves. Their moans were muffled by each other's hungry lips until they were just to big to contain. As the dam crumbled, Pickle broke their violent kids. The twins put their chins on each other’s shoulders and cried out in feral rapture. The two wrapped one another in a full body press, shuddering in communal bliss as he filled her with his seed. As the waves of pleasure slowly ebbed away, they were left heaving together in a tight embrace. Rainbow sat in the kitchen with a book, essentially waiting for them to finish. By the sound of their shameless declarations, she'd be getting a report soon. Indeed, the twins came racing back down the stairs and into the kitchen. “Rainbow,” exclaimed Barley, still out of breath. “Rutting is our new favorite thing ever!” Rainbow turned around and craned her neck, expectantly examining their flanks, their pristine, unmarked flanks. “Great,” she replied through clenched teeth. > The Climax > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow read through all of her borrowed books once again, searching for a clue or something she had missed. It seemed like she'd exhausted all possible catalysts for a breeder bond mark and still nothing. This had to be the right path for them, she was sure of it, but what was she missing? For the first time during this trial, she considered asking for help even though the idea made her physically ill. Her thoughts scattered as the wall clock chimed. She tapped her hoof on the table next to the open book as if trying one last time to summon a lead before getting up. Rainbow slunk upstairs. The muffled sounds of the TV emanated through the wall as she neared. The mare knocked softly before pushing the door open. “Time to get ready for- oh…” Inside the room the only light came from the flickering screen which dimly illuminated the twins on the bed. They'd fallen asleep with porn on. Pickle was snoring on top of Barley, his cock still stuffed inside his sister's cream-pied pussy. They were already obsessed with rutting just like they'd been with oral, just like they'd been with danger. Rainbow sighed in the doorway, deciding to just let them sleep as they were and brush their teeth in the morning. She switched off the TV while the scientist was in the middle of her presentation explaining how her new device, the slut ray, could turn anyone into a shameless slut with zero sexual inhibitions. - - - Pickle woke up the next morning with a hard on which Barley was quick to notice and climb on top of. She straddled his barrel and shimmied backwards, spearing herself on his shaft. The barely awake colt groaned as she slid down to his base and began to twerk her ass with a squelch. Despite the door being closed, the sound of their passionate lovemaking reached Rainbow’s ears as she finished setting their breakfast on the table. She looked up at the clock and frowned. “Seriously?” she grumbled. She switched on the kitchen soundsystem by hoof and put on some music to drown them out while she started eating alone. She was completely finished and tapping her hoof nervously on the table by the time they came down flush faced and panting and reeking of sex. They sat at the bar and started to eat their breakfast dazedly. Barley swallowed a couple of bites of soggy cereal and then looked down to see that her brother's erection persisted defiantly, begging for more attention. How fortuitous; just in time to complete her meal. Barley got down on the floor and then reared up to wrap her lips around his juicy cock, still slick and tangy with their fluids. Pickle gasped as he stopped eating. He put a hoof on the back of her head, pushing her all the way down till her muzzle planted between his balls. “What are you doing?” blurted Rainbow in alarm. “You don't have time for any more; you have to get your saddle bags on and go to school.” The sex zombies separated, crammed the rest of their food in their mouths and hurried to the front door. - - -  At lunch recess, the twins found themselves wandering the little dirt track beside the bustling playground. They were still a little skittish at school and preferred the company of each other even though they were also the most annoying ponies they knew. “Wonder when we're gonna get to new material in math,” posed Pickle, loping along. “Who cares?” shrugged Barley. “It's an easy A.” “Yeah, but I didn't like geometry the first time around.” “You didn't do it a first time. We only did like two parts of it back in Hope Hollow. There's a lot more to it we haven't done yet.” She scanned over the playground of foals off in their own worlds and the pink body of Miss Cheerilee moving behind the play structure on the far side. In that moment they were basically unsupervised. Barley nudged her brother “Hey, wanna sneak off for a minute and rut, ‘cuz I want to.” It wasn't a sultry proposition but an almost clinical one like asking if he wanted to accompany her to the store to get milk. “Well… yeah, I want to but Rainbow told us not to do it outside of the house,” he warned her. “Yeah but that's just for safety so we don't offend anyone. As long as we're careful and no one sees us then it's fine.” “I guess so,” he shrugged. “Probably still shouldn't tell Rainbow though. Where are we going to go?” “Groundskeeping shed behind the schoolhouse. C'mon.” She'd clearly already scouted the location. The filly fluttered into the air. Pickle cast an eye behind at Cheerilee and then the foals, making sure no one would witness their vanishing act. Then he took off and followed her. When he rounded the corner behind the school, Barley was standing there at the little shed, holding the door open for him. She motioned with one hoof for him to come. He scampered inside like a rabbit fleeing a wolf. Then his sister let the door close with a squeak behind them. “Gotta hurry,” whispered Barley but before she could even get the words out, he'd cornered her against the wall and workbench. He smothered her lips with his own, making her practically gush with arousal. Her rump bumped the wall, prompting her to stand on her hind legs as he continued to encroach on her. He stood up with her, maintaining the kiss and pinning her to the wall. His hoof slipped down between her legs where everything was already drenched and slick. He scooped up her nub and began to massage it rhythmically. Barley moaned into his mouth, her hindquarters trembling in delight. Pickle was fully hard in a matter of moments. No reason to belabor the foreplay with a time crunch. Barley turned to the side and set her hooves on the workbench, forcing him to back away and set down on all fours. Her tail went up, offering an unobstructed view of the soaked fillyhood he'd already claimed once today. She looked back at him expectantly, not with lust but urgency and a tinge of worry. Without hesitation, Pickle reared up and mounted her in the semi upright position. He found his target by heat signature, as his girth caressed sideways across her hole. He pulled back a smidge and his tip sprang naturally up into her entrance. He thrust forward as he nestled her body into his. They both gasped. Wisely, Pickle took no time to settle in. Once he was inside her, he was off to the races, thighs clapping, balls slapping. He rested his chin in the crook of her neck. His hot panting caressing her cheek. The workbench rattled with the force of his pounding. His hoof snaked beneath her undercarriage to find Barley’s fattened clit again, giving it a few strokes. Overcome with sudden pleasure, Barley let out a cry that she quickly stifled. She bit her hoof, trying to keep the sound of her outbursts hampered to the confines of the shed. Pickle licked her cheek with a huff of ragged breath. He kept a blistering pace as he raced toward early climax. Barley whimpered into her hoof, her thighs pressing roughly into the edge of the workbench and her front half wobbled on one shaky forehoof. Suddenly Pickle squeezed her to him as he erupted inside her. He bit his lip to silence his groans while his fireworks finished with several slow but deep, penetrating thrusts. His sister gave muffled squeals as the hoofjob continued, nearing its resolution. Pickle stayed inside her as he redoubled his assault on her clit. Her back legs shook harder into a crescendo, her body going rigid with bliss. She exhaled with content as her brother pulled out with a squelch and a big drip of his seed splattered on the old wooden floorboards. “That's gotta be a record for both of us cumming,” she panted, getting back down on all fours. She quickly pulled her beanie straight again. Pickle was already pushing open the door. “C'mon,” he murmured, motioning her to follow with his head. They slunk away from the shack and back around the corner of the schoolhouse where recess was still in full swing and Cheerilee’s back was turned. They drifted onto the playground as if they'd always been there. The two smiled at each other and smacked hooves. “Hey, guys,” called Apple Bloom from the swing. “Wanna see who can jump the furthest off the swing? No wings.” “Okay,” they nodded with interest. - - - The twins got all their homework and chores done on schedule that day so Rainbow treated them to a movie that they'd wanted to see that was surprisingly from her non pornographic collection. The three of them sat together on the couch in the darkened living room. Rainbow greedily shoveled popcorn into her mouth as she got lost in the story she hadn't seen for a long time. It wasn't until she heard intimate humming over the dialogue that she snapped back out. Rainbow looked down to the other end of the couch to see Barley riding cowgirl on her brother's lap. His hooves held her flanks as she glided up and down on his slick pole. They moaned softly, tangling their tongues in each other's mouths. Rainbow gritted her teeth. She squeezed her own thighs together in discomfort as she quickly became aroused by their spectacle. Then she forced herself to look away and sighed. They seemed to be not only insatiable but unflappable. Maybe they had the stones to be in the next generation of incest porn movies when they grew up, she pondered. They could do it any time, anywhere and probably in front of anyone, including a greaseball director and a camera crew. That was a valuable talent in itself she supposed. I will totally watch their debut porno feature when it comes out, she thought hypothetically. Does that make me a bad parent or a supportive one? It was a given that she'd be clopping hard to it. The smutty reverie wasn't helping her in her current situation as Barley's moans began to overtake the audio from the movie. Should she start making them fuck only in their room? Not just because it was more socially acceptable but because she could foresee a coming future where she was perpetually horny and miserable from being around them? Or were such parameters too stifling for their sexual experimentation as they became acquainted with their area of expertise? She needed a parenting book for this very niche parenting journey but she was pretty sure none existed. Maybe she could be the one to write the very first, that is if she could get them their damn cutie marks. Pickle grunted with carnal satisfaction. Barley pulled off of him and stood up. In the blue glow of the TV screen, Rainbow caught a glimpse of her fillyhood glinting with their combined wetness just before it disappeared behind her tail and she sat back down on the couch next to her brother. Rainbow swallowed. There was one thing left they hadn't tried and it was definitely a last resort. - - - The twins burst through the front door as if they had touched down on the doormat from a divebomb. They skidded and clattered on the floor before they could stand by the hooks and hang up their saddle bags. “Welcome home,” greeted Rainbow with a wide grin. “Juice? I know you're always thirsty when you come back from school.” “Oh, thanks,” said Pickle, reaching for the glass in Rainbow's left wing. She abruptly pulled it away and held out the one in her other wing instead. “Here,” she offered aggressively. Pickle took it in his wing and sipped as he walked to the living room. Barley took hers and followed him. Rainbow went back to the kitchen and gave the Max Fertility potion double pack packaging one last look before chucking the empty vials discreetly in the trash. Guaranteed instantaneous pregnancy upon viable insemination. Do not take if under the age of consent. There was one potion for the male and one for the female and they were color coded black and white. The stuff was pricey but worth the money to put the cutie mark episode to bed one way or another. After they ingested the full contents the rest was just a waiting game. It was a given that the twins would be doing it soon enough. Sometimes they were pawing at each other right there in the entryway before they'd even taken their packs off. “Can we play a board game tonight?” asked Barley from the other room. “If you do all the things, we can. Actually if you do your homework now we can maybe go to Sugar Cube Corner today.” “Yay,” they exclaimed “But first finish your juice,” she reminded them. “Okay.” Rainbow was relieved when they quickly produced two empty glasses and brought them into the kitchen. “Let's get our homework right now,” suggested Barley. Her brother silently agreed, fetching his pack from the hook in the hallway. They convened at the kitchen's low table where they spread their projects out and sat on their haunches. “Let me know if you need any help,” said Rainbow, hovering nearby at the bar with her new book. They were uncharacteristically quiet and focused for a few minutes, possibly motivated by Rainbow's promises of rewards but it wasn't too long before Pickle stood up again. “I'm done,” he declared, scooping up his book and papers. Barley looked up at him with dubious resentment. “How are you done already?” “I did most of my homework during the story,” he explained. “Ugh, you're not supposed to do that,” grunted in annoyance. “But I'm good at multitasking.” “I bet you didn't hear a single word of the story,” she scoffed, returning to her assignment. Pickle milled around impatiently, leaving for a brief time but coming back in to check on his sister who continued to read and write studiously. Neither of them knew what to do with unstructured time when the other wasn't around and as a result they'd become antsy and shiftless. “Hurry up so we can rut.” he grumbled. “I still have… a lot,” she muttered absently. “Just do me now while I'm working.” Rainbow's ears twitched. “Really?” he asked. “Yeah, I don't need to do anything except stand here. Just try not to be distracting.” Barley got up and draped her front half over the table. Her paper sat before the propped up book in front of her. She flagged her tail to the side, pencil dangling from her mouth as she found her spot in the text. Already rock hard from the moment she made the suggestion, Pickle inched up gently on her back. He plunged his flare into the heaven between her flanks. He grunted softly as he hilted inside her and their thighs met with a pleasant squeeze. His forelegs kneeled on the table either side of her midsection and he launched into a slow rhythm. Despite getting rutted, Barley continued onward in her studies, occasionally jotting answers down with her mouth. Her pencil jittered a bit with her brother's thrusts, making her hoofwriting less accurate but still legible. Rainbow kept watch out of the corner of her eye, both out of salacious transfixation and a desperate need for this particular session to pay off. This was certainly a less than ideal way to do homework but she wasn't going to correct them. Pickle’s mouth was open but his eyes were closed. He kept his head hovering just above Barley's back, rocking their bodies gently with a subdued plap plap plap. Pickle tried to contain his vocalizations so as not to distract his sister but it was getting more difficult as pleasure quickly welled in his loins, coiling tighter like a spring. On top of that, he was fighting the urge to start slamming her flanks with aggressive conquest. Little by little he crawled toward release until an amazing heat surged up his shaft to his tip, blasting deep into the depths of his sister. He couldn't help but groan in ecstasy as his cock pulsed, delivering his load. He stood motionless until the blissful sensation faded to a gentle dreaminess. Pickle sighed and pulled out of her. It wasn't but a moment later that Barley felt a strange buzzing in her flanks that felt different from any sort of sexual stimulation she'd ever received down there. She dropped her pencil in surprise and looked back to see her hindquarters glowing with white light. Pickle had stopped in his tracks to also look back at himself as the very same phenomenon gripped him. All three of their jaws dropped open in shock. The strange light faded away as quickly as it came revealing a pair of brand new cutie marks. “It’s- it's our cutie marks,” stammered Barley.  “Yes” exclaimed Rainbow in triumph. The twins looked back and forth between each other’s flanks to compare. Their astonishment only deepened as they found they seemed to have mirror images of the same mark, an upright wooden barrel filled with barley and a large pickle sticking out of the top. “We got the same cutie mark?” gasped Pickle. “Yeah. Our cutie marks are exactly the same. What do they mean?” “Homework sex aficionados,” shrugged Pickle befuddled. “I know what they mean,” blurted Rainbow. “Hang on.” She zipped away on her wings and came back with one of her borrowed books from the castle. She opened it to the bookmarked page and slammed it on the table before them. “You two have a breeder bond. It means your destiny is to breed and rut each other a lot.” “What?” Barley pulled the book closer. “I mean, I guess it makes sense but what?” “But we've already rutted a lot,” shrugged Pickle. “Why did it just suddenly happen this time?” Rainbow cleared her throat awkwardly. “Well… I've kind of been pulling strings to encourage you to do these things and refocus your energy on achieving your true calling and getting your cutie marks because I've suspected that you were an unrealized breeder bond pair for weeks now.” The twins exchanged curious glances. “So that's why you kept bothering us to rut?” “Why didn't you just tell us that's what you were doing?” wondered Pickle. “Because that feels like a weird conversation to have, especially if I ended up being wrong about it later. And I wanted it to happen at least semi naturally. But, to be absolutely clear, I was pretty sure about it the entire time even though it took so long. Anyway, I gave you both hardcore fertility potions just now and since that was really the only added variable this time, I have to believe that what triggered your cutie marks finally was pregnancy.” - - - Rainbow successfully infiltrated the Castle of Friendship with her bag of absconded with books. She didn't need them anymore but perhaps Twilight had some others in her collection that would be of use to her in the twins' new stage of development. In the library, the pegasus hovered high in front of a bookshelf, fumbling through the titles she'd brought. One of them didn't even go in the library; it needed to go back in Starlight's room. “Hi Rainbow,” chimed a familiar voice behind her. Rainbow screamed in surprise, dropping her books in a panic. “What are you doing?” asked Twilight in concern. She turned around to not only see Twilight but also Starlight and Princess Celestia. “Uh, n-nothing.” She swooped down to the floor and tried to gather the books. “Oh, so that's where that book went,” said Starlight, floating the fringe cutie mark book to herself with her magic. “I thought I was going crazy. I knew I left it on my desk… Why do you have it?” “Looks like they're all about cutie marks,” muttered Twilight. “Oh she just adopted a pair of twins without cutie marks,” she quickly realized. “How is that going? asked Celestia with a smile.” Rainbow lifted the stack of books dumbly. “Um… Pretty great actually.” “So you're trying to help them get their cutie marks?” Rainbow gritted her teeth and looked away. “Well… No. Actually they just got them so that's why I'm here putting the books back.” “Oh, what did they get,” gasped Celestia with excitement. The three looked at her eagerly. Rainbow scratched her head nervously “Uh… well… see… they… turns out they have… a breeder bond.” There arose an excited murmur from the trio. “Oh, how special,” gushed Celestia as if she’d just received a hoofmade Mother's Day present. Starlight nodded with knowing intellectual assuredness. “That makes sense,” declared Twilight. “Their genetics and background makes them rife for that.” Rainbow exhaled. Not only did they all seem to know what it was, they didn't seem to think it odd or lurid in the slightest. She still wasn't sure if she was comfortable sharing the details though. “It's a good thing they got adopted together. Can you imagine?” “Good work,” Rainbow Dash. “They're lucky to have you as a mother.” Rainbow nodded weakly as if considering the thought for the first time. “Yeah… maybe so.” - - - The morning alarm went off. It woke the twins but was really just a harald to Rainbow bursting through the door. “Up and eat ‘em, you two; it's sixtynine day!” The foals rubbed their eyes and groaned as they threw back the comforter. Rainbow shut off the alarm for them. Now that they had their cutie marks, Rainbow had thrown her full support behind their biologically mandated destiny and had taken it upon herself to give structure to their development with regimented sex training so that they could be the best in their field. She assigned a different position for each day of the week to be completed as part of their morning routine. With bleary vision, Barley found that her brother was already hard as usual so she climbed straight on top of him, her plot in his face. “Hold on, Bar, Pickle gets top this week.” “Oh,” she grunted absently before flipping lazily onto her back. Her brother rolled onto her, straddling her head, being careful not to put weight on her now visibly growing belly. Then he buried his muzzle into her fillyhood. Rainbow circled the bed, checking their form from all angles and nodding to herself with approval. “Make sure to swallow everything, Bar; you're eating for two now.” “Mm-hmm,” mumbled the filly through her brother's cock. “Hmm… I think you're big enough now that we should probably switch to a sideways sixtynine position for the rest of your pregnancy. We may need to modify some of your other positions as well.” Rainbow stayed and watched till both twins came and then she hustled them to brush their manes and get dressed while she went back downstairs to make breakfast. “Got your semen replenishment potion right here.” “Yay,” said Barley even though Rainbow was passing the drink to her brother. Genetically, Pickle already produced significantly more semen and at a faster rate than the average pony his size but the supplements always ensured he had enough to keep Barley overflowing at both ends no matter how many times they went at it. Rainbow held up two VHS tapes proudly before the eating foals. “I got brand new research materials for the weekend. New things you've never even seen before,” she teased mysteriously. “What are they?” asked Pickle with intrigue. Rainbow quickly obscured the tapes from sight beneath the table before they could even read the titles. “It's a surprise,” she giggled.