> Angel_Bunny.rtf > by LynkAdams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Angel_Bunny.rtf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel_Bunny.rtf By Lynk_Adams.jpg "Now promise you will eat this, the last two meals I made for you, you just spat it out." said the pale yellow coated, light-pink haired pony named Fluttershy to her pet bunny Angel. Angel looked at Fluttershy and gave her a nod, Fluttershy placed the bowl of food she had made for angel on the table, it contained lettuce, tomato, onion and broccoli topped with shredded carrot. The bunny looked at the food, then looked at Fluttershy to see her looking back at him with a smile of hope on her face. "Go on, Angel." she said in a timid tone. Angel began to sniff the food, he sniffed it for a few seconds, stopped and gazed at it briefly, he moved towards the food, opened his mouth, took a bite, chewed twice and then looked at Fluttershy. "Well?" the shy pony asked followed by a nervous gulp. Angel's eye's motioned into the shaped of displeased followed by Angel spitting the food into Fluttershy's face, the bunny then hopped up onto the table and kicked the bowl of food into her face too. "Oh, my. I guess you don't like it?" she said followed by a whimper. The bunny jumped from atop the table toward the upset pony and kicked her in the head. Fluttershy stumbled back, a tear trickled down her cheek. "That does it!" she screamed. Angel looked at her with anger and started hopping toward her in the way that appeared he was preparing to attack the pony again, the bunny lunged toward Fluttershy, but in a quick motion she spun around, with her rear facing the bunny she lifted her back legs and rapidly thrust them back with all her might, making contact with the oncoming bunny, propelling it across the room and rendering him unconscious. The bunny awoke in darkness, scared out it's wits he begun squealing and in terror, he couldn't see anything but when he tried to move his arms and legs he found himself bound down by what felt like ropes. He briefly saw a flicker of orange light and what appeared to be a face, he stopped squealing and looked in the direction he saw the flicker of light come from, again a light of orange flickered, to which he saw a pale yellow pony holding a match, it was Fluttershy. She then lit a candle, and another, and another, she lit several candles until the room filled with enough lighting to see everything. "Welcome to our basement Angel." said Fluttershy with a cheerful glee. The bunny now being able to see it's surroundings saw that he was tied to a table, he then looked around him and saw a bunch of tools across the walls; sledge-hammer's, hack-saw's, pliers, screw-drivers and more it appeared to be a workshop of some kind. "I know what you are thinking Angel, what is this place, filled with so many wonders, casting it's hell, that you will be under." she sang ever-so happily. The bunny's heart began to race and he started panicking, he could feel the ropes loosening up. "Now-now Angel, Momma' says you shouldn't move." she said as she grabbed the end of the rope in her mouth and pulled it tight, causing the rope to constrict, immobilizing the bunny from movement, she did this for the other three that began to loosen up. "That's much better." she said with a grin. Angel began squealing out loud in hope someone would hear him. "I'm so sorry to have scared you my little pet, but you really do need to be quiet now, I have such a headache after you kicking me, that wasn't nice of you Angel." she said as she walked over to a box, she opened it and pulled out a needle and thread, she threaded the needle and proceeded toward Angel. "Now you can either be quiet yourself or I can make you." said Fluttershy as she held up the needle. The bunny went silent. "Good. Now we can begin helping you become a better pet." she said. Fluttershy placed the needle down on the table next to Angel. "Oh dear, your nails have surely gotten long, they are certainly in need of a trimming, let's see what we can use to help." she said as she looked at her wall of 'wonders' as she liked to call it. "Here we go, some pliers could do the trick. Now, hold still my dear." she said. She clamped the pliers onto Angel's toe nails and began to count to three. "one, two, three." as she said three, she ripped the nail right off. Angel released a bloodcurdling squeal. "Oopsie." said the pony. "I'll try to be more gentle next time. She clamped it onto the next toe nail and counted to three again before ripping out the next toe nail, she followed to do this with the next one, both times Angel squealed. "Angel, Momma' did say that you needed to be quiet, I have a headache." she said as she picked up the sewing needle. "Looks like I'm gonna have to make you be quiet myself." said Fluttershy as she tried to sew Angel's lips together, but Angel kept turning his head away. "I told you that you shouldn't be moving." she said as she placed her hoof on his forehead, pushing down on it, forcing him to keep his head still. She then pierced the sewing needle through Angel's bottom lip and then through the top, both times Angel released a high pitched squeal. "Hush now, quiet now." she sung and began humming the rest of the song as she was sewing, each time she sewed another stitch, Angel let out a squeal, but slowly the squealing faded as she finished up sewing the last stitch. "There, now Momma won't have such a headache, we can continue helping you be a better pet." Fluttershy said with a smile. She grabbed the pliers again and clamped it onto the other foot's toe nails and ripped them out, Angel tried to squeal but all that was heard was a muffled noise. "See now I don't have such a headache, thanks for co-operating, you are already being a better pet." she said in a cheerful manner. "Your fur seems to be getting rather long and it's rather hot lately, you could do with a furcut." she said as she went over to the wall and came back with a hunting knife. "this is a very sharp blade, should be able to cut your fur very easily." said the pony. She made her way back the table and began cutting the bunny's fur. each time she hacked away at the fur she cut too low and sliced up some of the bunny's flesh. "Was that your fault moving or my fault?" she asked Angel but Angel couldn't respond. "Must have been your fault then, you must stay still." she said as she continued to cut the bunny's fur, still making slices in the flesh every now and then. After the bunny's fur had been completely cut off Angel was seeping blood from every slice made during the fur cutting. "See this is why you don't move when I say not to move." said Fluttershy in a grumpy tone. "Now I have to clean you up, wait here." she said as she made her way up the stairs to the exit. The bunny was in pain whimpering in fear and had tears trickling down his cheek was regretting how he treated Fluttershy. "I'm back, sorry to make you wait." she said as she came down the stairs carrying a basket around her neck. She placed the basket on the ground next to the table. "I got some stuff to clean you up with and something to eat afterwards." she said as she pulled out a dry bar of soap. She rubbed the soap cake across Angels body, dry as a bone. "Well this isn't seeming to clean at all, it needs water. But I can't be bothered to go upstairs again. I got an idea!" she said as she rubbed the bar of soap in Angel's eyes. "Your eyes seem to have a lot of water at the moment, so why not put some to good use." she said happily. Angel's eye's stinging caused him to cry excessively wetting the soap cake. "Much better, now let's clean them wounds up." she said as she began rubbing the soap cake all over Angels cuts. Angel was trying to squeal but the stitching wouldn't snap. "Oopsie, I just realized, I bought down this bottle of water too, I could have used it to wet the soap, oh well to late now." she said as she opened the water and took a few sips. "I also brought you down some carrots, I thought you'd be hungry after all, you haven't been eating the food I make you for a few days." she said as she pulled out a carrot, she tried to put the carrot in Angel's mouth but saw the stitching. "Oh yeah, I forgot I stitched your mouth closed for some peace and quiet, well that can come off for a moment." she said as she ripped the stitches out, slicing up Angel's lips, Angel released a loud squeal. "Time for some yummy, yum-yums." said Fluttershy. She shoved the carrot down Angel's mouth as he was in the middle of projecting his squeal, and another, she then shoved two more carrots into his mouth. Angel's mouth being filled with carrots caused his squealing to be almost inaudible. "Oh, my. You can't seem to chew that many carrots, silly me, your mouth isn't that wide." she said as she looked at the hunting knife. "I know I'll help you have more room to fit these carrots in so you can chew them." she said as she picked up the hunting knife and the began slicing Angel's left cheek downwards, she then did the same to the right. "Now your mouth is open enough to fit the carrots in and give you some room to chew, try chewing." she said, but Angel didn't chew the carrots. "Still having trouble chewing them? I'll see what my wall of wonders have on it that may help." she said as she went over the the 'wall of wonders' "This should help mush those carrots up so you can swallow them." she said coming back toward Angel with a hammer. "Now, stay still." she then swung the hammer down onto the carrots in Angel's mouth, smashing them into bits and pieces, also chipping away at Angel's teeth Angel's mouth was now filled with squished carrot chunks, tooth chipping and blood. "Don't be a bad bunny, swallow your food." she said as she shoved her hoof in his mouth, forcing the food down his throat. Angel began choking. "Oh my, how rude, you're choking on these lovely carrots I got you." she said as she shook her head. Fluttershy then grabbed the hunting knife. "Let me help rid that blockage." she said as she cut open Angel's throat and began scraping the carrot chunks from the opening with the knife. "You're such a brave boy Angel, don't worry, Momma's getting out all the chunks for you." said Fluttershy with a smile. The bunny could feel it's life nearing and end. "Angel, what are you doing? Don't tell me you're dying, that is not what a good pet does." Said Fluttershy. Angel, blinded by the soap had no idea what was coming next, but he could hear the sound of Fluttershy pulling on something, making a putt sound for a few seconds each time. "Since you don't like to listen to me, I'll make it my command that you don't listen, then you'll be a better pet, following orders." she said as she started up a chainsaw. She went over to Angel's head cut off the tips both of his ears, then she cut off a bit more, she slowly cut off a small portion of his ears each time she slice. "Now as your master I command you to no longer listen to me." she said as she was almost done cutting off the last portion of Angel's ears. "your ears must be feeling 'saw'." she said as she giggled to herself. "Did you listen to me? No, good boy Angel." Angel was barely holding onto life. "So now you have learned to obey me just as you lose your hearing, tsk-tsk." she said. "Well looks like you aren't going to last much longer, so even if you don't listen to me, I'll just pretend you do and make my last order. I command you to die." she said as she walked over to the wall and came back with a sledge hammer. "It's a shame, you finally became a better pet." she said as she swung the hammer onto Angel's stomach, she lifted it up and swung it onto his stomach again, and again then she raised it up once more and with all her might, she swung the hammer down on Angel's head and shattered his skull. "Best. Pet. Ever." she said as she made her way to the exit. The next day Fluttershy had come home in the evening with a new pet, it was a dog. "Welcome to your new home, to make you feel welcome, I baked you a cake today." said Fluttershy. The dog barked in excitement. "I hope you like to eat Angel Cake...."