An Apple Scandal

by Holocron

First published

Big Mac and Sugar Belle are in an almost sexless marriage, and Applejack misses her brother's touch.

Big Mac, and his sister, Applejack, were as close as siblings could be, and yet there were even closer at one point or another. But that was in the past, as the stallion has married the beautiful unicorn, Sugar Belle. Living at Sweet Apple Acres, Sugar and Mac are in a happy marriage, but a rather dry spell of one. As well as this, his sister had been repeatedly trying to seduce him. Holding strong, the stallion believed eventually, Applejack would give up; he was wrong.

Commissioned by SonicBlitz18
Derpibooru: 2285872

Applejack's Actions

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The Sun was getting ready to set in the evening. Celestia had certain given Equestria long and bountiful days, especially over Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack managed to harvest more than she had thought possible in a single day, while Apple Bloom was able to help more ponies in town with her friends than usual. Things were going well for the Apple family; well, all but one. Big Macintosh, and his wife Sugar Belle were in a severe dry spell. While their marriage was the happiest day of their lives, and their honeymoon was the most passionate either had ever been, there was no planned pregnancy. The new couple felt a deep sorrow over how hard they worked for it, only to learn there was no foal.

This caused the two to fall into a minor depression, and thus it all but killed their desire to fuck. This dry spell only seemed to make the two feel more and more distant from each other. There was no doubt of their love for each other, but the lack of foal made it feel they were somehow not right for each other at the same time. As the night came, the two lay in bed, hugging and kissing, but whenever Big Mac tried to become more intimate, Sugar only seemed to close off and roll to the other side. The stallion, knowing there was no way he could take it further, would roll to his side and drift to sleep, feeling only shame and loneliness.

Waking up the following morning, Big Mac rolled over to get to his chores, making sure to give his wife a tender kiss on the cheek. As much as he wanted to give her a morning cuddle, he knew he had far too much work to do. With great reluctance, he got dressed and snuck out of the room, being as careful as possible not to wake her. The sun was just getting ready to peek out over the horizon when he arrived at the orchids, but he was not alone. Applejack, having grown up at such hours, was not only already awake, but seemingly waiting for her older brother. Even in such a dim light, he could see she was wearing an outfit that was hugging her curvaceous body that only seemed to sway a little every time she took a breath.

“Morning Mac.” Applejack greeted, handing over a steaming cup of cider. “Figured you’d be needing this.”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac replied, taking the cup and downing the warm beverage with a satisfying sigh of relief. “Sun should be up in a few minutes.”

“Gives us plenty of time to sit and talk.” Applejack replied, starting to do some small stretches. As she moved and twisted, she made sure to give her brother a good view of her tight looking flank. “You know, it’s been a long time since we’ve been alone like this. And I know another apple that needs a good bucking.”

“Applejack, we’ve been over this.” Big Mac sternly stated, even as his sister seemed to wiggle her hips towards him. “We can’t do this anymore.”

“You didn’t seem to have an issue when you and Cheerilee were dating.” Applejack pouted, walking over to her brother, rubbing her hands against his muscular chest. “And how about that hot threesome with Marble?”

“That was then, but not anymore.” Big Mac replied, his cold glare sent shivers through his sister’s spine as she felt a tingling sensation. “I’m married now.” Thankfully, the sun was just rising as he gently backed away from Applejack. “We have work to do.”

The remainder of Big Mac’s day was filled with as much hard work and chores as he could. His mind was focused on remaining busy. He did not want to think about anything but the farm and his wife; not that Applejack made it easy. No matter how many times he tried to stay away from her, she always found a way to get as close as possible to him. The sultry eyes and obvious flirtatious poses was one thing, he could look the other way. But when she would corner him somewhere, like when he was putting hay in the barn, she pressed her chest against his back in a close hug.

Or when she playfully snuck up behind him to “accidentally” rub along the heavy bulge in his pants, his mind battled between letting out his sexual repression on her body and being faithful to his wife. He loved his sister, and while their previous relationship wasn’t exactly normal by most ponies’ standards, they didn’t care. But things were different now. He loved Sugar Belle, and he knew she wouldn’t be interested in such things. Cheerilee and Marble were different. He was dating Cheerilee, but she was so overbearing sometimes. And Marble was just like every other Pie mare, a major whore, even if she was a shy one. He was overjoyed by the time Granny Smith rang the dinner bell, allowing him to retreat from his touchy feely sister.

Sitting down at the dinner table, Big Mac was sure to sit as far from Applejack as he could, right next to Sugar. But his sister seemed to plan for this, managing to sit directly opposite to her brother, taking Apple Bloom’s usual spot. He could say nothing without raising any suspicions or concerns, and certainly did not want to show such things to his wife. So he held back his issues for the time being. Granny Smith’s apple cuisine was definitely what the stressed out stallion needed. But it didn’t do much to take his mind off his sister and her tiger and sexy ass.

Just as he was ready to try and take his mind off Applejack, he felt something gently rubbing against the bulge of his pants. Big Mac let out a low sigh, trying not to attract any pony's notice. He hoped that it was Sugar, finally wanting to get a little more kinky, but he could clearly see both her hands were being used to eat her food. He loved Sugar Belle, he loved her more than any mare he’s ever been with, but she just wasn’t as into sex as he was. Their honeymoon was amazing, nearly breaking the bed with all their hot fucks, but afterwards, it was like she just was never aroused. But he loved her, so he was learning to live with it.

Sighing again as he ate his dinner, he looked forwards, knowing who it was. Applejack was rubbing up against his bulge, wanting to show him just how much she wanted him. It was just like when they were a little younger, before he ever met Sugar. When his sister went through her first heat, he couldn’t bear to see her suffering. His sister was a late bloomer, getting her heat just as she came of age, but he never would’ve imagined how that one night became the beginning of their secret affair. He had hoped she would let it all go when he introduced his marefriend to the family, but while she showed support, behind Sugar’s back, Applejack opposed the marriage, especially since it meant she couldn’t fuck her big brother anymore.

“Sugar, how has your day been?” Applejack asked, showing what Mac hoped was legit courtesy and kindness as she poured everyone their ciders. “Mac and I have been working hard in the orchids, I hope you weren’t bored without him.”

“It does get a little lonely when he’s working out there.” Sugar replied, taking a slow sip of her drink. “But I know how important the apple trees are, and so I don’t mind.” She then looked at Granny Smith. “In fact, I spent all day with Granny Smith.”

“She helped me plan the next trip with the Gold Horseshoe Gals.” Granny explained, looking at Sugar with a loving expression. “She’s such a talented mare, I’m so glad Big Mac brought her to the family.” Big Mac was especially happy that Granny Smith took a shine to Sugar Belle.

The matriarch of the family wasn’t a bad mare, but she was a very staunch traditionalist, and it was extremely rare for Apples to marry non earth ponies. When he was younger, he foolishly believed his granny was racist, but learned it was more just tradition to look for a partner in other earth ponies. But Granny has shown to be capable of adjusting with the times. She was so proud when she heard Braeburn married the buffalo chief’s daughter, Little Strongheart. And she’s never said a bad word about Sugar Belle; but still sometimes tenses up whenever the unicorn uses magic.

“Oh? Where will you be going?” Apple Bloom asked, happily snacking away at her food. “You plan on topping last year’s Las Pegasus trip?” She giggled a little, remembering the tale Rainbow Dash told her when she had to chaperone the elderly mares.

“Oh heck no.” Granny chuckled, leaning back in her seat. “That Jack Pot’s a charmer, but something about him tells me he’s hiding something.” She’s always had a good eye at spotting the sketchier side of most ponies, which always put Big Mac and Applejack on edge in the earlier parts of their tryst.

“Maybe some affair?” Apple Bloom replied in a starry-eyed look. “Or maybe he’s got a secret family or something?”

“Oh come now, it can’t be that.” Sugar Belle commented with a smile, always believing the best in others first. “I think you’re reading too many of those romance novels Sweetie Belle’s been showing you.”

“But they’re so good.” Apple Bloom playfully replied, smiling at her sister-in-law. “And that’s nothing compared to what Rarity’s books have.” Applejack nearly burst out laughing, thinking that her little sister may have accidentally found her friend’s not so secret pornographic novel collection.

“Don’t know, but I know Golden Delicious is meowing up the wrong tree with that one.” Granny laughed, also trying to get things back on topic. “Anyway, we’ll go to Rainbow Falls. Auntie Applesauce and Apple Rose are in their little feud over who can buy and sell the most antiques again. So Golden and I will be there to keep the peace.”

“Sounds intense. I know those two can get pretty heated up when they’re into something.” Applejack said, a spark echoing in her mind as she tried to form a plan. “So when will you be leaving?”

“In about a week or so.” Granny replied, munching away at her food. “But that said, we’ll be gone for a couple months. The Gold Horseshoe Gals are going on a tour this year. Rainbow Falls is just the first stop. We’ll be hitting every antique show around. So keep the place up and running, and I want to see my farm the way I left it when I get back.” Everypony nodded their heads in agreement. “Good, now pipe down and eat your food, before it gets cold.”

“That was a good meal.” Big Mac said, getting himself ready for bed. “Nothing beats Granny Smith’s cooking.”

“I was happy she let me help with baking the desert.” Sugar replied, getting out of her clothes. “I think she’s finally accepted me into the family.”

Looking over to his wife, Mac saw Sugar getting into her nightgown, an exotic gift she got from her bachelorette party. Something she wore on their honeymoon as well, which caused the stallion to ponder. He could see her breasts clearly through the fabric and her nipples were inverted. She was a beauty, an envy among mang mares. A slim waist, wide hips, not to mention her breasts, she was a mare that any stallion would kill to marry and sleep with.

“So honey, are we going to try again tonight?” Big Mac asked, sprawling a little on the bed to show off his body, wearing only his boxers which put his muscular frame on full display. “Working hard on the trees sure put me in a powerful mood.”

“I want to, I really do.” Sugar replied, leaning up to give her husband a tender kiss. But she seemed sluggish in her movements. “But for some reason…” She let out a cute but hearty yawn. “I feel so tired. We can try another time.” Letting out another adorable yawn, she lay herself on the bed.

“Of course.” Big Mac replied, hugging and kissing his wife back as he let her lay in bed. “Love you.” She was too tired to reply, but he knew she loved him back, cooing as she tried to snuggle up against him.

As Big Mac readied himself for bed, he thought about how Sugar seemed far more tired than usual. It didn't take him long to realize what had happened. His wife had been drugged into a deep sleep. But what caused it? The food? No, then he'd be tired too as they often shared their plates. Then what was it? Then, it struck him; her drink!? Sugar's sweet cider seemed a slightly darker shade of color, but he didn't pay much mind to it. But who could've done this, to give his wife a sleeping drug? But it didn’t take him long to figure it out, the one who handed out the drinks, Applejack.

"I know you're there." Big Mac spoke up, knowing that Sugar wouldn't wake up from his voice. After a moment of silence, his tone shifted to a far more serious expression. “Applejack.” Opening the door, the stallion saw the mischievous smile of Applejack slip into the room, closing the door behind her. "Why’d you do this?"

"Because I didn't want her stopping me." Applejack explained, not showing a single shred of regret or subtly as she slipped from her pajamas, revealing her round breasts, her sensitive nipples, and her dripping wet pussy. Her figure nearly rivaled Sugar, but because of the physical demands of her job, she had a more athletic frame. "I've missed you so much. I couldn't hold myself back any more." Mac knew this would happen eventually, but had hoped it would not. His sister was too out of control, but to do this to Sugar; that was too far. “I need your fat cock again!”

"I told you, we can't do this anymore." Big Mac said, his tone sounding stern, almost angry. It was one thing to tease and torment him all day and during dinner, but she drugged his wife, and he was not going to stand for that. "I keep tell you, I'm marri-"

"I don't fucking care!" Applejack interrupted, jumping at her brother, knocking him back against the headboard. "We are going to do this, right here, right now!" Her eyes narrowed into a jealous glare at the sleeping Sugar. "And I want to see her there when you blow that hot load in me!" Before her brother could push her off, she not only kissed him, but used her tongue to slip something down his throat.

Big Mac tried to fight back, but he realized a sluggishness with his own movements. She drugged him, his own sister forced a drug on him. The effects were almost instant. A numbness, like a faint tingling spreading from his mouth, throat, belly, and then to his arms and legs. It wasn’t like he couldn’t move, but his body was struggling to respond to his mind’s commands, vastly weakening him as his arms and legs trembled when he tried to get his sister off him. But what brought the most painful shame was his cock. Bulging hard against his boxers, he was throbbing so hard, it nearly hurt. And while he wanted to believe it was because of this drug, Mac regretfully wasn’t sure if it was the drug, or that his incredibly sexy sister was straddling him while moaning in his mouth.

Her body pressed against his, her perky tits rubbed softly against his strong, muscular frame. Her pussy was so wet, it was leaking her sweet nectar all over her brother’s waist. Applejack missed this, she hadn’t felt this warm touch in so long. She didn’t care if Mac was resistant, there was no going back now. The mare smirked, knowing she had him. With skill honed over years of sneaky quickies, she managed to slip her brother's cock from his boxers, angling it with ease to her soaked entrance. Her brother could hate her as much as he wanted to later, for now, she craved Big Mac’s throbbing cock. .

“I wanna say I’m sorry it came to this, but that would be a lie. I don’t wanna go anywhere without this dick, Mac.” Applejack said, panting as she looked at her brother with lustful, manic eyes. Not wasting a moment longer, she lowered herself onto the stallionhood, savoring the feeling of having him inside her. "Ooo fuck yeah, I missed this!"

“Applejack!” Big Mac shouted, forgetting about anypony else as he grabbed his sister, trying to lift her up, but she only started grinding her hips to keep him in place. “We can’t...this is wrong!”

“Then why is your cock getting bigger?” Applejack teased, smirking in delight as she picked up the pace of her movements. “Oh fuck, your cock is so big!” The stallion’s size throbbed madly inside her, betraying its master’s pleas, demands and struggled. “Bet Sugar Belle cause take you all the way like I can.”

Big Mac felt what little strength he had getting weaker. The force of Applejack’s slamming motions was swallowing down his dick, making him stretch out her inner folds in a way they haven’t had in years. Her sweet, sultry moans only further reminded him of the pleasures they both shared. Applejack was right, it had been so long since they’ve done it, and her pussy was even tighter and hotter than he remembered. She was milking his length, savoring it as her muscular midsection bulged from the thick size so deep inside her.

Faster and faster, Applejack rode Big Mac's cock like a mare in heat. The stallion was powerless to stop her, as he tried to push her off, she only slammed her flank back down on him. But as much as he hated this, a part of him seemed to enjoy this. Before Sugar, he loved his sister more than the rest of his family. She was his comfort and his passion, the one who was always there for him when he felt nopony understood him. But because of this, she knew every way to pleasure him.

In the past, it was only a way for both of them to scratch the other’s itch, to satisfy the sexual tension that came whenever they finished a long, hard day’s work. But over time, things changed, the two were fucking even outside of work. Not a day went by where Applejack didn’t feel the intense heat of Big Mac’s cum flooding her womb. She wanted to be fucked like the cock loving sister slut she was. As she continued to shake her ass over Big Mac’s cock, she leaned in, grabbing his shoulders to keep her steady as she kissed his neck.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck yes!” Applejack moaned, not stopping as she felt her brother’s hard cockhead rub along her inner walls. This thick, blunt cockhead wasn’t just rubbing past her cervix, he was pushing against the inner lining of her womb. “You’re fucking my womb so hard right now! Give me your fat cock! Make me your slut again big brother!”

Big Mac winced, feeling his cock swelling inside Applejack’s pussy. It wouldn’t be long now, he was going to cum, and he didn’t have the strength to stop her. The lustful mare could feel it, and her eyes only seemed to gleam as her lips curled into a manic expression of pleasure. Her motion and bouncing was driving him closer to an unwanted orgasm. Smirking at her soon to be victory, Applejack smashed her hips up and down, milking Big Mac's balls as he felt himself about to release himself.

Gritting his teeth in rage and guilty pleasure, his body betrayed him as he reached climax, firing his cum deep inside his sister. Applejack felt the warmth of her brother’s hot load filling her. There was so much of it, even more than the last time they’ve done this, and she loved it. The feeling was making it hard not to scream in orgasm as she rode out her climax, not letting a drop of Big Mac’s cum leave her womb as he was forced to pump his thick ropes. After minutes of long cumming, the stallion’s balls relented, having spent their amount.

“Oh so warm, I’ve missed this feeling so much!” Applejack cooed, falling forward, resting against Big Mac’s chest. “There’s so much cum in my pussy!” She kissed against his neck, whispering her seductive words in his ear. “I bet you never came this hard for your wife.” Big Mac’s eyes trembled, a mix of pleasure, anger, and betrayal looked down at his sister.

It was done, Big Mac had fucked his sister in his bed, against his will, right next to his sleeping wife. A feeling of shame filled him as he only wanted to roll over and cry in this despair. How could he do this? To betray Sugar like this? The sheer weight of his act only made him want to run. Even without the strength, he would just crawl away, curl up in some dank, dark hole somewhere and never come out. He couldn’t let this be forgotten, nor would even ever forgive himself for letting this happen.

Drugged against his will or not, he blamed himself. And worse, he felt a heavy sorry when his eyes glanced at the resting Sugar Belle. He had to tell her. No, he couldn't! If he did, what would she say? No doubt she would hate him. She would never forgive him. What would she do? Scream, yell, hit him, leave him? That was it! The part of his mind realizing what he feared. She would leave him, divorce him to wallow in his sorrow, and who could blame her? Nopony would want to be with him after this. And worse yet, in his saddest moments, he would return to Applejack, and never bother with love again, forever dependent on his sister, and abandoned by the mare he so loved.

Looking up to Applejack, still cooing in her afterglow as she remained laying on him. She was beyond ecstatic in her victory. She got what she’s been craving for so long. Was there a part of her that felt guilty over this? Possibly, but it was far outweighed by her desire to be with her brother. But despite what she had done, she was never going to tell Sugar Belle about it. She was lustful, and had just drugged her brother to fuck him against his will, but she still cared about his happiness. And if the worse came to pass, if his wife did leave him, she would always be there for him.

Applejack would never leave his side; and in that moment of doubt and fear, the faintest warmth of comfort sparked within him. He would lose everything, his love, his friends, the respect of everypony who knew him; but not Applejack. She loved her brother, and she would be by his side no matter what. For in his darkest and deepest despair, she would always be there for him. Maybe it was the guilt, or perhaps it was the fact a part of him missed releasing himself inside her. He wanted to, he wanted to rage against her, but Big Mac couldn’t bring himself to hate Applejack, and that is what hurt him the most.

“Well, I better get out of here.” Applejack weakly cooed, kissing at Big Mac’s cheek. “The medicine I gave Sugar Belle will keep her out until morning, and your strength should come back in a couple hours. And I think you’ll want to clean up after this, I know I will.”

Dragging herself off him, Applejack’s legs wobbled a little, clenching her pussy to make sure not a drop of her brother’s precious spunk would drip on the floor. Bending over to pick up her clothes, she wiggled her sexy flank over to Big Mac, a final tease before blowing him a kiss goodnight. And now alone from her, the stallion only looked over at his wife. The way Sugar Belle cuddled against him, cooing a little as if having the most loving dream.

“I’m the worst pony in Equestria.” Big Mac whispered to himself, feeling the warmth of tears trickling down his eyes. He sniffled as he looked at his wife. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Big Mac's Night

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“Big Mac, honey, is something wrong?” Sugar Belle asked, getting dressed for the day. “You’ve been awfully quiet this morning.” Once dressed, she started fixing up her mane. “You even showered before I woke up. Did you have trouble sleeping.”

“N-no…no…I mean…” Big Mac struggled with his words, trying to give an answer that would work, but lying was such a foreign concept to him, it was like a lump in his throat. “I…yes, I had a bad time sleeping. Just a bad dream.”

“Oh no, a bad dream?” Sugar Belle asked, finishing up her mane. “Well, I hope Princess Luna helps you out with that.” Getting up, she kissed her husband lovingly against the cheek. “Love you, honey.”

“I love you too.” Big Mac replied, still sitting at the edge of the bed. “You can go on ahead, I’ll join you for breakfast in a bit.” Sugar Belle smiled, kissing him again before leaving the room.

The guilt was too much to bear. It had just been several hours and Big Mac was in constant torment. His affair weighed so heavily on him, he just wanted to lay in bed and just fade away. But Sugar Belle would worry about him. He couldn’t let that happen, he didn’t want her to hate him, or to worry for him. But he couldn’t keep this a secret forever. The more he thought about it, the more he concluded that Applejack would also keep it a secret, possibly planning to exploit his guilt to meetup with him more often.

Breakfast brought no comfort for him. The food was delicious, and Sugar Belle put so much love into this, and every bite he took only sent a flashback of the previous night. Applejack was sitting at the table, scarfing down her meal with a hunger greater than normal. Thankfully, she didn’t look at him, not that he wanted her too. He was terrified at what he would do if their eyes met. Would he get angry? Sad? Rage? Despair? He only ate his food in quiet sorrow, doing his best to express his true feelings.

The days seemed to only drag along as the stallion was wracked with his anguish. He had to tell Sugar, she deserved only the truth. It wasn't easy, and he couldn’t seem to find the time to tell her. By the time the sun finally set, and the couple were getting ready to go to bed, Mac was able to force the strength out of him. No pain could describe the look of sheer agony on his face when he told her about his affair. Tears poured from his eyes, a rare display for anypony who had seen the stallion before. Mac held nothing back, and yet never once blamed Applejack. As far as he was concerned, it was all his fault.

Sugar Belle’s reaction wasn’t exactly as Mac had fear, and yet it wasn’t any better either. She didn't shout, didn't scream, didn't hit him; which only hurt even more. Silently, she changed out of her nightgown, putting on her regular clothes. Mac only watched on, eyes burning from the sorrow and tears. Sugar Belle only looked at him, and while she didn’t say a word, her eyes held the same sorrow as her husband. He didn’t stop her when she walked out of the bedroom, only sat there on the bed, collapsing on it, and cried himself to sleep.

The next day, when Sugar Belle didn’t return, Mac avoided breakfast, just stayed in his room, his heart heavy with pain. Nopony spoke to him. While Granny and Apple Bloom didn’t know the full reason, but chose to give the stallion his space, Applejack was aware of everything and yet decided to do the same. And though they were trying to be respectful of his privacy, Mac only felt this was further proof of his mistake, that even his family was slowly rejecting him. He couldn’t blame him. While Applejack forced him into this, he still blamed himself. He should’ve been stronger.

Spending all day in bed, Mac stared up at the ceiling, his face was drying from the recent tears he shed, his mind thinking of his times with Sugar Belle. He missed her, he didn’t want to hurt her, but he never wanted to lie to her. But what was she going to do now? She married him, sure, but she could divorce him. Who would she go to? Back to her old village and that little twink, Feather Bang? Or maybe she would just cheat on him back in revenge. Whatever she was possibly planning, he was sure he deserved it. Suddenly, the blaring sound of the house phone ringing roused the stallion from his thoughts.

After several minutes of whatever conversation was happening on the phone, the sound of footsteps were coming up the stairs. Eventually, there was a knock at the door. Mac didn’t care who it was, he wanted to be left alone. But what if this was important? Maybe this was Granny, or Apple Bloom, or even more cruel, Applejack coming to tell him that Sugar Belle is leaving him. Still, maybe it would be better to just stay where he lay, wallowing in self hate and misery. There was another knock at the door, slightly more rapid than before. Whether he meant to or not, he let out a low bellow, implying he was being woken up.

“Hey, Big Mac.” Apple Bloom’s voice called from the door. Turns out she was the one delivering this message. “Sugar Belle’s on the phone. She wants to talk to you.” Mac’s heart sank, this was it, this was the time she was going to leave him. After a few more moments of silence, the filly continued. “If you’re still sleeping, I can tell her you’ll call her back.”

Mac couldn’t let this moment pass. He was a self hating stallion right now, but he was an Apple. And Apples don’t back away from fear. Gathering what strength he could muster, he forced himself out of bed. His steps were sluggish, unfocused, almost like he was struggling not to stamp his way to the door. Opening the door, he saw his youngest sister, though she immediately blushed as soon as she saw Mac was still in his boxers. But he didn’t care, Sugar Belle was about to destroy what remained of his heart, who cared if he walked through the house in his underwear.

“Big Mac?! What are you doing?” Granny Smith asked, looking at her grandson walking into the kitchen in just his boxers. “First you miss breakfast, now you’re in your small clothes.” She shook her head. “I don’t know what’s happening, but that’s no excuse for bad manners. Finish up your call and get properly dressed.”

“Yes, Granny.” Mac weakly and timidly replied. Approaching the phone, he felt his legs getting heavier and heavier. Picking up the phone felt like he was trying to pull up made every barrel of apples feel weightless. “H-hello?”

“Big Mac.” Sugar Belle’s voice rang in his ear, making him nearly break down and cry again. “Meet me in the Barn, tonight.” Before Mac had a chance to say another word, the phone clicked, hanging up the call.

“Oh, before you get properly dressed, I forgot to tell you.” Granny Smith explained. “Apple Bloom and I are visiting your cousin, Braeburn, in Appleloosa, so we’ll be gone over the weekend. So you and Applejack, mind the farm.”

“Yes, Granny.” Mac replied, barely hearing anything she was saying. “I understand.” Whatever the old mare was saying, he didn’t hear more than noise as he slowly made his way back upstairs.

The hours seemed to only drag throughout the day, it was only when he heard the sound of Granny and Apple Bloom leaving that he realized he was alone with his whore sister. For a few more hours, he fears the mare coming to his room. But she never came. If anything, she was silent, almost absent throughout the day. Surely she didn’t know about Sugar Belle’s directions. So why wasn’t she coming to take advantage of this? Did she feel guilty? It’s possible. She wanted to have her brother’s cock again, but maybe after seeing what Sugar Belle did, she felt terrible.

But then, the time came. Night had fallen over the sky, and Mac knew it was time to face his coming divorce. Swallowing nervously, he dressed casually. There was no point in dressing up like this was a date, nor did he want to humiliate himself in his boxers. His white short sleeve shirt, and denim overalls would do. Leaving his room, he snuck his way out of the house, making sure not to attack Applejack's attention, wherever she was. Despite being a big, strong stallion, Mac was surprisingly quiet when he needed to be, sneaking out of the house was remarkably easy.

Walking to the barn, in the dim light that remained of the fading sunset, he saw her. Sugar Belle was standing in front of the barn door. She was dressed in the same clothes she wore when she left. Swallowing nervously, he approached her. He made no efforts to hide himself, she saw him before he arrived. There was an awkward silence. Mac was fighting every instinct to just hug her, to cry, to apologize, anything to show her his sorrow and guilt. Sugar Belle only stood there, but she didn’t have anything in her hands, so if she wasn’t here to deliver divorce papers, then why would she call him to the barn?

“Mac…I…I’ve had some time to think, and I believe I’ve come to an understanding.” Sugar Belle explained, her voice sounding a little uncertain, as if she was still processing what she was saying. “What happened…before…it surprised me, it really did. And I just couldn’t think when I first heard. But…but I love you, Mac, I still do and always will.” Mac started tearing up, but she continued. “That said, I also understand that I’m not as sexually driven as many mares, and I don’t want to be the one to hold you back. So…so I spent all of today making some calls and arrangements.” She gestured to the barn door, encouraging him to open it.

Opening the barn door, Mac’s eyes widened in surprise. The lights were on, but there were mares in the barn. Applejack, Cheerilee, and Marble Pie, all were sitting or lying comfortably on various piles of hay. But what really sent a shock throughout the stallion’s thoughts was the fact each of these mares were completely naked, looking at him with lustful eyes. Mac’s mind nearly shut down. Was this a test? Some way to tell him he can have these whores but not her? His uncertainty was so intense, steam was almost pouring out of his ears.

“I understand this can be a little confusing.” Sugar Belle commented, walking behind Mac. Laying her hands gently on his shoulder, she leaned in. “But I promise, it’s okay.” Nodding to the others, she started slowly pushing him into the barn, closing the door behind them.

"I-I-I don't understand..." Mac spoke up, unable to hold back his confusion. "I-I cheated on you, I betrayed our love. How could…how could any of this…I don’t get it…”

"Oh? You think...oh no, no, no. Big Mac, my love, I'm not mad." Sugar replied, turning her husband around to give him a tender kiss. "I was so afraid you wouldn't love me anymore if I told you how I felt."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Big Mac replied, kissing his wife back. "I love you Sugar, I'd love you no matter what."

"Well, in that case...will you fuck these mares while I watch?" Sugar Belle asked, the three mares' eyes gleamed like needy animals as she spoke, while Mac's expression went blank and confused. "You see, I wasn't even mad when I found out what you and Applejack did. Actually, I was more upset that you two had fun without me. If she only asked, I would've loved to watch you fuck your sister like the slutty cock whore she is."

Big Mac wasn't sure what to make of this. He's dated Sugar for months, then been married to her for a good while, and even when the two made love, she never spoke like that. As well as that, her demeanor became even more alluring and aroused, her hands started feeling up around him, her kisses became far more passionate, and her moans were getting louder. The stallion wasn't sure what to do, and all it took was the other three helping Sugar start to undress him so that he realized any chance he had to run was long gone. All he could do was go along with what his wife wanted.

"Oh Big Mac, I love you." Sugar moaned, her mouth moaned in an open kiss as she finished taking his shirt off. "I want you to show those mares what they'll never have unless I'm watching." Taking a step back, she took his shirt, savoring the smell of her husband as she walked back to her hay pile, laying on his shirt and starting to finger herself.

Applejack was the first to fish out Mac's cock, not even giving her brother a second to react before taking the hardening cockhead in her mouth. Cheerilee, annoyed she couldn't get the head, settled with running her mouth and tongue along his shaft; her mind recalling the last time she tasted him so long ago. Marble, who knew she couldn't beat the others, settled for suckling at Mac's huge and heavy balls. Not that she didn't mind giving his cum filled orbs some worship and affection. Given her submissive nature, she loved it.

"That's it girls, suck that fat cock." Sugar cooed, rubbing and fingering her dripping pussy at a faster pace. "Oh yes, show me how much you want that dick."

Increasing their speed, each mare showed their own devotion to Mac's cock. Each mare had fond memories of this thick size in their bodies, and each wanted it again. That was why they agreed to this, they needed it, they wanted it. Sugar was loving every second of this, she wanted to cum so badly. But she was patient, she was cunning, and above all, she was far more controlling than Mac ever knew. She loved seeing her husband being so desired by her former rivals. Their desperate attempts to out please her stallion only made her wetter and more aroused.

"So Mac, what did you think of my surprise?" Sugar asked, but she didn't need to hear the answer. Her husband's dazed expression was all she needed to see. "You make me so wet." Looking at the other mares, she smirked, taking another hard swig of her cider. Licking her lips, she started rubbing her soaked pussy lips, letting out her sultry moans. "That's enough foreplay, I want to see how slutty you whores are!"

“You’re not getting away from me this time!” Cheerilee gasped out, pushing hard against Mac’s body. The air was nearly knocked out of him as he landed on his back. Before he could do anything, the mare got onto him, reaching down to grab at his cock. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you love it.” Before the stallion could say anything, she pushed down, taking his dick inside her.

Mac gritted his teeth, hissing his hot breath at how tight Cheerilee was, while the mare moaned out as she nearly came from feeling this stallion inside her. Sugar Belle only continued to finger and pleasure herself, watching eagerly as the earth mare was straddling and riding on top of her husband’s cock. She moaned out whorishly, which was quickly becoming overwhelmed by the panting moans of Cheerilee. She hadn’t had a Big Mac inside her in years, and her pussy craved this stud stallion meat deep inside her.

Even when they dated under the effects of a love potion, the two of them still tried to maintain some type of relationship afterwards. Unfortunately, Cheerilee’s sex drive was just too much for the stallion. Whenever she would have a stressful day at work, she would take it out by nearly crushing the stallion’s dick with her incredibly tight pussy. As well as this, Applejack would then milk what was left of him. It was all too much for him, but now, this mare was letting out a frustration she hadn’t released in years.

“Fuck…Big Mac…Big Mac…so good…I missed this dick…” Cheerilee moaned, shivering as she was getting ready to ride out a sloppy wet climax. “No one can compare. Your cock…it’s just so good…I don’t want to stop…I want this dick in me all the time again…”

Mac grunted and gasped, panting harder and hotter as Cheerilee rode on his cock. Her pussy was squeezing along his length, milking as much as she could. The mare was insatiable, wanting to never let go of this dick again. Her insides rubbed along the length, feeling as she was cumming over and over again. She loved this dick, she wanted nothing but to be some slut for this cock again. Mac’ grunted, gritting his teeth as he could feel the whore mare was getting him close to an orgasm.

“Come on, Big Mac.” Sugar cooed, getting her husband’s attention. She was fingering herself faster and faster. “Don’t you want to plow that bitch for me?” Mac swallowed nervously, feeling himself throbbing at the way his wife moaned to him.

Resigning himself to do Sugar’s bidding, Mac reached up, placing his big, strong hands on Cheerilee’s hips, and started bucking upwards while pulling her down. The mare moaned out, cumming a sloppy wetness all over this cock. She shivered, her eyes rolling back as Mac continued to hammer himself upwards at a faster and faster pace. Marble and Applejack watched on, eagerly awaiting their turns as Cheerilee was getting her pussy stretched and filled by the stallion’s girth.

“Fuck…fuck…fuck…fuck…fuck…” Cheerilee moaned out, her body being used like a toy by the stallion, and loving every moment of it. “Fuck me…fuck me more…fuck me harder…treat me like a slut…fuck me like a bitch…”

Mac huffed, feeling as his cock was swelling from the feeling of the mare on him. He was about to cum. He was going to blow a hot and heavy load in the mare. She was so wet, so tight, and yet her pussy was taking his size without issue. The mare’s tits bounced as her ass smacked against this cock, feeling as her cervix was being brutally pushed by the thick cockhead. Taking a deep breath, Mac pulled a little back, only to slam himself so hard, his dick pushed against Cheerilee’s womb.

Cheerilee gasped a breathless scream, twitching as she could feel the hot release of Mac’s cum flooding deep inside her. Her body shivered, cumming her sweet nectar all over this dick before her body gave out. It had been so long since she felt Mac’s dick, her pussy remembered, but hadn’t fully gotten used to it again. Collapsing on the stallion, Cheerilee cooed and shivered, snuggling a little against the stallion as his cock slipped out from her gaping, cum gushing pussy.

“Looks like she had her fun.” Sugar laughed, getting up to try and lift Cheerilee up. “Marble, can you help me?” The earth mare did as such, helping her lift the collapsed mare off Mac’s body.

“Well, looks like I’m next.” Applejack giggled, bending over a nearby apple barrel, swaying her ass hypnotically at the stallion. “Come on, Big Mac. I bet you’re still awfully sore over what I did.” Her lips curled into a playful smile. “Don’t you wanna take it out on my ass.”

“Eeyup.” Mac groaned, rolling his eyes a little, he dragged himself off the dirt. Walking over to his sister, his cock, still dripping his previous orgasm, was still throbbing hard. “I will take it out on your ass.”

Raising a hand, he grabbed at Applejack’s flank, but aimed his slick cockhead at his sister’s tailhole. The mare had barely a moment before she felt her brother’s size push itself hard against her tightness. She gasped as she was being stuffed. It had been so long since she felt him in her ass, it was so tight, almost painful as Mac’s cock stretched out her rear hole for the first time in so long. Applejack moaned out, but as she was leaning down over the barrel, she felt her mane being tugged hard by her brother.

“Oh yeah…fuck me, Big Mac…fuck your brood bitch…” Applejack moaned, feeling as her brother was slamming into her ass faster and faster. “Buck me like the fucking stallion you are. Wreck my ass, make me walk funny for weeks.”

Sugar giggled, seeing that Mac was being especially brutal with his sister’s ass. Clearly he was still holding some resentment for what she did, and now was given the best excuse to take it out on her. Applejack’s fat ass slapped and smacked a sloppy sound as the soaked dick stuffed it, and the way he fucked made it difficult for her to adjust to his size. He wasn’t just fucking her hard, he was punishing her ass with his cock. If she wanted to be a brother’s cock loving whore, he was going to treat her as such.

Applejack tried to say something, but as whatever words tried to escape her lips, Mac raised his other hand, bringing it down hard on her ass. The barn echoed with the sound of her ass being smacked, fucked, and the wood of the barrel creeking a little. The mare moaned out, nearly cumming from the rough treatment. Mac tugged at her mane harder, fucking deeper, and beating against her ass again and again.

Applejack moaned out, cumming her wetness on the floor, dripping and trickling along her thighs as a small pool was forming in the dirt. Mac didn’t stop, feeling his cock throbbing more and more as his was fucking himself harder and harder into his sister’s tight ass. Despite being a vice grip against his length, Applejack’s tailhole was soft, and her flank spanked against his hips whenever he slammed into her. It had been so long, and a flood of memories rushed the stallion.

Pumping himself, the stallion was panting, letting out his hot breath that kissed against the back of Applejack’s head, causing her to shiver. He was going to cum, she could feel it. She wondered just how much would be fucked into her. Just how much hot spunk is still in the stallion’s huge balls? Her mind teased her over this question. Maybe when he came, he would fire off so much, her belly would bulge out like a ten course meal? Or maybe even more, so much that it feels like he was throatfucking her from the other end.

Mac could feel his sister’s ass squeezing so hard on his cock, and he was getting ready to blow his load. But he wasn’t going to give this whore what she wanted. He knew she would love nothing more than to feel every drop of his seed deep inside her. Even if it was just in her ass, Applejack craved the heat of her brother’s spunk soaking her insides and his cock rearranging her guts. After everything she’s done to him, he wasn’t going to give her that satisfaction. Just before he came, the stallion stopped, suddenly pulling back.

“Huh?” Applejack moaned in confusion, feeling as Mac’s cock was pulled free from her ass but then slapped between her cheeks. “Big Mac, just what are you-” Mac’s hand smacked against her sensitive flank, making her yelp out a little.

Groping hard on Applejack’s ass, Mac slid his dick between her soft cheeks, bucking his hips as he was working himself into an orgasm. The mare whimpered and cooed, wanting to have felt her brother’s spunk inside her ass, not feel it splattering against her back. And despite her best attempts to try and back her ass up against this dick, trying to get him back in her, Mac managed to avoid fucking her tailhole again. Huffing, the stallion worked himself, rubbing between his sister’s rear mounds until he felt his cock throbbing.

Mac grunted, feeling as his cock released his hot and thick load as ropes of spunk fired off, splattering against Applejack’s ass, back, and neck. The mare cooed, feeling the steaming heat of her brother’s cum settle on her, making a mess of her as she hunched forward over the barrel. Sighing a little, Mac took a step back, turning to look at Sugar and Marble. The two mares weren’t just watching him, they were enjoying themselves on the hay pile.

Marble lay on the hay pile, whimpering and moaning adorably as Sugar’s fingers were busy rubbing in and out of the timid mare’s sobbing wet pussy. Her sizable breasts were shivering as her dark nipples twitched. The unicorn was moaning as well, enjoying the fun of treating Marble like a toy. Mac only stared on for a little bit longer, his cock still hard despite having come heavy loads twice now. Sugar moaned a little more, making Marble moan just as much before she realized her husband was finished with Applejack.

“Oh, sorry, Mac. I just couldn’t help myself.” Sugar giggled, slowly pulling her fingers from Marble’s pussy. Licking at them, she cooed. “She was just so adorable, I had to make her moan. But I think she’s ready for you.” Nodding, Mac approached the two.

Marble shivered, blushing intensely as she looked up at the larger stallion. She hadn’t seen Mac like this in so long, only ever having brief moments, basically quickie whenever the Apples and Pies had a holiday together. Even then, Applejack would occasionally interrupt them, and so Marble and Mac never had much time together. And while Sugar was there, this was possibly the closest they ever got to having some alone time.

“Don’t let me stop you.” Sugar giggled, seeing the adorable blush on Marble’s face. “I’ll take care of these other sluts while you two have fun.”

Leaning over Marble, Mac was much more gentle compared to the others. He pushed and slipped his cock against her slick entrance. The mare moaned softly, whimpering a little as he continued to slide in as gently as he could. Marble wasn’t like the other girls, she didn’t like it rough, she didn’t like it too hard. She just loved the feeling of the slow and steady pace of this large stallion’s massive cock filling her tight softness. Pushing gently, Mac plunged a little more into her pussy.

Marble looked up to him, moaning softly as her face was getting redder. She was so cute, so precious, and yet when he was nearly bottoming out inside her, the mare’s head arched back. She was laying there as Mac’s cock was being squeezed by her tightness. Pausing for a moment, the stallion started to pick up the pace of his thrusts. It was still a slow and steady motion, but just a little faster. Unfortunately, it seemed that Marble had passed out from the excitement.

“Did she…did she pass out?” Sugar asked, quite surprised by this. Mac only nodded, slowly pulling himself out of the mare’s pussy. “I…I guess we’ll have to owe her one later.”

Sugar Belle's Revenge

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Mac looked around the barn, seeing the result of his fucking. Cheerilee, fucked into a stupor. Applejack, still twitching from her orgasm. And Marble, who was resting comfortably from getting too excited. And then there was Sugar. She looked at the stallion, and he looked back to her. Mac was still so nervous, uncertain what his wife was going to say. He did what she asked, even if the last one seemed to fall short. Would this be enough for her?

“Well, I think that settles that.” Sugar commented, looking at the resting, exhausted, and fucked silly mares about the barn. Walking over to Mac, she started making out with him as soon as she could get her arms around him. “That was so fucking hot, Mac. I loved how you fucked these whores with your fat cock.” Reaching down, she rubbed along her husband’s slick cock. “So…how do you feel?”

“I…I feel…I don’t know…” Mac replied, unsure how to answer his wife’s question. “I did this, cause you asked me to, not cause they wanted it.” Taking both of Sugar’s hands in his, he stared at her. “I love you, Sugar Belle, and I would do anything for you.”

“I know.” Sugar smiled, tenderly kissing at Mac’s lips before staring deep in his eyes. “Now, how about we go to bed, and I’ll let you do all the things I haven’t been doing for you.” Mac hesitated for a moment. “I know I haven’t been the best wife, and after watching you wreck these mares, I’m really, really horny.” Leaning in, she whispered. “So please, Big Mac, blow my back out with that fat cock.”

Mac was still conflicted on how to feel, but he didn’t want to think about it anymore. He loved Sugar Belle, and if this is how she wanted to be loved, he wasn’t going to stop her. If it meant occasionally fucking Cheerilee, Applejack, Marble, or even other mares, he’d do it for her. Sugar meant everything to her, and while he said he did it for her, he couldn’t deny that he enjoyed seeing this side of his wife. Hoisting her up, he carried her out of the barn, her softness held by him like a newly wedded bride as they returned to the house, ready to enjoy their own bed breaking passion.

The following morning, Big Mac awoke to the feeling of something on his cock. Opening his eyes, he looked down to see Marble and Cheerilee were tongue wrestling over his throbbing morning wood. The mares were naked, moaning and rubbing themselves against the stallion’s own bare body. Sugar and Applejack were nowhere in sight, but he knew there was no way these mares were going to be allowed to do this without his wife’s consent. Leaning back where he lay, he let the mares moan, lick, and suckle along his throbbing length. They were almost in a trance, captivated by the massive beautiful girth that was attached to this stallion stud.

“M-morning…” Mac greeted, making the mares moan at his words. “I guess Sugar said this was okay.” They nodded their heads.

“She felt bad not letting Marble have a chance with you last night.” Cheerilee explained, slobbering whorishly on Mac’s cock. “So we’re getting this big, fat cock nice and wet to get her ready. And I just can’t say no to sucking you off again.”

“I see, okay, I can understand that.” Mac nodded, looking at the mares’ devotion to his dick. “And where’s my wife…and where’s Applejack.”

“They’re talking downstairs.” Marble shyly replied, lowering herself to start to lick and suckle along the stallion’s huge, cum filled balls. “They said we can take our time.”

“Well, if that’s what she said, then I guess we’ll just enjoy ourselves.” Mac nodded, smiling warmly at the two. Reaching out with his hands, he gently petted them. “Just please, don’t push yourself too much. My…my morning wood can be a little…intense…” Marble moaned softly, suckling lovingly along the stallion’s balls.

While the mares were enjoying themselves with the stallion, Sugar Belle, wearing only a nightgown, was leaning close to the door in the hallway. She didn’t want Mac to notice her, but she was happy he was enjoying himself. Nodding a little, she returned to the kitchen. There, Applejack, who wasn’t wearing anything at all, was waiting for her cider to cool a little. As soon as she got back into the kitchen, the unicorn sat at the table, levitating a cup of tea over to her. There was a small silence, the two slowly getting into their drinks with comforting sighs.

“So, Big Mac is awake, and both Cheerilee and Marble are taking care of him.” Sugar commented, being the first one to speak. “I’m amazed how well he has taken all of this.”

“Mac’s always been good at adapting to things.” Applejack giggled, sipping merrily at her cider, the drink warming her with a shiver. “Nothing like a nice cup before a hard day’s work.”

“And after a hard day’s work, do you plan on jumping on my husband again?” Sugar asked, raising a curious eyebrow to the mare, who pushed a little. “It’s okay, I know Mac is a stud that many mares want. And they can have him…with my permission.”

“I’ll admit, I was really scared when you called me.” Applejack said, maintaining her calm composure. “I mean, after everything, imagine my surprise when I found out that this was what you were into.”

“Yes, imagine not knowing something about somepony.” Sugar commented, almost whispering as she took another sip of tea. Her eyes became a little more intense as she warmly smiled at the mare. “You know, Applejack. When I was contacting Cheerilee and Marble, I was also thinking. About if Mac would be okay with this side of me, and also over the concept of trust.”

“Oh? Well…I mean…” Applejack nervously replied, taking a more awkward sip of her cider. “I do believe…Honesty is the best policy…so please, what’s on your mind?”

“It’s funny you say that.” Sugar replied, calmly drinking her own tea, but kept her eyes focused on the mare. “It’s just, while I’m happy Mac is able to have a little more fun, I feel this wouldn’t have been possible without you.” Before Applejack could give a response, she continued. “The way you drugged me…drugged him…forced yourself on me, all while I lay there, peacefully dreaming of my darling husband.”

Applejack’s eyes went a little wide, nervousness flooded her senses, and she wasn’t sure what to say. Was Sugar Belle angry with her? That calm expression on her face, how she spoke, and the way she was staring at her. It was like the married mare was trying to melt Applejack’s bones, and let her soul escape like steam from what remained. The farm mare swallowed nervously, not daring to speak as she couldn’t think of anything to say. Her head felt a little dizzy, she was sweating, and the cider started to develop a bit more tang to its flavor. Seeing this, Sugar only giggled a little.

“So, despite letting you have your fun with my husband, with my permission mind you.” Sugar said, finishing her tea. Putting the cup on the table, she leaned over her hands a little. Her smile sent a chill down Applejack’s spine. “But yes, I feel a trust had been broken, and I know the Element of Honesty would be more than happy to pay back what she’s done.”

Applejack realized what had happened to her. She’d been drugged. Her body was getting weak, tingling as if with a pins and needles sensation, and her vision was only getting more and more cloudy. Dropping the cup, the remaining contents spilled on the table, and she gave Sugar a look of sheer shock and horror. Her mind rushed with thoughts, panics, worries, and fears. What was going to happen to her? Where was she going to end up? Was this all Sugar wanted, or was this only the beginning?

“So, Applejack. Will you help me?” Sugar smiled, looking somehow innocent and yet terrifying at the same time. Applejack tried to speak, but all that came from her mouth were weak groans, followed by the mare collapsing unconscious on the table. “I thought you’d say that.”

Vision returned to Applejack, her heavy eyes slowly opened, only to burst wide as she realized where she was. She was in Big Mac and Sugar Belle’s room. Looking down at herself, she was naked, and her wrists and ankles were tied down at the ends of the bed posts. Struggling a little, she tried to call out, only to find that she had been gagged with some ball gag. Shaking and thrashing a little more, she tried in vain to break free, but the leather shackles on her were taken strong, and the only sounds leaving were the rattle of their chains.

“Oh good, you’re awake.” Sugar’s voice commented, standing out of view of the mare. “I was worried the drug was a little too strong.” Walking into view, what the mare wore shocked Applejack.

Sugar wasn’t naked like her captive, but she wasn’t fully dressed either. Instead, she was in a skin tight black leather attire that covered most of her body, as well as her head. The only parts of her that weren’t covered were her face below the eyes, her beasts, and her pussy, with no doubts her tailhole were equally exposed as her tail eagerly swished from side to side. Applejack couldn’t help but shiver nervously as the mare walked slowly around the bed, then she noticed what Sugar had in her hands. A paddle with small bumps, as well as a few sizable toys in the shape of various pony cocks.

“Well, since you’re awake, I believe we should get to business.” Sugar commented, giggling a little as she leaned over the end of the bed. “Remember what I said about trust? I realized that it’s not your fault, at least not completely, that you forced yourself on my husband. You just couldn’t help yourself, it was your nature to be a cock stealing whore.”

Applejack was getting even more worried, borderline terrified. After seeing the dominating side of Sugar in the barn the night before, this more assertive, or rather aggressive side of her was sending a chill throughout her body. As well as this, the paddle, the toys, and the attire. Was Sugar Belle really into this? Did Big Mac know about this? No, he couldn’t have, given how shocked he was when he spoke with his wife last night. So this was a major unknown, and it made the mare tremble in worry and growing fear.

“Now, I’m willing to truly forgive you, but first…we need to have a little mare time together.” Sugar explained, presenting the toys in front of her. One looked to be the size of a normal stallion, one was the size of an exceptional stallion, and one seemed to be twice the size of anything anypony could ever dream of. “Now, this first one, I had modeled after the average stallion, so we’ll start here. Then we’ll get to this one, I had shaped after Big Mac’s size, so I’m sure you can handle it.” Her finger then rubbed gently along the third dildo. “But once we reach this point, I’m going to have nothing but absolute trust in you.”

Applejack started struggling again. Regardless of the warm looking smile on Sugar’s face, this mare was going to inflict heavy punishment on her, and it terrified her. But for all her struggles and thrashing about, all Applejack did was slowly tire herself out. Sugar couldn’t help but keep that same smile on her face. It was so amusing to watch as her sister-in-law was putting up quite the fight. Her nipples were getting hard, and her pussy was getting soak at the alluring and beautiful sight of the farm mare’s attempts. When that failed, Applejack tried to scream, even as the gag was muffling most of her sounds.

“Oh, how adorable, you’re trying to call for help. Well…help isn’t coming…” Sugar replied, glaring down at Applejack with an intense look and a wicked smile. “Big Mac’s currently with Cheerilee and Marble. No doubt they went on a nice date and are fucking all over town right now. So it’s just you, and me…for the next several hours.” Applejack’s blood almost froze as her body slumped and tensed up. “Now then, let’s begin.”

Reaching down to the first dildo, Sugar brought it up to her mouth, and with moaning breath, started licking and sucking at it. Applejack could only watch as her sister-in-law was deepthroating this dildo quite easily, her throat bulging a little bit before she slowly pulled out the salival coated toy. Giggling, Sugar moved to the side of the bed, slowly aiming the dripping member at Applejack’s pussy lips were quivering, getting a little wet from this. She was scared, but that was mind being terrified of the mare. But her body couldn’t deny the slowly growing arousal as the wet tip of this dildo kissed at her soft entrance.

“Wet already? You’re such a little whore aren’t you?” Sugar laughed, pushing a little more to get the blunt head of this dildo slowly into Applejack’s pussy. The mare let out a muffled moan as the toy worked its way into her. “See, that wasn’t so bad was it? It just slips right in.”

After another moment or so, the toy was fully pushed in, nearly bottoming out its entire length into the mare’s tight pussy. Sugar smiled, watching as the mare lay there with this toy inside her. But this wasn’t the end of it, she wanted to get more and more reactions out of Applejack. She wanted to hear this mare moan and beg for it. So, with a simple flick of her fingers on the bottom of this toy, she turned on its vibrating feature, already having it preset to full blast. Applejack’s head arched back as she screamed her muffled cries, feeling as this dildo was shaking, rattling, and vibrating madly in her soaked, tight pussy canal.

“There we go, just like that.” Sugar laughed, her tone almost mocking the mare while she watched. “You know, when we first met, I thought you were such a pretty mare. And I wondered why you never got with anypony. And I really thought you and Rainbow Dash were in a relationship, but after that night with Big Mac…now I see why.”

Reaching down, she grabbed at the dildo, and started pulling and pushing it in and out of Applejack’s pussy. The mare shook her head from side to side, her moans not stopping as Sugar continued to fuck her with this vibrator. She laughed, continuing to taunt at her sister-in-law, savoring the sounds of her growing pleasure, as well as feeling her own body becoming hotter and hotter with her own arousal. But after several more long moments, Sugar took pity on Applejack, pulling the toy away from her pussy.

“There we go, a nice little warm up.” Sugar commented, looking down at Applejack, who was clearly panting as she was so close to orgasm. “Now we can move onto something more familiar.” Presenting the Big Mac sized dildo, she didn’t bother playing with it, she pressed it against the mare’s pussy before wedging it into her.

Applejack gasped a little as she could feel her belly bulging from the size. The sensation wasn’t exactly the same, but she could never mistake that gut pushing girth. This dildo was modeled extremely faithfully to her brother’s cock, and her body instinctively moaned and clamped down lovingly all over it. Seeing this, Sugar decided to have a little more fun with the mare. Walking back over out of Applejack’s sight, she grabbed something she left in the nightstand draw. Pulling it out, the mare only heard a swish before a sharp sting struck her across her tits. It was a small crop whip, with a soft leather end to it. Sugar smiled, raising it again, only to bring it down across the mare’s chest again.

“You like that? You like feeling your brother’s fat cock in your tight, whore cunt?” Sugar taunted, laughing more and more as Applejack moaned in response. Whenever the whip struck her, her body caused the dildo to wiggle and move in and out of her tight hole, which pushed along her sweet and sensitive spots. “Come on you bitch, moan for me, scream as you cum on that cock. I want to see that look on your face when you squirt for me.” Whipping harder and harder, she struck all over Applejack’s body, especially around her waist, the belly bulge, her tits, nipples, and thighs. “Come on, come on, I want to hear it. I want to hear you moan like whore for your mistress!”

Applejack couldn’t help but let out soft moans as she could feel her pussy being fucked by this dildo. It was good, Sugar was so good at this, and she was powerless to stop her. As well as this, the mare couldn’t help but pant and get soaked from being dominated. Aside from Big Mac, she’s never had anypony put her in her place like this. The pleasure she was feeling from this was new, but it was rippling through her with a greater and greater warmth that caused her to tremble and moan her muffled sounds. Sugar could see this, and she giggled through smirked lips. She continued to strike at Applejack’s tits and belly with the crop whip, laughing as she did so.

“Yeah, I bet Mac never treated you like that. Well, don’t worry, I’ll make sure you love it.” Sugar moaned and taunted, teasing the mare as she continued to fuck her with the dildo, all while whipping at her body. “Come on you little whore, cum for me. Cum on your brother’s fat cock. I need you nice and wet.”

As the pace increased, Applejack's eyes began rolling back in her head as her moans became louder and more frequent. She could feel her body pulsating, contracting around this large toy, causing it to shudder and jerk. Every throb, every twitch, and every spasm caused this toy to slide deeper and deeper into her. Sugar giggled, savoring the slutty look on her sister-in-law's face. The grip and pressure felt incredible, almost too much to bear. She could feel her climax building up quickly, and she knew this was going to be explosive. Applejack moaned out, or at least she would have wanted to, but the gag muffled her too well. Whether there was any shame left in her, the mare was beyond caring about that at this point. She was cumming.

In a blink of an eye, her body thrashed about, spasming, and contracting around this huge toy, letting out loud, primal screams that drowned out any of the stinging strikes. Her pussy clenched tightly, milking the tool within her as it started vibrating even faster than before. She could feel her muscles constricting, contracting and releasing as she let loose, taking her orgasm, draining it from her. After several minutes, Applejack's trembling subsided. And finally, Sugar mercifully let the giant dildo slide out of her tight pussy. With a sigh, she finally relaxed her legs, trembling in the afterglow, but this wasn't the end, Applejack's body was just so sore and exhausted from cumming so hard. Her pussy was soaked, quivering, and this made the other mare laugh.

“Well, I think that’s enough of a warm up.” Sugar commented, placing down the whip. “Now, we can get to the real fucking.” Taking the much bigger, massive dildo, she attached it to her attire like a strap-on. Applejack’s eyes trembled timidly at the sight before her. “This is why I needed you to be nice and wet.” She reached down to slowly rub along its length. “So I could get this for you easier.

Grabbing at the weakened mare, Sugar easily managed to rearrange and shift Applejack’s body, even loosening her chains for a moment. This would’ve been the perfect time to escape, to break free and flee. But the farm mare didn’t, she surely had at least some strength to do that, but she hesitated. Even if she got away, what was she to do? No doubt Big Mac would hear about this from Sugar first, and who knows what the two of them working together would do. So was it the easier option to just wait and let her sister-in-law have her fun? Applejack accepted this, and let the mare move her until she was now laying over the bed, face down, with her round ass pointed upwards.

“I think you’re going to love this.” Sugar teased, giggling as she got on the bed, with one hand on this dildo, while the other fondled at Applejack’s ass. “Oh yeah, this is a pretty hot ass. I bet you let your brother fuck it for years.” Raising a hand, her expression turned almost sinister. “Well, it’s my ass now.” With that, she brought her hand down into a strong smack on Applejack’s ass.

The mare gasped out, moaning into the soft pillows on the bed. Sugar raised her hand, beating it down on the farm mare’s flank again, then again, and then again. The pain wasn’t as sharp of a sting as it was with the whip, but Sugar’s hand was still quite firm, and though there was a brief moment to grope and squeeze at this bouncing ass, Applejack still felt as her flank rippled and jiggled with each strike. But this was just to tease the mare a little more, Sugar was ready to fuck this slut, and she wanted to fuck her now. Taking the hand that was on the strap-on, the mare slowly and carefully shoved her fingers into Applejack’s soaked entrance.

The mare moaned and cooed, feeling as Sugar’s fingers weren’t just rubbing along her sweet spots, but were getting themselves soaked in her hot nectar. Once sufficiently wet enough, the mare pulled her dripping fingers away, stroking them along the dildo to get it nice and wet for her. With an eager smirk, Sugar lined up the strap-on’s blunt head against Applejack’s slick entrance, wiggling it a little bit to kiss the tip at her pussy lips. The farm mare weakly whimpered and cooed. Her body wanted it, she needed to feel this toy deep inside her. Sugar could tell how needed her sister-in-law was, and decided to give her what she wanted.

“Don’t worry, slut.” Sugar cooed, gently rubbing along Applejack’s flank. “We’ve got plenty of time to enjoy ourselves.”

Returning from his day trip with Cheerilee and Marble, Big Mac was absolutely exhausted. His body was sore, his cock had been milked to the point where he wasn’t sure he could get hard for a long while. While with the two mares, they had taken every opportunity to get his thick member in their bodies. Whether it was Cheerilee having him fuck her over her desk at the school was nopony else was around. Or whether it was Marble doing a deep throatfucking under the table when the three went to Sugar Cube Corners to visit her sister, Pinkie Pie. Mac was so tired, and after fucking those two into the destroyed mess that they were, he was hoping to come home to some peace.

Upon returning home, his ears perked at the sound of something coming upstairs. Curious, he followed the sounds up the stairs. Upon getting to the source of this sound, this hard, wet slapping, as well as some wood, possibly a bed being rattled and shaken. But what really caught his attention was the whorish moans echoing out of what looked to be his room. He recognized the sounds immediately, Sugar Belle and Applejack, but what could they be possibly doing? Carefully and quietly, Mac snuck over to his room, peering through the partially ajar door. What he saw made his eyes widen.

Sugar was on the bed with Applejack, a massive dildo attached to her that was being hammered in and out of his sister’s pussy. The farm mare’s tied down body shaked and rattled, but the look on her face was all the proof the stallion needed that she loved it. Sugar was relentless, fucking not just this huge size in her sister-in-law’s pussy, but there was a slightly smaller dildo wedged deep in Applejack’s ass, and the unicorn was beating down at the mare’s ass with a bumpy paddle between thrusts.

“Fuck, bitch. We’ve been at this for hours, and you’re still so tight!” Sugar laughed, moaning as she was driven almost mad with her lustful aggression. But then, her head turned a little, her eyes meeting with Mac’s. Oh?! Big Mac! Welcome home.” She didn’t even pause fucking the mare as she greeted her husband. “Want to join? There’s plenty of room to break this whore.” Mac swallowed nervously, but what shocked him more, was how his wife’s exotic looks managed to get his weakened cock fully erect again.